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10 Best place to visit in Ete Nigeria


Top 10 Places to Visit in Abuja | Nigeria - English

#AbujaPlaces #PlacesInAbuja
Abuja is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Nigeria having many best places in Abuja. It became the official capital of Nigeria and renamed as Abuja having famous places in Abuja. By the late 1970s, the metropolitan area population reached millions, and today nearly millions of people live here.

As Abuja famous places has such a long history and covers a lot of ground, it means that there is a huge amount to see and do – but as best places in Abuja is so well connected even if you only have one day in this city, because of a layover or a connecting flight, you can really pack in a lot. To help you even more, you can get a Abuja beautiful places 1-Day Ticket.

If you are staying longer or visiting again, then the possibilities are almost unlimited: best places in Abuja can take a whole day or two days, there are many recommended area tours or spend your time walking around and see what you can discover!

Apricot Wanderer's mission is to promote the beauty of the capitals of the world as well as cities and promote the tourism of those cities.

There are many beautiful places in Abuja. Nigeria has some of the best places in Abuja. We collected data on the top 10 places to visit in Abuja. There are many famous places in Abuja and some of them are beautiful places in Abuja. People from all over Nigeria love these Abuja beautiful places which are also Abuja famous places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful places to visit in Abuja.

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10 Best Places To Visit In Nigeria - Travel Guide

Come explore the wonders of Nigeria! This video will show you the true beauty of this amazing country. From the incredible cities to the captivating wildlife and traditional villages, this video will take you on an unforgettable journey through one of the most diverse countries in Africa. So grab your camera and get ready to experience the fascinating culture, traditions, and landscapes of Nigeria!

0:00 Intro
0:54 Zinder
1:31 Niamey
2:09 Agadez
2:48 W National Park
3:26 Ayorou
4:05 National Park
4:43 Nguigmi
5:20 Maradi
6:04 Tahoua
6:40 Timia

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Top 10 Most Beautiful Cities in Nigeria 2023

Top 10 most beautiful cities in #Nigeria 2020.

In this video we will be talking about the top 10 most #beautifulcities in Nigeria 2020. Kindly note that this is an update of top ten most beautiful cities in Nigeria 2022.

Some of this Nigeria cities are also among Top 10 most beautiful cities in Africa 2019 and top 10 most beautiful cities in Africa 2020, it might interest you to know that these cities are not among the Top 10 most beautiful cities in the world 2019 or 2020. But in the nearest future cities like LAGOS AND #ABUJA will super pass Top 10 most beautiful cities in Asia, Top 10 most beautiful cities in Europe andTop 10 most beautiful cities in the world 2020.

So without wasting much time, here are the top ten most beautiful cities in Nigeria 2020.

1. Abuja. Abuja is a Nigerian city which is located in the centre of Nigeria. It was created with the aim of replacing Lagos as the capital of Nigeria.

This Nigerian city also plays host to so many tourist attractions in Nigeria.

Some of these national monuments include the Aso rock,National Assembly complex, Zuma rock, Supreme Court complex, the Nigerian national stadium, National mosque and church, Abuja millennium tower and lots more.

2. Lagos. Popularly referred to as the economic capital of West Africa, Lagos is one of the busiest cities in Africa.

Lagos is the largest city in Nigeria and one of the largest in Africa in terms of population.

It is one of the fastest-growing cities in the world.

3. Calabar. Calabar is the capital city of Cross-Rivers State which was originally named “Akwa Akpa“.

This Nigerian city is widely described as the tourism capital of Nigeria.

Apart from being a destination for tourists in terms of tourism, Calabar is also a very beautiful Nigerian city with world-class road networks and buildings.

4. Uyo. Uyo is the capital of one of Nigeria’s finest states – Akwa-Ibom State.

This Nigerian city is one of the best cities in Nigeria with a good and well-planned road network, lots of business buildings and 5-star hotels and lots more.

5. Enugu. Enugu is the capital city of Enugu State, Nigeria. It is located in the Southeastern part of Nigeria.

This Nigerian city is one of the most beautiful cities you can visit when taking a trip to South Eastern Nigeria.

The coal city as it is popularly called is home to some of the most beautiful places you can visit in Nigeria.

6. Port-Harcourt. Port-Harcourt is the capital city of the largest oil-producing state in Nigeria – Rivers State.

As the capital city of one of the richest Nigerian states, it is expected of Port-Harcourt city to be one of the most beautiful and well developed Nigerian cities.

7. Owerri. Owerri is the capital of Imo State, Nigeria.

This city is widely known for numerous hotels, night clubs and spas.

These hotels and night clubs serve as a relaxation spot after a stressful day at work for individuals who reside in this city.

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Tourist Attractions In Nigeria

Nigeria Is A country in West Africa with beautiful landscape also Nigeria Is Not What You Think She will spellbound the very soul of the wanderer. It has exotic picturesque landscape almost inundated with scenery , rainforest, rivers, waterfalls and is must to visit destination in 2020 and is considered as Best Travel Destination 2020.

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Nigeria, an African country on the Gulf of Guinea, has many natural landmarks and wildlife reserves. Protected areas such as Cross River National Park and Yankari National Park have waterfalls, dense rainforest, savanna, and rare primate habitats.

One of the most recognizable sites is Zuma Rock, a 725m-tall monolith outside the capital of Abuja that’s pictured on the national currency . Nigeria has the most beautiful landscape in the world.

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Top 10 des Meilleurs Pays à visiter en Afrique

L'Afrique est un continent qui a été injustement stéréotypé comme une terre de pauvreté et de conflits. Dans ce contexte, une nouvelle génération de touristes a émergé, désireuse de découvrir la culture africaine et ses habitants. Ces touristes recherchent une expérience plus authentique et recherchent une façon plus authentique d'explorer l'Afrique. L'Afrique est un continent magnifique, rempli de gens merveilleux, d'une culture étonnante et de paysages variés. Étant donné que le continent regorge de certains des pays les plus étonnants du monde, les personnes qui visitent le continent y restent longtemps après leur départ.

Suivez-nous pendant que nous découvrons les 10 meilleurs pays africains à visiter. Si vous êtes nouveau sur cette chaîne, n'oubliez pas d'aimer, de vous abonner et d'activer la cloche de notification pour plus de vidéos comme celles-ci.

10. Maroc
Le Maroc est le pays le plus au nord-ouest de l'Afrique du Nord. Il borde la mer Méditerranée au nord et l'océan Atlantique à l'ouest, et a des frontières terrestres avec l'Algérie à l'est et le territoire contesté du Sahara occidental au sud. La capitale du Maroc est Rabat tandis que sa plus grande ville est Casablanca. La zone est d'environ 446 550 km2 avec une population approximative d'environ 37 millions d'habitants. Si vous prévoyez de visiter l'Afrique, le Maroc est le meilleur pays à visiter car il fait appel à une variété d'intérêts.

9. Kénya
Le Kenya est un pays d'Afrique de l'Est, avec 580 367 km2, ce qui en fait le 48e plus grand pays du monde. La capitale est Nairobi. Le Kenya est principalement bordé par le Soudan du Sud au nord-ouest, l'Éthiopie au nord, la Somalie à l'est, l'Ouganda à l'ouest, la Tanzanie au sud et l'océan Indien au sud-ouest. Les langues officielles sont l'anglais et le swahili.
Le Kenya est l'une des magnifiques destinations fauniques au monde, avec des dizaines de parcs nationaux, de réserves et de zones de conservation qui abritent certaines des populations fauniques les plus diverses. La réserve nationale du Masai Mara offre la plus grande migration de gnous qui peut être observée de juillet à octobre. Pour les visiteurs qui veulent voir certains des cinq grands animaux sauvages, il y a une forte concentration de lions, de léopards et de guépards dans le parc.

8. Namibie
La Namibie est un pays d'Afrique australe. Il est bordé par l'Angola et la Zambie au nord, le Botswana à l'est et l'Afrique du Sud au sud et à l'est. La majorité de la population vit dans la capitale, appelée Windhoek. La Namibie est le pays avec la troisième population estimée la plus élevée d'Afrique (après l'Afrique du Sud et l'Égypte).
Le désert du Kalahari couvre la partie centrale du pays, et c'est le sixième plus grand désert par superficie sur Terre et le deuxième plus grand d'Afrique après le Sahara. La Namibie a beaucoup à offrir aux touristes, des parcs nationaux aux magnifiques paysages ; C'est l'un des pays d'Afrique où l'on peut apercevoir les rares cinq grands animaux sauvages.

7. Île Maurice
Île Maurice est une nation insulaire située dans l'océan Indien à environ 2 000 kilomètres au large de la côte sud du continent africain, à l'est de Madagascar. Port Louis est sa capitale et sa plus grande ville avec la concentration de la majeure partie de sa population. Étant la 170e plus grande nation du monde, le pays a une superficie totale de 2 040 km2. Le pays est constitué de l'île Maurice et de plusieurs autres îles.

L'île Maurice est le meilleur endroit pour ceux qui aiment la plongée en apnée, la natation, la plongée sous-marine et les aventures avec la faune. Il possède les meilleures plages, parcs nationaux, paysages et cascades qui laisseront les visiteurs vivre des aventures inoubliables.

6. Madagascar
Madagascar est un pays insulaire de l'océan Indien. Avec 592 800 km2, c'est le deuxième plus grand pays insulaire après l'Indonésie. Le pays se compose de l'île de Madagascar qui est la quatrième plus grande île du monde. Madagascar est considéré comme le hotspot de la biodiversité car plus de 90% de sa faune ne se trouve nulle part ailleurs sur terre. Antananarivo est sa capitale et la plus grande ville et les langues officielles sont le malgache et le français.
Madagascar est largement connue pour ses lémuriens, ses baobabs, ses oiseaux et ses jungles.

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LAGOS : La Ville la plus dynamique du Nigéria | 10 FAITS INTÉRESSANTS

Lagos est l'un des 36 États du Nigeria. C'est la ville à la croissance la plus rapide d'Afrique, et l'une des villes à la croissance la plus rapide au monde. Actuellement, avec une population de 15 388 000 personnes, elle a la population la plus élevée du pays, mais elle est le plus petit État. Le yorouba, l'igbo, et l'awori sont couramment parlés au Nigeria, et la monnaie utilisée est le naira nigérian.

La ville de Lagos est divisée en deux : L'île et le continent. L'île se compose de lieux majeurs, comme l'île Victoria, Lekki et Ikoyi, tandiss que le continent comprend Ebouté-Meta, Yaba, Souroulere, Ikejá, le site de l'aéroport international Mourtala Mouhammed, et la capitale de l'État de Lagos. Le continent a les tarifs les moins chers en matière d'hébergement. Le logement et le coût de la vie sont relativement gérables. La partie continentale de Lagos, est l'endroit où se déroule l'agitation de la ville, ainsi que beaucoup de plaisir. Ikeja est le quartier résidentiel le plus exclusif du continent, suivi de Surulere. Ikeja est une banlieue résidentielle bien planifiée et développée, construite initialement pendant la période coloniale pour abriter la classe supérieure. Le quartier dispose d'une zone réservée au gouvernement, où résident plusieurs hauts fonctionnaires du gouvernement et leurs familles.

Vivre sur l'île de Lagos, en revanche, est perçu comme un changement de statut. Louer un appartement coûte très cher. Représentant un environnement chic et serein, elle abrite de nombreux centres commerciaux de classe mondiale, des supermarchés, des spas, des maisons de mode et des boutiques parmi beaucoup d'autres. On y trouve également de belles structures ultra-modernes, et des appartements de luxe. L'île Victoria, qui se trouve sur l'île, est à la fois un État résidentiel et commercial. C'est l'une des zones les plus riches avec certaines des propriétés immobilières les plus chères du Nigeria, un centre diplomatique, de nombreuses ambassades et consulats étrangers, de bons et chers hôpitaux, ainsi que des écoles internationales. Ikoyi est également une autre zone aisée de l'île, actuellement un foyer pour les travailleurs expatriés. C'est l'une des zones les plus développées de l'île.

L'île de Lagos, est reliée au continent par trois grands ponts, à savoir le pont Eko, le pont Carter, et le troisième pont continental qui traversent la lagune de Lagos jusqu'au quartier d'Ebute Metta.

La vie à Lagos, serait certainement incomplète sans la nourriture de rue. Elle occupe une place particulière dans le cœur des Lagosiens. Certains des aliments de rue comprennent; Frites de plantain : Il s'agit de plantains mûrs, ou non mûrs frits, vendus sous forme de chips croustillantes. Elles peuvent être servies dans des saveurs d'oignon et de poivrons.

Elles peuvent être servies dans des saveurs d'oignon et de poivrons. Lagos signifie : lacs, en portugais, qui est la langue des premiers Européens, à arriver sur la terre habitée par les Awori appartenant au peuple Yorouba. On pense que le nom Eko, lui a été donné par son premier roi Oba Ado, au début de son histoire. Lagos était à l'origine habitée par le sous-groupe Awori du peuple Yorouba au XVe siècle, qui l'appelait «Oko». Sous la direction d'Oloye Olofin, les Awori se sont déplacés vers une île maintenant appelée Iddo, puis vers l'île de Lagos.Au 16ème siècle, la colonie Awori a été conquise par l'empire béninois, et l'île est devenue un camp de guerre béninois appelé «Eko» , sous obah Orhogba, l'Obah du Bénin à l'époque.

La ville flottante de Lagos s'appelle Makoko, qui est un mot yorouba. Dans la tradition Yorouba, les feuilles d'Akoko sont utilisées pour favoriser la fertilité et pour le couronnement de la chefferie. On dit que les pêcheurs immigrés du Bénin et du Togo, se sont initialement installés à Makoko, il y a plus d'un siècle, pour être proches de la source de leur gagne-pain. Makoko est un lieu hautement multiculturel qui a accueilli ces générations de pêcheurs. Makoko est un établissement informel, avec une population d'environ 250 000 personnes, de l'autre côté du troisième pont continental, situé sur la côte du continent. On l'appelle parfois la « Venise de l'Afrique » en raison de ses voies navigables. Un tiers de la communauté est construit sur pilotis le long du lagon, et le reste est à terre. La partie riveraine de la communauté, est en grande partie hébergée par le peuple Egoune qui a émigré de Badagry et de la République du Bénin. Leur occupation principale est la pêche. Makoko, est la ville flottante de Lagos. Les gens vivent de l'eau, et y mènent leurs activités quotidiennes, voyageant à travers la ville en utilisant les voies navigables.


© 2022, L'Afrique révélée

Nigeria | 5 Historical and Cultural Sites to Visit in Nigeria

As the days into my trip progressed, I realized that a lot of the natural sites that survived or where maintained either had some spiritual or cultural ties to them. Now whether I believe the stories or not, were irrelevant. All that mattered was that thankfully, they were being preserved, and I could visit them. Here are my favourites from the sites I visited

▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

0:00 - Intro
1:05 – Awhum waterfalls
3:25 – Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove
7:18 – Ogbunike Caves
9:55 – Olumirin Waterfalls
13:41 – Olumo Rock

Be rest assured the country still has a lot more to offer and I am looking forward to seeing more of these sites Yours Truly Liesel81

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Abuja Nigeria Top 10 Iconic Landmarks and Buildings (4K Drone Shot of Abuja)

This is a drone shot of ABUJA Landmark and buildings. Covering Zuma rock, Aso Rock, National Assembly, Central Bank of Nigeria. National Church, National Mosque, Millennium Tower, Church gate, Glory Dome, and federal Secretarite complex Abuja.

Abuja officially become the capital of Nigeria in 1991. But before them, Lagos state was the capital. But due to congestion and Lagos serving a dual purpose of being a state and capital of Nigeria, plus other considerations, the capital was moved to Abuja.
The city was essentially planned to be built in the phase following the city Master Plan, right now only phase 1 of the plan has been fully implemented, other phase 2-5 is still a work in progress.
The city was also planned to accommodate. 3.2 million people, but right now the city center has well over 6million million due to rapid migration, In fact it is reported that Abuja is one of the fastest-growing cities in the world.

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Abuja Nigeria Top 10 Highrise Buildings {4k Drone Shot}

This video documents the top 10 tallest buildings in Nigeria's capital city,
There are not too many skyscrapers in Abuja unlike Lagos and other African cities like Nairobi and Eygpyt.
This is a 4K drone shot showing the tallest building in Abuja. Building such as BOI building, Church gate, WTC towers, CBN, Millennium towers, and FIRS building among others.

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10 Best Places to visit in Nairobi Kenya 2023 | Tourist Attractions in Nairobi - Travel Guide

10 Best Places to visit in Nairobi Kenya 2023 | Tourist Attractions in Nairobi - Travel Guide

Hey Vee-VIPs, I visited Nairobi Kenya, and as my custom is, I decided to share 10 Best Places to visit in Nairobi Kenya with you. I mentioned the entry fees to these tourist attractions in Nairobi, everything you need to know, as well as what to expect. I really hope you enjoy this video. I love to read your comments. Please leave one, or two. ????????????





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Traveling from Nigeria to Kenya:

My First 24 Hours in Nairobi, Kenya:

Traveling from Nigeria to Ghana:

The Most Beautiful Beach Resort in Nigeria:

Benin Tourist Attractions Best Places To Visit In Benin Republic

Benin Tourist Attractions Best Places To Visit In Benin Republic
Benin played a key role in the development of the African slave trade and was also the birthplace of the voodoo arts. These two ingredients are just a small part of the recipe that makes the complex and rich history of the African nation.

The nation is relatively small and has only a few large cities but Benin begs to be explores and rewards travellers with museums, wonderful architecture and markets that are truly memorable.

The national beauty of Benin also has a lot to tempt tourists. From the paradise Atlantic beaches fringed with palm trees to the national parks teeming with exotic beasts such as lions, cheetahs and elephants as well as rare bird species.

1 Cotonou
It may not be the true capital city of Benin but Cotonou sure does feel like it. The city is an intense blast of urban energy combined with African charm. If it is your first time in Africa, the city can be a little bit daunting and full on but for those willing to risk the adventure, Cotonou has plenty of rewards These rewards include a number of stunning paradise beaches with golden sand and palm trees.The Pendjari National Park is also a must see in Cotonou and is seen as one of the leading animal reserves in Africa.
2 Ouidah Museum of History
Ouidah is a city that has a mix of influence from the French and the Portuguese due to various events in history. The city is located about 40km away from Cotonou and in contrast is more relaxed. If you are interested in African history (and you should be) then this city should be top of your itinerary. It has fantastic museums exploring slavery and voodoo. If all the history gets too much for you, there are more stunning beaches to laze on in Ouidah too.
3 Abomey
Abomey was the capital of Ancient Dahomey for around 300 years starting in the 17th Century. The main attraction and reason for visiting the city is the Unesco World Heritage Site of the Abomey Royal Palaces. Although the palaces have largely been destroyed and are in a ruinous state, the site still has enormous historical value and the tales of kings that once resided here are fascinating.
4 Porto Novo
Porto Novo is the capital city of Benin and former French capital of Dahomey. If you have visited Cotonou first, you will probably struggle to understand why Porto Novo is the official capital city, the population is only around 250,000 and the pace is much more leisurely than Cotono. The influence of the Portugeuse in this area are still clear to see in the present day. Sights in the city include the Royal Palace and gardens as well as the museum of Porto Novo kings.
5 Grand-Popo
The town of Grand-Popo has an intriguing history mainly due to the important role it played in the slave trade. The town oozes with African charm and the people are friendly. The town is about an hours drive from Cotonou and offers a perfect change of pace from the busy city. There are many backside hotels and resorts in the town and the beaches are a great place to relax and swim. The nearby Mono River is a great place to walk and offers a chance to see mangroves and exotic bird life.


A while back, at the beginning of the year (2021) i and a few friends decide to visit the famous Obudu cattle ranch also known as Obudu mountain resort. This is by far the most beautiful place i have ever been to, the landscape there is so amazing! the view from the mountain top is nothing like i had ever seen. Words cannot explain just how beautiful this place is. Little wonder why Obudu mountain resort won the award for the best resort in Nigeria in past years. This resort is located in Cross river state (south south part of Nigeria) The capital of cross river state is Calabar and the resort is located in a community known as Obudu. There are lots of attractions at this resort and here is a list of them and the prices per person

1. waterfall #2,000
2.cataract view #1,000
3. facilities tour #1,000
4. grotto #500
5. Aeroplane field of view #400
6.monkey face view #300
7. holy mountain #1,000
8. intestine road view point #400
9. cameroon border view point #1500
10. igaga water falls #1500
11. retest view point #1500
12. mountain and village walk #1000
13. bird watching #1,500
14. horseback riding #2,000
15. cable car adult #1,500 children 5-12 yrs 750
16. water park Adults #1,100 Children #550
17. Becheve nature reserve/canopy walkway adults #300 children #50
18. Game house (charge per round or charge per game)

These are the available attractions and how much the resort charges, although from my visit there, there isn't any known existing structure to ensure that this payment is made, and when we made the payment, there wasn't any receipt issued. So we found ourselves having to pay again at each point, the best approach would be to first talk to the locals there who are always excited to welcome visitors and help them around. For a little tip, they will go all out to ensure you enjoy your stay.
The road up the mountain is quite steep and so if you are driving there, be sure to go with a car that is in proper shape. Or you have the option of parking at the bottom of the mountain and mounting one of the many motorcycles that ferry people up and down the mountain. I would advice to do everything in your power to get your car up the mountain, because it will make your visits to the different attractions easier and more comfortable.

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The 10 Best Places To Live & Work In Africa - Around The World

Africa is the second-largest continent in the world in both area and population, covering about one-fifth of the total land surface of Earth.
It is an almost entirely isolated landmass with only a small land bridge in the northeast, connecting the African Mainland with Western Asia.
Africa contains an enormous wealth of mineral resources, including some of the world’s largest reserves of fossil fuels, metallic ores, and gems and precious metals.
This richness is matched by a great diversity of biological resources that includes the intensely lush equatorial rainforests of Central Africa, and the world-famous populations of wildlife of the eastern and southern portions of the continent.
Although agriculture (primarily subsistence) still dominates the economies of many African countries, the exploitation of these resources became the most significant economic activity in Africa in the 20th century.

Climatic and other factors have exerted considerable influence on the patterns of human settlement in Africa.
While some areas appear to have been inhabited more or less continuously since the dawn of humanity, enormous regions—notably the desert areas of northern and southwestern Africa—have been largely unoccupied for prolonged periods of time.
Thus, although Africa is the second largest continent, it contains only about 15% of the world’s population.

The beautiful African cities are amazing places to live in, because they are emerging markets with many business and career prospects, and they have basic infrastructure as well as many attractions for recreation.

If you are thinking of moving abroad and want to experience a different culture, then one option is to make a move to Africa.
Each of the countries on this continent has its own culture and landscape, so each location offers something different in terms of lifestyle.
Every location has both pros and cons, so it is important to consider the options when choosing the best location for you.
Here's the list of the 10 best places to live, to work, to visit in Africa:
10. Seychelles. (best place to visit)
9. Tunisia.
8. Tanzania.
7. Mauritius. (happiest country)
6. Namibia.
5. Kenya.
4. Rwanda. (safest place)
3. Morocco.
2. South Africa. (best place to live)
1. Egypt. (best place to work)
Thanks for watching this video. I hope it's useful for you. This article is an opinion based on facts and is meant as infotainment.
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Traveling Lagos | Top things To Do In Lagos Nigeria

Top Things To Do In Lagos Nigeria

Formerly the capital of Nigeria, Lagos retains its title as the country’s largest city. A dizzying metropolis, the city has a reputation as a tech and nightlife hub. Explore the mainland and Lagos Island with their historic museums and colorful markets, or cross over the lagoon to the affluent, cosmopolitan Victoria Island, where exclusive beach resorts vie for space with upmarket dining and shopping opportunities. Let’s get into the video.

In today's video we look at Traveling Lagos | Top things To Do In Lagos Nigeria...Keep watching to see the top things to do when you are traveling to Lagos Nigeria!

Subscribe for Subscribe for travel inspiration, tips, tricks, and more! Inspired by Touropia, Homemade Espresso, and BE AMAZED.

Inspired by 10 Best Things to do in LAGOS, NIGERIA ????????

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Inspired by The LUXURY Side of LAGOS ???????? (Nigeria)

Inspired by It's Impossible to Spend $10 in this Country!

Inspired by Inside Nigeria's Biggest Slum (beyond crazy)

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Top 10 Hotels to Visit in Abuja | Nigeria - English

#AbujaHotels #HotelsInAbuja
With the plentiful options available in Abuja best hotels, travelers are spoiled for choice when it comes to best hotels in Abuja. For those on a budget, Abuja has many great hotels in Abuja and guest houses that provide both safety and comfort. Some of the newly built hotels have been awarded for their design, and more continue to open up. There are also capsule hotels in Abuja, some of which are women-only. For more privacy, there are mid-tier and business famous hotels in Abuja that provide convenience and all the basic amenities, making a great option for travelers who plan to spend most of their time out exploring the city.

Luxury hotels in Abuja provide excellent 5-star service, city views and views over the water if you decide to stay in the Abuja Bay area. Most of Abuja’s luxury hotels are concentrated around the Abuja Imperial Palace, Nihonbashi, Roppongi and Asakusa areas with convenient access to the city’s main sightseeing spots and shopping. There are also many best hotels in Abuja focused on art and design, and some host social events. If you’d like to try something a bit off-the-beaten-path, unique options outside the city include camping cabins and glamping.

Abuja is a place where the people are polite but the culture is just a little bit crazy. The Nigeriaese capital has legions of fans (including us) and is often considered to be one of the most exciting cities to visit in the world. Innovation and new ideas are actively encouraged but the traditional way of life is still very important here. This is one eclectic list of hotels to visit in Abuja – but you’d probably expect nothing less from Abuja best hotels. From our collective time spent in this amazing city and from feedback gathered from our travel network here is a list of our favorite top 10 hotels in Abuja.

Apricot Wanderer's mission is to promote the beauty of the capitals of the world as well as cities and promote the tourism of those cities.

There are many beautiful hotels in Abuja. Nigeria has some of the best hotels in Abuja. We collected data on the top 10 hotels to visit in Abuja. There are many famous hotels in Abuja and some of them are beautiful hotels in Abuja. People from all over Nigeria love these Abuja beautiful hotels which are also Abuja famous hotels. In this video, we will show you the beautiful hotels to visit in Abuja.

Please like this video and subscribe to our YouTube channel Apricot Wanderers and press the Bell icon to stay updated for more videos.


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Nigeria Top 10 Must See Destination 2023

Join us on a journey deep into the heart of Nigeria, as we uncover the lesser-known aspects of this diverse and complex nation. Nigeria, often celebrated for its rich culture, music, and vibrant cities, also hides a darker side that needs attention.

In this eye-opening documentary, we delve into the challenges and issues that Nigeria faces, shedding light on the complexities that often go unnoticed. From the struggles of marginalized communities to the environmental concerns plaguing the nation, we aim to provide a balanced perspective that goes beyond stereotypes.

Places to Visit in Abuja Nigeria (Almat Farms, Kuje)

Abuja, Nigeria. Here is one of the best places to visit to enjoy nature, Almat farms located in Kuje Area Council of Abuja.
Fun things to do in Abuja Nigeria.

Top 10 Best State In Nigeria

In this video i will show you best 10 state in Nigeria right now, and why they the best out of all the 36 state in Nigeria.
in terms of economic and in terms of wealth, this state are the top 10 state in Nigeria.
you can send your opinion with us.
Thanks for watching, see you all in the next video.

10 Most Beautiful Cities in Africa I Best African Cities

Active Tour is sharing the best travel videos from around the world! Watch to see amazing places to visit and get inspired for your next trip. Click here to watch the video now!

Find a place to stay in Africa:


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