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10 Best place to visit in Faya-Largeau Chad


Best tourist attractions in Chad | Travel Video | SKY Travel

Best tourist attractions in Chad | Travel Video | SKY Travel
#travelvideo #travel #skytravel @solotravel

01.Zakouma National Park
02.Chad National Museum
03.Lake Chad
04.Ennedi Region
05.Guelta d’Archei
07.Lakes of Ounianga
08.Tibesti Mountains
10.Douguia’s Chari River

Country in Central Africa
Chad, officially known as the Republic of Chad, is a landlocked country in north-central Africa. It is bordered by Libya to the north, Sudan to the east, the Central African Republic to the south, Cameroon to the south-west, Nigeria to the southwest, and Niger to the west. Wikipedia

Capital of Chad
N'Djamena is the capital and largest city of Chad. A port on the Chari River, near the confluence with the Logone River, it directly faces the Cameroonian town of Kousséri, to which the city is connected by a bridge. It is also a special statute region, divided into 10 districts or arrondissements. Wikipedia

Best Places To Visit - CHAD | Travel & Tourism

Here are the Top 10 places you must visit in Chad.

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Ounianga Lakes in Sahara desert - Amazing Chad

After 8 days travelling overland in Chad, with great expectation we arrived at the Lakes of Ounianga, veritable seas of salty water and others of fresh water in the heart of the Sahara. In front of us we were shown a paradise drawn in the middle of the desert.
Like a big secret, Chad keeps jealously one of the most beautiful deserts on the planet with awesome places lake Ounianga lakes, Ennedi massif or Tibesti region.
A part of the Sahara Desert that has remained enigmatic and unknown until today because of decades of conflict.
Chad is now emerging as an oasis of security in the midst of a region marked with instability. Never before has there been a better time to explore this country in peace and quiet.

Chad ???????? Top 11 Places To Visit.

11 Beautiful Places to Visit in Chad.

Chad, officially the Republic of Chad, is a landlocked country at the crossroads of North and Central Africa. It is bordered by Libya to the north, Sudan to the east, the Central African Republic to the south, Cameroon to the southwest, Nigeria to the southwest, and Niger to the west.

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Guelta d'Archei - Ennedi, Chad

Guelta d'Archei Amazing lake in Sahara Desert

Guelta d'Archei | Amazing lake in Sahara Desert
Guelta d'Archei amazing place in the heart of the Sahara Desert, It is located in the Ennedi Plateau, It is located in the Ennedi Plateau, in north-eastern Chad, south-east of the town of Fada. The Guelta d'Archei is inhabited by several kinds of animals, most notably the Nile crocodile, one of the last palace where Nile crocodiles are found in Sahara. The Middle Holocene remains, as well as rock paintings, indicate that this species once thrived across most of today's Sahara Desert and in swamps and rivers along South Mediterranean shores. The small group of surviving crocodiles in the Guelta d'Archei represent one of the last colonies know in the Sahara today; the Tagant Plateau colony in Mauritania has likely been extinct since 1996. The word Guelta means wetland, The reservoirs of this wetland is supported by groundwater. Guelta d'Arshey is surrounded by extensive desert areas, which make access to this awesome place.
Guelta Archei is a watering place for camels located in the Ennedi plateau. The guelta is also inhabited by a very small number ( between 1 and 7 there are only estimations) of the Nile crocodile. This is one of the last colonies of crocodiles in the Sahara. There is another colony in Mauritania. You can see the crocodile on the right edge
The Guelta d'Archei is the most famous permanent water source in the Ennedi region of Chad. Everyday, hundreds of camels are herded into the guelta in order to drink. That particular morning, one of the herdsmen was claiming that 850 of them were at once in the guelta. The value of a camel ranges between 250 EUR up to 800 EUR (and more). They are mainly raised for the milk they produce and as transport animals (not for the meat).

Guelta Archei (Ennedi, Chad)



Walking in the market in the inner part of Gozbeida with an hidden camera

The Length of Chad

Taking off from Moundou in southern Chad with a medevac patient, we were bound for N'Djamena. By late afternoon I was 1057 km to the north in Bardai - unloading passengers and medicines for the hospital there.
Routing: Moundou - N'Djamena - Faya - Bardai
Flight time: 6.5 hours.

Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) is an international Christian organisation whose mission is to fly light aircraft and to use other technology to bring help and hope to people in some of the world’s poorest and most isolated communities.


Tchad : lac d'Ounianga

19 janvier 2008
Rushes du film « Home » :Survol de la région des lacs d'Ounianga situés en plein désert du Sahara, dans la région du Tibesti au Nord du Tchad. Des villages sont implantés sur les berges des lacs, protégés par des installations pour lutter contre l'avancée du désert.Le paysage forme une alternance de textures et de couleurs : des roches claires émergent de zones sableuses ocres et une végétation très dispersée borde les lacs à l'eau obscure.La vitesse d'évaporation des lacs est l'une des plus élevées du monde et la région ne connaît quasiment aucune précipitation. Les lacs sont essentiellement alimentés par la nappe phréatique fossile. Images d'archive INA
Institut National de l'Audiovisuel
#INA #Voyage

Чад, дорога из Файи-Ларжо/ Chad, desert road near Faya-Largeau

Flying in Chad Faya-Largeau FTTY to FTTY B737-400 by Silkytreat Subscribe Help my Channel Thank you

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Flying in Chad N’Djamena Faya-Largeau FTTY to FTTY B737-400 by Silkytreat
Faya-Largeau FTTY
FTTY: RWY 6 (60°)
Faya-Largeau FTTY
FTTY: RWY 6 (60°)
Altitude: 5000 feet
Baro Pressure: 29.92
ETE: 0.4 or 24 minutes
Elevation:+778 feet
Season: summer July morning
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Top 10 Chad Cities By Population

In this video, we will be exploring the top 10 cities in Chad ranked by population. From the bustling capital city of N'Djamena to the historic city of Sarh, we will take a closer look at the unique characteristics and attractions of each city. Join us as we dive into the fascinating world of Chad's urban landscape and discover some of the country's most vibrant and dynamic cities.

11 Beautiful Places to Visit in Chad!!!????#shorts

11 Beautiful Places to Visit in Chad!!!????

1 N’Djamena
2 Sarh
3 Faya-Largeau
4. Zakouma National Park
5 Am Timan
6 Ennedi
7 The Lakes of Ouianga
8 Tibesti Mountains
9. Moundou
10. Douguia
11. Aouk National Park

Music is licensed in the account.

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Guelta d'Archei in Fada, Chad

The Guelta d'Archei is probably the most famous guelta in the Sahara. It is located in the Ennedi Plateau, in north-eastern Chad, south-east of the town of Fada. The Guelta d'Archei is inhabited by several kinds of animals, most notably the West African crocodile. Middle Holocene remains, as well as rock paintings, indicate that this species once thrived across most of today's Sahara Desert and in swamps and rivers along South Mediterranean shores. The small group of surviving crocodiles in the Guelta d'Archei represents one of the last colonies known in the Sahara today; the Tagant Plateau colony in Mauritania has likely been extinct since 1996.

It is a barren place, away from beaten paths; reaching it by land requires a 4x4 and at least four days' travel from n'Djamena, Chad's capital. The place depicted in the picture can only be reached by a 30-minute' trek from the nearest point a 4x4 can approach.
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Ciad 2018 - Ennedi, Borkou, Laghi Ounianga

Il nordovest ciadiano e le regioni dell'Ennedi e del Borkou, dal 16 novembre al 1 dicembre 2018

Чад, Эннеди, гельта д'Аршей. Chad, Ennedi, Guelta d'Archei 2

Jugant al desert del Sàhara, Erfoud, Marroc

El Sàhara (en àrab الصحراء الكبرى, aṣ-Ṣaḥrāʾ al-Kubrà, literalment 'el Gran Desert') és un desert de tipus càlid situat al nord de l'Àfrica. Amb més de 9 milions de km², és el desert no polar més gran del món. Abasta la major part d'Àfrica del Nord, aproximadament el 27% del continent africà, cosa que el fa tan gran com Europa o els Estats Units. El Sàhara s'estén des del Mar Roig, incloent-hi parts de les costes mediterrànies, fins a l'Oceà Atlàntic. Vers el sud està delimitat pel Sahel, un cinyell de sabanes semiàrides situat al nord de l'Àfrica subsahariana. En aquest desert s'han filmat infinitat de pel·lícules i reportatges.

L'aridesa ha dominat el Sàhara des de fa uns 3 milions d'anys. Alguna de les seves dunes de sorra poden superar els 180 metres d'alçada.

Els límits del Sàhara són l'Oceà Atlàntic per l'oest, l'Atles i el Mediterrani pel nord, el mar Roig i Egipte per l'est, i el Sahel pel sud. El Sàhara s'acostuma a dividir en Sàhara occidental, Muntanyes d'Ahaggar, Muntanyes del Tibesti, Muntanyes d'Aïr (una regió de muntanyes i elevats altiplans del desert), el desert del Teneré i el desert Líbic (la regió més àrida). El punt més alt al Sàhara és l'Emi Koussi, un volcà de 3.415 metres situat a les muntanyes del Tibesti, al nord del Txad.

El Sàhara divideix el continent africà en dues parts, la Nord i la subsahariana. La frontera sud del Sàhara està marcada per una franja de sabanes semiàrides anomenada Sahel, al sud del Sahel es troba la regió més exuberant del Sudan (no confondre amb l'estat del mateix nom) i la conca del riu Congo. La major part del Sàhara són hamades, grans altiplans plens de roques, mentre que els ergs, les grans formacions de dunes de sorra que associem amb el desert, només representen una petita part de la seva superfície.

La gent ha habitat les vores del desert des de fa milers d'anys,[4] des de l'últim període glacial. El Sàhara era llavors un lloc molt més humit que avui en dia, s'han trobat més de 30.000 petròglifs que representen una gran varietat d'animals, molts de zones humides com el cocodril. Una gran part d'aquest art rupestre es troba a la serralada de Tassili n'Ajjer (Algèria) i avui dia és un Parc Nacional declarat Patrimoni de la Humanitat per la UNESCO el 1982 i reserva de la Biosfera el 1986. A més l'any 2002 es van trobar cocodrils supervivents d'aquesta època al desert de Mauritània que van deixar astorats els científics.[5]

També s'han trobat fòssils de dinosaures com per exemple Afrovenator abakensis o l'Ouranosaure. El Sàhara actual ja fa temps que no té una vegetació exuberant, excepció feta de les ribes de la vall del riu Nil, uns pocs oasis, i les serralades del nord, on les plantes mediterrànies, com l'olivera poden créixer. La regió ha estat així des de fa aproximadament 5.000 anys.

Els grups ètnics dominants al Sàhara són diferents pobles amazics com les tribus tuaregs, diversos grups amazics arabitzats com els Maure de parla hassania (moros, també coneguts com a sahrauís), i diversos grups ètnics africans de raça negra, com els toubous, els nubis, els zaghawas, els kanuris, els peul, els hausses o els songhai.

Al Sàhara també hi ha ciutats importants com Nouakchott, la capital de Mauritània; Tamanrasset, Ouargla, Béchar, Hassi Messaoud, Ghardaia, i El Oued a Algèria; Timbuctu a Mali; Agadez al Níger; Ghat a Líbia; i Faya-Largeau al Txad.

El nom prové de la paraula àrab per designar el desert: (صَحراء), ṣaḥrā´ (صحراء صحراء (?·pàg.); /sˤɑħrɑːʔ/).[6][7] La denominació Teneré que s'aplica a la part central del Sâhara és una paraula amaziga, dels tuaregs que l'habiten, que significa desert de sorra. Els romans anomenaven «terra deserta» el territori al sud de Cartago. Fins al segle xix no es va generalitzar el nom de Sàhara per a tot el territori. El nom àrab és Bahr bela ma (mar sense aigua).

El Sàhara cobreix gran part d'Algèria, el Txad, Egipte, Líbia, Mali, Mauritània, el Marroc, Níger, el Sàhara Occidental, el Sudan i Tunísia. És una de les tres províncies fisiogràfiques (regions amb una geomorfologia específica) en què es divideix Àfrica.

Els accidents geogràfics del desert han estat modelats pel vent (erosió eòlica) o per les pluges ocasionals, i inclouen dunes de sorra i camps de dunes o mars de sorra (ergs), altiplans de pedres (hamades), planes de grava (regs), valls seques (uadis), les llacunes salades estacionals (Shatts o Chotts)[8] o formes de modelat més inusuals com les estructures de Richat d'Ouadane a Mauritània.

Diverses muntanyes extremadament àrides i cadenes muntanyoses, moltes d'origen volcànic, s'aixequen al desert, com per exemple les Muntanyes d'Aïr, l'Ahaggar, l'Atles saharià, el Tibesti amb l'Emi Koussi que amb els seus 3.415 m és el pic més elevat del Sàhara, el massís d'Adrar des Ifoghas o els turons de la Mar Roja.

Sahara Desert, Egypt riding on quad bikes trip to the village to baboons Part 3

Sahara Desert, Egypt riding on quad bikes trip to the village to baboons Part 3
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -
The Sahara is the world’s largest hot desert and one of the harshest environments on the planet. It is third largest desert overall after Antarctica and the Arctic, which are cold deserts.
At 3.6 million square miles (9.4 million square kilometers), the Sahara, which is Arabic for The Great Desert, engulfs most of North Africa. The desert covers large sections of Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Western Sahara, Sudan and Tunisia.
The Sahara is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean on the western edge, the Atlas Mountains and the Mediterranean Sea to the north, the Red Sea on the east, and the Sudan and the valley of the Niger River on the south. The Sahara is divided into western Sahara, the central Hoggar (Ahaggar) Mountains, the Tibesti Mountains, the Air Mountains, an area of desert mountains and high plateaus, Ténéré desert and the Libyan desert, which is the most arid region.
In the north, the Sahara reaches to the Mediterranean Sea in Egypt and portions of Libya. In Cyrenaica and the Maghreb, the Sahara experiences a more Mediterranean climate with a winter rainy season.
Major cities located in the Sahara include Cairo, Egypt; Tripoli, Libya; Nouakchott, the capital of Mauritania; Tamanrasset, Ouargla, Bechar, Hassi Messaoud, Ghardaia, and El Oued in Algeria; Timbuktu in Mali; Agadez in Niger; and Faya-Largeau in Chad.
Climate and geography of the Sahara
The Sahara’s northeasterly winds can reach hurricane level and often give rise to sand storms and dust devils. Half of the Sahara receives less than an inch of rain per year, and the rest receives up to 4 inches (10 centimeters) per year. The infrequent rain is usually torrential.
The highest peak in the Sahara is the volcano Emi Koussi (11,204 feet or 3,415 meters) in the Tibesti Mountains in northern Chad. The desert’s other mountains and mountain ranges include the Aïr Mountains, Hoggar (Ahaggar) Mountains, Saharan Atlas, Tibesti Mountains, Adrar des Iforas and the Red Sea hills.

Чад, Эннеди, гельта д'Аршей. Chad, Ennedi, Guelta d'Archei



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