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10 Best place to visit in Geseke Germany


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Lippstadt, Stormende & Geseke, Germany

Lippstadt, Germany

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السياحة المذهلة | تغطية الأخ حسين سالم بلدة ليبشتات ألمانيا | Lippstadt Germany

للمزيد من الفيديوهات يرجى دعمكم للقناة بالاشتراك واللايك والكومنت وشكرا علي مشاهدتكم.
تابعوا السياحة المذهلة علي الروابط التالية :

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Stadtschützenfest Geseke - Samstag, 13. August 2022

Aufzeichnung des Schützenumzuges des Stadtschützenfestes Geseke in Störmede - Vorbeimarsch der Königspaare und der Hofstaate vom Samstag 13. August 2022

Speyer (Spires) City Guide - Germany Travel Guide - Travel & Discover

Speyer is dominated by the Speyer Cathedral, a number of churches and the Altpörtel (old gate). In the cathedral, beneath the high altar, are the tombs of eight Holy Roman emperors and German kings. The city is famous for the 1529 Protestation at Speyer.

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Soundrack from the album Pianoforte Per Sognare by Simone Anichini, available on:



Driving Through Lippstadt, Germany: with THE DEE'S

Lippstadt is a town in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is the largest town within the district of Soest. Lippstadt is situated about 60 kilometres east of Dortmund, 40 kilometres south of Bielefeld and 30 kilometres west of Paderborn

Top 10 things to do in this area are:
I. Sights & landmarks (Kleine Marienkirche, Metzgeramtshaus. Grosse Marienkirche, Grune Winkel,
Stadtmuseum Lippstadt, Theodor-Heuss-Park)

II. Outdoors (Grune Winkel, Theodor-Heuss-Park & Golfclub Lippstadt )

III. Museums & Spas (Stadtmuseum Lippstadt, Walibo Therme)

IV. Travel Researches (Thomas-Valentin-Stadtbucherei, Stadtinformation im Rathaus)

V. Nightlife (Zum Krug, Gaststatte Zum Posthorn, Cafe Einstein, Peters Pralinothek, Mystery Lounge,

And don't forget the Kampana Hotel & Restaurant, Wadersloh, Germany


We are a Germerican couple sharing diving excursions, vacation tips, travel reviews, and event highlights.

TRAVEL & DIVING is our focus!????

10 Meschede Sehenswürdigkeiten

Meschede hat mehr Ausflugsziele zu bieten als nur den Hennesee. Vielleicht denken wir im Zusammenhang mit Sehenswürdigkeiten in Meschede auch an die Burg Eversberg, die schon kilometerweit aus der Ferne zu sehen ist? Aber kennen Sie auch die Turmruine Laer oder den schönen Jüppkenpark mit der Jüppkenquelle bei Berge? Und auch ein Ausflug nach Freienohl lohnt sich: Hier können Sie den Küppelturm besteigen oder entspannte Augenblicke im Ruhrtal genießen.

Das sind die 10 Sehenswürdigkeiten in Meschede:

00:00 Burg Eversberg
00:30 Hennepark
01:04 Hennesee
01:56 Himmelstreppe & Staumauer
02:25 Sinnepfad
02:59 Küppelturm
03:27 Ruhrtal Freienohl
03:58 Turmruine Laer
04:20 Jüppkenquelle & Jüppkenpark
04:44 Burg Wallenstein

Ein Video von Andreas Mettler


Longer Distance by TrackTribe
Cuckoo's Nest by Nat Keefe & Hot Buttered Rum

(YouTube Audio-Mediathek)

#meschede #freienohl #eversberg

10 Marsberg Sehenswürdigkeiten

10 Sehenswürdigkeiten aus Marsberg.
Highlights aus der Stadt Marsberg und den Dörfern von Marsberg.

Ein Film von Andreas Mettler. Ausführliche Beschreibungen hier:

00:00 Bilsteinturm
00:33 Diemelsee Talsperre
01:05 Diemeltal
01:35 Buttenturm & Drakenhöhle
02:06 Kilianstollen
02:21 Paulinenquelle
02:39 Kalvarienbergkapelle
02:58 Naturerlebnis Wald
03:35 Eisenberg
04:11 Donnersberger Warte (Mäuseturm)

Sehenswürdigkeit Nr. 4 wird im Film als Büttenturm benannt. Richtig ist die Schreibweise Buttenturm.


Dance of the Fireflies by Nathan Moore
Gold in Them Hills by Nathan Moore


Soest Town, Altstadt, Germany, Nordrhein Westfalen 4K

#greetingsfromGermanyZbyglus Soest hat eine Vielzahl von historischen Gebäuden. Die Altstadt mit über 600 Gebäuden, die unter Denkmalschutz stehen, ist noch zu drei Vierteln noch der alten Stadtmauer und den Wällen umgeben. Die vielen mittelalterlichen Kirchen sind aus einem für diese Gegend einzigartigen grünlichen Sandstein gebaut. Entzückende Fachwerkreihen und romantische Gassen verleihen der Altstadt ihren unverwechselbaren Charakter.
You can always have a wonderful weekend in Soest

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Of nice watching the Beautiful Day

Soest, North Rhine-Westphalia, ???????? Germany, Walking Tour 2021

Soest is located along the Hellweg road, approximately 23 kilometres (14 miles) south-west of Lippstadt, roughly 50 km (31 mi) east of Dortmund and roughly 50 km (31 mi) west of Paderborn.

Specialties of Soest
Among the old specialties of Soest are the Möppken bread and pumpernickel. The Haverland bakery in the city centre, which formerly supplied the dark bread to the royal court of Bavaria, has existed since 1570. A newer specialty is Bullenauge (bull's eye), a mocha liqueur, sold mostly at the Allerheiligenkirmes. Another specialty is the Soester beer, also called Zwiebel-Bier, which literally translates as 'onion beer' as since 1993 it has been brewed in the Zwiebel (Onion) inn.

Information via Wikipedia

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#soest #redxplorerstone

Aida Gäste kommen zu Spät zum Schiff #aida

Top 10 Recommended Hotels In Sauerland | Luxury Hotels In Sauerland

Top 10 Recommended Hotels In Sauerland | Luxury Hotels In Sauerland

1) Hotel Deimann, Schmallenberg
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2) Göbel's Seehotel Diemelsee, Diemelsee
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3) Dorint Hotel & Sportresort Arnsberg/Sauerland, Neheim-Hüsten
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4) Hotel Sauerländer Hof, Hallenberg
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5) Hotel Antoniushütte, Balve
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6) Hotel Rittergut Stoermede, Geseke
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7) Hotel Hesborner Kuckuck, Hallenberg
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8) Maifeld Sport- und Tagungshotel, Werl
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9) Hotel Am Rathaus, Menden
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10) Best Western Plus Hotel Willingen, Willingen
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Queries Solved:
1) Top 10 Recommended Hotels In Sauerland
2) Top 10 Hotels In Sauerland
3) Top Ten Hotels In Sauerland
4) Top 10 Romantic Hotels In Sauerland
5) 10 Best Hotels For Couples In Sauerland
6) Hotels In Sauerland
7) Best Hotels In Sauerland
8) Top 10 5 Star Hotels In Sauerland
9) Best 5 Star Hotels In Sauerland
10) 5 Star Hotels In Sauerland
11) Top 10 Luxury Hotels In Sauerland
12) Luxury Hotel In Sauerland
13) Luxury Hotels In Sauerland
14) Luxury Stay In Sauerland
15) Top 10 4 Star Hotel In Sauerland
16) Best 4 Star Hotel In Sauerland
17) 4 Star Hotel In Sauerland

Our Other Video:
1) Top 10 Hotels In Germany:
2) Top 10 Hotels In Kuhlungsborn:
3) Top 10 Hotels In Bavarian Forest:
4) Top 10 Hotels In Binz:
5) Top 10 Hotels In Warnemunde:
6) Top 10 Hotels In Allgau:
7) Top 10 Hotels In Braunlage:
8) Top 10 Hotels In Gorlitz:
9) Top 10 Hotels In Rhineland-Palatinate:
10) Top 10 Hotels In Eifel:
11) Top 10 Hotels In Teutoburger Wald:
12) Top 10 Hotels In Ruhr Area:
13) Top 10 Hotels In Nurnberg:
14) Top 10 Hotels In Kreis Plon:
15) Top 10 Hotels In Bavaria:
16) Top 10 Hotels In Aachen:
17) Top 10 Hotels In Oberbayern:
18) Top 10 Hotels In Nordhessen:
19) Top 10 Hotels In Bad Reichenhall:
20) Top 10 Hotels In Harz:

Audio Credit:
Track Title: Subway Dreams
Artist: Dan Henig

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Lippstadt, Germany part 1 of 2

twitter : @ceepackaging

Lippstadt is a very attractive town in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is the largest town within the district of Soest. It is situated in the Lippe valley, roughly 70 kilometres east of Dortmund and roughly 30 kilometres west of Paderborn. The historic town centre is situated between an artificial canal of the river Lippe and the river itself.

In the early 13th century Lippstadt, with a population of 2700, had four parish churches. There was an Augustinian abbey which had existed since 1281.
Heinrich von Ahaus founded one of his communities for women of the Brethren of the Common Life there.

In 1523 it formed a defensive alliance together with the neighbouring cities of Osnabrück, Dortmund, Soest and Münster.

Augustinians studying at the University of Wittenberg brought Martin Luther's doctrine home with them. Thus in 1524 Lutheran doctrines were preached at Lippstadt by their prior Westermann, and the town was one of the first to embrace Lutheranism officially, though it resisted the rise of Calvinism in rural areas of Westphalia.

In 1821 the Papal Bull De salute animarum, made over to the Bishopric of Paderborn the Lippian parishes of Cappel, Lipperode and Lippstadt, which had previously belonged to the Archbishopric of Cologne without producing any ensuing agreement with the state of Lippe.

In 1851 the whole of Lippstadt, which up to then had been divided between the Kingdom of Prussia and Lippe, was added to the Prussian royal province of Westphalia.

In 1944 a women's subcamp of Buchenwald was founded in Lippstadt. It was also the site of a displaced persons camp in the years following World War II.

On 1 April 1945 the US 2nd Armored Division made contact with the 3rd Armored Division at Lippstadt, effecting junction of the US Ninth Army with the US First Army, and seized the city against scattered resistance.

My channel on you tube : is one of the most prolific from Poland. I have produced around 1,900 original films.

My big interest in life is travel and history but I have also placed films on other subjects

Please feel free to ask questions in the public area or to comment on things you disagree with. Sometimes there are mistakes because I speak without preparation. If I see the mistakes myself, I make this clear in the text. Please also leave a star rating!

There are a number of films here on the packaging industry. This is because I am the publisher of Central and Eastern European Packaging -- - the international platform for the packaging industry in this region focusing on the latest innovations, trends, design, branding, legislation and environmental issues with in-depth profiles of major industry achievers.

Most people may think packaging pretty boring but it possibly effects your life more than you really imagine!

Central and Eastern European Packaging examines the packaging industry throughout this region, but in particular in the largest regional economies which are Russia, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Austria. That is not to say that the other countries are forgotten, they are not, but obviously there is less going on. However the fact that there are so many travel related films here is not from holidays but from business trips attending trade fairs around the region. Every packaging trade fair is a new excuse to make another film!

Walking on downtown, Soest, state of North Rhine-Westphalia(NRW) Germany

Walking on downtown of the city of Soest, state of North Rhine-Westphalia(NRW), Germany
Soest is a city with around 50,000 inhabitants and a well-preserved old town in the region North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, 50 km east of Dortmund.
Soest was first mentioned in a document dating from 836, making it one of the oldest towns in the region. It was located on the Hellweg, an important medieval trade route, crossing Westphalia in a west-east direction. Soest's town charter, noted on cowhides, was a model for the municipal laws of about 70 other towns in Germany.

During the Middle Ages, Soest became one of the most important and prosperous trade places in Central Europe and a principal member of the Hanseatic League. The town's confident citizenry even tried to win their independence from the Archbishops of Cologne. This led to a five-year feud (Soester Fehde), during which an imperial ban was put on the town. The conflict ended with Soest becoming part of the Duchy of Kleve-Mark and receiving far-reaching privileges. This was however a pyrrhic victory: cut off from its hinterland that still belonged to the Archbishops' territory, the city lost most of its economic affluence during the following decades and centuries.
The old pond mill now hosts Soest's tourist information
The merchants' residences decayed and most citizens had to subsist on agriculture. Therefore, the town maintained its medieval-to-Renaissance outline rather than expanding and modernising. Even today, two thirds of the city's Medieval wall still exist, enough for you to circle the city. Both the walls and churches are made from green sandstone that was quarried in the region. This special material contributes to the old town's unique appearance. In addition, there are several hundred half-timbered houses from the 15th to 19th century—once a sign of poverty, as the owners could not afford a stone building—now providing a picturesque, old German townscape.
Under Prussian rule, Soest was made a county seat and major railway station, but unlike most cities in the nearby Ruhr region, never developed major industries or population growth. The upside of this development (or rather lack thereof) is that the medieval townscape is mostly preserved and was not replaced by modern buildings.

Soest was an important motif of German Impressionism and Expressionism, being still quite a medieval city, a splendid nest, as Christian Rohlfs enthusiastically wrote in 1904. In the 1910s and 1920s, the city was home to an artists' colony. Its most important members were Wilhelm Morgner, Eberhard Viegener and Arnold Topp. Famous artists such as Otto Modersohn, Karl Schmidt-Rotluff and Christian Rohlfs often joined the local artist group.

In addition to the painters, also Bruno Paul—a pioneer of modern architecture and teacher of, inter alia, Mies van der Rohe—had worked in Soest several times by creating three city villas there between 1928 and 1931. He was also a prominent cartoonist of the satirical magazine Simplicissimus.
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Erwitte mit seinem Sole- & Moorheilbad Bad Westernkotten LEADER-Projekt der LAG 5verBund

Im Rahmen eines Förderprojektes der LEADER-Region 5verBund wurden Imagefilme für die Kommunen Anröchte, Erwitte, Geseke, Rüthen und Warstein gedreht. Regisseur und Kameramann ist der 24-jährige Ron Westerwell aus Altena.

Dieser Film über Erwitte und sein schönes Sole- & Moorheilbad Bad Westernkotten zeigt die touristischen Highlights und die vielfältigen Freizeitmöglichkeiten vor Ort.

Zu sehen sind die St. Laurentius Kirche mit der neuen Aubertin-Orgel, das Schloss Erwitte, der Kurpark in Bad Westernkotten mit seinen vielen Aktiv- und Erholungsangeboten, die Hellweg-Sole-Thermen und die Schäferkämper Wassermühle. Und weil es bei uns hier so schön flach ist, ist Radfahren eine wunderbare Möglichkeit die Umgebung zu entdecken.

Viel Spaß beim Schauen!

Wir freuen uns sehr über Bewertungen, Likes und wenn das Video geteilt wird. Morethanapicture Ron Westerwell:

Wohnmobil Stellplatz Bad Westernkotten. Ein Top Platz

Wir nutzen die Schönwetterperiode und besichtigen heute Bad Westernkotten und den Top Wohnmobile Stellplatz an der Therme.

Ein TopPlatz für 46 Reisemobile mit allem was man braucht.

Der Kurpark ist 5min entfernt und auch bis in den Ort ist es kaum weiter. Im Kurpark bestaunen wir 2 Gradierwerke und testen die ortsansässige Gastronomie.

Den Stellplatz findet ihr hier.

(51.6312132, 8.3519680)

Die Musik im Video stammt von

Bundesschützenfest in Geseke 2013 VIII

Der Festumzug des Bundesschützenfestes 2013, des Bundes der Historischen Deutschen
Schützenbruderschaften (BHDS) fand am 15. September statt.

Aufnahmestandtor: Geseke, Fussgängerzone, Bachstr. nähe Stadtkirche, Marktplatz

Geseker Seifenkistenrennen 2012

Seifenkistenrennen bei der Geseker Gösselkirmes 2012



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