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10 Best place to visit in Viişoara Romania


Romanian Country LIFE | The County of GORJ, OLTENIA - Most Beautiful County in ROMANIA? (2021) ????????

Travelling to my grandparents house in the county of Gorj, Oltenia situated in the western side of Romania. This is where I grew up during my school summer holidays, and now coming back to see these places brings up loads of beautiful memories. We take you with us on this adventure. Enjoy!

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#Oltenia #Gorj #Romania

Bistrita, Romania, Maramures and Bucovina ep14- travel video vlog tourism calatorie

Bistrița, este municipiul de reședință al județului Bistrița-Năsăud, Transilvania, România, format din localitățile componente Bistrița (reședința), Ghinda, Sărata, Sigmir, Slătinița, Unirea și Viișoara. Este și cel mai mare oraș din acest județ, cu o populație de 78,877 locuitori (2021). Ocupă o suprafață de 14.547 ha.

Bistrița is the municipality of residence of Bistrița-Năsăud county, Transylvania, Romania, consisting of the component localities of Bistrița (residence), Ghinda, Sărata, Sigmir, Slătinița, Unirea and Viișoara. It is also the largest city in this county, with a population of 78,877 inhabitants (2021). It occupies an area of 14,547 ha.

Video by Constantin Florea

#travel #video #calatorie #calatorii #vlog #tourism #circuit #vacanta #yo8bse #piatraneamt #romania #moldavia #costiflorea #floreaconstantin #costitravel #helloholidays


Städte in Rumänien

Städte in Rumänien
-orase romanesti in limba germana-

Hotel Bistrita, Bistriţa, Romania

Hotel Bistrita, Bistriţa, Romania
About Property:
The Bistrita hotel enjoys a quiet location in the historic centre of Bistrita and offers you modernly furnished rooms with free Wi-Fi, free parking on site and a 24-hour reception.
All rooms in the Bistrita hotel are air-conditioned and equipped with a satellite TV.
The restaurant serves tasty Romanian and international cuisine.
Booking or More Details:
Property Type: Hotel
Address: Piata Petru Rares nr.2, 420087 Bistriţa, Romania
Searching For
1. Hotel Bistrita - Bistriţa - Romania
2. Hotel Bistrita - Bistriţa - Romania Address
3. Hotel Bistrita - Bistriţa - Romania Rooms
4. Hotel Bistrita - Bistriţa - Romania Amenities
5. Hotel Bistrita - Bistriţa - Romania Offers and Deals
Audio Credit:
Track Title: Blank Slate
Artist: VYEN
* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Holiday with Falguni.
Copyright issue? Please contact us and for getting more information you can find contact details on the about us page of the channel.
*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
#HolidaywithFalguni #HotelBistritaBistriţa #HotelBistritaBistriţaRomania


Moldova officially the Republic of Moldova (Romanian: Republica Moldova) is a Sovereign State in Eastern Europe. It is bordered by Romania to the west and Ukraine to the north, east, and south with which a deal was struck in 2005 for access to the Black Sea, ending Moldova's landlocked status. The unrecognised, breakaway region of Transnistria lies across the Dniester on the country's eastern border with Ukraine. The capital and largest city is Chișinău.

Most of Moldovan territory was a part of the Principality of Moldavia from the 14th century until 1812, when it was ceded to the Russian Empire by the Ottoman Empire (to which Moldavia was a vassal state) and became known as Bessarabia. In 1856, southern Bessarabia was returned to Moldavia, which three years later united with Wallachia to form Romania, but Russian rule was restored over the whole of the region in 1878. During the 1917 Russian Revolution, Bessarabia briefly became an autonomous state within the Russian Republic, known as the Moldavian Democratic Republic. In February 1918, the Moldavian Democratic Republic declared independence and then integrated into Romania later that year following a vote of its assembly. The decision was disputed by Soviet Russia, which in 1924 established, within the Ukrainian SSR, a Moldavian autonomous republic (MASSR) on partially Moldovan-inhabited territories to the east of Bessarabia.

In 1940, as a consequence of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, Romania was compelled to cede Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina to the Soviet Union, leading to the creation of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic (Moldavian SSR), which included the greater part of Bessarabia and the westernmost strip of the former MASSR (east of the Dniester River). On 27 August 1991, as the dissolution of the Soviet Union was underway, the Moldavian SSR declared independence
. This makes for a total of 1,682 localities in Moldova, two of which are uninhabited

Largest cities of Moldova

Rank City Urban
1 Chișinău1 644,204 (2014) 11 Comrat 20,113 (2014)
2 Tiraspol2 129,500 (2015) 12 Strășeni 18,376 (2014)
3 Bălți1 102,457 (2014) 13 Durlești 17,210 (2014)
4 Bender2 91,000 (2015) 14 Ceadîr-Lunga 16,605 (2014)
5 Rîbnița2 46,000 (2015) 15 Căușeni 15,939 (2014)
6 Ungheni3 30,804 (2014) 16 Codru 15,934 (2014)
7 Cahul3 30,018 (2014) 17 Edineț 15,520 (2014)
8 Soroca3 22,196 (2014) 18 Drochia 13,150 (2014)
9 Orhei3 21,065 (2014) 19 Ialoveni 12,515 (2014)
10 Dubăsari3 25,700 (2011) 20 Hîncești
The largest city in Moldova is Chișinău with a population of 635,994 people.

Main article: Geography of Moldova

Scenery in Moldova, with Dniester River

Beach on the shore of Dniester River near Vadul lui Vodă
Moldova lies between latitudes 45° and 49° N, and mostly between meridians 26° and 30° E (a small area lies east of 30°). The total land area is 33,851 km2 (13,070 sq mi)

The largest part of the country (around 88% of the area) lies in Bessarabia region, between Prut and Dniester rivers, while a narrow strip in the east is located in Transnistria (east of the Dniester). The western border of Moldova is formed by the Prut river, which joins the Danube before flowing into the Black Sea. Moldova has access to the Danube for only about 480 m (1,575 ft), and Giurgiulești is the only Moldovan port on the Danube. In the east, the Dniester is the main river, flowing through the country from north to south, receiving the waters of Răut, Bîc, Ichel, Botna. Ialpug flows into one of the Danube limans, while Cogâlnic into the Black Sea chain of limans.

The country is landlocked, though it is close to the Black Sea; at its closest point it is separated from the Dniester Liman, an estuary of the Black Sea, by only 3 km of Ukrainian territory. While most of the country is hilly, elevations never exceed 430 m (1,411 ft) – the highest point being the Bălănești Hill. Moldova's hills are part of the Moldavian Plateau, which geologically originate from the Carpathian Mountains. Its subdivisions in Moldova include the Dniester Hills (Northern Moldavian Hills and Dniester Ridge), the Moldavian Plain (Middle Prut Valley and Bălți Steppe), and the Central Moldavian Plateau (Ciuluc-Soloneț Hills, Cornești Hills—Codri Massive, Codri meaning forests—Lower Dniester Hills, Lower Prut Valley, and Tigheci Hills). In the south, the country has a small flatland, the Bugeac Plain. The territory of Moldova east of the river Dniester is split between parts of the Podolian Plateau, and parts of the Eurasian Steppe.

The country's main cities are the capital Chișinău, in the centre of the country, Tiraspol (in the eastern region of Transnistria), Bălți (in the north) and Bender (in the south-east). Comrat is the administrative centre of Gagauzia. go here

Destinatia Romania - Targoviste

Un fragment din emisiunea Destinatia Romania, realizata in 2001; redactor Bianca Melinte. Orasul Targoviste si Curtea Domneasca.

Colibaşi Mioveni 73D Große Walachei Rumänien Romania 18.4.2016

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Pomenirea morților în ziua de Paște la STRUNGA (Județul Iași, România)

Vă rog să activați subtitrarea în românește!
Strunga este satul reședință al comunei Strunga, situat lângă orașul Târgu Frumos, la 55 km de municipiul Iași. Calendarul creștin-ortodox conține mai multe zile (în special de sâmbătă) dedicate cultului (pomenirii) morților. La Strunga există tradiția ca pomenirea morților să se facă și în prima zi de Paște, duminica. Ea adună fii satului ca să cinstească rudele răposate și vin atât locuitorii satului, cât și cei plecați spre alte colțuri ale lumii. Înspre amiază, curtea din fața bisericii se umple de oameni care așază pe mese lungi bucatele aduse. Acestea reproduc, în linii mari, coșurile pascale care se sfințesc în noaptea de Înviere. Sunt nelipsite cozonacii, ouăle roșii și vinul. Tradiția sfințirii de Paște a bucatelor reprezintă speranţa credincioșilor în Învierea cea de pe urmă și de care se vorbeşte în Sfânta Scriptură. Preotul satului ține slujba de pomenire și citește din pomelnice numele morților. În timpul slujbei, oamenii prezenți se roagă pentru sufletele răposaților. La finalul slujbei, are loc binecuvântarea bucatelor. Preotul stropește cu aghiasmă, rând pe rând, toate coșurile și platourile cu bucate. Cozonacul îl reprezintă pe Hristos, iar ouăle roșii (colorate) sunt simbolul renaşterii şi al noii vieţi.
După slujba de pomenire și de binecuvântare a bucatelor ce se face cu toată lumea, oamenii se îndreaptă spre morminte. Oamenii stau la morminte cu lumânări aprinse şi cu bunătăţi pascale pregătite pentru a fi date ca pomană în amintirea răposaților. Preotul paroh și dascălul merg pe rând la fiecare mormânt şi cântă „Hristos a înviat din morţi, cu moartea pe moarte călcând şi celor din morminte viaţă dăruindu-le!. Deseori oamenii întâmpină preotul la mai multe morminte, în funcție de rudele îngropate. Preotul stropește (toarnă) cu vin pe mormânt, pentru fiecare defunct în parte. Vinul semnifică curgerea sângelui prin trupurile înviate din morți. Pomenirea morţilor subliniază legătura de sânge dintre cei vii şi cei adormiţi. După trecerea preotului, bucatele pregătite sunt date de pomană copiilor, nevoiașilor, cerșetorilor, dar și persoanelor de la mormintele învecinate.

Pietrari Bârzeşti Negruleşti Costeşti Tomşani Horezu 67 Kleine Walachei Romania Rumänien 19.4.2016

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Orţişoara Corneşti E671 69 Banat Rumänien Romania 16.4.2016

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Ciupercenii de Olteţ Poienari 67 Kleine Walachei Romania Rumänien 19.4.2016

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Viisoara in prag de sarbatoare (BISTRITA NASAUD)



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Track list:
1. Starfields - Hallman
2. Tomas Skyldeberg - Our Destiny

Hotel Bistrita, Durau, Romania

Hotel Bistrita, Durau, Romania
About Property:
You're eligible for a Genius discount at Hotel Bistrita! To save at this property, all you have to do is sign in.
Hotel Bistrita lies at the foot of the Ceahlău Massif in the secluded Durău Ski Resort. The property offers massage services and features a terrace, sauna and restaurant.
All rooms are decorated with classical-style wooden furniture at Bistrita Hotel. A seating area with a flat-screen TV, minibar and p...
Booking or More Details:
Property Type: Hotel
Address: loc. Ceahlau, 617130 Durau, Romania
Searching For
1. Hotel Bistrita - Durau - Romania
2. Hotel Bistrita - Durau - Romania Address
3. Hotel Bistrita - Durau - Romania Rooms
4. Hotel Bistrita - Durau - Romania Amenities
5. Hotel Bistrita - Durau - Romania Offers and Deals
Audio Credit:
Track Title: Reasons To Hope
Artist: Reed Mathis
* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Holiday with Falguni.
Copyright issue? Please contact us and for getting more information you can find contact details on the about us page of the channel.
*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
#HolidaywithFalguni #HotelBistritaDurau #HotelBistritaDurauRomania

From Moldova to Romania, 2022

Salut! Buna ziua! Вiтаю! Hi!

From Moldova to Romania, 2022

Somewhere near Romania. Galloping from Moldova to Romania for vacation in 2022.

Din Moldova în România, 2022
Undeva lângă România. Galopând din Moldova în România pentru vacanță în 2022.

About music in video:
1) Band: Harmasar
Genre: Folk/Pagan Metal
Country: Republic of Moldova
Year: 2015
Music & Lyrics: Harmasar
Co-producers: Igor Buzurniuc, Lilian Severin
Mixed by Ilie Dobrov
Recorded at Polidisc Studio
Facebook Page:

2) Nermin F. Sabry
Song: Moldavian

#moldova #moldovamea #travel2022

OVERNIGHT TRAIN From ROMANIA To MOLDOVA | أغرب رحلة قطار في العالم بين رومانيا ومولدوفا


27 Hour Travel Day Romania To Moldova | Sleeper Train With No Bed ????????????????

We left the far western Romanian city of Timisoara on the 18 hour sleeper train to Iasi in far eastern Romania. The only problem was we had to pay 25 quid for a seat instead of a sleeping cabin because they book up weeks in advance...

We arrived in Iasi and had to wait around again for hours for a minibus that would then take us across the border to the northern Moldovan city of Balti. Here we got picked up by our host and taken to the beautiful Moldovan village of Chiscareni where we will see you next time.

The travel day took over 27 hours with hardly any sleep atall but oh well it is what it is sometimes it's all about the journey.

If you want us to keep travelling and giving back to local people you can support us right here -
Revolut - @xellisridingx

Any donations are greatly appreciated and will always go to local businesses!

Camera Used: Sony FDR X3000


0:00 Timisoara Train Station Far West Romania
1:54 Romanian Sleeper Train Tour
6:00 Snacks For The Journey
7:04 Vendor Lady On Train
9:32 Bed Time
11:29 Made It To Iasi Far East Romania
14:01 Bus To Balti Moldova
15:07 Picked Up And Driving To Chiscareni Village Moldova

Vlog de călătorie| Târgoviște

Video nou, vlog de călătorie la Târgoviște, am fost la curtea domnească,un complex de clădiri și fortificații medievale ce au avut rol de reședința a unor voievozi ai Țării Românești și totodată,punct relativ important in sistemul defensiv al țării.

Instagram: hai_hui_in_2
Multimim pentru susținere!❤️

Romania Road to Moldova, Gopro / Roumanie Route vers la Moldavie, Gopro

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Hors Frontieres, world tour continues. Already more than 160 countries visited. And as always, here is the full video of this great human adventure.
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Le tour du monde d'Hors Frontières continue. Déjà plus de 160 pays visités. Et comme toujours, voici les vidéos complètes de cette formidable aventure humaine. Si vous aimez mon travail, abonnez-vous à ma chaîne. Vous serez ainsi les premiers informés des nouvelles publications.

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Unirea Acasă în satele Crocmaz și Viișoara

Echipa Dediu Productions a ajuns în satele Crocmaz și Viișoara din raionul Ștefan Vodă. Am avut ca scop să informăm cât mai mulți oameni despre avantajele integrării europene prin Unirea cu România.

Romania Ukraine Border Crossing FAIL

Can you cross the river between Ukraine and Romania? We tried to cross Tisa river and got to bathe in international waters. What did this experience teach us in the end? Check out the video :)

We explore Romania, with the Romanian culture, Romanian food, Romanian traditions in all the Romanian historical regions like Muntenia with Bucharest, Transylvania with Bran, Brasov, Moeciu and the Transylvanian villages, Moldova with Roman and so on. Any suggestions? Drop us a comment!

#romania #transylvania #oradea

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