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10 Best place to visit in Takahata Japan


Top 10 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Hachioji | Japan - English

#HachiojiPlaces #PlacesInHachioji #HachiojiVisitPlaces #HachiojiJapan
Hachioji is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Japan having many best places in Hachioji. Hachiōji is a city in the western part of the Greater Tokyo metropolitan area. Tokyo Fuji Art Museum has collections of ceramics, ukiyo-e woodblock prints and Western art. A boardwalk winds through oak tress in nearby Komiya Park. To the west, forest surrounds the ruins of Hachiōji Castle. A cable car, a chairlift and trails lead up Mount Takao. Near the summit, a long-nosed goblin statue guards the Yakuoin Temple. So to help you figure out the places you need to try, we've gathered up a bucket list of the best Places in Hachioji that you won't regret going to.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful places in Hachioji. Japan has some of the best places in Hachioji. We collected data on the top 10 places to visit in Hachioji. There are many famous places in Hachioji and some of them are beautiful places in Hachioji. People from all over Japan love these Hachioji beautiful places which are also Hachioji famous places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful places to visit in Hachioji.

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***All images used in this video are a property of their owners. We have no intention of showing these images as our own property. We used these images just to promote tourism.***

Yamagata - Travel Plan for First Timers in Yamagata | Japan Itinerary suggestion

Getting a Yamagata tour guide for your private tour of Yamagata is an excellent way to truly immerse yourself in the rich culture and history of this beautiful region. Your Yamagata tour guide will not only show you the must-see sights, but also the hidden gems that only a local would know. With their knowledge and experience, they will enhance your tour experience and create a memorable journey for you. Book your Yamagata private tours today and start exploring this incredible region with the help of a professional Yamagata tour guide. To learn more, visit

Travel Plan for First Timers in Yamagata


Visit Yama-dera, the sanctuary of the heavens, and the famous waters of Zao


09:00:00 12:00:00


13:00:00 14:00:00

Kajo Park

14:20:00 15:00:00

Yamagata Marugoto-kan Beni-no-Kura

16:00:00 19:00:00

Zao Onsen

Yamagata City Travel Guide:


Yamagata Itineraries:

Yamagata Tours & Activities

All this and more in:

The Best of Fukushima |

Learn more about Fukushima:

On this 3-day road trip, we explore the best of what Fukushima Prefecture has to offer. We visit an extremely well-preserved historical village, drive on some of Japan's most scenic roads, explore beautiful lakes, volcanoes, caverns, and beautiful traditional onsen inns. Finally, the journey ends at one of Japan's oldest theme parks.

- Chapters -
00:00​​ Intro
02:34 Day one
03:11 Drive to Ouchijuku
03:51 Ouchijuku
05:33 Drive to Tsurugajo Castle​
05:55 ​​Tsurugajo Castle​
06:58 Mount Iimoriyama​​
08:10 Sazaedo Pagoda
08:40 Higashiyama Onsen & Mukaitaki Ryokan
10:19 Day two
10:49 Bandaisan Gold Line scenic road
11:29 Goshikunuma five color ponds
12:43 Bandai-Azuma Skyline scenic road
13:24 Mount Azuma-Kofuji
14:45 Drive to Takayu Onsen
14:47 Takayu Onsen
15:46 Day three
16:16 Drive to Miharu Takizakura
16:39 Miharu Takizakura
17:10 Drive to Abukumado Caves
17:22 Abukumado Caves
18:38 Drive to Shiramizu Amidado
18:52 Shiramuzu Amidado
19:34 Drive to Spa Resorts Hawaiians
19:44 Spa Resort Hawaiians
20:39 Outro

- Video Credits -
Host: Joe Mignano
Videographer & Editor: Thomas Roennlund
Animation & Editor: Charles Sabas
Producer: Stefan Schauwecker

人口わずか約2万人奇跡のグルメ都市、山形県高畠町の有名ラーメン4店:東北ラーメン Vo.2【旅行 観光 食事】Japan Yamagata Takahata Ramen Noodle


☆☆☆青森県ラーメン ランキングシリーズ☆☆☆
▼青森県ラーメンTOP 10ランキング 2021

☆☆☆秋田県ラーメン ランキングシリーズ☆☆☆
▼秋田県ラーメンTOP 10ランキング 2021

☆☆☆岩手県ラーメン ランキングシリーズ☆☆☆
▼岩手県ラーメンTOP 10ランキング 2021

☆☆☆山形県ラーメン ランキングシリーズ☆☆☆
▼決定版 最新2021山形県BEST 20

☆☆☆宮城県ラーメン ランキングシリーズ☆☆☆
▼宮城県ラーメンTOP 10ランキング 2021

▼仙台ラーメンTOP 10ランキング 2021

☆☆☆福島県ラーメン ランキングシリーズ☆☆☆
▼福島県ラーメンTOP 10ランキング 2021


27 Seats

JR「高畠駅」2.4 Km
Takahata Sta

月曜日(Mon) 11:00~14:30 / 16:30~19:00
火曜日(Tue) 11:00~14:30 / 16:30~19:00
水曜日(Wed) 定休(OFF)
木曜日(Thu) 11:00~14:30 / 16:30~19:00
金曜日(Fri) 11:00~14:30 / 16:30~19:00
土曜日(Sat) 11:00~14:30 / 16:30~19:00
日曜日(Sun) 11:00~14:30 / 16:30~19:00

休み(OFF): 水曜日(Wed)
お電話(Phone): 0238-52-2608

20 Seats

JR「高畠駅」6.4 Km
Takahata Sta

月曜日(Mon) 11:00~14:30
火曜日(Tue) 11:00~14:30
水曜日(Wed) 11:00~14:30
木曜日(Thu) 11:00~14:30
金曜日(Fri) 定休(OFF)
土曜日(Sat) 11:00~14:30
日曜日(Sun) 11:00~14:30

休み(OFF): 金曜日(Fri)
お電話(Phone): 0238-56-3978

3)高畠 Sio-YA 山喜

JR「高畠駅」0.2 Km
Takahata Sta

月曜日(Mon) 9:00~14:00
火曜日(Tue) 9:00~14:00
水曜日(Wed) 9:00~14:00
木曜日(Thu) 定休(OFF)
金曜日(Fri) 9:00~14:00
土曜日(Sat) 9:00~14:00
日曜日(Sun) 9:00~14:00

休み(OFF): 木曜日(Thu)
お電話(Phone): 0238-57-2552

2015〜 / 36 Seats

JR「置賜駅」3.2 Km
Oitama Sta

月曜日(Mon) 11:00~15:00
火曜日(Tue)  11:00~15:00
水曜日(Wed)  11:00~15:00
木曜日(Thu) 定休(OFF)
金曜日(Fri)  11:00~15:00
土曜日(Sat)  11:00~15:00
日曜日(Sun)  11:00~15:00

休み(OFF): 木曜日(Thu)
お電話(Phone): 050-5597-3484


山形県の桜名所・巨桜 ベスト14選 ( 山形城・鶴岡公園・置賜さくら回廊 ) / Best 14 Cherry Blossoms Viewing Spots in Yamagata!【日本の桜名所】
















0:00 (1)山形城・霞城公園
5:01 (2)上山城・月岡公園
9:56 (3)米沢城・松が岬公園
13:51 (4)まほろばの緑道

16:36 置賜さくら回廊の概要
17:50 (5)伊佐沢の久保桜
20:05 (6)釜ノ越桜と勝弥桜
22:16 (7)薬師桜
23:48 (8)十二の桜
25:12 (9)山口奨学桜
26:38 (10)子守堂の桜
28:33 (11)赤坂の薬師ザクラ
30:24 (12)双松公園の眺陽桜

31:53 (13)鶴岡公園
35:28 (14)日和山公園

Here are 14 cherry blossom viewing spots and giant cherry blossom spots that Yamagata Prefecture is proud of!
(1) Kajo Park was built on the site of Yamagata Castle and was selected as one of the 100 Great Castles of Japan. From the castle grounds, visitors can see Mt. Gassan with lingering snow, and about 1,500 cherry trees are planted within the castle grounds.

(2) Kaminoyama Castle is now maintained as Tsukioka Park and is a popular cherry blossom viewing spot. The Zao mountain range with lingering snow can be seen from the castle, and visitors can enjoy a magnificent view of the castle tower and cherry blossoms.

(3) Matsugasaki Park is an urban park built on the ruins of Yonezawa Castle and is famous for its cherry blossoms.

(4) Mahoroba Greenway is a promenade and bicycle path using the former site of the abandoned Takahata Railway line, and in spring the greenway becomes a cherry blossom path. The path is surrounded by peaceful countryside, and the Azuma and Iide mountain ranges can be seen clearly.

The Okitama Sakura Corridor is the collective name for the giant cherry trees and cherry blossom viewing spots in the southern part of Yamagata Prefecture.

(5) Isazawa-no-Kubozakura is a giant cherry tree said to be over 1,200 years old and is designated as a national natural monument.

(6) Kamanokoshi Cherry Tree is an 800-year-old Edohigan cherry tree, but unfortunately, it was confirmed to have died in recent years. And its child cherry tree, Katsuya-zakura, can now be seen.

(7) Yakushi Cherry Tree is an old Edohigan tree standing near the Kamanokoshi Cherry Tree, and is about 1,200 years old.

(8) The Twelve Cherry Tree is another Edohigan tree, about 16 m tall with a trunk circumference of about 6 m.

(9) Yamaguchi Scholarship Cherry Tree is a huge Someiyoshino tree, about 100 years old, standing on the site of an elementary school.

(10) The Komorido cherry tree is a 1,000-year-old Edohigan cherry tree that stands impressively as if it were rising from a small hill.

(11) Akasaka Yakushi Zakura is a 1,000-year-old Edohigan cherry tree, and even its decaying trunk has a stately appearance, giving the impression of being a thousand years old.

(12) Sosho Park is an urban park located on a hillside near Nanyo City, and is home to several giant weeping cherry trees, including the Choyo-zakura.

(13) Tsuruoka Park is located on the site of Tsurugaoka Castle. The park is famous for its cherry blossoms and has been selected as one of the 100 best cherry blossom viewing spots in Japan.

(14)Hiyoriyama Park is a hilly park with a view of the Sea of Japan and has been selected as one of the 100 best city parks in Japan. The wooden white lighthouse surrounded by cherry blossoms is impressive.


・日本全国「桜・お花見」三昧!HD長編シリーズ 再生リスト


・山形城跡・霞城公園の観光ガイド(癒しの国 日本.TV)

・伊佐沢の久保桜の観光ガイド(癒しの国 日本.TV)

・鶴岡公園の観光ガイド(癒しの国 日本.TV)

・チャンネル登録をお願いします ↓

Music by ハヤシユウ, ゆうきわたる, のる, ゆうり, Notzan ACT, ISAo, hotaru sounds, すもち, MFP, OK-Sounds, gooset :

#霞城公園 #一本桜 #置賜さくら回廊 #さくら #桜名所

5 best places to visit in Yamagata, Japan


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Takahatafudo: Autumn in the TOKYO Outskirts // Exploring Hino, Japan part I

There are many interesting places out beyond Tokyo's metropolitan borders. In this video I introduce a prominent and very scenic temple in the city of Hino that traces roots back to the Shinsengumi of the Bakumatsu period. Today, it is also a notable place to enjoy the colors of fall.

Getting here:
To get to Takahatafudoson Kongoji Temple, take the Keio train express from Shinjuku towards Keio-Hachioji or Takaosanguchi, and get off at Takahatafudo Station.

JAPAN videos playlist here: (will be updated as new videos are added)

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Music credits:
Separate Paths by Masashi Hamauzu
Glitchin' a Ride by The Whole Other
Temple Bells by me
Wonder by KINO
Staycation by Corbyn Kites
Aurora Borealis Expedition by Asher Fulero
Japanese garden Koto by MOJI
Spanish Moss by Chris Haugen
Trepidation and Tenacity by me

- Sony ZV-E10
- Sony 16-50mm F3.5-5.6 Kit + Ulanzi WL3 wide angle add-on
- Sony 55-210mm F4.5-6.3

EDITED with the FOSS video editor

Takahata-fudo, hino city Tokyo, Japan with a Gopro9 on iSteady Pro4

I gave up making videos in English, because I have only seven hundred subscribers even if I have been making videos in English for about ten years, it stands for my inability to make videos in English. Goodbye world!.

I will change the language to Japanese as my mother tongue from the next clip, Hello Japan!

Best Restaurants and Places to Eat in Takahata machi, Japan

Takahata-machiFood Guide. MUST WATCH. We have sorted the list of Best Restaurant in Takahata-machifor you. Using this list you can try Best Local Food in Takahata-machior select best Bar in Takahata.

And Lot more about Takahata-machiFood and Drinks.

It's not the Ranking of Best Restaurants in Takahata, it is just the list of best Eating Hubs as per our user's ratings.

Don't forget to Subscribe our channel. Click on Bell ICON to get the notification of New Videos Immediately.

List of Best Restaurants in Takahata

Fleur de Soleil
Akayuramen Ryushanhai
Urushiyama Kajuen

Off The Beaten Path Tokyo Series: Takahata Fudo Temple

Takahata Fudo Temple is a place where you can observe the famous Fire Ceremony of the Shingon Sect of Buddhism. If you have something you want to release you can write it on a wooden tablet and have it burned during the ceremony, to free yourself of its energy. Takahata Fudo is also where people go to receive protecting talismans to keep themselve safe from trafic accidents. So, if you are a reckless driver or you are surrounded by such this is the place to go! :)

What I like about Takahata is the variety of experiences the place offers - apart from seeing some spectacular temples and shrines we can also go on a hike in the hills surrounding the temple, we can sample local sweets and food and even participate in ancient Buddhist ceremonies. The temple is also a local culture center so it offers tea ceremony classes in their traitional tea house, karate classes and others. There is something for everyone to enjoy and I for myself always find new experiences to savor, even if I have been to the temple many times.

The face of the temple changes with the seasons: in early spring it is a great place for cherry blossoms, in early spring the hills behind the temple are covered with blooming hydrangears and in the fall the thick green foliage of the maple trees turns scarlet red. Since in this video we are visiting the temple during the rainy season I wanted to show you its mysterious side with paths covered with green moss and statues hidden behind the thick foliage of the forest.

Thank you for joining me on this virtu

Thank you for joining me on this virtual tour and if you liked the video
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About Spirit Of Japan Tours:
In Japanese, the character WA (和) means harmony and equilibrium. The concept of WA can be observed in every aspect of life in Japan: from the way society functions to the harmonious way the elements of a Japanese garden are combined and the elegant, precise movements of a master performing a tea ceremony - all of that is WA and all aim to achieve perfect harmony.
At Spirit of Japan Tours we are dedicated to help you experience the spirit of WA on a deep and transformational level. Our carefully crafted tours incorporate the best of Japan’s irresistible charm: its ancient history and traditions, awe-inspiring natural beauty and its unique blend of spirituality, based on Zen and native Shinto practices. They are a joyful creation that will enhance your sense well-being and enjoyment of life and help you discover your own inner WA - the place where you are in perfect harmony with your own self and the world.

Takahata Town, Yamagata Prefecture, residential area, snowy plains and hot springs in the station.

Thank you for watching.
Takahata Town in Yamagata Prefecture, Japan is a country town rich in nature, famous for its wine.
This time, I took a walk around the Takahata Station area.

Please subscribe to our channel here.

#snowy plains #Takahata Town #Yamagata

[JAPAN/TOKYO]Takahata Fudoson mountain road walking scenery[Takahatafudo/Hino]

[JAPAN/TOKYO]Takahata Fudoson mountain road walking scenery[Takahatafudo/Hino].
[If you subscribe to my channel, you will get an interesting view of the city of Tokyo]

[If you give me an Amazon Gift Certificate, I can continue to walking]
《email address》

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[JAPAN/TOKYO]Ueno/Asakusa/TOKYO SKYTREE TOWN/Okachimachi/Asakusabashi/Ryogoku/Tsukishima/Yanaka area[walk/scenery]

[JAPAN/TOKYO]Ikebukuro/Shin-okubo/Takadanobaba/Sugamo/Mejiro/Gokokuji area[walk/scenery]

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[JAPAN/TOKYO]Takanawa/Shinagawa/Gotanda/Osaki/Shiodome/Tennozu Isle/Sea side area[walk/scenery]

[JAPAN/TOKYO]Seibu Line area[walk/scenery]

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[JAPAN/TOKYO]Saitama area[walk/scenery]

[JAPAN/TOKYO]Chiba area[walk/scenery]

[JAPAN/TOKYO]East Tokyo area[walk/scenery]

[JAPAN/TOKYO]West Tokyo area[walk/scenery]

[JAPAN/TOKYO]Yotsuya/Sendagaya/Shinanomachi/Jingu Gaien area[walk/scenery]

[JAPAN/Kanagawa]Yokohama/Minatomirai/Kawasaki area[walk/scenery]

[JAPAN/TOKYO]Night illuminations[Akihabara/Kabukicho/Shibuya/Shinjuku]

[JAPAN/TOKYO]Shibuya/Harajuku/Daikan-yama/Ebisu/Meguro/Shirokane area[walk/scenery]

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#JAPAN #TOKYO #Takahatafudo #Hino #MountainRoad #walk #scenery

I will release a video every day
Thank you for your comments
I always read everyone's comments

[Shooting Equipment]
《iPhone 12 Pro Max》
《Hohem iSteady Mobile Plus》


[My Walking Shoes]


TAKAHATA-Yamagata Pref. Touhoku Japan Travel-SNOW,Wine,Model Railways

TAKAHATA-Yamagata Pref. Touhoku Japan Travel-SNOW,Wine,Model Railways

About 2 and half hours from Tokyo Station with Yamagata Shinkansen Train, you will reach Takahata in Tohoku Yamagata Prefecture. The ten thousand years of history and the essence of Japanese scenery await you here. You can take a slow walk, enjoying the architectures, savoring the rich nature and history right in front of you. Pamper your soul with the kindness of the locals and nourish yourself with the delicacies made with local ingredients. You feel as if you are being welcomed home - at a place where you feel at ease. Go find your Takahata. We are waiting for you here.



DJI Mavic Pro

MAGIX VegasPro15


Walk in TAKAHATA | 山形県高畠町



■Saruko-A Trip Around Beatiful JAPAN-

DJI Mavic2 Pro

Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve

Travel Japan Guide | 4 Reasons to VISIT JAPAN 20 TIMES

I know it does sound pretty insane to have traveled to #Japan 20 times at the age of 25 but I don't believe I'm a rare case among the population in Taiwan. Aside from the proximity to Japan from Taiwan, vacationing in Japan includes all the attractions people in Taiwan are looking for. From the delicate #JapaneseFood to its in your face culture, Japan has been a popular tourist destination for decades. I'm blessed that my parents have adopted the habit of traveling and are willing to take us along with them at such crying baby age. I'd like to share these valuable experience with the world. Whether you are thinking about #TravelingToJapan or have never thought the idea, I do hope this video inspires you to take a chance.

#TravelJapanGuide #TravelJapanBlog #TravelJapan

This vlog is filmed with HTC Re and edited via Adobe Premiere Pro, find out more about the camera on my review:
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4K Japan Walk in Takahata-Fudoson Kongo-ji Temple/1hours

Walking at Takahata Fudoson was a truly serene and enchanting experience. The moment I entered the grounds of the temple, I was enveloped in a sense of tranquility and spiritual calm. The atmosphere was permeated with a deep sense of reverence and devotion, as worshippers and visitors alike moved gracefully through the temple complex.

The natural surroundings added to the beauty of the place, with lush greenery, towering trees, and well-manicured gardens creating a harmonious environment. As I strolled along the stone pathways, I couldn't help but be captivated by the exquisite architecture of the temple buildings. The intricate details, vibrant colors, and ornate carvings showcased the rich cultural heritage of Japan.

The sounds of chanting and the faint ringing of bells added to the meditative ambiance, creating a peaceful symphony that reverberated through the air. I encountered numerous Buddhist statues and sacred artifacts, each evoking a sense of reverence and awe. The sheer devotion and spirituality of the place were palpable, as visitors offered prayers and lit incense sticks, seeking blessings and solace.

One particular highlight was the main hall, where the grand statue of Fudo Myoo, the temple's principal deity, stood majestically. The statue exuded a powerful presence, its stern expression juxtaposed with a profound sense of compassion. It was truly a humbling experience to witness the devotion of worshippers as they bowed and paid their respects to Fudo Myoo.

Throughout my walk, I also had the opportunity to explore smaller shrines, pagodas, and meditation areas scattered across the temple complex. Each had its own unique charm and significance, offering moments of introspection and reflection. Whether sitting by a tranquil pond or admiring the delicate beauty of a shrine, the energy of Takahata Fudoson fostered a deep connection with nature and a heightened spiritual awareness.

Overall, my experience of walking at Takahata Fudoson left an indelible impression on me. It was a place where ancient traditions and natural beauty merged seamlessly, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in a world of peace and enlightenment. I left with a profound sense of gratitude and a renewed appreciation for the power of spirituality in our lives.

If you like the video, please subscribe.

#japan #tokyo #walk

Japan Trip 2015 [6]: Isao Takahata

In addition to getting his signature, I also was able to talk and ask some questions to him.

Also, website of Kusumi Kawanabe:

Music: DJ Krush - Black Rain
Joe Hisaishi Princess Mononoke Symphonic Suite










#御朱印 #神社 #ひとり旅

Ajisai Season am Takahata Fudoson, Tokyo | JAPAN | JVlog

Von Anfang Juni bis Anfang Juli blühen am Takahata Fudoson Tempel im Westen Tokyos die Hortensien. Ich hab den Tempel zur Blütezeit besucht und für euch ein paar Eindrücke eingefangen. Viel Spaß beim Video ♥
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[[ English subtitle available ]]
From the beginning of June to the beginning of July hydrangeas are blooming at Takahata Fudoson Temple in Western Tokyo. I visited the temple during the blooming season and caught up some impressions for you.
Have fun with the video and leave me a thumb up and a comment ♥
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Gadgets I usually use for filming:
*Affiliate Links*

- Samsung Galaxy S9+
- Canon Legria HF R606
- DJI Osmo Pocket
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Travel Blog:
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Music Credits: YT Audio Library
- The Green Orbs - Old MacDonald
- The Green Orbs - Rock-a-bye Baby
- Happy Strummin von Audionautix ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution ( lizenziert. Künstler:
- Ishikari Lore von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution ( lizenziert.
Quelle: Künstler:

【No Copyright】Asakawa River Time Lapse in Takahata-Hudo ~ Japan Movie / 高幡不動 万願寺歩道橋タイムラプス

【No Copyright】Asakawa River Time Lapse in Takahata-Hudo ~ Japan Movie / 高幡不動万願寺歩道橋タイムラプス

This video is a time-lapse video taken at the Asakawa River in Takahatafudo, Tokyo. The wind was strong and the movement of the clouds was large, making the image spectacular. There were a lot of elementary school students because it was just the time to leave school.

----About No copyright videos----
About CC Commons.
Please use this video in compliance with the following.
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Thank you for watching! I will introduce various places in Japan from famous tourist spots to deep places unknown to non-local people. If you like my videos, subscribe and click the Like button.

If you have a place to shoot, please comment !

Map :
Place : Hino City, Tokyo, Japan(東京都日野市)
Time : 2021/5/21

#TamaRec #JapanMovie #japan​ #tokyo​​ #NoCopyright #timeLapse



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