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10 Best place to visit in Saerbeck Germany


Regensburg in a Day Trip. What to Eat, See, and Do in this Historic City / Bavaria, Germany Guide

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Come with us as we spend a sunny day in Regensburg! We explore the often overlooked history as we showcase Roman ruins, medieval towers, and early modern steam engines. We also try some sweets from an Italian market and the famous Wurst Küche. Regensburg is truly one of Bavaria's best cities.
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Instagram: near.fromhome
Ben: strawbennyjam
Camille: freshspringham
Intro: 0:00-1:00
Regensburg Old Town 1:01-1:48
Roman Gate and Walls 1:49-3:19
Patrician Towers 3:20-5:30
Cathedral 5:31-5:52
Italian Market-5:53-10:30
Danube Shipping Museum 10:31-13:50
Salzstadel 13:51-14:53
WurstKüche 14:54-18:10
Crossing the Bridge 18:11-19:35
Parks 19:36-20:45
Logistics 20:46-21:50
Conclusion 21:51-22:29

Corsa at Saerbeck with drone cam. #corsa #saerbeck

Video by @-deneb-

Tecklenburg im Teutoburger Wald - Wandern auf dem Tecklenburger Bergpfad

Am Nordrand des Münsterlandes an der Landesgrenze zwischen Nordrhein-Westfalen und Niedersachsen erheben sich der Teutoburger Wald und das Wiehengebirge aus der westfälischen Ebene. Oben auf dem Kamm des Teutoburgerwaldes liegt das kleine Örtchen Tecklenburg. Von dort lassen sich weite Ausblicke ins Münsterland und ins Wiehengebirge genießen. Zahlreiche Wanderwege führen über Berg und Tal durch den Teutoburger Wald und das Tecklenburger Land. Der Tourismusverband nennt sie werbewirksam Teutoschleifen.
An einem sonnigen Maitag erwandeten wir die Teutoschleife mit dem einladenden Namen 'Tecklenburger Bergpfad'. Wir wurden nicht enttäuscht: Über Berg und Tal führte uns eine vierstündige Wanderung von Tecklenburg nach Brochterbeck. Aussichts- und abwechslungsreich war es und wir waren zufrieden. Für den Hinweg nach Brochterbeck wählten wir die Talvariante. Auf dem Rückweg nach Tecklenburg wanderten wir auf dem Hermannsweg, der hier als Kammweg ein sehr entspanntes Laufen ermöglicht.

Eine detaillierte Wanderbeschreibung findet ihr hier:

Es war sicher nicht unsere letzte Wanderung im Tecklenburger Land,

Die begleitende Musik stammt von der bayerischen Band Haindling: Sommerthema 1.

[4K] City Walk in Fehrbellin Germany 2020 - Hot Summer Walking Tour

This 4K video tour in Fehrbellin City, Germany offers a great way to enjoy a virtual walk and Fehrbellin on a hot summer day in August 2020. Here I am walking from Fehrbellin Town Hall to the Hakenberg Victory Column. Fehrbellin is a municipality in Germany, located 60 km Northwest of Berlin.

1. Berlin Main Station to Brandenburg Gate:
2. Berlin Germany City Walk - Friedrichshain Walk:
3. Berlin Germany City Walk - Walk to RAW Area and East Side Gallery:
4. Walk in Aachen City Germany July 2020:
5. Bonn Germany in May 2020 - Beethovens City:
6. Cologne Germany Walking Tour May 2020:

In 1675, the Battle of Fehrbellin was fought there, in which the troops of Brandenburg-Prussia defeated those of the occupying Swedish Empire. In 1758 during the Seven Years' War Prussian and Swedish forces clashed at the Battle of Fehrbellin (1758). One of the most important skydiving dropzones of Germany is located at the local airport. By area, Fehrbellin is the second-largest rural municipality (Gemeinde) in Germany, trailing only Nuthe-Urstromtal. The Hakenberg Victory Column is a 36 metre tall monument with an observation deck at Hakenberg near Fehrbellin in Brandenburg, Germany. It was designed by Christian Daniel Rauch and built between 1875 and 1879. It commemorates the victory of Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg, over the troops of occupying Sweden in the Battle of Fehrbellin (1675).

I am starting this walk at the Town Hall (Rathaus), then follow an simple route to the Evangelic Church of Fehrbellin. I will then drive towards the Hakenberg Victory Column where I end my walk.

I hope you can relax and enjoy this beautiful walking tour. Feel free to give me feedback and please like and consider subscribing to my channel if you enjoy my work.

More Berlin walks:
More Germany walks:
Japan walks:

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Germany Agriculture Tour: Energy Production

Energy production was a recurring theme on Michigan and Indiana Farm Bureau members’ agricultural study tour to north-central Europe, Sept. 1-11.

In addition to being the world’s leader for wind energy production, Germany has financed more than 10,000 biogas facilities in the country.

The group visited four dairy farms with biogas converters that use manure and silage to generate heat and electricity for the farm and, in some cases, local homes and businesses.

Another stop took the group to the Saerbeck Bioenergy Park, a sprawling 227 acres home to seven wind turbines, 24,000 solar modules, and two bioenergy converters: one for biowaste and a second for agricultural biogas.

The entire energy park has 29 megawatts of electric capacity – enough to serve over 250 percent of the community’s energy needs.

Stay tuned for more video highlights. For more coverage of the Agricultural Leadership Exchange, visit

GERMANY: Tecklenburg - medieval town

Tecklenburg is a town in Germany set against a decor of the Middle Ages, located at the foothills of the Teutoburg Forest (Teutoburger Wald).

Tecklenburg retained some of its medieval townscape to date.
Main sites include the ruined castle (now serving as open air theatre during the Summer) and the Stadtkirche (the main, old church) including tombs of the dukes of Tecklenburg and others prominent in the history of the county and city.

The castle was built around 1250. Anna von Tecklenburg-Schwerin made a lot of construction changes. Around 1700 the castle was old and the bricks were used for other buildings in Tecklenburg. Only a ruin was the result.

Today, Tecklenburg is a lovely tourist place, a place to relax and to walk around. The city's center streets represent old European charm. As you walk these streets, you sense becoming part of history - 100's years of lives lived out in these same streets.

May 28, 2012

GERMANY: Tecklenburg - medieval town

Tecklenburg is a town in Germany set against a decor of the Middle Ages, located at the foothills of the Teutoburg Forest (Teutoburger Wald).

Tecklenburg retained some of its medieval townscape to date.

Main sites include the ruined castle (now serving as open air theatre during the Summer) and the Stadtkirche (the main, old church) including tombs of the dukes of Tecklenburg and others prominent in the history of the county and city.

The castle was built around 1250. Anna von Tecklenburg-Schwerin made a lot of construction changes. Around 1700 the castle was old and the bricks were used for other buildings in Tecklenburg. Only a ruin was the result.

Today, Tecklenburg is a lovely tourist place, a place to relax and to walk around. The city's center streets represent old European charm. As you walk these streets, you sense becoming part of history - 100's years of lives lived out in these same streets.

November 14, 2009.

Updated video of Tecklenburg (2012):

Germany & Belgium Agriculture Tour Highlights

Watch highlights of the agricultural and cultural experiences had by the 23 Michigan and Indiana Farm Bureau members who traveled to Germany and Belgium, Sept. 1-11, as part of the Agricultural Leadership Exchange.

The group saw and heard first-hand how the region's agricultural makeup is heavily influenced by Europe's rich history. They also learned about Germany's large-scale efforts to increase renewable energy production and about consumer demand for affordable, non-GMO food products.

In addition, the group visited several historical and cultural sites including the Brandenburg Gate, Sanssouci Palace and Park, Muhlenhof Open-Air Museum, and the Belgian cities of Ghent and Brugge.

For additional information, visit

Contemporary technologies | Bio-energy e-Pavilion 2021

Indian Biogas Association is glad to present to you the “ Virtual Bio-Energy Pavilion“ (Virtual BEP 2021) on Bio-Energy February 18 & 19, 2021.

This event aims at sharing new ideas and technologies amongst the professionals, industrialists from the areas of waste management- particularly “Bio-Energy”. As one of the best events, we have developed a program with your interests in mind. We have not only increased the number of opportunities for you and your company to network with the professionals from BioEnergy across the globe but also introduced more focussed sessions that will feature edge presentations, special panel discussions, one to one meetings with industry leaders and experts.
@Biogas India ​

Regenbogen Ferienanlage Tecklenburg

Second Channel:

Regenbogen Ferienanlage Tecklenburg is a campsite in Tecklenburg, North Rhine-Westphalia

Von Münster nach Gimbte und zurück | Radtour

In diesem Video mache ich eine Radrundtour vom Schloss in Münster über Nienberge-Häger nach Gimbte und am Dormund-Ems-Kanal entlang zurück in die Stadt. Gimbte ist ein beliebtes Ausflugsziel mit vielen Einkehrmöglichkeiten. Teilen, Daumen hoch und Kanal abonnieren bitte nicht vergessen! Vielen Dank!

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Enapter Campus Groundbreaking Event, 14.09.2021

On September 14, 2021, Enapter celebrated the groundbreaking of its mass-production facility for green hydrogen-producing electrolysers. Its 82,000 square metre Enapter Campus will be built in the climate community of Saerbeck in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, and powered entirely with locally-produced renewable energy.

Enapter is pursuing an initial goal of multiplying its production capacity to 10,000 electrolysers a month to satisfy the rapidly-growing demand for low-cost hydrogen production solutions.

Enapter Tour: Pisa Site Walkthrough 2021

Welcome to Enapter! Come take a tour with us as we show you our R&D and production buildings located in Pisa, Italy. This is where our serial fabrication takes place. At our Pisa site, our teams in electrochemistry and engineering work together, with our colleagues in HR, Supply Chain, Administration, and more! We're over 100 as of Fall 2021.

For more information, please contact us at or visit our website:

Get in touch with us through our socials!


Merecz in Germany: Dresden - Weihnachtsmarkt

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Young Love by BoxCat Games (

Landung - Flughafen Münster Osnabrück

Flug von Mallorca nach Münster (FMO) Kleines Video vom Landeanflug mit dem Airbus 320 (Air Berlin)

Music by YouTube Audio Library

Wohnmobilstellplatz Greven. Stellplätze NRW. Stellplatzführer NRW. Meine Bewertung 5 Sterne

Ein wirklich sehr schöner Stellplatz am Ortsrand von Greven. Fast schon so wie ein Campingplatz nur sehr viel preiswerter. Mir hat es dort sehr gut gefallen.

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Nikolausmarkt Tecklenburg 2022 - Historische Altstadt und Burg

Weihnachtsmarkt- Rundgang, Sonntag 4. Dezember 2022.

Lübeck & Lübecker Weihnachtsmarkt 2021 | [Cinematic Impressions 032]

Ein paar weihnachtliche Impressionen aus der Lübecker Innenstadt und von den Lübecker Weihnachtsmärkten. ????

Kamera: DJI Pocket 2 ????????

Aufnahmedatum: 18. August 2021

#Lübeck #Weihnachtsmarkt #Weihnachten

Ein Abo wäre echt super, falls ihr nichts verpassen wollt. In Zukunft gibt's noch eine Menge Vlogs, Cinematic Impressions, Off/Onrides und noch viel mehr. ????
⬇️⬇️⬇️ Unsere Vlogs ⬇️⬇️⬇️

⬇️⬇️⬇️ Cinematic Impressions & More ⬇️⬇️⬇️

⬇️⬇️⬇️ Offrides & Onrides ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Wenn ihr keine spannenden Bilder und Storys verpassen wollte, ???? dann folgt uns auch gerne auf:
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???????????????? All Music by AUDIIO ????????????????

Kanutour auf der Ems abgebrochen

Mit meinem Kanu Intex Challenger K1 bin ich von Telgte im Münsterland auf der Ems in Richtung Greven gepaddelt. Leider haben wir das Ziel nicht erreicht. Wir mussten die Tour abbrechen.





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Musik Express - Krabbe (Offride) Video Frühjahrskirmes Mettingen 2023

Offride Video von Musik Express Krabbe aus Gronau /Frühjahrskirmes Mettingen 2023 /Volksfeste Kirmes Wenn euch das Video gefällt dann lass gerne ein Abo oder Like da und nicht das Video nutzen erst Fragen

Abonnieren um nichts zu verpassen

Fahrpreis: 4,00€

Schau auch mal hier vorbei



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