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10 Best place to visit in Belyy Yar Russia


И ЭТО ТОЖЕ ДАГЕСТАН? Приключения в долине реки Баараор. БОЛЬШОЙ ВЫПУСК (Путешествие по Дагестану #3)

И ЭТО ТОЖЕ ДАГЕСТАН? Приключения в долине реки Баараор. БОЛЬШОЙ ВЫПУСК

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Всем привет от YouTube-канала VPUTNAP!

Я побывал во многих красивых местах. И могу сказать уверенно: Тляратинский район Дагестана - это ????????????

????Суровые горы, мощные реки, сказочный лес и сёла, которые словно парят в небесах!​

✴Особенности Тляраты:

????Тляратинский район – один из самых больших и самых высоких районов Горного Дагестана
????Это один из самых удалённых районов республики. Расстояние от Махачкалы – 213 км, доехать на машине можно за 5 часов
????Тляратинский район расположен вдоль главного водораздельного Кавказского хребта. Это отличает природу Тляратинского высокогорья от природы большинства районов Дагестана. Горы Кавказа здесь не платообразные, а конусные
????Это единственный район республики, который граничит сразу с 2-умя государствами: с Азербайджаном и Грузией
????Название района произошло от слова Тлярата, что переводится у воды (или у реки). И действительно, Тляратинский район полон ручьёв, родников и рек. Главная река района – Джурмут, основной приток Аварского Койсу
????Это один из самых лесных в Дагестане. Леса занимают треть района!
????Значительная часть красот района находится в приграничной зоне, в том числе райцентр. Поэтому попасть туда можно, лишь заранее оформив пропуск в приграничную зону
????Всего на территории Тляратинского района 89 населённых пунктов. 76 из них расположены выше 1500 м над уровнем моря, а 33 села – на высоте более 2000 м. Многие Тляратинские села Дагестана имеют удивительное расположение
????Экономика Тляратинского района – это, в основном, сельское хозяйство. 80% составляют личные хозяйства. Местные жители выращивают огороды прямо на склонах гор и занимаются животноводством.​
????Самая большая проблема района – это природные катаклизмы. Во время сильных ливней по всему району реки выходят из берегов, размывает и засыпает дороги, обрываются провода и связь с внешним миром (поэтому район частенько попадает в новости Дагестана). А зимой дороги и провода страдают из-за лавин
????Почти половину района занимает Тляратинский заказник — охраняемая территория вокруг реки Джурмуи и её притоков (бассейн реки Аварское Койсу)

Особенно меня впечатлила долина реки Баараор! (даже звучит круто!) Вдоль неё расположен один из лучших туристических маршрутов в Дагестане. Тут невероятно красивая природа!

В этом фильме я:
????Преодолевал вброд горные реки
????Терял и находил свой дрон
????Любовался красотой гор, ручьёв, рек и горных озёр
????Познакомился с хорошими людьми

Если фильм вам понравился — поделитесь с другими????????

❇️ Спасибо Курбану и Камилю за помощь в съёмках и компанию
❇️Спасибо за музыку в видео дагестанскому ансамблю народной музыки Макъам.
❇️ Спасибо за музыку в видео музыкантам Мухаммаду и Хирмухаммаду из Шамильского района

Ссылка на наш фильм-восхождение Шалбуздаг:

Ссылка на фильм Ущелье, забравшее дрон:

00:00 О чём фильм?
01:35 Тляратинский район — один из самых удалённых от Махачкалы районов Дагестана
02:33 Камнепады по пути
03:55 Особенности Тляратинского района
05:50 Приграничная зона
08:33 Как здесь живут люди
11:55 Тляратинский заказник
15:50 Неожиданная встреча
18:31 Первое испытание
20:30 Долина реки Баараор
26:29 Опасные переходы через горную реку
33:55 Бешеные пеньки и лесозаготовители
39:43 Обед в хорошей компании
45:14 Ягодный рай, затяжные подъёмы и хвойный лес
50:44 Потеря дрона и его поиски
56:16 Альпийские луга и усталость
1:00:57 Дагестанские туры и чабан, пасущий овец
1:03:29 Зачем я шёл на озеро Хала-Хёль?
1:05:26 Наш лагерь
1:07:55 Озеро Хала-Хёль на рассвете
1:13:27 Утро добрым бывает
1:15:49 Обратная дорога
1:18:27 Концовка
1:19:45 Большой фильм про Дагестан

❤️Не забудьте поставить этому видео лайк и подписаться!

#Дагестан #Россия

Economic Devastation (Businesses Ruined) Saigon Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City

The pandemic has been difficult on everyone around the world. We lost our jobs, we lost our businesses, We lost out lives. But things are looking up now. After Ho Chi Minh City got things under control all we have to do now is continue on. Things will reopen, the economy will recover, and we, as a people, are only stronger. Join me and another American Expat as we walk through the ruins of District One in Ho Chi Minh City (aka Saigon), Vietnam. We show what it looks like now and talk about what it was before the virus struck us. We are positive that Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam will return to glory. But before it does, let us show you what a virus can do to the economy.

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Thank you very much everyone for all the love you send my way. I assure you, the feeling is mutual.

I am an American Expat in Ho Chi Minh City, (Saigon) Vietnam. (I dislike the word Expatriate). I have lived in Vietnam for 3 years, I am almost considered an expert at living abroad. As I live, work and travel in Vietnam and south east Asia, I want to take you around with me to show you what I saw in Vietnam, in South East Asia and talk with you about my experiences living in Saigon HCMC and take you with me as I travel vlog around Vietnam and South East Asia in 2022. I am not a backpacker but I started by wanting to backpack through South East Asia. I was going to just visit of vacation, but I was going to take part in tourism activities. I was going to be a globetrotting tourist but I never really planed to document mytravels. Was going to be a long holiday trip, maybe I would become a digital nomad. But I knew Vietnam would be my home when I got here, now Saigon is my home, where I work and live, but I still plan to motor bike across Asia, motovlog Vietnam, moto vlog South East Asia, dare I motorbike into China? And also fly around South East Asia, to tour and travel, But for now, this is my Vietnam life, my HCMC Saigon life, my expat life. I always thought living abroad would be scary, but it's interesting and fulfilling. The food is amazing, the culture is fascinating and the people are friendly and welcoming. If you ever wanted to take the leap to travel and live abroad, Tourism in Vietnam is buzzing right now since Vietnam reopens. I am often asked: are Vietnam borders open? Yes indeed, tourism reopened in 2022. Want to know what I saw in Vietnam and my life in HCMC Saigon. What I think about Vietnam and traveling and living abroad? What to do in Vietnam? How do live in Asia? What to do in Saigon? How to work, or work as a teacher in Asia? How to get a visa or what a digital nomads life could be like in Asia or Vietnam? What is it like to be an Expat in Vietnam and South East Asia? I am an expat, a Saigon Vlogger, a HCMC vlogger, a moto vlogger, a lifestyle vlogger, a digital nomad resource, a Saigon nightlife vlogger, an immigrant, a migrant worker. I make vlogma videos, (wth is vlogma) I want a daily vlog, but ain't got the time. But I can do a video diary, which makes me an online creator. Why anyone would watch vloggers as bad as me, I don't know. Sometimes I make food vlogs, foodporn? Did you know yum in Vietnams mean horn.., well, neverminded. I hope you will feel encouraged by my channel. I will show you a lot of things like how to live abroad, how to be a digital nomad, how to work in Asia, how to experience Vietnam, how to make friends and build a life in Asia, how to enjoy the culture and food. How to be a gamer in Asia. How to live a life in Asia, like a normal person. How to be a happy person. I am not a Vietnam digital nomad in HCMC. But I know a few. Did you actually read all that? Tell me in the comments that you did and I will give you shoutout in my next video. Some keywords I like to include are: economic hardship saigon expat

From Bihar to Bangalore 4/8 - The world nursery

Episode 4: The world nursery
For almost twenty years, India's economy is tremendously growing. According to some reports, India's economy will be the largest in the world in over thirty years. How has India changed? Jelle travels to Bangalore, where he dives into the wonderful world of the outsourcing industry, and goes on track with one of India's richest men. In addition, he visits a home where women carry children for Western families: rent-a-womb.
Original title: De kraamkamer van de werld
Jelle Brandt Corstius travels through India. Jelle previously tried to understand Russia, and now, he is now trying to capture the essence of India. This country is poorer than the poorest 26 African countries altogether: 426 million poor people are in India. The contrast between the different layers of society is striking: there is is also huge wealth in this country. Brandt Corstius travels from Bihar, located in the poor east, to Bangalore, the technological giant in the rich southwest. A road trip full of adventures, thanks to Jelle’s peculiar humor and his keen eye on the world.

© VPRO July 2015

This channel offers some of the best travel series from the Dutch broadcaster VPRO. Our series explore cultures from all over the world. VPRO storytellers have lived abroad for years with an open mind and endless curiosity, allowing them to become one with their new country. Thanks to these qualities, they are the perfect guides to let you experience a place and culture through the eyes of a local. Uncovering the soul of a country, through an intrinsic and honest connection, is what VPRO and its presenters do best.

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Presented by: Jelle Brandt Corstius
English, French and Spanish subtitles by Ericsson and co-funded by the European Union.

பல்லவர்களின் அரசியல் மற்றும் சமூக நிலை | Dr. C. மீனாட்சி | Ar. Vidhya Lakshmi

Administration And Social Life Under The Pallavas by Dr. C. Minakshi by Ar. Vidhya Lakshmi

Huge Georgian Food Tour | Khinkali Soup, Ojakhuri, Chimney Cake | Food Tour in Tbilisi, Georgia

Huge Georgian Food Tour. Today we set out on a huge Georgian food tour to try khinkali soup, ojakhuri, kuchmachi and a chimney cake in Tbilisi, Georgia.

???? WATCH Ultimate Georgian Food Tour:

In this huge Georgian food tour in Tbilisi, we made our way to the Vake neighbourhood, about an hour’s walk from the old town, to try khinkali soup, roast ojakhuri, and chicken kuchmachi at one of the local restaurants.

To walk off our big lunch, we took our food tour into the beautiful Vake Park, to escape the city for a little while. No huge Georgian food tour is complete without a little something sweet to end off the day, so we were lucky to find a delicious chimney cake to finish us off.

Georgian food is so varied and packed with flavour, the addition of pomegranate into a lot of the dishes really give it an extra something special. We hope you enjoy this huge Georgian food tour in Tbilisi, Georgia, and enjoyed seeing these extra tasty dishes as much as we enjoyed eating them! Stay tuned for some more Georgian food tours.

Places we visited:

Name: Restaurant Tabla
Address: 33 Ilia Chavchavadze Avenue, Tbilisi, Georgia
what3words location: ///mule.groomed.form

Name: Lumier’s Chimney Cake
Address: 10 Ilia Chavchavadze Avenue, Tbilisi, Georgia
what3words location: ///whom.terminology.reserved

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???? Catch up on our food adventures!

???? Follow us on Instagram for some behind the scenes content: @hungrytwotravel

☕ If you're loving our content and want to support us, you can buy us a coffee! ???? Thank you from the bottom of our hearts ????


Hey there, we’re Chris and Steph, an adventurous couple in search of trying out all the amazing food the world has to offer! We believe the ultimate best way to experience a culture is through their food and the people that you share it with.

On this channel, we’ll share with you our love of trying new and interesting foods, while experiencing different cultures and street food around the world. We hope you enjoy our food tour videos and follow along with us as we explore the globe, stepping out of our comfort zone to try new foods and be adventurous.



* Some of the above are affiliate links, which means that if you use them, we may get a small commission that supports our channel at no extra cost to you. We only use affiliate links for products/services we believe in!

ULTIMATE Georgian Food Tour | Trying Shkmeruli, Chashushuli, Ponchiki | Food Tour in Tbilisi

ULTIMATE Georgian Food Tour. Today we set out on an ultimate Georgian food tour in Tbilisi trying shkmeruli, chashushuli, and the most delicious dessert, ponchiki.

???? WATCH Must Try Georgian Food:

We started our ultimate Georgian food tour today trying shkmeruli and chashushuli, two delicious stews that are super different from one another, yet oh so tasty.

After lunch, we headed to a rooftop restaurant in Tbilisi to try the decadent ponchiki, fried dough with custard inside, the ultimate donut! Freshly made to order and piping hot, these really kicked up our Georgian food tour a notch. Our kind waitress even brought us a special tarragon drink to try to complete our food tour, which is very common here in Georgia, but was very new to us with an extremely interesting flavour.

We hope you enjoy this ultimate Georgian food tour in Tbilisi. Stay tuned for some more food tours while we’re here in Georgia!

Places we visited:

Name: Tannini (Tanini 14)
Address: 14 Shota Rustaveli Ave, Tbilisi, Georgia
what3words location: ///clips.closer.pylon

Name: Sakhachapure №1
Address: Galleria Tbilisi, 2 Shota Rustaveli Ave, Tbilisi, Georgia
what3words location: ///sorters.uproot.over

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???? Catch up on our food adventures!

???? Follow us on Instagram for some behind the scenes content: @hungrytwotravel

☕ If you're loving our content and want to support us, you can buy us a coffee! ???? Thank you from the bottom of our hearts ????


Hey there, we’re Chris and Steph, an adventurous couple in search of trying out all the amazing food the world has to offer! We believe the ultimate best way to experience a culture is through their food and the people that you share it with.

On this channel, we’ll share with you our love of trying new and interesting foods, while experiencing different cultures and street food around the world. We hope you enjoy our food tour videos and follow along with us as we explore the globe, stepping out of our comfort zone to try new foods and be adventurous.



* Some of the above are affiliate links, which means that if you use them, we may get a small commission that supports our channel at no extra cost to you. We only use affiliate links for products/services we believe in!

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I hope you will enjoy this travel vlog video, If you like then kindly subscribe my YouTube Vlog channel and my facebook and instagram links given below

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Masoom Awara gard is the travel vlog channel which gives you the travel hacks and visa guide for all the countries where I will go. I do hitchhiking most of my travelling time, I travel to make my travel vlogs to show you the street food and the village life of the different countries and cultures especially Pakistan, Brazil, Dubai, Maldives, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Makau, China, Russia, Ukraine, and Azerbaijan. in my road trips i will give you many travel tips about the best places to visit and sight seeing in Hindi and Urdu. If you could subscribe my travel channel then you will get many travel hacks, just like how to get cheap travel tickets and how to survove in very little money and how to travel without money. I am going to Dubai to make Dubai Vlog but I live in Pakistan and I am used to make Pakistan travel vlogs and travel guide of Pakistan.

Mad Malts Brewing - Episode 51 - 12/17/16

Huntsville's Mad Malts Brewing joined us this week. NOTE: We need your vote! Be sure to cast your ballot for the BEST OF CRAFT BEER 2016 in Georgia and Alabama. We'll have the results on our end of the year show December 31. 

As we get into the homestretch into Christmas and the new year, we were able to talk with the crew behind Huntsville's Mad Malts Brewing. Co-Owners Chris Bramon and Jeff Peck joined us to talk about their start in craft beer, the reason behind their name change, what they learned at the Great American Beer Fest, and what year 2 has in store for them. 

We also had homebrewer extraordinaire Jon Shari (of Little Cottage Brewery fame). Brian Hewitt also joined us in studio, bringing in a bomber of Shari's American Imperial Stout, Wax Off. 

Truck and Tap’s Beers of the Week: Wild Heaven Gravitational Wave Russian Imperial Stout Terrapin Mosaic Red Rye IPA Coastal Empire Nettles and Ross ESB Highland Brewing Company Cold Mountain Winter Ale Tired Hands Ourison Oak Aged Saison Little Cottage Wax Off American Imperial Stout Thanks to the Wild Heaven Craft Beer crew for the preview! Headlines - Brought to you by Your Pie Perimeter! Georgia Beer Company’s plans to move downtown going forward. Haint Blue, Serda brewing company plan on opening in Mobile in 2017 NC Beer uses Wu Tang in the brewing process. Goose Island opens up “first American Craft Beer Bar” in UK Brewers Assn. kicks off homebrewing competition amongst staffers and politicans in DC Marijuana use and lower beer sales? Not so fast, my friend. Coming up next week? It's Christmas, so we're giving you the present of some of our favorite interviews of the past year. Our last show of the year on Dec. 31 will feature our BEST OF CRAFT BEER 2016, so be sure to vote for your favorites in Georgia and Alabama. 

Cheers, and have a Merry Christmas! 




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