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10 Best place to visit in Čitluk Bosnia and Herzegovina


5 places to discover in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The picturesque land of Bosnia and Herzegovina is located in the heart of Southeastern Europe and this is an excellent starting point for exploration of the whole region.
Filled with green landscapes, high mountains and historical sites, these are just some of the things which this country has to offer.
Tour Guide Mostar counts down five places you must discover in Bosnia and Herzegovina…
1. Sarajevo
Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a compact city on the Miljacka River, surrounded by the Dinaric Alps. Its center has museums commemorating local history, including Sarajevo 1878–1918, which covers the 1914 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, an event that sparked World War I. Landmarks of the old quarter, Baščaršija, include the Ottoman-era Gazi Husrev-bey Mosque.

2. Mostar
Mostar is a city in southern Bosnia and Herzegovina, straddling the Neretva River. It’s known for the iconic Stari Most (Old Bridge), a reconstructed medieval arched bridge. The nearby alleys are full of shops and market stalls, and the Old Bridge Museum explores the bridge’s long history. A narrow staircase leads up to the Koski Mehmed-Pasha Mosque’s minaret for panoramic city views.

3. Blagaj
One of the magical places that take us back to the past is Blagaj, situated only 12 km away from Mostar.
The small and magical village of Blagaj is located on the river Buna. The Buna spring is one of the largest and most beautiful springs in Europe and probably the best example of underground karst river.
The beautiful scenery and rich history had been home of dervish house which is one of the most important monuments from the period of early Ottoman culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Dervishes are known for their special rituals performed and are still performed – zikir (praise to God). The Turkish sultan was delighted with Buna and so he ordered to build Tekke, the monastery of dervishes.

4. Počitelj
The historic town of Počitelj which is located on the left bank of the river Neretva, on the main Mostar to Metković road, to the south of Mostar, in the territory of Čapljina Municipality.
Back in the the middle ages, Počitelj was centre of governance and its westernmost point, which gave it major strategic importance. It is supposed that the fortified town and its attendant settlements were built by Bosnia’s King Stjepan Tvrtko I in 1383.
The walled town of Počitelj evolved over the period from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries. Architecturally, the surviving stone-built parts of the town are a fortified complex, in which two stages of evolution may be observed: mediaeval, and Ottoman.

5. Međugorje
Međugorje is a town located in the Herzegovina region of Bosnia and Herzegovina, around 25 km (16 mi) southwest of Mostar and close to the border of Croatia. The town is part of the municipality of Čitluk. Since 1981, it has become a popular site of Catholic pilgrimage due to reports of alleged apparitions of the Virgin Mary to six local children.

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Mostar - Čitluk - Međugorje, Hercegovina, regionalni put R424, april 2021.

Snimak putovanja od Mostara do ulaska u Međugorje. Početak snimka je na izlasku iz Mostara u Bulevaru narodne revolucije. Vožnja do kružnog toka i skretanje prema Rodoču. Izlazak na regionalni put i vožnja prema Čitluku i Međugorju. Završeta snimka je na kružnom toku na ulasku u Međugorje.
Saobraćaj u Hercegovini

Putovanja 2021

Putevi Balkana

Travels in Southeast Europe. Roadtrip through countries, cities, over mountains, rivers and fields. Beautiful landscapes, interesting cities and picturesque areas. From the sea over the mountains to the wide plains. Towns and villages, highways, streets and macadam roads. Hundreds of videos on the channel show all the beauty and diversity of the nearby areas
Путешествует по Юго-Восточной Европе. Путешествие по странам, городам, горам, рекам и полям. Красивые пейзажи, интересные города и живописные уголки. От моря через горы до широких равнин. Города и деревни, шоссе, улицы и дороги из щебня. Сотни видеороликов на канале показывают всю красоту и разнообразие окрестностей
Viaggi nell'Europa sud-orientale. Roadtrip attraverso paesi, città, montagne, fiumi e campi. Bei paesaggi, città interessanti e zone pittoresche. Dal mare ai monti alle vaste pianure. Città e villaggi, autostrade, strade e strade di macadam. Centinaia di video sul canale mostrano tutta la bellezza e la diversità delle zone vicine
Reisen in Südosteuropa. Roadtrip durch Länder, Städte, über Berge, Flüsse und Felder Wunderschöne Landschaften, interessante Städte und malerische Gebiete. Vom Meer über die Berge bis in die weiten Ebenen. Städte und Dörfer, Autobahnen, Straßen und Schotterstraßen. Hunderte von Videos auf dem Kanal zeigen die Schönheit und Vielfalt der umliegenden Gebiete
Potovanja po jugovzhodni Evropi. Potovanje skozi države, mesta, čez gore, reke in polja. Čudovite pokrajine, zanimiva mesta in slikovita območja. Od morja čez gore do širokih ravnic. Mesta in vasi, avtoceste, ulice in makadamske ceste. Na stotine video posnetkov na kanalu prikazuje vso lepoto in raznolikost bližnjih območij
Пътувания в Югоизточна Европа. Пътуване през страни, градове, над планини, реки и полета. Красиви пейзажи, интересни градове и живописни райони. От морето над планините до широките равнини. Градове и села, магистрали, улици и макадамни пътища. Стотици видеоклипове на канала показват цялата красота и разнообразие на близките райони.
Патувања во Југоисточна Европа. Попатна патека низ земји, градови, над планини, реки и полиња. Прекрасни предели, интересни градови и живописни области. Од морето над планините до широките рамнини. Градови и села, автопати, улици и патишта макадам
Стотици видеа на каналот ја покажуваат целата убавина и разновидност на околните области
Viaja por el sudeste de Europa. Roadtrip por países, ciudades, montañas, ríos y campos. Hermosos paisajes, ciudades interesantes y zonas pintorescas. Desde el mar sobre las montañas hasta las amplias llanuras. Ciudades y pueblos, carreteras, calles y caminos de macadán. Cientos de videos en el canal muestran toda la belleza y diversidad de las áreas cercanas
Voyages en Europe du Sud-Est. Roadtrip à travers pays, villes, montagnes, rivières et champs. Beaux paysages, villes intéressantes et régions pittoresques
Délkelet-Európában utazik. Országút, város, hegyek, folyók és mezők felett vezetett út. Gyönyörű tájak, érdekes városok és festői területek. A tengertől a hegyek felett a széles síkságig. Városok és falvak, autópályák, utcák és macadam utak. A csatornán több száz videó mutatja be a közeli területek minden szépségét és sokszínűségét
Călătorii în sud-estul Europei. Excursie rutieră prin țări, orașe, peste munți, râuri și câmpuri. Peisaje frumoase, orașe interesante și zone pitorești. De la mare peste munți până la câmpiile întinse. Orașe și sate, autostrăzi, străzi și drumuri Macadam
Reser i sydöstra Europa. Roadtrip genom länder, städer, över berg, floder och åkrar. Vackra landskap, intressanta städer och pittoreska områden. Från havet över bergen till de vida slätterna. Städer och byar, motorvägar, gator och makadamvägar. Hundratals videor på kanalen visar all skönhet och mångfald i de närliggande områdena
Podróżuje po Europie Południowo-Wschodniej. Podróżuj przez kraje, miasta, góry, rzeki i pola. Piękne krajobrazy, ciekawe miasta i malownicze tereny. Od morza przez góry po szerokie równiny. Miasta i wsie, autostrady, ulice i drogi żwirowe
Güneydoğu Avrupa'ya seyahat edin. Ülkeler, şehirler, dağlar, nehirler ve tarlalar üzerinden yolculuk. Güzel manzaralar, ilginç şehirler ve pitoresk alanlar. Denizden dağların üzerinden uçsuz bucaksız ovalara. Şehirler ve köyler, otoyollar, sokaklar ve yollar Macadam. Kanaldaki yüzlerce video, yakındaki alanların tüm güzelliğini ve çeşitliliğini gösteriyor
Stovky videí na kanálu ukazují veškerou krásu a rozmanitost blízkých oblastí
Мостар - Читлук - Међугорје

Ljubuški - Čitluk - Mostar, Hercegovina,magistralni put M17.4 (R424), april 2021.

Putovanje kroz Hercegovinu, od Ljubuškog do ulaska u Mostar.
Početak snimka je na kružnom toku u Ljubuškom, spoju magistralnog puta M6 (Tina Ujevića - Međugorska) i Ulice Josipa bana Jelačića. Skretanje na regionalni put R424 i vožnja u pravcu Mostara. Završetak snimka je na kružnoj raskrsnici, na spoju regionalnog puta i novoizgrađenog dijela obilaznice oko Mostara. Kružna raskrsnica je spoj puteva koji vode ka Širokom Brijegu, Rodoču, Čitluku i Mostaru.
Saobraćaj u Hercegovini

Putovanja 2021

Putevi Balkana

Travels in Southeast Europe. Roadtrip through countries, cities, over mountains, rivers and fields. Beautiful landscapes, interesting cities and picturesque areas. From the sea over the mountains to the wide plains. Towns and villages, highways, streets and macadam roads. Hundreds of videos on the channel show all the beauty and diversity of the nearby areas
Путешествует по Юго-Восточной Европе. Путешествие по странам, городам, горам, рекам и полям. Красивые пейзажи, интересные города и живописные уголки. От моря через горы до широких равнин. Города и деревни, шоссе, улицы и дороги из щебня. Сотни видеороликов на канале показывают всю красоту и разнообразие окрестностей
Viaggi nell'Europa sud-orientale. Roadtrip attraverso paesi, città, montagne, fiumi e campi. Bei paesaggi, città interessanti e zone pittoresche. Dal mare ai monti alle vaste pianure. Città e villaggi, autostrade, strade e strade di macadam. Centinaia di video sul canale mostrano tutta la bellezza e la diversità delle zone vicine
Reisen in Südosteuropa. Roadtrip durch Länder, Städte, über Berge, Flüsse und Felder Wunderschöne Landschaften, interessante Städte und malerische Gebiete. Vom Meer über die Berge bis in die weiten Ebenen. Städte und Dörfer, Autobahnen, Straßen und Schotterstraßen. Hunderte von Videos auf dem Kanal zeigen die Schönheit und Vielfalt der umliegenden Gebiete
Potovanja po jugovzhodni Evropi. Potovanje skozi države, mesta, čez gore, reke in polja. Čudovite pokrajine, zanimiva mesta in slikovita območja. Od morja čez gore do širokih ravnic. Mesta in vasi, avtoceste, ulice in makadamske ceste. Na stotine video posnetkov na kanalu prikazuje vso lepoto in raznolikost bližnjih območij
Пътувания в Югоизточна Европа. Пътуване през страни, градове, над планини, реки и полета. Красиви пейзажи, интересни градове и живописни райони. От морето над планините до широките равнини. Градове и села, магистрали, улици и макадамни пътища. Стотици видеоклипове на канала показват цялата красота и разнообразие на близките райони.
Патувања во Југоисточна Европа. Попатна патека низ земји, градови, над планини, реки и полиња. Прекрасни предели, интересни градови и живописни области. Од морето над планините до широките рамнини. Градови и села, автопати, улици и патишта макадам
Стотици видеа на каналот ја покажуваат целата убавина и разновидност на околните области
Viaja por el sudeste de Europa. Roadtrip por países, ciudades, montañas, ríos y campos. Hermosos paisajes, ciudades interesantes y zonas pintorescas. Desde el mar sobre las montañas hasta las amplias llanuras. Ciudades y pueblos, carreteras, calles y caminos de macadán. Cientos de videos en el canal muestran toda la belleza y diversidad de las áreas cercanas
Voyages en Europe du Sud-Est. Roadtrip à travers pays, villes, montagnes, rivières et champs. Beaux paysages, villes intéressantes et régions pittoresques
Délkelet-Európában utazik. Országút, város, hegyek, folyók és mezők felett vezetett út. Gyönyörű tájak, érdekes városok és festői területek. A tengertől a hegyek felett a széles síkságig. Városok és falvak, autópályák, utcák és macadam utak. A csatornán több száz videó mutatja be a közeli területek minden szépségét és sokszínűségét
Călătorii în sud-estul Europei. Excursie rutieră prin țări, orașe, peste munți, râuri și câmpuri. Peisaje frumoase, orașe interesante și zone pitorești. De la mare peste munți până la câmpiile întinse. Orașe și sate, autostrăzi, străzi și drumuri Macadam
Reser i sydöstra Europa. Roadtrip genom länder, städer, över berg, floder och åkrar. Vackra landskap, intressanta städer och pittoreska områden. Från havet över bergen till de vida slätterna. Städer och byar, motorvägar, gator och makadamvägar. Hundratals videor på kanalen visar all skönhet och mångfald i de närliggande områdena
Podróżuje po Europie Południowo-Wschodniej. Podróżuj przez kraje, miasta, góry, rzeki i pola. Piękne krajobrazy, ciekawe miasta i malownicze tereny. Od morza przez góry po szerokie równiny. Miasta i wsie, autostrady, ulice i drogi żwirowe
Güneydoğu Avrupa'ya seyahat edin. Ülkeler, şehirler, dağlar, nehirler ve tarlalar üzerinden yolculuk. Güzel manzaralar, ilginç şehirler ve pitoresk alanlar. Denizden dağların üzerinden uçsuz bucaksız ovalara. Şehirler ve köyler, otoyollar, sokaklar ve yollar Macadam
Љубушки - Читлук - Мостар

We Traveled to Medjugorje - A Holy Place

Greetings dear Friends!
We're back!
This time we have traveled to the holy town of Medjugorje,
Bosnia And Herzegovina. Medjugorje is one of the world's most famous pilgrimage sites, counting more than 30 million visits since 1981.
We have visited the two famous apparition hills, where the
Virgin Mary has been allegedly appearing since 1981.
From the hills, we went back to the center of the town where we have filmed the St. James Church; the main spot for the pilgrims. We have spent a day in a private castle, which is unique for this part of the world. Our trip included a visit to the Ethno village hotel and resort. The time stands still here, as everything looks the way it looked like in the past. We were mesmerized by its authenticity and felt like we just stepped into a time machine. Finally, we went to the beautiful Kravica waterfalls, the most beautiful part of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Thank you for watching, don't forget to like and subscribe if you liked our video.
See you at our next destination!

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Motel Monako, Čitluk, Bosnia and Herzegovina, HD Review

Book it now! Save up to 20% -
Featuring an outdoor pool and an on-site restaurant serving local specialities, Motel Monako in Čitluk offers free parking and air-conditioned accommodation units with cable TV and free Wi-Fi. Most rooms have a balcony overlooking the pool.
Monako Motel has a common terrace and a garden with barbecue facilities. The centre of Čitluk is 1,650 feet from the Monako, while the St. James's Church and the Apparition Hill in Međugorje are just 1.6 miles away.
A sports centre with wellness facilities can be found within 1.9 miles. Guests can visit the unspoiled nature of Kravica Waterfalls and Trebižat River, 7.5 miles from the motel. The nearest international airport is in Mostar, 12.4 miles away.

Driving in Bosnia and Herzegovina: M6 & R424 from Kravica Waterfalls to Mostar

In this video you can drive along on the M6 and R-424 from Vodopad Kravica (Kravica Waterfalls) to the city of Mostar.

This was my first visit to this country and I was really amazed by the scenery and mountains. All I knew about this place before, especially Mostar, is that it was in the news a lot 20+ years ago.

Vodopad Kravica is one of many scenic and natural sights in BiH. It's a group of waterfalls and I found it to be quite similar to Croatian parks like Krka or Plitvice, just on a smaller scale. But not less beautiful. I included some drone footage for you in case you are interested.

The park is easy to reach and just off the A1 highway that connects to the border with Croatia. This is also where the highway stops for now. It's under construction and planned to bypass Mostar on the way to the capital Sarajevo.

I'm not sure if I took the fastest route to Mostar, but it's definitely one of the more scenic routes. Especially at the end as we descend towards the city. The city itself still shows the traces of war but its historical center was nicely restored.

#vodopadkravica #mostar #bosniaherzegovina #4khdr


Driving Route

0:00 Intro and Map
0:48 Kravica Waterfalls impressions
2:00 Kravica Waterfalls drone impressions
3:29 Kravica Waterfalls - M6
4:51 M6 to Ljubuški
5:51 R424 Ljubuški - Čitluk
12:20 R424 Čitluk - Mostar
20:50 Mostar


2 weeks Road Trip in Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina

Idea of itinerary for a 2 weeks road trip in Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina.
During that solo trip, I discovered Zadar, Preko island, Pag, Plitivice Lakes, Kornati islands, Split, Hvar, Korcula, Ston, Neum, Mostar, Kravice Lakes, Dubrovnik and Lokrum island.
To geet all details about that road trip, visit


While in Bosnia, we did a short trip to Jablanica, Blagaj and the beautiful Mostar...

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Hie Wanderlusters. I am Menk Mahawangsa from Malaysia, an avid wanderluster and currently living in Italy. Ive been traveling around the world (80 countries, 6 continents) since 2015. I would like to share all my explorations and experiences on this channel - Vlogs, Sharing Sessions, Travelogs, Life & Family living abroad and everything else. Don't forget to put on the English subtitles on my videos because of the mixed languages used. Lastly, do press the SUBSCRIBE button, so we can thrive the journey together.

#MenkMahawangsa #backpacker #Bosnia

Hotels in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Hotel Bevanda

Hotel Bevanda, a modern, luxury 5-star hotel, located in a quiet part of town, built right next to the river Radobolja, will offer you a peaceful and relaxing stay in a natural oasis of the city of Mostar. The hotel is located along the main road Mostar-Citluk-Medjugorje, some 10-15 minute walk from Franciscan Saint Peter and Paul Monastery and 20 minutes from the Old Town. Hotel Bevanda, along with a beautiful garden and a restaurant will make your staying in Mostar perfect. All rooms are equipped with safe, mini-bar, LED television, free Internet and a balcony with a beautiful view. Fine antique furniture decor will make every guest stay more enjoyable. It has its own underground car parking which is under video surveillance. Next to the hotel is the river Radobolja, on which a beautiful outdoor terrace is built with a summer garden, garden restaurant on the water and refreshing fountains for your pleasure.

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Bosnia & Herzegovina - Mostar

This video is about Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina.

Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina | Day 5

In this Video I took a bus from Mostar center to Medjugorje and explored Medjugorje.

Medjugorje (Serbo-Croatian: Međugorje / Међугорје, pronounced [mêdʑuɡoːrje]) is a town located in southwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina, about 25 km (16 mi) southwest of Mostar and 20 km (12 mi) east of the border with Croatia. The town is part of the Čitluk municipality and geographically part of Herzegovina. Since 1981, it has become a popular site of Catholic pilgrimage due to Our Lady of Međugorje, an alleged series of apparitions of Mary, mother of Jesus, to six local children that are still happening to this day.

The name Međugorje literally means between mountains. At an altitude of 200 m (660 ft) above sea level it has a mild Mediterranean climate. The town consists of an ethnically homogeneous Croat population of 2,306. The Roman Catholic parish includes four neighbouring villages: Bijakovići, Vionica, Miletina and Šurmanci. Since 2019, pilgrimages to Medjugorje have been authorized by the Vatican.

kravice waterfalls Drone Cascate Bosnia Erzegovina - Medjugorje - Mostar

kravice waterfalls Drone Cascate Bosnia Erzegovina - Medjugorje - Mostar

Photos and info on our Facebook page
Pagina Facebook Medjugorje

1- Medjugorje Bosnia Erzegovina

2- Santuario di Medjugorje - Chiesa di San Giacomo

3- Statua del Cristo Risorto

4- Apparizione - Veggente Mirjana - Croce Blu

5- Podbrdo - Collina delle apparizioni

6- Adorazione Eucaristica - Devozione al SS. Sacramento

7- Krizevac - Monte della Croce bianca

8- Cascate di Kravice

Cascate Castel Giuliano 2020

Cascata della Mola 2020

Valle Scura 2020

Cascate San Vittorino 2020

Cascate di Kravice

Cascata Sacra Ampasindava

Terme Bagnaccio Viterbo - Terme & natura Lazio

Medjugorje - Bosnia-Herzegovina

Medjugorje is a town located in the Herzegovina region of Bosnia and Herzegovina, around 25 km (16 mi) southwest of Mostar and close to the border of Croatia. The town is part of the municipality of Čitluk. Since 1981, it has become a popular site of Catholic pilgrimage due to reports of alleged apparitions of the Virgin Mary to six local Catholics.

The name Medjugorje literally means between mountains. At an altitude of 200 m (660 ft) above sea level it has a mild Mediterranean climate. The town consists of an ethnically homogeneous Croat population of 2306.

Wiki link:

Drive to Medjugorje, from Mostar, 2014

Medjugorje is a town located in southwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina, about 16 mi southwest of Mostar and 12 mi east of the border with Croatia. The town is part of the Čitluk municipality and geographically part of Herzegovina. Since 1981, it has become a popular site of Catholic pilgrimage due to Our Lady of Međugorje, an alleged series of apparitions of the Virgin Mary to six local children that are still happening to this day.

The name Međugorje literally means between mountains. At an altitude of 660 ft above sea level it has a mild Mediterranean climate. The town consists of an ethnically homogeneous Croat population of 2,306. The Roman Catholic parish includes four neighbouring villages: Bijakovići, Vionica, Miletina and Šurmanci. Since 2019, pilgrimages to Medjugorje have been authorized by the Vatican. Clerics and the faithful are not permitted to participate in meetings, conferences or public celebrations during which the credibility of such 'apparitions' would be taken for granted.

Driving in Bosnia and Herzegovina: M6 from Stolac to Veličani

In this video you can ride along on M6 from Stolac to Veličani in Bosnia and Herzegovina (and Republika Srpska). Until Stolac and some kilometers beyond Stolac the road is not always in the greatest condition, but a large part of this road is in excellent condition.

Previously I also featured the drive from Veličani to Trebinje through Republika Srpska (BiH) and the drive from Mostar to Stolac. Now you can enjoy more of the beautiful sunset and scenery during this drive.

#stolac #velicani #bosniaherzegovina #republikasrpska #m6

Medjugorje, Bosnia Herzegovina, 2014

Medjugorje is a town located in southwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina, about 16 mi southwest of Mostar and 12 mi east of the border with Croatia. The town is part of the Čitluk municipality and geographically part of Herzegovina. Since 1981, it has become a popular site of Catholic pilgrimage due to Our Lady of Međugorje, an alleged series of apparitions of the Virgin Mary to six local children[2] that are still happening to this day.

The name Međugorje literally means between mountains. At an altitude of 660 ft above sea level it has a mild Mediterranean climate. The town consists of an ethnically homogeneous Croat population of 2,306. The Roman Catholic parish includes four neighbouring villages: Bijakovići, Vionica, Miletina and Šurmanci. Since 2019, pilgrimages to Medjugorje have been authorized by the Vatican. Clerics and the faithful are not permitted to participate in meetings, conferences or public celebrations during which the credibility of such 'apparitions' would be taken for granted.

Hotel Leone, Međugorje, Croatia

Hotel Leone, Međugorje, Croatia
About Property:
Hotel Leone is located in Međugorje, only 100 m from the Church of St. Jacob. Guests can relax in a shared lounge or unwind on a terrace and there’s free WiFi available throughout the modern hotel.
All rooms are bright and air-conditioned, and come with a desk and a bathroom with a shower, free toiletries and a hairdryer.
Drinks can be consumed at Hotel Leone’s bar and guests can request shuttle services at the hotel as well. Free ...
Booking or More Details:
Property Type: Hotel
Address: Bijakovići, 88266 Međugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Searching For
1. Hotel Leone - Međugorje - Croatia
2. Hotel Leone - Međugorje - Croatia Address
3. Hotel Leone - Međugorje - Croatia Rooms
4. Hotel Leone - Međugorje - Croatia Amenities
5. Hotel Leone - Međugorje - Croatia Offers and Deals
Audio Credit:
Track Title: Blank Slate
Artist: VYEN
* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel With Kalpana.
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*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
#TravelWithKalpana #HotelLeoneMeđugorje #HotelLeoneMeđugorjeCroatia



In this video, you will see, mainly, aerial views from the city of Mostar.

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Credit Music
1. Title: Relaxed Piano Music - Artist: Olexandr Ignatov






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Hotel Luna, Međugorje, Croatia

Hotel Luna, Međugorje, Croatia
About Property:
You're eligible for a Genius discount at Hotel Luna! To save at this property, all you have to do is sign in.
Located in center of Međugorje, only 250 m from St. James Church, Hotel Luna is opened in 2012. It offers an on-site restaurant and modern-style rooms with air conditioning and a flat-screen cable TV. The Apparition Hill is a 10-minute walk away. Free Wi-Fi is available.
All rooms have a view on the ...
Booking or More Details:
Property Type: Hotel
Address: Bijakovići bb , 88266 Međugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Searching For
1. Hotel Luna - Međugorje - Croatia
2. Hotel Luna - Međugorje - Croatia Address
3. Hotel Luna - Međugorje - Croatia Rooms
4. Hotel Luna - Međugorje - Croatia Amenities
5. Hotel Luna - Međugorje - Croatia Offers and Deals
Audio Credit:
Track Title: Reasons To Hope
Artist: Reed Mathis
* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel With Kalpana.
Copyright issue? Please contact us and for getting more information you can find contact details on the about us page of the channel.
*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
#TravelWithKalpana #HotelLunaMeđugorje #HotelLunaMeđugorjeCroatia



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