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10 Best place to visit in Evergem Belgium


[2023] We ranked Belgium's Top 10 beaches: From hidden gems to world-famous shores

10 Best #beach in #belgium #travel

De Haan Beach
Located on the Belgian coast, De Haan Beach is known for its beautiful scenery and crystal-clear waters. It's a popular spot for swimming, sunbathing, and walking along the beach.

Koksijde Beach
Koksijde Beach is located near the town of Koksijde, and it's a great place to relax and soak up the sun. Visitors can enjoy a variety of water sports, including windsurfing and sailing.

Knokke-Heist Beach
Knokke-Heist Beach is a long, sandy beach located in the popular seaside resort of Knokke-Heist. It's a great place for swimming, sunbathing, and taking in the beautiful views.

Ostend Beach
Ostend Beach is a popular tourist destination, known for its lively atmosphere and beautiful surroundings. Visitors can enjoy a variety of water sports and activities, such as sailing, kiteboarding, and beach volleyball.

Blankenberge Beach
Blankenberge Beach is a wide, sandy beach located in the town of Blankenberge. It's a popular spot for swimming, sunbathing, and strolling along the boardwalk.

Bredene Beach
Bredene Beach is a beautiful, natural beach that's perfect for those looking for a quieter, more secluded spot. Visitors can enjoy swimming, sunbathing, and exploring the dunes.

Zeebrugge Beach
Zeebrugge Beach is located in the port town of Zeebrugge, and it's a popular spot for swimming, sunbathing, and beach sports. It's also known for its excellent seafood restaurants.

Nieuwpoort Beach
Nieuwpoort Beach is a long, sandy beach that's perfect for those looking for a peaceful spot to relax. Visitors can enjoy swimming, sunbathing, and walking along the beach.

De Panne Beach
De Panne Beach is located near the border with France, and it's a great place to enjoy a day at the beach. Visitors can enjoy swimming, sunbathing, and exploring the nearby sand dunes.

Groenendijk Beach
Groenendijk Beach is a quiet, secluded beach located near the town of Oostduinkerke. It's a great place for a peaceful day of swimming, sunbathing, and relaxation.

East Flanders, Belgium | City of Ghent, Aalst, Sint-Niklas, Oudenarde | Drone 4k video | Flanders

East Flanders, Belgium. 4K drone footage of East Flanders. In this video review you will see green landscapes of meadows, forests and small historical buildings from a bird's eye view.

general information
East Flanders is located in the valley of the river Scheldt. This region of Belgium is the most densely populated in the whole country, where many inhabitants are involved in highly developed sectors of industry and agriculture.

The administrative center of the region is the city of Ghent. He meets his guests with streets and buildings, as if descended from the canvases of the Middle Ages.

The nature of East Flanders is distinguished by picturesque landscapes of meadows and forests located in the valley of the blue Scheldt River. Beautiful places can be found in the Blankaart and De Teut nature reserves, and you can get acquainted with the unique plants of Flanders in the Tervuren arboretum. It will be interesting for little tourists to communicate with animals at the Mikerf children's farm, where not only domestic animals, but also rare animals live in excellent conditions.

Main cities: Ghent, Aalst, Tournai, Oudenarde, Sint-Niklas
In the administrative center of the Ghent region, a festival is held every year at the end of July. If you come to Belgium at this particular time, then the Ghent Festival is a must-see. That's 10 days of fireworks, music, free treats, performances and fairs. The city itself delights all lovers of romantic architecture.
Aalst, located 35 km from the capital, is divided into two parts by the Dendre River. With a population of 77 thousand people, the city occupies not the last place in the country in terms of brewing and textile production. The architecture of this provincial town is made in the typical Renaissance style for Belgium. Since 2010, UNESCO has included in its list of masterpieces the carnival, which takes place annually in Aalst. The tradition began in the Middle Ages, and since 1923 the authorities of the city have joined the celebration. Every February, residents walk through the streets and squares for three days, observing traditions.
The city of Tournai is located in the valley of the Scheldt, only 10 km from it, Belgium borders on France. The city for almost two millennia of existence has changed its owners more than once: the Romans, the French, the Dutch. Having absorbed the cultures of different nations, now its appearance attracts tourists with architecture and painting.
Oudenarde lies 30 km south of the capital. Having become famous in the 11th century for the production of tapestries, and the proximity to the Scheldt made its position advantageous for trade. Even then, no expense was spared in the construction of churches and monasteries. Although not in its original form, you can still enjoy them.
Sint Niklas is both ancient and modern. There are both historical buildings and trendy exhibition centers and amusement parks for adults and children.

What to see
An unobvious interesting place to visit is Sint Pieters - the railway station. This is a huge station, the construction of which was dedicated to the World Exhibition of Ghent. Not so long ago, the frescoes in the main lobby were restored and a new glass dome was built.
Ghent, which is basically the center of attractions in the region, has one of the creepiest museums. The torture museum at Gravensteen Castle shows guests the real murder weapons that the inhabitants of Ghent were once subjected to. Beware, the place is gloomy!
A real treasure trove of antiquity is the Graslei Embankment, along which buildings dating back to the 12th-19th centuries are located. Walking along the embankment, you can immediately learn the whole history of the city.
Gravensteen is a castle of the Middle Ages, famous for a real defensive system that protected the inhabitants from Viking raids. For several centuries the building was used as the residence of the counts of Flanders.

The main historical buildings of the region are concentrated in the center of the capital: St. Nicholas Church, Belford Tower, St. Bavo's Cathedral. St. Michael's Bridge is also located there, from which excellent panoramic pictures of the city are obtained.
In Deinze, in the very center, there is a city cathedral, made like a basilica. Music lovers will especially like it, because on its territory there are rare instruments of impressive size: an old carillon and an organ. The building itself, made in the Gothic style, is decorated with sculptures of the apostles.
Among the variety of art museums, the Museum of Fine Arts in Ghent stands out. Permanent exhibitions in the museum amaze with their breadth, which have been collected for more than one century, and seasonal expositions surprise with originality.

#EastFlanders #Belgium

Discover Ghent center in East Flanders Belgium 2023

Day excursions are very nice, but a city like Ghent is best visited for a few days because there is a lot to do. Enjoy this short walk.

#23 Bezoek Cortewalle Kasteel - Belgium ????????

If you are visiting Antwerp, you can take a step by the Cortewalle Castle, which is a quarter of an hour from the capital.

Sound:In The Throes - Asher Fulero

O zi in Antwerp ( Anvers) - Belgia | Anvers - Belgium Walking Tour 2022

Salut si va mulțumesc pentru ca v-ati abonat la canalul meu de YouTube, iar cei care nu ati făcut-o, va aștept cu mare drag.
Hello and thank you for subscribing to my YouTube channel, and those of you who haven't, are looking forward to seeing you.
Anvers sau Antwerpen este un oraș din regiunea Flandra din Belgia și, în același timp, capitala provinciei cu același nume. În ianuarie 2017 orașul număra aproximativ 520.000 de locuitori, ocupând, din acest punct de vedere, primul loc între comunele din Belgia.Antwerp (Neerlandeza- Antwerpen , Franceza -Anvers, Engleza-Antwerp, Spaniola-Amberes) este un oras in regiunea Flandra din Belgia si in acelasi timp, capitala provinciei cu acelasi nume.Populatia totala a orasului Anvers este de 472.071 locuitori (recensamantul din 1 ianuarie 2008), ocupand din acest punct de vedere, primul loc intre comunele din Belgia si se intinde pe o suprafata totala de 204.51 km patrati, situat pe locul al treilea, dupa comunele Tournai si Couvin. Are o densitate a populatiei de 2308 locuitori pe km/patrat. Orasul se intinde in cea mai mare parte de-a lungul malului drept al fluviului Escaut si este renumit pentru portul sau, unul dintre cele mai mari din Europa.Primele semne de viata au fost gasite pe malul drept al raului Scheldt inca dinaite de Hristos. A fost distrus apoi de vikingi, dupa care au construit asezarea putin mai sus de prima fortareata si a devenit in 970 granita imperiului German.Fortareata era cam micuta, asa ca a fost intarita cu piatra (si asa a aparut castelutul Steen), iar in secolul 12 Sf. Norbert a fondat manastirea St. Michel Abbey.In secolul 14 a devenit cel mai important centru economic din Europa de Vest (mare port si piata de lana), apoi, din 1356 comitatului de Flandra, dupa 50 de ani in care si-a pierdut multe din privilegii in fata Brugge-ului, a inceput Epoca de Aur a orasului: cel mai mare centru al culturii si al comertului, cel mai frumos oras din lume(a spus Lodovico Guicciardini), dupa care orasul a cazut prada razboaielor politico-religioase (intre Protestantii din Nord si Catolicii spanioli) si a condus, dupa mai multe conflicte la caderea Antwerp-ului in 1585.Dupa acest eveniment, orasul a fost sub ocupatie spaniola si asta a dus la un dezastru economic si social (populatia orasului a scazut la sub jumatate,ajungand la 40.000 in 1590). Pana in secolul 19 nu s-a intamplat nimic bun in acest oras,mai ales ca circulatia pe Scheldt a fost blocata, zona devenind din metropola, un oarecare oras provincial.Orasul a fost eliberat de francezi, in 1795, Napoleon sesizand importanta lui asezare strategica (este orasul cel mai greu de cucerit din lume, din cauza pozitiei, a multiplelor fortificatii, si a canalului spre mare), iar in aceasta perioada (1792-1815) s-au bus bazele imensului port de astazi, dar in schimb o mare parte din arta si cultura orasului a fost talharita, existand planuri chiar de demolare a catedralei si a altor cladiri.Dupa infrangerea lui Napoleon la Waterloo (1815), orasul a apartinut Olandei, dar, doar pana la Revolutia Belgiana din 1830 cand canalul a fost din nou inchis.Perioda buna a reinceput in 1863 (cand belgienii au cumparat dreptul de a naviga pe rau) si circulatia pe Scheldt si pe canale este libera pana in ziua de azi, si asta a readus orasul pe linia lui de plutire, si glorie.
De atunci si pana astazi singurele perioade grele au fost Razboaiele Mondiale: in ambele a fost cucerit dupa lungi asedii de nemti, iar in al doilea razboi mondial se spune, ca pentru a distruge portul, germanii au tras mai multe rachete decat oricare alta tinta din Europa, dar nu au reusit decat in mica masura, oricum orasul a fost foarte afectat, si reconstructia lui a durat destul de mult.Diminutivul locuitorilor din Antwerp este Sinjoren, dupa cuvantul spaniol „senor”, ceea ce inseamna domnsau Gent. Acesta se refera la un spaniol nobil, care a condus orasul in timpul secolului al 17-lea.Acesta este situat pe malul drept al raului Scheldt, care este legat de Marea Nordului prin estuarul Westerschelde. Orasul are unul dintre cele mai mari porturi maritime din Europa.Conform mitului, orasul a primit numele de la o legenda care are legatura cu un urias numit Antigoon si care a trait in apropierea raului Scheldt. El pretindea o taxa de trecere a raului, iar pentru cei care refuzau, le taia una din maini si le-o arunca in raul Scheldt. In cele din urma, uriasul a fost ucis de un tanar erou pe nume Brabo (un soldat roman), care i-a taiat mana uriasului si i-a arunct-o in rau. De aici provine originea numelui orasului, care pe vremuri se numea Hantwerpen (Hand throwing = aruncarea mainii). Orasul este in prezent unul din cele mai prospere din lume, prin comertul de dimante, petrol, industria usoara, si are unul din cele mai agitate porturi din lume si de asemenea este si una din capitalele modei, un oras al culturii si al evenimentelor sociale.
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3 MUST DO’S IN ROESELARE, BELGIUM ???????? #belgium #roeselare


???? Begin je dag in de groene en historische omgeving van Sterrenbos/ Kasteel van Rumbeke

???? KOERS museum, de perfecte pitstop bij het volgen van het “fietsknooppuntennetwerk” (Leiestreek knooppunt 1)

???? Kunstuur, een interessante ontmoeting met de wereld van de Belgische kunst met telkens een persoonlijk verhaal en een hologram. Officiële opening is op 21/03 in Roeselare ????

Ben jij al in Roeselare geweest? Zijn we iets vergeten?

#advertentie @visitroeselare

#visitroeselare #roeselare #belgiumtrip #vlaanderen #belgique #belgiumtrip #explorebelgium #visitbelgium

Ghent Belgium and the Sun

Ghent, Belgium city,and the Sun.

Four Cities in Belgium : 1st Part Gent

This video shows four cities in Belgium and to begin let's see Gent city. In the second part you 'll see Ostende. Then, for the next videos I let you discovering

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Evergem een mooi rustiek dorp door Tine de Jong

Nl/ English #Evergem is een plaats en gemeente in de Belgische provincie Oost-Vlaanderen. De gemeente ligt net ten noordwesten van Gent, in het Gentse Houtland, grenzend aan het uiterste zuidoosten van het Meetjesland, een streek met typische natuurkenmerken die zich uitstrekt tussen Gent en Brugge.

Evergem straalde rust uit en je kan hier heerlijk rondwandelen , eten en genieten van de prachtige monumentale gebouwen en ook de natuur vind je hier in overvloed. Zie mijn wandeling in dit mooie plaatsje. Houd je van gezelligheid en rustiek, ga eens een bezoekje brengen aan Evergem. Ben benieuwd wat jij zal ontmoeten...

➤ Geniet van wat je in de video ziet en op mijn YTkanaal kan je nog veel meer ontmoeten. Van mooi dorpjes, steden en zeker heel veel natuurwandelingen. Voel je vrij om te abonneren op mijn kanaal- is verkorte link: ✅ Neem gerust een kijkje en beslis later. Nieuwe (natuur) vrienden zijn altijd welkom

Voel je vrij om te abonneren op mijn kanaal (geen betaal kanaal)- is verkorte link: Neem gerust een kijkje en beslis later. Nieuwe (natuur) vrienden zijn altijd welkom! je ziet wellicht ook mooie dagjes uit tips om ook eens heen te gaan. En een mooie #Natuurwandeling zal je veel ontmoeten op mijn kanaal. Misschien ben ik ook eens in jouw omgeving geweest. Schakel dan ook de bel ???? in zodat je ook niks mist wat ik zal delen op mijn kanaal. Alvast bedankt. groetjes #TinedeJong

???? Buiten mijn hobby natuur en fotografie ben ik ook een schrijfster van allerhande teksten, gedichten in diverse genre's, mooie natuurweetjes en veel meer, en deze kan je lezen en zien op de website's: waar de mens, natuur, liefde, natuurweetjes is samen geweven in woord en beeld, fotografie, muziek en ook mooie dagjes uit tips en veel meer.


Evergem is a municipality located in the Belgian province of East Flanders. The municipality is located just northwest of Ghent in Ghent Houtland, adjacent to the far southeast of the Meetjesland, a region with typical natural characteristics which extends between Ghent and Bruges. It also has a rich history behind it. At the start of my walk I met the hospitality of many Evergem inhabitants. Evergem gave me peace and calm but where you can walk, eat and enjoy the beautiful historic buildings and even nature can be found here in abundance. See my walk of this beautiful place in my film.

Dear visitor thanks for your visit and any comment, I appreciate that very much! Feel free to subscribe on my channel and if you do please ???????????????????? click on this bell for each upload.

I do not own the rights of the music. No Copyright Infringement Intended. No profit will be made whatsoever with my video .All rights to the music belong to its owners & makers of this music.I have no pay channel =NOT commercial use- NonCommercial .
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เที่ยวเมือง Gent????????Belgium

สวัสดีค่ะคลิปนี้ ปลายฟ้าพาไปที่เมือง Gent ตั้งอยู่ฝั่งฟลานเดอร์ตะวันออก ของประเทศเบลเยียม ตึกรามบานช่องมีเอกลักษณ์สวยงาม เป็นเมืองที่มีโบสถ์เยอะมาก ในช่วงยุคกลางเป็นเมืองที่ใหญ่ที่สุดและมั่งคั่งที่สุดในยุโรปเหนือ เมืองนี้เป็นเมืองท่า มีสายน้ำกลางเมือง และเป็นที่ตั้งของมหาลัยเกนต์ด้วยค่ะ

From Germany to Bruges - Belgium 4K Travel Channel

In spring 2019, we make our way from the southwest of Germany to Bruges in Belgium. We have had this destination in our sights for quite some time. One of the reasons for our visit was that Bruges was the destination of the later Habsburg Emperor Maximilian I, in the Middle Ages.
Only a few 100 m away from our home we can drive directly on the highway to Liège and on to Bruges. Bruges lies in the northwest of Belgium in Flanders, one of the three regions in Belgium. Most of the inhabitants speak Dutch.
First, our journey leads through the Eifel up to the Belgian border. Only an approx. 10 km long part on the German side is still developed as an expressway.
At St. Vith, the center of the German-speaking communities, we reach the border to Belgium.
Next, we pass Spa, known for its spas and the Formula 1 circuit. Then we reach Verviers, once a major center of the wool trade and the textile industry.
Liège, with its almost 200,000 inhabitants, was originally a bishopric and seat of the Prince-Bishops of Liège.
Later, Liège developed into Europe's cradle of the coal and steel industry. Today it is an important traffic hub - from here the motorway leads directly to Amsterdam.
However, we drive on direction Brussels, which we circumnavigate on the highway ring.
Actually it would have made sense to take the train in Belgium. It runs parallel to the highway - is faster and cheaper. In addition, you don't have to pay expensive garage fees in the cities and there are free shuttle connections in Bruges and Ghent.
The only problem for us was that there is no public direct connection from Wittlich or Trier to Liège. We would have had to take an hour-long detour via North Rhine-Westphalia.
Past Ghent we finally reach Bruges. Already on the way to our hotel, we pass the first canals and medieval houses.
please read more:

Im Frühjahr 2019 machen wir uns auf den Weg von unserem Wohnort im Südwesten von Deutschland nach Brügge in Belgien. Dieses Reiseziel haben wir schon seit längerer Zeit im Visier. Zumal diese Stadt im Mittelalter auch das Ziel des späteren Habsburger Kaisers Maximilian I war.
Nur wenige 100 m von unserem Wohnhaus entfernt können wir direkt auf die Autobahn nach Lüttich und weiter nach Brügge fahren. Brügge liegt im Nordwesten von Belgien, in Flandern, einer der drei Regionen Belgiens. Die meisten Einwohner sprechen Niederländisch.
Anfangs führt die Fahrt durch die Eifel bis zur belgischen Grenze. Nur ein ca. 10 km langes Stück auf deutscher Seite ist noch als Schnellstraße ausgebaut.
Bei St. Vith, dem Zentrum der deutschsprachigen Gemeinden, erreichen wir die Grenze zu Belgien.
Als nächstes passieren wir Spa, bekannt für seine Heilbäder und die Formel1-Rennstrecke. Danach erreichen wir Verviers, einst ein bedeutendes Zentrum des Wollhandels und der Textilindustrie.
Lüttich, mit seinen knapp 200.000 Einwohnern, war ursprünglich ein Bischofssitz und Sitz der Fürstbischöfe von Lüttich.
Später entwickelte sich Lüttich zu Europas Wiege der Kohle- und Stahlindustrie. Heute ist es ein bedeutender Verkehrsknoten- Von hier aus führt die Autobahn direkt nach Amsterdam.
Wir fahren aber weiter nach Brüssel, das wir über einen Autobahnring weitläufig umfahren.
Eigentlich wäre es sinnvoll gewesen in Belgien mit der Bahn zu fahren. Sie verläuft parallel zur Autobahn – ist schneller und billiger. Außerdem muss man in den Städten dann keine teuren Garagengebühren bezahlen und in Brügge und Gent gibt es kostenlose Shuttle-Verbindungen.
Das Problem für uns war nur, dass es keine öffentliche Direktverbindung von Wittlich oder Trier nach Lüttich gibt. Wir hätten einen stundenlangen Umweg über Nordrhein-Westfalen nehmen müssen.
Vorbei an Gent kommen wir schließlich nach Brügge.Schon auf dem Weg zu unserem Hotel passieren wir die ersten Kanäle und mittelalterlichen Häuser.

weitere Infos im Reisevideoblog:

Soundtracks in Video:

Traveling Lights by Stefan Kartenberg
(c) copyright 2017 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
Ft: DeBenedictis (lisadb)

Never Get Out (Once Upon a Time Remix) by makoto_phoenix
(c) copyright 2007 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license.
Ft: Makoto Phoenix (Remixer) Brad Sucks (Remixee)

Alice In the City by TheDICE
(c) copyright 2013 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
Ft: Orrisroot

Evergem: Kasteel van Wippelgem : een lentebezoek en reportage door Catherine Boone

Wippelgem is een landelijk dorp binnen Evergem, dichtbij de stad Gent ( België ). Het telt vele landgoederen. Eén daarvan is het Goed ten Hulle (kasteel Van Crombrugghe - Ten Bos, 1375) dat ik onlangs heb bezocht. Deze film geeft een korte impressie van het Goed ten Hulle - Domein Ten Bosch. Maak kennis met de boerderij, de duiventoren, het kasteel, een ommuurde moestuin, de paardenstallen en een monumentale ijskelder.
I do not own the rights of the music. It comes from the YouTube creator list.

Dear visitor thanks for your visit and any comment, I appreciate that very much! Don't use this film without my explicit permission. More photos, films and poetry on my blogsites and .

Welcome to my YouTube Channel. This is the shortener link: . You want to see more films, hit the LIKE button! Comments are nice too & you can always subscribe if you want to know what I'll upload next.

I wish you a lovely day. Many greetings Catherine Boone - #catherineboone #Evergem #toerismemeetjesland





Wippelgem - kasteel , Gerardsmolen Evergem, België door Tine de Jong

Nl/Eng Ik heb ditmaal eens een bezoek gebracht aan Evergem- Wippelgem met o.a het kasteel van Wippelgem en de molen ( de Gerardsmolen ) met de natuur eromheen. Wippelgem is een landelijk dorp en woonkern in Evergem, in de Belgische provincie Oost-Vlaanderen. Het dorp ligt langs de R4 tussen Gent en Zelzate. Het staat bekend om zijn Gerardsmolen maar ook om het mooie kasteel. Het dorp heeft en geeft ook mooie gezichten aan jou.

➤ Geniet van wat je in de video ziet en op mijn YT kanaal kan je nog veel meer ontmoeten. Van mooi dorpjes, steden en zeker heel veel natuurwandelingen. Voel je vrij om te abonneren op mijn kanaal- is verkorte link: Neem gerust een kijkje en beslis later. Nieuwe (natuur) vrienden zijn altijd welkom! je ziet wellicht ook mooie dagjes uit tips om ook eens heen te gaan. En een mooie #Natuurwandeling zal je veel ontmoeten op mijn kanaal. Misschien ben ik ook eens in jouw omgeving geweest. Schakel ook de bel ???? in zodat je ook niks mist wat ik zal delen op mijn kanaal. Alvast bedankt. groetjes #TinedeJong

???? Buiten mijn hobby natuur en fotografie ben ik ook een schrijfster van allerhande teksten, gedichten in diverse genre's, mooie natuurweetjes en veel meer, en deze kan je lezen en zien op de website's: waar de mens, natuur, leven, liefde, natuurweetjes is samen geweven in woord en beeld, fotografie, muziek en ook mooie dagjes uit tips en veel meer.
This is my visit to Evergem- Wippelgem in Belgium - Castle Wippelgem and the mill (Gerard Mill) with the nature around it. Hope you enjoy of my walk.
Be always welcome on my websites for more interesting words about nature and more.

© Don't use the photos in my video without my explicit permission. © all rights reserved.
No copyright intended. All rights for visual and sound reserved to the owners with my thank you to the musican. The music comes from the free Youtube list

Dear visitor thanks for your visit.
SUBSCRIBE ON MY CHANNEL for more videos out my country
I appreciate that very much!

(how to) Ride Trams in Gent, Belgium 2019 ~ TRAVELOGUE #20

How to buy tram (De Lijn) tickets from the ticket machine in Gent, Belgium
Where to buy day passes
Riding the tram in Gent / Ghent, Belgium
More info:

Lofi Leon - lava.lamp

Equipments used:
Fujifilm X-T20
7artisans 7.5mm F2.8

hqa / Abdul Haq Musa / HUCKYEA VHS
*formerly known as HAVERHUCK VHS*

Some of my notable works: (from this playlist:

///// Aman Ra - Bangun (

///// Zamaera - Wanita (

///// Sayla - Hy Psyche Express (

///// Airliftz - Gwalos (

///// Home Court - Sunflare (

///// A-Kid - Apa Lagi Kita Mau (ft. K-Main & Klash) (

///// Kidd Santhe - LITNYA (

///// Rogue Squadron - Rogue State (

///// Ninjaboi - DuaAlam (

///// Zet Legacy - Yih (

///// Aman RA — BudakFlat (

///// K-Main - Rap Banglo ft. Gwa, Zet Legacy, Klash, Saphuan (

///// Jocelyn Stemilyn - Junk Food (

///// Brian Simba - Sunday Morning (Narrated by George Gavin) (

///// Zet Legacy - Rapstar ft. Jin Hackman (

///// KRZ x TBC x HQA - Rogue Boyz II Men (

///// dae kim - Baby___Blue (Feat. Ryota Katayama) / (


///// Jin Hackman - Banana (

///// NtahSape2Ntah - Kerja (

[4K] ???????? Belgium Ghent (Gent) tram ride and walk | Flemish town

Ghent (Dutch: Gent) is the 2nd largest city of the Flanders region in Belgium after Antwerp and you get get to Ghent in less than 30 mins with direct train from Brussels. (28 minutes to be exact when on fast train) In this video, I took Ghent tram from the main station to the historical town centre then walking around the town with some market stalls and beautifully unique buildings of its unique architecture. You can also see some river/canal in the the town of Ghent which makes the city look even more beautiful and chilled.

Cycling in Ghent East Flanders Belgium 2023

Ghent is the capital and largest central city of the Belgian province of East Flanders and of the district of Ghent. My phone's GPS was on for the center location. Video settings choose 1080pHD or max 4K ( fast internet ) In Ghent you can rent bicycles, electric scooters.

Walk from Rochehaut, Ardennes, Belgium

Lovely walk in the forests of the Ardennes and the Semois Valley, which is similar to the Rib Wye in Wales! England. Hamza took some amazing drone footage which we saw last night on a big TV. Some of the walk was a bit like an assault course.

Wandelen door de stad Gent (B) met bekende en onbekende plekjes door Tine de Jong

Nl/ Eng/ Al vele malen ben ik deze mooie historische stad Gent (B) geweest. De stad kent vele mooie bekende plekjes wat men vast al eens had bezocht als je eens in deze stad was. Zoals het gezellige centrum of het mooie oude Gravensteen. Maar ook het onbekende soms kan heel interessant zijn. En deze leerde ik kennen door nu zomaar wat rond te gaan wandelen en dan maar zien waar ik uitkwam. De bekende vrijdagmarkt kreeg ook een bezoek van mij want veel brocante en andere dingen kan je daar wel vinden en zien. Verder heb ik wat kriskras gewandeld en ook in wat buur wijken. Zo bekeek ik Gent eens op een andere manier. Voor meer mooie bekende of nog meer onbekende plekjes zie dan mijn afspeellijst eens in die ik vanuit hier heb gemaakt. Wellicht zit er wat bij wat je ook raakt.

Voor meer mooie uitjes abonneer dan op mijn kanaal.
Misschien zie je ook eens mooie dagjes uit of wandeltips om eens heen te gaan. #Ghent
Groetjes #TinedeJong #Stadswandeling #visitgent

➤ Buiten mijn passie en hobby natuur/ fotografie ben ik ook een schrijfster van allerhande teksten, gedichten in diverse genres, mooie natuur weetjes en veel meer, en deze kan je lezen en zien op de websites: waar de mens, natuur, liefde, natuurweetjes is samen geweven in woord en beeld met muziek en veel meer:
Englisch: Many times I have been this beautiful historic city of Ghent. The city has many famous places that everyone has probably already visited such as the center and the beautiful old Castle of the Counts but also the unknown can be very interesting. And these I got to know by just walking around and seeing where I ended up. The famous Friday market also got a visit from me because a lot of brocante and other things you can find and see there. Furthermore, I walked around a bit and also in some neighborhoods. This way I looked at Ghent in a different way than what most people do when they visit this city. Because the city has a lot of beautiful places. I hope you enjoy what you see in my video. For more beautiful known or even more unknown spots check out my playlists that i made from . Maybe there is something in it that touches you too.

No profit will be made whatsoever with my video
All rights to the music belong to its owners & makers of this music
My music comes from the for free use YouTube music creator list .(The old version)
Where it was also stay for use free of charge

Music credit: Valdi Sabev and The title is: In my heart
With my thank you to the composer .

Discover Belgian design with our travel vlog

In this vlog we're exploring Belgian design with a focus on interior design and furniture design. We are taking a closer look at designs and projects by Belgian designers such as Axel Vervoordt, Muller Van Severen and Vincent Van Duysen.

September 2020 was design month in Brussels with the three leading design fairs coinciding. We visited Brussels Design Market which showcases mostly midcentury modern design pieces and is co-hosted with the Brussels Contemporary Design Market. The latter displays the talent of up and coming Belgian design talents. The third fair we visit in this vlog is Uptown design week where Belgian creatives collaborate with retail brand. We love how this initiative brings design to the high street and makes it accessible to everyone.

In the second chapter we take an in depth look at two unique co-working spaces. The interiors are Silversquare Bailli are super bold, transporting you to a different place. Fosbury and Sons Boitsfort is the complete design opposite with a more vintage and curated interior design.

The third chapter is all about Belgian hotel design with a visit to Yust which is a co-working, co-living and hotel all in one. The interiors are eclectic and urban. After that you'll discover a secret garden hotel in Brussels filled with organic design and last up is the brand new hotel designed by Vincent Van Duysen. Hotel August is located in an old cloister and the interiors reflect that history in a very elegant way.

In the fourth chapter we're discovering what's hot on the Belgian restaurant and café scene. Explore the interior design at Cantine, Buddy Buddy, Domestic café and Le Pristine. Le Pristine is the latest restaurant by celebrity chef Sergio Herman with interiors designed by Space Copenhagen.

The fifth chapter of thi Belgian design vlog is dedicated to three super cool Belgian museums. Mima is ultra conceptual, Brussels Design Museum is exhibiting on Plastic design and the Ghent Design Museum is linking contemporary design to painting from Van Eyck.

In our final segment we're focusing on retail design with three shops: Belgian cookie brand Dandoy, eyewear concept Ace & Tate and Aesop. All three stores stand out with their unique material use.

➡️ Subscribe Here!

Who we are:

Talk Carpet is here to inspire you!
We’re super excited to travel the world for you and show our design travel vlog with all things pretty in interior design, art and architecture.
We’re based in NYC + Seattle + LA, and specialize in the most amazing carpets made by our partner ege carpets.

Check out our blog, we post new stories each day:

These are some of the cool design places in Belgium we visited:

Hotel August

Yust, Antwerp

Restaurant Le Pristine, Antwerp

Ghent Design Museum, Gent

Belgian art galleries, Antwerp & Knokke

Silversquare Baillie coworking, Brussels

Brussels Design Market, Brussels

Cool shops of Belgium

Chapters are:

0:00 Intro
1:01 Brussels Design Month
2:17 Belgian co-working spaces
3:27 Belgian hotel design
4:32 Belgian restaurant design
5:25 Coolest Belgian museums
7:08 Belgian design shops



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