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10 Best place to visit in Ceggia Italy


979 ITALY - Campalto Tessera Portegrandi Caposile Calvecchia Ceggia 2019 WWW.TOFIL.NET

???? £1.00 Donation Click here ???? ???? WWW.TOFIL.NET ???? REC DATE - 2019
00:00:12 #Campalto
00:04:32 #Tessera
00:15:40 #Portegrandi
00:22:04 #Caposile
00:35:33 #Calvecchia
00:41:48 #Ceggia

Le 10 feste di carnevale più belle in Italia

Quali sono le feste di carnevale più belle d'Italia? Ecco la classifica dei posti più belli dove festeggiare il carnevale secondo Come si viaggia.

1 Carnevale di Venezia
In questa classifica non poteva sicuramente mancare il carnevale di Venezia, famoso in Italia e nel mondo

2 Carnevale d'Ivrea
Famoso per la battaglia delle arance

3 Carnevale di Viareggio
A due passi dal mare, sulla splendida costa della Versilia in Toscana, si svolge il celebre Carnevale di Viareggio

4 Carnevale di Putignano
E' un evento che sa mescolare la tradizione plurisecolare con le creazioni innovative degli ultimi anni

5 Carnevale di Acireale
Questo evento viene definito come il Carnevale più bello di tutta la Sicilia

6 Carnevale di Mamoiada
I veri protagonisti di questo Carnevale vanno controcorrente e si vestono di nero, sfoggiano volti tristi

7 Carnevale di Fano
Troverete carri che lanciano dolci, cioccolatini e caramelle al pubblico

8 Carnevale Ambrosiano di Milano
Questo carnevale ha inizio quando gli altri finiscono

9 Carnevale di Cento
Il Carnevale di Cento è gemellato dal 1990 col carnevale di Rio, che è fra i più famosi del mondo

10 Carnevale di Ronciglione
Una tradizione equestre che si tramanda da secoli attraverso la caratteristica Cavalcata degli Ussari

Ringraziamo Claudio Pisicchio per il Voice-over

Ceggia to Codroipo : Sicily to Ukraine by camper van part 42


I continue through Veneto Giulia along what I believe to be part of a Roman road - the Via Anna before heading north along new roads and getting my first views of the Alps. Although it is June, the rain gets quite heavy and I decide to take shelter and use the time to have something to eat. Despite the bad weather now, the weather had been very nice and the rain and hail, although severe, quickly clears up.

My channel on you tube : is very prolific. I have produced over 2,500 original films.

My big interest in life is travel and history but I have also placed films on other subjects. For those that want to know more, I have groups on facebook related to motorhome travelling, history and packaging.

Please feel free to ask questions in the public area or to comment on things you disagree with. Sometimes there are mistakes because I speak without preparation. If I see the mistakes myself, I make this clear in the text. Please also leave a star rating!

I am very fortunate that I can spend a large part of my life travelling, thanks to the business I chose to run which allows me to do this. There are a number of films here on the packaging industry. This is because I am the publisher of Central and Eastern European Packaging -- - the international platform for the packaging industry in this region focusing on the latest innovations, trends, design, branding, legislation and environmental issues with in-depth profiles of major industry achievers.

Most people may think packaging pretty boring but it possibly effects your life more than you really imagine!

Central and Eastern European Packaging examines the packaging industry throughout this region, but in particular in the largest regional economies which are Russia, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Austria. That is not to say that the other countries are forgotten, they are not, but obviously there is less going on. However the fact that there are so many travel related films here is not from holidays but from business trips attending trade fairs around the region. Every packaging trade fair is a new excuse to make another film!

Tessera - ITALY 2019 Road Trip DASHCAM WWW.TOFIL.NET

???? £1.00 Donation Click here ???? ???? WWW.TOFIL.NET ???? REC DATE - 2019 #tofil


Storm Season 2013 - the best of..

Summary report of the thunderstorm season through 2013 spring and summer, with my best photos and videos.
All photos and videos were made in Eastern Veneto (North Italy).
Follow me on flickr:
Follow me here on youtube, by subscribing to my channel

My Blog:
My Weather Website:


Report riassuntivo della stagione temporalesca della primavera/estate 2013 con le mie migliori foto e video.
Tutte le foto e i video sono state fatte nel Veneto Orientale.
Seguimi su flickr:
Seguimi qui su youtube, iscrivendoti al mio canale

Il mio blog:
Il mio sito Meteo:

Luoghi / Places:

0:09 - San Stino di Livenza - Portogruaro
1:00 - Stretti di Eraclea
1:21 - Ceggia
1:25 - Musile di Piave
1:33 - Lido Altanea
1:38 - Stretti di Eraclea
1:51 - Caorle
2:02 - Ceggia
2:09 - Cittanova
2:14 - Ceggia/Fossà
2:23 - Stretti di Eraclea
2:40 - Ceggia
2:46 - Stretti
3:04 - Ponte Capitello
3:20 - Ottava Presa
3:28 - Sindacale / Portogruaro
3:58 - Stretti di Eraclea
4:03 - Caorle
4:32 - San Stino di Livenza
4:44 - Stretti di Eraclea
5:13 - Marango
5:20 - Stretti di Eraclea
5:31 - La Salute di Livenza
6:13 - Cortellazzo
6:33 - Passarella / Eraclea
6:51 - Torre di Mosto
6:54 - Caorle
7:08 - Stretti di Eraclea
7:44 - Cittanova

Rupa Peci Gabria Devetachi Visintini Palchisce Micoli SS55 Italien Italy 9.4.2015

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

A4 | TRIESTE - VENEZIA | Autostrada Serenissima

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Sovraimpressione della segnaletica stradale verticale lungo tutto il percorso.

Autostrada Serenissima A4 | tratto: Trieste - Venezia
***????????????????????????????????: Jun 2021
START: SP1 - Opicina (TS) - RA13
END: A57 Tangenziale di Mestre - Barriera di Venezia ovest Villabona

Steps On Water - Mar Vei (Epidemic Sound)
Trembling - Maiwan (Epidemic Sound)
Fugue State - Maiwan (Epidemic Sound)
Umbrella Corp - Alex Dovo (Epidemic Sound)
Ride My Heart - Mar Vei (Epidemic Sound)
Catch Yesterday - Civet Cat (Epidemic Sound)

Grazie agli ???????????????????????????????? al canale:
- SICILIAN DRIVER SR (superstrada)
- Stefano_28 - UnfixedSamu - Flavio Iommetti - Marco Scaccabarozzi - DarkNight2793 - Michael Saggioro - Giorgio Tiraboschi - Alberto Pesci - Stefano - ME Roads - Autostrade Italiane - Andrea's Adventures - Il Bombushka - Il portiere del Leipzig - Giuliano Veronica (strada statale)

Sicilian Driver - Italian Roads - Roads Of Naples - Italian Driver - ME Roads -Autostrade Italiane - GioDriver - Ismaele Channel TV - The Driver

L'autostrada A4 (detta anche Serenissima) è un'autostrada italiana che attraversa da ovest a est l'intera pianura padana, partendo da Torino, passando per Milano, Venezia e terminando a Sistiana (TS), da cui prosegue verso Trieste, senza soluzione di continuità, con la classificazione RA 13. È la terza autostrada italiana per lunghezza dopo la A1 e la A14.

Nel tratto Venezia-Trieste il transito di mezzi pesanti nel 2008 è aumentato del 16% (circa 913 000 mezzi pesanti), mentre l'aumento del traffico complessivo è stato del 105% dal 2004 al 2008.

Da sempre questa autostrada è considerata uno dei punti nevralgici della rete viaria italiana facendo parte di uno dei più importanti corridoi europei che collegano l'estremità della Penisola iberica con le nazioni dei Balcani.

Il suo percorso di circa 530 km è gestito da società diverse: S.A.T.A.P. (Torino-Milano), Autostrade per l'Italia (Milano-Brescia), Autostrada Brescia - Verona - Vicenza - Padova (Brescia-Padova), Concessioni Autostradali Venete (Padova-Venezia e Passante di Mestre) e Autovie Venete (Venezia-Trieste).

Tratto Venezia-Trieste:

Il tratto, di lunghezza complessiva di circa 120 km, è interamente gestito da Autovie Venete e presenta per la quasi totalità del percorso solo due corsie oltre alla corsia d'emergenza. Il tratto è per sessanta chilometri in territorio veneto, la cui ultima uscita di Portogruaro coincide con la parte iniziale della autostrada A28, sino ad entrare in Friuli-Venezia Giulia in provincia di Udine.

A partire da inizio anni Duemila, in seguito alla notevole crescita economica dei paesi dell'Europa orientale, l'autostrada ha registrato il più rapido aumento di traffico di mezzi pesanti rispetto a tutti gli altri valichi autostradali italiani. A questo si è sommato l'aumento del traffico estivo in direzione delle coste slovene e croate. L'inadeguatezza dell'autostrada a far fronte al progressivo aumento di traffico fu evidente in seguito a numerosi gravi incidenti. Nel 2005 il CIPE approva il progetto di ampliamento a tre corsie per un tratto totale di 95 km dal Passante di Mestre alla diramazione dell'autostrada A34 a Villesse. Il 5 settembre 2008 il Presidente della regione autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia Renzo Tondo viene nominato Commissario delegato per l'emergenza in A4, carica che viene poi assunta dal successore Debora Serracchiani. Il 17 novembre 2014 viene inaugurato il primo lotto di 18 km da Quarto d'Altino a San Donà di Piave. Attualmente sono in corso i lavori di allargamento fra Portogruaro e Palmanova e dovrebbero essere completati entro il 2021. Tra San Donà di Piave e Portogruaro e tra Palmanova e Villesse i lavori non sono ancora iniziati.

Nelle vicinanze di Palmanova dalla A4 si dirama l'autostrada A23 per Udine - Tarvisio - Austria.

Nell'ultimo tratto si incontrano le uscite di Villesse (svincolo A34 per Gorizia e Slovenia), di Ronchi dei Legionari (per l'aeroporto di Trieste e del Friuli-Venezia Giulia e il sacrario militare di Redipuglia) e il casello terminale di Trieste-Lisert. L'autostrada, non a pedaggio, prosegue con le uscite di Duino (solo da e per Venezia) e Sistiana, con connessione con la SR 14 e il raccordo autostradale 13, quest'ultimo naturale proseguimento dell'A4 verso Trieste e la Slovenia.

Nel tratto compreso tra Venezia est e Redipuglia, sono stati installati alcuni dispositivi safety tutor per il controllo della velocità media dal 3 febbraio 2011.

Fonte: Wikipedia

Musile di Piave, Veneto, Italy


This is Musile di Piave, a town in the province of Venezia in northern Italy on the Piave river. I broke my journey here for one day which allowed me to spend the night here as well as to do some work.

The name of Musile is rather unusual, it may come from the old Venetian word mussa which means something like dam, bank, fence or elevated land. In the Middle Ages musil or musile is also synonymous with grazing land or meadow.

For me, the most interesting period is the role of the town during the first world war when the town found itself directly on the front. Following the Austrian and German breakthrough after the battle of Caporetto in the autumn of 1917, Italian forces gave up a great deal of territory in the north east of the country. Musile was the scene of fierce fighting in June 1918 which destroyed the town. The present town was rebuilt in the twenties as can be seen in this film.

My channel on you tube : is very prolific. I have produced over 2,500 original films.

My big interest in life is travel and history but I have also placed films on other subjects. For those that want to know more, I have groups on facebook related to motorhome travelling, history and packaging.

Please feel free to ask questions in the public area or to comment on things you disagree with. Sometimes there are mistakes because I speak without preparation. If I see the mistakes myself, I make this clear in the text. Please also leave a star rating!

I am very fortunate that I can spend a large part of my life travelling, thanks to the business I chose to run which allows me to do this. There are a number of films here on the packaging industry. This is because I am the publisher of Central and Eastern European Packaging -- - the international platform for the packaging industry in this region focusing on the latest innovations, trends, design, branding, legislation and environmental issues with in-depth profiles of major industry achievers.

Most people may think packaging pretty boring but it possibly effects your life more than you really imagine!

Central and Eastern European Packaging examines the packaging industry throughout this region, but in particular in the largest regional economies which are Russia, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Austria. That is not to say that the other countries are forgotten, they are not, but obviously there is less going on. However the fact that there are so many travel related films here is not from holidays but from business trips attending trade fairs around the region. Every packaging trade fair is a new excuse to make another film!

[4K Driving Italy, Veneto, Cinto Caomaggiore to Calvecchia]

Hello friends. Our journey this time takes place from the town of Cinto Caomaggiore, near Portogruaro, passing through the wine region of Annone Veneto and Loncon. We will also pass through the cities of San Biagio, Pradipozzo, Ceggia (City of the young people's carnival), and arriving at Calvecchia. Our route also includes passing close to some important cities in the region, such as: San Stino di Livenza, Biverone, S. Anastasio, Torre Di Mosto.

Please, suscribe, comment, share, like. Help the channel grow! Thank you very much!

Cinto Caomaggiore:
Its historical origin is documented by archaeological finds, including numerous silver coins of high historical and numismatic value, which date it back to Roman times. At the beginning of 1100 it had its own church and its own jurisdiction, both civil and ecclesiastical, which made it an already formed town at the time. It was part of the Concordia episcopate, politically it depended on Aquileia. In the 14th century it passed under the Venetian republic and only became a municipality in 1806. Particularly interesting from an artistic point of view is the church of Settimo, dating back to the 16th century, whose façade is made up of a splendid central rose window. Inside there are ancient frescoes dating back to the period between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. Other monuments include the church of the Concezione, from the neoclassical era, and Villa Trevisan, from the eighteenth century. The local economy coexists with the traditional rural setting, based on the cultivation of cereals, wheat, vegetables, fodder, vines and fruit trees and on cattle, pigs, goats, horses and poultry. The industry is active in the paper production, electronics, metallurgical and woodworking sectors. The tertiary sector is made up of a sufficient commercial network and a set of services that satisfy the primary needs of the population.

Close to the glorious Concordia, inhabited in Roman times, it was depopulated in the 5th century and then rose again in the 10th century. The area was often the scene of bloody clashes. Having also survived the attacks of marauders in 1361, it found a long period of serenity in the subjection to the republic of San Marco (1420). The administration of the Venetian nobles was wise and this guaranteed a strong expansion. After the sunset of Concordia, Pope Sisto V in 1586 moved the episcopal seat there. It became part of the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy, then passed to the department of Passariano (corresponding to today's provinces of Udine and Pordenone), and with the subjection to the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia it was transferred to the province of Venice. It was invaded by the Austrians in 1917 following the defeat of Caporetto. The artistic heritage is very rich: the church of Sant'Agnese dates back to 1243, and the Romanesque church of San Giovanni dates back to 1338. Dating back to the 16th century is the church dedicated to the Nativity of Mary, with two side chapels and a single nave.Agriculture produces cereals, fruits, vegetables, fodder and grapes. Gas production, the chemical industry, plastic material factories and feed mills are the industrial ramifications that absorb the most labour. The tertiary sector is made up of a good commercial network and services, including banking, IT consultancy, insurance and pension funds.

Annone Veneto:
Its origin must be sought in its very toponym AD NONUM, which bears witness to the role of village it once played, acting as a supply point for the Roman troops, who found food and lodging there. Halfway between Concordia and Oderzo, it became part of the Lombard possessions, under Erfo and Marco; in 762 and 888 it passed under the patriarchs of Aquileia. In 1420 it passed under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Venice and, finally, only in 1808, it became a municipality. The First World War saw it protagonist of the Austrian invasion, which determined the beginning of its development, with reclamation works and the eradication of malaria. In his following history there are no events of particular importance. Among the oldest works of the historical-architectural heritage, the church of San Vitale is worthy of particular attention, inside which there is the Renaissance altar dating back to the 11th century, characterized by Corinthian capitals, mirrors and columns. To recall a now distant era, in which it was particularly subject to attacks, there is the castle of Annone, which served, precisely, to defend the citizens. In the local economy, agriculture is substantially the most important resource: cereals, vegetables, fodder, fruit and grapes are produced. The breeding of cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, horses and poultry also constitutes a discreet source of income. Woodworking, furniture manufacturing, development of the construction, food and dairy industries as well as gas production are the main branches of industrial activity.


Donde Alojarse en Venecia ???????? Mejores zonas donde dormir, hoteles recomendados

¡Hola amigos! en este video les muestro donde Alojarse en Venecia, las Mejores zonas donde dormir en Venecia, hoteles y apartamentos recomendados. Verán las calles, callejuelas, canales y barrios mejores donde encontrar alojamiento en Venecia. Mejores hoteles recomendados. Tips y recomendaciones para encontrar hoteles y apartamentos en Venecia.

Si desean saber más no se pierdan nuestros mejores posts dedicados:

⭐️ Guía al Alojamiento en Venecia:
???? ????

⭐️ Mejores zonas donde alojarse en Venecia ????

⭐️ Mejores hostales donde dormir barato en Venecia ????

⭐️ Donde dormir cerca de Venecia ????

Más sobre Venecia en nuestros posts dedicados:
⭐️ Venecia en tres días:
⭐️ Venecia en dos días:
⭐️ Venecia en un día:
???? ????
⭐️ 20 cosas que hacer en Venecia:
⭐️ Mejores Free Tours que hacer en Venecia:
⭐️ Mejores Tours recomendados en Venecia:
⭐️ Cómo moverse en Venecia:
⭐️ Como llegar a Venecia:

Si te gusto este video, no te pierdas nuestra pagina Facebook donde hacemos live streaming todas las semanas!.
Vive Italia con nosotros en vivo!. Somos los únicos bloggers de viaje que muestran Italia cada semana tal como es, actualizada y en tiempo real!.

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Belluno Dolomites National Park, Italian Alps

You can visit the Belluno Dolomites National Park in northern Italy, and see all the beautiful landscapes present in this video. It is located in the province of Belluno between the Cismon, Piave and Agordino rivers in the Dolomites.

Except for some karst zones in the high mountains, the Belluno Dolomites National Park is very rich in water: there are springs, swamps and numerous water courses such as the Cordevole, the Mis, the Caorame and the Ardo. The protected area is home to two reservoirs, Lago della Stua, belonging to the municipality of Cesiomaggiore, and Lago di Mis, belonging to the municipality of Sospirolo.

Dan Lebowitz - Bring Me Your Sorrows
Dan Lebowitz - Surrender
Dan Lebowitz - Last Train to Mars
Dan Lebowitz - Ocean Beach

Latisana - ITALY 2019 Road Trip DASHCAM WWW.TOFIL.NET

???? £1.00 Donation Click here ????

Calais to Croatia by Car - Day 6 Video 6 Italy A4 - Latisana to A23/A4 junction at Ontagnano

This series of videos takes us from Calais to Opatija in Croatia by car. Day 6 – Sottomarina (Italy) to Opatjia (Croatia) via Slovenia. In the sixth video we continue eastwards between Venice and Trieste this time driving from Latisana to A23/A4 junction at Ontagnano. The journey continues in the next video.

Comenius student's meeting- Vittorio Veneto, Italy

Best week.
Best people.

Around Comacchio : Sicily to Ukraine by camper van part 37


Lake Comacchio is situated very close to the Adriatic Sea and the road cuts between the two. It is a narrow stretch of land, not much more than 1km wide. Formerly a swamp, much of the land has been drained for agricultural use, nonetheless I think that there must be a problem here with mosquitoes during the late spring and early summer. Malaria was once a major problem but has now been eradicated. I discuss a little of the historical implications of malaria during the drive. Whilst filming of this I got bitten.

It is an area popular with Italian tourists with many resorts along the coast.

I visited Comacchio in 1993 with a lady friend and it was one of the wierdest places I have ever been to. We went there as I had seen a programme about eel fishing on the lake and to try the local speciality. We felt that everyone was staring at us as though we were the unwelcome strangers in town. Not only us, but others we talked to felt the same.

The land here is so flat - who would believe that such a short time earlier I was in the mountains?

After its early occupation by the Etruscans and the Gauls, when the site lay on the main stream of the River Po, Comacchio was annexed by Rome. Under Emperor Augustus, who ruled Rome from 27 BCE to 14 CE, a canal was dug to deepen its lagoon. Part of the original wetlands were drained and divided among villae rusticae.

Comacchio enjoyed prosperity under the Goths and the Lombards, and became the seat of a Lombard duchy. It owed its fortunes to its salt pans and its strategic importance to its location: when the Lombard king Authari expanded the Lombard dominion at the expense of Byzantium, he took the fortress of Comacchio and cut off communication between Padua and Ravenna. When the Franks descended into northern Italy in 756, their king, Pepin the Short, included Comacchio in his famous donation of land to Pope Stephen II, a grant later confirmed by Pepin's son and successor, Charlemagne. In 854 Comacchio was sacked by their rivals in the salt trade, the Venetians, who laid it waste in 946. Saracen raiders burned the city in 876, but despite this Comacchio slowly recovered. The Holy See later acquired the city and presented it to the archbishopric of Ravenna.

In the 13th century, Emperor Rudolph I conferred it on Obizzo IV d'Este of Ferrara. In 1508 it became Venetian, but in 1597 was claimed by Clement VIII as a vacant fief. In 1598 the Papal States again acquired Comacchio and retained it until 1866 when it became a part of the Kingdom of Italy.

Since then, most of the swamp land has disappeared, leaving ground for the expansion of agriculture, and creating new zones for dwellings. Comacchio was once home to a factory for sugar refining, which closed in 1988. Comacchio and its seafront Lidi are a center for tourism.

My channel on you tube : is very prolific. I have produced over 2,500 original films.

My big interest in life is travel and history but I have also placed films on other subjects. For those that want to know more, I have groups on facebook related to motorhome travelling, history and packaging.

Please feel free to ask questions in the public area or to comment on things you disagree with. Sometimes there are mistakes because I speak without preparation. If I see the mistakes myself, I make this clear in the text. Please also leave a star rating!

I am very fortunate that I can spend a large part of my life travelling, thanks to the business I chose to run which allows me to do this. There are a number of films here on the packaging industry. This is because I am the publisher of Central and Eastern European Packaging -- - the international platform for the packaging industry in this region focusing on the latest innovations, trends, design, branding, legislation and environmental issues with in-depth profiles of major industry achievers.

Most people may think packaging pretty boring but it possibly effects your life more than you really imagine!

Central and Eastern European Packaging examines the packaging industry throughout this region, but in particular in the largest regional economies which are Russia, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Austria. That is not to say that the other countries are forgotten, they are not, but obviously there is less going on. However the fact that there are so many travel related films here is not from holidays but from business trips attending trade fairs around the region. Every packaging trade fair is a new excuse to make another film!

Carnevale di Venezia 2023 | Walking Tour 2023

venice carnival 2023 / Mask Festival 2023

Tour Guidato - Birreria abbandonata (Vettignè)

Esplorazione urbana d'una birreria/pizzeria abbandonata Maialetto nella fazione di Vettignè (comune di Santhià). La struttura è abbandonata (probabilmente, le informazioni sono pochissime) dagli anni '90.

Un rigraziamento speciale all'utente: senza il suo suggerimento non avrei mai realizzato questo video.

Razvan Veina - Silent song - used with Creative Commons license:


Disclaimer legale:
Per la realizzazione di questo video NON è stato infranta la legge 614 CP, in quanto il luogo NON è abitato, adibito ad attività ed utilizzato. NON è stata effettuata violenza su beni o cose per la realizzazione del video.

¡Dónde alojarse en Venecia! ¡Las mejores zonas! ¡Y cómo ahorrar mucho en el hotel!

Descubra dónde alojarse en Venecia! ¿Cuáles son los mejores barrios y zonas para alojarse? ¡Vea todos los consejos y obtenga una buena ubicación en Florencia! Descubra dónde alojarse en Florencia.

Comparador de seguro viaje (OBLIGATORIO para Europa):
Comparador de alquiler de auto 1:
Comparador de alquiler de auto 2:
Entradas más baratas para todos los paseos y traslados:
Buscador de pasajes de tren:
Comparador de pasajes aéreos:
Mejor chip de viaje y el SIM Card es digital. Lo instalas en tu celular desde cualquier parte del mundo:

*Buscador de hoteles que utilizamos:
???????? ROMA
Mapa con la mejor región y los mejores hoteles de Roma:
(Al abrir el mapa, ciérralo, pon tu fecha de viaje, haz clic en buscar y luego en mostrar mapa para abrirlo de nuevo con los hoteles en tu fecha de viaje)
Hotel donde nos alojamos en Roma. Genial, barato y muy bien ubicado:
Hotel en el que nos alojamos por segunda vez. Muy parecido al otro:
???????? FLORENCIA
Mapa con la mejor región y los mejores hoteles de Florencia:
(Al abrir el mapa, ciérralo, pon tu fecha de viaje, haz clic en buscar y luego en mostrar mapa para abrirlo de nuevo con los hoteles en tu fecha de viaje)
Hotel donde nos alojamos en Florencia. Genial, barato y muy bien ubicado:
???????? VENECIA
Mapa con la mejor región y los mejores hoteles de Venecia:
(Al abrir el mapa, ciérralo, pon tu fecha de viaje, haz clic en buscar y luego en mostrar mapa para abrirlo de nuevo con los hoteles en tu fecha de viaje)
Hotel donde nos alojamos en Venecia. Genial, barato y muy bien ubicado:
???????? MILÁN
Mapa con la mejor región y los mejores hoteles de Milán:
(Al abrir el mapa, ciérralo, pon tu fecha de viaje, haz clic en buscar y luego en mostrar mapa para abrirlo de nuevo con los hoteles en tu fecha de viaje)
Hotel donde nos alojamos en Milán. Genial, barato y muy bien ubicado:


¡Espero que hayan gustado los consejos sobre dónde alojarse en Venecia! Descubra dónde alojarse en Venecia!

¿Cuáles son los mejores barrios y zonas para alojarse? ¡Vea todos los consejos y esté bien ubicado en Florencia! Descubra dónde alojarse en Florencia. Comenten ahí!


Passo Della Mendola Sankt Michael Bozen Südtirol SS 42 Italy Italien 9.4.2015

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Viagem em Vêneto, Itália | Cidade de Veneza, Verona, Vicenza, Pádua | vídeo 4k | Vêneto o que ver

Viagem em Vêneto, Itália. Veneto é uma das regiões da Itália, é uma mistura impressionante de belezas naturais e artificiais, palácios luxuosos em Vicenza, Veneza mágica, Verona romântica e Treviso medieval. Do ponto de vista de um pássaro, você pode admirar infinitamente a incrível arquitetura das cidades-museu, amplos vinhedos, a costa do Adriático e as belas praias da Riviera veneziana, muitos parques, reservas e outros tesouros da região. A revisão em vídeo tirada do drone 4k, infelizmente, não transmite todo o charme e singularidade desta popular área turística de Veneto - a rica história e patrimônio cultural da região mais visitada do país e da Europa.

informações gerais
Veneto está localizado no nordeste do país, limitado a leste e oeste pelas províncias de Friuli-Veneza-Giulia e Lombardia, ao sul pelo Mar Adriático, ao norte pela Áustria. A área da região é superior a 18 mil quilômetros quadrados, o número de moradores é superior a 5 milhões. Quase 60 milhões de turistas de todo o mundo visitam a região de Veneto todos os anos.
O relevo do território da região é metade das planícies, um quarto da área é ocupada por morros e montanhas. O ponto mais alto da região é o Monte Marmolada (3343 metros) nas Dolomitas.
Hoje, esta área é o orgulho turístico da Itália e uma importante região vinícola.

O centro administrativo da região é a cidade de Veneza, onde todo mundo quer ir pelo menos uma vez na vida. A cidade, construída em tempos antigos (421 anos) como local de salvação dos bárbaros dos habitantes do litoral durante a queda do Império Romano, é hoje a cidade mais romântica e fabulosa do mundo. Situada no golfo do Mar Adriático em 118 ilhas, Veneza tem 150 canais e 400 pontes que ligam as ilhas.

Como chegar lá
A localização do Veneto torna conveniente viajar aqui por qualquer meio de transporte - por água, ar, ônibus, carros e trens. Veneza tem um grande aeroporto internacional; de trem, a capital da região só pode ser alcançada através de Treviso.

O clima da região varia ao longo de sua extensão do Mediterrâneo ao Alpino, difere em heterogeneidade dependendo da localização. As Dolomitas têm invernos mais frios e verões mais frios, com um clima mais ameno na costa.

A natureza dotou generosamente estas terras de muitos lugares bonitos com paisagens únicas: os Alpes Cárnicos e o Mar Adriático, o Lago de Garda e as nascentes balneológicas tornam esta região única. Nas planícies da região cultivam-se vinhas, crescem oliveiras, amendoeiras, laranjeiras e limoeiros.

Principais cidades: Veneza, Pádua, Vicenza, Verona

Veneza é a cidade mais visitada do mundo, berço de brilhantes pintores, arquitetos e escultores, festivais luxuosos e carnavais. A arquitetura única de edifícios, catedrais e palácios, museus antigos e panoramas deslumbrantes de canais e pontes atraem mais de 25 milhões de turistas anualmente.
Pádua é pequena, mas interessante de se visitar, famosa pela maior praça da Europa e um luxuoso jardim botânico.
Vicenza é uma cidade com uma longa história e edifícios únicos de diferentes estilos e épocas. O complexo de obras arquitetônicas de Andrea Palladio está incluído no patrimônio cultural da UNESCO.
Verona é uma cidade incrível e romântica chamada a cidade dos amantes, inúmeros palácios e castelos, igrejas e fortificações antigas, praças únicas e a torre Lamberti encantam os turistas.

O que assistir
É difícil descrever todas as riquezas naturais e históricas da região - são muitas e todas causam admiração. Aqui estão apenas alguns deles:
- Parque Sigurta perto de Verona;
- Borghetto sul Mincio - uma vila de moinhos de água;
- Alleghe - uma estância de esqui nas Dolomitas;
- a cidade de Chioggia;
- Estância termal Lazise nas margens do Lago Garda e muitos outros.

Entre os magníficos pontos turísticos de Veneto não são apenas as cidades mais populares da região, cada uma das cidades é interessante para monumentos naturais ou históricos, obras-primas de arte e arquitetura.
Entre os locais de interesse notáveis ​​em Veneto:
- Lago alpino Misurina;
- Agordo;
- a cidade fortificada de Montagnana;
- Dolomitas de Bellunov;
- Ponte di Veia - a maior ponte natural da Europa perto de Verona.

#Veneto #Itália



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