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10 Best place to visit in Dugny France


10 Best Places to Visit in France - Travel video

Embark on an enchanting journey through the heart of France with us! ???????? From the iconic streets of Paris to the serene countryside landscapes, join us as we explore the captivating beauty and rich culture of this timeless destination.

With over two decades of being the world's top tourist hotspot, France continues to allure travelers from every corner of the globe. Delight in the sophisticated charm of its culture, savour the exquisite flavours of its cuisine, and indulge in the finest wines known to humanity.

While Paris may steal the spotlight with its iconic landmarks and romantic ambiance, our adventure extends beyond the city limits. Discover hidden gems tucked away in charming villages, marvel at majestic chateaux, and wander through picturesque countryside scenes that seem straight out of a fairytale.

Join us as we uncover the true essence of France, a land where every cobblestone street holds a story, and every corner reveals a new adventure. Don't just dream of Paris; let's go beyond and delve into the soul of France together. Subscribe now and join us on this unforgettable exploration! ????????

Exploring Dijon, France | What To See and Do

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Dijon Highlights:
Place François-Rude (cute square merry-go-round in summer)
Église St Michel
Notre Dame de Dijon
Rue de la chouette (to find the famous owl)
Place des Ducs & Palais des Ducs (and it's tower)
Mulot et Petit Jean (gingerbread shop)
Cité de la Gastronomie

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Top 10 Tourist Destinations in the World Explore the top tourist destinations around the world

Top 10 Tourist Destinations in the World: Explore the top tourist destinations around the world that attract millions of visitors annually, such as Paris, New York, Tokyo, Maldives, and more.

Paris, France: Known as the City of Love and renowned for its iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, and Notre-Dame Cathedral. Visitors can stroll along the Seine River, indulge in gourmet cuisine, and experience the city's vibrant art and culture scene.

New York City, USA: The bustling metropolis that never sleeps, offering a diverse range of attractions including Times Square, Central Park, Statue of Liberty, Broadway shows, and world-class museums like the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Museum of Modern Art.

Tokyo, Japan: A dynamic blend of modernity and tradition, Tokyo is famous for its futuristic skyscrapers, ancient temples, bustling street markets, and delicious cuisine. Highlights include the historic Senso-ji Temple, the futuristic district of Shibuya, and the serene gardens of the Imperial Palace.

Maldives: A tropical paradise renowned for its crystal-clear waters, pristine white-sand beaches, and luxurious overwater bungalows. Ideal for snorkeling, diving, and relaxation, the Maldives offers unparalleled natural beauty and seclusion.

Rome, Italy: A city steeped in history and culture, Rome is home to iconic landmarks such as the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Vatican City. Visitors can explore ancient ruins, indulge in Italian cuisine, and admire masterpieces by Renaissance artists.

Barcelona, Spain: Known for its unique architecture, vibrant street life, and rich cultural heritage, Barcelona offers attractions like Antoni Gaudí's Sagrada Familia and Park Güell, as well as beautiful beaches along the Mediterranean coast.

Istanbul, Turkey: Bridging the gap between Europe and Asia, Istanbul is a melting pot of cultures with its stunning mosques, bustling bazaars, and historic sites like the Hagia Sophia and Topkapi Palace. Visitors can experience traditional Turkish baths, sample delicious street food, and cruise along the Bosphorus Strait.

Bangkok, Thailand: A vibrant city known for its ornate temples, bustling street markets, and lively nightlife. Highlights include the Grand Palace, Wat Pho, floating markets, and the bustling shopping district of Sukhumvit.

London, United Kingdom: A cosmopolitan capital steeped in history and culture, London boasts world-class museums, iconic landmarks like Big Ben and Buckingham Palace, as well as charming neighborhoods like Notting Hill and Covent Garden.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates: A modern marvel of architecture and luxury, Dubai is renowned for its towering skyscrapers, extravagant shopping malls, and man-made islands. Visitors can enjoy desert safaris, indoor skiing, and panoramic views from the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world.

خريطة فرنسا

صباح الخير يا اصدقائي. إنها خريطة فرنسا الجميلة. تقع الغالبية العظمى من أراضي فرنسا وسكانها في أوروبا الغربية ويشار إليها باسم فرنسا الحضرية ، لتمييزها عن سياسات البلاد المختلفة في الخارج. يحدها بحر الشمال من الشمال والقناة الإنجليزية من الشمال الغربي والمحيط الأطلسي من الغرب والبحر الأبيض المتوسط ​​من الجنوب الشرقي. وتتألف حدودها البرية من بلجيكا ولوكسمبورغ من الشمال الشرقي وألمانيا وسويسرا من الشرق وإيطاليا وموناكو من الجنوب الشرقي وأندورا وإسبانيا من الجنوب والجنوب الغربي. باستثناء الشمال الشرقي ، فإن معظم حدود فرنسا البرية مرسومة تقريبًا بالحدود الطبيعية والمعالم الجغرافية: إلى الجنوب والجنوب الشرقي ، على التوالي ، جبال البرانس وجبال الألب والجورا ، وإلى الشرق ، نهر الراين. بسبب شكلها ، غالبًا ما يشار إلى فرنسا باسم l'Hexagone (السداسي). تضم متروبوليتان فرنسا العديد من الجزر الساحلية ، وأكبرها جزيرة كورسيكا. تقع متروبوليتان فرنسا بشكل أساسي بين خطي عرض 41 درجة و 51 درجة شمالاً وخطي طول 6 درجات غرباً و 10 درجات شرقاً ، عند الحد الغربي لأوروبا ، وبالتالي فهي تقع في المنطقة المعتدلة الشمالية. يغطي الجزء القاري منها حوالي 1000 كم من الشمال إلى الجنوب ومن الشرق إلى الغرب. معذرة. يرجى التعليق إذا كنت تحب فرنسا. استمر.

يوجد في فرنسا العديد من المناطق الخارجية حول العالم ، والتي يتم تنظيمها على النحو التالي:

خمسة منهم لديهم نفس الوضع تمامًا مثل المناطق والأقسام الحضرية:
غيانا الفرنسية في أمريكا الجنوبية ؛
جوادلوب في منطقة البحر الكاريبي ؛
مارتينيك في منطقة البحر الكاريبي ؛
مايوت في المحيط الهندي ، قبالة سواحل شرق إفريقيا ؛
ريونيون في المحيط الهندي ، قبالة شرق إفريقيا.
تسعة منهم يتمتعون بوضع قانوني خاص متميز عن المناطق والإدارات الحضرية:
في المحيط الأطلسي: سان بيير وميكلون ، وفي جزر الهند الغربية: سانت مارتن وسانت بارتليمي.
في المحيط الهادئ: بولينيزيا الفرنسية ، التجمع الخاص لكاليدونيا الجديدة ، واليس وفوتونا وجزيرة كليبرتون.
في المحيط الهندي: جزر كيرغولين وجزر كروزيت وجزر سان بول وأمستردام والجزر المتناثرة في المحيط الهندي
في أنتاركتيكا: أديلي لاند.
تمتلك فرنسا حدودًا برية مع البرازيل وسورينام عبر غيانا الفرنسية ومع مملكة هولندا عبر الجزء الفرنسي من سانت مارتن.

تغطي متروبوليتان فرنسا 551،500 كيلومتر مربع ، وهي الأكبر بين أعضاء الاتحاد الأوروبي. تبلغ المساحة الإجمالية لفرنسا ، مع إداراتها وأقاليمها فيما وراء البحار (باستثناء Terre Adélie) ، 643801 كيلومتر مربع ، أو 0.45٪ من إجمالي مساحة الأرض على الأرض. تمتلك فرنسا مجموعة متنوعة من المناظر الطبيعية ، من السهول الساحلية في الشمال والغرب إلى سلاسل جبال الألب في الجنوب الشرقي ، و Massif Central في وسط الجنوب وجبال البرانس في الجنوب الغربي. هذا كل شيئ. شكرا على الاستماع. يرجى الاشتراك للحصول على أفضل الخرائط ومن أجل حب فرنسا. إلى اللقاء.

Verdun, France


Verdun in France is best known for the terrible battle in 1916 but the town itself is really charming!

Norwich Duff , a British naval officer, visited Verdun in 1819, shortly after the conclusion of the Napoleonic Wars. He writes: 'Verdun is prettily situated in a valley surrounded by hills. The River Meuse runs through the town and forms several canals and ditches round the town which is fortified and, I believe, by the great Marshal Vauban. The citadel and surroundings are a good deal out of repair and people were at work on them. Though there is little to see at Verdun, every part of it felt interesting from the number of our countrymen confined here during the war. Verdun is famous for its sweetmeats, sugar plums, confits etc which are said to be the best in France. They made us show our passports here it being a fortified town.

My channel on you tube : is one of the most prolific from Poland, although unfortunately not the most visited. With almost one film per day, one may be forgiven for thinking I do nothing else but I do have a day job as well. I have produced more than 400 original films, most in English but also in Polish, French, Italian, Spanish and the occassional hint of German and Hebrew. My big interest in life is travel and history but I have also placed films on other subjects

Please feel free to ask questions in the public area or to comment on things you disagree with. Sometimes there are mistakes because I speak without preparation. If I see the mistakes myself, I make this clear in the text. Please also leave a star rating!

There are a number of films here on the packaging industry. This is because I am the publisher of Central and Eastern European Packaging -- - the international platform for the packaging industry in this region focussing on the latest innovations, trends, design, branding, legislation and environmental issues with in-depth profiles of major industry achievers. Most people may think packaging pretty boring but it possibly effects your life more than you really imagine!

Central and Eastern European Packaging examines the packaging industry throughout this region, but in particular in the largest regional economies which are Russia, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Austria. That is not to say that the other countries are forgotten, they are not, but obviously there is less going on. However the fact that there are so many travel related films here is not from holidays but from business trips attending trade fairs around the region and the sites and give a pretty good idea where future films are going to come from! Every packaging trade fair is a new excuse to make another film!

In 1997 I founded Polish Business News .There are a number of business related films here and I intend to do many more on CRM (customer relations management).

My blog can be found via and and contains background information and more details of many of my films. This information is in English.

I have also a second blog on the site . This site has been recently started by a friend and I think it will soon be one of the leading travel sites in Poland, if not Central Europe. It contains additional information about some of the places and events shown in these films but most of that is in Polish.

[4k] Palace of Versailles tour 2023 | Paris must see attraction

Dive into the opulent world of French royalty with this stunning 4K tour of the Palace of Versailles in 2023! Step inside the dazzling Hall of Mirrors, marvel at the grandeur of the King's and Queen's apartments, and wander through the breathtaking Gardens of Versailles. This immersive experience whisks you back to the height of French nobility, revealing the palace's history, secrets, and must-see treasures.
Skip the long lines with our insider tips and explore at your own pace. Discover hidden gems, uncover fascinating stories, and get a true insider's look at this unforgettable Paris attraction. Whether you're a history
‍Whether you're planning a visit or simply seeking a virtual escape, this 4K tour offers an unforgettable experience. ✨

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-----------------Time Stamp -------------------
00:00 Introduction
00:25 Equestrian statue of Louis XIV
00:56 The Horses of the Sun
01:58 Royal Chapel
02:17 Hercules Room
02:41 Salon of Venus
02:56 Salon Diane
03:13 Salon Of Mars
03:28 Mercury Salon
04:00 Hall of Mirrors
04:25 Royal Bedroom


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????All material in this video is original and personally recorded by Rez World Travel on location. Copyright © 2023 All Rights Reserved.

Castel Camping Parc de Fierbois

Alan Rogers Website:

Parc de Fierbois has an impressive entrance and a tree-lined driveway and is set among 250 acres of lakes and forest in the heart of the Loire Valley. In all, there are 320 pitches including 133 for touring units, the remainder being used by tour operators and for chalets and mobile homes. The 133 touring pitches, mostly level and separated by low hedging or small trees, all have electricity (10A). The other pitches are small or medium in size, many unmarked and some sloping and in the shade. This is a lively family holiday site.

Domaine de Dugny holiday home owners tell all

We meet the Watkins' family, holiday home owners at siblu's Domaine de Dugny holiday village in the Loire Valley, France

The Dordogne, France: Perfectly Medieval Beynac - Rick Steves’ Europe Travel Guide - Travel Bite

More info about travel to the Dordogne: The feudal village of Beynac is a perfectly preserved medieval village, with the Dordogne River at its doorstep. In villages like this, there's nothing to really tour. It's just plain pretty. #ricksteveseurope #ricksteves #dordogne

Visit for more information about this destination and other destinations in Europe.

Check out more Rick Steves’ Europe travel resources:
• “Rick Steves’ Europe” public television series:
• “Travel with Rick Steves” public radio program:
• European Tours:
• Guidebooks:
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• Travel Classes:
• Rick Steves Audio Europe App:

Rick Steves, America's most respected authority on European travel, writes European travel guidebooks, and hosts travel shows on public television and public radio.

Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Onzain | Best Hotels In Onzain

Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Onzain | Best Hotels In Onzain

1) Domaine des Hauts de Loire, Onzain
Booking or More Details:

2) Château des Tertres, Onzain
Booking or More Details:

3) Nosybe37, Onzain
Booking or More Details:

4) Domaine de Dugny, Onzain
Booking or More Details:

5) Camping Officiel Siblu Domaine de Dugny, Onzain
Booking or More Details:

Queries Solved:
1) Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Onzain
2) Top 5 Hotels In Onzain
3) Top Five Hotels In Onzain
4) Top 5 Romantic Hotels In Onzain
5) 5 Best Hotels For Couples In Onzain
6) Hotels In Onzain
7) Best Hotels In Onzain
8) Top 5 Luxury Hotels In Onzain
9) Luxury Hotel In Onzain
10) Luxury Hotels In Onzain
11) Luxury Stay In Onzain
12) Top 5 4 Star Hotel In Onzain
13) Best 4 Star Hotel In Onzain
14) 4 Star Hotel In Onzain

Our Other Video:
1) Top 10 Hotels In France:
2) Top 10 Hotels In Poitou-Charentes:
3) Top 5 Hotels In Vallauris:
4) Top 10 Hotels In Entre-Deux-Mers:
5) Top 10 Hotels In Bandol Wine Route:
6) Top 10 Hotels In Indre et Loire:
7) Top 5 Hotels In Luchon Superbagnères Ski Resort:
8) Top 10 Hotels In Golfe d'Ajaccio:
9) Top 4 Hotels In Carpentras:
10) Top 5 Hotels In Hilltop villages of Fayence:
11) Top 10 Hotels In Meribel:
12) Top 5 Hotels In Roquebrune-Cap-Martin:
13) Top 5 Hotels In La Bourboule:
14) Top 10 Hotels In Route des Vins de Bandol:
15) Top 10 Hotels In A6:
16) Top 5 Hotels In Cambo-les-Bains:
17) Top 5 Hotels In Fleury:
18) Top 10 Hotels In Basse-Normandie:
19) Top 5 Hotels In Saint-Martin-de-Re:
20) Top 10 Hotels In Parc National des Pyrenees:

Audio Credit:
Track Title: Fiesta de la Vida
Artist: Aaron Kenny

* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel By 3 Girls.
Copyright issue? Please contact us and for getting more information you can find contact details on the about us page of the channel.

*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

#TravelBy3Girls #Top5HotelsInOnzain #TopFiveHotelsInOnzain #Top5RomanticHotelsInOnzain #HotelsInOnzain #BestHotelsInOnzain #Top5HotelsInFrance #LuxuryHotelsInOnzain #4StarHotelInOnzain

Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Litteau | Best Hotels In Litteau

Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Litteau | Best Hotels In Litteau

1) Hebergement dans un Domaine à Litteau
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2) Camping Officiel Siblu Domaine de Litteau
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3) Elima Normandie, Litteau
Booking or More Details:

4) Calvados Normandy Holiday Lodge, Litteau
Booking or More Details:

5) Le Manoir de Herouville, Litteau
Booking or More Details:

Queries Solved:
1) Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Litteau
2) Top 5 Hotels In Litteau
3) Top Five Hotels In Litteau
4) Top 5 Romantic Hotels In Litteau
5) 5 Best Hotels For Couples In Litteau
6) Hotels In Litteau
7) Best Hotels In Litteau
8) Top 5 Luxury Hotels In Litteau
9) Luxury Hotel In Litteau
10) Luxury Hotels In Litteau
11) Luxury Stay In Litteau
12) Top 5 4 Star Hotel In Litteau
13) Best 4 Star Hotel In Litteau
14) 4 Star Hotel In Litteau

Our Other Video:
1) Top 10 Hotels In France:
2) Top 10 Hotels In Loire-Atlantique:
3) Top 5 Hotels In Les Angles:
4) Top 5 Hotels In Briancon:
5) Top 5 Hotels In Vias:
6) Top 10 Hotels In Les Deux Alpes:
7) Top 5 Hotels In Vence:
8) Top 10 Hotels In Morzine:
9) Top 5 Hotels In Domaine skiable du Tourmalet:
10) Top 10 Hotels In Serre Chevalier:
11) Top 10 Hotels In EuroVelo 6:
12) Top 10 Hotels In Courchevel:
13) Top 5 Hotels In La Salle Les Alpes:
14) Top 10 Hotels In Pays Basque francais:
15) Top 10 Hotels In Aveyron:
16) Top 5 Hotels In Bagneres-de-Bigorre:
17) Top 5 Hotels In Cabourg:
18) Top 5 Hotels In Hendaye:
19) Top 5 Hotels In Luz-Saint-Sauveur:
20) Top 10 Hotels In Amboise:

Audio Credit:
Track Title: Reasons To Hope
Artist: Reed Mathis

* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel By 3 Girls.
Copyright issue? Please contact us and for getting more information you can find contact details on the about us page of the channel.

*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

#TravelBy3Girls #Top5HotelsInLitteau #TopFiveHotelsInLitteau #Top5RomanticHotelsInLitteau #HotelsInLitteau #BestHotelsInLitteau #Top5HotelsInFrance #LuxuryHotelsInLitteau #4StarHotelInLitteau

Fort Dugny

Fort Dugny, système Séré de Rivières,2013.

Camping by the plane at Blois onzain dugny

parc georges valbon | Paris vlog | barua | Bangla blog | france | parc de la laCourneuve | vlog | 4K

Contact Georges Valbon Park in La Courneuve
Parc Départemental de la Courneuve Georges Valbon
Avenue Waldeck Rochet
48.939124 , 2.406374

tel : 01 43 11 13 00 (Accueil grand public)

fax : 01 43 11 19 89 (Accueil grand public)

Getting there
Bus : 249, Cimetière
Bus : 250, Parc des sports
Bus : 252, cité Floréal
Motorway : A1, A86, direction Nanterre - sortie La Courneuve Saint-Denis
RER (Regional rapid transit) : B, La Courneuve Aubervilliers
Tram : T11, Dugny-La Courneuve

The garden is open to the public.
The park’s free activities
Appreciating golf as well as sports and cultural activities, many facilities are free..
* Hire a horse-drawn carriage to ride around and see the parks from April to September
* Two nature trails around the lakes and one around the trees.
* A fitness trail
* Four jogging trails of 1 km, 3 km, 5 km and 12 km
* Eight guided trails in the park, maps and information details about the trail are offered at “Maison du Parc”, French park reception desk.
* Hiking trail of a 10 km loop. Booking with the French hiking federation team.
* Features playgrounds; includes carrousel, swings, slides and a climbing frame, table tennis.
* Bikes, tandem bikes and quad sport rentals
* Paddle boats and rowing boats
* Roller practicing lanes
* In summertime many activities and entertainment are proposed to all the public.
* UCPA equestrian centre

Credit for Music
Song: Dipcrusher - Islands (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:

Song: Erik Lund - Tokyo Sunset (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:

An aerial view of Le Montourey siblu holiday village

Enjoy a birds-eye view of our Le Montourey siblu holiday village in the Cote d'Azur in the south of France.

La Forge de Sainte Marie

A secluded site suited to couples or families looking for a quieter stay. Although there's lots to keep children occupied, including organised games, a pool and games room, the tranquil atmosphere is retained. Adults can enjoy wine and cheese tastings, guided walks, historical tours and even join a medieval banquet. Nearby Joinville has a Renaissance château with extensive, French-style gardens while Grand, 20km away, has a well-preserved Gallo-Roman amphitheatre.
Touring pitches are of a good size and private thanks to the surrounding trees and hedges.

Les Dunes de Contis 3*, Saint Julien en Born, Les Landes

Decouvrez le magnifique village Siblu des Dunes de Contis, situé en plein coeur des Landes.

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Soirée Antillaise du 10 Aout 2013 @NimCréole

Deuxième soirée antillaise au restaurant Nim'Créole .

Buffet à Volonté ( Entrée, Plat, Dessert ) 20€

3, Rue de la République, 30000 Nîmes .

SURVOL - DIAPORAMA - BALADE - Parc de la Courneuve - Georges Valbon

Situé en Ile de France, c'est le 3ème parc le plus grand de la région parisienne avec de beaux paysages variés organisés ou plus sauvages avec : des jardins, une roseraie, de grandes prairies en enfilade, des bois, des collines, des lacs, rivières et cascades.
La faune est assez variée. Vous pourrez voir entre autres de nombreux lapins et oiseaux d'eau.
Il y a de nombreux équipements.

C'est une promenade pour tous : vous pouvez simplement vous prélasser ou faire du sport, des petites ou très grandes promenades (max 20 km avec ou sans dénivelé).

* Pour promouvoir cette chaine et rester informé des publications merci de visionner toute la vidéo, vous abonner et cliquer sur j'aime.

Description :

J'ai mis un plan du parc en début de vidéo (plan, transports, équipements, règlementation voir lien plus bas) et des photos paysages.

Accès multiple au parc : Je propose un accès à pied, en transports en commun ou en voiture (voir plus bas les accès)

Le parc est coupé par la ligne du T11 (avec 2 accès directs au parc). 2 ponts passent au dessus du T11.

Il forme en gros 2 rectangles l'un de 1,5 sur 1 km et l'autre plus vallonnée de 0,8x0,8 km plus une bande de 0,9 x 0,3 km.

Vous trouverez dans le parc :

- Une végétation variée avec des bosquets, des jardins fleuris, une roseraie.

- Des activités sportives : fitness, ping-pong, chemins de randonnée, espace nautique etc...

- Des endroits pour se restaurer, reposer ou se distraire : aires de pique-nique abritées, bancs, tables, chaises longues, buvettes, aires de jeux etc...

- Il y a une grande variété d'animaux dont certains sont visibles selon leur saison ou fréquentation (140 espèces d'oiseaux). Parmi les plus faciles à observer :
. canards, oies, poules d'eau, foulques, mouettes, cormoran, hérons (dont le Blongios nain) et oiseaux divers plus communs.
. Nombreux lapins, et quelques écureuils.

Dénivelé : nombreuses collines contournables plutôt sur la seconde partie du parc plus petite avec un maximum de 50m (vers les cascades).

Accès :

- En venant des berges du canal Saint Denis depuis les environs du stade de France :
. à 3km du parc (trajet en général séparé de la circulation), pour la jonction avec une balade proposée sur le canal Saint Denis.
-Tramway T1 à la station cosmonautes de Saint Denis (à 1,5km du parc).
- T11 avec 2 entrées proximité du parc (Stains La Cerisaie / Dugny La Courneuve).
- Nombreux bus et transports autour du parc (voir le plan du parc)
- Nombreux parkings autour du parc : voir vidéo et le fichier KMZ joint pour Google Earth joint ou le plan du parc.
- Via la A86 et la A1 et parkings autour du parc : voir le plan, la vidéo et le fichier KMZ.

Villes proches par ordre horaire autour du parc en partant du sud : la Courneuve, Saint-Denis, Stains, Garges-lès-Gonesses, Dugny.

Renseignements divers :

- Plan du parc et règlementation :
- Le parc de la Courneuve Georges Valbon :
- Le parc fait partie de la Plaine Commune :
- Un document d'étude d'objectifs de 2011 pour le parc :
- La redécouverte d'une rivière : la vieille mer
- Le fort militaire ATLAS - GSBdD :
- Les cités :

Playlist associée :

Balades et points d'intérêts fichier KMZ Google Earth voir sous-titres vers la fin de la vidéo.

Musique :

Titre : Song Of The Wanderers
Auteur : Savfk |
Music promoted by
Attribution CC BY 4.0 :

Titre : Rustic Ballad
Auteur : Alexander Nakarada |
Music promoted by
Attribution CC BY 4.0 :

Titre : paralyzed
Auteur : Punch Deck |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

Titre : Haven Of The Faeries
Auteur : Darren-Curtis |
Music promoted by
CC Attribution 3.0 Unported License

La Courneuve (93) : visite de la cité 'Les 4000'

La Courneuve (93) : visite de la cité 'Les 4000'



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