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10 Best place to visit in Douentza Mali


mali (video expedition) #10 dourou

We hike from Dourou at the top of the Bandiagara escarpment to Nombori at the the bottom and see the Sahara for the first time

Why Bamako Mali So Influential In Pan African History and Economy of Mali Empire. Discover Mali

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Bamako is the capital of Mali is a beautiful investments and tourism destination for business. Bamako Mali has transformed in both economic activities and living in Bamako. Mali has relations with France for many years and the official language in Mali is French with other local language. Bamako Mali contributed in the economic growth of the country of Mali as it is the main economic and business hub. In Mali, the economic importance of the capital city cannot be understated – it is the nerve center of the national economy. If the capital, Bamako, were to be removed, Mali would lose 36 percent of GDP. Thus, reforms and investments aimed at tackling urban development challenges in the capital will have knock-on effects on national economic development. Mali history and culture is attached with Bamako in the old Mali empire. Président Modibo Keïta International Airport Bamako see flights coming from Europe like AirFrance, Brussels airlines, Kenya airways, Ethiopia airlines, Emirates airlines. Mali if one of the largest countries in Africa, bigger than Germany an comparing to Texas in the United States. Mali has attracted international headlines in recent years but Bamako has a huge history when Mali and Africa are mentioned. Mali has many touristic attractions when you visit. Here are the 15 Best Places to Visit in Mal Timbuktu, The Great Mosque, Gao, Bamako, Djenné, Mopti, Ségou, Mount Hombori, Sikasso, Kayes, Boucle du Baoulé National Park, National Park of Mali, Ansongo, Kidal, Douentza, Bandiagara, Taoudenni, Adrar des Ifoghas.

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Bamako is the capital and largest city of Mali, with a 2009 population of 1,810,366 and an estimated 2020 population of 2.71 million. It is located on the Niger River, near the rapids that divide the upper and middle Niger valleys in the southwestern part of the country. Bamako is the nation's administrative centre.

Mali, officially the Republic of Mali, is a landlocked country in West Africa. Mali is the eighth-largest country in Africa, with an area of over 1,240,000 square kilometres. The population of Mali is 19.1 million. 67% of its population was estimated to be under the age of 25 in 2017

I make travel and informative videos about Africa countries including economic, African cities, African capitals and African infrastructure projects. Best places to visit and live in Africa, doing business in Africa, African culture and entertainment. Hotels in Africa and best places to visit in Africa. I cover countries in africa like Ghana, Tanzania, Senegal, Gambia, Ivory Coast, Burkina Fasso, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, Morocco, Democratic republic of Congo, Uganda, Mali Sudan, Madagascar, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Angola, Namibia, Rwanda, Somalia, Guinea, Tunisia, Mozambique, Botswana, Djibouti, Sierra Leon, Seychelles, Liberia, Malawi, Gabon.

Mali II: From Ségou to Djenné

After enjoying Bamako, Travelista Teri heads to the village of Ségou Koro and then to Ségou where she tries millet beer at a family’s home and learns the secrets of making traditional Malian mud cloth.



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Les villages Dogons de la falaise de Bandiagara (Mali)

Bandiagara Escarpment and Dogons villages (Mali)
(first Ireli (geolocalization), after Amani and last Tireli)

Les Dogons sont un peuple du Mali, en Afrique de l'Ouest. Leur population est estimée à 700 000 personnes[réf. nécessaire]. Ils occupent la région qui va de la falaise de Bandiagara au sud-ouest de la boucle du Niger. Quelques Dogons sont installés dans le nord du Burkina Faso, d'autres se sont installés en Côte d'Ivoire.
Les Dogons sont avant tout des cultivateurs (essentiellement du mil) et des forgerons. Ils sont réputés pour leur cosmogonie et leurs sculptures. La langue parlée par les Dogons est le dogon qui regroupe plusieurs dialectes. Il existe aussi une langue secrète, le sigi so, langue réservée à la société des masques. Les Dogons sont liés avec lethnie des Bozos par la parenté à plaisanterie. Dogons et Bozos se moquent réciproquement, mais parallèlement se doivent assistance.
Les Dogons seraient venus du Mandé, région située au sud-ouest du Mali au XIVe siècle pour éviter l'islamisation. Ils se seraient installés à Kani Bonzon avant de se disperser sur trois sites que sont la Falaise de Bandiagara (site mis en 2003 sur la liste mondiale du patrimoine de l'UNESCO), le plateau (région de Sangha) et la plaine. Cette falaise était alors habitée par les Tellem, portant aussi le nom de kurumba. D'après les Dogons, les Bana ont précédé les Tellem. Même s'ils ont longtemps subi la domination des divers peuples ayant créé de grands empires ou royaumes, les Dogons ont toujours su conserver leur indépendance à cause de la difficulté d'accès à leurs territoires montagneux isolés. Les Dogons luttèrent farouchement contre les Mossis à l'epoque de l'empire sonhrai, puis contre les Peuls à partir du XVIIe siècle. Les Dogons et les Soninkés sont très liés, les Dogons étaient parfois influencés culturellement et linguistiquement par les Soninkés dont certains se sont mélangés aux Dogons lors de leur grande dispersion après la chute de l'empire du Ghana.

The Dogon are a group of people living in the central plateau region of Mali, south of the Niger bend near the city of Bandiagara in the Mopti region. They number just under 800,000. The Dogon are best known for their mythology, their mask dances, wooden sculpture and their architecture. The past century has seen significant changes in the social organization, material culture and beliefs of the Dogon, partly because Dogon country is one of Mali's major tourist attraction
The principal Dogon area is bisected by the Bandiagara Escarpment, a sandstone cliff of up to 500m (1,640 ft) high, stretching for about 150km (almost 100 miles). To the southeast of the cliff, the sandy Séno-Gondo Plains are found, and northwest of the cliff are the Bandiagara Highlands. The current population is at least 450,000. Historically, Dogon villages have frequently fallen victim to Islamic slave raiders.Neighboring Islamic tribal groups acted as slave merchants, as the growth of cities increased the demand for slaves across the region of West Africa. The historical pattern has included murder of indignenous males by Islamic jihadists and enslavement of women and children. As early as the 12th century the Dogon people fled west to avoid conversion to Islam and enslavement.
At the end of the eighteenth century, the jihads that were triggered by the resurgence of Islam caused slaves to be sought for warfare. Dogon insecurity in the face of these historical pressures caused them to locate their villages in defensible positions along the walls of the escarpment. The other factor influencing their choice of settlement location is water. The Niger River is nearby and in the sandstone rock, a rivulet runs at the foot of the cliff at the lowest point of the area during the wet season.

see :

Musiciens à Mopti

Musiciens dans la rue à Mopti (Mali) en 2000.

Mali : village sur la falaise de Bandiagara

1er novembre 2007
Rushes du film « Home » :La falaise de Bandiagara domine la plaine sableuse du Seno-Gondo. La paroi de la falaise de Bandiagara est parsemée de grottes et de vestiges d'habitat troglodityque . Les Dogons qui ont construit leur village au pied ou sur la falaise utilisent aujourd'hui ces anciennes habitations comme sépulture pour leurs morts. Images d'archive INA
Institut National de l'Audiovisuel
#INA #Voyage

MALI - Around Bandiagara

Why Douentza? Travels in Mali - Timbuctu, Dogon & Bamako

This video is a travel log of my trip to Mali, West Africa, in 1989. It contains photos of Timbuctu, Dogon Country and Bamako and my narration.
#Timbuctu #Dogon #Bamako #Mali #Fulani #Tuareg

If you liked this video, you'll love my book, Journal of an Irish Garden, available from

MALI Dounetza mountains

Anant de Main du Fatima a Douentza trobes desenes de parets... amb metres de roca verge esperant ser descoberta

Crossing Niger River by ferry, to Tombouctou, Mali, W. Africa.

On 4th January 2009, I went from Douentza to Tombouctou on my way to the Festival au Desert, Essakane, which was held from the 8th-10th January 2009. This was my 4th time at the Festival.only had a mobile camera as my camcorder was stolen in the arrivals Hall in Bamako airport.:(

Republic of Mali NO4 Bicycle fellow Akira (Japanese)

Monument volleyball of West African.
Mali republic highest peak Hombori mountain is seen.
On the way from Douentza to Gao.

Bicycle fellow Akira (Japanese)

Finding a way from Mopti to Timbuktu, Mali

Mopti on the Niger river is the first, or last major port town from Timbuktu. After over 2 weeks of traveling overland from Accra Ghana we arrived. Finding transport to Timbuktu would not be that easy. It took three days. We originally planned on a public pinasse to stay with our adventure of all local transport, but even for us hard core travellers upon seeing the pinasses we said, no way. So we found a car. During this time the Tuaregs were known as the bandits of the Sahara. Our driver drove fast, really fast.

Grande Mosque made of mud Djenne Mali

Grande Mosque made of mud, Djenne, Mali - Images of Mali.
The Grande Mosque in Djenne is the largest mud-brick building in the world. It has three huge turrets with wooden poles sticking out..

Africa. Mali.

Hombori Tondo, Mopti Region , Mali

Malí octubre de 2009. Trek en el País Dogón

Abdou sobre la impresionante falla de Bandiagara

Nombori in Dogon Country, Mali, Africa 2007

The view from part way up the Bandiagara Escarpment above the Dogon Village of Nombori

BTT - Mali 2006 (2a part, país Dogon)

(2a part) BTT - Viatge en bicicleta a Mali: Bamako, San, Djenne, Sofara, Bankas, País Dogon, Douentza, Kona, Mopti,... pedalant ente Bambares, Dogon, Peuls, Botzo,... i tempestes!

Janga janga review by the guide in Dogon ????????

How the Dogon women do janga janga. A honest review by the ethnic tourist guide at the sandstone cliff of Bandiagara Escarpment in Dogon county, central plateau region of Mali, West Africa. SUBSCRIBE georeiser:

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MALI février 2009 : le pays Dogon 2

Diaporama sur le pays Dogon au Mali

Ende - Pays Dogon - Mali

Reportage sur les activités de l'association de tourisme solidaire et de développement Le Tour de l'Amitié dans le village Dogon de Ende. Octobre 2011.



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