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10 Best place to visit in Zlatna Romania


Zlatibor | Things to do & see in Zlatibor Serbia

Zlatibor (meaning Golden Pine) is one of the most popular mountains in Serbia, which is constantly building and developing its tourism, attracting an increasing number of domestic and foreign tourists. It is located in western Serbia, 230 km away from Belgrade and 300 km from the Adriatic Sea. With 220 sunny days a year it is an ideal place for rest and sport activities, including winter sports. The highest peak of Zlatibor is Tornik, (1496 meters above sea level), above which blossomed the wind rose that makes this mountain a unique oasis of health.

Lets explore the best things to do and see in Zlatibor:

02:21 Ski center Tornik
03:08 Ribničko Lake
03:51 Sirogojno: A unique open-air museum
05:42 Settlement Vodice
06:43 Domestic traditional cuisine
07:28 Stopića cave
08:24 Gold Gondola
09:34 Waterfall in Gostilje Village
10:11 El Paso City
10:50 Prerast in Dobroselica
11:30 Dino Park
11:57 Monument on Šumatno Hill
12:39 Walking routes and pathspaths
13:21 Ljubiš Village
13:41 Memorial Fountain at the Spring Oko
13:56 Wooden church in Dobroselica
14:36 Zlatibor Market
15:00 Semegnjevo Village
15:45 Čigota Trail

Serbia Travel Guide:
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Driving in Alba Iulia | 4K

#AlbaIulia #Romania #Transylvania
Alba Iulia (German: Karlsburg or Carlsburg, formerly Weißenburg; Hungarian: Gyulafehérvár; Latin: Apulum) is a city that serves as the seat of Alba County in the west-central part of Romania. Located on the Mureș River in the historical region of Transylvania, it has a population of 63,536 (as of 2011).

Since the High Middle Ages, the city has been the seat of Transylvania's Roman Catholic diocese. Between 1541 and 1690 it was the capital of the Eastern Hungarian Kingdom and the latter Principality of Transylvania. At one point it also was a center of Eastern Orthodox Metropolitan of Transylvania with suffragan to Vad diocese.[4][5] Alba Iulia is historically important for Romanians, Hungarians, and Transylvanian Saxons. In December 2018, Alba Iulia was officially declared Capital of the Great Union of Romania.



Osos salvajes, estafas y castillos - Viaje a RUMANÍA en una semana

Mapa y ruta del viaje con consejos:

Viaje de una semana a Rumanía pasando por Transilvania, el castillo de Drácula y las montañas de los Cárpatos. En este blog te cuento qué ver en Rumanía, qué hacer, visitar pueblos como Sighisoara o Sibiu, el castillo de Peles y mucho más.

En las montañas de los cárpatos está concentración de osos salvajes más grande de Europa, y tuvimos suerte de encontrarnos un oso en libertad. También pueden hacerse tours para avistamiento de osos desde la ciudad de Brasov. Pero prepárate porque también es un país de estafas y tienes que tener cuidado, nosotros caímos en una estafa de un hotel falso.

Mapa de los mejores lugares que ver en Rumanía:

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Peles Castle Romania Visiting this BEAUTIFUL Castle in Transylvania

This time we are visiting the beautiful Peles Castle in Romania. This was our first-ever trip to Romania and WOW were we surprised at how beautiful and cheap it was. Peles Castle is incredible!
Join us in part 1 of this Romania weekend road trip.

Arriving in Bucharest we grabbed a hire car ( you could go by train) and drove the 2 hours up into the Carpathian mountains to arrive at Peles Castle.
This first stop is part of our weekend trip to Romania so make sure you check out our other videos on this region.

Pele Castle is really important in Romanian history and was the former summer residence of the Romanian royal family. Built on the wish of the first king of Romania, King Carol I it is just a stunning Castle to visit and the inside is just beautiful.
Parking is 20 Leu about £3.70. You have a 15-minute walk up into the grounds of the castle and it's not to steep if you have mobility issues.

Walking around the grounds is free but you will need a buy a ticket to go inside. A ground floor ticket is 30 Leu and both floors are 60 Leu. Make sure you do the full tour! It very worth it. Using a camera or filming is charged at another 35 Leu.

There is a second castle to visit on the grounds and this is included in your ticket. Pelisor Castle was the summer house of the last Queen of Romania and was built in the early 20th Century. The highlight of the castle is the golden room. Floor to ceiling gold. Sadly it was closed when we visited.

You will likely spend half a day seeing all the sights and grounds at the castle.
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Next time we will move on to Brasov and tour the city. Make sure you subscribe to see more.

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Tara Hategului - 5 Atractii neaparat de vizitat!

Servus Dragilor,
va propun o destinatie de weekend si anume Tara Hategului. Am descoperit / vizitat: Pestera Bolii, Cheile Banitei, Pestera Sipot, Turnul Crivadiei si Cheile Crivadiei.
Merita sa iti indrepti pasii spre aceasta locatie super faina.
Daca va placut, dati un Like, Share cu prietenii vostri si nu uitati sa va abonati pentru urmatoarele postari!
Zile minunate si Doamne'ajuta-va!

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Follow on Facebook: Mihai.Blog

Top things to see & do in SARAJEVO, Bosnia & Herzegovina!!

Join us as we continue our Balkans road trip and explore the beautiful city of Sarajevo!

The first stop on our road trip was the small town of Jablanica. This small town is well known for its roasted lamb and we were recommended to stop there by a few locals. This town is also home to a Unesco site, the Bridge on the Neretva. This bridge is dedicated to a famous WW2 battle and definitely worth a stop!

We continued on and made it to Sarajevo. Sarajevo is the capital and largest city of Bosnia and Herzegovina. On our first day exploring the city we drove up Mount Trebivic, visited an abandoned bob sled track from the 1984 Olympics, and an old observatory tower. Afterwards, we headed back down into town to do a walking tour of the city.

Sarajevo offers several free walking tours of the city. We choose the walking tour called “War scars & new times. This war tour covers many important sights like Sniper Alley, Sarajevo Roses, The Children Memorial, and Markale Market. We were so impressed by this tour and would recommend it when visiting the city. You can find the link to this tour here :

We spent our last day in Sarajevo walking the old town, trying Bosnian coffee, and visiting the eclectic bar called Zlatna Ribica.

Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed this video like, comment, and subscribe!

-- Sammy and Tommy
Episode 035 | Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina | Filmed June 2019

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Travelling in Romania | Sibiu - Alba Iulia

In 2019 my boyfriend and I went to Romania as volunteers. During this amazing experience we travelled a lot! Here is a taste, enjoy!

Cantacuzino-Ghica Deleni Castle, Iași, Northeast Romania

Testimony of one of the oldest boyar courts of Moldavia , Cantacuzino-Ghica Deleni Castle is one of the most notable in Northeast Romania. The first building of the present-day architectural ensemble was the church constructed in 1669.

For more details please visit:

#Romania #drone #castle #artmarkhistoricalestate #ahe #historicalestate #heritage #iasi #moldova

Știrbey Palace in Dărmănești, Bacău, Northeastern Romania

Situated on a highland at 600 m altitude and integrated in the picturesque landscape, the palace was designed by architect Nicolae Ghika-Budești and built with Italian craftsmen around 1913-1914. The Royal visitors at Dărmănești Palace include Queen Elisabeth of Romania and Queen Marie of Romania.
Bought by the current owner in 2014, the property was fully rehabilitated and restored - a process that took three years.
For more details about Știrbey Palace in Dărmănești please visit

#Romania #drone #palace #artmarkhistoricalestate #ahe #historicalestate #heritage #bacau #moldova

Muzeul Aragonitului din Corund (Harghita, Transilvania, România)

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Vizitarea ”Muzeului Aragonitului” (sau ”Muzeul de Aragonit”) de la Corund (Korond) trebuie să înceapă cu vizitarea fostei exploatări de aragonit situată în vecinătate, în Dealul Melcului, acum rezervație naturală geologică și excelent amenajat turistic cu punte de lemn, platformă de belvedere și panouri explicative. Practic intrăm într-un fel de „canion” care reprezintă de fapt aragonitul de calitate bună, deja exploatat. Pe peretele „canionului” putem vedea totuși depuneri frumoase de aragonit de diverse culori. La capătul „canionului” este prezent un fenomen geologic excepțional, și anume un izvor cu apă sărată sub presiune din care se depun cruste carbonatice. Detalii privind acest loc puteți vedea într-un videoclip anterior:
Aragonitul de la Corund nu este pur, întotdeauna fiind însoțit de cantități variabile de calcit. Factorul care dictează depunerea aragonitului și nu a calcitului este presiunea.
Calcitul și aragonitul sunt minerale polimorfe (aceeași compoziție chimică, dar cu structură cristalografic diferită) ale carbonatului de calciu (CaCO3): calcitul cristalizează în sistemul romboedric (trigonal), iar aragonitul în sistemul rombic. Calcitul este un mineral foarte comun, el alcătuind roca monominerală numită calcar (sau marmură, calcar metamorfozat) care poate forma munți întregi. Spre desebire de calcit, aragonitul este mult mai rar, mai ”greu” (greutate specifică 2,9 g/cmc față de 2,7 g/cmc) și mai dur (3,5-4, față de duritatea 3 a calcitului). Aragonitul se deosebește și prin structura sa radiar-aciculară, spre deosebire de calcar (sau marmură) care este masiv. În plus, aragonitul este metastabil, prin încălzire la 410°C trecând în calcit.
Muzeul Aragonitului se găsește la drum, vis-a-vis de fosta exploatare (Dealul Melcului și Băile sărate Unicum), exact în fostul atelier de prelucrare. Muzeul stă mai mult închis, dar noi am avut noroc de Dl. Pál Zoltán Ferenc, ghid profesionist specializat pe zona Corund, probabil custode al muzeului, pe care tocmai îl prezenta unui grup de tineri. Un număr de telefon găsiți pe panoul de lângă muzeu. Muzeul a fost înființat în 2012 în fostul atelier de prelucrare a aragonitului, după ce urmașii lui Knop Vencel au recuperat clădirea.
Povestea aragonitului începe cu anul 1908 când Knop Vencel, inginer ceh la minele de aur de la Zlatna, vede depozitele de aragonit de la Corund. În 1914, la vârsta de 35 de ani, își dă demisia de la Zlatna și pune pe picioare exploatarea și prelucrarea aragonitului de la Corund. Piesele confecționate din aragonit, deloc ieftine, erau foarte căutate. Afacerea înflorește și datorită faptului că avea buni meseriași, corundenii având o îndelungată tradiție în arta ceramicii. Piese prelucrate din aragonit au fost comandate chiar de Casa Regală a României. Într-o vitrină putem vedea chiar duplicatul unei cutii pentru bijuterii comandată de Regina Maria. Afacerea intră în declin după Primul Război Mondial în care moare unul din fiii lui Knop Vencel, el însuși căzând prizonier. După moartea subită în 1941 a lui Knop Vencel, activitatea mai continuă până la naționalizarea din 1948. După 1950, statul român reia exploatarea, dar folosind explozivi pentru extragerea aragonitului, zăcământul este repede distrus.
Putem vedea atât bucăți brute de aragonit, cât, mai ales în vitrine, piese din aragonit de o rară frumusețe: seturi pentru birou, vaze, vase, cutii pentru bijuterii, pipe, piese de șah, capete de baston, scrumiere, obiecte decorative etc. Deși aragonitul nu este nici măcar piatră semiprețioasă, ci o piatră decorativă, el este numit „piatra prețioasă a secuilor” (sau „diamant secuiesc”), înnobilarea venind din talentul meșterilor artizani care au prelucrat-o.
Korondi Aragonit Múzeum

Zlatna - Măgura Dudașului - Cheile Caprei ∆ hiking trails ∆

more informations on
#3Dletsgooutdoors #3Dnature #3Dtrail
Distance 10,5 km / Duration 3:35 h / Ascent 440 m / Descent 93 m
Romania, more videos at or
#trekking #trip #mountains #hike #holiday #travelling #hiking #nature #outdoors #adventure #tourism #river

Así Es Un ESTADIO de FÚTBOL en RUMANIA / Zlatna, Alba Iulia

Hoy os quiero enseñar como es un estadio de fútbol en RUMANIA, en concreto en Transilvania, en Alba Iulia en la ciudad de Zlatna.
Aunque no lo creáis Rumania es uno de los países que mejores futbolistas ha dado en la historia.

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Estadio de fútbol en Rumania
Como es un estadio de futbol en rumania
Así es un estadio de futbol en rumania


Now one rail route Celebrate Founding Alba Iulia - Zlatna for travelers of willing history and avetură. Steam locomotive CRAITA made in 1906 will integrate the beauty of hill and valley and wonderful human Ampoi River here. 2016 Schedule your visit Zlatna train epoch !!! worthwhile.

Zlatna koza - Capra d'oro - Golden Goat - Pula

The Archaeological Museum of Istria, Tourism Office Pula and Public Institution Pula Sport have been awarded the Zlatna koza - Capra d'oro(Golden Goat) by the Istria Tourist Board for the innovative tourism product, the Spectacula Antiqua project. This unique program is incorporated in the city's integral cultural offer of Roman Pula.

Spectacula Antiqua had its premiere on June 20, and during the summer months was shown ten times in the ancient Roman amphitheater. Visitors were able to enjoy gladiator fights and presentation of Roman crafts together with entertainment and theater program.

When preparing this program, special attention was devoted to the authenticity of the spectacle, so that the gladiator fights, entire equipment and costumes were authentic and faithful copies of those from the 1st century AD, i.e. the period when the amphitheater was used as the site of bread and games.

Zlatna H: R 16355 train to Alba Iulia

Zlatna H: plecare tren R 16355 la Alba Iulia. Automotor 57-0525-7.

zlatna campeni 400%

BEST Rila Monastery day tour from Sofia Bulgaria (Traventuria)

We made it to BULGARIA!! aaaaaand went straight on the best day tour.

Tour we booked can be found here:

Both of us have been looking forward to getting to Bulgaria ever since we explored this region of Europe a few months ago! We wanted to get our first impressions of Bulgaria in order quickly so we organised to take part in the best day tour from Sofia. This took us to the beautiful Boyana church then onto the epic Rila Monastery. Where we ate delicious Mekitsi and wandered around incredible sacred ground!

It was an entire day so in this Bulgaria travel vlog we didn't see much of the Bulgarian capital, but luckily we have pencilled in a big Sofia food tour for tomorrow.

The company we used Traventuria do a lot of other tours throughout all of Bulgaria so if you are interested in ANYTHING, check them out at

If you liked this travel vlog to the Rila Monastery please hit the like button! it really helps us grow!

#Bulgaria #sofia #sofiavlog

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00:00 - Leaving from Sofia Bulgaria
01:49 - Stop number 1, Boyana Church
06:01 - Rila Monastery courtyard
07:17 - Rila Church
10:45 - Metiski (Bulgarian Donut?)

???? We are Jordan & Emily - we have been saving for 3+ years and now are lucky enough to be #traveling the world full time on a budget. We want to be able to look back on these travel videos and remember this time in our lives. Feel free to follow along!

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*affiliate links - by purchasing through this link we may earn a commission which will be used to keep us on the road for longer!

боянска църква sofiya bŭlgariya rilski manastir rila monastery traventuria рилски манастир boyana church tour monasterio de rila monasterio de rila, sofiya bŭlgariya, alexander nevsky cathedral, boyana church tour, rila monastery traventuria

Ancient Secret Village in Transylvania, Hidden Gem ????

Transylvania is best known as the mysterious land of bloodthirsty vampires and howling wolves. Some may think it’s fictional, but this central Romanian region is a real place. And it’s pretty special, too.
Bordered to the east by the Carpathian Mountains, ‘the land beyond the forest’ still feels undiscovered. So, pack your garlic – here’s the lowdown on one of Eastern Europe’s most captivating regions.

Transylvania is home to some of Europe's best-preserved medieval towns.

When they think about Transylvania, most tourists have a completely different picture in mind as opposed to reality. Probably because of Dracula’s myth and everything that’s been pictured in movies and books about this Romanian region, there are certain misconceptions that have become so widely spread that it’s hard to tell what’s a fact and what’s simply a myth.

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Hotel Transylvania 3 in Real Life 2019 - Hidden Gem Ancient Village

#Hidden #Village #Transylvania

Alba Iulia: R 16352 train (Alba Iulia - Zlatna H). DMU nr. 97-0527-1

Alba Iulia: tren R 16352 (Alba Iulia - Zlatna H). Automotor nr. 97-0527-1.


Mergând pe drumul pitoresc care urcă, prin Apuseni, dinspre Alba-Iulia către Arieșeni vei fi cu siguranță furat de frumusețea răpitoare a locurilor. Însă, odată trecut de Zlatna, la intrarea în Botești, o banală curbă îți va aduce în fața ochilor o imagine la care nu te așteptai: un castel în toată splendoarea lui.



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