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10 Best place to visit in Cuito Angola


BIE PROVINCE Top 4 Tourist Places | Bié Province Tourism | ANGOLA

Bié Province (Things to do - Places to Visit) - BIE PROVINCE Top Tourist Places
Bié is a province of Angola located on the Bié Plateau in the central part of the country. Its capital is Kuito, which was called Silva Porto until independence from Portugal in 1975.

The province has an area of 70,314 square kilometers and a population of 1,338,923.

BIE PROVINCE Top 4 Tourist Places | Bié Province Tourism

Things to do in BIE PROVINCE - Places to Visit in Bié Province

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BIE PROVINCE Top 4 Tourist Places - Bié Province, Angola, Africa

Luanda Angola 2022 Raw Streets of Hoje Ya Henda Village Market HD

#Angola #Luanda #TravelVlog

Africa angola had it going on, I was absolutely blown away by how crazy the raw village streets of Luanda Angola unreal scenes .. find out exactly here…

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The source of the Okavango wilderness: Angola's untapped territory teeming with biodiversity

A crew of National Geographic scientists, explorers and filmmakers made it their mission to traverse the many Angolan rivers that supply water to Botswana’s world-famous Okavango Delta. Here's what they discovered...


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Kwanza River Angola

Kwanza Lodge and Kwanza River day trip in Angola

Organized by Eco Tur Angola

+244 944438200 whatapp



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5 raisons pour lesquelles vous devez absolument visiter l'Angola

5 raisons pour lesquelles vous devez absolument visiter l'Angola
Bonjour les amis, nous vous présentons une autre vidéo passionnante à la demande d'un de nos fans. Dans cette vidéo, nous allons vous présenter 5 raisons pour lesquelles vous devez absolument visiter l'Angola, mais d'abord un bref aperçu de l'Angola.
L'Angola est un pays sur la côte ouest de l'Afrique australe et est le septième plus grand pays d'Afrique. L'Angola a une province enclavée, la province de Cabinda qui borde la République du Congo et la République démocratique du Congo. La capitale et la plus grande ville d'Angola est Luanda. Le territoire de l'Angola est habité depuis l'ère paléolithique, abritant une grande variété de groupes ethniques, de tribus et de royaumes. L'État-nation de l'Angola est issu de la colonisation portugaise, qui a commencé avec les colonies côtières et les comptoirs commerciaux fondés au XVIe siècle. Au XIXe siècle, les colons européens ont progressivement commencé à s'établir à l'intérieur.
La colonie portugaise qui est devenue l'Angola n'a eu ses frontières actuelles qu'au début du XXe siècle en raison de la résistance de groupes tels que les Cuamato, les Kwanyama et les Mbunda. Après une longue lutte anticoloniale, l'indépendance a été obtenue en 1975 en tant que République populaire marxiste-léniniste d'Angola, un État à parti unique soutenu par l'Union soviétique et Cuba. La guerre civile entre le Mouvement populaire pour la libération de l'Angola au pouvoir et l'Union nationale insurgée anticommuniste pour l'indépendance totale de l'Angola, soutenue par les États-Unis et l'Afrique du Sud de l'apartheid, a duré jusqu'en 2002. L'État souverain est depuis devenu un pays relativement ‘’République constitutionnelle unitaire et présidentielle stable.
L'Angola est un État membre des Nations Unies, de l'OPEP, de l'Union africaine, de la Communauté des pays de langue portugaise et de la Communauté de développement de l'Afrique australe. Pays hautement multiethnique, les 25,8 millions d'habitants de l'Angola couvrent des groupes tribaux, des coutumes et des traditions. La culture angolaise reflète des siècles de domination portugaise, dans la prédominance de la langue portugaise et de l'Église catholique.
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Pendant trop longtemps, l'Afrique du Sud et le Zimbabwe ont été les destinations de choix pour l'Afrique australe. Cependant, grâce aux récents changements de visa, l'Angola est enfin en train de devenir une destination de voyage passionnante. De la capitale animée de Luanda dans le nord aux régions montagneuses à couper le souffle dans le sud, l'Angola possède un éventail étonnant de paysages qui attendent d'être explorés. Et la meilleure partie : vous aurez probablement tout pour vous étant donné que de nombreux touristes ne se rendent pas encore en Angola. L'Angola est l'un des pays touristiques les plus récents qui attire de nombreux touristes à travers le monde et voici 5 raisons pour lesquelles vous devez absolument visiter l'Angola.
1. Une capitale dynamique, Luanda
Luanda est la capitale et la plus grande ville d’Angola et c’est le principal port principal, son principal centre industriel, culturel et urbain. La capitale Luanda sera probablement votre premier arrêt à votre arrivée en Angola. Le long de la baie, la zone nouvellement régénérée du Marginal agit comme un point central étincelant de la ville. Entourez-vous d'une architecture coloniale dans le centre historique de Baixa et assurez-vous de rechercher des boutiques et des bars cachés dans les rues étroites. Le front de mer modernisé Marginal est un cadre idéal pour une promenade en soirée à Jose Pinto. Le long de la broche de sable d'Ilha, apportez votre serviette pour un après-midi sur la plage de la ville, et si vous recherchez un avant-goût de la grande vie, sirotez un cocktail dans l'un des bars haut de gamme du quartier exclusif de Mussulo. La diversité raciale, culturelle et linguistique de Luanda en fait un point chaud et un endroit pour s'amuser en Angola. En tant qu'épicentre économique et politique de la culture angolaise, Luanda est également le centre de la culture angolaise, y compris la fondation sindiko Dokolo. Luanda est également l'hôte du festival international de jazz annuel depuis 2009.
#dévoiler #top10 #tourisme


Angola, oficialmente República de Angola, é um país da costa ocidental de África, cujo território principal é limitado a norte e a nordeste pela República Democrática do Congo, a leste pela Zâmbia, a sul pela Namíbia e a oeste pelo Oceano Atlântico. Inclui também o exclave de Cabinda, através do qual faz fronteira com a República do Congo, a norte. Para além dos vizinhos já mencionados, Angola é o país mais próximo da colónia britânica de Santa Helena.
O país tem vastos recursos naturais, como grande reservas de minerais e de petróleo e, desde 1990, sua economia tem apresentado taxas de crescimento que estão entre as maiores do mundo, especialmente depois do fim da guerra civil. No entanto, os padrões de vida angolanos continuam baixos e cerca de 70% da população vive com menos de dois dólares por dia, enquanto as taxas de expectativa de vida e mortalidade infantil no país continuam entre as piores do mundo, além da presença proeminente da desigualdade económica, visto que a maioria da riqueza do país está concentrada numa parte desproporcionalmente pequena da população. Angola também é considerada um dos países menos desenvolvidos do planeta conforme a Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) e um dos mais corruptos do mundo pela Transparência Internacional.
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Serra da Leba

A Serra da Leba separa a Huíla do Namibe, tem um declive de mais de 1.000 metros e faz parte do roteiro turístico de dentro e fora de portas. Seduz o mais exigente turista, por ser inédita e grandiosa. Com o miradouro, a paisagem, a cascata, os tons e sons únicos, tem sido visitada por grandes personalidades que se encantam e extasiam.
No passado, as vias comerciais tinham caminhos impraticáveis e o comércio era moroso, com a carga transportada às cabeças dos carregadores ou no dorso de animais. Hoje, destaca-se pela estrada ziguezagueada desenhada num aveludar da encosta. A estrada é uma obra da arte de 20km, com 19 curvas espectaculares, construída em 1915, com a ousadia e conhecimento do Eng.º Artur Torres, ligando agora o Namibe ao Lubango em 2 horas.

Alto Sunde Floresta de Maiombé Miconje Cabinda Angola

Angola Tour At the River Kunene May 2009 Eps 7

Rico has a camp at the Kunene river in Angola. Louis continued all along the river upstream via the Himba tribes and on to Ruacana Namibia.



???????? Aeroporto Internacional de Luanda, Angola - 4 de Fevereiro e Férias ❤


Venham hoje comigo conhecer o Aeroporto internacional de Luanda em Angola, batizado 4 de Fevereiro e originalmente batizado como Aeroporto Internacional Presidente Craveiro Lopes. Poderão ver como o aeroporto se encontra no seu interior, os aviões que se encontram na placa, saber um pouco da sua história e ver um pequeno vídeo da época da ponte aérea de Angola, a maior já realizada em tempos de paz.

Vão conhecer o avião da TAAG linhas aéreas de Angola, que me trouxe até Lisboa, o Boeing 777-300 D2-TEK “Morro do Moco”, assim como o seu irmão gémeo D2-TEH que se encontrava parqueado a seu lado.

Depois de apertarmos os cintos de segurança foi hora de decolarmos da pista 23 deste aeroporto e filmar uma maravilhosa vista aérea sobre a cidade de Luanda. Sete horas e meia depois já na manga do aeroporto internacional de Lisboa, “Aeroporto Humberto Delgado”, foi tempo de partir para umas férias com passagem pela cidade de Lamego, pela Régua e pelas belas praias e sítios de caminhada de Vila Nova de Mil Fontes.

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Discover the Hidden Gems of Angola's Top 10 Attractions

Angola is a stunning country with a lot to explore! In this video, we'll share with you our top 10 places to visit in Angola, including the highlights of Luanda, Cuito Cuanavale, and the Benguela National Park.

Whether you're planning a short trip or a long expedition, Angola has something for everyone. In this video, we'll show you everything you need to know about visiting Angola and making the most of your visit!
Angola Unveiled Top 10 Must See Attractions

Tchitundo Hulo in Angola

We are an Angolan Tour Operator. We would like to make a presentation of the Southern part of Angola, where is possible to combine two types of Tours, one with The Tribes you can find around Lubango, going to the South of Angola all along the border to Namibia, and one with The Ocean Coast where you can travel between Namibe and Foz de Cunene.

Of course, we can put together tailor-made tours based on these suggestions; we can start or finish in Lubango, or Namibe, or Windhoek in Namibia or from the border with Namibia.We suggest that you consider a minimum of 12 or 15 days to get a good idea of this area.

We also have a long experience in assistance for geological prospecting in all Angola. We can provide you the invitation letter for your Embassy to obtain the tourism visa.

Angola is a friendly and safe country.
Health: yellow fever is requested.
Best season: april - may to october-november
Highlights of Southern Angola

Oasis of Arco :
Discover the beauty and the tranquility of this deep-blue coloured lake, with its amazing rock formations and a wide variety of birds.

Namib Desert :
The oldest desert on earth, from Tombua to Walvis Bay in Namibia, you will discover a unique to the region plant, the Welwitchia Mirabilis, looking like a giant symbol of resistance. You will also admire the spectacular scenery of the dunes, so close to the coast, and that inspire respect.

Beaches :
Relax on white sand beaches, or go fishing or diving and explore the huge diversity of marine life while you catch oysters, clams, mussels and fresh fish directly from the sea for your dinner.

Baia dos Tigres and Foz de Cunene :
The road is very narrow between high dunes and the Ocean, only praticable during the spring tides. You will pass the Isthmus, now the Island of Baia dos Tigres, where whales, dolphins, seals, green turtles, jackals, gemsbok and brown hyenas can be found. You will reach Foz de Cunene for a swim in the fresh and clean waters of the River, and you will enjoy a fine meal at night under the stars.

Iona National Park :
This Park is situated about 200Kms south of the city of Namibe, in the area of Espinheira. You can find there animals like oryx, zébras, ostriches, jackals, springboks, and dik dik. Before the war it was the land of elephants, leopards, lions, and impalas.Maybe in the future they will reintroduce these specimens from neighbouring countries like Namibia, Botswana and South Africa. You will cross a thorny Savannah, dry and sandy riverbeds, and will really be in the Angolan bush, where you will enjoy the vast and yellow plains with its fascinating sunrises and sunsets. Here is the gateway to the Muhimba, Mucawona and Mudhimba tribes.

Pediva hot Springs :
Another oasis in the desert, a nice place for camping near the hot springs and the fresh water of the Curoca river. You will find the remains of an old German elephant hunter's lodge at the top of the hill.

Tchitundo-Hulo :
A nice walk to discover the prehistoric rock paintings on the top of the hill or inside the rocks.It becomes more and more difficult to find them because the big difference between night and day temperatures destroys the surface of the rocks. Some circles could be the representation of the sun, the moon; some figures could be men, giraffes, antelopes, birds, fish or wild animals. This site could be dated at 2600 years old, but other sites could be around 20 000 years old.
In this area the Mucuval tribe can be found.

The Plateau and Province of Huila :
We reach the fertile Central Plateau around Lubango town, by a very nice and spectacular road The Serra da Leba Pass. Here we are in the land of the Mwila and Mugambwe tribes.

The Tribes :
Province of Huila : Mwila and Mugambwe
Province of Namibe : Mucuval and Mucuroca
Province of Kunene : Muhimba, Mudhimba and Mucawona
We invite you to enjoy our photos and videos about them.

The Camp :
Experience five star camping in Southern Angola, one of the least explored areas in Africa. Our camps include :

Fully equipped kitchens
Heated showers
Tents for one or two people, with beds, sheets, mattresses, sleeping bags and pillows
Fridges for food and beverages in the cars

We provide a truck in case of big groups, for all the equipment
Full breakfast
Cold lunches
Hot dinners with wine
Mineral water, soft drinks and beers are available at any times.

TPA 2 - Roadshow Cuando Cubango (Parte 2)

Programa emitido a partir do Cuando Cubango, no dia 28 de Fevereiro de 2014, com destaque para a Bacia do Okavango e Rio Cuito.


Potencialidades do turismo angolano

Num momento em que Angola cresce em áreas cada vez mais diferenciadas, a aposta no sector do turismo contribui para a economia nacional. Descubra quais as medidas que serão tomadas até 2020 para fomentar o sector e qual a opinião de António Pedro Aguiar, representante da Welcome to Angola, sobre a evolução do turismo angolano.

Tourism potential of Angola

At a time when Angola grows increasingly in differentiated areas, the focus on the tourism sector contributes to the national economy. Discover what measures will be taken up to 2020 to foster the sector and what is the opinion of António Pedro Aguiar, representative of Welcome to Angola, on the evolution of the Angolan tourism.

Negócios Angola - RTP África

Saving One of the Most Pristine Wetlands on Earth | National Geographic

The Okavango Delta is one of the most vibrant wetlands in the world, but it's under threat.
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Located in the Kalahari Desert of northern Botswana, the oasis is fed by Angola's Cuito and Cubango Rivers. The delta is a wildlife paradise and home to many exotic animals like elephants, hippos, sitatungas, and African fish eagles. But the delta is in danger as Angola seeks to develop the upper reaches of the Cuito and Cubango. Increasingly, forests along the banks are being burned down for river access, hunting, and subsistence crops. With these growing pressures, the future of the delta is at stake. The Okavango Wilderness Project is rooted in this cause. National Geographic Society sponsored an intrepid expedition team to research and survey the headwaters and document the need to protect the ecosystem. This animated video will reveal some the team's wildlife discoveries and the environmental concerns the delta faces—as well as the tricky business of conservation across political borders.

Read the entire story in the November 2017 issue of National Geographic:

Saving One of the Most Pristine Wetlands on Earth | National Geographic

National Geographic

NAMIBE - Angola - africa - photo - 2015


Reserva Florestal do Golungo - Alto 2

A Reserva florestal do Golungo - Alto tem uma área de 558km2. É uma região rica em diversidade de espécies como a pacaça, hipopótamos, antílopes, corças, lebres, galinhas do mato e perdizes. Também aqui se encontram elefantes, leões, onças, lobos, hienas, chacais e mabecos.

Angola Toer Episode 4 Jan 2016

Angola Tour Episode 4 North to Luanda



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