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广东顺德火焰醉鹅,整瓶红米白酒炖鹅,阿星吃铁锅鹅汤煮面Cantonese Flaming Drunken Goose in Shunde


广东顺德火焰醉鹅,整瓶红米白酒炖鹅,阿星吃铁锅鹅汤煮面Cantonese Flaming Drunken Goose in Shunde

Cuangdong people's love for goose meat is reflected in different cooking methods. Roasted goose, braised goose and stewed goose are all delicious. There is a famous dish in Shunde called Flame Drunken Goose. This dish combines the local specialty red rice wine with Guangdong Magang Goose. This dish is said to be unavailable after leaving Shunde, and many people come here to taste it. Freshly chopped goose meat, fry first, then stir-fry, add the secret sauce and a whole bottle of wine, stew in an iron pan until it is delicious and rich, and eat a mouthful of sauce. Axing also cooks noodles and vegetables with goose soup, which makes the soup more delicious.

广东粤菜农庄,顺德名菜酿鲮鱼,烧鹅皮脆肉嫩,阿星吃广式煎堆Farm Cantonese Cuisine in Shunde

Shunde is one of the important birthplaces of Cantonese cuisine in Guangdong. Shunde cuisine pays attention to freshness, flavor and tenderness. Whether it is the choice of ingredients or cooking skills, it has its own unique standards. Axing eats Shunde farm dishes, one of the top ten famous dishes in Guangdong is the Rang Lingyu, red roasted goose, the fragrant but not greasy steamed pork with straw, and the dessert Cantonese Jiandui. The food here is really meticulous.

广东潮汕鹅肉三吃,澄海狮头卤鹅,庵埠鹅肉饭,隆都鹅肠火锅Braised goose in Chaoshan, Guangdong

There are four famous geese in Guangdong and many delicacies made of goose meat. There is a saying that there is no banquet if there is no goose. Compared to the Guangzhou region who likes to eat roast goose, the Chaoshan region prefers to eat the uniquely flavored braised goose. Brine is the key to cooking goose. The lion head braised goose in Chenghai, the goose meat rice in Anbu, and the goose intestine hot pot in Longdu, Axing tasted the classic three ways of eating Chaoshan goose.

顺德粥水火锅,大米稀饭做汤底,海鲜10元一份,阿星品尝广东鲜味Rice porridge hot pot in Shunde

Cantonese people’s research on food can be said to be extremely meticulous. The biggest insight from food tasting in Shunde is that even simple food can be cooked with unique flavors as long as you use your heart. The combination of ordinary Shenggun porridge and the Dabianlu has become Shunde's characteristic rice porridge hot pot. The fragrant rice white porridge makes the bottom of the pot, the taste is smooth and long, followed by seafood, meat dishes, vegetables, taste the original flavor of the ingredients, and finally a pot of delicious porridge. Fresh ingredients are 10 yuan a plate, cheap and healthy. Axing tastes the delicious taste of Guangdong.

广东顺德老牌大排档,锅气干炒牛河,卜卜蚬鲜美,阿星吃蜂蜜烧烤Food stall snacks in Shunde Guangdong

The food stall culture is very popular in Guangdong, and the fireworks of food stalls can soothe every Guangdong stomach. The steamy dry-fried Niuhe, delicious Pupu clam, Stir-fried fatty intestines, and honey-brushed barbecue, Axing experience Cantonese-style supper snacks. As the world's famous food capital, Shunde has attracted many food lovers. After some diners left Shunde, the memory of Shunde food is not some famous dishes, but the taste of Pupu clam.

内蒙古铁锅焖面,排骨土豆面条,大铁锅现做,阿星吃东北大拉皮Nei Mongolian Snack Iron Pot Stewed Noodle in China

Nei Mongolia is a long and narrow area, and the food culture here is deeply influenced by the surrounding provinces. The eastern accent is similar to that of the three provinces of Northeast China, with authentic Northeastern cuisine. The central part is influenced by Shanxi, Shaanxi, with a heavier nasal voice and likes to eat noodle. The iron pot stewed noodles here is a combination of pasta and iron pot stwe series, pork ribs, beans, potatoes and noodle, put in the soup, freshly made in a large iron pot, the noodle is rich in chewy sauce. Axing also ate the smooth northeast Dalapi.

阿星顺德赶墟,广东集市美食,脆皮烧猪,均安鱼饼,甜咸鸡仔饼Cantonese market street snacks in Shunde

In Shunde, Foshan, Guangdong, there is a large market every Sunday in the Sanzhou Market. In the local dialect, Ganji means Ganxu. This market has a Cantonese atmosphere, not only has a dazzling array of specialty products, but also many Cantonese cuisines. Axing is here to find authentic delicacies. The whole head of crispy roasted pork, brightly colored, is very popular. Cantonese-style pastry Lunjiao cake, chicken cake, and taro cake are common desserts. There are also Junan special fish cakes. The fish meat sauce is fried until golden on both sides, and the taste is elastic. Cantonese braised beef offal, pots full of beef intestines, tripe and beef tendon, you can choose any.

阿星广东叹早茶,顺德老牌四星酒店,点心9块9一笼,美味平靓正Cantonese morning tea in Shunde

Morning tea is a major feature of Cantonese cuisine. Cantonese people say that they have three teas and two meals every day, and pursue the refinement of food. Drinking morning tea in the morning can also be said to be a way to enjoy life. Axing starts a journey to Shunde, the world's gourmet capital, drinking morning tea at a local time-honored hotel, a cup of clear tea, there are also refreshments known as the Four Heavenly Kings, dry steamed siu mai, egg tarts, barbecued pork buns, shrimp dumplings, and delicious dim sums are 9.9yuan per cage.

广东赤坎古镇美食三宝,柴火黄鳝煲仔饭,鱼滑豆腐角,三扣糖水Cantonese Claypot rice in Chikan Ancient Town

Chikan Ancient Town is located in Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province. There are not only antique arcade buildings, but also three treasures of food. Firewood is used to make claypot rice. The finely-grained silk rice is added with eel and bacon sausage, poured in special soy sauce for seasoning, and there is also a crispy golden rice at the bottom of the claypot. The fish-smooth tofu triangleis, fried golden on both sides, and crispy in the mouth. There are also dessert shops in the streets and alleys of Guangdong. The sweet three-buckle syrup is added with Chikan's characteristic red beans. Axing tastes delicious Cantonese street snacks.

四川彭州九尺镇,烟熏板鸭一条街,麻辣鹅肠火锅,阿星吃小镇美食Sichuan Food in Pengzhou Town

Jiuchi Town in Pengzhou, Sichuan can be said to be a food town. Sichuan flavors are vividly interpreted here. The most famous ones are Jiuchi flat duck and Jiuchi goose Intestine hotpot. The whole street is full of smoked flat duck shops, not only retail but also wholesale. The spicy goose intestines hotpot is even more tempting, and eating fresh goose intestine as noodle is also a unique food experience.

甘肃岷县豪横美食,牛骨头糊糊,牦牛肉蘸椒盐吃,阿星喝骨汤稀饭Traditional snack yak bone porridge in Gansu

Minxian County is located in Dingxi, Gansu, on the edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, where there is a habit of eating yak meat. The whole yak skeleton is boiled in a large pot and boiled for a whole day. The meat is fragrant and the soup is thick and delicious. Yak head, tripe, and yak bones are eaten with salt and pepper in various parts of the yak. The meat is fragrant and original, and there is a porridge made from bone broth. AXing ate the meat in a big bowl and drank the soup.

云南腾冲铜瓢牛肉,薄荷涮锅清香四溢,马帮传统美食,牛杂一锅炖Street food copper scooped beef in Tengchong

Copper scooped beef is also called fire scooped beef. This delicacy originated from Jinji Township in Baoshan, Yunnan. Axing came to Tengchong to taste the authentic copper scooped beef, stewed beef and offal in a pot, prepared a local unique dipping sauce, and served it with grilled Baba and green leaf mint. It was an unforgettable delicacy.

重庆万州小火锅,牛肉肥肠一锅炖,食客坐满街,阿星吃萝卜丝油钱Small hot pot in Wanzhou Night Market,Chongqing

People's inherent impression of Chongqing hot pot is boiling hot red soup, or big Jiugongge iron pot, but Chongqing not only has spicy butter old hot pot, but also Wanzhou small hot pot. Small hot pot is a memory of the generations born in the 80s and 90s in Wanzhou. It was once all the rage and then disappeared. In recent years, it has reappeared in the gourmet world. Put a cup of water on the small aluminum pot, you can cook beef, fat intestine, balls, and various vegetarian dishes, it is more like a braised dish. The price is low and the taste is good. It can be eaten regardless of the number of people and the crowd. In winter, the streets are full of diners, and the steam is very lively. Axing also ate the special snack Luobosi Youqian.

海南屯昌枫木香草鸭,砂锅煨制卤味,酱香吮指,阿星吃鸭汤拌面Street Snack Tunchang Vanilla Duck in Hainan

Due to its superior natural environment, Hainan has many excellent breeds of poultry. In addition to the famous Huangliu old duck, there are also maple vanilla duck from Tunchang. The vanilla duck eating green grass and drinking water is delicious and nourishing. It is simmered in a casserole with charcoal fire to make a bitter taste. The sauce is rich and savory. Axing also eats delicious duck soup noodle at this restaurant in Sanya.

吉林集安高丽火盆,小镇30年老店,猪肉牛杂煎一锅,朝鲜族美食Traditional snack Gaoli Brazier in Ji'an

Ji'an, a small city in Jilin, is located on the bank of the Yalu River, across the river from North Korea, and is known as the small Jiangnan in the Northeast. The Gaoli Brazier is the specialty food here. Gaoli was called Gogouli in ancient times. Now there is a Gaoli Brazier Street specializing in gourmet food in Ji'an City. Axing came to the founding restaurant of Gaoli Brazier in Yulin Town. This old restaurant in the small town has been open for 30 years. A pot full of pork, beef offal, tofu and bean sprouts, as well as iced cold noodle with characteristic elm bark, sitting on the Kang in winter.

广东小镇三点三,下午茶小吃接地气,阿星吃开平濑粉,钵仔糕Cantonese Afternoon Tea Snacks in Jiangmen

Kaiping, Jiangmen, Guangdong, the ancient town here not only has the Diaolou buildings known as Guangdong cultural heritage, but also the famous 3.3 afternoon tea. The 3.3 originated from the English afternoon tea, and later became popular in Hong Kong and Macau and spread to Guangdong. In the small town of Yueshan, every three o'clock in the afternoon, everyone puts down their work and gathers in the old street for tea and snacks, and the leisurely grandfather fills the street. Axing tasted beef offal, rice noodles, bowl cake, and experienced Cantonese afternoon tea delicious snacks.

终于来到醉鹅的发源地了!大快朵颐广东顺德名菜火焰醉鹅,不仅好吃还有视觉表演 老板说是南方版的铁锅炖你觉得呢?


【4k】露台焖醉鹅 Shunde flame drunk goose顺德火焰醉鹅

春日的阳光特别好, 微风还带着龙眼树的花香. 我想和家人在露台上吃一顿午餐, 但是又没有合适的桌子, 那就动手做一个?
The sun is exceptionally soft on the spring days, the breeze carries the scent of longan flowers. I‘d like to have a lunch on the terrace with my family, but it seems we don’t have a suitable table for the lunch. How about making one?

把阿婆的一对箩筐用来做桌腿, 梯子是架子, 路边的野芦苇割回来铺成桌面, 绿油油的芭蕉叶就是一张天然的桌布.
Use Apo’s baskets as table legs, the wooden ladder as a shelf, the wild reeds on the side of path as the tabletop, and banana leaves are the tablecloths.

生活在养鹅基地, 做一道火焰醉鹅再合适不过了. 灰鹅半只, 香叶, 八角, 桂皮, 姜, 蒜. 粤菜, 酱调调好了味道不会差到哪去.
Living in the goose breeding base, it is a perfect idea to cook a Shunde flame drunken goose. Half a gray goose, fragrant leaves, star anise, cinnamon, ginger, green garlic, Portion sizes are added to follow your personal taste. Half a bottle of 30-degree rice wine. Cantonese cuisine, if the sauce is well adjusted, the dish is half the battle.

我本想做一顿午饭, 没想到, 做好后, 天就黑了…….
I wanted to make a lunch, but when I did it, it was dark…….







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