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10 Best place to visit in Cazin Bosnia and Herzegovina


10 Best places in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2021 Guide)

Bosnia and Herzegovina are one of the most underrated countries in Europe. Hidden in the shadow of more popular neighbors, especially Croatia and Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina also has a lot to offer and is worth your time and effort to get there. While the majority of tourists go to Sarajevo and Mostar, there are other places to explore as well in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Despite the events of the past century, Bosnia is still a place of ethnic, religious, and linguistic diversity – you’ll find cathedrals and mosques, Cyrillic and Latin alphabets, and Muslim and Slavic influences all side by side. So here is our list of the Top 10 Best places in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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✅ 10 Best places in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2021 Guide):

00:10 Introduction
00:59 Kravice Falls
02:33 Jajce
03:05 Blagaj
03:43 Banja Luka
04:28 Mostar
05:19 Trebinje
06:06 Konjic
06:45 Travnik
07:30 Sarajevo

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Bosnien und Herzegowina: Die 5 schönsten Orte für einen Urlaub in Bosnien.



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????‍♂️In dem folgenden Video entdeckst du die 5 schönsten Orte Bosnien und Herzegowinas.

Trotz wunderschöner Altstädte und fantastischen Landschaften gilt Bosnien immer noch als weißer Fleck auf Europas Karte und das, obwohl Bosnien keine Tagesfahrt von Deutschland entfernt liegt und direkt an Kroatien grenzt.

Entdecke nun die 5 schönsten Orte Bosniens, die du auf keinen Fall verpassen solltest.

Platz Nr. 1️⃣ SARAJEVO
Für jeden, der Bosnien wirklich kennen lernen will, führt kein Weg an Sarajevo vorbei. Die bosnische Hauptstadt liegt ziemlich zentral im Herzen des Landes und gilt aufgrund der traumhaften Lage umgeben von mehreren großen Gebirgsketten und der wunderschönen Altstadt, als eine der interessantesten Städte Bosniens.

Sarajevo ist auch für seine Vielfalt an Religionen und Völkern bekannt, das fällt auch an den vielen wunderschönen alten Moscheen und Kirchen auf.
Diese sollte man bei einem Besuch auf keinen Fall verpassen.

Aufgrund seiner multikulturellen Bevölkerung wurde die Stadt auch einst als Jerusalem Europas bezeichnen. Für alle die eine Entdeckungsreise in Bosnien starten wollen ist Sarajevo genau der richtige Ort.

Platz Nr. 2️⃣ MOSTAR
Langsam fließt die Smaragdgrüne Neretva durch Mostar hindurch und teilt die Stadt in einen Christlich- und einen Muslimisch geprägten Teil, bis zu dem Punkt, an dem „Stari Most“ die Alte Brücke von Mostar, die Menschen wieder vereint.

Mostar ist die Hauptstadt und das kulturelle Zentrum der Herzegowina und bietet neben seiner wunderschönen Lage, umgeben von Bergen, eine Reihe an Sehenswürdigkeiten. Die bekannteste darunter ist natürlich die Alte Brücke, welche als Symbol der Stadt gilt und Touristen aus aller Welt anzieht.

Die Brücke, die zum Zeitpunkt ihrer Erbauung im 16.Jahrhundert, als ein Meisterwerk galt, verbindet den bosniakisch geprägten Ostteil, mit dem kroatisch geprägten Westteil, der Stadt.
Mostar ist der perfekte Mix aus Kultur und wunderschöner Natur und zaubert wirklich jedem Besucher eins Lächeln ins Gesicht.

Zwischen dem Naturpark Hutovo-Blato und der Kleinstadt Ljubuški, befindet sich mit den Kravica-Wasserfällen, eines der atemberaubendsten Naturphänomene der Herzegowina.

Schon von der Straße aus kann man die Wasserfälle in einem beeindruckenden Naturpanaroma sehen. Wenn man sieht wie, sich das Wasser seinen Weg durch die dichten und weiten Wälder bahnt, könnte man fast meinen, man wäre in den Tropen.

Besonders im Sommer wird der Besucher von einem strahlenden Grün in den verschiedensten Nuancen beeindruckt sein. Die Wasserfälle erreichen eine Höhe zwischen 26 und 28 Metern und eine Breite von 120 Metern.

Das Wasser erreicht dabei selten eine höhere Temperatur als 15 Grad, was angenehm kühl ist, und eine perfekt Erfrischung für die heißen Sommer der Herzegowina bietet.

Platz Nr. 4️⃣ TREBINJE
Trebinje gilt als eine der charmantesten Städte Bosniens und bietet neben ihrem sehr angenehmen Klima, ein paar der schönsten, serbisch-orthodoxen Kirchen den Landes. So z.B: die Herzegowinische Gracanica, welcher hoch oben auf einem Felsen thront und einen fantastischen Blick auf die Stadt gewährt.

Wer auf der Suche nach mediterranem Flair ist, wird sich in Trebinje unglaublich wohl fühlen. Neben Banja Luka hat Trebinje den größten Bauboom, in den letzten Jahren erlebt.

Nach den Gründen dafür, muss man nicht lange suchen.
Denn Trebinje befindet sich in einer sehr attraktiven Lage, nur 30 km entfernt von Dubrovnik und 28 km entfernt von Montenegro.

Platz Nr. 5️⃣Počitelj
Das pittoreske Počitelj ist auch bekannt als die “Stadt aus Stein“.
Die malerische Altstadt befindet sich an einem Hang, von welchem es sich weit ins Neretva-Tal blicken lässt. Die Lage Počiteljs war damals von großer strategischer Wichtigkeit.

Ich hoffe euch hat das Video gefallen, falls ihr mehr Videos zu den schönsten Reisezielen Bosniens sehen wollt, abonniert den Channel und werft einen Blick auf meine Website. A Secret Called Bosnia. Den Link findet ihr in der Beschreibung.

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Herzlich willkommen auf A_Secret_Called_Bosnia.
Dieser Channel informiert euch über das wunderschöne Bosnien und Herzegowina und zeigt euch die schönsten Orte für eure nächste Reise. Außerdem erhaltet Ihr hier die besten Tipps zu den schönsten Reisezielen auf dem Balkan. Darunter: Slowenien, Kroatien, Serbien, Kosovo, Montenegro, Nordmazedonien (Mazedonien) und Albanien.

#Bosnien #Balkan #BosnienUrlaub #Sarajevo

CAZIN - BIHAĆ, Time Warp video 5X

© 2020 4K Bosnia Travel. All rights reserved.

13 reasons why you should visit Bosnia and Herzegovina ????????

I present to you the thirteen most beautiful cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but keep in mind that almost every city in Bosnia and Herzegovina looks like this. Come and see for yourself that this is truly a paradise on earth. Welcome to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
0:00 Jajce
0:21 Sanski Most
0:44 Kladanj
1:04 Olovo
1:16 Srebrenik
1:36 Maglaj
1:51 Jablanica
2:05 Konjic
2:30 Vranduk
2:57 Travnik
3:15 Počitelj
3:39 Fojnica-Prokoško Lake
4:05 Tešanj

#bosnia #herzegovina #tourism #lake #fortress #river


Ostrožac Castle is a castle located in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Una-Sana Canton just outside the town of Cazin, in the village of Ostrožac. The castle dates back to the 13th century when Ostrožac was part of property of the noble house of Babonić family. In 1592 it was captured by the Ottoman Turks and established as an Ottoman province of Bosnia. The castle was built between 1900 and 1906 by Major of Bihać Lothar Von Berks as a birthday present for his wife, member of the Habsburg family.

Ownership of the castle is still disputed, but citizens of Cazin and Ostrožac are permitted to use the castle grounds for local concerts and entertainment. The castle is slowly being repaired.

Bosnian Street Market (Celic Pijaca)

We explore a Bosnian Street Market and purchase some delicious dried meats that are very popular in the country. We are located in the small town of Celic, Bosnia as we also check out my childhood school and enjoy some Bosnian style pizza and coffee.

#bosniavlog #bosnian #bosna

Ostrožac, Cazin - Bosna i Hercegovina

#ostrožac #cazin #bihać #fortress #castle #una #bosniaandherzegovina
Ostrožac, gradina starijeg željeznog doba, srednjovjekovna tvrđava i osmanlijski grad. Tvrđava je smještena na dominantnom uzvišenju iznad lijeve obale rijeke Une i istoimenog naselja, na oko 12 km od Bihaća prema Cazinu.

Tvrđava je nepravilnog kružnog oblika sa kapikulom i kružnom branič-kulom uz koji se nalazi bunar. Prvi spomen tvrđave je iz 1286. Tvrđava je u posjedu knezova Babonića-Blagajskih (knezovi Ostroški). Prelazi pod vlast Antuna Bakšića 1552. Pada u ruke Osmanlija 1577. Ima svog dizdara. Od 17. st. tu je sjedište Ostrožačke kapetanije koja je najjača u Bosanskoj krajini. Dizdari i kapetani bili su Beširevići (Mehmedaga 1700-1716.; Omeraga 1730. Osmanlije dograđuju tvrđavu u južnom dijelu oko 1700. Sjeverni srednjovjekovni dio grada prozvao se narodnim, a južni dio grada gospodskim. Tu je 1833. bilo 28 topova. Od 1836. Ostrožac je mudirluk u sastavu Bihaćkog kajmakamluka. Zbog učešća u protivljenju reformama sultana Mahmuda II 1837. prognan je posljednji ostrožački kapetan iz loze Beširevića Murad-beg Beširević. Mehmed-beg Beširević je tvrđavu 1902. prodao bihaćkom sreskom načelniku Lotharu von Berksu (austrijski grof, loza Habsburg) koji ga je restaurirao.

U periodu Drugog svjetskog rata, tj. za vrijeme Bihaćke Republike, Ostrožac je jedno vrijeme bio i sjedište Vrhovnog štaba NOR-a, a u njemu je, od decembra 1942. do januara 1943. boravio čak i Josip Broz Tito. Pored toga, u tom periodu na dvorcu se nalazio i veliki pjesnik Vladimir Nazor, gdje je i napisao svoje čuveno djelo “S partizanima”.

U dvorištu utvrde postavljena je kolonija skulptura Ostrošca.

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Ostrazac Castle| Cazin| Bosnia Herzegovina| Serbia @JourneyistGlobal

Ostrožac Castle (Bosnian) is a castle located in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Una-Sana Canton just outside the town of Cazin, in the village of Ostrožac. The castle dates back to the 13th century when Ostrožac was part of property of the noble house of Babonić family. In 1592 it was captured by the Ottoman Turks and established as an Ottoman province of Bosnia. The castle was built between 1900 and 1906 by Major of Bihać Lothar Von Berks as a birthday present for his wife, member of the Habsburg family.
The castle hosts a 55-year old event known under the name Colony of sculptors Ostrožac. This event produced number of monumental sculptures carved in bihacite stone, of which more than 150 is left in the castle courtyard as a permanent exhibition, forming the open-air Sculpture Park Ostrožac, unique in Southeastern Europe. According to the decision of the Commission for National Monuments, the sculptures are an integral and inalienable part of the architectural ensemble as a wider monument. Tourism and civic organizations of Cazin and Ostrožac use the castle grounds for shows, concerts, performances and variety of events. For the time being, the castle complex is being repaired at slow pace and only most urgent repairs have been done, although comprehensive plans for restoration of entire complex exists

Bosnia - The Country Life

A short interview on a man who live in a countryside in Cazin, northern part of Bosnia & Herzegovina... revealing the daily life in the countryside, rebuilding life 20 years after the Yugoslavia war.

Sorry for the bad audio since I didn't plan to make film here in Bosnia, it was just coincidence. Didn't take the audio recorder with me, no audio equipments, no extra rig nothing, my camera was completely naked.

Filmed & edited by me
Music by Tony Anderson - Dwell (Snowfall Remix). Courtesy of

Cazin, Bosnia and Herzegovina ???????? #travel #travelvlog #trending #reels #trend #trendingshorts


Best Hotels In Bihać Bosnia and Herzegovina (Best Affordable & Luxury Options)

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Check Out The Best Hotel Bookings, Flight Bookings & Travel Car Rental Services ⬆️
Travel Blueprint is the best go-to place to find the best hotels in some of the most popular and most beautiful places in the world.
These Hotels, Flights, Travel Attractions & Car Rentals are definitely the best options if you're considering traveling ✈️

0:00 - Welcome To Travel Blueprint!
0:07 - First Hotel (In The City)
0:24 - Second Hotel (In The City)
0:43 - Third Hotel (Popular Hotel In Country)
1:01 - Forth Hotel (Hotel In Nearby City)
1:18 - Fifth Hotel (Hotel In Nearby City)
1:34 - Last Hotel (Hotel In Nearby City)
1:51 - Book Your Hotel & Flight Below!
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Bosnia's Best Preserved Medieval Castle (Srebrenik)

We are in Srebrenik, Bosnia and Herzegovina to explore the most well preserved castle in the country. This place looks like it's from a fantasy novel with a bridge that connects the castle with a cliff. You don't want to miss this Bosnian adventure.

Follow us on Instagram- mirzahamzic92 and stephhamzic

#srebrenikbosnia #srebrenikcastle #bosniatravel

Enjoy Life - Bosnia Herzegovina (10min)

Tourism promotion video for Bosnia-Herzegovina

???????? BLAGAJ Dervish Monastery Walking Tour - Bosnia & Herzegovina ???????? [4k 60fps]

Hi, my name is Ozan and I am happy to share this video with you ???? Let me know what you think in the comments and subscribe for more ????

The video was recorded in 4k in Blagaj, Bosnia & Herzegovina ????????(June 2021).

Blagaj is a village in the canton of Herzegovina-Neretva (Bosnia and Herzegovina). It is located about 10 kilometers southeast of Mostar and administratively it is now a part of the Greater Municipality. With its associated settlements, Blagaj had a population of 2,684 at the 2013 census,[1] compared to 4,446 before the Bosnian War.

Worth seeing are the karst spring Vrelo Bune of the river Buna, the Dervish monastery (Tekija) located there, the fortress Stjepan grad located above the village and other monuments.

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blagaj Bosnia and Herzegovina
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blagaj walking tour
blagaj walk
blagaj summer

Medieval Ottoman Town of Travnik, Bosnia & Herzegovina

Medieval Ottoman Town of Travnik, Bosnia & Herzegovina

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David’s Been Here is traveling all over Bosnia & Herzegovina in search of the best destinations and coolest day trips. In this travel short, David heads to one of the best preserved Ottoman towns in Bosnia: Travnik. An old Bosnian capital city (dating back to the 17th and 19th centuries), this historic locale is home to an incredible Ottoman castle (one of the best preserved in the country), beautiful mosques, delicious cevapi and some outrageously good sheep’s cheese (a specialty of the region). Take a stroll through this iconic town in a quick day trip from Sarajevo, and make sure you stop into Travnicki Sir where you can sample a wide variety of different sheep’s cheese- too good to pass up!

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Production by Carlos de Varona from Chromahouse.

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My name is David Hoffmann and for the last decade I have been traveling around the world in search of unique culture, food and history! Since starting Davidsbeenhere in 2008, I have traveled to 71 countries and over 1,000 destinations, which I welcome you to check out on my YouTube Channel, blog and social medias.

I focus a great deal on food and historic sites, as you probably have seen! I love to experience the different flavors that each destination has to offer, whether it’s casual Street food or gourmet restaurant dining. I’m also passionate about learning the local history and culture.

Medieval Ottoman Town of Travnik, Bosnia & Herzegovina


Bihać - Cazin [M14, M4.2]

Magistralna cesta M14 je magistralna cesta u Bosni i Hercegovini koji povezuje Bihać i hrvatsku Državnu cestu D47 prema Jasenovcu, preko graničnog prijelaza GP Gradina. Cesta je duga 130 km i u Bihaću se nadovezuje na magistralnu cestu M5 i evropski međunarodni put E761.

Magistralna cesta M4.2 je magistralna cesta u Bosni i Hercegovini koji povezuje granični prelaz Velika Kladuša sa Hrvatskom i Srbljane. Cesta je duga 48 km i u Maljevcu se nadovezuje na hrvatsku Državnu cestu D216.

Mostar Walking Tour - Bosnia & Herzegovina ???????? [4k 60fps] with Captions | Bridge, Bazaar, Streets

Hi, my name is Ozan and I am happy to share this video with you ???? Let me know what you think in the comments and subscribe for more ????

The video was recorded in 4k in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina (June 2021). Mostar was our second destination on our road trip. After seeing the capital Sarajevo, it was very nice to see an old and traditional city. A beautiful city awaits you, inviting you to enjoy the nature and the historical center!

Mostar is the largest city in Herzegovina, the southern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the sixth largest city in the country. It is the capital of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and has about 113,000 inhabitants, of which about 75,000 live in the city proper.


0:00 Intro
0:32 Streets | House with traces of war
1:27 Most Musala Bridge
2:34 Streets in the Center of Mostar
4:25 Maršala Tita
11:07 Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque
12:00 Amazing view to Mostar Bridge | Stari most
12:15 Old Bazar Kujundziluk
15:13 Mostar Bridge | Stari most
17:31 Old Town & Streets
22:30 Kriva Ćuprija Bridge
24:50 Old Town
26:54 Mostar Bridge | Stari most

walking tour
virtual tour
world travel
walking trip
ultra hd
Mostar Bosnia & Herzegovina
Mostar 4k
Mostar walking tour
Mostar walk
Mostar summer
Bosnia & Herzegovina Walking tour

Visit Jajce waterfall - Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosna i Hercegovina | Summer | 2018 [4K]

A Video Postcard: Bosnia & Herzegovina

A short video postcard showcasing the beautiful landscape of Bosnia & Herzegovina under the magical light during my 2 weeks visit in the country on March 2015. Never expected there are such beautiful landscapes in the country

Without any proper plan, I arrived Sarajevo, rented a car and drove around the country. The video was shot under the magical light in Sarajevo, Mostar, Jajce, Bihac, Cazin and many more.

Filmed on raw mode with Canon 5D Mark3.
Filmed & Edited by me.
Music: Braveness by Styve Bolduc (courtesy of

❤️ JAJCE ❤️ La ciudad de BOSNIA Y HERZEGOVINA con una cascada a sus pies ????️???? Escuché viajando

Te invitamos a conocer Jajce, una de las ciudades más lindas de Bosnia y Herzegovina y un destino turístico inigualable. Su cascada en el centro de la ciudad, su fortaleza, sus catacumbas, su pasado clave para la historia de Yugoslavia, sus perros callejeros y sus 24 molinos de agua medievales que te hacen sentir en una comarca Hobbit, la hacen una de las ciudades impresindibles de los balcanes. ¡Bienvenidos! ¡Suscribite para seguir conociendo lugares con nosotros!

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