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10 Best place to visit in Arkadak Russia


In search of promised lands – The History of Mennonites in Khiva

????By the end of the 19th century, significant progress and development of various industries took place in the Khiva Khanate. European technologies were introduced into people's lives, ????agriculture and animal ????husbandry were developed modern castles, a ????post office, a telegraph was built, and the first power station was constructed. The reason for this is the sagacity and strategic thinking of the Khiva Khan Muhammad Rakhimkhan II, as well as the arrival of the Mennonite Germans in Khiva, who lived in this region for more than half a century.

????This video shows the history of the Mennonite Germans, who for a short time lived in the Khiva Khanate, but took a worthy place in the hearts of the Khiva people, their ????craft activities and true humane qualities, the brotherhood of representatives of different religions.

01.23 The explanation of the concept of Mennonites
02.54 Moving of Mennonites to Russia at the invitation of Catherine II
05.09 Migration of Mennonites to Bukhara Emirate and Khiva Khanate
06.53 Formation of Ak Machit village where Mennonites had lived for more than a half century
09.36 Introducing of European technologies, development of agriculture and animal husbandry in Khiva
17.08 The advent of Soviet authority in Khiva. Deportation of Mennonites from Khiva
19.08 Opening of the Museum dedicated to the Mennonites on the territory of the famous Ichan-Kala State Museum-Reserve
20.05 The words of Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

#mennonites #mennoniten #mennosimons #akmechet #germanmennonites #khivamennonites #khiva #khorezm #germans #promisedland #docatours #mennonite

Едем на ЮГ #8 (2023) дорога из Йошкар - Ола до Чебоксары и сам город

#Отпуск #Отдых #путешествие

Дата Съемки: 03.06.2023 г.

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