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10 Best place to visit in Berzunţi Romania


Mănăstirea Sfântul Sava, județul Bacău, România

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Mănăstirea Pogleț, județul Bacău, România

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Romania in 30 sec.: Comanesti town, Bacau county, January 2022

A nice, quiet winter day in Comanesti, Bacau, in January 2022

Comanesti town is a friendly and quiet town in Northern Romania, in the county of Bacau, Moldova region. The town is inhabited by almost 20,000 people.
Comanesti is famous for the unexplained event called the ”Comanesti explosion”. In short, on April 20, 2006, a large explosion occurred in the area. No smoke and no crater or debris were left following the strong sound heard in the neighbouring counties on a radius of 15 km.
The conspiracy theories emerged after that. Some told it was a similar incident to the Tunguska phenomenon. Others mentioned a possible meteorite to hit somewhere in the area. But no conclusive evidence was found.
Other theories mention a plane breaking the sound barrier, but the sound of the explosion was too loud for that. Also, possible mine exploitation or military training were cut off the list of possible explanation, as nothing of the kind happened during that day.
More on the incident you can find on the following Wikipedia page:

Here is a 30-second video taken downtown. The cathedral ”Constantin and Elena” defines the urban landscape and watches sumptuously over the valley.

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Video correspondent: George Bogza

#Romania #Comanesti #Bacau #Carpathians #Mountains #Moldova #ValahiaNews

Ateliere meșteșugărești pentru copii la Săbăoani, județul Neamț


Grupurile de Revelion

On the last day of each year throughout rural Romania, groups of local men gather to go house to house performing centuries-old skits, songs and poems. These performances send out the old year and welcome in what they hope will be a prosperous new year. The groups tend to be all male and generally follow one of several traditional forms. The skits may include a bear, deer, a goat, or a horse costume and include a traditional poem and often some live music. Other groups may perform a plugosorul, or little plough skit which is meant to help ring in a good agricultural year. Still other groups perform a dance in colorful strips of cloth or reflective plastic.

Groups gather in the early morning light in front of the local city hall. The mayor reviews each performance and authorizes the group to perform in his comuna a group of villages. Groups come from different surrounding villages and rivalries are strong. Minor scuffles are not uncommon, so each group starts in a different area.

The groups move house to house asking to be received. Each home that receives a group is expected to provide a bit to eat and drink and a token payment equivalent to a dollar or so per performer. Groups perform for two days and may cover several villages and many kilometers. As a deep economic funk and staggering unemployment continues to envelop Romania, and particularly rural Moldovan Romania where this film was taken, the costumes are becoming less traditional and more tattered. The history and meaning of the skits, poems and dances are also gradually being lost.

Manastirea Ostrov - Schitul Ostrov

Manastirea Ostrov - - sau Schitul Ostrov dupa cum mai este denumita, a fost construita intre anii 1518-1522 de domnitorul Neagoe Basarab. Pentru restul articolului vizitati ...

Brașov de Crăciun | România #visitromania

Romania in imagini, Craciunul în Brasov #visitromania
Crăciunul are farmecul lui aparte oriunde, însă Brașovul adaugă un plus de magie.
Vizitați Brașov, vizitați România!

Manastirea Zemes, jud Bacău, România

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Manastirea Sfantul Ilie , Toplita, judetul Harghita

Manastirea ortodoxa Sfantul Ilie din Toplita, judetul Harghita
August 2012

Manastirea Stirigoi spre Bolatau Coborâre part 1 - 30 Decembrie 2019 - Tiguan 5n2 4motion

Manastirea Stirigoi spre Bolatau Coborâre part 1 - 30 Decembrie 2019 - Tiguan 5n2 4motion

Manastirea Horaita - 2018, short.mp4

1. Pe Vf. Nemira Mica (1627 m)

Muntii Nemira, iunie 2010
