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10 Best place to visit in Delcevo Macedonia


Delcevo & Berovo | Macedonia 2023 | Travelsofmozzy

Come with me on a journey through Macedonia, and see how these two beautiful towns are: Delcevo and Berovo.

I will show you around the attractions, interact with the locals and showcase their amazing cuisine (to my best ability :P)

Делчево, Севрена Македония - старо име Царево село - видео и снимки от дрон в 4k формат

Делчево, Севрена Македония - старо име Царево село - видео и снимки от дрон в 4k формат
#Делчево #Delchevo #Delčevo

Съветваме Ви да посетите град Делчево поне веднъж в СЪБОТА, тъй като тогава е пазарен ден. На кадрите ще видите отвисоко, от птичи поглед как изглежда пазара в Делчево.
Изключително много българи, от София, Благоевград, Перник, Дупница, Кюстендил и къде ли още не, често посещават град Делчево. Съчетават се покупката на свежи, пресни, вкусни плодове и зеленчуци, качествени дрехи, и обяд, или пък вечеря в квалитетни ресторанти с доказано добра кухня и уникално любезни служители.

Нашата препоръка е, когато посетите Делчево, обезателно да посетите Трла, Антика, а да пиете кафе, или пиво, както казват македонците, в заведението Pub.

Delčevo - Macedonia - прекрасен избор за разходка! Има какво да посетите!
Ако имате повече време, то посетете манастирите “Света Богородица Балакалия”, (изграден през 1915 г. и реставриран и осветен през 1999 г.) и “Покров на Пресвета Богородица”, (изграден през 1920 г. и възобновен през 1990 г.), както и църквата “Успение на Пресвета Богородица”, (от средата на XIX век.).

Delchevo, North Macedonia - old name Tsarevo selo - video and footage from a drone in 4k format

We advise you to visit the city of Delchevo at least once on a SATURDAY, because then it is a market day. In the shots, you will see from above, from a bird's eye view, what the market in Delčevo looks like.
An extremely large number of Bulgarians, from Sofia, Blagoevgrad, Pernik, Dupnica, Kyustendil and elsewhere, often visit the town of Delchevo. The purchase of fresh, fresh, tasty fruits and vegetables, quality clothes, and lunch or dinner in quality restaurants with proven good cuisine and uniquely kind employees are combined.

Our recommendation is that, when you visit Delčevo, you must visit Trla, Antika, and drink coffee, or beer, as the Macedonians say, at the Pub.

Delčevo - Macedonia - a wonderful choice for a walk! There is a lot to visit!
If you have more time, visit the monasteries Sveta Bogoroditsa Balakalia, (built in 1915 and restored and consecrated in 1999) and Pokrov na Presveta Bogoroditsa, (built in 1920 and restored in 1990) , as well as the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary church (from the middle of the 19th century).

Делчево Р. Македонија / Delchevo Republica Macedonia

Ubavinite na Delcevo R. Makedonija ????????????????????????
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Welcome to Tetovo | Macedonia 2023 | Travelsofmozzy

Tetovo is located at the foothills of the Shar Mountain in north-western Macedonia, 468 m above the sea level, on the edge of the Polog Valley. The city is separated by the river Pena, which flows from the Shar mountain.

In this video we go through:
- Xhamia e Larme Mosque
- Fast food - Burger House
- Coffe spot - Spiritz
- Lartana Restaurant

Places recommended by the locals:
- Palma Mall (Biggest mall in Tetovo)
- Popova Shapka (Great for skiing)
- Parajsa E Sharrit (Amazing restaurant on the hill)

Welcome to Kicevo | Macedonia 2023 | Travelsofmozzy

Kičevo is a city in the western part of North Macedonia, located in a valley in the south-eastern slopes of Mount Bistra, between the cities of Ohrid and Gostivar. The capital Skopje is 112 km away. The city of Kičevo is the seat of Kičevo Municipality.

Tetovo -

Macedonia Kamperem - Ochryda

00:00 - Pa Pa Pajechali
00:56 - Nocka w Serbii - 46.090369, 19.766397
01:30 - Wjazd do Macedonii
01:55 - Zgubiliśmy się kamperem w Skopje
03:38 - Miejscówka z widokiem na Jezioro Kozjak - 41.888970, 21.227369
05:10 - Kajaki na jeziorze Matka
06:36 - Camper Stop K'j Divono - 41.091752, 20.800008
07:04 - Spotkanie z prezydentem Macedonii ;)
08:52 - Ochryda i Klasztor św. Nauma
12:24 - Zbieramy się dalej do Albanii

Делчево МК | Delčevo MK


Делчево е град во источниот дел на Македонија сместен во котлината Пијанец во близина на границата со Бугарија.
Делчево, според едно предание во византиско време се викало Василево, што преведено од грчки значи Царево Село. За прв пат како населба Царево Село се споменува во една повелба на Цар Душан од 1347 до 1350 година. со неа тој му подарил повеќе места и ниви од Пијанец на манастирот од Лесново. Во турско време Делчево се викал и Султанија.
На 164 км источно од Скопје, во подножјето на планината Голак, распослан на двата брега на реката Брегалница лежи градот Делчево. Тоа е најголемо населено место во областа Пијанец, која се протега на површина од 585 км 2 , сместена помеѓу Осоговските планини (на север) и Малешевските ( на југ). Градот лежи на надморска височина од 590м до 640 м. И покрај тоа што се наоѓа во најисточнот дел од државата Делчево има релативно добра географска положба и сообраќајна поврзаност. Тоа е крстосница за источна Македонија. Преку Пехчево (27 км) и Берово (34км) е поврзано со Струмица на југ, а преку Македонска Каменица (22км) и Кочани (48км) е поврзано со Штип на северозапад. На запад на 39 км, се наоѓа Виница, а на исток е граничниот премин Арнаутски гроб (11км), преку кој се стигнува до главниот град на Пиринска Македонија - Благоевград (34км)


Delčevo (Macedonian: Делчево) is a small town in the eastern mountainous part of the Republic of Macedonia. It is the municipal seat of the eponymous municipality. The town is named after revolutionary Goce Delčev.
Delčevo was first mentioned in a charter of Serbian Emperor Stefan Dušan in the 14th century.
The town has changed its name several times. During the Ottoman period it was visited by a Sultan personally. A large number of Christian people converted to Islam, and at that time the town was called Sultania or Sultaniye. The Islamised Christian population hadn't learned the Turkish language and they renamed Sultania into their own language, Tsarevo Selo (Tsar's village). One year before Sultan Mehmed II, the Turkish travel writer Evlija Celebija had passed there and wrote: After Vinica we climbed upon Kocani mountain meadow and after 4 hours walking along the ravine, we arrived in Tsarevo Selo. This is a Muslim village and it lays in the mountain ornamented with 100 houses and one marvelous mosque with minaret.

Music: Vlatko Stefanovski & Miroslav Tadić
Prošeta se Jovka Kumanovka

The KRIVA PALANKA Town. North Macedonia. Car Ride. Travel Vlog. 4K

Car ride in KRIVA PALANKA Town. North Macedonia-Albania. You see with your own eyes this beautiful town and mountains. Happy viewing.

#Car Ride, #travelvlog , #North Macedonia , #albania , #car trip, #travel

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Stip City, Macedonia. The center of the world. #stip #fortress #oneway #capital

Video commercial for a business apartment in Stip for rent. Real Estate Agency
video & production: New Vision

Pehčevo, Macedonia

Pehčevo is a small town in the eastern part of the Republic of Macedonia. It is the seat of Pehčevo Municipality. In 2002, the town had 3,193 residents.
Municipality of Pehčevo (5,517 inhabitants; 208.2 sq. km), is made of, town of Pehčevo and the 6 settlements: Negrevo, Pančarevo, Robovo, Umleca, Crnik and Čiflik.
The municipality is fairly isolated and lives mostly from agriculture, producing the 'maleshevsko sirenje', the country top-priced sheep's cheese.

Night Life in Skopje, City Center

Night life in Skopje. Amazing street performance.
Filmed in summer 2019.

Autumn 2021 Delcevo

Undiscovered Places - Sushica, Republic of Macedonia

It is wonderful to travel to undiscovered places, this experience is indispensable, to be in the arms of nature is magical, come to the village of Sušica - Poreče, in the Republic of Macedonia, and you will experience it!

Exploring an abandoned and neglected castle in the capital city! - Balkan run 10 countries 1 month

Here I first got stuck again at the border but when I finally managed to cross it I explored the bombastic city of Skopje which was quite interesting, to say the least. The cultural blend is very nice though! What did you think of the main castle of the capital being neglected like that? What did you think of it's young look?

Join me on my adventures through the Balkans and see how much you could see in a month of solo travel.

#travel #travelling #traveller #wanderlust #globetrotter #balkan #greece #thessaloniki #northmacedonia #skopje

SPOOKY SKOPJE: abandoned ships and secret tunnels! ????????

Abandoned ships, secret tunnels and marble buildings: the centre of Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia has it all! I arrived in my first Balkan city with no idea of what to expect and with plenty of things to discover, I was not disappointed!

Follow @daniel_ngl and myself as we explore the more unusual parts of the city. Make sure to check out Daniel's channel, too!

Don't forget to like, comment, share, and subscribe to stay up to date with my Balkan adventures!


Intro: 00:00
Abandoned ship: 00:56
City centre: 05:32
Secret tunnels: 07:12
Kale fortress: 10:41

#solotraveler #worldtravel #abandonedplaces #balkans #skopje #northmacedonia

Делчево, Северна Македония

That is Bulgaria - 39 Delchevo - Делчево

See English version below Bulgarian text.

Това е България:
Делчево е разположено в югоизточна България в област Благоевград, на 9 км югоизточно от Гоце Делчев.

Делчево - Гоце Делчев е една от многото забележителности в България .
Официално Делчево възниква през 17 век близо до турска ферма. Той остава под османско владичество до 1912 г. и се нарича Юч Дурук. През 1934 г. получава сегашното си име.

Село Делчево е красиво разположено над Гоце Делчев. Лесно достъпен чрез добре подготвен планински проход.
След няколко завоя преди входа на селото, местните жители са изградили панорамна тераса, където можете напълно да се насладите на панорамната гледка на Гоце Делчев, близките села - Марчево, Огняново, Гърмен, Мусомище, Борово и околните планини.

Къщите са от края на 19-началото на 20-ти век. Архитектурният стил е разнообразен. Няколко къщи носят имена, отнасящи се до семейната история. Селото е било обитавано от фермери за отглеждане на добитък и отглеждане на тютюн. В селото живеели и строителни работници, дърводелци и златари.

Църквата Успение Богородично е в центъра на селото, построена през 1838 година.
Интериорът съдържа стенописи, иконостаси и 10 сцени от „шестдневната живопис“, изобразена на витражи от 19-ти век. Иконите във вътрешността на църквата от 19-ти век имат художествена стойност.

През февруари се провежда ежегодният фестивал на виното с подрязване на лозите и състезание за най-добро домашно вино.

Съществува и ритуалът драконова сватба на традиционна Делчевска сватба в традиционна носия.
Легендата разказва, че някога е имало много зли дракони близо до селото. Един от тях обаче се влюбил в местно момиче, което превърнало дракона в добър и благочестив мъж. 

Delchevo is located in southeastern Bulgaria in the province of Blagoevgrad, 9 km southeast of Gotse Deltjev.

It is one of the many tourist attractions in Bulgaria.
There are indications that there would have been a Roman settlement in the region around Delchevo. The observation and security tower outside the village bears witness to various activities from that time.

Officially Delchevo originated in the 17th century near a Turkish farm. It remained under Ottoman Rule until 1912 and was called Yuch Duruk. In 1934 it got its current name.

Delchevo is one of the many beautiful villages in Bulgaria, beautifully situated above Gotse Deltjev. Easily accessible via a well prepared mountain pass.
A few bends before the entrance of the village, the locals have built a panoramic terrace where you can fully enjoy the view on Gotse Delchev and the nearby villages - Marchevo, Ognyanovo, Garmen, Musomishte, Borovo and the surrounding mountains.

From the village itself reveals an unforgettable view.
There is a limited space to park at the entrance of the village.

Via the small authentic paths you can walk through the historic village with authentic character.
The houses are built along an amphitheater-like bowl-shaped mountain wall, which reaches the highest and lowest parts. They are from the late 19th -early 20th century. The architectural style is varied. Several houses bear names referring to the family history. The village was inhabited by farmers for raising livestock and tobacco growing. Construction workers, woodworkers and goldsmiths also lived in the village.

The Assumption Church is in the center of the village, built in 1838, is a stone building with three naves and a south-facing gallery with a dome above the central nave (probably added later during the reconstruction).
The interior contains frescoes, iconostasis and 10 scenes of the “six-day painting” depicted on the stained glass windows from the 19th century. Icons (66 number of 19the century) are of artistic value in the church interior.

In February there is the annual wine festival with the pruning of the vines and a competition for the best house wine.

There is also the dragon wedding ritual of a traditional Delchevo wedding in traditional costume.
Legend has it that there were once many evil dragons near the village. However, one of them fell in love with a local girl who transformed the dragon into a good and charitable man.

Veles - Clock Tower

Short video for - A 360° Virtual tours across Macedonia
- Финансирано од Општината Велес / Funded by the Veles municipality

???????? 자전거로 산을 넘어 들어온 17번째 국가 북마케도니아 【자전거 세계여행 120】

2023.03.26 ~ 03.27

꽤나 길었던 불가리아를 뒤로하고 새로운 17번째 국가 북마케도니아 입국기

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Insta : jinwcho
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촬영 : Gopro10
음원 : Epidemic Sound

Drone Footage. Skopje, Macedonia



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