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10 Best place to visit in Brusque Brazil


TOP 10 Melhores Praias de Santa Catarina

Quando se pensa em visitar praias bonitas no Brasil, a maioria das pessoas pensam nas praias do nordeste ou nas praias do Rio de Janeiro.
Porém, as praias de Santa Catarina, com certeza merecem um lugar entre as melhores praias do Brasil.
As praias de Santa Catarina além de belas possuem características diversas, algumas são boas para surfar e curtir uma badalação, já outras praias SC estão as melhores para curtir um dia em família.
Ficou curioso para saber quais são as melhores praias de Santa Catarina?
Então assista o vídeo até o final, pois hoje te apresentaremos as 10 melhores praias de Santa Catarina.
Não Perca os Melhores Pacotes de Viagem e Conheça de Perto Santa Catarina. Escolha uma opção abaixo.
Beto Carreiro-
Balneário Camboriú-

????????????ASSISTA TAMBÉM????????????


????10 Cidades do Interior de Santa Catarina que Vão Te Surpreender!

????10 LUGARES BARATOS PARA VIAJAR NO EXTERIOR [Destinos internacionais BARATOS 2022]




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TOP 10 cidades do interior/litoral de SANTA CATARINA para morar

Localizado na região Sul do Brasil, o Estado de Santa Catarina conta com 295 municípios e tem população estimada em 7,3 milhões de habitantes.
O estado sempre se destacou por suas belezas naturais e também pelo seu alto IDH (Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano), o que atrai muitas pessoas que desejam visitar, investir ou morar na região. Sua capital Florianópolis conta com excelente infraestrutura, belas praias e é um dos maiores polos econômicos e tecnológicos do Brasil. Mas o Interior de Santa Catarina é tudo de bom!!!

Confira agora nossa lista recente com 10 excelentes cidades para viver bem, no interior de Santa Catarina.

00:00 Estado de Santa Catarina
01:35 Itapema
4:30 Criciúma
7:20 Chapecó
9:23 Blumenau
11:50 Brusque
14:19 São José
16:44 Jaraguá do Sul
19:26 Itajaí
21:59 Joinville
25:02 Balneário Camboriú

Agradecimentos / Fontes / Imagens / Créditos:
Ministério do Turismo
Prefeitura de Itapema
Prefeitura de Criciúma
Prefeitura de Chapecó
Prefeitura de Blumenau
Prefeitura de Brusque
Prefeitura de São José
Prefeitura de Jaraguá do Sul
Prefeitura de Itajaí
Prefeitura de Joinville
Prefeitura de Balneário Camboriú

The EUROPE of BRAZIL ???????? (Florianópolis, Balneário Camboriú & Blumenau)

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CHARMING Brusque downtown (The fashion city) virtual walking, Santa Catarina, Brazil - 4K

Brusque is a city in Santa Catarina state, southern region of Brazil. The city is known as the Fashion City due to the strong economy related to textile industry. The city was colonized by german imigrants that came to the region of Vale do Itajaí on the XIX century. The city is where the headquarters of one of the largest chains of department stores (Havan), is located.

On the video you can see a tour on the downtown area of the city where we find the Christmas decoration and a handicraft fair. We walk by the main street where there are a lot of stores for the people. We take another street up to a Lutheran Church on top of the hill. After that we go to another square where different local government buildings are. The buildings resembles german architecture known as timber framing or enxaimel or Fachwerk in Brazil.

Device: iPhone13 + DJI Osmo
City: Brusque, SC, Brazil.
Video specs: 3840x2160 30fps (4K)
Date: Dec 2022

#brazil #santacatarina #brusque #walking #4k

Top 5 cidades pra viver em SANTA CATARINA

Conheça as 5 melhores cidades para morar em Santa Catarina.
Classificamos as 5 melhores cidades para viver no Estado de Santa Catarina, Sul do Brasil.

0:00 O Estado de Santa Catarina
0:56 Joinville
2:18 Brusque
3:46 Itajaí
5:08 Balneário Camboriú
7:04 Florianópolis

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CURITIBA Top 10 ???????? [4K] Brazil | Things to see in 2024

Curitiba (2024) is the capital city of the state of Parana in southern Brazil. The city has approximately 1,2 mln citizens. Besides the old colonial center, the city of Curitiba has a lot to offer in modern architecture. One of the main architects is Oscar Niemeyer who designed the modern Museum (Novo Museu).

The top 10 in this video:
1. Oscar Niemeyer Novo Museu
2. Opera de Arame
3. Jardim Botanico
4. Catedral Basilica Nossa Senhora da Luz
5. Garibaldi Square
6. University of Parana
7. Palace of Liberty Cultural Center
8. Palace of the Araucarias
9. Parana State Government Building
10. Curitiba Town Hall

Music: Hungarian Rhapsody no.2 by Liszt. No Copyright Music. Available in the Youtube Audio Library.

Copyrights by Polychronis 4K Movies ©2023 GREECE
It is allowed to embed the video in your blogs and websites with reference to the original Youtube source of my videos. Downloading and using excerpts or entire videos of my channel is forbidden.

???????? Blumenau and Pomerode ???????? Germanic Cities in Brazil | Southern Brazil |【4K】

Pomerode is a municipality in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Located in the Mesoregion of Vale do Itajaí and in the Microregion of Blumenau, it is known for being The most German city in Brazil. Its estimated population in 2020 was 34,010 inhabitants, according to IBGE data.

In addition to Portuguese, a large part of the local population speaks a German very close to Standard German (Hochdeutsch), while the original language of most Pomeranians is Pomeranian. Therefore, there is the coexistence of these three linguistic codes in the city (Portuguese, German and Pomeranian)

Blumenau is a municipality in the state of Santa Catarina, it is the third municipality in population in the state, the 8th in the Southern Region of Brazil, the 78th in Brazil and the only medium-large city in Santa Catarina, constituting one of its main industrial centers, technology and university.

It was founded by the German chemist and pharmacist Hermann Bruno Otto Blumenau, who arrived in a boat via the Itajaí-Açu river accompanied by seventeen other compatriot settlers. This landed at the mouth of the Garcia stream on September 2, 1850 and divided the land into lots so that the settlers could build their homes, mostly houses made with the half-timbered technique. The gap between the mouths of the Velha and Garcia streams defined the current city center.

It has a cultural agenda focused on parties based on the daily life and habits of European immigrants, highlighting the German colonization, with Oktoberfest, the second largest beer party in the world, which, every year in October, takes place for 17 days, and the Stammtisch, a traditional meeting of associations, which takes place both on Rua XV de Novembro, in the center of the municipality, and in Vila Itoupava. The Italian core of the population holds the Festitália, in addition to meetings of the Centro de Tradições Gaúchas (CTG) and several other manifestations of European and Brazilian cultures.

Blumenau, with estimated 366.418 of population, is the economic center of the Itajaí valley, with the textile and computer industries standing out — with national and international companies, such as Companhia Hering, the 16th largest in the state of Santa Catarina, and the largest label manufacturer in the world, Haco. It is also noted the regional relevance of the services and trade sector; namely health and education, with the University of Blumenau and four hospitals. Blumenau has one of the highest human development indices in Brazil and extensive vegetation cover due to the presence of the Serra do Itajaí National Park in its territory. However, it has social problems in common with the rest of Brazil, such as the presence of 23,131 inhabitants in favelas, the highest number in Santa Catarina in 2010.






As 10 Maiores empresas de Onibus do Brasil - 2010 ( Em Patrimonio Liquido)

Neste vídeo coloco as 10 maiores empresas de onibus do Brasil considerando o patrimonio líquido no ano de 2010.

Patrimonio Liquido é a diferença entre ativos e passivos da empresa, onibus que fazem parte da frota mas que foram comprados por financiamento (100% dos onibus são comprados assim), não entram na conta de ativos até serem totalmente pagos. Em palavras claras, patrimonio liquido é aquilo que os sócios e acionistas possuem de direito na empresa.

A fonte da informação é a revista Maiores e Melhores do grupo Transporte Moderno, a fonte é confiável e com certeza é uma das únicas fontes desse meio onde vários busólogos são cheios de ''achismos.

A discussão sempre é polemica, por falta de fontes confiáveis em nosso meio, os dados são de 2012, certamente hoje deve haver alguma alteração nessas posições, principalmente uma queda da Itapemirim e crescimento da 1001 e Cometa, mas não há fontes mais atualizadas que essa. Assim que tiver fontes mais atuais farei outro vídeo.

Em tamanho da frota, passageiros por KM e outros com certeza os números são diferentes, mas não há base atualizada para tal.

A fonte das fotos foi basicamente o site

O direito autoral dos donos das fotos foram mantidos já que todas estão com os créditos originais dos autores.

Fotos: Antonio Carlos Fernandes, Walky Martins, Vinicius Buchelt Violada, Carlos Junior, Rodney Silva Martins, Flavio Oliveira, Fabiano de Oliveira Prado, Jorge Thadeu Pacheco Ferreira, Allan Alencar, Rafael da Silva Xarão, Maxwell Silva, Almir Correia, Chrtistian Gabriel, Laurian Bus Salvador, Walber Gomes, Claudio Aparecido de Deus Sobral, Pedro Henrique Ferreira, Luis Otavio Vicente Domingues, Gabriel Santos, Pratabus, Elias Rodrigo Gotardo, Ricardo Peruch, Erik Ferreira, Luck de Paula, Lucas de Souza Pereira, Francine Sanmartin, Jair Henrique, Luiz Otavio Vicente Domingues, Leandro Pacheco, Richard Wagner, Fabiano de Oliveira Prado, Marcus Nogueira, Luis C. Santinne, Leonel Gomes dos Santos, Fabricio Zulato, Diego Miranda, Philipe Almeida, Maxwell Silva, Rodrigo Madash, Rodney Cruz, Julio Cesar Euzébio Alves, Caio Takeda, Douglas de Souza, Giangiulio Cocco, Paulo Roberto, Mauro Alcaraz, André Luiz Gomes de Souza, Rodrigo Coimbra, Rodrigo Rodrigues, Sidnei Strujak, Matheus Loiaconi, Vinicius MIranda, Antonio Carlos Fernandes, Adão Marcelino, Renato Barros, Willian POntual, Charleston Vinicius Carvalho Silva, Gregor Rodeghiero, Mario Augusto, Gilberto Martins, Thales Pires Silva, Ailton Florencio, Andrew Campos, Wanderson Vinicius de Amorim, Taillison Fernandes, Allen Maximiliano, Henrique Cavalcante, Marcos Sá Carneiro, Bruno Guimarães, Danilo Santos, Welder Pereira da Silva, Italo Nunes, Elias Roberto, Flavio Eduardo, Nildo Barroso, Remulo, Amós Matos, Lucas Silva, Jardel Machado, Gilberto Souza Nunes, Reginaldo Pereira, Euripedes Junior, Paulo Gustavo, Matheu Santos Pena, Guilherme Faria Ribeiro, Julio Cesar de Oliveira, Rafael Brusque, Emerson Ferreira, Promenzionibus.


Fala pessoal!! Eu me chamo Cláudio, sou guia regional Santa Catarina e no vídeo de hoje, vou apresentar pra vocês as belezas naturais do município de Bombinhas. Vamos conhecer a nova Av. centro de Bombinhas, a praia de Bombas, praia de Bombinhas, a paradisíaca praia do Ribeiro e a mais nova atração turística do município, a passarela do Ribeiro e o calçadão da orla de Bombas.

O vídeo ficou incrível!!! Espero que vocês gostem e depois me digam o que vocês acharam!
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TOP 10 MELHORES cidades para MORAR em Santa Catarina #shorts

TOP 10 melhores cidades para morar em Santa Catarina

São José

Jaraguá do Sul





Balneário Camboriú





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Neste vídeo você irá assistir: TOP 10 MELHORES cidades para MORAR em Santa Catarina #shorts


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TOP 10 MELHORES cidades para MORAR em Santa Catarina

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???????? BRUSQUE — Santa Catarina — Brazil 【 4K UHD 】

Brusque is a Brazilian municipality in the state of Santa Catarina. It is located in the microregion of Blumenau and in the Mesoregion of Vale do Itajaí. Its population in the 2022 Census was 141,385 inhabitants, making it the 11th largest in the state. It has an area of 284,675 km².

Founded by German settlers in 1860, under the command of Baron Schneeburg, Brusque became one of the pioneers in the Santa Catarina industry, especially in the textile sector.

The history of colonization of European origin in the current region of Brusque begins in the lands located on the right bank of the Itajaí-Mirim river. In this place destined for the headquarters of Colônia Itajahy (Brusque), there was already the presence of immigrants who explored wood extraction, such as Pedro Werner, Franz Sallentiem and Paulo Kellner. However, Vicente Ferreira de Mello, known as Vicente Só, was one of the first to enter the forest and establish a home on top of a hill, a hill on which today you can see the Catholic church located in the Centro I neighborhood.

But immigration of European origin actually began with the arrival of the Austrian nobleman Baron von Schneeburg, who led 54 German immigrants from the Grand Duchy of Baden, in southern Germany, on August 4, 1860. The nucleus was named Colonia Itajahy. In the following years, new groups of people from the most diverse regions of what was later called Germany arrived in the municipality. On January 17, 1890, the city was named Brusque, in honor of Francisco Carlos de Araújo Brusque, president of the province of Santa Catarina at the time of the colony's founding, a gaucho born in Porto Alegre on May 24, 1822. The municipality It was established on March 23, 1881, still under the name of São Luís Gonzaga, receiving its current name in 1890.

Therefore, the centenary (August 4, 1960) and sesquicentennial (August 4, 2010) celebrations refer to the arrival of German settlers and not to the creation of the municipality of Brusque.

It inherited German characteristics from its colonizers: in architecture, food, popular festivals, etc. However, other peoples bequeathed ethnic contributions to the Germanic waves. On March 10, 1867, the first English-speaking settlers arrived, especially the Irish and the British. The colony received more than 1,500 settlers from Europe and the United States: the latter, fleeing the Civil War. Then, in 1875, the first Italian immigrants arrived and, later, the Poles. Some Poles brought weaving techniques with them, and factories were founded in the city.

Geographer and researcher Maria do Carmo Ramos Krieger Goulart reports that 16 families from Silesia, a region that was under Prussian rule, disembarked at Villa do Itajahy. Their destination was the lands of Colônia Príncipe Dom Pedro, back in 1869. The author notes that it was in that year that the first birth of Polish immigrants took place: it was Izabella Kokot, born on November 12, 1869, in Brusque.

However, to confirm the Polish presence in the lands of Príncipe Dom Pedro and, later, of Porto Franco (Botuverá), it is preferable to cite the book Colonial Debts, which contains the nominal list of Poles established in the region, as well as the accounting of your debts. The relationship began in October 1890 and continued until February 1893.

The year 1875 marks the flow of a large immigration current: it was Italian colonization. The author Roselys Isabel Correia dos Santos informs us in the book The Italian colonization in Vale do Itajaí-Mirim:
In the direction of the current municipality of Botuverá, formerly Porto Franco, in the middle valley, on land that constituted the former Colônia Príncipe Dom Pedro, the same land where most Italian immigrants were channeled.
However, the land was barely usable for agriculture, with emphasis on wood exploitation.

The locations or lines of colonization where the Italian colonists initially settled were Azambuja, Poço Fundo and Águas Claras. The banks of Ribeirão Alferes, in the Tijucas River Valley, were also occupied, where the Nova Trento nucleus was created. Later, they occupied the lands of the extinct Colônia Príncipe Dom Pedro, in the locations between Cedrinho and the Porto Franco district, now Botuverá.

Jul 07, 2022





Brusque Drone 4k - Santa Catarina, Brazil 2022

Drone footage of Brusque city at the Santa Catarina, Brazil. Nice and quiet city at the South of Brazil. Enjoy 4k cinematic aerial video ????

???? This video filmed by drone DJI Mavic 2 Pro on 4k quality
???????? Brusque, Santa Catarina, Brazil

???? Don't miss other Drone videos!
Rio de Janeiro:

Favela Tour:


#drone #aerial #dronefilm

Así es BRUSQUE || Hermosa Ciudad de SC - Brasil

Amigoss! hoy visitamos y conocemos una ciudad muy linda! me encantó y espero q a ustedes también!
vamos a seguir conociendo más y más de a poquito como se pueda!????????
Graciass por el apoyo, porque de verdad me ayudan mucho estando ahí ????

El video incluye vistas Aéreas en drone muy lindas! para poder ver todo de diferentes perspectivas????

•Parque das esculturas
•Centro de Brusque, Centro comercial
•Arena (aunque no pudimos entrar)
•Igreja Matriz
•Centro Religioso - Azambuja

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Brusque - Santa Catarina - Brasil

Conheça Brusque (SC), distante a 108 km da capital Florianópolis.

Veja também o vídeo sobre Guabiruba (SC), município vizinho de Brusque:


#brusque #brusquesc #santacatarina #brasil #brazil

Pepi and Elci share their first 3 days in the small city of Brusque, Santa Catarina in southern Brazil.

Brusque is a charming city located in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, known for its rich history, strong industrial presence, and picturesque landscapes. Situated in the Itajaí Valley region, Brusque combines the beauty of its natural surroundings with the dynamism of its urban life, making it a delightful destination for both residents and visitors alike.

Founded in the 19th century by German immigrants, Brusque retains much of its European influence, evident in its architecture, cultural traditions, and gastronomy. The city’s historic downtown area, characterized by well-preserved colonial buildings, cobblestone streets, and quaint squares, invites visitors to take a leisurely stroll and soak in its old-world charm.

One of Brusque’s main attractions is its thriving textile industry, which has earned the city the nickname “Brazil’s Textile Capital.” Visitors can explore the Fabric District, where numerous textile factories, outlets, and shops offer a wide range of fabrics, clothing, and accessories at competitive prices. The annual Fenatex (National Textile Fair) showcases the latest trends and innovations in the textile industry, drawing professionals and enthusiasts from across the country.

Nature enthusiasts will appreciate Brusque’s proximity to lush greenery and outdoor recreational opportunities. The city is surrounded by rolling hills, rivers, and waterfalls, providing ample opportunities for hiking, picnicking, and enjoying nature. The Parque Zoobotânico de Brusque, a zoological and botanical park, is home to diverse flora and fauna native to the region, offering educational and recreational experiences for visitors of all ages.

For those interested in history and culture, Brusque offers several museums and cultural attractions worth exploring. The Museu Histórico de Brusque (Brusque Historical Museum) showcases artifacts and exhibits that trace the city’s history from its founding to the present day. The Casa de Brusque, a historic mansion turned cultural center, hosts art exhibitions, workshops, and cultural events throughout the year.

Culinary enthusiasts will also find plenty to indulge in Brusque, with a variety of restaurants, cafes, and bakeries offering traditional Brazilian and international cuisine. Visitors can sample regional specialties such as seafood dishes, German-inspired pastries, and Brazilian barbecue, accompanied by locally brewed craft beers and wines.

In conclusion, Brusque offers a delightful blend of history, industry, nature, and culture, making it a multifaceted destination worth exploring in southern Brazil. Whether you’re drawn to its textile heritage, outdoor adventures, historical landmarks, or culinary delights, Brusque invites visitors to discover its hidden gems and experience the warmth and hospitality of its residents.


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Drone Footage - Brusque, Santa Catarina, Brazil

Cinematic aerial footage of Brazilian City Brusque located in Santa Catarina state. We will use Mavic 2 Pro drone for film this 4k footage of Brusque! Enjoy!

Don't miss the FULL version of this video!

#shorts #drone #aerial

Hotel Estação 101 Brusque, Brusque, Brazil

Hotel Estação 101 Brusque, Brusque, Brazil
About Property:
You're eligible for a Genius discount at Hotel Estação 101 - Brusque! To save at this property, all you have to do is sign in.
Hotel Estação 101 - Brusque is centrally located in Brusque, boasts a swimming pool and a well-equipped fitness centre. Hotel Estação 101 Brusque offers WiFi and parking for free, as well as business centre and meeting facilities.
Comfortable rooms at Hotel Estação 101 Brusque feature an air conditioning, a cable TV and...
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Property Type: Hotel
Address: Rua Manfredo Hoffmann, 05, Brusque, CEP 88353-150, Brazil
Searching For
1. Hotel Estação 101 Brusque - Brusque - Brazil
2. Hotel Estação 101 Brusque - Brusque - Brazil Address
3. Hotel Estação 101 Brusque - Brusque - Brazil Rooms
4. Hotel Estação 101 Brusque - Brusque - Brazil Amenities
5. Hotel Estação 101 Brusque - Brusque - Brazil Offers and Deals
Audio Credit:
Track Title: Subway Dreams
Artist: Dan Henig
* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel With Kalpana.
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*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
#TravelWithKalpana #HotelEstação101BrusqueBrusque #HotelEstação101BrusqueBrusqueBrazil

City Tour por Blumenau, Brusque e Florianópolis - Floripa Tour Guide

City Tour por Blumenau, Brusque e Florianópolis - Fábrica de cristais Glas Park, Museu da Cerveja, Vila Germânica, FIP e Morro da Lagoa e Praias de Florianópolis.

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Top 10 Recommended Hotels In Santa Catarina | Top 10 Best 5 Star Hotels In Santa Catarina

Top 10 Recommended Hotels In Santa Catarina | Top 10 Best 5 Star Hotels In Santa Catarina

1) Costão do Santinho Resort All Inclusive, Florianopolis
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2) IL Campanario Villaggio Resort, Florianópolis
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3) Majestic Palace Hotel, Florianópolis
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4) Parador Estaleiro Hotel Exclusive, Balneário Camboriú
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5) Monthez Hotel & Eventos, Brusque
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6) Caixa D'aco Exclusive, Porto Belo
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7) Ilha da Galé Tourist Hotel, Bombinhas
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8) Pousada Ecomar, Florianópolis
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9) Sofistic Hotel, Itapema
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10) Ponta dos Ganchos Exclusive Resort, Governador Celso Ramos
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Queries Solved:
1) Top 10 Recommended Hotels In Santa Catarina
2) Top 10 Hotels In Santa Catarina
3) Top Ten Hotels In Santa Catarina
4) Top 10 Romantic Hotels In Santa Catarina
5) 10 Best Hotels For Couples In Santa Catarina
6) Hotels In Santa Catarina
7) Best Hotels In Santa Catarina
8) Top 10 5 Star Hotels In Santa Catarina
9) Best 5 Star Hotels In Santa Catarina
10) 5 Star Hotels In Santa Catarina
11) Top 10 Luxury Hotels In Santa Catarina
12) Luxury Hotel In Santa Catarina
13) Luxury Hotels In Santa Catarina
14) Luxury Stay In Santa Catarina

Our Other Video:
1) Top 10 Hotels In World:
2) Top 10 Hotels In South America:
3) Top 10 Hotels In Brazil:
4) Top 10 Hotels In Caraguatatuba:
5) Top 10 Hotels In Northern Brazil:
6) Top 10 Hotels In Caldas Novas:
7) Top 10 Hotels In Maceio:
8) Top 10 Hotels In Costa do Descobrimento:
9) Top 10 Hotels In Serra Nevada:
10) Top 10 Hotels In Parana:
11) Top 10 Hotels In Pipa:
12) Top 10 Hotels In Petropolis:
13) Top 10 Hotels In Joao Pessoa:
14) Top 10 Hotels In Balneario Camboriu:
15) Top 10 Hotels In Foz do Iguacu:
16) Top 10 Hotels In Rio Grande do Norte:
17) Top 10 Hotels In Ilhabela:
18) Top 10 Hotels In Goias:
19) Top 10 Hotels In Pernambuco:
20) Top 10 Hotels In West-Central Brazil:

Audio Credit:
Track Title: Blank Slate
Artist: VYEN

* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel By 3 Girls.
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