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10 Best place to visit in Beslan Russia


Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria - Russia. HD Travel.

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Nalchik (Russian: Нальчик; IPA: [ˈnalʲtɕɪk]; Kabardian: Налщӏэч /naːɮɕʼakʲ/; Karachay-Balkar: Нальчик) is the capital city of the Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Russia, situated at an altitude of 550 meters (1,800 ft) in the foothills of the Caucasus Mountains; about 100 kilometers (62 mi) northwest of Beslan in the Republic of North Ossetia–Alania.[12] It covers an area of 131 square kilometers (51 sq mi)


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A day in Homs, Syria.

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Train travel in Russia - From Moscow to Magadan

In this journey from Moskou to Magadan, Jelle visited numerous areas of Russia. It's time for the trip back, and he choses to take the train for it. Taking a train in Russia, is like a small incursian in Russian daily lives.
Original title: Het spoor terug
What's left of communism? How big are the differences between the poor and the rich? What is the influence of corruption? Is Russia a young democracy (as former Dutch prime minister Jan Peter Balkenende previously said)?Is it a sovereign democracy (according to Putin) or a fascist regime (as read in The Economist)? Jelle Brandt Corstius is looking for the topics that rule the life of ordinary Russians in Russia.

Presented by: Jelle Brandt Corstius
© VPRO March 2009

This channel offers some of the best travel series from the Dutch broadcaster VPRO. Our series explore cultures from all over the world. VPRO storytellers have lived abroad for years with an open mind and endless curiosity, allowing them to become one with their new country. Thanks to these qualities, they are the perfect guides to let you experience a place and culture through the eyes of a local. Uncovering the soul of a country, through an intrinsic and honest connection, is what VPRO and its presenters do best.

So subscribe to our channel and we will be delighted to share our adventures with you!
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English, French and Spanish subtitles by Ericsson and co-funded by the European Union.

【4K❌❌❌】Alanya 2023 Nightlife Bar Street

WALKING IN ALANYA, TURKEY: Enjoy a walk around one of the most beautiful towns along the Antalya province, Turkey.

Alanya Bar Street is the centre of intense nightlife and best nightlife and entertainment region in Alanya with variety of clubs and discos where all kind of nightlife activities take place. Located 500-700 m. walking distance from central Alanya and by the seaside restaurants and Alanya Marina, the Bar Street is full of clubs, live music bars, dance bars, discos, bars and cafes.

This walk was filmed on Sunday, May 15, 2022 starting at 10 P.M.

✈️ *Skyscanner – Book Cheap Fights, Hotels & Car Hire


All video is original and personally recorded by Walk Rabbit Walk ????
Copyright © 2022 All Rights Reserved district with Walk Rabbit Walk ????
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#AlanyaBarStreet #AlanyaNightlife #AlanyaParty

Владикавказ. Прогулка по городу и немного истории

Владикавказ – Готовые туры

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Ереван. Орёл и Решка. Перезагрузка-3 (Russian, English subtitles)

Орёл и Решка. Перезагрузка-3 (Heads and Tails. Reloaded) в столице Армении - городе Ереван (Yerevan, Armenia)! Наш старый добрый знакомы встретил Настю Ивлееву и Евсея Ковалева как подобает, душевно и тепло! Мы наслаждались армянской кухней и народной армянской музыкой. Поднялись на Каскад, чтобы увидеть самую красивую панораму Еревана. Экстремально отдохнули в Йелл-экстрим парке. И прикоснулись к истории Армении в музее-заповеднике Гарни.

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Путешествие во Владикавказ: достопримечательности за 1 день


00:00 – Владикавказ, мы идем к тебе
00:15 – мини-отель «Царское» (Владикавказ)
01:38 – Владикавказ – проспект Мира вечером
01:46 – ресторан-чайхона Lookoom
02:02 – пробуем осетинское пиво
02:45 – пробуем осетинские пироги
03:25 – река Терек вечером
04:05 – Mini-hotel Tsarskoe – отзывы и завтрак
04:30 – улица Титова во Владикавказе
05:06 – здание Северо-Осетинской филармонии (бывшая лютеранская кирха)
05:58 – памятник Пушкину во Владикавказе
06:24 – проспект Мира во Владикавказе
08:14 – центральный парк культуры и отдыха имени К.Л. Хетагурова
09:34 – колесо обозрения во Владикавказе
10:36 – река Терек
11:04 – мечеть Мухтарова во Владикавказе
12:07 – набережная Терека во Владикавказе
13:02 – памятник генералу Плиеву во Владикавказе
13:27 – вид на горы во Владикавказе
13:45 – место основания Владикавказа
14:24 – армянская церковь во Владикавказе
15:23 – ресторан Lookoom (Владикавказ)

Столица республики Северная Осетия, Владикавказ, достопримечательности которого очень разнообразны, ждет вас в рамках этого видео из нашего путешествия по России. Владикавказ сегодня – это не просто административный центр республики Северная Осетия – Алания, которую населяют в основном осетины, но и отличный вариант ответа на вопросы, куда поехать в России и с чего начать путешествие по Осетии. Первый вопрос, которым мы задались в наше путешествие во Владикавказ: что посмотреть в этом городе? Вариантов ответа тут великое множество, и есть все основания полагать, что Владикавказ 2022 даст их больше, чем дал нам Владикавказ 2021. Второй вопрос, которым мы задались, приехав во Владикавказ: где поесть осетинские пироги? И в этом видео мы дадим на него ответ. Напоследок скажем, что если бы мы не заехали во Владикавказ, путешествие по России, наверное, было бы не таким насыщенным.

#кавказ #севернаяосетия #осетия #владикавказ

Осетины | 6 Выпуск

Кавказ очень богат на разные национальности и народы, и сегодня мы подробно остановимся на осетинах ????

И познакомимся с самыми интересными представителями осетинской культуры, которые расскажут вам о своем народе! В конце выпуска вас ждет любимая рубрика стереотипы, в которой мы подтвердим или опровергнем самые популярные стереотипы об осетинах ????

Скорее включайте видео и пишите в комментариях - таким ли вы представляли себе этот народ?????????

Владикавказ. СТОИТ СЮДА ЕХАТЬ? Северная Осетия. Люди цены.

Подписывайтесь на мой второй канал на YouTube Правда о жизни в Крыму:

Владикавказ это столица Северной Осетии. Алания это красивый край где живут гордые но добродушные люди . В этом видео мы вам покажем Владикавказ своими глазами. Вы вместе с нами прогуляетесь по улицам столицы Алании, увидите красивые места, памятники , скверы, различные достопримечательности. Узнаете где можно поесть национальную кухню и цены, ещё мы вам покажем отель в котором остановились и расскажем цену на жильё.

Помощь каналу на ноутбук для монтажа видео :

Яндекс кошелёк : 410015010983292
Карта Сбербанка России : 4817 7603 5429 6166
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Яндекс Дзен Хроники Крыма :
Где я беру музыку для видео :
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound! ссылка:

Рекомендованные видео от нашего канала:
1. Плейлист На машине на Кавказ.
2. Видео УЕЗЖАЕМ из Крыма. Почему? Цены на топливо, дорога, впечатления.Наше путешествие. Часть 1.
3. Видео Пятигорск. ЭТО ШОК. Такое вы не видели. Большая экскурсия.
4. Видео КАВКАЗ РАЗОЧАРОВАЛ! Медовые водопады.
5. Видео КАВКАЗ ПОРАЖАЕТ! Чегемское ущелье. ВОДОПАДЫ. ЦЕНЫ ШОК!
6. Видео Роза пик. Я в ШОКЕ от увиденного. Путь к вершинам. Горы и цены.
7. Видео Абхазия. ГАГРА. Рынок, цены, колорит, жильё.Часть 1.
8. Видео Эльбрус. Подъём на гору. РОССИЯ на ладони. Цены. Горы завораживают.
9. Видео Акармара -город призрак. Абхазия.

Информация о канале: На нашем канале мы с Ириной Вам расскажем об отдыхе и путешествиях по России и Крыму.Расскажем Вам об отелях ,пляжах,базах отдыха и кемпингах.А так же расскажем о том какие проблемы существуют на наших курортах и в наших городах. В своих видео мы покажем вам не только как отдыхать на курортах Крыма ,а также достопримечательности Крыма и красоту горной и степной части полуострова. Смотрите видео ,оставайтесь с нами и подписывайтесь на канал.
Почта для коммерческих предложений :

Beautiful City - Vladikavkaz 1/Heart of Caucasus

Vladikavkaz is the capital city of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Russia. It is located in the southeast of the republic at the foothills of the Caucasus Mountains, situated on the Terek River. Population: 311,693 . Vladikavkaz is one of the most populous cities in the North Caucasus.
The city is an industrial and transportation centre. Manufactured products include processed zinc and lead, machinery, chemicals, clothing and food products.
In 1784, a tower was founded on the site of the Ossetian village Dzaug on the right bank of the river Terek, Russian troops built the Vladikavkaz fortress, which had the purpose of serving as an outpost for the routes of communication between Russia and Georgia. The Georgian Military Highway, crossing the mountains, was constructed in 1799 to link the city with Georgia to the south, and in 1875 a railway was built to connect it to Rostov-on-Don and Baku in Azerbaijan. Vladikavkaz has become an important industrial centre for the region, with smelting, refining, chemicals and manufacturing industries.
The city is served by the bus network (marshrutkas). There are also tram (since 1904) and trolleybus (since 1977) networks, plus the main Vladikavkaz railway station.

The city is served by Beslan Airport located about 9 kilometres from the city.

The Georgian Military Road, which is a part of European route E117, starts in Vladikavkaz and it connects the city with the South Caucasus.

My Scariest Flight - Bomb Threat Onboard IL-86

After flying over 2,000 flights and 3 million miles, I am revealing my worst flight experience and scariest flight ever. It was onboard a Siberia Airlines IL-86 from Novosibirsk to Beijing in 2004.

Ilyushin-86 is the first wide body airplane from the Soviet Union and it was the second four engine wide body airplane built in the world, preceded by the Boeing 747. The IL-86 is powered by 4 Kuznetsov NK-86 engines, these engines are underpowered and limit the range of IL-86 with full payload. The IL-86 has unique pull down stairs, which eliminates the need for airport infrastructure to board the plane. There are two decks, passengers board and store their luggage on lower deck before proceeding to their seats on the upper deck. There are no overhead bins in the centre, which gives the cabin a more spacious feel.

There was a potential bomb threat on my IL-86 flight in September 2004 in Russia. During the boarding, 2 suspicious men went to the bathroom and then requested to leave the airplane after boarding. Russia was in a state of high alert during that period as the flight took place just after the Beslan School siege, in which 300 lost their lives and over 700 more were injured.

Security forces came onboard with sniffer dogs to search the plane and passengers were sent back to terminal for additional security and interviews. After 3 hours we were cleared for take-off on the same plane, without the 2 suspicious men onboard. The IL-86 flew below a low weather pressure system over Siberia and shook violently all the way during the 4 hour flight to Beijing. This was probably the only time I wanted to leave a plane early.

Footage used in the video from the following channels. Check out their channels:

Report Aero:

Altai, where might makes right - From Moscow to Magadan

In this episode, we visit the Altai Mountains. The Altai mountains are a located in Central and East Asia, and are shared by Russia, China, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan. In the remote village of Korgon there is a lot of space waste that fell from the sky. Sometimes even on houses. The residents are left behind and the authorities refuse to hear anything about it, despite their responsibilities towards the citizens. In addition, Jelle visits a shaman who has to help him out of his cold feet in a traditional way.

Original title: Van Moskou tot Magadan - Altai, het recht van de sterkste

What's left of communism? How big are the differences between the poor and the rich? What is the influence of corruption? Is Russia a young democracy (as former Dutch prime minister Jan Peter Balkenende previously said)?Is it a sovereign democracy (according to Putin) or a fascist regime (as read in The Economist)? Jelle Brandt Corstius is looking for the topics that rule the life of ordinary Russians in Russia.

Presented by: Jelle Brandt Corstius
© VPRO February 2009

This channel offers some of the best travel series from the Dutch broadcaster VPRO. Our series explore cultures from all over the world. VPRO storytellers have lived abroad for years with an open mind and endless curiosity, allowing them to become one with their new country. Thanks to these qualities, they are the perfect guides to let you experience a place and culture through the eyes of a local. Uncovering the soul of a country, through an intrinsic and honest connection, is what VPRO and its presenters do best.

So subscribe to our channel and we will be delighted to share our adventures with you!
more information at

Visit additional youtube channels bij VPRO broadcast:
VPRO Broadcast:
VPRO Metropolis:
VPRO Documentary:
VPRO Extra:
VPRO VG (world music):
VPRO 3voor12 (alternative music):
VPRO 3voor12 extra (music stories):

English, French and Spanish subtitles by Ericsson and co-funded by the European Union.

Driving in North Ossetia, Russia

Driving in North Ossetia, north of Beslan heading towards Nalchik.

Владикавказ - ЦЕНТРАЛЬНЫЙ РЫНОК Цены на еду и одежду

Владикавказ - ЦЕНТРАЛЬНЫЙ РЫНОК Цены на продукты и вещи. Цены на рынке. Цены на еду. Цены на одежду. Владикавказ цены. Северная Осетия Алания. Кавказ. Сколько стоит одежда. Сколько стоят вещи. Сколько стоят продукты. Рынок Глобус. Русские во Владикавказе. Русские на Кавказе.Отзыв. Обзор рынка Владикавказ.

Exploring Caucasus Mountains | Top Russia Travel Vlog 2021

Most tourists who visit Russia usually see only Moscow and St. Petersburg. What if I tell you that there is one incredible and unique region the memories after visiting which will forever remain in your memory?
This area is called Caucasus. This is Russia that you don't expect to see!

During the week my friends and I visited four regions of this area: Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia-Alania and Ingushetia. Each of these regions has a special atmosphere. In each of them you will see unique and incredibly beautiful places that will take your breath away. The nature of the Caucasus is so amazing!

We visited Mineralnye vody, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Vladikavkaz and Beslan towns, went to the top of the mountains of Dombai, were driving not far from the highest mountain in Europe - Elbrus, were living in the houses of local people in the villages and so much more.

Kind people, delicious meat and pies, sweet wine, unforgettable mountains, incredible views, the most beautiful sunsets, horses running through the mountains - this is all the Caucasus. This region is one of the most beautiful in Russia and it is a must-visit! I really hope you will see these places!

Guest house Bulungu (in the village) -

The house in Nalchik -

Beslan movie -

If you liked my travel vlog, don't forget to push the like button, and if you enjoy watching my content, subscribe to my channel and let's explore Russia and the whole world together ^^

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#Russiatravel #Caucasus #caucasusmountains

North Ossetia 4K

this is a video from our trip to North Ossetia Republic (Russian side of Caucasus) or Alania .
we spent there 8-14 May 2021.

Places we visited:

- Vladikavkaz (RSO National Museum, Hotel Imperial)
- Beslan
- National Park Digoriya
- Waterfall Ring
- Kurt and Tag Tower
- Dzivskaya fortress
- Dargavs
- Karmadon valley
- Plateau Bermamyt

Respect to the victims of 1 September 2004 terrorist attack in Beslan, North Ossetia, Russia

Beslan school attack, violent takeover of a school in Beslan, a city in the North Caucasus republic of North Ossetia, Russia, in September 2004. Perpetrated by militants linked to the separatist insurgency in the nearby republic of Chechnya, the attack resulted in the deaths of more than 330 people, the majority of them children. The scale of the violence at Beslan and, in particular, the fact that the attackers deliberately targeted young children traumatized the Russian public and horrified the outside world. The failure of law enforcement agencies to prevent the deaths shook Russians’ confidence in the government, and Pres. Vladimir Putin subsequently centralized control over the country’s far-flung regions.

The siege began on the morning of September 1, 2004, when at least 32 armed individuals stormed the school and took more than 1,000 hostages, including pupils in both primary and secondary grades and their teachers, as well as parents and relatives who had gathered to celebrate the opening day of the new school year. Some people died in the initial attack, but most were herded into a gymnasium, which the attackers rigged with explosives. The hostages were refused water or food; after two days passed, some of them resorted to drinking urine. The siege ended on the morning of September 3, when explosions inside the school prompted Russian special forces to enter the building. Many hostages were killed by explosions or in a subsequent fire in the gym. (The exact causes of these incidents were debated.) Others were slain by the attackers or perished in the ensuing chaos of shelling and gunfire. Hundreds of the survivors were wounded, and many suffered lasting psychological harm.

Is Chechnya a Dangerous Territory? | The Other Face of Russia | Fairy Land کوہ قاف EP-07

EP-00 of this Series


My train left Sochi for Beslan. When I reached Baslan, I decided to go to Grozny instead of Makhch Fort. Grozny is the capital of the Islamic Republic of Chechnya. The country has been at war for some time, which is why tourists are reluctant to come here. But there is no such thing now. The Chechens are very hospitable.
If you like this travelogue, please like my video and will give your valuable feedback.

???? BACKGROUND MUSIC used in this episode from EPIDEMIC:

00:00 Intro
00:23 Train to Beslan
05:59 Hostel Experience
03:23 Local market
08:49 About chechan Peoples
09:24 Dinner

#chechnya #grozny #LashariOnBoard


The Fairy Land A Journey of 4 Counties

Bharat Yatra Nov. 2021 (11 ????????????????????????????????)

Thailand, Phillipine, Malaysia, Indonesia Trip (????6 ????????????????????????????????):

Dubai, Russia, Belarus, Azerbijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikstan, Uzbekistan (????8 ????????????????????????????????):

Old streets of Moscow. Walking in cloudy weather

Vorontsovo Pole Street (in 1935-1992 Obukha Street, in 1739-1745 Ilyinskaya Street) is a radial street on the border of the Basmanny and Tagansky Districts in the Central Administrative District of Moscow. It runs from Pokrovsky and Yauzsky Boulevards to Zemlyanoy Val Street. The numbering of houses is from the Boulevard Ring. On the odd (northern) side, Durasovsky and Podsosensky lanes adjoin the street, on the even side - Bolshoi Nikolovorobinsky and Obukha. Together with the Vorontsov Pole, these buildings were formed on the hill on the right slope of the Yauza - Gostinaya Gora, presumably one of the seven hills of Moscow.

Podkolokol'nyy Pereulok Most likely, the lane got its name (beginning of the 19th century) from the bell tower (built in 1800-1802) of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin on the Strelka (Solyanka, 5/2), under which it begins.
There is another version: on the site of the current temple there was a church (known from the 16th century), built, perhaps, according to the type “like under the bells”, that is, with a bell tower on top of the church. In some sources, the lane is called Podkolokolnikov
The early name of the lane was Podkopaevsky, after the ancient village of Podkopaevo located here. In the middle of the 19th century, the name Podkopayevsky passed to the neighboring Nikolsky Lane, which was previously called after the Church of St. Nicholas in Podkopayy. When studying archival materials of the 19th century, this creates some confusion.

0:00 Ulitsa Vorontsovo Pole
10:30 Golosovskiy Dom
12:20 Podkolokol'nyy Pereulok
19:47 Monument to the victims of the tragedy in Beslan

Top 3 Deadliest Special Forces in the World #shorts

Welcome to our channel! In this video, we explore the three deadliest special forces units from around the globe.

At number three, we have the Kaibiles, a fearsome Guatemalan special operations force known for their expertise in jungle warfare and survival skills. Their involvement in the Guatemalan Civil War has cemented their reputation as formidable warriors. Witness their intense training, which includes feats like hand-to-hand combat with live animals, consuming raw meat, and drinking blood.

Moving on to number two, we have the Alpha Group, an elite Russian counter-terrorism unit. Renowned for their participation in high-profile operations such as the Moscow Theater storming and the Beslan school siege, they possess exceptional skills in close quarters combat, sniping, explosives, and martial arts. Get an inside look at their training and the relentless dedication that makes them a force to be reckoned with.

Finally, we unveil the top spot occupied by the US Navy SEALs. Recognized worldwide for their extraordinary underwater operations and hostage rescues, they are the epitome of elite and secrecy within the US military. Witness the grueling selection process and rigorous training that only a select few can endure. Join us as we delve into their notable achievements, including the historic mission that led to the capture of Osama bin Laden.

Join us on this thrilling exploration of the most lethal special forces units on the planet!



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