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10 Best place to visit in Vişina Romania


Am ajuns pe cea mai frumoasă plajă din România! Cazare spectaculoasă în lumea rușilor lipoveni

Continuam misiunea de a prezenta cateva dintre frumusetile tarii noastre alaturi de @UpRomaniaBucuresti si cardul Up Vacanta: de data aceasta, descoperim Delta continentala; (Jurilovca, Gura Portitei si satul Visina). #upvacanta #upromania #haihui

Cardul UpVacanta este versiunea moderna si practica de acordare a primelor si indemnizatiilor de vacanta, oferindu-le angajatilor din sectorul privat si cel public, nenumarate optiuni de a petrece timp de calitate, alaturi de cei dragi, in zilele de concediu. Acesta poate fi folosit la plata transportului, cazarii, a meselor, a tratamentelor si a serviciilor de agrement dorite.

Daca vreti si voi card Up Vacanta si nu aveti deja, intrati aici si recomandati-l angajatorilor vostri:

Aici gasiti cazarea prezentata in vlog care face parte din portofoliul UpRomania:

Jurilovca - Winner EDEN Romania 2013 - „European Destinations of Excellence

Video realized by European Commission to promote tourism in Jurilovca - 1 minute long



◯ Home page of the Granada tourist-office :

???? Location : Granada , Spain
Date recorded: September 12:30 PM Saturday
Weather: ⛅ 34 C | 93 F ????


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Granada is all about music and poetry, authentic architectural art and millennial culture. The province hugs the sky from the steep peaks of the Sierra Nevada, its monumental cities extend over the Altiplano and its white villages are scattered between valleys and slopes, which end in the cliffs and beaches of the Costa Tropical. The province of Granada, a privileged tourist destination, allows its visitors to ski in the Sierra Nevada, venture into the villages deep in the Alpujarras, travel the last frontier of Al-Andalus in the Poniente Granadino or explore the caves testifying to troglodyte life.

History :
The whole province is full of attractions for architectural and cultural tourism. The small town of Santa Fe witnessed the preparations for the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, and Fuente Vaqueros was the birthplace of Federico García Lorca, one of the most important poets and playwrights of Spanish literature.

The Granada plateau preserves the remains of a hominid dating back to one or two million years ago. The inhabitants of Baza, an Iberian people, bequeathed to posterity a relic of great historical and cultural value: the Lady of Baza (Iberian sculpture).

Countryside :
The province of Granada is characterized by a staircase of plateaus that descend from the peaks to the Mediterranean. These high plateaus and the altitude of the land make the winters very cold. This climate has a heavy influence on vegetation, agriculture, livestock and game.

The province of Granada is divided into three well-differentiated regions: the coast, the plain of Granada and the mountain region. Each of them has particular climatic, orographic, historical and geographical characteristics, which make it unique.

Around the 5th century BC. J.-C., coins minted by the Turdules testify to the origins of the capital of this superb province. In the 8th century, the Berbers conquered these lands which would reach their peak with the Nasrids, who would bring economic, social, artistic and cultural development, and whose influence remains palpable today.

Visit Granada and you will discover one of the most beautiful cities in Spain. With the peaks of the Sierra Nevada as a backdrop, this city stands out above all for its architecture and its emblematic monuments, such as the Alhambra. To help you organize your stay in Granada more easily, we have listed the best things to do in Granada: you will know everything to visit the beautiful Andalusian.

In 2019 Granada had a population of 232,462 people, of whom 124,907 were women and 107,555 men. The neighborhoods it has are very different from each other, partly due to the diversity of coexisting cultures and religions and, already in the 19th century, xx, due to the continued immigration that occurred until the 1990s in the context of de-ruralization; the most important are Zaidín, La Chana, Centro-Sagrario, Realejo, Albaicín, Sacromonte and Cartuja.

#granada #spain #andalusia #travel #beautifulplaces #spanish

世界上空氣最好的地方,世界五大婚禮及蜜月勝地之一,被稱為天堂的原型,Mauritius,the best wedding honeymoon destination in the world

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10 Carreteras Más Peligrosas del Mundo | TOPDARK.COM

Estos caminos exigen lo último en destreza de conducción y se han vuelto famosos por sus desniveles, pasos estrechos, condiciones difíciles y terreno implacable. Entonces, ya sea que quieras planificar tu próxima expedición o simplemente asustarte, aquí tienes 10 de las carreteras más peligrosas y espeluznantes que te dejarán sin aliento.

Suscríbete y activa la campanita de notificaciones para que no te pierdas ninguno de nuestros trabajos recientes.


0:00 Introducción
0:34 Carretera de la Montaña Tianmen, China
1:44 Carretera de Nor Yungas, Bolivia
3:09 Paso Stelvio Italia
4:22 Carretera del Océano Atlantico Noruega
5:37 Paso Los Caracoles, Chile
6:44 Carretera Transfagarasan, Rumania
8:01 El Paso de Gois, Francia
10:22 Carretera Cañón de los Capitanes, Nueva Zelanda
10:25 Carretera Canon de los Capitanes, Nueva Zelanda
11:34 de Hadas, Pakistán

世界上最大的地下葡萄酒窖,200公里長,在歐洲最窮的國家,Moldova,Milestii Mici,Cricova,The world's largest wine cellar

大家好 歡迎收看 《行影步離》
20世紀60年代末,原本的石灰岩礦關閉之後,其內部的坑道便成了完美的葡萄酒窖。綿延240多公里約85米深的地下空間中,溫度常年穩定在10攝氏度左右,穩定的濕度為葡萄酒的釀造創造了理想的條件,其中超過55公里的隧道被用作葡萄酒廊。米列什蒂密茨酒廠的定位為二級釀酒廠,酒窖中則保存著摩爾多瓦最好的葡萄酒,其中比較高端的是1973 - 74年生產,每瓶價值480歐元,目前只出口到日本,其他類型的葡萄酒則會出口到美國 俄羅斯 中國以及歐洲一些國家。
不過摩爾多瓦並不是一個非常安全的國家,自從蘇聯解體後,這個國家因能源短缺,政治動盪 缺乏貿易 調控不當等原因,經濟一度陷入危機,至今仍是歐洲最貧窮的國家,其人均GDP僅有兩千多美元,基本上是一個完完全全的農業國,國民經濟嚴重依賴於農業和釀酒業,同時在人類發展指數排名方面,摩爾多瓦也是歐洲國家當中得分最低的。
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Cele mai frumoase drumuri din Romania: DJ155F Durau - Izvorul Muntelui // Axial

Cea mai placuta surpriza din tura noastra cu motocicletele prin Bucovina a fost drumul Axial de la Durau la Izvorul Muntelui, pe partea vestica a lacului Bicaz, un drum modernizat (re-asfaltat) acum mai putin de doi ani, care serpuieste prin padure.
Pe langa faptul ca este extrem de placut sa mergi pe aici cu motocicleta, avand in vedere ca drumul clasic de la Poiana Largului la Bicaz e rupt in doua si se tot lucreaza, varianta aceasta Axiala devine singura si totodata cea mai buna solutie.
Cum sa ajungeti aici aflati de pe site:

Bumbesti-jiu spre Visina E79 intrare Defileul Jiului

Bumbesti-jiu spre Visina E79 intrare defileul Jiului

WE GOT A JAPANESE CAMPERVAN!! (You've never seen one like this Micro RV)

Winter Vanlife in Japan starts now!! We had no idea what to expect from vanlife in Japan and let's just say it has surprised us A LOT! We have some crazy plans to take this Japanese Micro RV Campervan right to the top of Japan in search of the snow and enjoy the incredibly beautiful landscapes this country has to offer!

Did you know about the Japanese Alps? Snow topped mountains up the spine of Japan? Did you know about the thousands of kilometres of rugged coastline? Did you know about the hundreds of free rest stations across the country? We are learning alot about this country, and we are excited to share it all with you!

Vanlife in Japan has started with a bang and we are pumped to bring you guys along on our Winter adventure!

Check out Tokyo RV Campers :


We are Philly and Keely and we live full time in our tiny home on wheels Martha. After building our DIY home in a Citroen Relay camper we spent a year living on the streets of London before quitting our jobs only to be met with lockdown. Then we took our van further than she had ever been before to the very beautiful Turkey. Enroute we stopped off in Spain for a few weeks where we experienced every van lifers worst nightmare, we were robbed and they stole all valuables in our van. But now we are back on our feet, fully MOT’d and back on the road through Europe before we experienced another vanlife nightmare... our van caught fire! After the trauma of that we had a massive change of plan and have now made our way to Japan. We are starting a Japanese roadtrip and excited to bring you all along.

#vanlifejapan #japantravel #campervan #wintervanlife #vanlifewinter #japanesecampervan #traveljapan #overlandingjapan #japantravel #travelbeans #japan2023 #vanlifeuk #vanlifers #vanlifecouple #irishvloggers

0:00 – 0:55 – What brough us to Japan
0:55 – 05:04 – Getting our Micro RV Campervan
05:04 – 08:09 – Turning the van into a home
08:09 – 09:08 – Our first Park Up in Japan
09:08 – 12:18– Our first nights sleep in the campervan
12:18 – 13:15 – What Parking is Like in Japan
13:15 – 13:45 – To the beach!
13:45 - 14:28 - Philly is too big for this van!
14:28 - 16:04 - Time to cook in the van.
16:04 - 17:20 - Driving to our next park up!
17:20 - 18:30 - Our first nude Japanese Onsen
18:58 - 19: 38 - Japanese people are so kind
19:38 - 20:00 - Coffee!!
20:00 - 22:22 - Coastal Hike Keely struggles!
22:22 - 23:05 - We had no idea about Japan!
23:05 - 23:59 - Our Plan for this Japanese Roadtrip
23:52 - 24:12 - Coming next!

SUBSCRIBE if you are interested in our travels, van build, daily van life content and maybe some more vegan cooking too.
You can follow our INSTAGRAM @chapterby_chapter
Or check out our blogs on:

Ireland Roadtrip –
Turkey Roadtrip -
Spanish Roadtrip -
Croatia Roadtrip -
Serbia Roadtrip -

Below is the gear we use for vlogging as a few people have asked what we use. Be aware we are amazon affiliates, so if you buy through these links we will get a small amount at no extra cost to yourselves. Ask us any questions about this stuff, so far we genuinely recommend all of it. Obviously the drone is my fave camera of all!

Sony a7C Our beautiful new camera
Rode Micropro+
DJI Osmo Pocket
Sony RX100 Vii Camera
Go Pro Hero 9
DJI Mini 2
Relano LED Light



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Comuna Mogoșani ( Găești ), Judetul Dambovita - cautam un loc frumos

Calatoria noastra cu autorulota prin Romania continua in judetul Dambovita, pe langa localitatea Gaesti, Comuna Mogosani. Aici sunt locuri in natura, de-a lungul raului Arges.

Filmat cu:
DJI Mavic Mini:
GoPro Hero 8:

【SUB】ドゥブロヴニク(ドブロブニク)城壁めぐり│観光見どころ・注意点・おすすめ│レア情報充実│クロアチアVlog │クロアチア観光






0:00 オープニング
0:27 ドゥブロヴニク旧市街城壁チケット情報
1:06 城壁ピレ門入口からの上り
2:48 城壁ピレ門上のビュースポット風景
4:46 旧聖クララ修道院
5:28 ロヴリエナツ要塞
5:56 城壁南側(海側)
10:16 城壁外のブジャカフェ・バー
10:28 城壁から見える学校
15:24 アート・ギャラリー
16:27 聖イヴァン要塞・海洋博物館の城壁出入口
18:45 プロチェ門やドミニコ会修道院近くの城壁出入口
21:43 ミンチェッタ要塞
24:23 フランシスコ会修道院


◇【クロアチア】ドゥブロヴニク2021ダイジェスト[Croatia] Dubrovnik 2021 Digest

◇【ドゥブロヴニク】5つ星憧れホテル、エクセルシオール2021[Dubrovnik] 5-star longing hotel, Excelsior 2021

◇ドゥブロヴニク(ドブロブニク)冬のイルミネーション│クリスマス│クロアチアVlog │クロアチア観光


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クロアチア旅ソムリエ *

フヴァル島で民宿を営みながら クロアチア政府公認ガイドや医療通訳、メディアコーディネータとして活動中。 詳しくはこちら




#Dubrovnik wall

Roman Forum & Palatine Hill Tour - Rome, Italy - 4K60fps with Captions - Prowalk Tours

This walking tour of the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill in Rome, Italy was filmed on Friday May 13th, 2022 at 10:36 am starting at the scenic lookout on the Palatine Hill.
????️Map of the Walk - ????️

For the best viewing experience, be sure to watch on a large smart TV like the Samsung Frame. Closed Captions [CC] which include historical facts and descriptions are available in all languages. This tour was filmed using amazing Binaural Audio ???? which is a method of recording sound that uses two microphones, arranged with the intent to create a 3-D stereo sound sensation for the listener of actually being there.


????Complete List of Walks: ????
???? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????! ???? -
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???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????
0:00 Intro and Map
1:25 Palatine Hill Lookout
4:35 Piazza del Campidoglio
13:15 Septimius Severus Arch
20:42 Via dei Fori Imperiali
30:16 Roman Forum Entrance
32:44 Temple of Caesar
35:40 Curia Julia
37:50 Forum of Caesar
45:55 Basilica Emilia
52:00 Basilica Julia
53:18 Lacus Curtius and Column of Phocas
55:25 Septimius Severus Arch
59:32 Temple of Saturn
1:0:07 Portico degli Dei Consenti
1:02:15 Temple of Vespasian and Titus
1:06:49 Temple of Divus Augustus
1:08:35 Oratorio dei Quaranta Martiri
1:09:42 Santa Maria Antiqua
1:12:38 Fonte di Giuturna
1:12:56 Temple of the Castors
1:13:48 Temple of Vesta
1:14:16 Antoninus and Faustina Temple
1:16:15 Temple of Romulus
1:21:44 House of the Vestal Virgins
1:31:57 Basilica of Maxentius
1:36:47 Colosseum
1:38:09 Temple of Venus and Roma
1:41:07 Museum of the Roman Forum
1:52:49 Arch of Titus
1:58:07 Nymphaeum of the Rain - Farnese Gardens
2:03:32 Palatine Hill
2:06:01 Palatine Stadium
2:13:53 Palace of Domitian
2:14:41 Fountain of the Pelte
2:18:10 Circus Maximus
2:21:47 Cenatio Iovis
2:24:41 Aula Regia (Royal Hall)
2:26:29 Casina Farnese
2:31:32 Village of Romulus
2:37:57 Observation Deck
2:41:55 Terrazza Belvedere
2:47:53 Farnese Gardens
2:59:37 Barberini Vineyard
3:01:29 Elagabalium

Amazon Storefront:
????Camera1: Gopro Hero 11
????Gimbal1: INKEE Falcon Plus
????Camera Monopod:
????Camera2: Sony a7siii:
Camera Lens:
????In-Ear Monitors:

✔️Let's connect✔️

No part of this video may be used for personal or private use without written permission from Prowalk Tours. I will not remove a copyright strike after one has been issued.

#ProwalkTours #Walkingtour #romanforum

Rothenburg ob der Tauber Christmas Market - Reiterlesmarkt - 4K 60fps with Captions

This walking tour around the Christmas markets of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany was filmed on Friday, December 1st, 2023 starting at 3:26 pm in the Castle Gardens.
????️Map of the Walk - ????️

???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????
0:00 Drone intro and Map
0:52 Castle Gardens
3:46 Castle Gate
5:51 Street into town
7:41 Herrnbrunnen Fountain
*15:09 Marktplatz Christmas Market*
24:00 Georgsbrunnen Fountain
28:36 View of Market from above
36:21 Alley Market
39:01 Grüner Markt
43:56 Kirchplatz Christmas Market
55:12 White Tower
1:00:31 Markus Tower
1:01:06 Röderbrunnen
1:03:43 Röder Gate
1:10:07 Blacksmith’s House
1:17:30 Obere Schmiedgasse
*1:21:36 Plönlein/Siebers Tower*
1:27:51 Marktplatz

✔️Let's connect✔️

????Complete List of Walks: ????
???? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????! ???? -
???? Help with a donation! - ????
???? Support me on Patreon - ????
???? Become a Member - ????
????Merchandise - ????

Amazon Storefront:
????Camera: Sony a7siii:
Camera Lens:
????In-Ear Monitors:

For the best viewing experience, be sure to watch on a large smart TV like the Samsung Frame. Closed Captions [CC] which include historical facts and descriptions are available in all languages. This tour was filmed using amazing Binaural Audio ???? which is a method of recording sound that uses two microphones, arranged with the intent to create a 3-D stereo sound sensation for the listener of actually being there.

No part of this video may be used for personal or private use without written permission from Prowalk Tours. I will not remove a copyright strike after one has been issued.

#ProwalkTours #Walkingtour #christmasmarkets #rothenburgobdertauber #germany

14 Aviones Abandonados Más Impresionantes del Mundo | TOPDARK.COM

Recomendado: 15 Lugares Avandonados Más Sorprendentes de Francia, Link:

Al igual que la ropa vieja, los teléfonos móviles en desuso y los coches averiados, los aviones pueden quedar abandonados y pueden aparecer en algunos lugares inusuales cuando sucede.

Suscríbete y activa la campanita de notificaciones para que no te pierdas ninguno de nuestros trabajos recientes.


0:00 Introducción
1:02 Bartini Beriev YVA-14, Rusia
2:10 Atka B-24D Liberator, Alaska, Estados Unidos
3:13 Sukhoi Su-17 Fitter, Rusia
4:20 T-33 Lockheed, Albania
5:17 Sukhoi Su-15, Rusia
6:04 Grumman A-6 Intruder, Estados Unidos
6:53 Antonov An-10, Rusia
7:52 Hawker Siddeley Trident, Chipre
8:55 Mikoyan MIG-27, Rusia
9:37 IAR-93 Bucharest, Rumanía
10:37 Sukhoi T-4, Rusia
11:32 Restos del DC-3 de la Marina de los Estados Unidos, Islandia
12:58 Tu-104AK, Rusia
13:50 Beriev Be-12, Ucrania

TOP 12 Things to SEE and DO at GRAND TETON National Park | Travel Show | ROAD TRIP Grand Teton

Presenting our top 12 things to see and do at Grand Teton National Park as our latest national park travel show! ???? We feature the highlights of Grand Teton National Park, such as Mormon Row, the Inspiration Point hike & Hidden Falls trail, Jenny Lake trail and boat ride, Snake River views, Leigh Lake along the Beaver Creek Loop and the Taggart Lake trail. We mention some of the animals in Grand Teton National Park; we saw a moose--perhaps you will too! And as a bonus, we tell a few of the things to do in Jackson, Wyoming! Whether summer in Grand Teton or wanting some Grand Teton National Park winter, we show you how to see Grand Teton National Park, so make sure to watch this awesome national park travel vlog through until the end for what to know before you go to Grand Teton National Park!
Thank you for being a part of our Go Travel On The Cheap community; your support through watch time, likes, comments and subscriptions means more to us than you know! ????

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????Know Before You Go To BULGARIA SERIES:

????Know Before You Go to ROMANIA SERIES:

????Know Before You Go To GREECE SERIES:

???? Know Before You Go To YUCATAN MEXICO SERIES:

???? Know Before You Go To CROATIA SERIES:

???? Know Before You Go To BOSNIA SERIES:

???? Know Before You Go To SLOVENIA SERIES:

????????????To find GREAT DEALS on your next accommodation needs, please use our BOOKING.COM affiliate link: region=15734&aid=1482812&no_rooms=1&group_adults=2

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???? Music from Epidemic Sound...Considering a subscription? Please use our referral link here:
**It's a Beautiful Day, River Sam
Dust and Ashes, Many Moons Ago
Going Sailing, Isobelle Walton
Mark My Words, Pearce Roswell
Coyote Wedding, Martin Klem
Elm Lake, Elm Lake
Wonders Of Nature (Instrumental Version), Ten Towers
Salamander, Friends With Animals
Lasting Lights, Jay Varton
Dust Storm, Nylonia
Winter Birds, By Lotus

(The above links are affiliate links, meaning we might earn a little extra money if you click and make a purchase. These are at no additional cost to you and it helps support our channel!)


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Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

RILA MONASTERY | Day Trip From Sofia | BULGARIA Travel Show

Do you need to send money overseas to your family, friends or for business purposes in Bulgaria? Remitly is an easy way to transfer money internationally across 100+ currencies with no hidden fees. Funds can be received securely using convenient delivery options.
Click here to get started with our affiliate link:

We are roaming around Rila Monastery, which is a day trip from Sofia, in this Bulgaria travel show! As a place to visit in Bulgaria, tucked away in the Rila Mountains, this monastery in Bulgaria is absolutely a must-see! A Bulgaria tourist will be riveted by its one-of-a-kind colors and its many intricate frescoes. Plus its impressive defense tower makes this monastery in Bulgaria a sight to behold! We highly recommend a day in Bulgaria be spent at Rila! Make sure to watch to the end to see what April says as she takes a turn as preacher (usually it is preacher Wayne in action, but not this time, hahaha)!
Thank you for being a part of our Go Travel On The Cheap community; your support through watch time, likes, comments and subscriptions means more to us than you know! ????

????????Curious about where we'll be next? Subscribe now:
????????And hit the bell so you'll be notified of our future videos!

◾ Watch Our Other Vlogs:
????Know Before You Go to ROMANIA SERIES:

????Know Before You Go To GREECE SERIES:

???? Know Before You Go To YUCATAN MEXICO SERIES:

???? Know Before You Go To CROATIA SERIES:

???? Know Before You Go To BOSNIA SERIES:

???? Know Before You Go To SLOVENIA SERIES:


????????????To find GREAT DEALS on your next accommodation needs, please use our BOOKING.COM affiliate link: region=15734&aid=1482812&no_rooms=1&group_adults=2

????To regularly find CHEAPER PRICES for all things TRAVEL-RELATED and for ????ADDED SECURITY for your personal/business computers, we highly recommend using our affiliate link with PureVPN:

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Le Forum Romain, Saint-Pétersbourg, Le Palais Hofburg | Merveilles du Monde

En 2007, les 7 Merveilles du Monde Moderne ont été élues : le Colisée à Rome, la Grande Muraille de Chine, le Christ à Rio, le Taj Mahal en Inde, le Machu Picchu au Pérou, Chichen Itza au Mexique et Petra en Jordanie. Nous vous proposons de découvrir d'autres merveilles à travers 2 saisons de 26 documentaires de 52 minutes, chacune proposant 7 merveilles en 7 minutes.

Dans cet épisode, vous découvrirez :
00:00 Les 7 merveilles du monde moderne
00:38 La Ruta Puuc, Yucatan, Mexique
08:26 Le Palais Hofburg, Vienne, Autriche
16:05 Les anciens temples de Bagan, Birmanie
24:00 La ville coloniale de Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay
30:42 La Cité impériale de Saint-Pétersbourg, Russie
38:33 La grande Pagode de l'Oie Sauvage, Xi'an, Chine
47:10 Le Forum Romain, Rome, Italie

Réalisateur : Jacques VICHET

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Thank you for watching
Travel Doctor


Din RO in MUNTENEGRU cu Masina! CUM A FOST ?!???? Vezi Golful Kotor, TaraZipLine, Zanjic, Blue Cave!

Astazi facem o vizita in MUNTENEGRU - O tara deosebita din mai multe aspecte. Astazi vizitam: - Podul Đurđevića - Portonovi - Kotor Bay - Budva - Blue Cave - Žanjic Beach, dar si locuri panoramice cu o priveliste cu totul deosebita.

✅Booking - Denmar Apartments - WhatsApp???? +7 905 533-71-71 (Denovici, Kotor Bay, Montenegro)

????️Urmareste-ne pe Facebook:
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✅ ????

00:00 - 01:05 : Drum spre Uzice
01:06 - 01:25 : Uzice, Serbia
01:26 - 02:20 : Zlatar Lake
02:21 - 03:25 : Tara Podul Durdevița
03:26 - 05:10 : Tara Zip Line 1050m
05:11 - 06:10 : Belvedere Kotor Bay
06:11 - 06:55 : Denovici, Denmar Apartments
06:56 - 08:15 : Fort Povrsnica
08:16 - 10:20 : Kotor Bay
10:21 - 12:10 : PortoNovi
12:11 - 12:35 : Kotor Bay
12:36 - 13:35 : Belvedere Horizont Restaurant
13:36 - 14:45 : Budva Beach
14:46 - 15:15 : Feriboat
15:16 - 16:30 : Blue Cave
16:31 - 18:35 : Zanjic Beach
#travelvlog romania travel vlog
#kotorbay #tarazipline #bluecave #budva #zanjic #portonovi #muntenegru #history #zlatarlake

Umanitara de Craciun Off Road Adventure Romania in comuna Pui, Judetul Hunedoara ( Editia 41 )

Clubul Offroad Adventure Romania a inceput traditia actiunilor umanitare in sate izolate din Romania in anul de gratie 1999. Pana la inceputul pandemiei, de fiecare Paste si de fiecare Craciun am strans bani, am cumparat alimente, ne-am urcat in masini si am ajuns in comunitati uitate de lume unde am dus merinde, tablete cu softuri educationale pentru copii, computere si generatoare pentru scoli dar si sisteme solare in zone neelectrificate. Dupa exact 40 de editii, dupa actiunea de Craciun 2019 din Comuna Ponor, judetul Alba, am luat decizia cumva istorica de a pune pe pauza proiectul din cauza pandemiei.

Dar, dupa 2 ani de hiatus, timp in care clubul a reconstruit o casa in comuna Visina pentru o familie, convoiul nostru se asterne din nou la drum pentru editia numarul 41, in comuna Pui, judetul Hunedoara. Astfel ne-am strans 30 de masini 4x4 si aproape 100 de voluntari si membri off road adventure romania in traditionala parcare de la Metro Militari de unde am facut cumparaturile pentru cei 350 de adulti si cei 70 de copii pe care urma sa ii vizitam.

Umanitara este o ocazie de a da inapoi comunitatii dar si de a ne revedea si de a petrece timp alaturi de familia off road adventure romania, cu care n-am apucat sa ne vedem suficient de mult de cand a inceput pandemia. De asemenea, ca sa ne asiguram ca nu stricam mai mult decat ajutam, toata echipa a avut nevoie desigur de vaccin sau test PCR, insa aceasta formalitate nu ne-a oprit din a ne duce treaba la bun sfarsit. Am avut inca o data ocazia sa constientizam ca ne ducem viata in niste conditii de confort fantastice, ca nu ne lipseste nimic de pe masa de sarbatori si ca este de datoria noastra sa ajutam cand putem, in masura in care ne permitem, si alti oameni cu care viata a fost mai neprietenoasa.

Multumim sponsorilor si patenerilor

FAN Courier
M.S.C. International SRL
Scoala Centrala Bucuresti
Cabinet Avocatura Eliana Bogdan
Lemon Interior Design



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