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A rare look at the Vatican Library's treasures



From an entrance door inside St. Peter's Basilica, you can visit the Treasury Museum, which features ornate gifts to kings and princes, including a heavily jeweled Papal Tiara. In the main room is the bronze funerary monument to Pope Sixtus IV-the Sistine Chapel was named after him. Underneath the main floor of St. Peter's Basilica is the Vatican Grottoes (not to be confused with the Necropolis which is even lower), containing several tombs of Popes. Both are very interesting and are highly recommended to visit after you see the main attractions in St. Peter's Basilica.

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10 Secrets Hidden Inside the Vatican!

Possibly one of the most famous places in the world, Vatican City is supposedly a place of spirituality and holiness and yet its buried in such secrecy that we hardly know anything about it. Here are 10 Secrets Hidden Inside The Vatican!

1. Pride
The Vatican's official language isn't Italian, as most people would think, its actually Latin. Although other languages are still used in the city, official documents and processes are conducted in Latin. There's even an ATM in Latin, Inserito scidulam isn't a harry potter spell, it means Insert card.

The holy office placed Galileo under house arrest until his death in 1642 for declaring that the Earth wasn't the center of the universe. The Vatican formally acknowledged that they were wrong in 1992, 350 YEARS LATER!

3. Lust
Tourists to the Vatican can by a calendar featuring photos of The Vatican's Hottest Priests taken by the Photographer Piero Pazzi, for just 10 euros!

4. Sloth
In the 1960s Pope john XXIII was asked by a Journalist How many people work in the Vatican? Pope John answered About half! to this day it is still unclear whether or not this was a joke.

5. Vanity
The Vatican has its own postal service which is used by a lot of the locals, and currency which is a form of euro. both currency and stamps have the popes head on them and are sought after by collectors.

6. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife
In the year 964 pope John XII's reign of conspiracy and gross immorality ended. he was found dead in the arms of his lover, allegedly killed by her disgruntled husband!

7. Thou Shalt not Steal!
Though seen as a pure and holy city, The Vatican actually has the HIGHEST CRIME RATE IN THE WORLD! 1.5 crimes per citizen! although most of these crimes are petty theft, there has been a double murder!

8. No other gods before me!
The pope is the Absolute Monarch, he has TOTAL judicial, executive and legislative control over the Vatican state, and is the only absolute monarch left in Europe.

9. Thou Shalt not kill!
In 1974 the Franklin National Bank collapsed and the Vatican lost £20 million, it's owner died in prison after drinking poisoned coffee. In 1982 the Vatican-owned Banco Ambrosiano crashed with £700 million of debt, its Chairman Roberto Calvi was found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge with bricks in his pockets.

10. Thou shalt not commit laundry!
US drug enforcement chiefs have identified the Vatican as a possible money laundering center following the movement of 23 million euros to 2 corner-street outfits in 2010. The State department have listed it as a country of concern!

Which surprised you the most?
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Russia opens its cellars and shows 1400's picture of Jesus...Russia's Black Icons

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I showcase Africa in my travels to include other countries. My desire is to change the narrative that the western world painted in a negative light of Africa. My channel has talks, words of wisdom, business, investing, purchase property in Africa and livestream discussions. I further show the negative impacts of America in how it continues to have a disregard for Black people. I know my channel is not for everybody whether you agree or not, but my intent is not to hurt people nor disrespect.
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25 Most Amazing Ancient Ruins of the World

Check out all the places seen in this video:

The world is home to a plethora of fascinating ancient ruins, from crumbling cities to temples that have withstood the test of time. Many of these ancient societies were incredibly innovative and forward thinking. Just take a look at their meticulous city planning and incredible feats of engineering; some of which we are yet to fully understand. Some of the most captivating ancient ruins are full of thousand-year-old mysteries that will boggle even the most curious of minds.

The Vatican City | 10 Interesting Facts You Should Know

I’ll share with you 10 interesting things you should know about the Vatican, the heart of the Roman Catholic Church, while with we take a tour cared of Headout.

Top 10

1. The Vatican City is the smallest country in the world.

It is governed as an absolute monarchy with the pope as the head. It even prints its own stamps, issues passport, has it’s own flag, anthem and media outlets

2. The Vatican doesn’t have taxation.

Their revenue is mainly from Museum admission fees, stamp and souvenir sales, and contributions.

3. The cold war between the church and the Italian government

For nearly 60 years the popes refused to leave the Vatican. Popes ruled over a collection of sovereign Papal States throughout Italy until the country was unified in 1870. The new government had seized all the land of the Papal States with the exception of the Vatican, and a cold war then broke out between the church and the Italian government. Popes refused to recognize the authority of the Kingdom of Italy, and the Vatican remained beyond Italian national control.

4. Benito Mussolini signed Vatican City into existence.

The dispute between the Italian government and the Catholic Church ended with the signing of the Lateran Pacts. This allowed the Vatican to exist as its own sovereign state and compensated the church $92 million (which is now more than a $1 billion in today’s money) for the Papal States. It was Benito Mussolini, the head of the Italian government, that signed the treaty on behalf of King Victor Emmanuel III.

5. Michaelangelo and the Sistine Chapel.

We’re not allowed to take photos or videos inside the sistine chapel which was my favorite during our tour. So let me talk about it while we explore other parts of the Vatican.

The ceiling is divided into 9 central panels, which illustrates The Creation of the World, The Expulsion of Adam and Eve, and The Story of Noah.

The most famous of these panels was The Creation of Adam, which shows the figure of God touching the fingertip of Adam in order to bring him to life. They also said that the figure of God was shaped like the human brain.

Another popular panel was the Fall from Grace and Expulsion from the Garden of Eden, and The Last Judgment located at the altar of the sistine chapel.

The composition depicts hell as is described by the poet Dante in his Divine Comedy.At the center of the painting is Christ and he is surrounded on all sides by nude figures, including apostles and saints. It is divided into the blessed souls, at left, and the damned, at right. Another interesting about this masterpiece of Michaelangelo was the fact that he drew the people he disliked on the faces of the damned souls at the right.’

6. Entirely UNESCO World Heritage Site

Not only Vatican Museums, but the whole Vatican city has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1984.

7. Raphael Rooms and The School of Athens

One of the most famous paintings in the Raphael Rooms is the School of Athens representing philosophy and science and other disciplines. It is in part a homage to some of the most important artists and scholars active at the papal court at the beginning of the sixteenth century. This painting represents an idealized gathering of scholars and artists from the classical world, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance, and constitutes one of Raphael’s greatest achievements.

8. The Vatican Museum has one of the largest art collections in the world

The vatican museum has over 9 miles art collection with 1,400 rooms, chapels, ang galleries. And Michelangelo, onee of the most famous artists in the renaissance era, dedicated almost 10 years of his life just to complete the beautiful ceiling of thee sistine chapel. Another notable creation of his was the Pieta which is protected by a bullet proof glass located in St. Peter’s Basilica.

9. St. Peter’s Basilica - The Biggest Church in the World

It was said that The St. Peter’s Basilica sits atop a city of the dead, including St. Peter who is the leader of the Apostles and the first bishop of Rome— The present basilica, built starting in the 1500s, sits over a maze of catacombs and St. Peter’s suspected grave. It is also the biggest church in the world; there is even a measurement of some sort that compares it’s size to some of the famous churches around the world. It was also said that no building around Italian capital should be higher than the dome found in St. Peter’s Basilica.

10. The Swiss Guard of the Vatican City

The Swiss Guard’s role in the Vatican City is strictly to protect the safety of the pope. Although the world’s smallest standing army appears to be strictly ceremonial with it’s colorful uniforms, its soldiers are extensively trained and highly skilled marksmen. And, yes, the force is entirely comprised of Swiss citizens.

Dr S P Brock - The History of the Bodleian Library's Collection of Ethiopic Manuscripts

Lecture by Dr. Sebastian S Brock - Ethiopian and Eritrean Ge'ez Manuscripts Discovery Day exhibition opening, 27th of July 2019. The exhibition was a result of a curation team including members of the Ethiopian and Eritrean communities, (in which I am a member) and staff from the University of Oxford. It was a very well attend event. A selection of manuscripts will continue to be available to visit until mid October 2019 at the Weston Library in the city of Oxford. This is a rare opportunity not to be missed by anyone who has an interested in the remarkable achievement and contribution of our African ancestors to world of knowledge and skills of mankind.
Sebastian Brock is the author of many books and academic articles as well the co-author of the new book entitled, Treasures of Ethiopia and Eritrea in Bodleian Library, Oxford ( along with Jacopo Gnisci, David Appleyard, Sean M Wildon, Steve Delamartes, Siam Bhayro, Antonella Brita, Germa Getahun, and Dan Levene.

Vatican Museums - Exhibitions, Art & Treasures - Vatican City Guide

Tour of the impressive art-historical exhibitions and galleries of the Vatican Museums. We visit the sculptures and treasures of the Roman Empire in the Pio-Clementino Museum, the Egyptian Museum, the world famous Raphael Rooms, the works of Michelangelo, the galleries of the Tapestries and Maps as well as the lush gardens. Despite that, we go to Castel Sant'Angelo with its distinctive Tiber Bridge and St. Peter's Square, center of christianity.

Rundgang durch die eindrucksvollen kunsthistorischen Ausstellungen und Galerien der Vatikanischen Museen. Wir besuchen die Skulpturen und Kunstschätze des Römischen Reichs im Pio-Clementino Museum, das Etruskische Museum, die weltberühmten Stanzen des Raphael sowie die Werke des Michelangelo, die Galerien der Wandteppiche und der Landkarten sowie die üppigen Gärten. Dazu begeben wir uns zur Engelsburg mit ihrer markanten Tiber-Brücke und zum belebten Petersplatz, Zentrum des Christentums.

Tour delle imponenti mostre e gallerie dei Musei Vaticani storico-artistici. Visitiamo le sculture e tesori dell'Impero Romano nel Museo Pio-Clementino, il Museo Egizio, il mondo famose Stanze di Raffaello, le opere di Michelangelo, le gallerie degli Arazzi e mappe così come i giardini lussureggianti. Nonostante ciò, andiamo a Castel Sant'Angelo con il suo caratteristico Ponte e Piazza San Pietro.

Inside Vatican in Pictures | Rare Pictures of Vatican Museum | | ছবিতে ভ্যাটিকান |

Enjoy the Vatican with its all glory. The Museum contains most precious artifacts from all over the world.

All the pictures are property of Wandering Soul and are not eligible for commercial use.

Pictures can only be used for private and domestic use by permission.

Vatican Library

60 Minutes report on the secrets and splendor of the Vatican Library in Rome.

Secrets of the Vatican Archives


Vatican Museum Regan Library

I was invited by the Barsaum couple of St. James’ Syriac Orthodox Church, Sunland, California, to visit the Regan Library in Simi Valley, CA where a new set of displays have arrived from Vatican Museum. This was my second visit to the museum. But this time the speciality was the temporary display of items from Vatican Museum. This video has few of the displays.
Very Rev. Corepiscopo Dr. Joseph Tarzi, vicar of the Church, and his wife Mrs. Juliet Tarzi also joined us.
The Barsaum couple, Mr. Saliba and Hiam Barsaum, are senior members of the Church. Whenever I visit California they are particular that they took me to any one of the important locations of the state. We started the day with a coffee session at their residence.

Vatican City Museums [4k] - only in Vatican City - With Caption - Rome 2022

The Vatican Museums are the public museums of the Vatican City. They display works from the immense collection amassed by the Catholic Church and the papacy throughout the centuries, including several of the most renowned Roman sculptures and most important masterpieces of Renaissance art in the world. Visit the Vatican Museums, take an exclusive look at the Vatican Library,
Sistine Chapel - The fame of the Sistine Chapel lies mainly in the frescoes that decorate the interior, most particularly the Sistine Chapel ceiling and The Last Judgment, both by Michelangelo.
The Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican, the biggest church in the world.

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Walking Tour In Vatican City Part1 :

The Best Walking Tour Vatican Part2:

Amazing Walking Street in Rome:

Walking Tour :

Walking Tour 2022 Part1 :

Walking Tour 2022 Part2 :

♦️ Video Timeline ♦️
00:00 Preview
00:38 Vatican Museum Part 1
00:48 View of Vatican Museum on the Google Earth
01:10 View of Queue of Visitors to enter the Vatican Museum
01:20 View from the outside of the Vatican Museum
01:30 Entrance of the Vatican Museum
02:38 Entrance of the Museum on the second floor
12:25 Gregoriano Egizio Museum
14:22 Gregoriano Etrusco Museum
27:02 View of Rome from inside the Vatican museum
32:26 view of Rome form inside the Museum
33:50 Towards room XVII-XXI (Vasi Collections)
34:22 View of the Vatican City from inside the Vatican museum
37:12 The best view from the courtyard of the Vatican museum from inside the museum
37:51 Entrance of the mail hall of the Vatican museum
38:13 Gallery of Candelabra ( galleria dei candelabri )
46:10 Gallery of Tapestries ( galleria degli Arazzi )
51:18 Gallery of Maps ( galleria delle Carte Geografiche )
54:20 End of part 1
Music: Voyage
Musician: @iksonmusic

#vatican #romeitaly #walkingtour #walkingstreet

Vatican Museums: Raphael Rooms: Room of Heliodorus - 3D virtual tour & documentary

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Discover one the Raphael Rooms in the Vatican Museums, a masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance, with this exciting 3D video.

Among the great artists that have worked in the Vatican, the name of Raphael shines the brightest and in fact, it’s here that he left some of his most beautiful work.

The Room of Heliodorus was where the pontiffs held their private audiences with ambassadors and kings.

It was the second room frescoed by Raphael and the entire decoration—not by chance—has purely political ends: its four frescoes were meant to show how, over the course of centuries, God had always protected Rome, the Faith, the pope and his works.

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Vatican Spy Cam

The Crew with Mark Hubley visit the Vatican. David, Desi and I explore it's many treasures but realize you can't take a video camera into the Sestine Chapel

The Vatican ????????, part1 - The Vatican Museum

The Vatican City, the smallest sovereign state in the world by both area (44 hectares) and population (~1,000 in 2019), is the world capital of Catholicism. It is the site where St. Peter was martyred (c. AD 64) and buried.

Join me as I reminisce my visit to the city and appreciate the works of Italy’s renown painters and sculptors. Starting off with this video of St. Peter’s Square and The Vatican Museum, from the Cortile della Pigna (timestamp 2:56) & Ottagono to musuems of Pio-Clementino (timestamp 5:34) & Map Gallery (timestamp 12:12)

Thanks for watching. ????

????Olivia Travels
Gadget: iphone 7plus
App: iMovie
Music: Falls, Keith Kenniff

#TheVaticanCity #RomeItaly #TheHolySee

Secrets of the Vatican | Mysteries of the Eternal City Ep.2

???? VATICAN REPLAY: Let’s explore LIVE the history of the smallest country on earth that has influence over a billion people. From St. Peter martyred at Nero’s Circus to the 1527 Sack of Rome to Basilica built by Michelangelo and Bernini.

Additional research provided by Gerard Vidal of Art Is Life.

This is Mysteries of the Eternal City: Episode No.2 of 12
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Take a virtual tour of the Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel | GetYourGuide

Take a virtual tour of the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel with GetYourGuide.

GetYourGuide offers incredible tours, activities, and attractions around the world. And while the world stays home, we’re bringing them to you online.

Hallelujah! Now you can still see the Vatican’s awe-inspiring art at home. Explore the highlights, hidden gems, and one-of-a-kind masterpieces on this online tour of the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel.

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A look around Vatican City with Nancy & Shawn when they were in Rome, Italy

Here's a live look around Vatican City and at St. Peter's Basilica and St. Peter's Square... we visited this impressive place when in Rome, Italy and we added this video to our full blog post that we wrote about our experience in Rome... check it out here:

Vatican announces it will unveil secret archives of World War II in special exhibit

July 6, 2011. ( Starting in February 2012, the Vatican's Secret Archives won't just be seen by experts. For the first time, more than 100 original documents will leave the Vatican as they head to Rome's Capitoline Museums. It's all part of an exhibit titled Lux in Arcana. The Vatican Secret Archives Unveiled. Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, made the official announcement.

Card. Tarcisio Bertone
Secretary of State, Vatican City
I want to take this opportunity to praise this highly prestigious project that trumps stereotypes on both sides of the Tiber.

The documents of Galileo Galilei's trial will be shown, as well as documents relating to World War II. There will also be a letter written by American Indians on an actual piece of tree bark that was sent to Pope Leo XIII.

Choosing the documents wasn't easy. The shelves in the Vatican's Secret Archives run for 54 miles.

Bishop Sergio Pagano
Prefect, Vatican Secret Archives
We want the exhibit to show the consistency of the Vatican's Secret Archives. On a geographical basis, we tried to represent all nations or at least all the continents. It includes a historical view from oldest to most recent, a religious view that's not always limited to Catholicism.

The documents shown will be placed in glass cases to protect them from light and air.

The exhibit alone is historic. But it will also be the first time these documents will be made accessible to the public.

Gianni Alemanno
Mayor of Rome
We must recognize the work of archivists in showing these documents, allowing them to leave the walls of the Vatican so they can go into the city. It's a great act of transparency and a great gift to our city and to the entire world. It's something that has never happened and we don't know if it will ever happen again. I invite everyone to visit the exhibit because it's one thing to talk about Frederick II or about Galileo Galilei and it's another thing to read the records and see what really happened.

Bishop Sergio Pagano
Prefect, Vatican Secret Archives
This collaboration with the city of Rome came about because the Capitoline Museums are great. They're easily accessible and they're in the heart of Rome. They don't need the metal detectors that we at the Vatican need. They are perfect for visitors who travel alone or in groups.

It's a spectacular exhibition that will allow visitors to see first hand, the history and culture of the Church and of mankind.

Vatican Museum Tour Part Tre

Welcome to Adventures with Sarah! You are watching Virtual Tour: Bucharest, Romania

Andrew Villone hosts a live walking tour of Bucharest, Romania.
Originally broadcast on
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Sarah Murdoch is a tour guide, travel writer, and tour operator covering the globe, specializing in Italy. She worked for more than 20 years for Rick Steves as a tour guide and travel journalist, and co-authored the Rick Steves Sicily book. These days, Sarah is the Founder of Guide Collective (, and runs Adventures with Sarah, a travel company offering tours around the world. You can find information on packing, travel tips, and how to travel with Sarah on her website,

Enjoy these videos? Support Sarah's work and have access to special events, giveaways, and discounts by joining her Patreon,

Thanks for watching, stay curious and keep exploring.

