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10 Best place to visit in Središče ob Dravi Slovenia


Jeruzalem Slovenia: Saint Martin's day

Municipality of Ormož Municipality of Sveti Tomaž Municipality of Središče ob Dravi,

Legend has it, that crusaders on their way to the holy land, stopped on one of these beautiful hills to rest. Here they were met by hospitable locals, that offered them good wine, and that is when they decided never to leave this place. They claimed the region as their own and named it Jeruzalem. And to this day it remains one of the most striking places with one of the most spectacular views over the surrounding vineyards.

Slovenia 41 Hodos - Ormoz

Slovenia 41 Hodos - Ormoz
2022 ősz / 2022 autumn

1080p 60fps
Normal sebesség / normal speed

Music: RelaxingTime - Relaxing Music Vol.6 (from pixabay)

Travelling in Slovenia, Mura, Pomurska, Slovenia, Europe

The Mura Statistical Region is a statistical region in the north-east of Slovenia. It is predominantly agricultural with field crops representing over three quarters of the total utilised agricultural area, twice as much as the Slovene average. Climate and soil combined have made it the region with the highest crop production, but its geographical position and inferior infrastructure put it at a disadvantage and it is the region of Slovenia with the lowest GDP per capita (EUR 8,500) and the highest rate of registered unemployment. The region comprises the following municipalities: Apače, Beltinci, Cankova, Črenšovci, Dobrovnik, Gornja Radgona, Gornji Petrovci, Grad, Hodoš, Kobilje, Križevci, Kuzma, Lendava, Ljutomer, Moravske Toplice, Murska Sobota, Odranci, Puconci, Radenci, Razkrižje, Rogašovci, Sveti Jurij ob Ščavnici, Šalovci, Tišina, Turnišče, Velika Polana and Veržej. The population in 2004 was 122,717. Employment structure: 41.2% services, 44.8% industry, 14.0% agriculture. It attracts 7.8% of the total number of tourists in Slovenia, most being from Slovenia (52%). Length of motorways: 14 km Length of other roads: 1451 km.

Cartoon - 10. večer filmske glasbe

Skladba z jubilejnega 10. večera filmske glasbe.

Policijski orkester, dirigent Tomaž Kmetič

25. februar 2018, Športna dvorana Medvode

Ljutomer - Jeruzalem (Slowenien)

Poplave 2010

Narasle reke in kasneje tudi poplave v letu 2010 v Sloveniji Visit

RDO Štajerska hiša kulinarike

V okviru projekta RDO Ptuj, Jeruzalem Ormož, Slovenske gorice in Haloze smo za vas pripravili kratke intervjuje s partnerji projekta. V tem videu se predstavlja Štajerska hiša kulinarike.

Štajerska hiša kulinarike je partnersko podjetje, katerega ustanovitelji in področni vodje so izkušeni gostinci z bogatim znanjem na področju gostinstva in turizma, ki so ga nabrali med delom v priznanih hišah tako doma kot v Nemčiji, Franciji, Švici in Italiji. Prav znanje, obogateno z veliko mero entuziazma in energije, je osnova glavnemu cilju podjetja -- zagotavljanju visoke kakovosti za najbolj sprejemljivo ceno.

Goste razvajajo v gostilni Gočovski dvorec sredi mehkih gričev Slovenskih goric. Prednost dajejo sezonski ponudbi, tradicionalnim jedem, ki pa so pripravljene s pridihom svetovljanstva ter pospremljene z vrhunskimi vini iz naše vinorodne dežele, in skrbno urejenemu ambientu, ki vsemu vloženemu trudu v kuhinji in jedilnicah da piko na i. Prostori so opremljeni tako, da jih je možno s pomičnimi vrati ločiti in ustvariti intimnejše okolje, ali pa povezati. Enako veseli so namreč individualnih gostov kakor manjših ali večjih skupin -- vsem se posvetijo z enako pozornostjo. Številni gostje, ki dodobra napolnijo gostilno ob vedno bolj priljubljenih po izvirnem konceptu oblikovanih nedeljskih kosilih, ali pa tisti, ki so jih ustvarjalci sodobnih kulinaričnih zgodb s tradicionalnim pridihom navdušili na poročnem, rojstnodnevnem ali poslovnem slavju, so najboljše zagotovilo, da tudi vi ne boste razočarani.

Z okrepčili goste razvajajo tudi v Grajski kavarni na Ptujskem gradu, kjer se lahko med stoletnimi zidovi ene najznamenitejših grajskih stavb pri nas odpočijete med raziskovanjem »zakladnice tisočletij«, z okusno urejene terase sredi gornjega grajskega dvorišča pa ob srkanju toplega napitka ali osvežilne pijače in sladkanju s sladoledom ali sladico iz dnevne ponudbe občudujete enega najlepših razgledov v našem delu Slovenije.

Če pa si zaželite kozarec vrhunskega vina -- morda ob prigrizku -- v posebnem okolju, pa vam postrežejo v Grajski kleti, v »družbi« soda, ki je še nedavno hranil več kot 40.000 litrov vrhunskega vina.

Vendar to še ni vse -- slastne in očem zapeljive jedi vam postrežejo tudi na drugih lokacijah, tam, kjer bo vam najlepše...Pri osebju Štajerske Hiše Kulinarike ste v dobrih rokah!

Visit Ptuj -
Štajerska hiša kulinarike -
ZRS Bistra Ptuj -
Kreativni laboratorij -

RDO Zidanica Malek

V okviru projekta RDO Ptuj, Jeruzalem Ormož, Slovenske gorice in Haloze smo za vas pripravili kratke intervjuje s partnerji projekta. V tem videu se predstavlja Zidanica Malek.

Jeruzalemska vina so nekoč zorela v mnogih zidanicah po goricah, med drugim tudi v Maleku. Nekdanja gosposka hiša Malek, ki stoji ob cesti med Jeruzalemom in Svetinjami, je tipična slovenjegoriška zidanica bogatih lastnikov vinogradov v preteklosti. Zidanica je dobila ime po izpeljanki iz nemške besede Maylegg, Maleck ali Malegg, kar pomeni na robu hriba stoječi grad, pa tudi kraj, kjer so opravljali sodbe. V stavbi je ogromna preša in pod njo obokane kleti. Posebna zanimivost te obnovljene gosposke hiše, ene od mnogih tu naokrog, je hišna kapela. V njej je ohranjena freska živo modrih in rdečih barv; v levem kotu se stiskata angelčka, okoli Marije je bogat rastlinski okvir, ki ga nosita putta (putto: podoba navadno golega in krilatega majhnega otroka). Gosposka hiša, ali bolje velika zidanica, je spadala pod gospoščino Branek, katere lastniki so bili od leta 1527 furlanski grofje iz rodbine Codroipo. Ob koncu 19. stoletja je postala lastnica Maleka in posesti v Veličanah družina Fischerau, posestniki in vinski trgovci iz Leobna. Johann Fischerau je z oporoko leta 1919 veleposest razdelil med svoje otroke. Danes je zidanica v upravljanju in lasti družbe Jeruzalem Ormož -- VVS. V prijetnem okolju 400 let stare zidanice Malek gostje doživijo in okusijo šarm ter eleganco vin Vinske kleti Jeruzalem Ormož.

Visit Jeruzalem-Ormož -
Zidanica Malek:
ZRS Bistra Ptuj -
Kreativni laboratorij -

Jeruzalem Slovenia: Natural wonders

Municipality of Ormož Municipality of Sveti Tomaž Municipality of Središče ob Dravi,

Legend has it, that crusaders on their way to the holy land, stopped on one of these beautiful hills to rest. Here they were met by hospitable locals, that offered them good wine, and that is when they decided never to leave this place. They claimed the region as their own and named it Jeruzalem. And to this day it remains one of the most striking places with one of the most spectacular views over the surrounding vineyards.

Driving in November 2023 from Donji Kraljevec in Croatia ???????? to Ormož in Slovenia????????.

Driving in November 2023 from Donji Kraljevec in Croatia to Ormož in Slovenia on a country road between villages and towns, the distance is 44 km (27 mi). Thank you very much everyone for watching.


02:40 Prelog
10:18 Sveti Križ
14:26 Štefanec
18:26 Čakovec
28:14 Nedelišće
36:38 Gornji Hrašćan
40:38 Trnovec
42:16 Slovenia
43:39 Središče ob Dravi
46:18 Grabe
47:18 Obrež
50:50 Loperšice
53:00 Pušenci
55: 05 Ormož

القيادة في نوفمبر 2023 من دونيي كرالجيفيك في كرواتيا إلى أورموز في سلوفينيا على طريق ريفي بين القرى والبلدات، تبلغ المسافة 44 كم (27 ميل). شكرا جزيلا للجميع على المشاهدة.

Conduire en novembre 2023 de Donji Kraljevec en Croatie à Ormož en Slovénie sur une route de campagne entre villages et villes, la distance est de 44 km (27 mi). Merci beaucoup à tous d'avoir regardé.

Wenn ich im November 2023 von Donji Kraljevec in Kroatien nach Ormož in Slowenien auf einer Landstraße zwischen Dörfern und Städten fahre, beträgt die Entfernung 44 km (27 Meilen). Vielen Dank an alle fürs Zuschauen.

Conducerea în noiembrie 2023 de la Donji Kraljevec în Croația la Ormož în Slovenia pe un drum de țară între sate și orașe, distanța este de 44 km (27 mi). Mulțumesc frumos tuturor pentru vizionare.

В ноябре 2023 года по дороге из Дони Кралевца в Хорватии в Ормож в Словении по проселочной дороге между деревнями и городами расстояние составляет 44 км (27 миль). Большое спасибо всем за просмотр.

Возећи се у новембру 2023. од Доњег Краљевца у Хрватској до Орможа у Словенији, сеоским путем између села и градова, удаљеност је 44 км (27 миља). Хвала вам пуно свима на гледању.

Jazda v novembri 2023 z Donji Kraljevec v Chorvátsku do Ormožu v Slovinsku po vidieckej ceste medzi dedinami a mestami, vzdialenosť je 44 km (27 míľ). Ďakujem veľmi pekne všetkým za sledovanie.

Vožnja novembra 2023 od Donjih Kraljevcev na Hrvaškem do Ormoža v Sloveniji po podeželski cesti med vasmi in mesti je razdalja 44 km (27 milj). Najlepša hvala vsem za ogled.

Conduciendo en noviembre de 2023 desde Donji Kraljevec en Croacia hasta Ormož en Eslovenia por una carretera rural entre pueblos y ciudades, la distancia es de 44 km (27 millas). Muchas gracias a todos por mirar.

การขับรถในเดือนพฤศจิกายน 2023 จาก Donji Kraljevec ในโครเอเชียไปยัง Ormož ในสโลวีเนีย บนถนนในชนบทระหว่างหมู่บ้านและเมือง ระยะทางคือ 44 กม. (27 ไมล์) ขอบคุณทุกคนที่รับชมมากๆครับ

Kasım 2023'te Hırvatistan'daki Donji Kraljevec'ten Slovenya'daki Ormož'a köyler ve kasabalar arasındaki köy yolunda giderken mesafe 44 km'dir (27 mil). İzlediğiniz için herkese çok teşekkür ederim.

Vožnja u studenom 2023. od Donjeg Kraljevca u Hrvatskoj do Ormoža u Sloveniji seoskom cestom između sela i gradova, udaljenost je 44 km (27 milja). Puno hvala svima na gledanju.

Jízda v listopadu 2023 z Donji Kraljevec v Chorvatsku do Ormože ve Slovinsku po venkovské silnici mezi vesnicemi a městy, vzdálenost je 44 km (27 mil). Všem moc děkuji za sledování.

नवंबर 2023 में क्रोएशिया के डोनजी क्रालजेवेक से स्लोवेनिया के ओर्मोज़ तक गांवों और कस्बों के बीच एक ग्रामीण सड़क पर ड्राइविंग करते हुए, दूरी 44 किमी (27 मील) है। देखने के लिए आप सभी का बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद।

Als je in november 2023 van Donji Kraljevec in Kroatië naar Ormož in Slovenië rijdt over een landweg tussen dorpen en steden, is de afstand 44 km (27 mijl). Iedereen hartelijk bedankt voor het kijken.

Guidando nel novembre 2023 da Donji Kraljevec in Croazia a Ormož in Slovenia su una strada di campagna tra villaggi e città, la distanza è di 44 km (27 mi). Grazie mille a tutti per la visione.

Οδηγώντας τον Νοέμβριο του 2023 από το Donji Kraljevec στην Κροατία προς το Ormož στη Σλοβενία ​​σε επαρχιακό δρόμο μεταξύ χωριών και πόλεων, η απόσταση είναι 44 km (27 mi). Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ όλους για την παρακολούθηση.

2023 novemberében a horvátországi Donji Kraljevec és a szlovéniai Ormož között egy falvak és városok közötti országúton haladva a távolság 44 km (27 mérföld). Mindenkinek nagyon köszönöm, hogy megnézte.

2023 年 11 月にクロアチアのドンジ クラリェヴェツからスロベニアのオルモスまで村と町の間の田舎道を車で走ったところ、距離は 44 km (27 マイル) でした。ご覧いただきました皆様、誠にありがとうございました。

Jadąc w listopadzie 2023 r. z Donji Kraljevec w Chorwacji do Ormož w Słowenii po wiejskiej drodze między wioskami i miastami, odległość wynosi 44 km (27 mil). Dziękuję bardzo wszystkim za obejrzenie.

Dirigindo em novembro de 2023 de Donji Kraljevec, na Croácia, até Ormož, na Eslovênia, em uma estrada secundária entre vilarejos e cidades, a distância é de 44 km (27 milhas). Muito obrigado a todos por assistirem.

Mengemudi pada bulan November 2023 dari Donji Kraljevec di Kroasia ke Ormož di Slovenia di jalan pedesaan antara desa dan kota, jaraknya 44 km (27 mil). Terima kasih banyak semuanya telah menonton.

2023년 11월 크로아티아 Donji Kraljevec에서 슬로베니아 Ormož까지 마을과 도시 사이의 시골길을 따라 운전한 거리는 44km입니다. 시청해 주신 모든 분들께 진심으로 감사드립니다.

#solo_traveler_7o #enjoy #travel #driving #roadtrip #world #4k #europe #gopro #croatia #slovenia

Visit Ptuj -- Jeruzalem Ormož -- Haloze -- Slovenske gorice


A picture is worth more than thousand words. From now on, our destination is also visible on the video. You are all invited to join us in our time travel.

Slika pove več kot tisoč besed. Uživajte v predstavitvenem filmu naše destinacije!
Od zdaj naprej bo naša destinacija vidna tudi v videu. Vabljeni k ogledu kratkega filma.

for every taste, age, interest, energy, and budget! Especially for you!

In the north-eastern part of Slovenia, along the Drava River, spreads the region that needs to be discovered, visited, tasted and experienced. This fertile and gently undulating country has been populated since the prehistoric times, as has always been protected and connected by the mighty river meandering through it. The generous region has lured many a visitor to settle here, while the number of those who just refreshed themselves and had a rest on their journey is even more important. And the same is true now.

As once, long time ago, waves of the Pannonian Sea used to break the surface, nowadays hills of Haloze and Slovenske gorice along the River gently roll and break the surface of the flat Drava and Ptuj Plains. Apparently calm surface of the River and the Lake reflect the image of this generous country. The sun, unspoilt nature, dainties and specialities of all kinds, smile and open-heartedness of its people will charm You forever.

Less than an hour from Graz and Zagreb and the Hungarian border, an hour and a half from Ljubljana, three hours from Vienna and Klagenfurt, Postojna and gems of the Adriatic Sea, just a few kilometres from the main highway, and mere 20 minutes from Maribor and Pohorje plateau, amidst the unspoilt nature along the mighty Drava River lays the oldest town in Slovenia -- the town of Ptuj. Called the treasure of millennia, Ptuj is known for monuments of universal importance, for its gastronomic specialities and the most prominent carnival, for exceptional cultural performances, for the most ancient wine cellar in the country. Comprising the picturesque hills of Haloze and Slovenske gorice harbouring Jeruzalem and boasting an incredibly high number of sunny days, from Austria to Croatia spreads the tourist destination Ptuj -- Jeruzalem Ormož -- Haloze -- Slovenske gorice where new adventures, discoveries and experiences await for tourists of all ages, interests and budgets.

Več na /more on:

ZRS Bistra Ptuj -

Režija: Brane Lobnik
Glasba: Damir Višič
Produkcija: PETV -
Animacija: Creative Lab -

Jeruzalem Slovenia: Relaxation in nature

Municipality of Ormož Municipality of Sveti Tomaž Municipality of Središče ob Dravi,

Legend has it, that crusaders on their way to the holy land, stopped on one of these beautiful hills to rest. Here they were met by hospitable locals, that offered them good wine, and that is when they decided never to leave this place. They claimed the region as their own and named it Jeruzalem. And to this day it remains one of the most striking places with one of the most spectacular views over the surrounding vineyards.

Jeruzalem Slovenia: Sport

Municipality of Ormož Municipality of Sveti Tomaž Municipality of Središče ob Dravi,

Legend has it, that crusaders on their way to the holy land, stopped on one of these beautiful hills to rest. Here they were met by hospitable locals, that offered them good wine, and that is when they decided never to leave this place. They claimed the region as their own and named it Jeruzalem. And to this day it remains one of the most striking places with one of the most spectacular views over the surrounding vineyards.

Jeruzalem Slovenia: Culture

Municipality of Ormož Municipality of Sveti Tomaž Municipality of Središče ob Dravi,

Legend has it, that crusaders on their way to the holy land, stopped on one of these beautiful hills to rest. Here they were met by hospitable locals, that offered them good wine, and that is when they decided never to leave this place. They claimed the region as their own and named it Jeruzalem. And to this day it remains one of the most striking places with one of the most spectacular views over the surrounding vineyards.

Jeruzalem Slovenia: Food and wine

Municipality of Ormož Municipality of Sveti Tomaž Municipality of Središče ob Dravi,

Legend has it, that crusaders on their way to the holy land, stopped on one of these beautiful hills to rest. Here they were met by hospitable locals, that offered them good wine, and that is when they decided never to leave this place. They claimed the region as their own and named it Jeruzalem. And to this day it remains one of the most striking places with one of the most spectacular views over the surrounding vineyards.

MoskvaTour 2012 - dnevni intervju 8.8.2012

Ogledi znamenitosti Moskve in javljanje za Radio Prlek
Lastnik zvočnega dela posnetka je Radio Prlek -

HR moto tura 2008

Poslovili smo se od Janija member MK Che Celje

20 let NK Ormož



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