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青海牦牛肉火锅,75自助不限量,肉质厚实,阿星游热贡唐卡发源地Buffet Beef Hot Pot in Regong, Qinghai


青海牦牛肉火锅,75自助不限量,肉质厚实,阿星游热贡唐卡发源地Buffet Beef Hot Pot in Regong, Qinghai

There are large and small hot pot restaurants and hot bars on the streets of Tongren in Qinghai. They specialize in thick yak beef hot pot. The quality of the local beef is very good, and there is no limit to the buffet. In Tongren you can not only eat good food, but the Regong area is the birthplace of the famous Chinese Tangka art, and the Tangka flourishes along the temples along the Longwu River. Axing visited Wutunxia Temple, watched the painter on-site painting, and learned about the art of Tangka production.

青海高原美食,98元荤素土火锅,骨汤酸菜牦牛肉,阿星游青海湖Tu Hot pot in Qinghai Plateau

Axing came to the magical and beautiful Qinghai Lake, snow-capped mountains, grasslands, deserts, and lakes like the sea. The beautiful scenery is like a postcard whenever you take a photo. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has a cold climate and is rich in beef and mutton. The local Tu Hot Pot of specialties around Qinghai Lake is very popular. The locals call it Guozi. The bone broth and sauerkraut are used as the base, and the meat and vegetables are neatly arranged, which makes you have an appetite. After eating the food, you can also take a look at the famous two missiles and one song in the town.

吃烤肉来这条街,西宁大通生烤羊排,牛板筋超厚实,阿星吃炮仗面A street of raw roast lamb chops in Datong, Qinghai

The main food of Qinghai cuisine is to eat meat. As the old saying goes, the big lamb is beautiful, and the plump skewer of lamb is the best way to eat meat. There is a famous street for barbecue in Xining, which is the raw grilled lamb chops in Datong County. The small skewers of lamb chops here are cooked slowly from raw meat directly on the fire, and the sauce is rich and spicy. Thick beef ribs and sizzling lamb skewers fluttered in the hands of the barbecue guy, greedy everyone.



青海焜锅馍馍,农家麦秆烧制,西宁牛杂汤,阿星凌晨5点吃早餐Delicious Kunguo Bun in the countryside of Xining

Autumn on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is as beautiful as a picture, with mountains, forests and streams, and people busy in farming. On the rural national road in Xining, Qinghai, there are farmers who make special delicacies, Kunguo Bun. The bun made from wheat stalks have a natural smell of wheat. Axing had woken up at 5 in the morning, and took the bun to eat breakfast beef offal soup, the tender beef offal and delicious thick soup, it was very comfortable to drink a bowl in cold weather.

青海西宁炕锅羊排,藏式阿卡包子,阿星吃高原柳花菜,逛塔尔寺Snack Kang pot lamb in Xining, Qinghai

The Taer Monastery in Xining, Qinghai, is the holy place of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism. It is the place where the founder Zongkaba was born, and many people come here to watch. There is a delicacy, Aka buns, which is related to this temple. Aka means monks. Buns filled with beef and mutton are made into steamed dumplings, which are the buns that monks love to eat. In the Tibetan restaurant, Axing also eats the Qinghai specialty food Kang pot lamb, and the highland mountain willow flower, all of which are local delicacies.

青海老八盘名菜,湟源里脊,青海三烧,阿星吃萱麻饼逛丹噶尔古城Classic dish Huangyuan Tenderloin in Qinghai

The ancient town of Dangaer is located in Huangyuan County of Xining, Qinghai Province. It has been the traffic point of the Silk Road and the Ancient Tea Horse Road since ancient times. It has the reputation of Little Beijing in its heyday. The delicacy here is Qinghai Old Eight Plates, which can be regarded as classic dishes. The Huangyuan Tenderloin, the mouth-watering Qinghai Sanshao, and Xuan Ma Cake, all of which are delicious in color and flavor. Axing visits the ancient town of Dangaer and tastes Qinghai cuisine.

内蒙古铜锅涮肉,清水大锅木炭火,现切羊肉鲜美,阿星雨天涮火锅Nei Mongolia snack beef and mutton hot pot in China

When it comes to the cuisine of the prairie of Nei Mongolia, beef and mutton are the protagonists. In the cold rainy season in Hulunbuir, the correct way to open beef and mutton delicacies is, of course, copper pot of hot pot. A 30-year-old hot pot restaurant, the freshly cut lamb is delicious, the meat rolls are thick and evenly thin, the bottom of the big copper pot is clean water, the charcoal fire temperature is strong, and the sesame sauce is also delicious. Axing eats hot pot in the rain, and tells you how the old palace cuisine entered the homes of ordinary people.

广东潮汕牛肉火锅,1头牛切十几个部位,鲜肉涮8秒,蘸浓郁沙茶酱Beef Hot Pot in Chaoshan, Guangdong

If you come to the Chaoshan area of Guangdong, where there are many delicacies, if you can only eat the same delicacy, it must be delicious Chaoshan beef hot pot. It is said that the beef hot pot is about Chaoshan, and the Chaoshan beef hot pot is about Guantang. Guantang is a small town in Chaozhou, but there are many hot pot restaurants around it because it has the freshest beef. A cow is finely divided into more than ten parts, and the beef is only blanched for 8 seconds. With the special shacha dipping sauce, shacha and bone double soup base, the taste is fresh and tender. Axing comes to Guantang to taste the freshest beef hot pot.

四川宜宾砂锅牛肉,铁道巷两家火锅老店,老板当街对峙谁更正宗Spicy Beef Casserole in Yibin, Sichuan

The Railway Alley in Yibin, Sichuan, is only a few meters in width and only 300 to 400 meters in length. However, in its heyday, there were more than 20 hot pot restaurants, specializing in Spicy Beef Casserole, which is a kind of spicy beef offal hot pot with Sichuan flavor. It is a famous hot pot alley. Now there are only two restaurants left for business. Every day, the two bosses are soliciting customers at the door, confronting who is more authentic in the street, and it is also a scene of Railway Alley.

海南四大名菜东山羊,三亚阿婆经营40年老店,阿星吃炭火羊肉火锅Dongshan Lamb Hot Pot in Sanya

Jiaji duck, Wenchang chicken, Hele crab, and Dongshan Lamb are known as the four famous dishes in Hainan, representing the deliciousness of Hainan cuisine. Axing came to beautiful Sanya and tasted the Dongshan Lamb Hot Pot. Grandma has been operating a lamb restaurant for more than 40 years. She specializes in white-cut lamb, lamb chops, lamb tripe, as well as delicious lamb soup.The hot pot is cooked on a charcoal fire, and the locals enjoy it.

中俄边境小城满洲里,套娃涮肉火锅,阿星讲呼伦贝尔美食避坑指南Matryoshka Hot Pot in Manzhouli,China

Hulunbuir in Nei Mongolia borders Russia, and Manzhouli, a small border city, is full of Russian exoticism. It has been a port of trade and commerce since ancient times. Food and architectural culture have both Nei Mongolian grassland characteristics and Russian characteristics. Matryoshka Hotel is a landmark building here. There are not only beautiful matryoshka dolls, but also delicious Mongolian style hot pot. Axing explained the Hulunbuir Food Travel Anti-fraud Guide.

吉林集安高丽火盆,小镇30年老店,猪肉牛杂煎一锅,朝鲜族美食Traditional snack Gaoli Brazier in Ji'an

Ji'an, a small city in Jilin, is located on the bank of the Yalu River, across the river from North Korea, and is known as the small Jiangnan in the Northeast. The Gaoli Brazier is the specialty food here. Gaoli was called Gogouli in ancient times. Now there is a Gaoli Brazier Street specializing in gourmet food in Ji'an City. Axing came to the founding restaurant of Gaoli Brazier in Yulin Town. This old restaurant in the small town has been open for 30 years. A pot full of pork, beef offal, tofu and bean sprouts, as well as iced cold noodle with characteristic elm bark, sitting on the Kang in winter.

云南腾冲佤族美食,大串烤牛肉,农家腊肉小鱼,阿星逛司莫拉中寨Wa cuisine in Tengchong, Yunnan

The Wa people are a minority distributed in Myanmar and western Yunnan. They have their own unique national culture and traditions. Axing came to the Simola Zhong Village in Tengchong to explore the mysterious and beautiful Wa village and taste the local specialties. The self-service charcoal grilled large skewers of beef, fried small river fish, fried rapeseed, and farm bacon are all delicious home-cooked dishes based on local materials.

湖北襄阳美食,早上黄酒牛肉面,晚上牛杂火锅,阿星吃南漳干炒鸡Traditional beef noodles and delicacies in Xiangyang, Hubei

Xiangyang in Hubei Province has a strong presence in history. It is a beautiful scenery in Tang poetry and a battleground for ancient chivalry. There are endless elements of the Three Kingdoms here and endless delicacies to taste. In the morning, there is a bowl of Xiangyang beef noodles poured with red oil, paired with a bowl of rich rice wine. In the evening, there is a pot of fragrant beef offal on the street, and there are also authentic local dishes on the street that are not to be missed. The stir-fried chicken in the old factory area of Nanzhang must be stir-fried until crispy, and the lard cake must be freshly baked. It is delicious here.

吉林冰上火锅,零下20度涮肉卷,东北酸菜麻辣味,阿星长白山冰钓Hot pot on ice in Changbai Mountain

In winter, the Changbai Mountain in Jilin is icy and snowy, and the rivers and lakes are frozen. The locals dig holes in the thick ice and carry out the unique ice fishing activities in winter. Fluorescent tents, crystal clear ice, and hot pot on ice can be eaten on the frozen lake. In winter, Axing had a hot pot at minus ten degrees below zero. The charcoal-fired copper pot was steaming, the sauerkraut and spicy flavor of the pot was bubbling at the bottom, and he sat in the cold wind to eat delicious food.

青海西宁必吃面食,干拌羊肠面,香辣酿皮,美味小吃酸辣可口Street snack lamb intestine noodle in Xining, Qinghai

Xining, Qinghai is located in northwestern China. In ancient times, it had the meaning of tranquility in the west, and it was called the capital of summer because of the suitable temperature in summer. Coming to Xining not only can eat meat, but also the noodles here. The most famous noodles are lamb intestine noodle and Rangpi. They are delicious snacks that must be eaten, and have the same taste. They also add chili, vinegar, leeks, and garlic juice. The spicy and sour flavor is very enjoyable. Axing takes you to taste the old authentic noodle and Rangpi restaurants, which are all delicious memories of the locals since they were young.

海南三亚150元海鲜自助,1个火锅6道菜,阿星红沙码头渔排吃海鲜Fish steak seafood buffet in Sanya

Where is the cheapest seafood in Sanya, Hainan? Hongsha Pier is a good choice. There are many seafood buffets here. Although it is not expensive seafood, there are unlimited seafood hot pot and unlimited shrimp, fish and crab. There are also freshly made salt and pepper shrimp, steamed sea fish, sitting on the fish steak on the sea surface, and the scenery is also very good.

四川彭州红油剔骨肉,九尺镇老店,生意好上菜快,阿星吃甑子米饭Red oil deboned meat in Pengzhou, Sichuan

Jiuchi Town in Pengzhou, Sichuan does have many delicacies, and red oil deboned meat is also a delicacy that cannot be missed. The old Sichuan restaurant in the small town is booming. Not only is the serving speed fast, but the food tastes very good. It is famous for its red oil deboned meat. There were many people who came to eat, and they had to shout for ordering and communication. Axing also ate authentic rice in a Zeng.

宁夏石嘴山赶集美食,黄渠桥羊羔肉,牛肉饸饹凉粉,阿星吃糖麻丫Huangquqiao Food Town Market in Shizuishan, Ningxia

There is a gourmet town in Pingluo County, Shizuishan, Ningxia, which is the Huangquqiao Market. Every 369, there is a large-scale market, and it is famous for the local snacks of the Four King Kong. The fresh and spicy Huangquqiao stir-Fried lamb, buckwheat Hele noodle with beef, lentil jelly with red oil, and candy Maya, all of them are delicious. Go visiting in the market, taste the food, and bring some souvenirs, it is a day of travel for food.



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