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10 Best place to visit in Căuşeni Moldova


Chisinau, MOLDOVA ???????? - Downtown - 4K - Walking Tour

Today I will take you to walk with me through the streets of the capital of the least visited country in all of Europe.

Walking in Causeni ( Moldova)

With very big please show all you the Causeni city in Moldova country. As as today was by deals in it city decided show the beauties if this place.

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Grab a cup of coffee, put on your walking shoes, and join me as we explore the sites and streets of my home country of Prednestrove (a place most of you know as Transnistria). My mission is to walk and vlog every street of every town in the republic. Your support helps me keep walking!
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Crama Mircești: The Tuscany of Moldova

Crama Mircești is a small winery in Mircești, in the Ungheni district of Moldova, where an independent producer is becoming very popular throughout the country for his high-quality wines. You can visit the winery and enjoy traditional food at the restaurant, a perfect gateway for the weekend.

Crama Mircești:

00:24 Crama Mircești
01:50 Abandoned Soviet metereological station

#travelwithloredana #discovermoldova


Crama Mircești:

Abandoned Soviet metereological station:
x Saharna Waterfalls

Moldova. See on map .

Crama Mircesti Winery

Mircești Winery is a pilot winery owned by Arcadie Fosnea, a winemaker who trained and gained professional experience in Germany, before immersing himself in the wine industry. Arcadie followed his dream and created his own winery in his native village, Mircesti. The winery is the only employer in the village, and the number of employees will soon double as Mircesti Winery opens a restaurant and a boutique hotel with 8 bedrooms.

This video is produced by the National Inbound and Domestic Tourism Association of Moldova (ANTRIM) and Moldova Travel, with the support of Moldova Competitiveness Transition Activity, a USAID EDGE Buy-in project. This assistance is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of ANTRIM and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. Hotels of Moldova

Moldova. See on map .


Moldova officially the Republic of Moldova (Romanian: Republica Moldova) is a Sovereign State in Eastern Europe. It is bordered by Romania to the west and Ukraine to the north, east, and south with which a deal was struck in 2005 for access to the Black Sea, ending Moldova's landlocked status. The unrecognised, breakaway region of Transnistria lies across the Dniester on the country's eastern border with Ukraine. The capital and largest city is Chișinău.

Most of Moldovan territory was a part of the Principality of Moldavia from the 14th century until 1812, when it was ceded to the Russian Empire by the Ottoman Empire (to which Moldavia was a vassal state) and became known as Bessarabia. In 1856, southern Bessarabia was returned to Moldavia, which three years later united with Wallachia to form Romania, but Russian rule was restored over the whole of the region in 1878. During the 1917 Russian Revolution, Bessarabia briefly became an autonomous state within the Russian Republic, known as the Moldavian Democratic Republic. In February 1918, the Moldavian Democratic Republic declared independence and then integrated into Romania later that year following a vote of its assembly. The decision was disputed by Soviet Russia, which in 1924 established, within the Ukrainian SSR, a Moldavian autonomous republic (MASSR) on partially Moldovan-inhabited territories to the east of Bessarabia.

In 1940, as a consequence of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, Romania was compelled to cede Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina to the Soviet Union, leading to the creation of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic (Moldavian SSR), which included the greater part of Bessarabia and the westernmost strip of the former MASSR (east of the Dniester River). On 27 August 1991, as the dissolution of the Soviet Union was underway, the Moldavian SSR declared independence
. This makes for a total of 1,682 localities in Moldova, two of which are uninhabited

Largest cities of Moldova

Rank City Urban
1 Chișinău1 644,204 (2014) 11 Comrat 20,113 (2014)
2 Tiraspol2 129,500 (2015) 12 Strășeni 18,376 (2014)
3 Bălți1 102,457 (2014) 13 Durlești 17,210 (2014)
4 Bender2 91,000 (2015) 14 Ceadîr-Lunga 16,605 (2014)
5 Rîbnița2 46,000 (2015) 15 Căușeni 15,939 (2014)
6 Ungheni3 30,804 (2014) 16 Codru 15,934 (2014)
7 Cahul3 30,018 (2014) 17 Edineț 15,520 (2014)
8 Soroca3 22,196 (2014) 18 Drochia 13,150 (2014)
9 Orhei3 21,065 (2014) 19 Ialoveni 12,515 (2014)
10 Dubăsari3 25,700 (2011) 20 Hîncești
The largest city in Moldova is Chișinău with a population of 635,994 people.

Main article: Geography of Moldova

Scenery in Moldova, with Dniester River

Beach on the shore of Dniester River near Vadul lui Vodă
Moldova lies between latitudes 45° and 49° N, and mostly between meridians 26° and 30° E (a small area lies east of 30°). The total land area is 33,851 km2 (13,070 sq mi)

The largest part of the country (around 88% of the area) lies in Bessarabia region, between Prut and Dniester rivers, while a narrow strip in the east is located in Transnistria (east of the Dniester). The western border of Moldova is formed by the Prut river, which joins the Danube before flowing into the Black Sea. Moldova has access to the Danube for only about 480 m (1,575 ft), and Giurgiulești is the only Moldovan port on the Danube. In the east, the Dniester is the main river, flowing through the country from north to south, receiving the waters of Răut, Bîc, Ichel, Botna. Ialpug flows into one of the Danube limans, while Cogâlnic into the Black Sea chain of limans.

The country is landlocked, though it is close to the Black Sea; at its closest point it is separated from the Dniester Liman, an estuary of the Black Sea, by only 3 km of Ukrainian territory. While most of the country is hilly, elevations never exceed 430 m (1,411 ft) – the highest point being the Bălănești Hill. Moldova's hills are part of the Moldavian Plateau, which geologically originate from the Carpathian Mountains. Its subdivisions in Moldova include the Dniester Hills (Northern Moldavian Hills and Dniester Ridge), the Moldavian Plain (Middle Prut Valley and Bălți Steppe), and the Central Moldavian Plateau (Ciuluc-Soloneț Hills, Cornești Hills—Codri Massive, Codri meaning forests—Lower Dniester Hills, Lower Prut Valley, and Tigheci Hills). In the south, the country has a small flatland, the Bugeac Plain. The territory of Moldova east of the river Dniester is split between parts of the Podolian Plateau, and parts of the Eurasian Steppe.

The country's main cities are the capital Chișinău, in the centre of the country, Tiraspol (in the eastern region of Transnistria), Bălți (in the north) and Bender (in the south-east). Comrat is the administrative centre of Gagauzia. go here

Dash Cam MOLDOVA local road L530 | Driving Tour 4K UHD

Dash Cam MOLDOVA local road L530 | Driving Tour 4K UHD

This video was filmed on Thursday, 14th June 2022, in Moldova. This is a Moldovian local road (L530 / Causeni - Plop-Stiubei - Talmaz - Tudora), in county Causeni.

Republic of Moldova is bordered by Romania to the west and Ukraine to the north, east, and south. The unrecognised breakaway region of Transnistria lies across the Dniester on the country's eastern border with Ukraine.

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Car Trip Around The City Of Comrat., Gagauzia, Republica Moldova. Car Ride. 4K

A car walk around Comrat Town, Gagauzia, Republica Moldova. Car Ride. 4K. You see with your own eyes this beautiful town. Happy viewing.

#Car Ride, #comrat, #Moldova, #car trip, #travel

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Biserica Adormirea Maicii Domnului din Căușeni Moldova

„În Bugeac, la Căușeni,
Dorm strămoșii moldoveni,
Numai pietre de mormânt
Mai păstrează-al lor cuvânt.”

(Alexei Mateevici, 1917, Mărășești)

Biserica îngropată din Căușeni

Nu se cunoaşte data exactă când a fost construită: fie la 1455 când găsim prima atestare a Căuşeniului, fie în perioada de domnie a lui Vasile Lupu (1634-1653) sau mai târziu. În forma ei actuală o avem din timpul reconstrucţiei de la 1763-1767. Interesant e faptul că Biserica “Adormirea Maicii Domnului” din Căuşeni este semi-îngropată, fapt explicat printr-o legendă ajunsă la noi de pe timpul administraţiei tătare din zonă. Se zice că tătarii au admis construcţia unei biserici creştine, cu condiţia ca ea să nu depăşească în înălţime un ostaş pe cal.
Biserica Adormirea Maicii Domnului

Orheiul Vechi Trebujeni Moldova Moldavia

La splendida valle e i canyon del fiume Răut tra Furceni e Trebujeni all'interno dell'area naturale di Orheiul Vechi; per info e prenotazioni potete chiamarmi o inviare un whatsapp al numero +37379679434

Rezervaţia Adana - Dronă

1. Situată în cursul inferior al Nistrului, în preajma satului Talmaza, raionul Ştefan Vodă;

2. Prima atestare documentară a satului e la 1595;

3. Rezervaţia Adana, în baza lacului cu acelaşi nume, se află în sud-estul Republicii Moldova şi este o rămăşiţă a albiei vechi a râului Nistru;

4. Zona Nistrului de Jos este o arie protejată din Republica Moldova, iar la nivel internaţional constituie o zonă umedă de importanţă internaţională;

    În anul 2003, aceasta a fost introdusă în Convenţia Ramsar, incluzând aici sectorul de luncă al Nistrului de Jos, între localităţile Copanca şi Palanca.

5. Aceasta are forma literei V sau a unei potcoave;

    Rezervaţia face parte din patrimoniul natural al Republicii Moldova.

Экзамен на категорию А | Кишинев, 2022 | Examen categoria A | Chisinau, 2022

Сдача экзамена - лёгкий процесс, если вам всё объяснили, показали и подготовили к нему.

Мы записали этот ролик, чтобы развеять все сомнения касательно новых трудностей на экзамене. Постарались разложить всё по полочкам для тех, кто уже назначил встречу с экзаменатором и для тех, кто только планирует получить категорию.
Надеемся, что ряды мотоциклистов будут пополняться, тем самым уменьшая количество пробок в городе и наполняя дни хорошим настроением.

Хотим подчеркнуть, что данные навыки являются обязательными для сдачи экзамена, но недостаточными для безопасной езды по дорогам общего пользования!

Мы советуем вам не останавливаться и совершенствовать свои умения!
@ScoalaAuto Vehicul и @MotoGymkhanaMoldova готовы предложить вам лучшее обучение и дальнейшую сдачу экзамена без затруднений, а так же более обширную подготовку будущих мотоциклистов, уменьшая риски, которые могут привести к неприятным ситуациям.

Sustinerea examenului este un proces ușor dacă totul îți este explicat, arătat și esti pregătit pentru el.

Am realizat acest video pentru a risipi toate îndoielile cu privire la „noile” dificultăți ale examenului. Am încercat să punem totul pe rafturi pentru cei care și-au făcut deja o programare la ASP și pentru cei care plănuiesc să obțină categoria AM, A2, A1, A.

Sperăm ca rândurile motocicliștilor să fie completate, reducând astfel numărul de ambuteiaje din oraș și umplând zilele cu bună dispoziție.
Dorim să subliniem că aceste abilități sunt obligatorii pentru promovarea examenului, dar nu suficiente pentru a conduce în siguranță pe drumurile publice!
Vă sfătuim să nu vă opriți și să vă îmbunătățiți abilitățile!
@ScoalaAuto Vehicul și @MotoGymkhanaMoldova sunt gata să vă ofere o pregătire mai bună și promovarea fără dificultate a examenului în continuare, precum și o pregătire mai extinsă pentru viitorii motocicliști, reducând riscurile care pot duce la situații neplăcute.

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Best of Transnistria, Bendery Fortress, Memorial of Glory

This is the best of Transnistria segment of DIY Travel - Chisinau & Tiraspol, the host Charles Huang will be taking a minibus from Chisinau Central Bus Station to Tiraspol to visit the Bendery Fortress, Alexander Nevsky Church, Transnistria Parliament / Supreme Council, Memorial of Glory, St. George the Victorious Chapel, Suvorov Square, Transnistrian Republican Bank (Central Bank) and Tiraspol's City Hall. The segment will also talks about getting to and from between Chisinau and Tiraspol, his experience of getting arrested, as well the money exchange and the history of the local currency, the Transnistrian ruble.

Music by MBB

Music by Fredji:

Tour virtuale di Chisinau: la Sala cu Orga, il Municipio e la Posta Centrale

Per maggiori info e prenotazione escursioni +37379679434

Traseul Riscani - Chisinau pe timp de COVID-19, Moldova :) [16330034]

Traseul Riscani - Chisinau pe timp de COVID-19, Moldova :)

Odesa – Chisinau

Drumul de la Odesa la Chișinău (195 km), parcurs în timp real, cu 5 luni înainte de război (septembrie 2021).

Pornire: Odesa, Scuarul 10 aprilie (10-ho Kvitnya Square), Sectorul Prymorsk.
Sosire: Chișinău, Porțile orașului (The City gates).

Localitati pe traseu:
00:00 Odessa
51:43 Mayaky
01:10:46 Vama Palanca
01:11:42 Palanca
01:16:56 Tudora
02:02:42 Căușeni
02:13:04 Grigorievca
02:24:48 Troița Nouă
02:39:09 Anenii Noi
02:46:35 Albinița
02:48:16 Țînțăreni
02:53:24 Todirești
03:03:28 Sângera
03:14:55 Chișinău, Porțile orașului (The City gates)

Moldova: Souvenir Stands in Chisinau キシナウ(モルドバ)の露店土産物屋

From my trip to Moldova in October 2011. Chisinau is the capital of Moldova. 2011年10月のモルドバ旅行から。

EU SUNT AICI | Ep. 8: Zaim și Jurământul Limbii Române

EU SUNT AICI este o serie de emisiuni turistice despre locuri și tineri din Moldova.

Pornim de pe strada 31 august, Ziua Națională a Limbii Române, colț cu strada Mihai Eminescu, cel mai mare poet al limbii române, către satul Zaim, acolo unde a copilărit Alexei Mateevici, autorul poeziei ”Limba noastră”, astăzi imnul Moldovei.

Vedeți, totul are legătură cu limba română! Dacă veniți prin Moldova, trebuie numaidecât să o descoperiți și admirați. De aceea, obiectivul nostru turistic de astăzi este chiar ea - Limba Română!

Proiectul este realizat de OWH Studio cu susținerea Ministerului Culturii din Republica Moldova.

Prezentator și montaj: Ioana Vatamanu-Mărgineanu
Ghid la Casa-Muzeu ”Alexei Mateevici” din satul Zaim: Ion Găină
Imagine: Oleg Popescu
Dronă: Călin Popescu
Colorizare și mixaj sunet: Radu D. Zaporojan
Muzică: Anatol Ștefăneț & Trigon
Traducere: Romeo Cărbune
Producător: Virgiliu Mărgineanu
Mulțumiri speciale: Leontina Vatamanu, Tatiana Topor, Elena Stegari, Daniel Avram, Alina Oancea.

Au jurat: Ioana și Elena Vatamanu-Mărgineanu, Călin Popescu, Vasile Cocîrla, Gesica Sîrbu, Adriana Bătrâncea, Oleg Chiseliov, Sandu Erhan, Ionela Cazacu, Daniela Mihăilă, Stela Postolache și alți mii de vizitatori ai muzeului.
I AM HERE is a series of tourist shows about places and young people in Moldova.

We start from 31 August Street, National Day of the Romanian Language, intersected by Mihai Eminescu Street, the greatest poet of the Romanian language, and go to Zaim, the village where Alexei Mateevici, the author of the poem Our Language, today the anthem of Moldova, grew up.

You see, it's all about the Romanian language! If you come to Moldova, you should definitely discover and admire it. That's why our tourist destination today is the Romanian language!

The project is realized by OWH Studio with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova.

Presenter and editing: Ioana Vatamanu-Mărgineanu
Guide to the House-Museum Alexei Mateevici in the village of Zaim: Ion Găină
Image: Oleg Popescu
Drone: Călin Popescu
Colorization and sound mixing: Radu D. Zaporojan
Music: Anatol Stefaneț & Trigon
Translation: Romeo Cărbune
Producer: Virgiliu Mărgineanu
Special thanks: Leontina Vatamanu, Tatiana Topor, Elena Stegari, Daniel Avram, Alina Oancea.

(c) OWH Studio 2023

Walking in the monastery of Martha and Mary ( Moldova )

Hello. Yesterday 2 August with very big please show all of you this gorgeous place with truth, thoughts silence give positive balance for soul, heart and body.
And self monastery situate near with wild forest. Near cities its of course Hajimus and Ursoya.
Till Bender city of Transnistria is 7 km.
The description with site

The Holy Myrrh-Bearing Women Martha and Mary Convent is located in a picturesque forest grove near the Hagimus village, Causeni district, Moldova, 75 km from Chisinau and 7 km from Bender city of Transnistria. It is a quiet place for prayer, reflection and retreat.Even though the monastery was founded recently, in 1997, it has become a cultural and orthodox centre in the South-East of Moldova, visited by many pilgrims.It was founded by Bishop Dorimedont Cecan (1961 – 2006), being Archimandrite of Noul-Neamt monastery of Kitkany, inspired by the idea and advice of Theological Seminar’s Inspector Andrei Cotrutsa, at present, Father Andrew, Archimandrit and the spiritual confessor. At first, it was dependent on Kitkany monastery but became independent in 1998.

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Grab a cup of coffee, put on your walking shoes, and join me as we explore the sites and streets of my home country of Prednestrove (a place most of you know as Transnistria). My mission is to walk and vlog every street of every town in the republic. Your support helps me keep walking!

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Alex Chernov




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