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10 Best place to visit in Stolniceni-Prăjescu Romania


Fanfara din 10 Prajini Ia-ti mireasa ziua buna @ Muzeul Taranului Roman

Iaca s-a nimerit să intru in curtea Muzeului Taranului Roman taman înainte să înceapă fanfara să cânte Ia-ti mireasă ziua bună. Neasteptată si savuroasă experientă.

Eu care mă duceam să iau un cadou de la magazin nu mă asteptam de loc la o asemenea prestație muzicală :).

M-am interesat și ce era cu dânșii acolo. Site-ul MȚr spune așa:
Muzeul Național al Țăranului Român și Fundația Alexandru Tzigara-Samurcaș vă invită marți, 13 octombrie 2015, de la ora 15, la Etnomuzicologii intersectate: Franța – România, discuții, lansare de carte, muzici de fanfară și tarafuri.

Evenimentul își propune să reamintească, sub o formă sintetică, dinamică și atractivă, contribuțiile etnomuzicologilor francezi la cunoașterea muzicilor orale din România, subliniind că aceste contribuții au fost adesea fructul unei colaborări cu România, și în primul rând cu Speranța Rădulescu, pentru o vreme responsabilul Compartimentului de etnomuzicologie al Muzeului Țăranului.
Ora 15, în curtea muzeului:
Animație muzicală cu fanfara din Zece Prăjini

Ora 16, în studioul Horia Bernea:
Prezentare interactivă a cercetărilor și lucrărilor publicate de etnomuzicologi, urmată de
Prezentarea câtorva secvențe filmate pe teren
Conversație liberă cu publicul
Ora 17.30, în studioul Horia Bernea:
Lansarea volumului Indienii cântăreți. Urechea etnologului de Bernard Lortat-Jacob, publicat la Paris în 1994 (ediția a doua în 2009) și tradus în română de Speranța Rădulescu.

Romania: Targu Neamt, CFR electric loco runs round after arrival from Pascani, inc. onboard footage

Romania: At Targu Neamt, a CFR class 41 electric loco (no. 41-0646) runs round its train of one double deck coach after arrival from Pascani.

Also included is footage recorded on board the return journey to Pascani arriving into and departing from Cristești Pașcani station.

Trains shown are: R5525 1652 Pascani - Targu Neamt and R5524 1758 Targu Neamt - Pascani.

Recorded 25 September 2021.
Suceava is the largest city and the seat of Suceava County, situated in the historical region of Bukovina, north-eastern Romania, and at the crossroads of Central and Eastern Europe. During the late Middle Ages, from 1388 to 1564, the city was the capital of the Principality of Moldavia.

From 1775 to 1918, Suceava was controlled by the Habsburg Monarchy, initially part of its Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, then gradually becoming the third most populous urban settlement of the Duchy of Bukovina, a constituent land of the Austrian Empire and subsequently a crown land within the Austrian part of Austria-Hungary. During this time, Suceava was an important, strategically-located commercial border town with the then Romanian Old Kingdom (Romanian: Vechiul Regat, German: Altreich). Back during the Austrian domination of Bukovina, Suceava was also regarded as a 'miniature Austria' by native intellectual Rudolf Gassauer given its significant ethnic diversity.

In the wake of World War I, after 1918, along with the rest of Bukovina, Suceava became part of the then newly enlarged Kingdom of Romania.[16] After the end of World War II, the city slowly underwent a process of communist urbanization which increased its population about tenfold throughout the decades before the 1989 Romanian Revolution. It became a municipality in 1968.
Căile Ferate Române (abbreviated as CFR) is the official designation of the state railway carrier of Romania. The railway network of Romania consists of 11,380 km (7,070 mi), of which 3,971 km (2,467 mi) (34.9%) are electrified, and the total track length is 22,247 km (13,824 mi), of which 8,585 km (5,334 mi) (38.5%) are electrified. The network is significantly interconnected with other European railway networks, providing pan-European passenger and freight services. CFR as an entity has been operating since 1880, even though the first railway on current Romanian territory was opened in 1854.

CFR is divided into four autonomous companies:

CFR Călători, responsible for passenger services;
CFR Marfă, responsible for freight transport;
CFR Infrastructură, manages the infrastructure on the Romanian railway network; and Societatea Feroviară de Turism, or SFT, which manages scenic and tourist railways.

CFR Călători, the passenger service division of CFR, operates seven types of passenger train, both on Romania's territory, with rolling stock and locomotives, or internationally, with rolling stock. Also, CFR operates international trains on Romanian territory with its own locomotives. The train types vary in terms of speed and type of rolling stock. In 2010, approximately 58 million passengers have traveled with the company. 10 million travelers have preferred private equity firms in particular on the side lines.

CFR train types are:
Regio (R) -- the trains have assigned numbers from 2000 to 9999
InterRegio (IR) -- the trains have assigned numbers from 200 to 499, 600 to 999, 1000 to 1999 and 10000 to 14999
InterCity (IC) -- numbered from 500 to 599
EuroCity (EC) -- numbered as IC trains from 500 to 599
EuroNight (EN) -- numbered as IC trains from 500 to 599
Special (S) -- tourist trains operated on scenic routes with vintage rolling stock, numbered from S1 to S9

Aside from the seven main train types, CFR also operates night trains, which can be of any status (usually Rapid, InterCity or EuroNight). Freight trains, operated by CFR Marfă, have a different numbering system.
The Electroputere LE 5100, otherwise known as CFR Class 40/41/42 is a family of electric locomotives (separated by 3 classes) built for the Romanian Railways (CFR) for use on the Romanian electrified network. Over 1000 Class 40s were constructed by Electroputere (EP) under ASEA license in EPs Craiova Works from 1967 to 1991.

Entering service in 1965, the Class 40 also operated on private railroads after the repeal of CFRs monopoly on rail transport. The vast majority of all the engines are still in service, as of 2020, having become an icon for the Romanian Railways.
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Play in Floresti : Parcul Poligon 18-20 Iunie 2021 (teaser video)


Realizarea de evenimente periodice cu muzica, organizate in parcuri, cu activitati distractive, recreative, sportive si creative folosindu-ne de cadru si influentele din zona de activitate, prin colaborarea mai multor entitati publice si private pentru beneficiul locuitorilor comunei Floresti si a zonei metropolitane Cluj.




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