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10 Best place to visit in Caldiero Italy


PORTOGRUARO, la piccola Venezia

Portogruaro è un comune che si trova a circa 70 chilometri da Venezia ed è caratterizzato da edifici in tipico stile veneziano. Sono presenti numerosi canali, ponti e portici che la fanno assomigliare a una Venezia dell'entroterra.
A Portogruaro sono presenti i famosi molini sul Lemene, il municipio con i caratteristici merletti gotici e il terzo campanile più pendente d'Italia.
Fonte Wikipedia:

Music by Whitesand - Title: Dreams of Hope

Music by Whitesand - Title: courage to be free

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Filmato con SONY RX10M3 in 4K.

#portogruaro #venezia #venice #italia #veneto #italy

???? Driving in PESCHIERA DEL GARDA | ITALY #4k60fps

Peschiera del Garda is a town and comune in the province of Verona, in Veneto, Italy. When Lombardy-Venetia was under Austrian rule, Peschiera was the northwest anchor of the four fortified towns constituting the Quadrilatero. The fortress is on an island in the river Mincio at its outlet from Lake Garda.
The town is encircled by massive Venetian defensive systems that have been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 9 July 2017.
Starting point:

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0:00 Lungolago Porto Esterno
2:10 Via Venezia
3:10 Porta Verona
4:50 Viale Cordigero
6:55 Piazza Maestro Giulio Battistoni
7:40 Via Lungolago Mazzini
10:35 Via Puccini
11:40 Via Milano


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Europe Series E09 | Paris | Raanvata | Marathi Travel Show

First International Travel Web Series in Marathi

Azure blue sky, with the calm and beautiful sea beneath, the city of lights and the 2nd most visited museum in the world. Come let’s visit these biggest cities of the European Riviera!

Production House: Raanvata Motion Pictures
Concept: Swapnil Pawar
Script: Pranav Mahajan
Edit: Pratik Vaity
Research Team: Sonali Karandikar, Manish Sinha
Sub-Titles: Swati Datar
Signature Tune: Onkar Ghaisas
Graphic: Sayali Kadrekar
Special Thanks to Pravin Sarang, Pankaj Sarang

Rowerem przez Północne Włochy - 7. etap: Arcugnano-Werona (GPX)

Siódmy z dziewięciu odcinków trasy z Trydentu przez Borgo Valsugana, Seren Del Grappa, Treviso, Wenecję, Padwę, Viecenzę, Arcugnano, Weronę, Avio do Trydentu.

Trasa rozpoczyna się w Arcugnano. Ruszamy z gospodarstwa agroturystycznego B&B Il Suono del Bosco ( Pierwsze kilometry to dość ostry zjazd do miejscowości Brendola, a potem trasa wiedzie po płaskich terenach przez małe miasteczka i wioski, a także winnice i gaje oliwne.

PRZEBIEG: Arcugnano – Brendola – Montebello– Monteforte d'Alpone – Soave – Caldiero - San Martino Buon Albergo

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Po minięciu Brendolli, niewielkiego miasteczka znanego z ruin XII-wiecznego zamku i kościoła San Michele Arcangelo kierujemy się w stronę Montebello oraz Monteforte d'Alpone. Powoli zbliżamy się do rzeki Adygi, gdzie wiedzie międzynarodowa trasa Nr 1, jedna z najlepszych magistrali rowerowych we Włoszech.

Po około 20 kilometrach docieramy do Soave. To słynne miasteczko winiarskie, które znane jest z produkcji wina Soave. W Soave warto zwiedzić:
• Zamek Scaligeri – XIV-wieczny zamek, który jest jednym z symboli miasta.
• Maleńki Kościół św. Jerzego (Chiesa di San Giorgio) przynajmniej z XI wieku (prawdopodobnie starszy)

Z Soave udajemy się w kierunku Werony. I po około 40 kilometrach docieramy do Caldiero. W tym niewielkim miasteczku znajdują się termy, znane już w starożytności. Ostatnim punktem na trasie jest San Martino Buon Albergo. To już właściwie przedmieście Werony, skąd kierujemy się w stronę rzeki Adyga, a następnie, wzdłuż rzeki, szlakiem rowerowym Nr 1 dojeżdżamy do celu siódmego etapu.

Werona to piękne miasto, którego nikomu nie trzeba przedstawiać. W 2000 roku zostało wpisane na listę UNESCO. Weronę najbardziej rozsławił William Shakespeare osadzając tam akcję dramatu „Romeo i Julia”.

W Weronie warto zwiedzić wiele miejsc, ale do najsłynniejszych należą:
• Arena di Verona - jeden z najlepiej zachowanych amfiteatrów rzymskich na świecie. Została zbudowana w I wieku n.e. i mogła pomieścić około 30 000 widzów. Arena jest wykorzystywana do różnych celów, w tym do organizacji oper, koncertów i innych wydarzeń kulturalnych.
• Piazza Bra - plac główny miasta, na którym znajduje się Arena di Verona.
• Dom Julii – legendarny dom Julii Capulet, bohaterki powieści Williama Shakespeare'a „Romeo i Julia”. Oczywiście jest tam słynny balkon, na którym Julia wypatrywała Romea. Niestety miejsce niemiłosiernie zatłoczone, pełne amatorów selfie z całego świata. W mieście możne odwiedzić także grób Julii (choć sama postać była fikcyjna…)

1. Trydent (Trento) 29/30 czerwca
I Dodici Mesi Rooms & Appartements

2. Borgo Valsugana 30 czerwca/1 lipca
B&B Al Gatto Nero

3. Seren del Grappa 1/2 lipca
Ristorante Pizzeria Locanda al Cacciatore

(rezerwacja przez

4. Treviso 2/3 lipca
Ampio Appartamento Vicino Al Centro Di Treviso, Parcheggio Gratuito
Via Angelo Marchesan, 31100 Treviso (rezerwacja przez

5. Wenecja (Venezia) 3-5 lipca
Ca' Francesco DOPPIA

6. Padwa (Padova) 5/6 lipca
Hotel Igea

7. Arcugnano 6/7 lipca
B&B Il Suono del Bosco

8. Werona (Verona) 7/8 lipca
B&B In Arena L'Opera
Largo Carlo Caldera, 11, 37122 Verona (rezerwacja przez

9. Avio 8/9 lipca
Affittacamere Vignola
Viale Alcide Degasperi, 2, 38063 Avio (rezerwacja przez

10. Trydent (Trento) 9-12 lipca
Appartamento con veranda, giardino e piscina
Via per L'Osservatorio 35, 38122 Trento (rezerwacja przez

Cherish by Roa

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#Bikepacking #PrzejazdRowerowy #ArcugnanoDoWerony #TrasaRowerowa #Brendola #Montebello #MontefortedAlpone #Soave #Caldiero #SanMartinoBuonAlbergo #Włochy #ŚcieżkiRowerowe #RoweremPoWenecji #RoweroweWyprawy #KrajobrazRowerowy #TurystykaRowerowa #OutdoorAdventure #CyclingAdventure #WidokiRowerowe #RoweremWItalii #TravelVlog #DiscoverItaly #PrzygodaNaRowerze #HistoriaMiejsc #PrzejażdżkiRowerowe #KulturaLokalna #ZabytkoweMiejsca #RoweremPoWłoskichMiastach #Werona #VicenzaToVerona #GórskeTrasyRowerowe #WłoskieKrajobrazy #SoaveCastle #CaldieroVineyards #RoweremDoWerony #WeronaCycling

Grisignano di Zocco Barbano Vecchia Stadale Serenissima Al Passo Vancimuglio SR11 Italy 10.4.2015

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Conti di San Bonifacio Emotional

Fall in love with our Retreat and its background of Maremma

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Alkemianet video production

Spot ferroviaire des mardi 10 et mercredi 11 août 2021 à Gênes, Milan et Vérone partie 1 (4K)

Spot tourné aux dates suivantes :
Mardi 10 août 2021 entre 07:00 et 23:00
Mercredi 11 août 2021 entre 13:05 et 21:45
Dans les gares de Genova Piazza Principe, Milano Centrale et Verona Porta Nuova, les infos des trains que j'ai filmé sont ci-dessous

Mardi 10 août 2021

Gare de Genova Piazza Principe

1. FrecciaRossa 9710 Genova Brignole – Venezia Santa Lucia il desservira (Pavia 08:04 – Milano Rogoredo 08:24 – Milano Centrale 08:35 – Brescia 09:21 – Desenzano del Garda-Sirmione 09:35 – Peschiera del Garda 09:42 – Verona Porta Nuova 09:58 – Vicenza 10:25 – Padova 10:44 – Venezia Mestre 11:00 – Venezia Santa Lucia 11:12)

2. FrecciaBianca 8605 Genova Piazza Principe – Roma Termini il desservira (Genova Brignole 07:10 – Rapallo 07:35 – Chiavari 07:44 – La Spezia Centrale 08:14 – Massa Centro 08:34 – Viareggio 08:46 – Pisa Centrale 09:04 – Livorno Centrale 09:20 – Campiglia Marittima 09:56 – Grosseto 10:22 – Civitavecchia 11:14 et Roma Termini 12:03)

Gare de Milano Centrale

3. ITAlO 8977 Milano Centrale – Venezia Santa Lucia il desservira (Brescia 10:11 - Peschiera del Garda 10:32 – Verona Porta Nuova 10:47 – Vicenza 11:15 – Padova 11:32 – Venezia Mestre 11:52 – Venezia Santa Lucia 12:03)

4. FrecciArgento 8804 Ancona – Milano Centrale

5. EuroCity 52 Milano Centrale – Frankfurt am Main Hbf il desservira (Stresa 12:18 – Domodossola 12:43 – Brig 13:16 – Visp 13:25 – Spiez 13:53 – Thun 14:03 – Bern 14:24 – Olten 15:03 – Basel SBB 15:32 – Basel Bad Bf 15:44 – Freiburg (Breisgau) Hbf 16:21 – Ringsheim 16:40 – Karlsruhe Hbf 17:27 – Mannheim Hbf 17:58 et Frankfurt am Main Hbf 18:44)

Gare de Verona Porta Nuova

6. EuroCity 84 Rimini – München Hbf il desservira (Rovereto 13:41 – Trento 13:57 – Bolzano 14:31 – Bressanone 15:02 – Fortezza 15:13 – Brennero 15:48 – Innsbruck Hbf 16:36 – Jenbach 16:59 – Woergl 17:14 – Kufstein 17:24 – Rosenheim 17:45 – München Ost 18:16 et München Hbf 18:27)

7. FrecciaRossa 8508 Roma Termini – Bergamo il desservira (Peschiera del Garda 13:34 – Brescia 14:00 et Bergamo 15:00)

8. Regionale 17137 Verona Porta Nuova – Mantova il desservira (Dossobuono 13:40 – Villafranca di Verona 13:48 – Mozzecane 13:54 – Roverbella 14:02 – Sant'Antonio Mantovano 14:10 et Mantova 14:17)

9. EuroCity 37 Genève – Venezia Santa Lucia il desservira (Vicenza 13:55 – Padova 14:14 – Venezia Mestre 14:30 et Venezia Santa Lucia 14:42)

10. EuroCity 81 München Hbf – Bologna Centrale il sera direct

11. Regio Express 2632 Verona Porta Nuova – Milano Centrale il desservira (Peschiera del Garda 13:58 - Desenzano del Garda-Sirmione 14:08 – Brescia 14:26 – Rovato 14:37 – Chiari 14:43 – Romano 14:52 – Treviglio 15:03 – Pioltello Limito 15:18 – Milano Lambrate 15:26 et Milano Centrale 15:35)

12. EuroCity 327 Zürich HB – Venezia Santa Lucia il desservira (Vicenza 15:55 – Padova 16:14 – Venezia Mestre 16:30 et Venezia Santa Lucia 16:42)

13. Regionale 33655 Verona Porta Nuova – Venezia Santa Lucia il desservira (Verona Porta Vescovo 16:39 – San Martino Buon Albergo 16:44 – Caldiero 16:50 – San Bonifacio 16:56 – Lonigo 17:02 – Montebello 17:07 – Altavilla-Tavernelle 17:16 – Vicenza 17:31 – Lerino 17:38 – Grisignano di Zocco 17:44 – Mestrino 17:49 – Padova 18:03 – Busa di Vigonza 18:11 – Vigonza-Pianiga 18:17 – Dolo 18:23 – Mira-Mirano 18:29 – Venezia Mestre 18:43 – Venezia Porto Marghera 18:48 et Venezia Santa Lucia 18:56)

14. ITALO 8963 Bolzano – Roma Termini il desservira (Bologna Centrale 17:14 – Firenze Santa Maria Novella 17:54 et Roma Termini 19:35)

Partie 2 :
Partie 3 :
Partie 4 :

A bientôt pour un nouveau spot

00:00 : Intro
00:12 : FrecciaRossa 9710 Genova Brignole – Venezia Santa Lucia
01:07 : FrecciaBianca 8605 Genova Piazza Principe – Roma Termini
02:02 : ITALO 8977 Milano Centrale – Venezia Santa Lucia
02:32 : FrecciArgento 8804 Ancona – Milano Centrale
03:23 : EuroCity 52 Milano Centrale – Frankfurt am Main Hbf
04:13 : EuroCity 84 Rimini – München Hbf
04:58 : FrecciaRossa 8508 Roma Termini – Bergamo
05:32 : Regionale 17137 Verona Porta Nuova – Mantova
05:57 : EuroCity 37 Genève – Venezia Santa Lucia
06:25 : EuroCity 81 München Hbf – Bologna Centrale
07:09 : Regio Express 2632 Verona Porta Nuova – Milano Centrale
07:54 : EuroCity 327 Zürich HB – Venezia Santa Lucia
08:29 : Regionale 33655 Verona Porta Nuova – Venezia Santa Lucia
09:02 : ITALO 8963 Bolzano – Roma Termini
09:14 : Outro

Paris: Regal and Intimate

Rick Steves' Europe Travel Guide © 2012 | In Paris, amidst all of its grandeur, the little joys of life are still embraced. In this first of two episodes on Paris, we'll cruise the Seine River, visit Napoleon's tomb, and take in the Louvre. Then we'll feel the pulse of Paris — shopping in village-like neighborhoods, attending church in a grand pipe organ loft, and celebrating the mother of all revolutions with a big, patriotic Bastille Day bang. #ricksteves #ricksteveseurope #paris

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Rick Steves, America's most respected authority on European travel, writes European travel guidebooks, and hosts travel shows on public television and public radio.

Aquardens Terme Verona

«Acqua ardente», il benessere naturale nel Parco termale più grande d’Italia.
Aquardens Terme Verona è un’esperienza tutta da vivere.
Si trova a Pescantina, immerso nel verde della Valpolicella, tra Verona e il lago di Garda. Il nome latino significa ‘acqua ardente’.
In tempi remoti questa zona geografica era ricoperta dal mare; oggi la stessa acqua salso-bromo-iodica fluisce microbiologicamente pura dalla roccia fessurata della fonte di Aquardens, a 47°C da una profondità di 130 metri.
Inaugurata nel 2012, la struttura è aperta 365 giorni l’anno e si estende su oltre 5.200 mq3 di acqua termale. È composta da 12 vasche termali interne ed esterne.
L’area termale del Parco comprende il villaggio saune Sauna Village, con diversi spazi dedicati ai “rituali Aufguss”.
Completano il Parco l’area Aquadivina SPA (trattamenti estetici e massaggi), l’area Ristorazione, con diversi punti ristoro interni ed esterni, tra cui due bar in acqua, il nuovo Percorso Romano Irlandese presso l’area Spa Lounge e l’area medica AquaMedical.
Il ministero della Salute, il 27 giugno 2005, ha riconosciuto le caratteristiche terapeutiche dell’acqua salso-bromo-iodica di Aquardens.

Trattati bene, vieni ad Aquardens.

I Costanti - Caldiero (VR)

I Costanti - Caldiero (VR)
Progetto Fuoco 2014 - FIERA DI VERONA


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Iscriviti al mio canale se vuoi:

FIVE DAYS AT LAKE GARDA | Visiting Malcesine, Sirmione, Verona, Salò, Monte Baldo & Varone | A7SII

I spent five days at Lake Garda in 2016 and made my very first travel film there. Mainly I wanted to test my new Sony A7SII and the DJI Ronin M and was overwhelmed by the impressive area around Lake Garda. Follow me through Malcesine, Sirmione, Verona, Salò. Climb up the Monte Baldo and explore Cascata Varone with me!

I shot in Malcesine, Monte Baldo, Salo, Verona and other beautiful places.

If you want to see more of my cinematic films, feel free subscribe to my channel!

my gear:
Sony A7SII
Samyang VDSLR lenses (35 mm, 50 mm, 85 mm)
Sony 16-35mm Vario-Tessar T FE F4 ZA OSS E-Mount Lens
DJI Ronin M

edited with Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects

© 2016 David Ferstl


SAN MARCO D'ALUNZIO - Flying between sea and mountain - Sicily HD

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ùMusic: Michael Chapman - Twisted Road

San Marco d'Alunzio, an ancient villageof great cultural and tourist interestin the province of Messina is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy. Overlooking the Tyrrhenian coast up to the Aeolian islands from a height of 548 meters. Churches, Monuments and Museums, along with the fresh air and beautiful landscapes, make San Marco d'Alunzio, a place to discover, visit, know. You'll come across in his courteous and hospitable inhabitants who are very easy to socialize with and learn their tips about amazing places that lurk around every corner. The village in the green of the Nebrodi Park is 87 km from Messina and 135 from Palermo. Among its treasures: the Temple of Hercules of the fourth century BC, the ruins of the Norman castle, the Baroque facades of churches, medieval streets, the Museum of Byzantine-Norman, of Sacred Art and the ethno-anthropological heritage of the Capuchin friars.
Make sure to try the local cuisine, such as home made agnolotti filled with pumpkin, white ragout of the pig of Nebrodi and fondue.

Shot with Nikon D3500

Please watch: NEW YORK, a spasso per la Grande Mela, Vlog#2 - Musei, biblioteche e Rockefeller


Palazzo Canossa Acommodation Verona

EXclusive Luxury Accommodation in the 16th Century Palazzo Canossa in the Historic Center of Verona, a few minutes walk from the Arena, Piazza Erbe and Romeo & Juliet's Balcony. The Royal Apartment is a 180 sq.m. 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment, with a large living room, dIning room with 16th century frescoes and furnished with antiques. There is a kitchen and a large terrace overlooking the River Adige with breathtaking views of the Castelvecchio.

picoverde water park - garda lake

Picoverde nere's the most beautiful water park of Lake Garda, the secrets of his success? Easy! A lawn like a golf course, a fantastic restaurant for large pools and water slides for children, in short, a fabulous place to spend the beautiful summer days

Relais De Charme Il Sogno Di Giulietta ***** Hotel Review 2017 HD, Città Antica, Italy

Save money booking hotel Relais De Charme Il Sogno Di Giulietta in Città Antica, Italy
Book now
Property Location
A stay at Relais de Charme Il Sogno di Giulietta - Guest House places you in the heart of Verona, steps from Juliet's House and close to Arena di Verona. This romantic guesthouse is within close proximity of Roman Theater and Castelvecchio.
Make yourself at home in one of the 16 individually decorated guestrooms, featuring minibars and plasma televisions. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and satellite programming is available for your entert...

Lake Garda 1956 archive footage

Archival footage shot by an Italian filmmaker while visiting northeastern Italy with his family in 1956.

It contains stock footage of Lake Garda: Limone sul Garda, the lake, the city of Garda, a sightseeing boat, Hotel Terminus in Garda, mother and children having lunch at the hotel, Scaligero Castle in Sirmione, Grotte di Catullo (Catullo's caves), and more.

Please comment if you recognize more subjects.

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Capitol Camping Club

Un filmato storico del mitico campeggio di Roma alla fine degli anni 70 - inizio anni 80. Girato in formato super8



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