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10 Best place to visit in Åhus Sweden


Top 10 Beautiful Places to Visit in Sweden - Sweden Travel Video

Sweden, the heart of Scandinavia, has an incredibly rich history and beautiful landscapes. Sweden offers acres of unspoiled forests and majestic lakes to explore. The air and water are crystal clean, the roads and public transport are excellent, and the citizens are among the friendliest people in Europe.
As if all that wasn't enough, Sweden boasts an extremely interesting history full of vikings as well. so watch this Sweden travel video, and take a look at the top 10 places to visit in Sweden.

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10 Dinge, die du in SCHWEDEN auf keinen Fall tun solltest - Die größten Urlaubssünden | Fehler Tipps

Schweden: Heimat von Pippi Langstrumpf und skandinavischem Design. Aber auch von endlosen Stränden, beeindruckenden Wäldern und charismatischen Städten. Hier findet jeder sein Urlaubsglück. Aber Achtung: In Schweden laufen manche Dinge anders als in Deutschland. Fehler und Fettnäpfchen sind schnell passiert! Wir stellen dir die 10 größten Urlaubssünden vor, damit dein Schweden-Trip kein Reinfall wird.
#travel #traveling #urlaub #reisen #marcopolotv #reiseführer

MARCO POLO TV ist der erste journalistische deutschsprachige TV-Reisesender und kommt aus dem Verlagshaus MairDumont. Die Themen Reisen, Kultur, Genuss und Natur stehen genauso im Fokus wie der Umgang mit Ressourcen, der Schutz und Erhalt von Ökosystemen sowie das Thema Nachhaltigkeit. Alle Informationen sind aufwändig recherchiert und immer auf dem aktuellen Stand. Reise-Reportagen, Dokumentationen, serviceorientierte Sendungen und Reisetipps laden zum Träumen und Reisen ein und werden in bester HD-Qualität ausgestrahlt. Urlaub zum greifen nah.

Hier gibts weitere Informationen:


Travel vlog: Road trip #32 Åhus gästhamn | Åhus Sweden #åhus #roadtrip

FRom where we live to åhus is about almost 3 hours non stop but we stopped at old mikes diners for lunch. Åhus is a place where your absolut vodka from sweden comes from :) but we will not be visiting the absolut vodka distillery. This is just a short vlog while Neil is going to meet his brother after a very long time.

I have another vlog in åhus where we visited the absolut home. Link below:


Kristianstad Åhus Sweden


Visit Sweden - The DON'Ts of Sweden

Read the Blog on What Tourists Should NOT Do When They Visit Sweden

Grab some of our gear

Sweden is a gorgeous country with beautiful islands, beautiful people and beautiful looking food. This video does not cover the things you SHOULD do in Sweden. This video covers what you shouldn't do when you visit Sweden as a traveler, tourist, or vacationer. The DON'Ts of Visiting Sweden.
Filmed on the Islands outside of Stockholm, Sweden
Copyright Mark Wolters 2017

10 Shocks of Visiting Sweden

5 Things You Will LOVE & HATE About Stockholm

What to Eat in Sweden

We travel with a Microsoft Surface everywhere we go. I edit my videos on it & use it to backup my pictures and vides while we travel. It’s light and the best travel laptop on the market in my opinion.

We use Sony Alpha series cameras to film our videos. They are compact so you don’t look like a super tourist when you take great pictures and videos while you travel.

We use Manfrotto Tripods. They are compact, travel well, and honestly I would not use another tripod for my nice cameras.

Travel Plug that works in pretty much any country & has four USB ports. A must for any traveler.

Want to grab some great gear? We have used Osprey Packs for years & swear by them. Check them out here

Need some clothing for your next adventure? Patagonia has some pretty good stuff for all kinds of travelers.

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TOP 10 - HIGHLIGHTS SCHWEDEN - mit dem Wohnmobil - Travelguide Sweden

Schweden ist wirklich ein absolutes Traumziel für Reisen mit dem Wohnmobil. Wir waren mit unserem Campervan 8 Wochen lang kreuz und quer im Land unterwegs und wollen euch heute 10 unserer Highlights zeigen. Die sind über das gesamte Land verteilt - vom hohen Norden nahe den Grenzen zur Norwegen und Finnland, über das weitläufige Mittelschweden mit der berühmten Wildnissstraße, bis hin zum Süden mit seinen kilometerlangen Küsten und Scheerenlandschaften.

0:00 Intro
1:05 Abisko Nationalpark
2:33 Öland
3:52 Smögen, Fjällbacka, Lysekil
5:43 Vildmarksvägen
7:10 Süd-Ost Schweden
8:43 Skuleskogen Nationalpark
10:15 Storforsens Naturreservat
11:40 Schwedens Seen
13:05 Fulufjällets Nationalpark
14:19 Stora Sjöfallet
15:45 Outro

Für alle Videos aus Schweden, hier unsere Playlist:

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Tina & Dirk


Travel Guide Kristianstad, Sweden - Evenemang i Kristianstad och Åhus med omnejd SWE

I Kristianstads kommun hittar du konserter, marknader, musikaler och festivaler. Har finns spännande evenemang for alla smaker, vare sig du ar ute efter de största stjärnorna eller de små.

Get a free, updated Kristianstad Travel Guide:

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Åhus, Sweden ???????? Part#3, Åhus City Walk .

Åhus is the second largest locality in Kristianstad Municipality, Skåne County, Sweden with 9,423 inhabitants in 2010, but the number triples during the summer due to tourists who come seeking the beaches and nature of the Helgeå and Hanöbukten area.

An old town, Åhus gained its city privileges in 1149, but lost them in 1617 when Kristianstad was built, following the burning of Vä by Swedish king Gustav II Adolf during the Kalmar War, 1611–13. Built during the 12th century, one of the oldest buildings of Åhus is Sankta Maria kyrka (church of St. Mary).

The town is also centre for the famous Swedish Eel-parties (ålagille), where people come together during August and September to eat smoked eel and drink considerable amounts of schnapps, preferably the world-famous Absolut Vodka that is produced in the town.
Absolut Vodka is produced in Åhus, and is then exported to every corner of the world.

Åhus, Sweden ???????? Part#1. The Castle Åhus/ Åhus Kastil. (Aosehus)

Åhus Castle, in the medieval Castro Aaos, was a castle in Åhus in northeastern Scania. It was one of the province's most important and oldest medieval castles and its main purpose was to protect the entrance to the Helge River.
For a long time, the castle has been considered a palace - a refuge - for the Danish archbishopric. But the result of a major research project, led by the Regional Museum in Kristianstad 2006–2010, has given a completely new picture of the castle facility and its function. Among other things, there is much to suggest that the castle was built as early as the middle of the 11th century. In that case, it would be Scandinavia's oldest stone castle.
Today, the castle is a ruin on the north side of the Helge river, less than a kilometer from the mouth of Hanö Bay.

Åhus, Sweden. Dashcam driving.

2021 - 07 - 21

Trip to the beach in Åhus, Sweden

I had a great time in Åhus, I have never been there before and it's a great place to go to. Åhus Beach is a great place I really enjoyed my time there. There is a park for climbing trees that is so fun.
Watch the vedio to judge ⛲????.
I will post another video in Åhus later on.

Urlaub 2024 in Schweden |Ein Roadtrip zu den schönsten Sehenswürdigkeiten mit Kindern|

Urlaub in Schweden wird immer beliebter. Schweden ist aufgrund der atemberaubenden Natur auch eines unserer absoluten Lieblingsländer. Es gibt aber auch unzählige Sehenswürdigkeiten und Ausflugstipps zu entdecken. In diesem Video zeigen wir euch unsere 10 Highlights in Südschweden, die ihr mit oder ohne Wohnmobil erkunden könnt. Viel Spaß beim Video.

00:00 Intro
00:12 Smögen
01:12 Felsritzungen von Tanum
01:56 Schloss Teleborg in Växjo
02:44 Ales Stenar
03:36 Kleva Gruva mit Goldfund
04:27 Tåkern
05:26 Schloss Vadstena
06:11 Husqvarna
07:10 Vänern
08:09 Bullerby

Unsere Highlights Videos:

10 Highlights Mittelschweden

10 Highlights Thüringen

10 Highlights Peloponnes -

10 Highlights Sachsen -

Top 5 Highlights Schottland -

What NOT to Do in Sweden | Avoid These 10 Mistakes!

Swedish people are often polite and friendly, and they don't show their dislike very openly. But there are some things that Swedes HATE above all others! Avoid these pitfalls if you visit Sweden.

This list includes some common and some more unexpected items. They might be especially unexpected if you come from a very different culture compared to the Nordics and Scandinavia.

These are the ten things discussed in this video:

10. Buying a round of drinks for everyone at the table. It might sound like a common thing to do, but you should be wary of that in Sweden.
9. Asking about people's salaries. This is still a very taboo topic in Sweden, so avoid it.
8. Boasting is rude in almost every culture, but it's especially rude in Sweden due to the Law of Jante (Jantelagen).
7. If you mix up Sweden and Denmark, or Sweden and Norway, then you've really gone and annoyed us Swedes...
6. Don't stand on the wrong side of the escalator. Really. This is something only extremely ignorant or rude people do.
5. Many people are atheist or agnostic in Sweden, so discussing your religion is seen as....quite odd.
4. It's common to speak loudly in many cultures. Sweden is NOT one of those cultures.
3. Give people some space! Do not walk too close to people.
2. Here's a silly one that I just had to include: don't talk about the Finnish hockey team. We've been beaten a few too many times by them.
1. And finally, the most important thing not to do: do not EVER cut in line. Seriously. Don't even think about it.

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#sweden #swedentravel #visitsweden

Åhus Beach Sweden/ Summer Vacation trip with family

#sweden, #ÅhusBeach #beachinsweden #malluroutestv #familyfun

Hello Everyone,
This video is going to Åhus Beach Sweden/Summer Vacation trip with the family. I took 3 weeks' vacation from work. This place is 2 hours far from our house. The specialty of this beach is white sand and lots of other functions happened here. Toby, Kunju, and I really enjoyed the day, playing in sand water and having fun to had a happy family time. This place is a bit far from Malmo, but not too far. We had awesome fried rice cooked by Kunju, near the beachside. The ambiance, joy, and mood really boosted our energy. Hope you guys like it.

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#Mallu Routes Tv
Our channel is a family vlog. We right now vlogging about our happy moments in our daily life. I hope you guys like it.

My name is Rin Jacob Tholath, I am working as a 3D artist, #IKEA. my wife Kunju Rin is a housewife and my little handsome son is studying in kindergarten, he is just 4 Years old. We are from India, #mallu vlogger, #swedish mallu now living and working in #Sweden, #kronoberg
SUBSCRIBE NOW or I will eat your candies :)

SKÅNE / ÖSTERLEN: A roadtrip in Sweden's south to Ales Stenar, Sandhammaren, Ystad, Kivik & Skanör

An amazing roadtrip in Sweden's most southern province Skåne and the region Österlen: from Åhus to Kivik and to the white beaches of Sandhammaren, to the mystical stone circle Ales Stenar, the town Ystad and Skanör. Explore the best things to do in Skåne!

You don’t need to go far north, to do a road trip in Sweden. Skåne is Sweden's most southern province, easy to reach from Germany and Denmark. And it’s region Österlen has it all: Snow White beaches, the azure blue ocean, rolling hills, cute villages and a catching history. Enjoy the road trip in Sweden's south and visit its most amazing places with me!

- Travel to Åhus, a pretty little town and the home of Absolut Vodka. You can visit the famous distillery in Åhus!
- Ride over the Hills of Brosarp - the most scenic road of the area!
- Visit Kivik, the apple kingdom of Sweden and its cute harbor
- Do a detour on the small countryside roads between fields and rolling hills and visit Glimmingehus, the best reserved stronghold of the country!
- Probably the whitest sand in all of Sweden: Sandhammaren Beach is a must visit!
- One of the highlighst of the region: The mystical stone circle Ales Stenar and its amazing view on the Baltic Sea
- Don't miss out on the town Ystad!
- Spend at least a night in Skanör, a beuatiful village on the ocean with an amazing beach


//Join the journey from Switzerland to Nordkapp - to Europes barely inhabited places and it's last big secrets. The wild ride takes my travel partner and me 12.000 kilometres through 6 countries: Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden.

Time of the journey: July 2020 to September 2020

// Welcome to the journey! I am Lea Rieck, a journalist and author and I want to take you with me on a motorcycle overlanding adventure to all the wild and beautiful places in the world!

// I circumnavigated the world solo from 2016-2017 and now I am going to all other places I have not seen yet. Now on the channel: my motorcycle trip around africa/ the first stage of the journey through westafrica.

// Riding a BMW 1200 GSA (2016 model) that was kindly rented to my by a friend

//Equipped by myself (all my usual gear is still stuck in Africa and I self-bought these new items):
Klim Artemis jacket & Krios Pro helmet
BMW Motorrad Pants + gloves
Alpinestar Boots
Leatt Neckbrace (given to me from Leatt as my self-bought neckbrace is still in Africa)

Watch the review of my riding gear here:

//Filmed with:
Drone: DJI Mavic 2 Zoom
Camera: Sony Alpha A7 rIII
2 x Go Pro Hero 8
Iphone 11
Tripod: Manfrotto BeFree
Tripod Iphone: Joby GorillaPod
Editing Program: Final Cut Pro X

//Follow me on:

#österlen #Skåne #alesstenar #motovlogger #got2go #learieck

Travel Vlog|Roadtrip #6|Absolut Vodka Åhus|The home of the Swedish Absolut Vodka.

Have you bought adn tried the Absolut Vokda in Sweden. Well this is its Home.

We drove to Åhus hopping to do a guided tour in the absolut home, but since they have minimized the people in every group, the tour hours was fully booked, but we got to visit its home anyway and we are happy.


Restaurants in Åhus, Schweden

Mal wieder richtig lecker essen gehen, in einer guten Gaststätte oder Speiselokal in der Nähe. Genießt ein großartiges Abendessen mit in der Nähe von Åhus. Egal ob Feinschmecker, Fast-Food oder ein romantisches Candlelight Dinner, hier findest du was Passendes.

Wenn ihr uns unterstützen wollt, nutzt gerne einen unserer Affiliate Links. Euch entstehen dadurch keine Mehrkosten und wir erhalten eine kleine Provision.

Gault&Millau Restaurantguide Deutschland(*):
Kochbuch für Anfänger, Studenten und Berufstätige(*):
Reiseführer Deutschland – 47 Ausflugsziele(*):

Hier findest du Restaurants in Åhus, Schweden:
1) Åhus Bryggeri & Restaurang
2) Åmund
3) Restaurang Pråmen i Åhus
4) ÅHUS Finest
5) Restaurang Spice
6) Äspets Rökeri AB
7) Åhus Golfkrog
8) Åhus Pizzeria
9) Drive-In Grillen i Åhus KB
10) Absolut Home

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SCHWEDEN ???????? Die schönsten Orte für deine Reise durch das Land | Wildes Skandinavien Natur pur

In diesem Video zeigen wir dir besonders schöne Orte in Schweden, die du auf deiner Reise durch das Land nicht verpassen solltest! Wir hoffen, dich inspiriert unser Video, indem wir unsere persönlichen Highlights und die schönsten Orte unserer Reise mit dir teilen!

????Diese Reiseführer haben uns bei der Planung und auf unserer Reise durch Norwegen sehr geholfen:
Reise Know-How Südschweden: *
Skandinavien der Norden: *

Viel Spaß beim Video & zeig uns mit einen Daumen nach oben, wenn es dir gefallen hat!
Liebe Grüße
Cleo & Nico

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Wir sind gerne unterwegs und teilen liebend gern alle unsere Erfahrungen, die wir während unserer Reisen machen, mit anderen Menschen! Roadtrips und Individualreisen sind dabei unsere große Leidenschaft! Neben den YouTube-Videos findest du auch noch einen Blog auf unserer Website, um zusätzlich interessante und hilfreiche Hintergrundinformationen zu unseren Reisen und Roadtrips zu erhalten!

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00:00 Videokapitel
00:01 Überblick
01:17 Nationalparks
01:33 Store Mosse
02:38 Hamra
03:40 Muddus
04:22 Abisko
06:00 Trollforsen
06:50 Dalapferde Nusnäs

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Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Ahus | Best Hotels In Ahus

Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Ahus | Best Hotels In Ahus

1) Åhus Gästgivaregård, Åhus
Booking or More Details:

2) Hotell Briggen i Åhus, Åhus
Booking or More Details:

3) Åhus Seaside, Åhus
Booking or More Details:

4) First Camp Åhus-Kristianstad, Åhus
Booking or More Details:

5) Kärraton Stugor Centrala Åhus, Åhus
Booking or More Details:

Queries Solved:
1) Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Ahus
2) Top 5 Hotels In Ahus
3) Top Five Hotels In Ahus
4) Top 5 Romantic Hotels In Ahus
5) 5 Best Hotels For Couples In Ahus
6) Hotels In Ahus
7) Best Hotels In Ahus
8) Top 5 Luxury Hotels In Ahus
9) Luxury Hotel In Ahus
10) Luxury Hotels In Ahus
11) Luxury Stay In Ahus
12) Top 5 4 Star Hotel In Ahus
13) Best 4 Star Hotel In Ahus
14) 4 Star Hotel In Ahus

Our Other Video:
1) Top 10 Hotels In Sweden:
2) Top 5 Hotels In Nora:
3) Top 10 Hotels In Hjalmaren:
4) Top 10 Hotels In Gotland:
5) Top 5 Hotels In Lidkoping:
6) Top 10 Hotels In Linkoping:
7) Top 5 Hotels In Bergslagen:
8) Top 5 Hotels In Varmdo:
9) Top 10 Hotels In Vasteras:
10) Top 5 Hotels In Farjestaden:
11) Top 5 Hotels In Angelholm:
12) Top 5 Hotels In Mora:
13) Top 5 Hotels In Torsby:
14) Top 10 Hotels In Sundsvall:
15) Top 10 Hotels In Orebro:
16) Top 5 Hotels In Archipelago of Gothenburg:
17) Top 10 Hotels In Arlanda:
18) Top 10 Hotels In Gota Kanal:
19) Top 5 Hotels In Simrishamn:
20) Top 5 Hotels In Ljungby:

Audio Credit:
Track Title: Subway Dreams
Artist: Dan Henig

* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel By 3 Girls.
Copyright issue? Please contact us and for getting more information you can find contact details on the about us page of the channel.

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#TravelBy3Girls #Top5HotelsInAhus #TopFiveHotelsInAhus #Top5RomanticHotelsInAhus #HotelsInAhus #BestHotelsInAhus #Top5HotelsInSweden #LuxuryHotelsInAhus #4StarHotelInAhus

A Trip to Åhus and The Absolut Vodka Museum, Sweden



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