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10 Best place to visit in Waldsassen Germany


Königssee - das verbotene Paradies in Deutschland - Part 1

#königssee #berchtesgaden #watzmann

Der Königssee hat alles was das Naturherz begehrt. Wasserfälle, Trinkwasserqualität, Eishöhlen, Naturbecken - umgeben vom Watzmann, dem zweithöchsten Berg Deutschlands.

???????????? Königssee - das verbotene Paradies in Deutschland Part 2 inkl. pers. Statement:

Dieses Video wurde bereits im Jahr 2018 auf der BERGinale, dem AlpenCongress, zur Inspirationszwecken veröffentlicht.

Heute - umstritten und von den Medien zur populistischen Zwecken benutzt, spaltet es Naturfreunde.

Sofern ihr plant diesen wunderschönen Ort zu besuchen - achtet bitte auf die Gefahren an den Naturbecken! Hier sind Menschen bereits ums Leben gekommen! Auch das Betreten der Eishöhlen ist auf eigene Gefahr - hier kann es jederzeit zum Einstürzen kommen!

Respektiert die Natur, nimmt bitte euren Müll mit!

Bitte beachtet auch die zusätzliche Stellungnahme, bevor ihr dieses Video bewertet.

Die Drohnenaufnahmen sind nicht im Bereich des Nationalparks entstanden - informiert euch über die geltenden Abgrenzungen.

Parking: 47.591976, 12.988154
Ice Cave: 47.542995, 12.936834 - you need to take the boat to St. Bartholomä
Viewpoint Malerwinkel: 47.582754, 12.992804
Viewpoint Rabenwand 47.583304, 12.997411
Tree Jumping: On the way to waterfall along the shore

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Why Do Germans Vacation Here? | MALLORCA SPAIN

In this video we head to the most popular vacationing destination for Germans, Mallorca. We try to discover what makes this island so popular. We did some amazing hiking and saw some beautiful coastline and visited the popular Ballerman beach area. This island is a quick and cheap destination with lots of sunshine and warm weather. What do you think about Mallorca? Leave a comment below where you like to getaway for a beach vacation.

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#mallorca #hiking #beaches

Best places to visit

Best places to visit - Waldsassen (Germany) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

Germany's MOST FASCINATING Travel Destinations

You think you know Deutschland? Think again! From old pagan pillars worshipped by the Nazi regime to creepy castles that inspired famous novels. Today you're going to learn about amazing yet shocking sights in the land of architects and beer that you've never heard of before.

Visit for more videos and information about Germany, the German language and Get Germanized.

(00:00-00:15) Intro
(00:15-01:11) Rakotzbrücke:
(01:11-01:58) Liquidrom:
(01:58-03:05) Castle Frankenstein:
(03:05-03:56) AquaDom:
(03:56-04:32) The Green Vault:
(04:32-05:20) Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe:
(05:20-06:13) Fancy skeletons in Germany:

(06:13-07:08) Saalfeld Fairy Grottoes:
(07:08-08:00) Externsteine:
(08:00-09:04) Michaelskapelle Ossuary:
(09:04-09:50) Tiger & Turtle Magic Mountain:
(09:50-10:11) Outro



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Best places to visit - Tirschenreuth (Germany) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

Waldsassen Basilica | Skeleton Church

In this video we go to Waldsassen to see the Basilica Waldsassen. This church is known for its impressive decor and the skeletons of 10 christian martyrs that adorn the inside. Also on the grounds in an active abbey with the most beautiful library I have ever seen.
Music @tellyourstorymusicbyikson Youth

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Best places to visit - Wangen im Allgäu (Germany) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

Best places to visit

Best places to visit - Waldershof (Germany) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

Stationed at Graf? Here's a bunch of day trips under 1.5 hours away [Germany + Czech Republic]

Thanks for watching! Please let us know if you'd like a video on any one of these locations.

Our other videos about this area:
- 10 Hiking Locations near Graf:
- 10 Castle Ruins near Graf:
- 8 Things to do in Pottenstein:
- The Garden Art Museum and Salamander Trail:
- Waldeck Castle Ruins:
- Our Baernfels Video:
- St. Emmerams Cathedral in Regensburg:
- A Day Trip to Kronach:
- Our day trip video of Cadolzburg:
- A day trip to Coburg:

Further info:
- Parkstein Volcano Museum:
- Speinshart Kloster:
- Kloster to Barbaraberg Hike:
- More on Barbaraberg:
- Kemnath carp trail:
- Baeker Adl History:
- Amberg Tourism website:
- Sand Skiing World Championship:
- Monte Kaolino Dune:
- Goessweinstein Walking Tour:
- Things to do in Erlangen:
- Regensburg Danube Boat Tours:
- Karlovy Vary Tourism Website:
- Pilsen things to do:
- Dragon Festival Website:
- Weltenburg Abbey Boat Schedule:
- Weltenburg Abbey Church Website:
- Fuerth things to do:
- Fuerth things to do:

Affiliate Links:
- The hotel that inspired The Grand Budapest Hotel:
- Spa Hotels to stay at in Karlovy Vary:
- Spa Hotels to stay at in Mariánské Lázně:
- Hotels in Pilsen:
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- Hotels in Graf:
- Hotels in Regensburg:
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Roadtrip Bayern/Tschechien mit Vespa - Wildstein / Skalnà - Stiftsbasilika Waldsassen

Heute ging es über Eger / Cheb nach Wildstein / Skalnà zum Schnitzelfranz und danach zur Stiftsbasilika Waldsassen.

00:00 Anfang
00:06 Tagesplan
00:55 Abfahrt
02:55 Waldsassen
03:36 Hallo Tschechien
04:30 Anfahrt Asian Dragon Basar
05:35 Fahrt durch Eger / Cheb nach Wildstein / Skalnà
10:03 Beim Schnitzel-Franz
10:42 Abfahrt nach Waldsassen
13:50 Hallo Deutschland
14:10 An der Stiftsbasilika Waldsassen
15:38 Tourübersicht und Abspann

Basilika in Waldsassen

Diese Aufnahmen wurden in der Basilika in Waldsassen erstellt.

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Best places to visit

Best places to visit - Höchstadt an der Aisch (Germany) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

Best places to visit

Best places to visit - Höchstädt an der Donau (Germany) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

D: Hundsbach. Stadt Waldsassen. Landkreis Tirschenreuth. Ortsdurchfahrt. Februar 2018

Hundsbach. Stadt Waldsassen. Landkreis Tirschenreuth. Oberpfalz. Bayern. Bavaria. Ortsdurchfahrt von Svatý Kříž (CZ) kommend in Richtung Neualbenreuth . Februar 2018


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???????? DONAUWÖRTH | GERMANY | PART 1 | From the train station to the town hall

*** Sorry for the lower image quality! I made the mistake to record the video in Full HD ***

Join us in this tour through the Swabian Pearl at the Romantic Route!

Donauwörth is one of the most important town in the Bavarian District of Schwaben. With only 20,000 inhabitants, it plays an important role in the region, though.

In this first video we'll start at the train station and finish at the town hall!

Last Summer by Ikson: Music promoted by Audio Library

Instagram: @travelinginfirstperson

Camera GoPro Hero 8 Black 1920 x 1080p 60fps

0:00 Intro
0:28 Bahnhofstraße
5:50 Sebastian-Franck-Brücke
6:39 Hindenburgstraße
8:26 Fischerplatz
9:10 Riedertor
10:03 Spitalstraße
10:47 Town Hall


Musik Trevor Pinnock-Brandenburg Concerto No.3 In G, BWV 1048: 1. (Without Tempo Indication), tonaufnahme Verwaltet von:

Places to see in ( Bamberg - Germany ) St Michael's Church

Places to see in ( Bamberg - Germany ) St Michael's Church

Michaelsberg Abbey or Michelsberg Abbey, also St. Michael's Abbey, Bamberg is a former Benedictine monastery in Bamberg in Bavaria, Germany. After its dissolution in 1803 the buildings were used for the almshouse Vereinigtes Katharinen- und Elisabethen-Spital, which is still there as a retirement home. The former abbey church remains in use as the Michaelskirche.

The buildings are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Town of Bamberg. As of 2016 and for the foreseeable future, the church is closed for repairs. The abbey gave its name to the Michaelsberg, one of the hills of Bamberg, overlooking the town. With Bamberg Cathedral and the monasteries of St. Stephan and St. Gangolf it formed part of a T-shaped cross in Bamberg's topography.

The hill is the most prominent spur of the Steigerwald in the municipal area and with its steep eastern decline towards the Regnitz is significantly higher than the Domberg. This contributes to the dominant effect of the abbey buildings. The hill was inhabited before the abbey was founded. Excavations have uncovered massive walls and a moat from the 10th century.

Heinrich supported the abbey with rich gifts, including properties. Three books with which the abbey was initially endowed are still in the Staatsbibliothek Bamberg. The abbey followed the Hirsau Reforms, which also resulted in the building of a new church. The chronicler and author Frutolf of Michelsberg was prior here until his death in 1103. The abbey flourished under Bishop Otto (d. 1139), whose burial in the abbey church and subsequent canonisation in 1189, together with the papal protection granted to the abbey in 1251, was of enormous advantage in increasing the independence of the abbey from the bishops.

Due to its exposed location on top of the hill, the former abbey buildings are visible from many places in Bamberg. The structures enhance the impact on the viewer by their bulk. The Wirtschaftsgebäude and living quarters built during the Baroque period from massive sandstone surround the substantial two-spired church. In turn they are enveloped by the terrace gardens which surround the abbey on three sides. The palace-like three-storied main wing faces north, towards the Main.

( Bamberg - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Bamberg . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Bamberg - Germany

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