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重庆万州小火锅,牛肉肥肠一锅炖,食客坐满街,阿星吃萝卜丝油钱Small hot pot in Wanzhou Night Market,Chongqing


重庆万州小火锅,牛肉肥肠一锅炖,食客坐满街,阿星吃萝卜丝油钱Small hot pot in Wanzhou Night Market,Chongqing

People's inherent impression of Chongqing hot pot is boiling hot red soup, or big Jiugongge iron pot, but Chongqing not only has spicy butter old hot pot, but also Wanzhou small hot pot. Small hot pot is a memory of the generations born in the 80s and 90s in Wanzhou. It was once all the rage and then disappeared. In recent years, it has reappeared in the gourmet world. Put a cup of water on the small aluminum pot, you can cook beef, fat intestine, balls, and various vegetarian dishes, it is more like a braised dish. The price is low and the taste is good. It can be eaten regardless of the number of people and the crowd. In winter, the streets are full of diners, and the steam is very lively. Axing also ate the special snack Luobosi Youqian.

重庆万州烤鱼,古法明火碳烤,现炒香辣料汁,阿星吃鱼汤拌面Wanzhou Grilled Fish in Chongqing

Wanzhou, formerly known as Wanxian, is now the Wanzhou District of Chongqing. It is located in the upper reaches of the Changjiang River. Since ancient times, it has been a distribution center for waterborne goods. Its unique geographical location has created Wanzhou’s gourmet flavor. Wanzhou grilled fish can be said to be Wanzhou’s most famous food business card. It is a grilled fish with fragrant and spicy characteristics. It is first marinated, then fire-roasted, and finally simmered. It is a hot pot in barbecue and a barbecue in hot pot. Axing tasted spicy grilled fish in the mountain city of Chongqing, and explored the history of grilled fish in the Changjiang River.

内蒙古铜锅涮肉,清水大锅木炭火,现切羊肉鲜美,阿星雨天涮火锅Nei Mongolia snack beef and mutton hot pot in China

When it comes to the cuisine of the prairie of Nei Mongolia, beef and mutton are the protagonists. In the cold rainy season in Hulunbuir, the correct way to open beef and mutton delicacies is, of course, copper pot of hot pot. A 30-year-old hot pot restaurant, the freshly cut lamb is delicious, the meat rolls are thick and evenly thin, the bottom of the big copper pot is clean water, the charcoal fire temperature is strong, and the sesame sauce is also delicious. Axing eats hot pot in the rain, and tells you how the old palace cuisine entered the homes of ordinary people.

海南潭门渔港,100元海鲜火锅,白水味道鲜,阿星吃鸡屎藤清补凉Seafood hot pot in Tanmen Fishing Port

The Tanmen Fishing Port in Qionghai, Hainan has a history of thousands of years. As early as the Song Dynasty, it was recorded that fishermen here went to the South China Sea to fish. They enshrined one hundred and eight brothers and prayed for a safe and full return. The most distinctive way to eat Tanmen seafood is the seafood pot. The hot pot soup base is made with clear water. Fresh fish, shrimp, crab and shellfish are rinsed with Hainan special ingredients. Not only is there no fishy smell, but the original seafood is delicious. Only 100RMB you can eat a large plate. Axing also tasted Qionghai's characteristic desserts, such as Qingbuliang and Jishiteng coconut milk, coconut jelly, and mango rice rolls, all of which were delicious.

中俄边境小城满洲里,套娃涮肉火锅,阿星讲呼伦贝尔美食避坑指南Matryoshka Hot Pot in Manzhouli,China

Hulunbuir in Nei Mongolia borders Russia, and Manzhouli, a small border city, is full of Russian exoticism. It has been a port of trade and commerce since ancient times. Food and architectural culture have both Nei Mongolian grassland characteristics and Russian characteristics. Matryoshka Hotel is a landmark building here. There are not only beautiful matryoshka dolls, but also delicious Mongolian style hot pot. Axing explained the Hulunbuir Food Travel Anti-fraud Guide.

青海高原美食,98元荤素土火锅,骨汤酸菜牦牛肉,阿星游青海湖Tu Hot pot in Qinghai Plateau

Axing came to the magical and beautiful Qinghai Lake, snow-capped mountains, grasslands, deserts, and lakes like the sea. The beautiful scenery is like a postcard whenever you take a photo. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has a cold climate and is rich in beef and mutton. The local Tu Hot Pot of specialties around Qinghai Lake is very popular. The locals call it Guozi. The bone broth and sauerkraut are used as the base, and the meat and vegetables are neatly arranged, which makes you have an appetite. After eating the food, you can also take a look at the famous two missiles and one song in the town.

顺德粥水火锅,大米稀饭做汤底,海鲜10元一份,阿星品尝广东鲜味Rice porridge hot pot in Shunde

Cantonese people’s research on food can be said to be extremely meticulous. The biggest insight from food tasting in Shunde is that even simple food can be cooked with unique flavors as long as you use your heart. The combination of ordinary Shenggun porridge and the Dabianlu has become Shunde's characteristic rice porridge hot pot. The fragrant rice white porridge makes the bottom of the pot, the taste is smooth and long, followed by seafood, meat dishes, vegetables, taste the original flavor of the ingredients, and finally a pot of delicious porridge. Fresh ingredients are 10 yuan a plate, cheap and healthy. Axing tastes the delicious taste of Guangdong.

江西鄱阳湖赣菜,油辣咸香,鳜鱼银鱼小龙虾,阿星渔村吃藜蒿腊肉Gan cuisine in Poyang Lake, Jiangxi

There are many branches of Jiangxi Gan cuisine. Poyang Lake cuisine, as an important branch of Gan cuisine, pays attention to spicy and salty flavor, and makes good use of local lake fresh products. Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake in China. It is rich in fish and plants. The local farmhouses can make a lot of delicious food with local materials. Stewed Gui fish, beer duck, spicy crayfish, whitebait fried spring leek, and there is also the fried bacon with Lihao, which is known as one of the top ten famous dishes of Gan cuisine, are all local specialties. Axing enjoys the lake view and tastes farm dishes.

广东湛江赤坎老街,海鲜捞粉老井油条,牛杂打边炉,广式特色糖水Chikan old street snacks in Zhanjiang

Chikan Old Street in Zhanjiang, Guangdong was a bay commercial port in ancient times. Chikan means red soil in the south. The buildings and people's lives in the old street seem to be the same as long ago, both traditional and hidden. The large and small stalls on the street also sell snacks unique to Guangdong. Axing sits around the well and eats Youtiao with Doujiang, seafood noodle with rich sauce and spices, and climbs the stairs to eat beef offal, finally sits in the small park and has a bowl of Cantonese-style sugar water.







停电也要吃,广西桂林牛八宝,8种牛杂一锅炖,阿星点蜡烛吃火锅Niu Babao Hot Pot in Guilin, Guangxi

Every city has its own hot pot, similar in form but different in taste. On the streets of Guilin, Guangxi, you can see the Niu Babao everywhere, which is the unique hot pot in Guilin. Fresh 8 kinds of beef offal, the hot and sour pot bottom with sour bamboo shoots, the dipping water modulated by one of Guilin's three must-try chili sauces, the stewed beef can be delicious with every bite. Although the environment of the little restaurant is average, the power outage is full of diners, and Axing lights candles to eat the steaming hot and sour beef pot.

云南腾冲铜瓢牛肉,薄荷涮锅清香四溢,马帮传统美食,牛杂一锅炖Street food copper scooped beef in Tengchong

Copper scooped beef is also called fire scooped beef. This delicacy originated from Jinji Township in Baoshan, Yunnan. Axing came to Tengchong to taste the authentic copper scooped beef, stewed beef and offal in a pot, prepared a local unique dipping sauce, and served it with grilled Baba and green leaf mint. It was an unforgettable delicacy.

重庆万州杂酱面,肉香酱汁浓郁,阿星吃格格蒸肉,羊肉麻辣细嫩Street Snacks Zajiang Noodle, Gege in Wanzhou

Among the traditional delicacies in Wanzhou, Chongqing, Zajiang Noodle and Gege are also very popular snacks, together with the Wanzhou Grilled Fish, they are known as the three best in Wanzhou cuisine. Compared with Grilled Fish, which has a complicated production process, Gege and Zajiang Noodle are more like fast food. They are common street snacks, Axing tastes special delicacies. The Zajiang Noodle is rich in meat and full of sauce. It is smooth to eat evenly. Wanzhou people start their day with a bowl of Zajiang Noodle. Ribs, mutton, fatty intestines are made of Gege, and the steamer made of small bamboo cages makes the meat spicy and tender. It is also a simple and delicious meal.

万州甘家院曾包子,26年只卖一种馅,红油浸透,重庆早市排队买Street snack buns in Wanzhou, Chongqing

In the morning market in Wanzhou, Chongqing, in addition to eating a bowl of Zajiang noodle, steamed buns are also very popular. There are a variety of steamed bun shops all over Wanzhou, and Axing selects two famous local steamed buns to taste one by one. The 26-year-old Ganjiayuan Zeng Baozi only sells one kind of stuffing. The steamed bun skin is full of stuffing, and the red oil juice soaks the bun skin. A bite is fragrant and satisfying. Paired with milky white bone soup to relieve greasiness, neighbours line up to eat buns in the morning. There are also Guantang bun from Xiaotaoyuan, freshly made buns, the meat jelly is added to the stuffing, and small holes are left on the buns to form a soup. It is also a good choice to match with kelp soup.

西安户县机场烤肉,手擀软面拿盆吃,特色洋葱蘸酱,涮牛肚泡干饼Airport BBQ and Huxian soft noodle in Xi'an

Huyi District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, formerly known as Hu County, where an airport was established in 1937. There are many famous barbecue restaurants around the old airport. Roasted lamb is sold by catty, eaten with onion and sweet sauce, free delicious lamb soup. The most distinctive feature is the hand-made soft noodle made by local farmers. The chewy wide noodle is full of authentic Shaanxi Guanzhong taste. Before the relocation of these airport barbecue restaurants, it is a memory of many people that they could even eat barbecue and watch the planes take off and land on summer nights. Axing eats noodle in a pot, just eat garlic more delicious.

陕西农村流水席,大锅大灶烹饪,阿星吃乾县酸汤挂面,酱辣子夹馍Shaanxi traditional rural wedding banquet in China

Traditional rural banquet play an important role in wedding in rural China. It is not only an activity to contact neighbors in the neighborhood, but also a necessary process for wedding. Axing was invited to participate in a wedding banquet in Qian County, Shaanxi Province to experience Guanzhong cuisine and folk culture. The big pot and big stove cook on-site, and the folks who came to help are lively, abundant ingredients and experienced chef, making a table of delicious food for guests to taste. You can also eat dried noodles in sour soup and steamed bun with spicy sauce.

在重慶洪崖洞吃江景火鍋,80元吃一桌,價格便宜味道絕! | 出发吧奈奈


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川菜能有多辣,自贡爆辣仔姜牛肉,路边3口锅做夜宵,阿星逛灯节Street Food Spicy Sichuan Cuisine in Zigong

Sichuan cuisine has always given people the impression that it is fragrant and spicy, but how spicy can the most spicy Sichuan cuisine be? The hottest Sichuan cuisine belongs to the Zigong series of Zigong Yanbang dishes. A layer of Xiaomi chili, a layer of Erjingtiao chili, and a layer of ginger, stir-fried quickly with low heat and simmered slowly, is an absolute heavy-taste dish. The uncle cooks midnight snacks along the street. Three big pots of fried dishes on the roadside, Zijiang beef and Zijiang frog are all the most popular dishes. Axing not only tasted the hot and spicy Sichuan cuisine, but also visited the Lantern Festival, which has a thousand-year tradition.



重庆“最便宜”的自助鱼火锅,22元随便吃,老板娘追着你加鱼,说:一定要让打工人吃饱 !

重庆“最便宜”的自助鱼火锅,22元随便吃,老板娘追着你加鱼,说:一定要让打工人吃饱 !



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