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10 Best place to visit in Videm pri Ptuju Slovenia


Zreče Slovenia (4K)


Slovenia at the WTM London 2019

Slovenia at the WTM London 2019: an active green destination offering a broad range of culinary and cultural experiences.

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Reka Dravinja - Hitra in drzna / River Dravinja fast and furious

English translation at the end.

Dravinja je reka na Štajerskem. Izvira na Pohorju, bolj natančno jugozahodno od Rogle na nadmorski višini okrog 1200 m. Njen najpomembnejši pritok je Polskava. Pomembnejši kraji, mimo katerih teče Dravinja, so Zreče, Slovenske Konjice, Poljčane, Makole, Majšperk, Ptujska Gora ter Videm.

V zgornjem toku ima reka velik strmec ter čisto vodo, bogato z ribami. Tam je uvrščena v 1. kakovostni razred. Na svoji poti do Vidma pa zaradi komunalnih in industrijskih odplak zapade v tretji oziroma četrti kakovostni razred. Rečni režim je dežno-snežni, s prvim maksimumom v novembru ter drugim v maju. Energetsko moč so v preteklosti izkoriščali številni mlini in žage, ki so danes večinoma opuščeni. Reka zaradi močnejših padavin kljub regulacijam v spodnjem toku pogosto poplavlja.

The Dravinja (German: Drann) is the largest tributary of the Drava River in Slovenia. It is 73 kilometres (45 mi) long.[1] Its source is on the Pohorje Massif southwest of Mount Rogla about 1,150 m above sea level. The river passes Zreče, the town of Slovenske Konjice, the ruins of the fort at Zbelovo, Poljčane, Makole, Štatenberg Castle, Majšperk, and Videm pri Ptuju, where it merges with the Drava. Its main tributary is the Polskava River.

The Dravinja is the best-preserved lowland river in Slovenia and has been protected as part of the European Natura 2000 network.

Vir/Source: Wikipedia

Barbarno 2010.wmv

Barbarno 2010- organizator Društvo za oživitev gradu Borl:
Sobota, 4.12.2010 na gradu Borl: Predstavitev oltarne slike sv. Florjana, ki je bila leta 1991 ukradena. Gospod Riemer je sliko našel, restavriral in vrnil.
Nedelja, 5.12.2010: Semanji dan s kokošjo obaro, obisk grofa Saura in pestro dogajanje na trgu. Popoldan v dvorani obeležitev pet letnice ustanovitve Društva za oživitev gradu Borl. Predstavitev monografije o gradu Borl, ki jo je izdalo društvo.
Barbarno 2010- organizer was Association for castle Borl:
Saturday, December 4th 2010 on Castle Borl: Introduction of altar painting of St. Florian, which was stolen in 1991. Mr. Riemer has found the painting, restore it and returned it.
Sunday, December 5th 2010: There was a Handcraft fair with a hen soup, visit of count Sauer and different events in the Cirkulane square. In the afternoon there was the celebration of 5 years of Association establishment. There was also an introduction of book of Borl which was published by Association for castle Borl.

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