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10 Best place to visit in Americana Brazil



São Paulo is on another level of being a 'busy city'. It currently has the largest population in all the America's and is definitely one of the most visited places in all of South America. It can feel overwhelming when you first arrive here, but I hope my video will help you learn about some of the most popular districts of the city, where might be a good area to get your accommodation and some other suggestions of attractions to see, places to eat at and just some general information of things you should know about the city. I hope you will find it helpful and put São Paulo on your bucketlist of travel! xx

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Lots of love xx

Best Things To Do in Rio De Janeiro Brazil 2024 4K

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL: Are you searching for the best things to do in Rio De Janeiro for 2024? Today we show you 22 things to see and do in Rio De Janeiro. In this Rio De Janeiro travel vlog we go to Corcovado, up to the Christ the Redeemer, Walk around Urca and the steps of Seleron. We show you the beaches like Copacabana, Ipanema and Leblon and some of the local food in Rio De Janeiro. We also show you Lapa and Santa Teresa and other favelas around Rio. We did several Rio travel videos including a Rio De Janeiro travel video and showed you around some of the beaches and talked about safety in Rio.

If you enjoy this Rio De Janeiro travel vlog and have any questions please feel free to ask. We love showing you around the Rio attractions and where to go in Rio De Janeiro.

More South America and Brazil Travel Videos:
Rio De Janeiro Travel Tour:
Cartagena Travel Guide:

Rio De Janeiro Travel Guide:
0:00 Rio De Janeiro INTRO
0:41 Sugar Loaf Mountain
1:28 Corcovado
1:52 Christ The Redeemer
2:28 Arraial do Cabo
3:12 Rocinha Favela
4:01 Copacabana
5:17 Leblon
5:46 Escadaria Selarón
6:40 Ipanema Beach
7:55 Carnival
8:16 local food
8:44 Praia da Urca
9:13 Rio Star
9:36 Museum of Tomorrow
9:51 Dance Lessons
10:19 Brazilian Football
10:57 Lapa
11:25 Lapa Arches
11:57 Candalaria Church
12:19 Mira Donna Marta
12:43 Metropolitan Cathedral
13:12 Basilica of Penha

Island Hopper TV takes you around the world to the premiere travel destinations. Our virtual travel guides from across America to Asia, Europe and Australia have assisted many world travelers in educating themselves on their next destination to travel or even vacation.

Top 10 cosa vedere in BRASILE | I 10 posti più belli del BRASILE

Cosa vedere in Brasile? Ecco la classifica dei 10 posti più belli del Brasile secondo Come si viaggia

1 Cascate di Iguazu
Le cascate dell'Iguazú si dividono tra Argentina e Brasile. Si tratta di un insieme di cascate con altezze che possono raggiungere i 70 metri

2 Rio de Janeiro
Tra le maggiori attrazioni di Rio c'è senza alcun dubbio il famoso Pan di Zucchero, raggiungibile tramite una funivia

3 Parco Nazionale dei Lencois Maranhenses
Comprende un'area di 270 km² di dune di sabbia bianchissima che si spostano con il vento e cambiano la loro disposizione

4 Salvador De Bahia
Salvador de Bahia è la capitale dello stato di Bahia e si trova nella zona nord est del Brasile, sulla costa dell'Oceano Atlantico

5 Foresta Pluviale Amazzonica
La regione amazzonica custodisce la più vasta foresta pluviale al mondo e il più ricco sistema fluviale

6 Isola Fernando de Noronha
Alcune delle più belle spiagge brasiliane non si trovano sul continente, ma sull’arcipelago di Fernando de Noronha

7 San Paolo
San Paolo è come Rio de Janeiro, una città dove regnano i forti contrasti tra la popolazione

8 Pantanal
E’ l’ambiente più incontaminato e meno esplorato del Sud America e ospita la maggior concentrazione di fauna selvatica al mondo

9 Serra Verde Express
Con i suoi 110 chilometri di lunghezza, attraversa la più grande area protetta di foresta atlantica del Brasile

10 Carnevale di Rio
Il Carnevale si svolge ovunque, nelle strade, sulle spiagge e nei locali della città

Ringraziamo Claudio Pisicchio per il Voice-over

???????? Sao Paulo, Brazil - Brás Neighborhood


Top 10 Places in Brazil

Top 10 places in Brasil.
1. Sao Paulo
2. Iguazu Falls
3. Jericocoara
4. Brasilia
5. Pantanal
10.Rio de janeiro

travel, brasil, top 10 things copacabana, the amazon forest, christ the redeemer


Thanks for watching !

10 Places You Must Visit in Brazil

Brazil is a must-see for everyone looking for adventure, beauty, and cultural diversity. This South American nation provides a multitude of experiences that will leave you speechless, with its breathtaking natural scenery, bustling towns, and kind people. From prominent sites such as Rio de Janeiro, famed for its beautiful beaches, active nightlife, and the world-famous Christ the Redeemer statue. Don’t forget that no vacation to Brazil would be complete until you experienced its diverse cultural history.

0:00 Intro
0:34 São Paulo
1:56 Rio de Janeiro
3:12 Salvador
4:11 Belo Horizonte
4:51 Fortaleza
5:33 Manaus
6:56 Maceió
7:28 Fernando de Noronha
8:11 Lencois Maranhenses
8:44 Iguazu Falls

Grandparents 1st time to Rio de Janeiro - Seniors Top 10 list

Number 7 is my favorite. What’s yours? Senior citizens are an amazing and unique group. They want to experience Brazil in their own way and at their own pace. This is a perfect video for that.

1. Boat ride around the bay
2. Jardim Botânico cart tour
3. Jockey Club horse races
4. Visit the Stone store - legep mineração Find the most beautiful souvenirs
5. Eat at a Brazilian steakhouse- churrasco
6. Visit Christ the redeemer
7. historical museum/restaurant Julieta de Serpa
8. Experience Brazilian açaí. It’s unique because in Brazil it’s sweetened with guarana syrup.
9. Spend time with grandkids barbecue at home, grandma playing games, opening early Christmas gifts
10. Take a nap: Rio is exciting and there’s so many fun things to do. Make sure you take time to rest. You’re going to need it.

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Channel trailer:

Big Jump USA - Our Trampoline Park
Big Jump USA |
Videos to Commonly Asked Questions:
Why did we move to Brazil?
Trampoline park:
Our family:
We sold everything and moved our family of 7 from Nevada, USA to Brazil in September 2017.  We came to experience Brazilian culture, learn Portuguese and start a business. We opened a trampoline park called Big Jump USA in Salvador on June 30, 2018 and our second location in Barra da Tijuca, RJ on August 2, 2020. We post weekly adventures so please Subscribe and click the bell. Thank you so Much!  We love Brazil and are excited to hear from you! Please leave a comment and tell us where you’re from! Thank you for joining our journey!
Big Jump Trampoline Park and Events:
Salvador IG: @bigjumpbr | Rio IG: @bigjumpusa
(Nossa Vida Brasileira) Our Brazilian Life Instagram |
Big Jump USA - Our Trampoline Park
Big Jump USA |
Vídeos para perguntas frequentes:
Por que nos mudamos para o Brasil?
Parque de camas elasticas:
Nossa família:
Vendemos tudo e mudamos nossa família de 7 pessoas de Nevada - EUA, para o Brasil em setembro de 2017. Viemos para vivenciar a cultura brasileira, aprender português e abrir um negócio. Inauguramos um parque de trampolins chamado Big Jump USA em Salvador no dia 30 de junho de 2018 e nosso segundo local na Barra da Tijuca, RJ no dia 2 de agosto de 2020. Publicamos aventuras semanais, então, inscreva-se e ative o sininho. Muito obrigado! Amamos o Brasil e estamos ansiosos para ouvir vocês! Deixe um comentário e diga-nos de onde você é! Obrigado por se juntar a nossa jornada!
Parque e Eventos de camas elasticas Big Jump USA
Salvador IG: @bigjumpbr | Rio IG: @bigjumpusa

8 CRAZY reasons why we live in Brazil - The TRUTH from Americans 2022!!

Number 7 is life changing! The question almost every single Brazilian asks us is “What are you doing here!?” In this video we will be answering this question.

1. Brazil is the most beautiful country in the world.

2. Brazilian people are wonderful.

3. Kids are bilingual. Research shows that learning a second language boosts problem-solving, critical-thinking, and listening skills, in addition to improving memory, concentration, and the ability to multitask. Children proficient in other languages also show signs of enhanced creativity and mental flexibility.

4 Free public healthcare.

5. Cost of living.

6. Exposing our children to a new culture.

7. It’s affordable to have a maid.

8. Lots of opportunity for business.

This is why we love Brazil and continue to live here. We could go back to the states anytime. We choose to live here because we have a great life with a lot of unique experiences and opportunities.
Follow us on
Our Brazilian Life Instagram |
Channel trailer:

Big Jump USA - Our Trampoline Park
Big Jump USA |
Videos to Commonly Asked Questions:
Why did we move to Brazil?
Trampoline park:
Our family:
We sold everything and moved our family of 7 from Nevada, USA to Brazil in September 2017.  We came to experience Brazilian culture, learn Portuguese and start a business. We opened a trampoline park called Big Jump USA in Salvador on June 30, 2018 and our second location in Barra da Tijuca, RJ on August 2, 2020. We post weekly adventures so please Subscribe and click the bell. Thank you so Much!  We love Brazil and are excited to hear from you! Please leave a comment and tell us where you’re from! Thank you for joining our journey!
Big Jump Trampoline Park and Events:
Salvador IG: @bigjumpbr | Rio IG: @bigjumpusa
(Nossa Vida Brasileira) Our Brazilian Life Instagram |
Big Jump USA - Our Trampoline Park
Big Jump USA |
Vídeos para perguntas frequentes:
Por que nos mudamos para o Brasil?
Parque de camas elasticas:
Nossa família:
Vendemos tudo e mudamos nossa família de 7 pessoas de Nevada - EUA, para o Brasil em setembro de 2017. Viemos para vivenciar a cultura brasileira, aprender português e abrir um negócio. Inauguramos um parque de trampolins chamado Big Jump USA em Salvador no dia 30 de junho de 2018 e nosso segundo local na Barra da Tijuca, RJ no dia 2 de agosto de 2020. Publicamos aventuras semanais, então, inscreva-se e ative o sininho. Muito obrigado! Amamos o Brasil e estamos ansiosos para ouvir vocês! Deixe um comentário e diga-nos de onde você é! Obrigado por se juntar a nossa jornada!
Parque e Eventos de camas elasticas Big Jump USA
Salvador IG: @bigjumpbr | Rio IG: @bigjumpusa

#expat #abroad #movetobrazil

TOP 10 cidades do interior de SÃO PAULO para morar

Localizado na região Sudeste do Brasil, o Estado de São Paulo conta com 645 municípios e tem população estimada superior a 45 milhões de habitantes.
Além de ser o Estado mais populoso, é tb o mais rico do Brasil, respondendo por cerca de 30% do PIB nacional. É o Estado o Número 1 em desenvolvimento econômico, infraestrutura, mercado consumidor, localização estratégica, turismo de eventos... O que atrai muitas pessoas que desejam investir ou morar na região.
Sua capital São Paulo, dispensa apresentação, é o principal centro financeiro do país e a maior metrópole do Brasil, com mais de 12 milhões de habitantes, mas o Interior paulista é tudo de bom!!!

Confira agora nossa lista recente com 10 excelentes cidades para viver bem, no interior de São Paulo.

00:00 Estado de São Paulo
01:34 Piracicaba
04:45 São José do Rio Preto
07:29 Santos
10:47 Americana
13:47 Limeira
17:18 Ribeirão Preto
20:17 Sorocaba
23:43 Jundiaí
26:33 São José dos Campos
29:31 Campinas

Agradecimentos / Fontes / Imagens / Créditos:
Ministério do Turismo
Prefeitura de Piracicaba
Prefeitura de São José do Rio Preto
Prefeitura de Santos
Prefeitura de Americana
Prefeitura de Limeira
Prefeitura de Ribeirão Preto
Prefeitura de Sorocaba
Prefeitura de Jundiaí
Prefeitura de São José dos Campos
Prefeitura de Campinas
Ministério do Turismo
Tânia Franco
Adriana Massa
Alexandre Lombardi
Magno Mion
Mari Maia
Renato Monteiro

???????? SÃO PAULO, THE BIGGEST CITY IN AMERICA, Brazil | 2023 【 4K UHD 】

São Paulo, Brazil's financial center, is among the most populous cities in the world, with diverse cultural institutions and a rich architectural tradition.

It is the most populous city in Brazil, the American continent, the Portuguese-speaking world and the entire southern hemisphere. São Paulo is the most influential Brazilian city on the global stage, receives the alpha global city classification.

The metropolis has the 23rd largest GDP in the world, representing, separately, 11% of all Brazilian GDP, 34% of the state's GDP, as well as 36% of all its production of goods and services, in addition to being the seat of 63% of the multinationals established in Brazil, being responsible for 28% of all national scientific production in 2005, and for more than 40% of the patents produced in the country.

São Paulo is also home to B3 (acronym for Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão), the 5th largest stock exchange in the world by market capitalization.

It also concentrates many of the tallest buildings in Brazil, such as the Mirante do Vale, Itália, Altino Arantes, Torre Norte buildings, among others.

It is the 8th most populous city on the planet and its metropolitan area, with around 21 million inhabitants, is the 10th largest urban agglomeration in the world. The capital of São Paulo also has a cosmopolitan character, given that, in 2016, it had native residents from 196 different countries.

Friday, 12:55 p.m.
Apr 14, 2023





American family visits Rio de Janeiro for the first time!!

What did our American family think about their first trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil? Watch until the end to hear exactly what they say.

Chris’s sister, her husband and their 3 adorable and hilarious daughters spent their spring break with us. Just being with them was enough but we had some awesome adventures as well.

I’m so grateful for my family! They made a great effort to get through all the Covid red tape to get into Brazil. The memories these cousins made are worth more than gold. This visit did my heart some good. Thank you for coming! Come back soon or just move here. That would be even better.
Follow us on
Our Brazilian Life Instagram |
Channel trailer:

Big Jump USA - Our Trampoline Park
Big Jump USA |
Videos to Commonly Asked Questions:
Why did we move to Brazil?
Trampoline park:
Our family:
We sold everything and moved our family of 7 from Nevada, USA to Brazil in September 2017.  We came to experience Brazilian culture, learn Portuguese and start a business. We opened a trampoline park called Big Jump USA in Salvador on June 30, 2018 and our second location in Barra da Tijuca, RJ on August 2, 2020. We post weekly adventures so please Subscribe and click the bell. Thank you so Much!  We love Brazil and are excited to hear from you! Please leave a comment and tell us where you’re from! Thank you for joining our journey!
Big Jump Trampoline Park and Events:
Salvador IG: @bigjumpbr | Rio IG: @bigjumpusa
#RioDeJaneiroTrip #SouthAmericanTravel
(Nossa Vida Brasileira) Our Brazilian Life Instagram |
Big Jump USA - Our Trampoline Park
Big Jump USA |
Vídeos para perguntas frequentes:
Por que nos mudamos para o Brasil?
Parque de camas elasticas:
Nossa família:
Vendemos tudo e mudamos nossa família de 7 pessoas de Nevada - EUA, para o Brasil em setembro de 2017. Viemos para vivenciar a cultura brasileira, aprender português e abrir um negócio. Inauguramos um parque de trampolins chamado Big Jump USA em Salvador no dia 30 de junho de 2018 e nosso segundo local na Barra da Tijuca, RJ no dia 2 de agosto de 2020. Publicamos aventuras semanais, então, inscreva-se e ative o sininho. Muito obrigado! Amamos o Brasil e estamos ansiosos para ouvir vocês! Deixe um comentário e diga-nos de onde você é! Obrigado por se juntar a nossa jornada!
Parque e Eventos de camas elasticas Big Jump USA
Salvador IG: @bigjumpbr | Rio IG: @bigjumpusa


Welcome to the deep south, the REALLY deep south. In the town of Americana in southern Brazil the descendants of American Civil War Confederate soldiers who left the United States to seek a new life in South America after the war between north and south, celebrate their heritage.

Best Safari's in Pantanal Brazil

Follow us on
Our Brazilian Life Instagram |
Channel trailer:

Big Jump USA - Our Trampoline Park
Big Jump USA |
Videos to Commonly Asked Questions:
Why did we move to Brazil?
Trampoline park:
Our family:
We sold everything and moved our family of 7 from Nevada, USA to Brazil in September 2017.  We came to experience Brazilian culture, learn Portuguese and start a business. We opened a trampoline park called Big Jump USA in Salvador on June 30, 2018 and our second location in Barra da Tijuca, RJ on August 2, 2020. We post weekly adventures so please Subscribe and click the bell. Thank you so Much!  We love Brazil and are excited to hear from you! Please leave a comment and tell us where you’re from! Thank you for joining our journey!
Big Jump Trampoline Park and Events:
Salvador IG: @bigjumpbr | Rio IG: @bigjumpusa
(Nossa Vida Brasileira) Our Brazilian Life Instagram |
Big Jump USA - Our Trampoline Park
Big Jump USA |
Vídeos para perguntas frequentes:
Por que nos mudamos para o Brasil?
Parque de camas elasticas:
Nossa família:
Vendemos tudo e mudamos nossa família de 7 pessoas de Nevada - EUA, para o Brasil em setembro de 2017. Viemos para vivenciar a cultura brasileira, aprender português e abrir um negócio. Inauguramos um parque de trampolins chamado Big Jump USA em Salvador no dia 30 de junho de 2018 e nosso segundo local na Barra da Tijuca, RJ no dia 2 de agosto de 2020. Publicamos aventuras semanais, então, inscreva-se e ative o sininho. Muito obrigado! Amamos o Brasil e estamos ansiosos para ouvir vocês! Deixe um comentário e diga-nos de onde você é! Obrigado por se juntar a nossa jornada!
Parque e Eventos de camas elasticas Big Jump USA
Salvador IG: @bigjumpbr | Rio IG: @bigjumpusa

American vs Brazilian Easter Holiday Differences

How do you celebrate Easter? We are Americans living in Rio de Janeiro Brazil. Over the years, we have noticed many differences. The last one is my favorite. What are the biggest differences for you?

It’s amazing to have both experiences to combine so many wonderful aspects of both cultures and holidays.

In Brazil they have huge chocolate Easter eggs filled with sweet creams, cake or brigadeiro.

They eat fish for dinner because it symbolizes what Jesus ate at his last supper before the crucifixion.

Brazil has the largest Catholic population out of the world so Good Friday is an official national holiday with banks and stores closed. Also many Catholic schools get the week off. There are special week long Catholic services around the life and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. There are many theatrical reenactments of the crucifixion. And also many beautiful candle lit processions.

In the United States we dye hard boiled eggs, eat deviled eggs and have a super high energy Easter egg hunt. We generally have an Easter brunch which includes ham, potatoes and deviled eggs. We don’t get Good Friday off of school or work but we do take the holidays seriously. Most Americans, whether Catholic or Christian attend church, spend time with families, pray and share a meal. It’s a very special time for everyone.

We don’t prefer one country over the other. We love combining both cultures and experiencing both. This year I am very happy to be in Brazil where the weather is warm and perfect for an outdoor Easter egg hunt. Currently in the United States it’s very cold and snowing in some places.

Follow us on
Our Brazilian Life Instagram |
Channel trailer:

Big Jump USA - Our Trampoline Park
Big Jump USA |
Videos to Commonly Asked Questions:
Why did we move to Brazil?
Trampoline park:
Our family:
We sold everything and moved our family of 7 from Nevada, USA to Brazil in September 2017.  We came to experience Brazilian culture, learn Portuguese and start a business. We opened a trampoline park called Big Jump USA in Salvador on June 30, 2018 and our second location in Barra da Tijuca, RJ on August 2, 2020. We post weekly adventures so please Subscribe and click the bell. Thank you so Much!  We love Brazil and are excited to hear from you! Please leave a comment and tell us where you’re from! Thank you for joining our journey!
Big Jump Trampoline Park and Events:
Salvador IG: @bigjumpbr | Rio IG: @bigjumpusa



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Watch all our Rio Videos here:

In this video we spend the day exploring the imperial city of Petrópolis int he state of Rio de janeiro (Brazil)

Music by:
Epidemic Sound (

Americans Inside Rio’s Biggest Favela - 10 stunning facts

Why don’t Brazilians want people to see what’s inside the favelas? My family and I live in Rio and regularly drive past this favela. Today we finally got the chance to explore the heart of this massive concert jungle. Rio de Janeiro has one of the largest urban slums in Latin America. It’s filled with people, rich culture and lots of plumbing problems. Get ready for a very special journey inside Rio’s biggest favela. You are going to see some things no one has shown you before.

10 Facts About Rocinha, Brazil

1. Rocinha is located in Rio de Janeiro’s South Zone on a large hillside overlooking the city.
2. It is located between the highly wealthy neighborhoods of Gávea and São Conrado and another favela called Vidigal. The rich and poor neighborhoods literally side by side are often cited as a symbol of Brazil's social inequality.

3. Rocinha is Rio de Janeiro’s largest favela. In 1970, the favela had 130,000 inhabitants according to the IBGE. There is no current official population census, but residents say over 350,000 people are living in the tightly packed area.
4. Rocinha means little farm. In the 1920s, it was an urban area that expanded into the hillside. In 1927, the region was subdivided and it grew rapidly without any land regulation or planning.

5. Despite its large population, Rocinha takes up less than a square mile of land. This extreme lack of space forces families to build houses on top of one another generation after generation. This results in housing structures stacked up to 11 stories tall.
6. Most homes are made from brick and cement, a majority have running water and electricity. Sanitation is often a big problem - in Rocinha, sewage flows down a large channel in the middle of houses.
7. Rocinha has over 500 unofficial streets called “bicos
8. Rocinha is considered one of Brazil’s better favelas due to its close proximity to jobs and services. Easier access to jobs also means that families are better off and can afford basic necessities such as electricity and water.
9. Although this favela has economic opportunities and a wide variety of commerce and services within the community, many of these families live in extreme poverty.
10. The average education level for a resident of Rocinha is 4.1 years, with less than 1 percent of the population receiving a degree above a high school diploma.


Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

#Favela #RioDeJaneiroTrip #Braziltravel
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Our Brazilian Life Instagram |
Channel trailer:

Big Jump USA - Our Trampoline Park
Big Jump USA |
Videos to Commonly Asked Questions:
Why did we move to Brazil?
Trampoline park:
Our family:
We sold everything and moved our family of 7 from Nevada, USA to Brazil in September 2017.  We came to experience Brazilian culture, learn Portuguese and start a business. We opened a trampoline park called Big Jump USA in Salvador on June 30, 2018 and our second location in Barra da Tijuca, RJ on August 2, 2020. We post weekly adventures so please Subscribe and click the bell. Thank you so Much!  We love Brazil and are excited to hear from you! Please leave a comment and tell us where you’re from! Thank you for joining our journey!
Big Jump Trampoline Park and Events:
Salvador IG: @bigjumpbr | Rio IG: @bigjumpusa
(Nossa Vida Brasileira) Our Brazilian Life Instagram |
Big Jump USA - Our Trampoline Park
Big Jump USA |
Vídeos para perguntas frequentes:
Por que nos mudamos para o Brasil?
Parque de camas elasticas:
Nossa família:
Vendemos tudo e mudamos nossa família de 7 pessoas de Nevada - EUA, para o Brasil em setembro de 2017. Viemos para vivenciar a cultura brasileira, aprender português e abrir um negócio. Inauguramos um parque de trampolins chamado Big Jump USA em Salvador no dia 30 de junho de 2018 e nosso segundo local na Barra da Tijuca, RJ no dia 2 de agosto de 2020. Publicamos aventuras semanais, então, inscreva-se e ative o sininho. Muito obrigado! Amamos o Brasil e estamos ansiosos para ouvir vocês! Deixe um comentário e diga-nos de onde você é! Obrigado por se juntar a nossa jornada!
Parque e Eventos de camas elasticas Big Jump USA
Salvador IG: @bigjumpbr | Rio IG: @bigjumpusa

10 Fascinating Facts about Brazilian Carnival

Here are some interesting facts you probably didn’t know about Carnaval. Number 8 is my favorite.
Every year Brazil’s Carnaval brings millions of people to this incredible festival full of parades, culture, excitement, public street parties and celebrations. Carnaval is the biggest week long party in the world. Video 113

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Videos to Commonly Asked Questions:
Why did we move to Brazil?
Trampoline park:
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Here are some interesting facts you probably didn’t know about Carnaval. Number 8 is my favorite.
Every year Brazil’s Carnaval brings millions of people to this incredible festival full of parades, culture, excitement, public street parties and celebrations. Carnaval is the biggest week long party in the world. Video 113
1. Rio De Janeiro’s Carnival is registered in the Guiness Book as the biggest carnival in the world.
2. In Brazilian Portuguese, it’s written as ‘Carnaval’ but for the majority of the rest of the world, it’s written as ‘Carnival’; and both are correct!
3. In Salvador alone, estimations state that approximately 2.5 million people participate in the festivities every year (1.5 million being tourists). This festival has a large positive impact on Salvador’s local economy.
4. Salvador is the “the biggest African city outside Africa” with 83% of the people claiming black ancestry. The difference between Carnaval in Salvador and Rio de Janeiro is that Salvador is an incredibly vibrant public street party with huge blocos and cultural events. While Rio’s main event is the parade in the Sambadromo where spectators watch elaborate floats.
5.In Rio’s Sambodromo, the Samba schools are judged on their elaborate floats, costumes, dancing and music. This is a very important competition and some schools spend over 4 million dollars on outfits and preparations.
6.The Carnaval in Brazil is always held 40 days before Easter, ending at noon on Ash Wednesday.
7. There are more than 2 million people on the streets every day during the carnaval.
8. Brazilian Samba derived from a mixture of African and European influences. Brazilian Samba is one the most popular dances in South America. The dance has evolved over time to become a cultural identity for Brazilians. And I recommend you try it. Don’t worry if you can’t samba; just move your feet, have fun and smile. Brazilians want you to enjoy their culture so don’t be shy.
9. Carnaval is celebrated all over Brazil in their own unique ways. But the biggest celebrations are held in Rio, Sao Paulo, Salvador, Recife, Olinda and Manaus.
10. The word Carnaval is represented as the last period of feasting and celebration before the strict spiritual period of Lent. So, all that dancing, parading and fun is really just to say goodbye to steak dinners for a while.
Carnival is a chance to let people set aside their everyday lives, adorn themselves with costumes, masks and allow themselves to experience an amplified sense of social unity, art, music, and excitement. We are an American family living in Salvador, Brazil. I know from experience that Brazilians want to share their culture and beauty with you. So put Brazil’s Carnival on your bucket list and make it a priority to come and experience the world’s biggest party.

This is Pelourinho, the historical district in Salvador. This is my favorite place to go for Carnaval and to take visiting family or friends during other times of the year. It tops the charts for one of the best afro Brazilian cultural experiences. It’s also the most unique, vibrant, colorful, celebration and is great for families and kids. I highly recommend it.
We moved our family of 7 from Nevada, USA to Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. We came to experience Brazilian culture, learn Portuguese and start a business. We opened a trampoline park called Big Jump on June 30, 2018. We post weekly adventures so please Subscribe and click the bell for updates on new videos. Thank you so Much! We love Brazil and are excited to hear from you! Please leave a comment and tell us where you’re from! Thank you for joining our journey!

Big Jump Trampoline Park and Events Instagram: @bigjumpbr,
Park (71) 3368-1842 What’sApp (71) 98814-9485. American amusement park. Email with any questions or for more information. Address: Avenida Orlando Gomes, 1296 - Piata Salvador BA CEP: 41650-101

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In this video we explore the historic gold mining city of Ouro Preto in the state of Minas Gerais (Brazil).

Music by:
Epidemic Sound (

TOP 10 cidades do interior do PARANÁ para morar

O Estado do Paraná, localizado na região Sul do Brasil, conta com 399 cidades, ocupando a quinta posição entre os estados com maior número de municípios. Sua população é de 11,5 milhões de habitantes ocupando também a 5ª posição entre os estados mais populosos do país. Além disso tem o tem o 5º maior PIB entre as unidades da federação.
Sua bela capital Curitiba conta com excelente infraestrutura e é um dos maiores polos econômicos do Brasil. Mas o Interior do Paraná é tudo de bom!

Confira agora nossa lista recente com 10 excelentes cidades para viver bem, no interior do Paraná.

00:00 Estado do Paraná
01:38 Francisco Beltrão
04:27 Paranavaí
06:57 São José dos Pinhais
09:36 Cascavel
12:04 Foz do Iguaçu
14:50 Guarapuava
17:34 Ponta Grossa
20:37 Toledo
23:17 Londrina
25:51 Maringá

Agradecimentos / Fontes / Imagens / Créditos:
Governo do Paraná
Ministério do Turismo
Prefeitura de Francisco Beltrão
Prefeitura de Paranavaí
Prefeitura de São José dos Pinhais
Prefeitura de Cascavel
Prefeitura de Foz do Iguaçu
Prefeitura de Guarapuava
Prefeitura de Ponta Grossa
Prefeitura de Toledo
Prefeitura de Londrina
Prefeitura de Maringá


São Paulo é uma das 27 unidades federativas do Brasil. Está situado na Região Sudeste e tem por limites os estados de Minas Gerais a norte e nordeste, Paraná a sul, Rio de Janeiro a leste e Mato Grosso do Sul a oeste.

São Paulo é um dos estados mais importantes do Brasil, possuindo ótimas cidades para morar.
Nesse video utilizamos o levantamento feito pelo instituto Sou da Paz e criamos um ranking com as cidades mais seguras do estado de São Paulo. Isso porque segurança é sempre um dos principais fatores que analisamos antes de decidirmos onde morar.
Então, se você tá pensando em morar no estado de São Paulo, assista este video e conheça ótimas cidades para viver em SP

#Brasil #SãoPaulo #Cidades #Segurança



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