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10 Best place to visit in Velen Germany


10 Best Places to Visit in Germany - Travel Video

Check out all the places seen in this video:

Best known for its famous Oktoberfest and World War II history, Germany is also home to some of Europa’s most beautiful scenery, fairytale castles, important historic sites and lively party scenes. Located in the heart of Europe, Germany maintains the continent’s most powerful economy.

Best places to visit

Best places to visit - Velen (Germany) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

Wunderschönes Kärnten - Top 10 Sehenswürdigkeiten & Ausflugsziele

Kärnten, das südlichste Bundesland in Österreich, ist eine der meistbesuchten Urlaubsregionen in Europa. Und das hat einen guten Grund: denn Kärnten, hat sehr viel zu bieten.

Wunderschöne Naturschauspiele, atemberaubende Panoramastraßen, einzigartige Sehenswürdigkeiten und die traumhaft schöne Bergwelt mit grandiosen Seen, machen Kärnten zu einem Sehnsuchtsort für viele Urlauber.

In diesem Video zeige ich Euch meine Top 10 Orte, Seen, Panoramastrassen, Berggipfel und Sehenswürdigkeiten, die Du bei einem Kärnten Urlaub gesehen haben solltest. Denn in Kärnten gibt es viel zu sehen und zu erleben.

Und vergesse nicht das Video zu liken und mein Kanal zu abonnieren. Und Teile unbedingt deine eigenen Erfahrungen und beliebtesten Plätze in Kärnten in den Kommentaren unten.

Noch viel mehr Ausflugsziele und Sehenswürdigkeiten in Kärnten findet ihr hier auf meinem Blog:

Hier findet ihr in den Blogbeiträgen alle Infos aus dem Video zu den Touren, Parkplätzen und Adressen:

Mein Buch Wunderschönes Kärnten:

Besuchen wir jetzt 10 der beliebtesten und interessantesten Sehenswürdigkeiten in Kärnten.

- Wörthersee - Film-Doku über den Wörthersee
- Großglockner mit der Großglockner Hochalpenstrasse - Film-Doku über die Glockenerstraße
- Pyramidenkogel am Wörthersee - Film-Doku über den Pyramidenkogel
- Malta-Hochalmstraße und die Kölnbreinsperre
- Gerlitzen Alpe am Ossiacher See mit Promenade in Ossiach
- Affenberg Landskron
- Turracher Höhe mit dem Nocky Flitzer - GPS Track zu meiner Wanderung:
- Auf der Nockalmstrasse in die Nockberge
- Millstätter See

und noch einiges mehr.

Abonnieren und ein Like nicht vergessen. Das hilft mir und meinem Kanal sehr. Danke, Alex

10 Tipps und Tricks für Rom ???? - Das solltest du für deine Städtereise wissen!

????️ Tickets zum Kolosseum ►
????️ Eintritt Vatikanische Museen & Sixtinische Kapelle*►
????️ Pantheon Eintritt buchen ►
???? Reise-Tipps für Rom:
► Die besten Hotels in Rom:

▬ Inhalt: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

0:00 Einleitung
0:24 Früh aufstehen
1:21 Warteschlangen überspringen
1:55 Die besten Restaurants
2:30 Die beste Eisdiele
2:56 Der schönste Park
3:48 Kostenloses Trinkwasser
4:12 Restaurant Tipp Piazza Navona
4:42 Vorsicht vor Taschendieben
5:13 Geld sparen
5:47 Via Appia Antica

▬ Die 10 besten Reisetipps für Rom: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

In diesem Video präsentieren wir Ihnen 10 tolle Tipps & Tricks für Ihre Rom Reise. Mit dabei sind einige Geheimtipps. Sie erfahren beispielswiese, von welchem Restaurant aus Sie einen exklusiven Blick auf Rom haben und dabei ein brillantes Essen serviert bekommen.

Zudem erfahren Sie, wie Sie die langen Warteschlangen an einigen der meist besuchten Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt umgehen. Gerade in der Hochsaison sind Wartezeiten von 2 Stunden keine Seltenheit.

Wenn das Schlemmen von leckerer Eiscreme für Sie dazugehört, dann werden Sie mit unserem Tipp zur besten Eisdiele Roms voll auf Ihre Kosten kommen. Denn hier kommen nicht nur zufällig vorbeilaufende Touristen her, sondern auch ranghohe Politiker aus dem benachbarten Parlament.

Wer sich nach einer kurzen erholsamen Auszeit vom Touristenandrang Roms sehnt, wird mit diesem Tipp zufrieden sein. Wir zeigen Ihnen den vermutlich schönsten Park der Ewigen Stadt, welcher zudem eines der bekanntesten privaten Kunstgalerien ganz Europas beherbergt. Der Zoo gleich um die Ecke macht den Park besonders für Familien mit Kindern attraktiv.

Eines der praktischsten Tipps für Rom Reisende, ist die Nutzung der öffentlichen Brunnen der Stadt. Bei sommerlichen Temperaturen kann eine Städtereise auf Dauer schnell anstrengend werden. Daher ist es umso wichtiger, genügend Wasser zu trinken.

Zwar ist Rom sicher, vor Taschendieben sollte man sich dennoch in Acht nehmen. Mit unseren Tipps bleiben Sie achtsam, und bei Bedarf auf der Lauer.

Wer möchte nicht etwas Geld sparen? Zu bestimmten Zeiten im Monat, sind einige der Top Sehenswürdigkeiten in Rom kostenlos betretbar. Wann genau Sie in den Genuss dieses Angebots kommen, erfahren Sie in unserem Video

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Das MUSS man GESEHEN haben | NORDSPANIEN ???????? | Unsere HIGHLIGHTS | TOP 10 | Reiseführer Spanien

Nordspanien hat WAHNSINNIG viel zu bieten und ist ein absolutes Traumziel für einen Roadtrip - egal ob mit oder ohne Wohnmobil. Wir waren im Sommer insgesamt 3,5 Monate im Norden Spaniens unterwegs und kamen dabei aus dem Staunen kaum mehr heraus. Im heutigen Video zeigen wir euch unsere TOP 10 Highlights in Nordspanien. Kommt mit! ????????????

►GPS-Koordinaten aller Orte:
►Nächste Wochen werden wir euch unseren TOP 10 Highlights aus PORTUGAL zeigen. Reinschauen lohnt sich - versprochen! ????

????U N S E R E Q U I P M E N T:

????A M A Z O N S H O P:

????Unterstütze uns und bekomme deine P O S T K A R T E A U S D E R F E R N E:

0:00 In diesem Video
1:02 Kloster Montserrat
2:19 Congost de Mont-Rebei
3:55 Bardenas Reales
5:08 Ruta del Cares (Picos de Europa)
6:26 Riaño
7:47 Covadonga
8:50 Ribadesella
9:56 TOP 10 Strände Nordspaniens
10:36 Muxia
11:47 Santiago de Compostela
13:47 A Illa de Arousa

#spanien #highlights #roadtrip
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Liebe Grüße aus der Ferne,
Tina & Dirk


Merry Christmas! - Die Top 6 schönsten Weihnachtsmärkte Deutschlands

Es wird winterlicher und in vielen deutschen Städten beginnen die Vorbereitungen für die Weihnachtsmarkt-Saison - mit entsprechenden Hygienekonzepten. Wir stellen euch in diesem Video unsere Top 6 Weihnachtsmärkte in Deutschland vor. Macht es euch mit einem heißen Getränk gemütlich, bringt euch in Weihnachtsstimmung und plant eure Weihnachtszeit 2021

| Unser Format: Top-Themen |
Urlaubstipps in Form von Rankingvideos machen mit hochwertigen Bildern Lust aufs Reisen und liefern Infos zu den besten Ausflugszielen und Unternehmungen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt hier auf Destinationen im deutschsprachigen Raum.

MARCO POLO TV ist der erste journalistische deutschsprachige TV-Reisesender und kommt aus dem Verlagshaus MairDumont. Die Themen Reisen, Kultur, Genuss und Natur stehen genauso im Fokus wie der Umgang mit Ressourcen, der Schutz und Erhalt von Ökosystemen sowie das Thema Nachhaltigkeit. Alle Informationen sind aufwändig recherchiert und immer auf dem aktuellen Stand. Reise-Reportagen, Dokumentationen, serviceorientierte Sendungen und Reisetipps laden zum Träumen und Reisen ein und werden in bester HD-Qualität ausgestrahlt. Urlaub zum greifen nah.

Hier gibts weitere Informationen:

March in Switzerland - Weather, Activities, Events

March in Switzerland marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. This means that snow is melting and some plants start to grow again. So, you can make the best of both worlds and enjoy cheaper rates as the holidays are over and demand is lower.

For more travel tips to Switzerland visit

5 Things American Tourists Shouldn't Wear in Europe

Grab some of our gear

Please Note: Young People Wear Many of These Styles Throughout Europe. These tips are geared toward 35+ year old travelers. Thanks for watching!

Grab a Wolters World Shirt

Heading to Europe & Not Sure What to Pack? Here are a few things that my fellow US travelers may want to avoid packing if they are traveling to Europe.
1. Baseball Caps: Europeans in general do not wear baseball caps, especially backwards. You would be better served to wear a more traditional hat. You will see an occasional NY Yankee hat, but why not buy the fancy hat you always wanted instead?
2. Athletic Wear: Europeans tend to wear athletic wear to do sports, not to wear around town. There is a trend of more athleisurewear in Europe, but it is not to the extent that there is in US.
3. Khakis: the omnipresent US male pant choice is not something you will see too often in Europe. Go for colored pants or jeans. If you want khaki like pants wear Chinos instead of Dockers. The pants you will see are a thinner cut or skinnier fit than in the US.
4. Oversized US University Sweatshirts.
5. Sport Shoes or High Heals: US sport shoes and white socks are not quite as popular in Europe as they are in the US. You may be better off with Urban Street shoes like Vans instead. Also, women should be careful with high heels as with all the cobblestone it is easy to hurt your ankles.
Filmed in Rome, Italy

What Shoes to Take to Europe

USA Today & 10Best's #1 Independent Travel Videographer 2014

FlipKey by TripAdvisor Top 10 Travel Bloggers 2014
Grab Wolters World Merchandise & Travel Gear at

We travel with a Microsoft Surface everywhere we go. I edit my videos on it & use it to backup my pictures and vides while we travel. It’s light and the best travel laptop on the market in my opinion.

We use Sony Alpha series cameras to film our videos. They are compact so you don’t look like a super tourist when you take great pictures and videos while you travel.

We use Manfrotto Tripods. They are compact, travel well, and honestly I would not use another tripod for my nice cameras.

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Want to grab some great gear? We have used Osprey Packs for years & swear by them. Check them out here

Need some clothing for your next adventure? Patagonia has some pretty good stuff for all kinds of travelers.

Hey There Fellow Travelers! Thank you for watching our honest travel vlogs from all over this wonderful world. If you would like to get in contact with us please follow us & send us a message via our social media channels below. Also, if you like our travel videos please feel free to share them with other fellow travelers.

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Vienna Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia

Vienna – the musical, cultural and historical heart of Austria. Follow us through the magic and plan a trip of your own!

When ready, browse vacation packages to Vienna:

During the late 19th and early 20th century, #Vienna became a cultural epicenter of Europe, contributing art, philosophy, and culture on its way to becoming one of the world’s great cities.

During your #vacation, drink coffee in the same cafes as Einstein and Freud, or wander down the streets that inspired Beethoven. #Tour galleries devoted to some of the most magnificent artwork in all of Europe.

Find out why Vienna is long-hailed The City of Music at the Vienna State Opera. A backstage tour will show you all the ins and outs of this majestic place, as well as give you a glimpse of why it has been at the forefront of entertainment since its construction in the 1800s.

Stroll through the pathways of Volksgarten and sniff the sweet fragrance of its hundreds of roses. What better way to end a day in one of the world’s most beautiful cities?

For now, we hope you enjoy watching this #travel #guide as much as we enjoyed making it.

More travel information around Vienna:

Subscribe to Expedia’s YouTube Channel for great travel videos and join the conversation on the best vacation ideas.


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0:00 - Vienna
1:12 Ringstrasse
1:25 - Stephansplatz
1:55 - Demel Bakery
2:10 - St Stephen’s Cathedral
2:26 - Vienna State Opera
2:53 - Hofburg Imperial Palace
3:39 - Belvedere
3:46 - Museum of Art History
3:58- Albertina
4:10 - Museum of Natural History
4:22 - The Museum Quarter
4:34 - Schonbrunn Palace
5:13 - Central Cemetery
5:27 - Wiener Prater
5:42 - St Charles Church

Top 20 Most Beautiful Cities in Europe Travel Guide

In this Europe Travel video, we selected the Top 20 European Cities to Visit at least once in your lifetime their unique historic old sights and awesome art and architecture are not to be missed, and most of Europe’s cities are a delight to travel to. we picked the top 20 cities to vacation in Europe from 44 different countries in our Europe travel guide enjoy. Around 50% of the world’s tourists are visiting Europe it has so many things to offer let's find out some of the best things to see and do in Europe.

The Gear I use

Interchangeable Lens 4K Mirrorless Camera

Manfrotto Video Head

RØDE Microphones GO II Wireless

Samsung Galaxy Tab A, 10.5

Foval 150W Power Inverter

Nikon DSLR Camera

Neewer 72.4 inches Aluminum Camera Tripod

Jabra Elite pro-Earbuds

This post contains links to products that I may receive compensation from at no additional cost to you, which helps me make more videos and you Help support this channel Thank You!
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Hello, Travelers Welcome everybody This is Anthony also known as the Travel Droner here on this channel we create videos discussing amazing travel facts and amazing destinations and top ten videos so join us on our journey around the world by subscribing to our channel please click the bell icon to get notified when we publish a new video.

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???? Check Out These Popular Videos

▶️ Top 10 Best Countries To Live Cheap In The World

▶️ Top 10 Most Exotic Places to Travel to in the world

▶️ Top 10 Best Places in the Philippines

▶️Top 10 Best Islands to buy Property and Retire

▶️ The Top 10 places to visit in Greece

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Credits Footage for best cities to visit in europe rome

Title: “St Patrick's Parade 2019 - Dublin Fire Brigade Pipe Band”
Creator: “DiariLiffey“—
Source: “
License: “CC BY 2.0”—

Title: “Book of Kells at Trinity College in Dublin Ireland.”
Creator: “dana vento“
Source: “
License: “CC BY 2.0”—

Source: “
License: “CC BY 2.0”—

Title: “Salzburger Christkindlmarkt”
Creator: “Oleksandr Natalenko“—
Source: “
License: “CC BY 2.0”—

Title: “Salzburg, Residenzplatz”
Creator: “epicureostv“—
Source: “
License: “CC BY 2.0”—

Title: “Explore Shaftsbury Avenue - London: Video Travel Guide”
Creator: “Vidtur“—
Source: “
License: “CC BY 2.0”—

Title: “Shakespeare's Globe Theatre”
Creator: “DrLoweMCC“—
Source: “
License: “CC BY 2.0”—

Title: “Edinburgh Castle ,Scotland”
Creator: “Le Monde en Vidéo“—
Source: “
License: “CC BY 2.0”—

Title: “Cats of Istanbul | A purr-fect lovestory! #15”
Creator: “TravelComic“—
Source: “
License: “CC BY 2.0”—

Title: “Versailles Travel Guide | Day Trip from Paris | Reopened | Visiting Versailles in 2021”
Creator: “Halee with a Flair“—
Source: “
License: “CC BY 2.0”—

Title: “A House with a Tree Drawing, Hundertwasser Hauser, Vienna”
Creator: “Kowalsky days“—
Source: “
License: “CC BY 2.0”— best places to visit in europe

Top 10 Famous Churches in the World - Travel Guide Video 2023

In this travel video and travel guide, we have listed the famous churches, popular cathedrals, ingenious architecture , symbols of religious, history, exquisite mosaics, historical landmarksand and things to do for popular churches.

Churches have for long, been not just symbols of religious dedication and holiness but also seats of political power and means to project royal authority.

Many of the churches in this list of most famous churches have a long political and religious history and have stood witness to some of the most dramatic events in human history.

The world’s most iconic churches and cathedrals are far more than places of worship.

They house priceless works of art, exquisite mosaics, sculptures, and paintings.

They’re also symbols of the cities they inhabit, defining the skyline and concealing secrets gathered over centuries.

As they are designed and built to hold religious services and invoke and inspire the worship of God, churches have long counted amongst society’s most important and impressive buildings.

This is because religious leaders built large churches with spires reaching towards the heavens, and monumental facades covered in scenes from the bible to convey the majesty and power of God.

Nowadays, these beautiful churches make for some of the most important architectural and historical landmarks around, with millions of worshippers and tourists visiting them every year.

They also show what dramatic results can be obtained by the combination of audacious engineering, ingenious architecture, and dedicated craftsmanship and are testaments to the creative feats human beings can achieve.


00:00 Let's explore iconic churches
00:56 St. Peter’s Basilica
02:07 Notre Dame de Paris
03:16 Sagrada Familia
04:25 Church of the Holy Sepulchre
05:16 Hagia Sophia
06:37 Westminster Abbey
07:37 Las Lajas Sanctuary
08:36 Saint Basil’s Cathedral
09:34 Milan Cathedral
10:34 Cologne Cathedral
11:23 Reason for visit churches

#Church #Places #Travel

Colmar - France - The Most Magical Christmas Place of the World

◯ Home page of the Colmar tourist-office :

???? Location : Colmar , Alsace - France
Date recorded: 10 December 1:15 PM Sunday
Weather: ⛅ 2 °C | 35 °F ????


Switzerland Playlist:

Italy Playlist:

France Playlist:

Monaco Playlist :

Germany Playlist :

Austria Playlist :

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Colmar Christmas Market is a traditional Alsatian Christmas market in Colmar, Haut-Rhin, Alsace. It takes place every year and begins on the first weekend of Advent and ends on December 30 or 31. Its significant success is largely due to its picturesque, typical and preserved medieval Alsatian setting, a hotspot for international Alsatian tourism.

History :
Colmar perpetuates the Alsatian tradition of the Christkindelsmärik founded in 1570 in Strasbourg1 (Germanic Christian Christmas market of Saint-Nicolas, traditional of Alsatian and German cultures, or market of the Child Jesus in Alsatian).

Christmas traditions, celebrated in Alsace from Advent to Epiphany, take on a special dimension in Colmar...

The magic of Christmas in Colmar is first and foremost the atmosphere of the Old Town, illuminated and decorated like a fairy tale: a historic setting made magical by the Christmas lights which, during this festive period, blend harmoniously with the exceptional lighting designed to enhance the heritage, and which adorns the center of Colmar with a soft aura of light.

The city center, essentially pedestrian, conceals innumerable architectural treasures among which monuments, churches, museums and even the alleys, built, for the most imposing, from the Middle Ages to the 19th century. Above all, be sure to marvel at the Pfister house, the Koïfhus, the Unterlinden museum, Little Venice, the Maison des Têtes or the Saint-Martin Collegiate Church.

The whole city is decorated as if in a dream, to make the old center a magical place sheltering the warm atmosphere of Christmas in the heart of the city.

Every year, Colmarians play a leading role by taking part in a joyful decoration competition which sees them compete in imagination to adorn the facades of houses and shop windows.

I wish you all the best to you and your families, a Merry Christmas with your loved ones, a better new year than the one that passed and may everything you wish come true, be blessed, Merry Christmas!!! TOURIST CHANNEL.

#colmar #france #christmas #alsace #travel

Où voyager en EUROPE en 2022 ? TOP 10 DESTINATIONS ✈️

Abonne toi et clique sur la ???? pour recevoir une notification à chaque nouvelle vidéo !

Vous vous posez la question : Où voyager en Europe en 2022 ?. Je suis là pour vous inspirer ????
Je vous présente mon Top 10 des destinations à découvrir absolument... Entre le soleil de Sardaigne, la mer turquoise d'Ibiza, ou encore les volcans d'Islande et : inspirez-vous et évadez-vous avec cette bucket list !

➡️ Alors, quelle destination vous donne le plus envie de voyager ?
Si vous avez d'autres destinations rêvées et que vous souhaitez que j'en parle dans une prochaine vidéo, n'hésitez pas à me les écrire dans les commentaires ! ????

PS : Prochaine vidéo sur les voyages Internationaux en 2022, abonnez-vous pour ne pas la louper ❤️

00:00 INTRO
01:35 10 - Croatie
03:00 9 - Allemagne
04:48 8 - Islande
06:45 7 - Écosse
08:21 6 - Angleterre
10:13 5 - France
12:27 4 - Portugal
14:36 3 - Grèce
16:08 2 - Espagne
18:04 1 - Italie
20:21 OUTRO


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Je filme avec un Canon G7x Mark III
Je monte avec Adobe Premiere Pro + After Effects

Plan Your Aruba Top 10 Must-Do Activities

Welcome to the picturesque island of Aruba, where azure waters, white sandy beaches, and endless sunshine await you. This exciting video presents the Top 10 Must-Do Activities to help you plan your perfect Aruba getaway. Dive into the vibrant underwater world while snorkeling at the famous Baby Beach or exploring the stunning reefs.

Feel the adrenaline rush as you windsurf or kitesurf on the pristine waters of Palm Beach. Explore the natural wonders of Arikok National Park, home to unique wildlife and breathtaking landscapes. Indulge in retail therapy at Oranjestad's colorful shopping districts, or try your luck at one of the island's lively casinos. Unwind on the idyllic Eagle Beach, known for its powdery sand and crystal-clear waters. From sunset cruises to exploring the island's hidden gems, this video showcases the best of Aruba's Top 10 Must-Do Activities, ensuring a memorable and unforgettable vacation experience.

Join the Travel Droner community today and unlock exclusive perks, including early access to breathtaking travel content and priority engagement with our team.

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The Gear I use

Get The Best copyrighted free Music for content creation
30-day free trial.

The cheap, fast way to send money abroad. for travel

Interchangeable Lens 4K Mirrorless Camera

Manfrotto Video Head

RØDE Microphones GO II Wireless

Samsung Galaxy Tab A, 10.5

Foval 150W Power Inverter

Nikon DSLR Camera

Neewer 72.4 inches Aluminum Camera Tripod

Jabra Elite pro-Earbuds

This post contains links to products that I may receive compensation from at no additional cost to you, which helps me make more videos and you Help support this channel Thank You!
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Hello, Travelers Welcome everybody This is Anthony also known as the Travel Droner here on this channel we create videos discussing amazing travel facts and amazing destinations and top ten videos so join us on our journey around the world by subscribing to our channel please click the bell icon to get notified when we publish a new video.

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???? Check Out These Popular Videos

▶️ Top 10 Best Countries To Live Cheap In The World

▶️ Top 10 Most Exotic Places to Travel to in the world

▶️ Top 10 Best Places in the Philippines

▶️Top 10 Best Islands to buy Property and Retire

▶️ The Top 10 places to visit in Greece

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Top 10 Best Countries For Americans To Move Abroad

In this video, I’ll share with you the Top 10 Best Countries for Americans To Move Abroad. There's a lot to consider before moving abroad, ask yourself just what are the goals and expectations you have for your new life abroad, researching the economies of different countries will certainly help and the most important part is At the end that your new home country abroad should just feel right to you and your family. What are the easiest countries to immigrate to and start an ex-pat life? let's have a look at the best places to retire, with our living abroad advice moving abroad to start a new life will be very easy. From Cancun Mexico to Paris France we included many good choices to move abroad.

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Hello, Travelers Welcome everybody This is Anthony also known as the Travel Droner here on this channel we create videos discussing amazing travel facts and amazing destinations and top ten videos so join us on our journey around the world by subscribing to our channel please click the bell icon to get notified when we publish a new video.

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▶️ Top 10 Most Exotic Places to Travel to in the world

▶️ Top 10 Best Places in the Philippines

▶️Top 10 Best Islands to buy Property and Retire

▶️ The Top 10 places to visit in Greece

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Let's talk about money.???????????? Wie viel Geld haben wir in 6 Wochen Südafrika ausgegeben?
Eigentlich reisen wir ja mit unserem Campervan durch die Weltgeschichte. Aber in diesem Frühjahr haben wir unseren Van ausnahmsweise mal stehen gelassen, sind mit dem Flugzeug nach Südafrika geflogen und haben das Land 6 Wochen lang mit dem Mietwagen bereist.
Wir sind über 6.500 km kreuz und quer durch dieses faszinierende Land gefahren und hatten einen der schönsten Urlaube, den wir jemals hatten. Es war allerdings auch der wohl teuerste Trip, den wir jemals hatten. Wie teuer genau, das verraten wir euch in diesem Video - bis auf den Cent genau!

0:00 Intro
2:40 Gefahrene Route
3:16 Transport (Flüge, Mietwagen, Sprit, Maut)
8:27 Unterkünfte
11:50 Verpflegung
14:16 Aktivitäten
19:33 Sonstiges
21:48 Gesamtkosten
24:30 Warum nicht mit dem Wohnmobil?

►YouTube-Playlist mit ALLEN unserer Videos aus Südafrika:
►Unser erstes Kosten-Video Das KOSTET eine WELTREISE · in 365 Tagen mit dem Campervan von Deutschland nach Thailand:

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The 10 Most Expensive Cities In The World - Where does your money go?

Today we explore The Top 10 Most Expensive Cities to Live in the World find out the high cost of living of any city on our 10 most expensive cities in the world list including real estate prices to buy or rent property in the top 10 most expensive cities in the world grab your favorite beverage and sit back and relax to enjoy this video, maybe you live in one of the most expensive cities in the world if so let us know in the comment section below the video thank you.

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Hello, Travelers Welcome everybody This is Anthony also known as the Travel Droner here on this channel we create videos discussing amazing travel facts and amazing destinations and top ten videos so join us on our journey around the world by subscribing to our channel please click the bell icon to get notified when we publish a new video.

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▶️ Top 10 Best Places in the Philippines

▶️Top 10 Best Islands to buy Property and Retire

▶️ The Top 10 places to visit in Greece

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The most expensive road in the world! Bahnhofstrasse in Zurich - discovered with a Tram by Videos of Switzerland - Made by Werner Stulz is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
33+ Minutes Paris, France, Drone by the Dronalist is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

#hongkong #traveldroner #top10list

OMAN Travel Guide ???????? | Top 10 natural tourist attractions, must visit when travel to oman

OMAN TOURISM | OMAN Travel ???????? Top 10 natural tourist attractions to visit when travel to oman

this video contains information about :

this is 10 natural attractions in oman that you must visit.

10. Wadi Bani Khalid
Wadi Bani Khalid is a wadi about 203 km from Muscat. It is the best-known wadi of the Sharqiyah region and one of best oman travel destination. Its stream maintains a constant flow of water throughout the year.

9. Fjords of Musandam Located in musandam peninsula. One of the must-do activities and best oman tourism in Musandam is the fjords ride on a traditional Omani boat.
There are several dolphin families living in the fjords of Musandam.

8. Wahiba Sands
Wahiba Sands, or Ramlat al-Wahiba is a region of desert in Oman. The region was named for the Bani Wahiba tribe, with an area of 12,500 square kilometers (4,800 sq mi).
The sands are an important piece of the puzzle that is Oman, it’s an especially good place for a family adventure and one of best oman tourism

7. Jebel Shams
Jebel Shams is a mountain, located in northeastern Oman north of Al Hamra town. It is the highest mountain of the country and part of Al Hajar Mountains range.
The mountain is a popular sightseeing area, and one of best oman tourism, located 240 km (150 mi) from Muscat.

6. Wadi Shab
Located in the Al Sharqiyah Region in Oman. it is less than 2 hours drive from Muscat
Wadi Shab is a very popular outdoor attraction for both locals and expats and one of best oman travel destination.
People come here for the nature, to swim in the fresh water pools or just to have a barbecue.

5. Jebel Akhdar
Jebel Akhdar, meaning the Green Mountain, is part of the Al Hajar Mountains range in Ad Dakhiliyah Governorate of Oman. It is one of Oman’s most spectacular areas and best oman travel destination

4. Ras al-Jinz
Ras al-Jinz, is a nesting site for green turtles, as also is the beach at the local village of Ras al Hadd and one of best oman tourism.
Important archaeological discoveries have also been made at this site, demonstrating the Indus Valley connections in ancient times.

3. Bimmah Sinkhole
Bimmah Sinkhole is a water-filled depression, structurally a sinkhole, in the limestone of eastern Muscat Governorate. A lake of turquoise waters, it is 50 m by 70 m wide and approximately 20 m deep. It is only about 600 m away from the sea.

2. Wadi Darbat
This is a lush green wadi with a river running through it, even during the hottest months (May/June). It is one of the most visited valley in Dhofar and one of best oman travel destination
This amazing valley offers everything that is needed for a memorable family day.
The trees and the lake makes the valley (wadi) looks amazing.

1. Al Mughsail Beach
Al Mughsayl is a long stretch of blue water sea and white sand. It’s a perfect picnic spot and of best oman tourism. The landscape is pretty nice and the beach has mountains on both the sides, which make the view elegant and photogenic.

OMAN TOURISM | OMAN Travel ???????? Top 10 natural tourist attractions to visit when travel to oman


Discover Berlin, Germany ???????? charm: Ultimate 4-day travel guide

Discover Berlin, Germany ???????? charm: Ultimate 4-day travel guide | Top3Videos

Willkommen in Berlin! Welcome to Berlin, the vibrant capital of Germany.
In this video, we will take you on a 4-day itinerary of Berlin, showcasing some of the must-visit attractions and experiences in this fascinating city.

0:00 Intro
0:23 DAY 1: We begin our journey in the heart of Berlin, at the iconic Brandenburg Gate.
Start your day by visiting this historic landmark and take a walk along Unter den Linden, a famous boulevard lined with impressive buildings and historical sites.
Explore the nearby Reichstag building, where you can enjoy panoramic views of the city from its glass dome.
For lunch, try some traditional German cuisine at a local restaurant. Savor dishes like currywurst, schnitzel, or sauerbraten.
In the afternoon, visit Museum Island, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Explore the world-class museums, such as the Pergamon Museum and the Neues Museum, which house ancient artifacts and artworks.

1:20 DAY 2: Today, we recommend diving into Berlin's rich history. S
tart your day at the Berlin Wall Memorial, where you can learn about the division of the city during the Cold War.
Take a walk along the East Side Gallery, a preserved section of the Berlin Wall covered in vibrant murals.
For lunch, head to a local beer garden and enjoy some authentic German beer and hearty food.
In the afternoon, visit the Checkpoint Charlie Museum, which tells the stories of people who attempted to cross the Berlin Wall.
Explore the exhibits and gain insights into this tumultuous period of history.

2:02 DAY 3: Today, we suggest exploring Berlin's vibrant neighbourhoods and cultural scene.
Start your day in the trendy neighbourhood of Kreuzberg. Explore its street art, boutique shops, and multicultural atmosphere.
Visit Görlitzer Park and enjoy a picnic or relax in the green surroundings.
For lunch, try some international cuisine at one of the many diverse restaurants in the area.
In the afternoon, visit the East Berlin neighbourhoods of Prenzlauer Berg and Friedrichshain.
Stroll along the famous Karl-Marx-Allee and visit the famous East Side Gallery.

2:48 DAY 4: On our final day in Berlin, we recommend exploring the beautiful parks and gardens of the city. Start your day by visiting Tiergarten, the largest park in Berlin.
Take a leisurely walk or rent a bike and enjoy the serene nature in the heart of the city.
For lunch, grab some food from a local market and have a picnic in the park.
In the afternoon, visit the stunning Charlottenburg Palace and explore its baroque gardens.
Don't miss the chance to visit the nearby Kurfürstendamm, a famous shopping street, for some retail therapy.

We hope this video has inspired you to visit this dynamic city and experience its rich history, vibrant culture, and beautiful parks.
Berlin offers a perfect blend of tradition and modernity, creating an unforgettable experience.
Vielen Dank und bis bald! Thank you and see you soon!
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⏰ Video Duration: 00:04:06

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