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10 Best place to visit in Tulcea Romania


Tulcea, Romania: What to see in Tulcea in 1 day? [Dobrogea day 2 vlog]

#Tulcea #Romania #Dobrogea
What to see in Tulcea, Romania if you only have one day in the city that guards the Danube Delta?
The entire region of Dobrogea has a really old history, and it's the land where the first settlements of Romania were built. That's why I recommend visiting the Archaeological museum if you want to learn more about the history of the area.

Here are the places you need to visit in Tulcea, Dobrogea:
1:20 Tulcea's waterfront
4:20 Saint Nicolae’s Cathedral
5:16 Tulcea's Aquarium
10:02 The Historical and Archeological Museum
11:22 Aegyssus settlement archaeological ruins
11:50 Hero’s Monument (Ro: Monumentul Eroilor)
13:45 Traditional fishing village open-air museum (entrance from DJ222C road, there is a sign, don’t follow the GPS if it drives you on a dirt road)

Other places that are worth a visit (recommended by locals) are Casa Avramide - Casa Colectiilor and The art museum.

We ended the day in Sarichioi village, where you can chill by the old dock and have dinner at the nice fishery nearby.

You can find the entire itinerary on my blog:

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SFÂNTU GHEORGHE - Travel Guide (Danube Delta, Tulcea County, Romania)

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Situat la vărsarea Brațului Sfântu Gheorghe în Dunăre comuna Sfântu Gheorghe este una din destinațiile turistice cele mai importante ale Deltei Dunării, dar și bază de plecare în ”cucerirea” Deltei. Localitatea a fost întemeiată de ”haholi”, etnici ucraineni, ortodocși pe STIL vechi, urmași ai cazacilor zaporojeni (a nu se confunda cu lipovenii, etnici ruși, ortodocși pe RIT vechi) și găsim în sat tradiții ale lor. De exemplu, biserica satului, Sfântu Gheorghe (cum altfel) își sărbătorește hramul pe stil vechi, odată cu Zilele Comunei. Videoclipul face o incursiune în geografia comunei prezentând reperele și principalele obiective turistice: debarcaderele vaselor clasice de călători (Navrom) și a bărcilor rapide, centrul comunei cu principalele instituții, strada principală care duce la mare, plaja mării situată la circa 2,2 km de centrul comunei și gura de vărsare a Brațului Sfântu Gheorghe în Mare. Acesta din urmă este și singura gură de vărsare accesibilă românilor, turiștii putând sta cu un picior în Dunăre și cu celălalt picior în Mare. Pe malul opus care deja face parte din Rezervația Naturală Sacalin, pot fi zărite o mulțime de păsări (inclusiv pelicani). Plaja (la Marea Neagră) are nisipul foarte fin, nu este aglomerată, apa se adâncește foarte încet și nu prea este sărată. Câteva secvențe redau și odiseea călătoriilor cu ”titicarul” din centrul comunei la plajă și invers. De asemenea, videoclipul trece în revistă câteva facilități turistice, dintre care, probabil cel mai renumit, este Green Village Resort (în stil foarte rustic, dar de mare confort ****). Terenul nisipos al comunei nu permite cultivarea legumelor și probabil nici asfaltarea drumurilor. Clima blândă face din smochini o plantă cotidiană în sat. Dintre reperele turistice al zonei amintim: Rezervația (laguna și peninsula) Sacalin, Rezervația (grindul și pădurea) Caraorman, Rezervația (grindul și pădurea) Letea, orașul Sulina etc.

Located at the spill of the Sfântu Gheorghe Arm in the Danube, Sfântu Gheorghe commune is one of the most important tourist destinations of the Danube Delta, but also a starting point for the conquest of the Delta. The village was founded by Khokhols, ethnic Ukrainians, Orthodox on the old STYLE (time), descendants of the Zaporozhian Cossacks (not to be confused with the Lipovans, Russian ethnics, Orthodox on the old RITE) and we find in their village traditions. For example, the village church, dedicated to Sfântu Gheorghe (St. George) celebrates its old-style dedication, in the same day with the Commune Days. The video makes an incursion into the geography of the commune presenting the landmarks and main tourist objectives: the wharfs for the classic passenger ships (Navrom) and for the fast boats, the center of the commune with the main institutions, the main road leading to the Black Sea, the sea beach located about 2.2 km from the center of the commune and the mouth of the Sfântu Gheorghe Arm in the Sea. The latter is the only spill accessible to Romanians and the tourists can stay with one foot in the Danube and the other foot in the Sea. On the opposite bank, which is part of the Sacalin Nature Reserve, a lot of birds (including pelicans) can be spotted. The beach (at the Black Sea) has very fine sand, is not crowded, the water sinks very slowly and is not very salty. Some sequences also reproduce the odyssey of trips with the titicar from the center of the commune to the beach and vice versa. Also, the video reviews some tourist facilities, of which, probably the most famous, is Green Village Resort (in a very rustic style, but with great comfort ****). The sandy terrain of the commune does not allow the cultivation of vegetables and probably nor the asphalting of roads. The mild climate makes figs an usual tree in the village. Of the tourist landmarks of the area we mention: Sacalin Reserve (lagoon and peninsula), Caraorman Reserve (beam and forest), Caraorman Reserve (ridge and forest), Letea Reserve (ridge and forest), Sulina city etc.

EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE VISITING ROMANIA ???????? (cities, foods, local's recs & more!)

We spent 5 weeks traveling throughout beautiful Romania and in this video we summarize our thoughts, itinerary, costs, useful tips and pretty much everything you need to know before visiting Romania! We want to help you plan the best trip ever! :)

It is no secret by now that we fell in love with this country. We were surprised by its beauty, foods, culture, history, people... so many things! If you have doubts on whether or not you should visit Romania, please don't!!! ❤️????????

Let us know if you have any questions after watching this video. We're always happy to help!! Thank you Romania. We love you and you will forever hold a special place in our hearts ????????

La revedere Romania ❤️ We will see you again!

Aimara & Gordon


All of our Romania videos here ????????


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TULCEA, orasul ala pe care nu ti-l arata nimeni (imagini faine cu orasul)

Prin intermediul acestui vlog descoperim Tulcea, orasul de la Dunare.

#tulcea #dunare #faleza #romania #peste

Ceață la Tulcea, poarta de intrare in Delta Dunarii, vizibilitate 10-15m, sfârșit de noiembrie 2022

Ceață la Dunăre, sfarsit de noiembrie la Tulcea, Delta Dunarii

Excursii de o zi in Delta Dunării din Tulcea!

Tulcea, Romania, the gateway to Danube Delta

25-26th April 2013

Top 10 Most Romantic Places In Romania | Advotis4u

Top 10 Most Romantic Places In Romania | Advotis4u

About This Video :-

In This Video Top 10 Most Romantic Places In Romania. A unique mix of fairytale palaces, charming cities, hidden natural wonders and astonishing scenery, Romania has the perfect backdrop for romantic getaways. Let yourself inspired by the beauty of its landscapes, lured by captivating places and seduced by its Marvellous Architecture.

#Advotis4u #Romania #Places

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Summary :-

Sibiu’s Old Centre :-
Chosen by Forbes as one of ‘Europe’s Most Idyllic Places to Live’, Sibiu’s Old Centre has a particular charm.

Brukenthal Palace :-
Transylvania’s ‘Garden of Eden’, Brukenthal Palace in Avrig is the perfect place to enjoy a romantic ambience in an 18th-century décor.

Brașov :-
Brașov is a city of wonders and stunning views. In Brasov, the city meets the nature, creating amazing sceneries. Settled in the foothills of the Tâmpa Hill, the city surprises with its centuries-old Remparts, its small streets decorated with libraries, restaurants, cafes and museums and its extraordinary Gothic Church.

Târgu Jiu :-
Lying in the foothills of the Carpathians, Târgu Jiu is a beautiful city from Oltenia region, housing some masterpieces of the modern sculptor Constantin Brâncuși.

Sighișoara Citadel :-
Among the most beautiful fortresses of Europe, Sighișoara Citadel is a charming place that you can easily fall in love with. Its little, cobbled streets adorned with coloured houses inspire a medieval era ambience.

Sinaia :-
Sinaia is a charming resort of Prahova Valley, that late in the year is transformed into a vivid winter resort. However, stories of kings and queens are told in Sinaia all-year long, at the Peles Castle.

Cantacuzino Castle :-
One of the hidden gems of Romania, the Cantacuzino Castle located in Bușteni is an elegant place, where romance is mixed with history and classy events.

Oradea :-
One of Romania’s most beautiful cities, Oradea’s Baroque and Art Nouveau architecture will surely catch your eye. The majestic buildings invite to be discovered on an evening walk when small lights give a romantic note to the atmosphere.

Viscri :-
A small village in southern Transylvania, Viscri is an authentic destination, a unique mix of Saxon heritage, beautiful houses, warm people and a royal touch.

Cheile Nerei :-
Part of a natural reservation, Nerei Gorges exhibits a wholesome nature. More than 600 species of plants and trees create a natural shelter, a place to get lost in the wondrous forests, to admire its blue lakes and the awe-inspiring Bigăr Waterfall.

For More Information, Please Watch The Video Until The Very End.
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#Advotis4u #Romantic #Places
#Romania #Bucharest #Restaurants
#Hotel #Resort #Honeymoon

Romania – Europe's MOST UNIQUE Country (Travel Adventure) ????????

Travel Documentary Romania. ???????? Part 2: This 8-day road trip will leave a lasting impression on you as it gives you an intimate look at life in Romania. Our Travel Vlog takes you to villages, cities, landscapes and people and explores the real, authentic Romania – a land of contrasts!

00:00 Intro
00:35 Transylvania & Bicaz Canyon
01:10 Moldavia Monastery
02:52 Suceava & Teenagers
06:12 Iași
09:13 Bârlad
10:52 Romanian Apartment
11:22 Traditional Market Bârlad
13:58 Poverty in Romania
20:02 Galați & Braila
21:21 Ferry Ride on Danube River
22:20 Priopcea Pass & Jurilovca
23:43 Argamum Fortress & Cape Dolosman
27:10 Dobrogea Canyon
28:04 Constanța
32:31 Bucharest by Night
34:28 Bucharest Obor Market
37:40 Bucharest & Palace of Parliament
39:18 Bucharest Ghetto Ferentari
41:54 Peleș Castle

Along the way, you meet the locals and get an insight into their lives, and come face-to-face with both the challenges and wonders of Romania. Be prepared to be captivated by the unexpected moments of our journey that will challenge your perceptions and captivate your heart (e.g., poverty in Romania, Orthodox Church).

From the vibrant cities of Bucharest, Iasi, and Suceava to lesser-known places like Bârlad, Braila, and Jurilovca (Tulcea County), you'll experience the cultural and social aspects of Romania, as well as its stunning landscapes. Discover the Danube Delta in Galati, the Black Sea in Constanta, the breathtaking canyons of Bicaz and Dobrogea, the Moldavia region with its magnificent monasteries and the beauty of Transylvania with a visit to Peleș Castle. And of course sample the flavors of Romanian food!

See this fascinating country like never before in 8 days.

Day 1: Transylvania, Bicaz Pass, Bicaz Gorges, Monastery of Saint Basil the Great in Bodești, Suceava & Iași
Day 2: Iași & Bârlad
Day 3: Bârlad & Galați
Day 4: Galati, Braila, Priopcea Pass & Jurilovca
Day 5: Jurilovca, Argamum Fortress, Cape Dolosman, Dobrogea Gorges & Constanța
Day 6: Constanța & Bucharest
Day 7: Bucharest
Day 8: Bucharest, Bucharest's ghetto Ferentari, Sinaia, Peleș Castle & Brașov

Thank you for watching & commenting!

Much love xx
Nicole & Roberto

???? Watch RELATED VIDEO: Transylvania

???????? Please help us support Romanian people in need by getting in touch with Ciprian, who works on the ground and directly assists those who are struggling. He can give you more information on how you can help too. To get involved, please contact Ciprian Nicușor Boboc (from Bârlad) on his Facebook profile:

Travel video 11 | Filmed November 2022
#documentary #romania #travel #roadtrip
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We are Nicole from Austria/Germany and Roberto from Switzerland/Italy. We believe that there's more to travel than just the typical tourist sights. We delve deeper into the culture, people, and way of life in each destination, rather than just focusing on the tourist attractions or surface-level experiences. Join us on this journey! We hope our travel videos inform & inspire you!

Obiective Turistice in Judetul Brasov.

#JudetulBrasov, #Romania,#ovidiugaspal
Hai sa vizitam si sa vedem Judetul Brasov.

Top 10 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Tulcea | Romania - English

#TulceaPlaces #Tulcea
Tulcea is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Romania having many best places in Tulcea. So to help you figure out the places you need to try, we've gathered up a bucket list of the best Places in Tulcea that you won't regret going to.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful places in Tulcea. Romania has some of the best places in Tulcea. We collected data on the top 10 places to visit in Tulcea. There are many famous places in Tulcea and some of them are beautiful places in Tulcea. People from all over Romania love these Tulcea beautiful places which are also Tulcea famous places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful places to visit in Tulcea.

Please help us in our cause and share this channel as much as possible with your friends and family.

***All images used in this video are a property of their owners. We have no intention of showing these images as our own property. We used these images just to promote tourism.***

Obiective turistice in judetul Tulcea.

Hai sa vedem si sa vizitam judetul Tulcea!

TULCEA, Romania 4K • DJI drone flying over the city • Danube Delta & Lake Ciuperca • Summer 2023

Tulcea is located in the east of Romania on the banks of the Georgievsky branch of the lower part of the Danube.
In the 7th century BC a Greek colony arose here from the city of Miletus. The Romans renamed the city Aegisus.
In the 10th century, Pereyaslavets, the capital of Svyatoslav's empire, existed in the eastern suburb of Tulcea.
In the 16th century an Ottoman fortress was built here. In the 19th century the city was an important trading city of grain and fish.
It is called the fish capital of Romania.
#tulcea #romania4k #românia #tulcea4k #danubedelta #dji #djivideo #djivideoromania #djiromania #lakeciuperca #droneromania #windmill #summer2023

00:00 Intro | Preview
00:22 Arrival in Tulcea | Sosire la Tulcea
02:00 Train Station Tulcea | Gara Tulcea
02:42 River Embankment | Terasamentul Râului
03:21 Hotel Insula
04:04 Parish of the Holy Three Hierarchs
04:48 Windmill
05:35 Lake Ciuperca
06:08 Rainbow at the fountain
06:48 Heroes Monument
07:46 Boat ramp (Ponton Nautica)
09:13 Hotel Delta
10:14 Civic Square
11:14 Tulcha before sunset | Tulcha înainte de apus

Top 10 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Galați | Romania - English

#GalațiPlaces #PlacesInGalați #GalațiVisitPlaces #GalațiRomania
Galați is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Romania having many best places in Galați. Galați is the capital city of Galați County, in the historical region of Western Moldavia, in eastern Romania. Galați is a port town on the Danube River. It has been the only port for the most part of Moldavia's existence. So to help you figure out the places you need to try, we've gathered up a bucket list of the best Places in Galați that you won't regret going to.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful places in Galați. Romania has some of the best places in Galați. We collected data on the top 10 places to visit in Galați. There are many famous places in Galați and some of them are beautiful places in Galați. People from all over Romania love these Galați beautiful places which are also Galați famous places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful places to visit in Galați.

Please help us in our cause and share this channel as much as possible with your friends and family.

***All images used in this video are a property of their owners. We have no intention of showing these images as our own property. We used these images just to promote tourism.***

Top 10 Best Places To visit Romania | Things To Do in Romania | Explore Romania

Discover Romania | Top 10 Best Places To visit Romania | Things To Do in Romania | Explore Romania

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Best Places to Visit in Romania

Best Places to Visit in Romania

Located in central Europe, Romania can be described simply:  natural beauty and a wealth of folk culture. Spend time exploring its architectural gems, vibrant art scene, and pristine landscapes and you’ll see why.It is filled with quaint old towns, mountain resorts that offer great skiing, and a burgeoning art community. It’s most famous citizen, however, may be the vampire Dracula, a fictional character found in Transylvania.  In just a few hours you can go from the Danube River to the capital city of Bucharest, and then on to the Black Sea. Romania is surrounded by the Carpathian Mountains which attract tourists looking for excellent climbing, trekking, skiing adventures. An overview of the best places to visit in Romania:

1.The Bucegi Mountains
2.The Danube Delta
3. Painted Monasteries
4. Peles Castle
5.Bran Castle
7.The Bicaz Gorge
8.Sarmizegetusa Regia

The Gorgeous Danube Delta in 4k - from Tulcea Romania

From Tulcea and in 4k presenting to you a Unesco site, the Danube Delta by Drone - Music by Strauss, the Blue Danube

Danube River Cruise - Danube Delta in Tulcea Romania including Drone Video footage

This travel video of the Danube Delta in Romania is part of my Romania Road Trip vlog series. I am keen to get out on a boat and enjoy a Danube River Cruise, but also to explore the beautiful Romanian countryside of Tulcea which includes fields of sunflowers and wind farms. This video includes drone footage to give an aerial view of the Danube Delta area taken with a DJI Mavic Air.

This is my first visit to the east coast of Europe. My road trip journey through Romania has been amazing and I have enjoyed every moment, from the friendly people, bustling cities, historic medieval towns, glacier lakes, snow capped mountains, a modern monastery and beautiful countryside landscapes.

Full Romania Road Trip Travel Vlog Series:

Top 10 Places To Visit in Romania | Amazing Romania | Visiting Romania | Romania, te iubesc

Top 10 Places To Visit in Romania | Amazing Romania | Visiting Romania | Romania, te iubesc

1. Danube Delta

The Danube Delta is the second greatest stream delta in Europe, after the Volga Delta, and is the best ensured on the landmass. Wikipedia
Address: Maliuc - sat Vulturu, Tulcea 064535, Romania

2. Cluj-Napoca

Cluj-Napoca, a city in northwestern Romania, is the casual capital of the Transylvania area. It's home to universities, energetic nightlife and purposes of enthusiasm dating to Saxon and Hungarian run the show. Enveloping its central square, Piața Unirii, is the Gothic-style St. Michael's Church and a passionate statue of the fifteenth century ruler Matthias Corvinus. The intricate time Bánffy Palace is presently a recorded focus displaying Romanian craftsmanship.

3. Mamaia

Mamaia is a resort on the Romanian Black Sea shore and an area of Constanța. Thought to be Romania's most well known resort, Mamaia is organized right away north-east of Constanţa's downtown zone. Wikipedia

4. Timisoara

Timișoara is the capital city of Timiș County, and the essential social, money related and social concentration in western Romania. Wikipedia

5. Bucharest

Bucharest, in southern Romania, is the country's capital and business center. Its eminent notable point is the colossal, confidant time frame Palatul Parlamentului government building, which has 1,100 rooms. Contiguous, the striking Lipscani area is home to an overwhelming nightlife scene furthermore, little Eastern Orthodox Stavropoleos Church and fifteenth century Curtea Veche Palace, where Prince Vlad III (The Impaler) once commanded.

6. Sinaia

Sinaia is a town and a mountain resort in Prahova County, Romania. It is masterminded in the chronicled locale of Muntenia. The town was named after Sinaia Monastery of 1695, around which it was gathered. Wikipedia

7. Painted Monasteries

The eight Romanian Orthodox Churches of Moldavia are arranged in Suceava County, northern Moldavia, and were made generally between 1487 and 1583. Since 1993, they have been recorded by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Wikipedia

8. Brasov

Brașov is a city in the Transylvania region of Romania, ringed by the Carpathian Mountains. It's known for its medieval Saxon dividers
besides, the towering Gothic-style Black Church and excited bistros. Piaţa Sfatului (Council Square) in the cobbled old town is
incorporated by excellent ornate structures and is home to the Casa Sfatului, a past town hall turned neighborhood history verifiable focus.

9. Sibiu

Sibiu is a city in Transylvania, Romania, with a masses of 147,245. Discovered precisely 215 km north-west of Bucharest, the city straddles the Cibin River, a tributary of the conduit Olt. Wikipedia

10. Sighisoara

Sighișoara is a city on the Târnava Mare River in Mureș County, Romania. Arranged in the noteworthy district of Transylvania, Sighișoara has a masses of 28,102 as showed by the 2011 enrollment. Wikipedia

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Pilots Of Stone by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

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There is a time when you want to escape and free yourself in one way or another from all those things that have put pressure on your emotional state and not only that. Travel to places where your soul will feel closer to light, peace, happiness and at the same time freedom. One such place in Romania, which can give you all these moods at the same time, is the port city of Sulina in the Danube Delta.
00:00 Intro
00:09 Sulina Lighthouse of the European Commission of the Danube
00:19 The old lighthouse on the left bank of the Danube
00:35 The new lighthouse from Sulina
00:44 The wreck of the Turgut S in Musura Bay
00:56 The newest bird paradise in Danube Delta - K island
01:04 The Maritime Cemetery Of Sulina
01:30 Sulina Beach
01:48 St. Alexander and St. Nicholas Cathedral in Sulina
01:58 The Roman Catholic Church St. Nicholas
02:09 St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
02:19 Old Sulina exhibition
02:35 Palace of the European Commission of the Danube Delta from Sulina
02:47 Activities and boat trips in the Danube Delta
03:11 Trip to Letea Village and Letea Forest
03:39 Visit for more info Visitors Center Sulina

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