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10 Best place to visit in Mislinja Slovenia


Explore Slovenia in 4K Drone Video

Slovenia is A country located in Central Europe at the crossroads of main European cultural and trade routes. Culture Slovenia is always the place to be The identity of the Slovenian nation is inseparably connected with its culture and the Slovenian language. Explore the evidence of life in Slovenian lands dating back at least 60,000 years. Tumultuous history will reveal some of the oldest artefacts in the world. The economy of Slovenia is developed and the country enjoys a high level of prosperity and stability as well as above-average GDP per capita by purchasing power parity at 83% of the EU28 average.

Ljubljana is the largest city in Slovenia, as well as the country’s capital city.

Explore Slovenia in 4K Drone Video, amazing places from Slovenia are presented in 4K and 8K UHD quality video. You can use this film for your lounge, waiting room, spa, living room, showroom, office, TV, restaurants, etc.
We create these 8k and 4k videos to show the beauty of life in these places and to provide a sense of what there is to see in these stunning destinations and we hope they are useful as a starting point for your next travel journey. These 4K and 8K scenery views are mixed with a relaxing musical joy and can be used to relax, meditate, and more as well. Have a joyful time with our videos.

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Koroška. Kolesarski izlet po Štrekni /Cycling tour along the Štrekna path

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#ifeelsLOVEnia #mojaslovenija #iamKoroska
#Koroskanakolesu #KoroskaBiking


Štrekna – Kolesarska pot po Mislinjski dolini
Kolesarska pot po Mislinjski dolini velja za infrastrukturno eno najbolje urejenih kolesarskih poti v Sloveniji. Poteka po delu trase opuščene železnice Otiški vrh – Velenje. Trenutno je urejena v dolžini 24 km med Otiškim vrhom, Slovenj Gradcem, Mislinjo in Gornjim Doličem. Pot, katere podlaga je na celotni dolžini asfalt, poteka kot ločena kolesarska pot in je zaradi varnosti še posebej primerna za družine z otroki in starejše. Ob poti je več urejenih počivališč in kar nekaj ohranjenih atraktivnih nekdanjih železniških objektov, med njimi most v Slovenj Gradcu ter tunela v Mislinji in Gornjem Doliču. Med vožnjo lahko uživate v pogledih na Pohorje in Uršljo Goro. Ustaviti se morate tudi v Slovenj Gradcu in si ogledati srednjeveško mestno jedro.


Štrekna – Cycling Route in the Mislinja Valley
This cycling route is one of the best routes in Slovenia. It runs through unused railway Otiški Vrh- Velenje. Currently is 24km in length and it leads through Otiški vrh, Slovenj Gradec, Mislinja, and Gornji Dolič. The surface of the path consists of the asphalt and is separated from other routes therefore it is suitable for families with children and for elderly. Along the length of the route you can find resting places, different railway infrastructures such as the bridge in Slovenj Gradec and two tunnels in Mislinja and Gornji Dolič. During cycling you can enjoy the views on Pohorje and Uršlja gora. You must also stop in Slovenj Gradec to visit medieval town centre.

Driving the Vršič pass (1611m) and the Russian road// Slovenia

Vršič Mountain Pass with its 1,611m is the highest road pass in the Eastern Julian Alps. The high-mountain road from Kranjska Gora through Vršič to Log in Trenta has 50 serpentines, 24 on the side of Kranjska Gora and 26 on the Trenta side.

On the way to Vršič you can see the Russian Chapel.
The wooden chapel, dedicated to St. Vladimir, was built in 1917 by Russian prisoners of war in memory of the deceased during the construction of the Vršič Pass road. Some of the perished Russian prisoners, who built the road over Vršič, were buried in Trenta, and the majority in the common graves on Vršič and underneath it, in a stone tomb shaped like a pyramid. The construction of the chapel is wooden. Originally it was covered with bark, later with small boards. The humble interior shows an interesting altar with iconostasis, forged chandeliers and candlesticks. In the vicinity of the Russian Chapel, you can visit the graves and a stone tomb dating back to 1936–37.

Виньетка Словения. Стоимость виньетки. European travel skills vineta. vinjeta Slovenia

Music downloaded from the YouTube Audio Library / No Attribution Required.
road of europe. Road trip autostrade. Vignette Europa. Road tax. Motorway tax. Route planner. Оплата дорог. Автомобильные дороги Словения. road of europe.
Safely on Slovenian roads. Stopping on motorways and roads for motor vehicle traffic is prohibited.
Путешествуем на авто. Едем на Адриатику. Платные дороги в Европе. Виньетка - это плата за проезд по автомагистралям Словении. Стоимость виньеток в Словении. Виды виньеток в Словении. Виды виньеток. Плата за виньетку. Категории виньеток. Транспортные средства категории 2B. Транспортные средства категории 2A. Крепление виньетки в Словении. Как крепится виньетка в Словении. Куда приклеить виньетку.
The driver may stop the vehicle on parking space in rest area.
Данное видео носит исключительно информационный, а не рекомендательный характер, не являются руководством к действию, и не может использоваться в качестве доказательной базы в судах и других спорных вопросах .

Едем по деревням Словении: Mislinja, Šmartno pri Slovenj Gradcu, Slovenj Gradec, Šentjanž и др.

Едем по деревням Словении: Mislinja (Мислиня), Šmartno pri Slovenj Gradcu, Slovenj Gradec (Словень-Градец), Šentjanž и др.
Посмотрите другие ролики о Словении:
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#словения #mislinja #slovenjgradec

Koroška. Zimska doživetja. Smučišče Poseka Ravne na Koroškem.

Koroška. Zimska doživetja. Smučišče Poseka Ravne na Koroškem. Športni center Ravne.

Celje Velenje

Vožnja u upravljačnici

Ribiški dom Velenje

Prižig prazničnih luči v Slovenj Gradcu 2020

Vir / Source: Javni zavod Spotur
Avtorja / Authors: Aleš Uršej in Aljaž Uršej

Izlet z vozičkom: Kranjska Gora - Gozd Martuljek

Z invalidskim skuterjem na elektromotorni pogon iz Kranjske Gore do Gozd Martuljka.
Večji del poti poteka po urejeni kolesarski poti. V eno smer je slabih 6 km.

Cycling Slovenia Austria - part 2 Mislinja

I am on the route from Slovenia Novo mesto to England and passing Mislinja and the beautiful new cycling paths in Slovenia!

Top of the mountain! - Trek Slovenia Day 4

Slovenian Summer Roadtrip

A wonderful Road trip around Slovenia

Koroska. Mountain biking | Gorsko kolesarjenje.

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#ifeelsLOVEnia #mojaslovenija #iamKoroska
#Koroskanakolesu #KoroskaBiking


Koroška boasts over 1,000 km of cycling routes of all types and difficulty grades –either way, marked on the ground or marked on maps–, countless gravel roads, dirt roads and cart tracks, the unique underground biking, a spectacular single trails network for mountain bikers, the first mountain bike park in Slovenia, the international Drava River Cycling Trail, the Štrekna - cycling route in the Mislinja Valley, Bike park Kope, as well as numerous cycling events and competitions. With all this and more, in the Koroška region you will be able to create unlimited combinations for a bike tour up, down, between or even through the mountains.

Preko 1.000 km označenih ali na zemljevide vrisanih kolesarskih tur različnih vrst in težavnosti, številne gorske in gozdne ceste ter kolovozi, edinstveno podzemno kolesarjenje, veliko izjemnih »single trailov« za gorske kolesarje, prvi gorskokolesarski park v Sloveniji, mednarodna Dravska kolesarska pot, Štrekna - kolesarska pot po Mislinjski dolini, Bike park Kope, številne kolesarske prireditve in tekmovanja… Vse to in še več vam na Koroškem omogoča brezmejno kombiniranje tur med gorami, na gore, okoli ali kar skozi njih.

MetalDays 2023, Lake Velenje

MetalDays 2023
Velenje, Slovenia
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Zdaj je čas za Dravsko kolesarsko pot. Ekipa Drava bike #mojaslovenija

Zdaj je čas za Dravsko kolesarsko pot.

Avtor: ekipa Drava Bike

#mojaslovenija #ifeelsLOVEnia

Več o kampanji:

S kolesom na poti: Petrolova popotnica v Mostu na Soči

S kolesom na poti: Petrolova popotnica v Mostu na Soči
V drugem izletu Petrolove popotnice smo se podali v dolino Soče - natančneje v Most na Soči, ki ga najbolj poznamo po turkizno zeleni barvi akumulacijskega jezera. Z avtovlakom smo se podali iz Bohinjske Bistrice in se od jezera podali proti Tolminskem lomu, ki ponuja prostrane razglede - na severu proti Julijskim Alpam, na jugu pa proti slovenski obali.

Čas trajanja vzpona: Akumulacijsko jezero Most na Soči - Tolminski lom - 2 uri
Zahtevnost: srednja zahtevnost (primerna tudi za otroke od 14. leta dalje)
Primeren čas za kolesarjenje: vsi letni časi
Pot: Akumulacijsko jezero Most na Soči - Tolminski lom

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