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10 Best place to visit in Fojnica Bosnia and Herzegovina


Fojnica, grad banjskog lječilišta i planinskog bisera - Bosna i Hercegovina | 4K

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Fojnica je naseljeno mjesto i središte istoimene općine u centralnom dijelu Bosne i Hercegovine. Administrativno pripada Srednjobosanskom kantonu.

Fojnica se nalazi u centralnom dijelu Bosne i Hercegovine, oko 50 km zapadno od Sarajeva i 587 m iznad nivoa mora. Poznata je po glasovitom Franjevačkom samostanu Duha Svetoga, s bogatom bibliotekom i zbirkom.

Površina općine iznosi 308 km2. Graniči sa sljedećim općinama: Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje, Novi Travnik, Vitez, Busovača, Kiseljak, Kreševo i Konjic. Veliki dio površine općine Fojnica zauzimaju visoravni, pašnjaci i polja, i to 46% u odnosu na ukupnu površinu općine, a od toga 10% polja, 20% visoravni i 16% pašnjaci.

Fojnica je danas najpoznatija po svojoj banji čija se radioaktivnost i ljekovitost ispitivala još krajem 19. stoljeća, a eksploatacija počela poslije Prvog svjetskog rata. Fojnička radioaktivna mineralna voda pripada slabo mineraliziranim termalnim vodama, sa temperaturom koja iznosi 31,5 °C i snage radioaktivnosti oko 45 Machovih jedinica. Djelotvorna je u liječenju svih oblika reumatizma, bolesti kostiju i mišića, bolesti perifernog nervnog sistema, itd.

Na području općine nalaze se 4 planine i to: Vranica - 2112m, Zec - 1800m, Zahor - 1400m i Pogorelica - 1432m.
Najveći vrh zove se Nadkrstac i ima nadmorsku visinu od 2112 m, nalazi se na planini Vranica. Također na Vranici se nalazi i prirodno Prokoško jezero na nadmorskoj visini od 1670 m.

Područje cijele općine bogato je vodenim resursima. Rijeke su tokom čitave godine bogate ribom. Kroz područje općine Fojnica protiču tri rijeke: Željeznica, Dragača i Fojnica.
Prokoško jezero, nalazi se na nadmorskoj visini od 1670 m na planini Vranici. Poznato je po prisustvu Tritona, endemske vrste vodozemaca, i privlači veliki broj turista.

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Bosnien und Herzegowina: Die 5 schönsten Orte für einen Urlaub in Bosnien.



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????‍♂️In dem folgenden Video entdeckst du die 5 schönsten Orte Bosnien und Herzegowinas.

Trotz wunderschöner Altstädte und fantastischen Landschaften gilt Bosnien immer noch als weißer Fleck auf Europas Karte und das, obwohl Bosnien keine Tagesfahrt von Deutschland entfernt liegt und direkt an Kroatien grenzt.

Entdecke nun die 5 schönsten Orte Bosniens, die du auf keinen Fall verpassen solltest.

Platz Nr. 1️⃣ SARAJEVO
Für jeden, der Bosnien wirklich kennen lernen will, führt kein Weg an Sarajevo vorbei. Die bosnische Hauptstadt liegt ziemlich zentral im Herzen des Landes und gilt aufgrund der traumhaften Lage umgeben von mehreren großen Gebirgsketten und der wunderschönen Altstadt, als eine der interessantesten Städte Bosniens.

Sarajevo ist auch für seine Vielfalt an Religionen und Völkern bekannt, das fällt auch an den vielen wunderschönen alten Moscheen und Kirchen auf.
Diese sollte man bei einem Besuch auf keinen Fall verpassen.

Aufgrund seiner multikulturellen Bevölkerung wurde die Stadt auch einst als Jerusalem Europas bezeichnen. Für alle die eine Entdeckungsreise in Bosnien starten wollen ist Sarajevo genau der richtige Ort.

Platz Nr. 2️⃣ MOSTAR
Langsam fließt die Smaragdgrüne Neretva durch Mostar hindurch und teilt die Stadt in einen Christlich- und einen Muslimisch geprägten Teil, bis zu dem Punkt, an dem „Stari Most“ die Alte Brücke von Mostar, die Menschen wieder vereint.

Mostar ist die Hauptstadt und das kulturelle Zentrum der Herzegowina und bietet neben seiner wunderschönen Lage, umgeben von Bergen, eine Reihe an Sehenswürdigkeiten. Die bekannteste darunter ist natürlich die Alte Brücke, welche als Symbol der Stadt gilt und Touristen aus aller Welt anzieht.

Die Brücke, die zum Zeitpunkt ihrer Erbauung im 16.Jahrhundert, als ein Meisterwerk galt, verbindet den bosniakisch geprägten Ostteil, mit dem kroatisch geprägten Westteil, der Stadt.
Mostar ist der perfekte Mix aus Kultur und wunderschöner Natur und zaubert wirklich jedem Besucher eins Lächeln ins Gesicht.

Zwischen dem Naturpark Hutovo-Blato und der Kleinstadt Ljubuški, befindet sich mit den Kravica-Wasserfällen, eines der atemberaubendsten Naturphänomene der Herzegowina.

Schon von der Straße aus kann man die Wasserfälle in einem beeindruckenden Naturpanaroma sehen. Wenn man sieht wie, sich das Wasser seinen Weg durch die dichten und weiten Wälder bahnt, könnte man fast meinen, man wäre in den Tropen.

Besonders im Sommer wird der Besucher von einem strahlenden Grün in den verschiedensten Nuancen beeindruckt sein. Die Wasserfälle erreichen eine Höhe zwischen 26 und 28 Metern und eine Breite von 120 Metern.

Das Wasser erreicht dabei selten eine höhere Temperatur als 15 Grad, was angenehm kühl ist, und eine perfekt Erfrischung für die heißen Sommer der Herzegowina bietet.

Platz Nr. 4️⃣ TREBINJE
Trebinje gilt als eine der charmantesten Städte Bosniens und bietet neben ihrem sehr angenehmen Klima, ein paar der schönsten, serbisch-orthodoxen Kirchen den Landes. So z.B: die Herzegowinische Gracanica, welcher hoch oben auf einem Felsen thront und einen fantastischen Blick auf die Stadt gewährt.

Wer auf der Suche nach mediterranem Flair ist, wird sich in Trebinje unglaublich wohl fühlen. Neben Banja Luka hat Trebinje den größten Bauboom, in den letzten Jahren erlebt.

Nach den Gründen dafür, muss man nicht lange suchen.
Denn Trebinje befindet sich in einer sehr attraktiven Lage, nur 30 km entfernt von Dubrovnik und 28 km entfernt von Montenegro.

Platz Nr. 5️⃣Počitelj
Das pittoreske Počitelj ist auch bekannt als die “Stadt aus Stein“.
Die malerische Altstadt befindet sich an einem Hang, von welchem es sich weit ins Neretva-Tal blicken lässt. Die Lage Počiteljs war damals von großer strategischer Wichtigkeit.

Ich hoffe euch hat das Video gefallen, falls ihr mehr Videos zu den schönsten Reisezielen Bosniens sehen wollt, abonniert den Channel und werft einen Blick auf meine Website. A Secret Called Bosnia. Den Link findet ihr in der Beschreibung.

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Herzlich willkommen auf A_Secret_Called_Bosnia.
Dieser Channel informiert euch über das wunderschöne Bosnien und Herzegowina und zeigt euch die schönsten Orte für eure nächste Reise. Außerdem erhaltet Ihr hier die besten Tipps zu den schönsten Reisezielen auf dem Balkan. Darunter: Slowenien, Kroatien, Serbien, Kosovo, Montenegro, Nordmazedonien (Mazedonien) und Albanien.

#Bosnien #Balkan #BosnienUrlaub #Sarajevo

Bosna i Hercegovina | 10 najljepših mjesta (LISTA)

Zanima vas koja su neka od najljepših mjesta u Bosni i Hercegovini? U ovom videu, donosim vam 10, meni lično najdražih mjesta u čitavoj zemlji, koja vam od srca preporučujem da posjetite.

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Bosna i Hercegovina je naša domovina i mjesto koje volim svim svojim srcem, te mi zbog toga iskren da budem, nije bilo ni malo lako napraviti ovu listu, jer svako od mjesta u zemlji krase neke posebne ljepote, odlučio sam se za ovih 10 mjesta, jer smatram da u svakom od njih, može da se doživi nešto posebno i drugačiji. Upoznajte ljepote Bosne i Hercegovine zajedno sa mnom.

Počev od Jajca, koji je za mene najsadržajniji mali grad u čitavoj zemlji, zanimljivh Japodskih otoka, misterioznog Titovog bunkera u Konjicu, Banjaluke i Sarajeva, kao dva najveća grada u čitavoj zemlji, prekrasne prirode Prokoškog jezera, Trebinja, grada koji je na mene ostavio najveći utisak, naših planina, koje su sve nestvarno lijepe, vodopada, gdje bih izdvojio Štrbački buk, Nacionalnog parka Sutjeska u kojem bih mislio mogao biti danima i gdje zaista ima toliko toga da se radi, počev od prašume Perućice, jedne od najočuvanijih prašuma u Evropi, kanjona Tare, Zelengore, naše najviše planine Maglića i divnog Prijevora.

Ali, da li znate koje je moje omiljeno mjesto u Bosni i Hercegovini?

Za organizaciju turističke ture sa divljim konjima u Livnu, javite se Marinu Mamuzi -

Za organizaciju izleta po Nacionalnom parku Sutjeska, pišite mojim drugarima iz Active Holidays Bosnia -

U videu se nalazi kadrovi 10 lokacija iz videa, kao i 4K kadrovi iz zraka sa dronom pojedinih mjesta. Jeste da je Bosna i Hercegovina moja domovina, te sam pomalo subjektivan kada pričam o njoj, ali iskreno mislim da naša zemlja zaista jedinstvena i da nudi svakom putniku nešto sasvim novo.

Ukoliko želite, možete odmah navigirati na mjesto koje želite.

00:00-00:38 Uvod u video
00:38-01:27 Jajce
01:27-02:05 Japodski otoci
02:05-03:15 Titov bunker u Konjicu
03:15-04:04 Sarajevo i Banjaluka
04:04-04:50 Prokoško jezero
04:50-05:58 Trebinje
05:58-06:53 Planine u BiH
06:53-07:53 Štrbački buk
07:53-09:35 Nacionalni Park Sutjeska
09:44-11:51 Divlji konji u Livnu
11:51-12:19 Završna riječ

Veliko hvala Dženadu Džini koji mi je dozvolio da koristim njegov kadar Hajdučkih vrata, kao i Benjaminu Muriću za kadrove Štrbačkog buka. Njihove profile možete vidjeti na linkovima ispod.

Dženad Džino -
Benjamin Murić -

Srebrenica Bosnia and Herzegovina

Srebrenica is a town and municipality located in the easternmost part of Republika Srpska, an entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is a small mountain town, with its main industry being salt mining and a nearby spa. As of 2013, the town has a population of 2,607 inhabitants, while the municipality has 13,409 inhabitants.

Fojnica - Busovača - Zenica, regionalni put R438 i magistralni putevi M5 i M17, novembar 2023.

Početak snimka je u Fojnici, u blizini Hotela Reumal. Vožnja automobilom regionalnim putem pored rijeke Fojnice. Prolazak kroz sela Podcitonja, Ostružnica, Nadbare, Pločari Polje i Lug. Skretanje lijevo na magistralni put M5 i vožnja na sjever prema Busovači. Prolazak kroz sela Jehovac, Rauševac, Brestovsko, Bukovci, Kaćuni i Polje. Prolazak kroz Busovaču. Nastavak vožnje magistralnim putem kroz sela Jazvine i Skradno. Skretanje desno na magistralni put M5 u Kaoniku i vožnja pored rijeke Lašva do ušća u rijeku Bosna. Vožnja magistralnim putem M17 kroz sela Janjići i Drivuša do ulaska u Zenicu.
Saobraćaj u Srednjoj Bosni

#driving #car #travel #traffic #fojnica #zenica

Vožnje u 2023. godini

Putevi Balkana

Na ovom kanalu na youtube se nalaze snimci putovanja, snimljeni tokom vožnje automobila i turističkih obilazaka. Vožnja kroz Balkan. Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Beograd, Zagreb, Mostar, Budimpešta, Dalmacija, Srbija, Bosna, Hercegovina, Crna Gora, Hrvatska, Baranja, Krajina, Srem, Mađ samo neki od predjela i gradova čije snimke možete da nađete na kanalu. Snimci na kojima možete vidjeti put, ulicu, kao i plažu, turističko mjesto, prirodne znamenitosti, grad, selo, planinu, rijeku i polje
Footage of the trip, taken while driving a car and sightseeing tours. Driving through Europe. Belgrade, Budapest, Dalmatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slavonija, Hungary ... are just some of the regions and cities whose footage you can find on the channel . Shots where you can see road, street, as well as beach, tourist place, natural sights, city, village, mountain, river and sea
Images du voyage, prises au volant d'une voiture et de visites guidées. Conduire à travers l'Europe. Belgrade, Dalmatie, Serbie, Bosnie, Herzégovine, Croatie, Hongrie... ne sont que quelques-unes des régions et des villes dont vous pouvez retrouver les images sur la chaîne. Plans où vous pouvez voir route, rue, ainsi que plage, lieu touristique, sites naturels, ville, village, montagne, rivière et mer
Riprese del viaggio, riprese durante la guida di un'auto e visite guidate. Guidando attraverso l'Europa. Belgrado, Dalmazia, Croazia, Ungheria... sono solo alcune delle regioni e delle città di cui puoi trovare i filmati sul canale. Scatti in cui puoi vedere strada, nonché spiaggia, luogo turistico, monumenti naturali, città, villaggio, montagna, fiume e mare
Aufnahmen der Reise, aufgenommen beim Autofahren und bei Sightseeing-Touren. Fahrt durch Europa. Belgrad, Dalmatien, Herzegowina, Kroatien, Serbien, Ungarn..sind nur einige der Regionen und Städte, deren Filmmaterial Sie auf dem Kanal finden können. Aufnahmen, bei denen Sie Straße sowie Strand, Touristenort, Natursehenswürdigkeiten, Stadt, Dorf, Berg, Fluss und Meer sehen können
Кадры поездки, снятые за рулем автомобиля и обзорных экскурсий. Езда по Европе. Белград, Будапешт, Далмация, Черногория, Хорватия, Сербия, Венгрия...это лишь некоторые из регионов и городов, кадры которых вы можете найти на канале. Кадры, на которых видна дорога, а также пляж, туристическое место, природные достопримечательности, город, деревня, горы, река и море
Imágenes del viaje, tomadas mientras se conduce un automóvil y recorridos turísticos. Belgrado, Srpska, Hungría ... son solo algunas de las regiones y ciudades cuyas imágenes puedes encontrar en el canal. Disparos donde se puede ver la carretera, así como la playa, lugar turístico, lugares de interés natural, ciudad, pueblo, montaña, río y mar
Posnetek izleta, posnet med vožnjo z avtomobilom in ogledi. Črna Gora, Hrvaš le nekatere regije in mesta, katerih posnetke lahko najdete na kanalu. Posnetki, kjer lahko vidite cesto in plažo, turistični kraj, naravne znamenitosti, mesto, vas, goro, reko in morje
Снимка од патувањето, направена додека возите автомобил и разгледни тури. Белград, Будимпешта, Далмација, Херцеговина, Црна Гора, Хрватска, Србија ... се само дел од регионите и градовите чии снимки можете да ги најдете на каналот. Снимки каде што можете да видите пат, како и плажа, туристичко место, природни знаменитости, град, село, планина, река и море
Beelden van de reis, genomen tijdens het autorijden en sightseeingtours. Kroatië, Servië, Hongarije ... zijn slechts enkele van de regio's en steden waarvan u de beelden op het kanaal kunt vinden. Foto's waar u zowel de weg als het strand, toeristische plaats, natuurlijke bezienswaardigheden, stad, dorp, bergen, rivier en zee kunt zien
Filmer från resan, tagna medan du kör bil och sightseeingturer. Belgrad, Dalmatien, Ungern ... är bara några av de regioner och städer vars filmer du kan hitta på kanalen . Bilder där du kan se väg såväl som strand, turistplats, naturliga sevärdheter, stad, by, berg, flod och hav
Optagelser af turen, taget under bilkørsel og sightseeingture.
Фојница - Бусовача - Зеница, магистрални пут, вожња аутомобилом

Most beautiful waterfalls in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Kravice waterfalls are one of a kind natural wonder in the region of Herzegovina. Situated very close to the pilgrimage site of Međugorje and only 40 kilometers away from Mostar, these waterfalls are the perfect picture of untouched nature at its peak.
This is the place where the Trebižat River falls down into a large waterfall, which height ranges from 26 – 28 meters, depending on the season.

Štrbački buk waterfall is a 25 m high waterfall on the Una River (296 m altitude). It is situated on the border between Croatia (Lika-Senj County, city Donji Lapac, settlement Kestenovac) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (Una-Sana Canton, city Bihać, settlement Doljani and Celije). On Croatian side, „Una Mamea Park“ is located and on Bosnian and Herzegovinian „Una National Park“.

Martin Brod is the first major village in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Una National Park through which the river runs. This is also the home of the biggest waterfall on Una; it is some 54 meters high.

Skakavac waterfall is formed on the Perućica, a mountain creek, in Perućica primeval forest, which is regulated as a Strict Nature Reserve as part of Sutjeska National Park in Republika Srpska. It is one of the highest waterfalls in the country, at about 75 metres in height.

At 22 meters in height, the Pliva waterfall is one of the most beautiful features of Jajce. This natural monument is located in the very centre of the town and has been named one of twelve most beautiful waterfalls in the world.

On the river Kozice there are series of waterfalls making beautiful site. Even the fact it is hard to reach these areas, Kozice waterfalls are one of the most beautiful in the country reaching hight from 10 to 20 metres.

Skakavac is a waterfall located 12 km from Sarajevo and its height is about 98 m. The Skakavac waterfall near Sarajevo is one of the greatest and most attractive waterfalls in BiH and it stands for a real tourist attraction.

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BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA - Travel Guide | Around The World

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina, Босна и Херцеговина, usually shortened to BiH) [8] is a European country located on the Balkan peninsula. It was formerly part of Yugoslavia but gained independence in 1992. It borders Croatia to the north, west and southwest, Serbia to the east and Montenegro to the southeast. Mostly mountainous, it has access to a tiny portion of the Adriatic Sea coastline in the south.

Cities :

Sarajevo — the national capital; a cosmopolitan European city with a unique Eastern twist as can be seen in its vast diversity of architectural styles. Home for 400.000 people.
Jajce — old royal town in mountainous central Bosnia with 17 meter high waterfall in the city centre and many historical sights
Banja Luka — the second largest city (200.000 people in wider area), serving as the capital of Republika Srpska, with some historical sights and a rich nightlife
Bihać — city on Croatian border, surrounded by an impressive nature
Fojnica — near the Fransiscan monastery, the heart of Bosnian catholicism
Mostar — nice old town on Neretva River, symbolized by its medieval bridge. The biggest city in the region of Herzegovina (75.000 people).
Neum — the only coastal town, with sandy beaches backed by steep hills
Tuzla — third largest city (90.000 people in urban area) with much industry, though has a lovely old town and monuments to the brutal war too
Teslic — а health spa resort with the biggest tourist capacity in the country
Zenica — city with an Ottoman old quarter. Home for 85.000 people in its urban area.

Other destinations :

Bjelašnica ski resort
Igman ski resort
Jahorina ski resort
Kozara — national park in the northwest with dense forests and hilly meadows, a hiking and hunting destination.
Međugorje — inland town between mountains with a mild Mediterranean climate, but perhaps best known due to claims of apparitions of the Virgin Mary to six locals.
the extensive pliva lakes 5 km from Jajce — with waterfalls, wooden mills and beaches as well as camping and canoeing facilities
National park Una
Počitelj very nice old village 30 km. South of Mostar on the way to and from the Adriatic coast.

The inter-entity border between the Federation and Republika Srpska is not controlled and is essentially not very different from U.S. state borders considering its impact on travel.

The best way to get around with public transport is with bus and train (Federation, RS ). There is a dense network of bus lines, all run by relatively small private companies. Be aware that if you buy a return ticket for a line which is served by more companies, you can only make the return trip with the company you bought the ticket at.

Trains are infrequent and slow. Many train lines were damaged in the war, and have not yet been rebuilt. There is also a lack of carriages and trains to provide frequent services - even on the busy lines like Mostar-Sarajevo, Tuzla-Banja Luka and Sarajevo-Banja Luka. However, the rides are scenic, especially that Mostar-Sarajevo stretch.

Hitchhiking is fun in Bosnia as you will get rides from local people who you won't much encounter through hospitality exchange networks as couchsurfing. Be carefull though for landmines, and if you're not sure, stay on the paved road, and ask locals (MI-ne?).

Cycling is beautiful in Bosnia. Other traffic is not so much used to how to relate to bikes on their way, though.

Google Maps, an online mapping resource, is very rudimentary present in Bosnia. However, volunteers are mapping Bosnia in Open Street Map, and at least the maps of the main towns in Bonia have a lot more detail than those of the maps of the US-based company.

The official languages in the Bosnia and Herzegovina are Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian. In the Republika Srpska you'll see signs in Cyrillic, so a Serbian-English dictionary would be helpful there.

The most available food in Sarajevo is Cevapi (normally 3-7 KM), the ubiquitous Balkan kebab. Two prominent variations exist - the Banja Luka Cevap, a larger kebab with a square shape, and the Sarajevo Cevap, smaller and round. If not had before, every visitor should try an order of Cevapi at least once. There are several variations of pita (around 2KM). A cheap, tasty and readily available snack is Burek, a pastry made of filo dough and stuffed with meat (simply Burek), cheese (Sirnica), spinach (Zeljanica), potatoes (Krompirusa) or apple (Jabukovaca). Some examples are better than others, however, and it can be a greasy affair. If you get to Mostar, however, try to grab a plate of trout (pastrmka, which sounds like pastrami), which is the local specialty (a particularly fine restaurant serving locally farmed trout lies by the wonderful Blagaj monastery, a short bus ride from Mostar).

13 reasons why you should visit Bosnia and Herzegovina ????????

I present to you the thirteen most beautiful cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but keep in mind that almost every city in Bosnia and Herzegovina looks like this. Come and see for yourself that this is truly a paradise on earth. Welcome to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
0:00 Jajce
0:21 Sanski Most
0:44 Kladanj
1:04 Olovo
1:16 Srebrenik
1:36 Maglaj
1:51 Jablanica
2:05 Konjic
2:30 Vranduk
2:57 Travnik
3:15 Počitelj
3:39 Fojnica-Prokoško Lake
4:05 Tešanj

#bosnia #herzegovina #tourism #lake #fortress #river

Fojnica - dan i noć (4k video)

Nekoliko kadrova Fojnice, nastalih zadnji dan februara 2023. U videu se vidi panorama Fojnice, čaršijska džamija, samostan, i hotel Reumal.

From Jajce to the mountains of Bosnia and Herzegovina ???????? 4x4 Road Trip


We traveled across Bosnia and Herzegovina for six days with our 4x4 off-road vehicle, exploring cities, castles, waterfalls, mountains and other sights and attractions! The places we visited included: Bihać, Una National Park, Jajce, Vlašić mountain, Sarajevo, Trebević mountain, Banja Luka and Kozara mountain.

In this second part of a multi-episode VLOG series, join us on our trip to the city of Jajce with its fortress, waterfalls and AVNOJ Museum (commemorating the meeting of the anti-fascist council in 1943 and the establishment of Yugoslavia). Then, we moved on to Vlašić mountain in Central Bosnia and took our 4x4 vehicle all the way up the gravel road to the highest peak, Paljenik, at almost 2,000 meters above sea level.

In the third part of this video series, we will take you to Sarajevo and all the way up Trebević mountain.

If you enjoyed watching, please feel free to like, share and subscribe to this channel. :)

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Licensee: džino dženad
Item Title: Emotional Cinematic Piano Adventure Intro

Bosnia and Herzegovina in one minute (4k)

Short video showing some of the spots of beautiful Bosnia and Herzegovina. This video reel contains footage from Sarajevo, Konjic, Prokoško lake, Počitelj, Brčko, Kravica waterfalls... Enjoy!

Top 10 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Fojnica | Bosnia - English

#FojnicaPlaces #PlacesInFojnica #Bosnia #Fojnica
Fojnica is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Bosnia having many best places in Fojnica. So to help you figure out the places you need to try, we've gathered up a bucket list of the best Places in Fojnica that you won't regret going to.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful places in Fojnica. Bosnia has some of the best places in Fojnica. We collected data on the top 10 places to visit in Fojnica. There are many famous places in Fojnica and some of them are beautiful places in Fojnica . People from all over Bosnia love these Fojnica beautiful places which are also Fojnica famous places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful places to visit in Fojnica.

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Slapovi Kozice Fojnica | Kozice Waterfalls Bosnia and Herzegovina


Tragajući za vodopadima u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Chasing Waterfalls in Bosnia and Herzegovina. See the English description below.

Ovaj put vam predstavljamo predivne vodopade Kozica udaljene samo 11 km od grada Fojnica u centralnoj BiH, u blizini sela Dragačići.

Kada uđete u područje Kozica Slapova možete obići 3 vodopada. A staza do vodopada vas vodi kroz divnu gustu crnogoričnu i bjelogoričnu šumu. Imaju oznake do vodopada, ali s obzirom da preko stazice na određenim dijelovima prolaze potočići može biti blata i biti klizavo. Stoga obratite pažnju u kakvim cipelama krećete.

Vjerujem da je čitav tok ove predivne rijeke pun malih kaskada. Otiđite do ovih vodopada što prije i uživajte što više možete, jer u pripremi je izgradnja male hidroelektrane Majdan 2 u dijelu iznad vodopada Kozice, unutar zaštičenog područja. Kako li će vodopadi izgledati ukoliko se izgradi ova MHE koja je trenutno u pripremi možete vidjeti na osnovu primjera drugih MHE koje uništavaju rijeke. Više o ovoj i ostalim MHE u BiH možete vidjeti na web stranici

Nažalost na putu Kozice prema rijeci Lašvi izgrađene su dvije male hidroelektrane Majdan i Botun, a u izgradnji je MHE Kaćuni (opština Busovača).
Borimo se protiv uništavanja ove ljepote i divne rijeke Kozice!

Kako doći do Slapova Kozice?

U Fojnici pratite cestu prema lječilistu Reumal. Od Reumala dalje vas Banjska cesta vodi uzbrdo do izletišta Vladića Vrh. Ovih 8 km (na pojedinim dijelovima uskog) puta je asfaltirano. Izletište Vladića Vrh je smješteno na raskrsnici puteva.

Od izletišta dalje kroz selo Dragačići vodi vas 4 km dug makadamski put (OK stanje, krpe se rupe, može se proći sa nizim autom).

Put vas vodi kroz divnu gustu crnogoričnu i bjelogoričnu šumu. Na putu cete naići na još jedno manje piknik područje sa uređenim izvorom vode. Auto možete ostaviti tu pa dalje pješke. Fina šetnjica (20 minuta do pola sata) makadam putem koji nije prometan, tek po koje auto prođe, dovest će vas do ulaza u zaštićeno područje Slapova Kozice.
Ali ukoliko ne želite da hodate makadamom dođite autom skroz do ulaza u područje Kozica Slapova. Tu ima dosta prostora da parkirate svoj automobil.

English description:

This time we present the beautiful Kozica Waterfalls only 11 km from the town of Fojnica in central Bosnia, near the village of Dragacici.

When you enter the area of ​​Kozica Slapovi Waterfalls you can visit 3 waterfalls. And the path to the waterfall takes you through a beautiful dense coniferous and deciduous forest. They are signs toward the waterfalls, but since streams pass over the path in certain parts, it can be muddy and slippery. So pay attention to what kind of shoes you are wearing.

I believe that the whole course of this beautiful river is full of small cascades.

How to get to Kozice Waterfalls?

In Fojnica, follow the road to the Reumal health resort. From Reumal rehabilitation center, Banjska Cesta street takes you uphill to the Vladica Vrh picnic area.These 8 km (in some parts narrow) road are paved. Picnic area Vladica Vrh is located at the crossroads.

From the picnic area further through the village of Dragacici you're driving a 4 km long macadam road (OK condition, the holes are patched, you can pass with a lower car).

The road takes you through a beautiful dense coniferous and deciduous forest. On the road, you will come across another smaller picnic area with a water source. You can leave the car there and continue on foot. A nice walk (20 minutes to half an hour) on a macadam road that is not busy, a fewer car passes, will lead you to the entrance to the protected area of ​​Kozica Waterfalls.

But if you don't want to walk on macadam, drive all the way to the entrance to the Kozica Slapova area. There is plenty of space to park your car.

0:00 Entrance into the area of Kozice Waterfalls
0:10 Kozica River
0:21 Trail toward 1st, 2nd and 3rd waterfall
1:02 1st and 2nd waterfall
1:13 3rd waterfall from above
1:26 Fojnica


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Slapovi Kozice, dragulj prirode u blizini Fojnice - Bosna i Heregovina | 4K

#slapovi #kozice #fojnica #kozica #bosnaihercegovina
Na planinskoj riječici Kozica, 11 kilometara od Fojnice, formiralo se nekoliko manjih i dva veća vodopada čija se visina kreće od 5 do 20 metara. Ovaj fojnički dragulj, svojom ljepotom i bajkovitim prizorima privlači pažnju istinskih ljubitelja prirode.

Zbog svoje nepristupačnosti, slapovi Kozice su slabo poznata turistička destinacija, iako su idealno mjesto na kojem ćete doživjeti prirodu u njenom punom obliku.

U poslednjih par godina se mnogo radilo na sređivanju i obilježavanju staza. Rezultati su za svaku pohvalu. Dužina od par stotina metara je lako savladiva za sve kategorije šetača.

Ovo je lokacija koja zaslužuje puno više pažnje, ulaganja, promocije i posjetilaca.

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Slapovi Kozice - Bosna i Hercegovina - Discover (2020) | Go Bosnia & Herzegovina [4K]

Discover (Episode 04): Kozica Waterfalls (Waterfalls on river Kozica);

Kozice waterfalls are one of the most beautiful natural features of the municipality of Fojnica. Sheltered in a deep forest, the river Kozica creates a series of cascades and waterfalls that will delight you with their beauty. In addition to a couple of small ones, there are also two larger waterfalls that reach a height of 20 meters.

The waterfalls from Fojnica can be reached by an asphalt road to the crossroads Dragacici - Vladici, and then by good macadam, 4 kilometers long, all the way to the path that leads to the waterfalls. On the day of our visit (28/06/2020), the macadam road was in solid condition and passable for small cars. Access paths to the waterfall itself (all three waterfalls) have recently been arranged, fenced, and marked.

Kozice waterfalls are attractive all year round, whether the water level is low so the cascades are beautiful to enjoy or take photos, or the river water level is high, as was the case during our visit when the waterfalls and their power are a real adrenaline pleasure.


Bosnia and Herzegovina is a beautiful country with enchanting nature that will leave you a lot of priceless memories if you indulge. This heart-shaped country is located in the heart of the Dinarides, on the beautiful Balkans. Rivers, lakes, fields and mountains are just a small part of what this country has to offer. Our goal is to tell and document the most beautiful stories of this country, the heart-shaped Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Go Bosnia & Herzegovina

Video Production: Go Bosnia & Herzegovina
Videography and Editing: Alen Camdzic
Release: July 2020

Copyright © GoBosnia&Herzegovina. All Rights Reserved.

Downloading and Uploading to other channels is not allowed without prior written permission of the author.

- - -

Discover (Epizoda 04): Slapovi Kozice (Slapovi/vodopad rijeke Kozice);

Slapovi Kozice su jedno od najljepših prirodnih obilježja opštine Fojnica. Zaklonjena u dubokoj šumi, rijeka Kozica su ovom dijelu pravi niz kaskada i slapova koji će vas oduševiti svojom ljepotom. Pored par malih, tu se i dva veća slapa koji visinom dostižu i 20 metara.

Do slapova iz Fojnice se stiže asfaltnom cestom do raskršća Dragačići – Vladići, a dalje dobrim makadamom, dužine 4 kilometra, sve do same staze koja vodi prema vodopadima. Na dan naše posjete (28/06/2020) makadamski put je bio u solidnom stanju i prohodan za mala auta. Pristupne staze do samog vodopada (sva tri slapa) su nedavno sređene, ograđene i označene.

Slapovi Kozice su atraktivni tokom čitave godine, bilo da je vodostaj rijeke nizak pa su kaskade prelijepe za uživanje ili fotografisanje, bilo da je vodostaj rijeke visok, kao što je to bio slučaj tokom naše posjete, kada su slapovi i njihova snaga pravi adrenalinski užitak.


Bosna i Hercegovina je prelijepa zemlja sa očaravajućom prirodom koja će vam ukoliko se prepustite ostaviti velik broj neprocjenjivih uspomena. Ova srcolika zemlja smještena je u srcu Dinarida, na prelijepom Blakanu. Rijeke, jezera, polja i planine su tek mali dio onoga što vam ova zemlja nudi. Naš cilj je da ispričamo i dokumentujemo najljepše priče ove zemlje, srcolike Bosne i Hercegovine.

Go Bosnia & Herzegovina

Video Produkcija: Go Bosnia & Herzegovina
Video i Obrada: Alen Camdzic
Proizvodnja: Juli 2020

Copyright © GoBosnia&Herzegovina. Sva prava zadržana. Skidanje te ponovno dodavanje na druge kanale nije dozvoljeno bez prethodne pismene saglasnosti autora.

Prokoško jezero - skriveni raj Bosne | Prokosko Lake - a hidden paradise of Bosnia

#ProkoskoLake is a small glacial lake, located around 14 miles above small Bosnian town of #Fojnica, at mountain #Vranica. Even though #ProkoškoLake is reachable by car via gravel road, many #visitors decide to take a hike to this #pearl of #nature located at 5370 ft. above sea level.

Many of them decide to take their journey further up to the Vranica highest peak, Nadkrstac (2112m/6929 ft) but not before taking a break by this picturesque lake.

Prokosko Lake is 1400 ft. long and 626 ft. wide with maximum depth of 42 ft. Due to its unique location, abundance of fresh air and an authentic mountain #village, it represents the real jewel of nature in #Bosnia and #Herzegovina.

It is surrounded by a number of old wooden shepherd huts called katuni and there is also an old wooden mosque you can visit while at the lake.

The #lake is known to be a home of the amphibian Triton (Triturus alpestris reiseri), which only lives in Prokoško lake. Surrounding area is also rich in several endemic and beautiful white flower plant species specific only for mountain Vranica.

Why Prokoško Lake?

Hike to Prokoško Lake is not demanding or especially exausting so it is usually reccommended for all nature lovers, even for those who claim they’re not ‘in the shape’ to climb the mountain!

It's ideal for daily or weekend trip from #Sarajevo and therefore perfect for travelers that don't have much time to explore Bosnian mountains
On your way to Vranica and Prokoško Lake, you can visit town of Fojnica, mostly known for the old Franciscan monastery and its famous library of philosophical and theological works and documents dating back to 15th century
Fojnica is also a balneological resort. Healing power of thermal water in this area is discovered in #Roman times and ever since used as a cure for many medical conditions but also for enjoyment and relaxation. There is a big wellness center in the town, so if you're tired from exploring the mountains and need a spa-break, Fojnica is the place to be!

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#nature #lake #البوسنه #البوسنه #بروكوشكو

5 most beautiful lakes in Bosnia and Herzegovina

A country in the form of heart, Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Filled with green landscapes, high mountains and historical sites, these are just some of the things which this country has to offer.
Here are 5 most beautiful lakes in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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Bosnian Landscapes - Prokoško jezero - 4K VIDEO

Biser prirode, prokoško jezero - Fojnica / Bosna i Hercegovina.
Video - Dženad Džino
Muzika - Giovanni Marradi - Only You

Trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina ????????

| Jajce | Sarajevo | Vrelo Bosne | Mostar | Počitelj | ...


00:41 Jajce
02:27 Sarajevo
03:46 Vrelo Bosne
06:03 Jablanica - Bitka za ranjenike
06:19 Blagaj Tekke
06:50 Konjic
07:28 Mostar
09:00 Počitelj
10:28 Restoran Kovacevic Jablanica

Music info:

Elysiums ft. ION - Right Here
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Oryon & Equalize - Existence
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Snowstylez - Fading Dreams
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