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10 Best place to visit in Farroupilha Brazil


Roteiro FARROUPILHA - 8 pontos turísticos IMPERDÍVEIS

Neste vídeo vc vai conhecer mais um pedacinho Serra Gaúcha, a cidade de Farroupilha. Roteiro completo de 1 dia!
8 pontos turísticos imperdíveis!


Guess Who de Kevin MacLeod é licenciada de acordo com a licença Atribuição 4.0 da Creative Commons.




Prelude No. 20 de Chris Zabriskie é licenciada de acordo com a licença Atribuição 4.0 da Creative Commons.



FARROUPILHA - RS: Capital do Kiwi, da Uva Moscatel e das Malhas na Serra Gaúcha - Tati Marmon

Hoje é dia de conhecer Farroupilha-RS, importante cidade da Serra Gaúcha, polo de moda, conhecida como a Capital Nacional do Kiwi e da Uva Moscatel! Aperta o cinto e boooora pro vídeo!

Holiday Inn Express Farroupilha:

PRA ECONOMIZAR EM FARROUPILHA: app Prime Gourmet Club (Edição Caxias do Sul e Região)
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Assista o nosso vídeo mostrando 40 atrações imperdíveis de Gramado. O vídeo está muito completo e repleto de dicas para você aproveitar ao máximo a sua viagem para essa cidade encantadora. Assista agora:

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Se você é novo por aqui, seja bem-vindo ao canal De Fora em Juiz de Fora. Aqui você encontra dicas, curiosidades e informações sobre o Sul e Sudeste do Brasil!
Eu sou a Tati, morei em Juiz de Fora por 16 anos e hoje moro em Gramado, na Serra Gaúcha.
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#farroupilha #farroupilhars #serragaucha #turismo #gramado @De fora em Juiz de Fora


Porto Alegre is a Brazilian municipality and the capital of the southernmost state in Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul. With an area of ​​almost 500 km² and a population of 1 492 530 inhabitants, it has a diverse geography, with hills, lowlands and a large lake: the Guaíba. It is 2,027 km from the national capital, Brasília.

Saturday, 01:40 pm
Jul 30, 2022





8 cidades do RIO GRANDE DO SUL que você PRECISA conhecer (Serra Gaúcha) - Tati Marmon

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PARA ECONOMIZAR NO RIO GRANDE DO SUL: baixe o app Prime Gourmet Club
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#sãofranciscodepaula #saochico #saofranciscodepaulars #canelars #serragaucha @DeforaemJuizdeFora ​

TOP 10 cidades do interior do RIO GRANDE DO SUL para morar

Localizado na região Sul do Brasil, o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul conta com 497 municípios e tem população estimada superior a 11,5 milhões de habitantes, ocupando a 6ª posição entre os estados mais populosos do país.
Um Estado de personalidade forte, famoso por preservar sua riquíssima história, de lutas e de glórias. Que consegue combinar de forma única a natureza exuberante e seu clima ameno, a uma forte pegada histórica e cultural.
Sua capital Porto Alegre, dispensa apresentação, com mais de 1,5 milhão de habitantes, a metrópole é um dos mais importantes polos econômicos do país. A Região metropolitana da capital gaúcha reúne 34 municípios em intenso processo de conurbação, numa área estratégica para o desenvolvimento do Estado.
Mas o interior do Rio Grande do Sul é tudo de bom!!!
As cidades do interior do Estado se destacam pelas belas paisagens, estações bem definidas e pelo desenvolvimento socioeconômico, o que proporciona ótima qualidade de vida aos seus moradores.

Confira agora nossa lista recente com 10 excelentes cidades para se viver bem, no interior do estado do Rio Grande do Sul.

00:00 Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
01:33 Rio Grande
03:29 Lajeado
05:24 Garibaldi
07:25 Gramado
09:29 Santa Cruz do Sul
11:30 Pelotas
13:29 Bento Gonçalves
15:27 Passo Fundo
17:09 Santa Maria
19:09 Caxias do Sul

Agradecimentos / Fontes / Imagens / Créditos:
Prefeitura de Rio Grande
Prefeitura de Lajeado
Prefeitura de Garibaldi / Bruno Milan / Bruna Rosito / Cassius André Fanti
Prefeitura de Gramado / GramadoInesquecivel
Prefeitura de Santa Cruz do Sul
Prefeitura de Pelotas
Prefeitura de Bento Gonçalves / SEMTUR - Secretaria de Turismo
Prefeitura de Passo Fundo
Prefeitura de Santa Maria
Prefeitura de Caxias do Sul

Porto Alegre Travel Guide - Unique Brazil Exploration

Porto Alegre Travel Guide - Unique Brazil Exploration

Porto Alegre is the state capital of Rio Grande do Sul and the biggest urban agglomeration of southern Brazil. The perfect blend of Brazilian-Portuguese and River Plate-Spanish cultures, added to a strong European heritage gives the city a unique background within Brazil. The city is one of the richest metropolis in the country, the state capital with the highest life quality and literacy rate (97%), the book capital of Brazil.

The gaúchos are very proud of their land and culture. In 1835 a revolution which declared Rio Grande do Sul independent from Brazil broke out, the most significant national conflict of the Brazilian Empire (1822-1889), named the Farroupilha Revolution or Farrapos War. This war wreaked havoc across the entire state during 10 bloody years, killing nearly 20% of the gaúchos and ultimately leading to a peace treaty where the Republica Riograndense once again became part of Brazil. Another major Brazilian revolution also began in Rio Grande do Sul. The Federalist Revolution of 1893 defended the decentralization of powers and greater autonomy for the states, and only finished in 1895, after spreading to two other states.

It was also in Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre) where the 1930 Revolution which overthrew the president Washington Luis began, and so was from Rio Grande do Sul the most important Brazilian communist revolutionary of all times: Luis Carlos Prestes, who led the nation-wide communist upheaval in 1935. For such reasons, among many others, the Gaúchos (Riograndenses) are particularly proud of their mother state, many considering themselves as gauchos rather than Brazilians. Currently, Porto Alegre is a service centered city in between the industrial part of the state (north-east) and the rural part (south). It is also called the Mercosul Capital.

The city is roughly a semi-circle that expanded outward in a concentric manner, beginning from the historical city center, right next to the promontory and the harbor. Avenues going from the center to the outer areas of the semi-circle are the radiais (radials) and are crossed by avenues named perimetrais (perimeters). There is a rapid transit system (operated by trensurb), which runs from downtown Porto Alegre to some cities north of the metropolitan area. There are 22 stations and 43km of line, plus 2 stations of the aeromovel (people mover, linking the airport to the aeroporto metro station).

One of the most famous foods of Brazil, churrasco (slow-grilled and -roasted meat), originated in Rio Grande do Sul. But cuisine is eclectic here, and rice and beans sit on southern tables beside Italian and German dishes, thanks to the South's many European immigrants. Colonial coffee is the elaborate 5 PM tea, with breads, pies, and German kuchen, popular among the Germans in the South.

Football is a passion of the people from Porto Alegre. There is a big rivalry between two football clubs, Grêmio Foot-Ball Porto Alegrense, founded in 1903, and Sport Club Internacional, founded in 1909. Grêmio Foot-Ball Porto Alegrense and Sport Club Internacional currently play in the top league in Brazil, the Serie A. Both have successful histories, having won national and international titles, including the South American top honour, the Copa Libertadores, and the highest global trophy for football clubs, the Intercontinental Cup, now known as the Club World Cup.

A lot to see in Porto Alegre such as :

Farroupilha Park
Porto Alegre Public Market
Moinhos de Vento Park
Usina do Gasômetro
Rio Grande do Sul Museum of Art
Casa da Cultura Mario Quintana
Iberê Camargo Foundation
PUCRS Museum of Science and Technology
Parque Germânia
Santander Cultural
Monument to Laçador
Orla do Guaíba
Rua Gonçalo de Carvalho
Marinha do Brasil Park
Botanical Gardens of Porto Alegre
Our Lady of Sorrows Church
Ponte do Guaíba
Catedral Metropolitana de Porto Alegre
Museum Júlio de Castilhos
Morro do Osso
Municipal Park Ararigbóia
Monument To Açorianos
Praça Província de Shiga
Harmony Park
Brique da Redenção
Gruta Nossa Senhora de Lourdes
Praia de Ipanema
Parque Gabriel Knijnik
Cultural-Historical Center Santa Casa
Parque Santa Fe
Inter Museum - Ruy Tedesco
Parque Getúlio Vargas
Memorial do Rio Grande do Sul
Sesc Campestre
Ilha da Pintada
Anfiteatro Pôr-do-Sol
Calçadão De Ipanema

( Porto Alegre - Brazil ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Porto Alegre. Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Porto Alegre - Brazil

Join us for more :


In this video, I'll show you 4 places to go in Porto Alegre (capital of the southern state of Brazil). All these places are free!

Brazilian Road Trip - ep. 02
Porto Alegre could be translated as 'happy port'. It's an old city, South Brazil, the land of chimarrão and churrasco.

I'm going to the Southern frontier of Brazil. If you don't want to miss it, please subscribe ;)


Farroupilha- Parque Salto Ventoso. Passeio lindo e barato, com trilhas e cachoeira, perto de Gramado

Farroupilha está localizada na serra gaúcha, a apenas 26 kms de Bento Gonçalves e a 95 kms de Gramado.
A grande atração da cidade é o Parque salto ventoso, que atrai milhares de turistas que vem em busca de um passeio barato, lindo e com muito contato com a natureza.
São duas opções de trilhas, mirantes, rapel, tirolesa, quadriciclo, parquinho, restaurante e a impressionante paisagem formada pela queda do salto ventoso, de 56 metros de altura, que desagua sobre uma gruta de 200 metros de extensão, e que você pode acessar através de passarelas de metal.
É imperdível !!


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**O laçador de ofertas é um dos sites mais antigos e confiáveis da serra gaúcha, com descontos exclusivos em passeios, restaurantes e hospedagem em Gramado, Canela e região

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Imagens de drone do Parque do Caracol: canal Aldozp

Músicas utilizadas no vídeo:
What if I said I am sorry - Loving Caliber
A stormy weather - Ten Towers
Dark Green Lines - Ten towers


0:00 Introdução
0:58 Como chegar no parque - estrada
2:06 Chegando no parque - valores
3:51 Arroio pinhal, o rio que cruza o parque e forma a cascata
5:07 Porque a cidade se chama Farroupilha
9:20 Mirante do belvedere - cascata vista de cima
10:13 Outras atrações do parque - parquinho, tirolesa, rapel e quadriciclo
10:49 Restaurante - valores
11:29 Trilha pra cachoeira
13:22 A história da familia Versteg sequestrada pelos índios
14:23 O salto ventoso
16:30 Passarela pela gruta - passagem atrás da cachoeira
18:35 Parque do Caracol ou Salto Ventoso, qual passeio escolher?
19:47 Trilha pras ruínas de uma mansão
20:38 A trilha mais bonita do parque
22:00 Ruínas da mansão Aguiar
23:30 No próximo vídeo

SERRA GAÚCHA | Lugares para conhecer em Farroupilha RS

Neste vídeo iremos mostrar o passeio que fizemos em Farroupilha - RS.
Chegamos na cidade à noite, mais específico no Santuário de Nossa Senhora do Caravágio, a noite estava muito fria, escolhemos um local para estacionar a Kombi em frente ao Santuário, fizemos um café e fomos dormir.
No dia seguinte acordamos com o badalar dos sinos, fizemos um café e em seguida fomos conhecer o complexo do Santuário de Nossa Senhora do Caravágio, o lugar é muito lindo, tem uma boa estrutura para receber os visitantes, com estacionamento, banheiros e até mesmo restaurantes.
Visitamos a primeira capela construída, a torre que tem os 5 sinos, a capela das velas, a Igreja atual que é o Santuário de Nossa Senhora do Caravágio e toda a bela estrutura que tem no entorno da Igreja, tudo muito bem organizado.
Após a visita ao Santuário, fomos em direção ao centro da cidade de Farroupilha -RS, ainda conhecemos a Igreja do Sagrado Coração de Jesus e também o Parque dos Pinheiros.
O Parque dos Pinheiros é um lugar muito bonito, bem arborizado, tem um belo lago no centro do parque, é um ótimo lugar para apreciar a natureza e descansar.
Saímos do parque e fomos no Centro de Compras Farroupilha, compramos algumas coisas e depois fomos em direção ao Salto Ventoso, essa aventura vocês irão acompanhar no próximo vídeo.

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???????? Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil | 2022 【 4K UHD 】

Farroupilha Park, better known as Parque da Redenção or simply as Redenção, is the most traditional and popular park in the Brazilian city of Porto Alegre, capital of the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

Visited by many people from Porto Alegre during their leisure time, whether to practice sports, sunbathe or socialize drinking mate with family and friends.

The place where the park is today was the so-called Várzea do Portão, a large floodplain close to the old gate of Vila de Porto Alegre. In 1807, the City Council asked the then governor of the Captaincy of São Pedro do Rio Grande do Sul to donate the Várzea to be used as a public place, as well as a concentration area for the herds of cattle brought in for local supply.

In 1826, an attempt at subdivision was prevented by the Emperor Dom Pedro I. However, later Várzea suffered several other attempts at subdivision and alteration of its primary objectives, which were always impeded by the public authorities.

During the Farroupilha Revolution (1835-1845) the area was outside the city's fortifications, and after the conflict there were several irregularities, such as fences advancing its territory and buildings, duly demolished.

In 1870, Várzea received its first official name, changing its name to Campo do Bonfim, in view of the construction of the Capela do Bonfim.

With the progress of urbanization in the surroundings, health considerations have become important. Still subject to occasional flooding, the site was also used as a hide-drying area, a meeting point for trucks and an urban garbage dump until the mid-1890s.

In 1884 its name was changed to Campos da Redenção, commemorating the early abolition of slavery in the city. In 1889, alleys were opened inside for better landscaping. In 1901 the park was landscaped and embellished on the occasion of the great State Exhibition, which led to the construction of a bullfighting circus, a horse racing track and the velodrome of União Velocipédica, structures that did not survive for a long time.

In 1914, a Plan for the Improvement and Embellishment of the Capital was drawn up, providing for the park to be divided into nine blocks. In 1927, the effective landscaping of Campos da Redenção began, with the prohibition of stopping trucks and herds in 1928. In preparation for the Farroupilha Centennial Exhibition in 1935, the entire southern part was drained, leveled and urbanized. This year its name was changed to Parque Farroupilha, which remains until today.

In 1939 the water mirror was built. The Jardim Alpino, Jardim Ocidental and Jardim Oriental corners were established in 1941. After the great flood of 1941, a corner was created that received the old French cast iron fountain, which was installed in Pereira Parobé Square, and which had previously been in the XV de Novembro Square. In 1953, the Monument to the Expeditionary was inaugurated.

Since then, the complex has not ceased to be landscaped and urbanized, but the gardens have lost other fragments to make way for gas stations and an amusement park, a mini zoo and a sports complex. Of the park's original 69 hectares, 35.7 hectares remain today, with 45 monuments inside. On Sundays, the traditional Brique da Redenção is held in the park, with numerous stalls selling handicrafts, food and antiques. Parque Farroupilha was listed on January 3, 1997 by the municipality of Porto Alegre. The place is commonly a stage for popular demonstrations.

Saturday, 04:00 p.m.
July 23, 2022





???????? Downtown Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil | 2022 【 4K UHD 】

Porto Alegre is a Brazilian municipality and the capital of the southernmost state in Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul. With an area of ​​almost 500 km² and a population of 1 492 530 inhabitants, it has a diverse geography, with hills, lowlands and a large lake: the Guaíba. It is 2,027 km from the national capital, Brasília.

The city was founded on the arrival of Azorean couples in the mid-18th century. In the 19th century, it counted on the influx of many German and Italian immigrants, as well as receiving Spaniards, Africans, Poles and Lebanese. Home to the largest urban concentration in the South region and the fifth most populous in Brazil, it developed quickly and is now home to almost 1.5 million inhabitants within municipal limits and around 4,311,019 inhabitants in the metropolitan region. With 37.7% of the population living in apartments, it is the second most verticalized capital in the country, after Vitória (ES). The city faces many challenges, including the fact that part of the population lives in sub-housing conditions, high cost of living, high incidence of obesity and smoking, serious deficiencies in terms of pollution, degradation of original ecosystems, high crime rates and growing traffic problems.

On the other hand, it boasts more than 80 awards and titles that distinguish it as one of the best Brazilian capitals to live, work, do business, study and have fun. It was also highlighted in 2010 by the UN as the number 1 Metropolis in terms of quality of life in Brazil three times; as having one of the 40 best democratic public management models due to its Participatory Budget and for having the best Human Development Index (HDI) among the national metropolises. IBGE data pointed it in 2009 as the Brazilian capital with the lowest unemployment rate, the British consulting firm Jones Lang LaSalle included it in 2004 among the 24 cities with the greatest potential to attract investment in the world[26] and appears in the list of Pricewaterhouse Coopers among the hundred richest cities in the world. Porto Alegre received the classification of self-sufficient city by the Globalization and World Cities Study Group & Network (GaWC).

Furthermore, Porto Alegre is one of the most wooded and literate cities in the country, it is a regional hub for attracting migrants in search of better living, working and studying conditions and has an infrastructure in many aspects superior to that of other capitals in Brazil. It made international headlines when it hosted the first editions of the World Social Forum and was chosen as one of the venues for the 2014 World Cup. It also has a qualified and diversified culture, with intense activity in practically all areas of the arts, sports and sciences, often with national projection, in addition to having rich folklore traditions and a significant historical heritage in centuries-old buildings and numerous museums.

Monday, 03:00 p.m.
Jul 25, 2022






PARQUE DA REDENÇÃO I Parque Farroupilha - Porto Alegre | Rio Grande do Sul | Brasil 2022 ????????

O Parque Farroupilha, mais conhecido como Parque da Redenção ou simplesmente por Redenção, é o parque mais tradicional e popular da cidade brasileira de Porto Alegre, capital do estado do Rio Grande do Sul.

Venha conosco nesse walking tour e sinta o clima do local, dos gaúchos e gaúchas e do chimarrão.

#walktour #parquedaredenção #portoalegre #turismo

00:00 - Arco do Triunfo
00:19 - Trenzinho da redenção
01:23 - Teatro ao ar livre
03:26 - Festival de bolhas gigantes
04:56 - Chafariz
05:13 - Cachorródromo
06:10 - Refúgio do Lago (gastronomia)
08:49 - Pedalinho no lago
10:02 - Feirinha de artesanato
14:39 - Tecido acrobático e Slackline

Sobre o Canal Life Walk Brasil:

⚠️???? ????⚠️

Um canal de vídeos autorais e imersivos de walking tour com músicas, sons naturais e ambientes. Utilize os vídeos para relaxar, estudar e conhecer novos lugares no conforto da sua casa.
⚠️???? ????⚠️

Músicas Ambientes -
Walking Tour -

5 Estados considerados os mais bonitos do Brasil.

Olá, sejam bem vindos ao canal no vídeo de hoje eu trouxe os 5 Estados mais bonitos do brasil que segundo um site foram selecionados por Pesquisa feita por meio das redes sociais. O Brasil tem 26 estados além do distrito federal espalhados por um extenso território cada um deles possui seus encantos e suas belezas o Brasil é um país incrível e cheio de lugares lindos com belas praias cachoeiras, rios, lagos cultura diferentes, e uma natureza exuberante.



Torres - RS - Brasil (towers beach)
Valdiney Pimenta

Parque Nacional dos Aparados da Serra
Lidi Faria

Parque Farroupilha (Redenção)
Prefeitura de Porto Alegre

Lago Negro, Gramado, RS
Serras Gauchas

Parque Estadual do Caracol_Canela_RS
Renato Soares (MTur Destinos)

The Inhotim Institute, Brumadinho, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Elias Rovielo

Rio Paraibuna - Centro de Juiz de Fora (MG)
Sylvio Bazote

Entre as Ruelas de Ouro Preto
Zaida Machado

Capitólio MG - Agosto 2016

Elevador Lacerda - Salvador, Bahia, Brasil
Turismo Bahia

Morro do Pão de Açúcar
Rodrigo Soldon

Avenida Beira Mar (Florianópolis)
Rodrigo Soldon


Bioma Pamba
Arlei Antunes

Edifício Ely – Porto alegre
Ricardo André Frantz (Use Tetraktys)

Porto Alegre é demais
Ruth Ractz

Vista parcial do Mercado Público de Porto Alegre
Ricardo André Frantz (Use Tetraktys)

Gramado RS
Núbia de Rodrigues Araújo

Parque da Guarita Torres RS
Rodrigo Alexandre Geyer Kaspary

Parque da Guarita -Torres – RS
Alfredo Hilario

Praia -do-cal-torres-rs
Leandro Kibisz

Parque Estadual da Guarita 03
Germano Roberto Schuur

Guarita aérea 01
Akyfoto-Marcos Alexandre

Cidades Históricas de Minas Gerais
Magda Sanches

Ouro Preto
Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton

Ouro Preto MG Brasil - Casario Colonial
Josue Marinho

Museu da Inconfidência, Praça Tiradentes
Luiz M

Cachoeira Fundão (parte de cima)
Lucas A. de Faria

Cachoeira – Escarpas do lago Capitólio, MG
Ana Di Tullio

Mirante do Lago de Furnas – Capitólio, MG
Ana Di Tullio

Centro Histórico Salvador Largo do Cruzeiro de São Francisco
Paul R. Burley

Litoral Sul da Bahia - Município de Uruçuca
Murilo Mário Durans

Salvador BA
Fotos Gov/Ba

Mercado Modelo Salvador Bahia
Paul R.Burley

Salvador de Bahia vue panoramique 2005
Pierre André Leclercq

Parque Lage e Corcovado

Trilhas de madeira na mata -Parque Nacional da Serra dos Orgãos – Teresópolis Rio de Janeiro
Maria Aparecida Senra Rezende

Morro do Corcovado
Ulysses RJ

Cachoeirinha Descanso
Victor Procópio Rodrigues da Silva

São Francisco do Sul - SC – Brasil
Caetano 051068

Vista panorâmica de Blumenau
Rodrigo Argenton

UHUL na Oktoberfest de Blumenau
Tiago Fachini

Lagoa da Conceição - Florianópolis, Brazil
Your local connection

Florianópolis - SC, Brazil
Vinicius Pinheiro

Neste canal você vai conhecer e descobrir curiosidades sobre lugares que pode ser o seu próximo destino pois, o meu objetivo e trazer semanalmente vídeos com dicas de passeios, pontos turísticos, hotéis, restaurantes, culinária e curiosidades sobre vários lugares do Brasil e do mundo para facilitar o planejamento da sua viagem.

???????? SANTA CRUZ DO SUL, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil | 2022 【 4K UHD 】

Santa Cruz do Sul is a Brazilian municipality in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. 155 km from Porto Alegre and 142 km from Santa Maria, in the center of the state. Its population, according to estimates for 2021, was 132,271 inhabitants, making it the 15th most populous municipality in Rio Grande do Sul. It is located in the region of Vale do Rio Pardo. With a temperate climate, with vegetation from the Atlantic Forest and Pampa, and lithographic predominance of volcanic rocks.

The former Colony of Santa Cruz, one of the main centers of the German colonization of Rio Grande do Sul, both Portuguese and German are spoken there, mainly the Hunsrückisch dialect.

Its economy is historically linked to tobacco, being considered the tobacco capital of the world. It experienced strong economic expansion, verticalization, and rural exodus in the 20th century until the beginning of the 21st century, and in 2018 its GDP stood at 9.4 billion reais, the sixth highest in the state, while the Human Development Index (HDI) was of 0.733 in 2010, considered high.

With good infrastructure for tourism, the city is known for hosting the largest Oktoberfest in Rio Grande do Sul, the Oktoberfest in Santa Cruz do Sul, for hosting one of the largest amateur art festivals in Latin America, the Encontro de Arte e Tradição, and by the Autodromo Internacional de Santa Cruz do Sul, also hosting two professional football clubs, Esporte Clube Avenida and Futebol Clube Santa Cruz.

The first inhabitants of the city came in 1849: they lived in huts and ranches. The colony was elevated to a parish in 1859. In 1879, according to a survey, 90.54% of the inhabitants of the Colony of Santa Cruz, excluding Brazilians, came from the Kingdom of Prussia, with 42.53% from Pomerania, 37.88 % from Rhineland, 4.46% from Prussia, 3.57% from Silesia, 1.65% from Westphalia, and 0.14% from Brandenburg. 8.92% came from other German states, and another 0.55% from other European regions.

Saturday, 03:40 p.m.
Sept 10, 2022

SANTA CRUZ DO SUL Google Maps link:





???????? Virtual Street Tour Porto Alegre - Brazil -【4K 60fps】©

Porto Alegre is a Brazilian municipality and the capital of Brazil's southernmost state , Rio Grande do Sul . [ 7 ] With an area of ​​almost 500 km² and a population of 1,492,530 inhabitants, [ 8 ] it has a diverse geography , with hills, lowlands and a large lake : the Guaíba . It is 2,027 km from the national capital, Brasilia . [ 1 ] [ 7 ] [ 9 ]

The city was formed after the arrival of Azorean couples in the mid- 18th century . In the 19th century there was an influx of many German and Italian immigrants , also receiving Spaniards , Africans , Poles and Lebanese . Home to the largest urban concentration in the southern region and the fifth most populous in Brazil , it has developed rapidly and now houses almost 1.5 million inhabitants within municipal limits [ 7 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ]and around 4,311,019 inhabitants in the metropolitan area . [ 12 ] With 47% of buildings built vertically, it was the most built-up capital in the country in 2018. [ 13 ] The city faces many challenges, including the fact that part of the population lives in sub-housing conditions , [ 14 ] high cost of life , [ 15 ] high incidence of obesity and smoking , [ 16 ] [ 17 ] serious deficiencies in terms of pollution ,[ 18 ] degradation ofecosystems, [ 19 ] highcrimerates [ 20 ] [ 21 ] and increasingtraffic. [ 22 ]

On the other hand, it boasts more than 80 awards and titles that distinguish it as one of the best Brazilian capitals to live, work, do business, study and have fun. It was also highlighted in 2010 by the UN as the No. 1 Metropolis in quality of life in Brazil three times; as having one of the 40 best democratic public management models for its Participatory Budget and for having the best Human Development Index (HDI) among national metropolises. [ 23 ] Data from the IBGE pointed it out in 2009 as the Brazilian capital with the lowest unemployment rate , [ 24 ]the British consulting firm Jones Lang LaSalle included it in 2004 among the 24 cities with the greatest potential to attract investment in the world [ 25 ] and it is included in Pricewaterhouse Coopers' list of the 100 richest cities in the world. [ 26 ] Porto Alegre was classified as a self-sufficient city by the Globalization and World Cities Study Group & Network (GaWC). [ 27 ]

In addition, Porto Alegre is one of the most wooded [ 28 ] and most literate cities in the country, [ 7 ] it is a regional center of attraction for migrants in search of better living, work and study conditions [ 29 ] and has an infrastructure in several aspects superior to that of other capitals in Brazil. [ 30 ] It made international headlines when it hosted the first editions of the World Social Forum [ 23 ] and was chosen as one of the venues for the 2014 World Cup . [ 31 ]It also has a qualified and diversified culture , with intense activity in virtually all areas of the arts , sports and sciences , often with national projection, in addition to having rich folklore traditions and a significant historical heritage in centenary buildings and numerous museums . [ 7 ]

Farroupilha RS Serra Gaúcha - O que fazer em Farroupilha e Nova Petrópolis

Veja o que fazer em Farroupilha RS nesse roteiro pela Serra Gaúcha, no caminho descendo de Gramado também passei por Nova Petrópolis e finalmente cheguei em Farroupilha.

Conheça Gramado e a Serra Gaúcho nesse pacote com preço especial que inclui passagem e hospedagem:

Em Farroupilha fui na Mega Loja de Fábrica da Tramontina, confira o tour completo na loja:

Veja o passeio pelo Caminho de Pedras entre Bento Gonçalves e Farroupilha:
(em breve)

Veja todos os vídeos da Serra Gaúcha, passei por Gramado e Bento Gonçalves e os passeios imperdíveis da Serra:

Hotel que fiquei hospedado em Farroupilha - RS

Locais Visitados:
- Mega Loja de Fábrica Tramontina
- Santuário Nossa Senhora de Caravaggio
- Salto Ventoso (local que deixei de ir por causa da chuva)
- Centro de Farroupilha
- Maria Fumaça de Farroupilha

Inscreva-se no canal para mais dicas de viagem: @VaicomBruno


Farroupilha RS.
Conhecendo o Rio Grande do Sul com o Galileu Motorhome.
Visitamos a Igreja Matriz Sagrado Coração de Jesus, a estação ferroviária Nova Vicenza, a Praça da Emancipação e caminhamos pela cidade.
Terras colonizadas por Italiancos.
A cidade de Farroupilha RS que se localiza na Região Sul do Brasil, no Rio Grande do Sul na Região Metropolitana da Serra Gaúcha.
#farroupilhars #farroupilha #riograndedosul #fériasnoriograndedosul #GalileuMotorhome #motorhome.

4K Walking tour Porto Alegre ???????? | Farroupilha Park | Brazil 2021

Walking through Farroupilha Park (Redenção) in Porto Alegre City. Footaged in December, 2021.

Andando pelo Parque da Farroupilha (Redenção) em Porto Alegre. Filmado em Dezembro de 2021.

#farroupilha #park #portoalegre

Farroupilha tem tudo isso?

Vem com a gente nesse passeio conhecer a cidade de Farroupilha na serra gaúcha e aproveite para conhecer o Centro de Compras Farroupilha onde tem muita roupa de inverno, muita malha e calçados. Ainda tem a bela igreja do centro de Farroupilha e também o Parque dos Pinheiros. Todas essas atrações aqui nesse vídeo. Aproveite o passeio.

1. Coffee Journey - Brazil 2023 - Regenerative farming at Farroupilha Farm - part 1

In this video update, Eduardo Sampaio provides an exclusive glimpse into the catucai 2015 variety coffee. He shares insights about regenerative farming practices and highlights the incredible benefits of grameen grass.



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