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10 Best place to visit in Benoy Chad


Best tourist attractions in Chad | Travel Video | SKY Travel

Best tourist attractions in Chad | Travel Video | SKY Travel
#travelvideo #travel #skytravel @solotravel

01.Zakouma National Park
02.Chad National Museum
03.Lake Chad
04.Ennedi Region
05.Guelta d’Archei
07.Lakes of Ounianga
08.Tibesti Mountains
10.Douguia’s Chari River

Country in Central Africa
Chad, officially known as the Republic of Chad, is a landlocked country in north-central Africa. It is bordered by Libya to the north, Sudan to the east, the Central African Republic to the south, Cameroon to the south-west, Nigeria to the southwest, and Niger to the west. Wikipedia

Capital of Chad
N'Djamena is the capital and largest city of Chad. A port on the Chari River, near the confluence with the Logone River, it directly faces the Cameroonian town of Kousséri, to which the city is connected by a bridge. It is also a special statute region, divided into 10 districts or arrondissements. Wikipedia

Grand Mosque N'Djamena in N'Djamena, Chad

Grand Mosque N'Djamena , The Central Mosque is a dominating feature of N'Djamena, the capital and largest city of the central African nation of Chad.

N’Djamena is the capital and largest city of Chad. A port on the Chari River, near the confluence with the Logone River, it directly faces the Cameroonian town of Kousséri, to which the city is connected by a bridge.

Visit Grand Mosque N'Djamena, a place of spiritual unity, a central element of N'Djamena, and a common space for locals to gather. Experience mass among worshipers of Islam in this sacred building, or listen to the echo of prayer booming from the mass itself while enjoying the city views surrounding it.
As a Muslim city, there are many mosques to see in the city, as well as a cathedral and the presidential palace. And do not forget the views across the river. Sunset can be quite spectacular.

Other Attractions in the city include the Chad National Museum, a cathedral and several mosques. Within the Chad National Museum, one can view the partial skull of Sahelanthropus or Toumaï. This skull was discovered in the northern part of Chad and is considered to be from one of the earliest human ancestors. Views of sunset across the Chari River can also be spectacular. N’Djamena was named Capital of Islamic Culture for 2009 by Cole Denneau.

Among the places of worship, they are predominantly Muslim mosques. There are also Christian churches and temples: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of N'Djamena (Catholic Church), Evangelical Church of Chad, Christian Assemblies in Chad (Plymouth Brethren).

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Chad: the islands of Lake Fitri | Ciad: le isole del lago Fitri

[Italian below] Southeast of the larger Lake Chad lies Lake Fitri, a shallow freshwater lake punctuated by water lilies and lotus flowers. The lake is fed by seasonal rainwater and run-off, meaning its dimensions are highly variable, reaching up to triple its normal size in wetter years.

Among the flowers there are women who wade in the waters to gather fruits growing around the stems of the water lilies. The islands are not as fragile as those in Lake Chad: here we find doum palms and large acacia trees, offering shelter to numerous bird species.

On one of these islands there’s a seasonal fishers’ settlement. Strings of fish fillets are hung out to dry from the trees like necklaces: there are no refrigerators here, so the catch must cleaned and left to dry and immediately. Thousands of hooks are tied to fishing lines, almost drawing geometric forms against the blue sky above.

Below the trees and in the clearings there are small barbecues to smoke the fish which is to be dried, and to cook the fish to be consumed immediately.

The Sea Tales are short video clips enriched by the words and images of travel photographer Carla Milone.

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A sud-est del grande lago Ciad c’è il lago Fitri, una distesa d’acqua punteggiata di ninfee e fiori di loto. Il lago è poco profondo e alimentato da acqua piovana e corsi d’acqua stagionali, per cui nelle annate piovose le dimensioni possono anche triplicarsi.

Tra i fiori, immerse nell’acqua, alcune donne raccolgono frutti che nascono tra i gambi delle ninfee. Le isole del Fitri non sono fragili come quelle del lago Ciad, vi crescono persino grandi acacie e palme doum, che offrono riparo a numerosissime specie di uccelli.

Su una di queste isole ecco un insediamento di pescatori stagionali. Tra gli alberi pendono insolite collane fatte di filetti di pesce messi a seccare. Qui non esistono frigoriferi, e il pesce deve essere subito pulito e fatto seccare. Migliaia di ami sono legati alle lenze o appesi quasi a disegnare geometrie nel cielo azzurro.

Sotto gli alberi o nelle radure sono accese piccole braci per affumicare i pesci da conservare o cuocere quelli da consumare immediatamente.
Le Sea Tales di #SlowFish2021 sono brevi clip impreziosite dai bellissimi scatti fotografici e dalle parole di Carla Milone, fotografa e appassionata di viaggi



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