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10 Best place to visit in Sakīt India


Паразиты в рогах кавказских туров. Что такое эстроз овец? Оводы паразиты.

Сцена из фильма Трофейная охота на Кавказского бурого медведя. (2022)
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Этот видеоролик посвящен интересному и важному вопросу о паразитах, которые могут обитать в рогах полорогих животных. В том числе и горных копытных. Если вы занимаетесь животноводством или интересуетесь жизнью животных, этот видеоролик будет для вас интересным и информативным.

Эстро́з овец - это инвазионная болезнь, вызываемая личинками носоглоточного овода. Личинки паразитируют в носовых, лобных и верхнечелюстных пазухах. А также полостях рогов.
Оводы активизируются в период с июня по сентябрь. Самка овода на лету впрыскивает в носовые полости овец по 6—12 личинок. От большей части из них овцам удаётся избавиться фырканьем или чиханием. Всего одна самка овода может оставить в теле животного около 100 личинок, которые беспокоят его на протяжении года. Паразиты закрепляются на слизистых и травмируют их. Это вызывает сильнейшее воспаление. При поражении мозга у носителя нарушается координация движений, появляются судороги. Овцы отстают от группы, вертятся на месте. У животных возникают параличи конечностей, а некоторые из них погибают.
Иногда этот недуг встречается у пастухов и фермеров. У людей, личинки этого овода поражают глаза, вызывая офтальмомиа́з. Похоже, помимо домашних овец эта болезнь затрагивает горных животных по всему миру.

(Oestrosis ovis) Распространён в странах с развитым овцеводством. Экономический ущерб выражается в снижении мясной, шёрстной и молочной продуктивности овец.

Этиология. Возбудитель — овод Oestrus ovis сем. Oestridae. Для этого вида оводов характерны полное голодание (состояние афагии) в фазе куколки и имаго, многоплодие и живорождение. Через 12—20 сут после оплодотворения в половых путях самки созревают от 240 до 600 личинок. Самка на лету впрыскивает в носовые полости овец по 6—12 личинок. Личинки 1-й стадии развиваются на слизистой оболочке носовых раковин и решётчатой кости, личинки 2-й и 3-й стадий — в лобных пазухах и полостях роговых отростков. Личинки травмируют слизистую оболочку, вызывая её воспаление и некроз. Попав на поверхность почвы, личинки 3-й стадии зарываются и окукливаются. При t 17°С через 18—32 сут из куколки выходит имаго (рис.). На 2-е и 3-й сут происходит спаривание, после чего самец погибает, а самка забирается в щели построек, деревьев и находится там около двух недель (до созревания личинок в половых путях). В юж. зонах оводы дают вторую генерацию и нек-рые личинки развиваются только весной следующего года. Продолжительность лёта оводов 15— 18 сут. Источник инвазии — больные эстрозом овцы. Массовое заболевание наблюдается весной и летом.

Симптомы. На 5—6-е сут после инвазирования личинками овода у овец наблюдают обильное серозно-гнойное носовое истечение с примесью крови; дыхание затруднено. Весной иногда отмечают нарушение координации движений животных (круговые движения в одну сторону — «вертячку»). Массовое проявление признаков болезни имеет чётко выраженную сезонность, совпадающую с временем развития личинок 2-й и 3-й стадий.

Патологоанатомические изменения. Обнаруживают гиперемию, точечные кровоизлияния и обилие слизи на слизистой оболочке верхних дыхат. путей; в местах гибели личинок — некротич. язвы. На слизистой оболочке носовой полости, иногда в лобных пазухах и в полости рогов находят личинок овода. Мозговые оболочки гиперемированы.

Диагноз ставят по результатам вскрытия, а также комплекса эпизоотол., клинич. и бактериол. исследований, исключающих листериоз и бешенство.

Лечение. Вводят в каждую носовую полость из шприца или спринцовки с удлинённым наконечником по 10—15 мл 2% -ного водного р-ра хлорофоса, в лобные пазухи по 10 мл 3%-ного р-ра хлорофоса. Для групповой обработки инвазированных овец применяют аэрозоль ДДВФ (60 мг препарата на 1 м3 помещения) или хлорофос (20 мл 10—24%-ного р-ра или 1—2,5 г порошка хлорофоса на 1 м3 воздуха при экспозиции соответственно 90 и 30 мин). Убой обработанных аэрозолем животных разрешается через 72 ч. Применяют также эстрозоль в аэрозольных баллончиках.

Профилактика: очистка кошар, «тырловок» и прилегающей к ним терр. от навоза, сжигание остатков корма до начала лёта оводов, дезинсекция помещений для животных 0,5%-ной эмульсией гексахлорана на креолиновой основе. Обработку животных против Э. о. проводят в период лёта оводов и после его окончания.

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Best places to visit

Best places to visit - Sakīt (India) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

Top 10 temples to cure illness in India #viharadarshani

Most Indians think that visiting temples can cure their diseases, especially terminal ones, in addition to visiting hospitals and receiving medical care from doctors. For your information, the top 10 temples for healing illnesses are mentioned below:
Top 10 temples to cure illness in India
1. Areyuru Vaidhyanatheshwara temple
2. Vaitheeshwaran temple
3. Ettumanur Temple
4. Samayapuram Maariyamman temple
5. Hanuman Temple
6. Thirumurugan Poondi temple
7. Prasanna Venkatachalapathy Temple
8. Pataleshwar Temple
9. Kanhirangad Vaidyanaatha Temple
10. Perambaakkam Shiva Temple

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Top 10 Most Common Causes of Death Worldwide

In this list, we explore the top 10 most common causes of death that affect people globally. These causes have a significant impact on public health and are essential considerations for policymakers, healthcare professionals, and individuals seeking to improve overall well-being and life expectancy. Keep in mind that addressing these health challenges requires continued efforts in medical research, disease prevention, and public health initiatives to reduce their impact on communities around the world.
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Best Neurosurgeons in India

A keen and dedicated team of Neurosurgeons, Neurologists, Neurointerventional surgeons, along with skilled paramedics led to the inception of our Neurosciences centre. The world class facilities, with cutting edge equipment in the Neuroscience centre sets it apart from the others in the industry.

The distinguished faculty of our Neurosciences centre expand their vast experience in diagnosing and treating disorders of the nervous system affecting the whole body, the spine, brain, hands, legs, arms and face. The Neurosurgery department offers some of the most sophisticated surgical treatments along with a variety of non-surgical approaches to restore international patients health and relieve their pain.


Kidney Transplant Cost in India for International Patients

India has emerged as a prominent medical tourism destination, providing high-quality healthcare services at a fraction of the cost of many developed nations. Kidney transplantation is one of the most popular medical procedures in India because it provides a cost-effective and expedient solution for patients with end-stage renal disease.


Uncovering the Glucoleader vs Palmcheck Sugar Test: Which is Best for Diabetes?#diabetes

Diabetes: A Comprehensive Guide


Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects the way the body processes glucose or blood sugar. The World Health Organization estimates that over 422 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes, making it a growing global health concern. In this informative guide, we will explore the different types of diabetes, their causes, symptoms, risk factors, complications, prevention, and management.

I. Types of Diabetes:

Type 1 Diabetes:

Autoimmune disease that destroys insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.

Typically diagnosed in children and young adults.

Requires insulin injections for survival.

Type 2 Diabetes:

Result of insulin resistance or the body's inability to use insulin effectively.

More common in adults, but increasingly diagnosed in children and adolescents.

Managed through lifestyle changes, medication, and insulin therapy if necessary.

Gestational Diabetes:

Occurs during pregnancy and affects the mother's ability to properly regulate blood sugar.

Usually resolves after childbirth, but increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.

II. Causes and Risk Factors:

Genetic Factors:

Family history of diabetes increases the risk.

Certain gene mutations are associated with type 1 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is influenced by genetic and environmental factors.

Lifestyle Factors:

Sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity contribute to insulin resistance.

Poor dietary choices, especially high sugar and calorie intake, increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Other Risk Factors:

Age, overweight/obesity, high blood pressure, gestational diabetes history, etc.

III. Symptoms and Diagnosis:

Common Symptoms:

Frequent urination, excessive thirst, unexplained weight loss, fatigue, blurry vision, slow healing of wounds, etc.

Diagnostic Tests:

Fasting plasma glucose test, oral glucose tolerance test, HbA1c test, etc.

IV. Complications:

Short-term Complications:

Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) episodes.

Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in type 1 diabetes.

Long-term Complications:

Cardiovascular diseases, nerve damage, kidney disease, eye complications, foot problems, etc.

V. Prevention and Management:

Prevention Strategies:

Healthy eating, regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding tobacco, etc.

Diabetes Management:

Blood sugar monitoring, medication (oral or injectable), insulin therapy, lifestyle modifications.

Diabetes Care Team:

Endocrinologist, diabetes educator, dietitian, exercise specialist, etc.


While diabetes may be a lifelong condition, it can be effectively managed through proper education, lifestyle changes, and medical care. By understanding the different types of diabetes, their causes, symptoms, risk factors, complications, prevention, and management, individuals can lead a healthy and fulfilling life even with diabetes. Regular monitoring, proactive management, and adherence to treatment plans are crucial for maintaining good health and reducing the impact of diabetes on daily life.

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The wonder fruit, Indian mulberry. Stinky smell but medicinal value. #medicine #fruit #indian

Indian mulberry, also known as Morinda citrifolia, is a tropical evergreen shrub or small tree. It is native to Southeast Asia, Polynesia, and Australia. Indian mulberry has been used for centuries in traditional medicine, and it is now being studied for its potential health benefits.

Indian mulberry is a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It contains vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, vitamin E, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. Indian mulberry is also a good source of dietary fiber.

Indian mulberry has been shown to have a number of health benefits, including:

Anti-inflammatory: Indian mulberry has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. This can help to reduce inflammation throughout the body, which can help to improve joint pain, arthritis, and other inflammatory conditions.
Antioxidant: Indian mulberry is a good source of antioxidants. Antioxidants help to protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells, leading to a number of health problems, including cancer, heart disease, and stroke.
Immune-boosting: Indian mulberry has been shown to have immune-boosting properties. This can help to protect the body from infection and disease.
Pain-relieving: Indian mulberry has been shown to have pain-relieving properties. This can help to relieve pain from conditions such as arthritis, headaches, and muscle pain.
Antibacterial: Indian mulberry has been shown to have antibacterial properties. This can help to kill bacteria that can cause infection.
Antifungal: Indian mulberry has been shown to have antifungal properties. This can help to kill fungi that can cause infection.
Indian mulberry is a safe and effective herb for most people. However, it is important to talk to your doctor before taking Indian mulberry if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking any medications.

Heart surgery in India

Our comprehensive heart centre marks a paradigm shift within the space of international heart care treatments facility. It takes pride in a robust and a cutting edge technology allied with best in class medical expertise. It conjoins three specialities under one roof to take care of your heart and circulatory system.

Our stellar cardiologist, cardiothoracic and vascular surgeons work together synergistically to provide you world class cardiac care.

Our Heart Centres consistently caters to Clinical Cardiology, Preventive Cardiology and Paediatric Cardiology.
1. Interventional Cardiology- Specialized heart treatment with compassion and care.

2. Cardiac Surgery- Specialized in by-pass to open heart surgeries.

3. Paediatric Cardiology & Paediatric Cardiac Surgery- Specialized treatment for children with heart complications.

What are Non-invasive Procedures?

A non-invasive procedure is a conservative treatment that does not require incision into the body or the removal of tissue.

What are invasive Procedures?

Invasive procedures include those that involve perforation, an incision, a catheterization, or other entry into the body.

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Cardiac Rehabilitation

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What you should know about bone marrow transplant in India

A bone marrow transplant, also known as a stem cell transplant, is a medical procedure that involves replacing dysfunctional or damaged bone marrow with healthy bone marrow stem cells. These stem cells can be extracted from the patient (autologous transplant) or a compatible donor (allogeneic transplant). Numerous blood-related disorders, such as leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and certain hereditary disorders, are frequently treated with bone marrow transplants.

Transplants of bone marrow have become an essential treatment option for patients with blood disorders in India. Significant advancements have been made in the field of medical sciences, including transplant medicine, making the country an attractive destination for patients seeking bone marrow transplants.

Here are a few key facts you should know about bone marrow transplants in India:

1. Medical Facilities: India is home to a number of world-class medical facilities and transplant centers outfitted with cutting-edge technology and staffed by highly trained medical professionals. Hospitals in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, and Chennai are renowned for their bone marrow transplantation expertise.

2. Expert Medical Team: India has a pool of highly skilled and well-trained medical professionals, including hematologists, oncologists, and transplant specialists with extensive experience conducting bone marrow transplants.

3. Cost-Effective Treatment: Bone marrow transplants in India are generally less expensive than in many western nations. The cost of bone marrow transplant or hematopoietic stem cell transplant in India for International patients ranges from USD 12,500-USD 35,000. An autologous bone marrow transplant may cost between $12,500 and $22,000, while an allogeneic transplant may cost between $25,000 and $35,000 on average. It is an attractive option for international patients because the reduced cost does not compromise the standard of care.

4. Autologous and Allogeneic Transplants: Both autologous and allogeneic bone marrow transplants are available in Indian hospitals. In an autologous transplant, the patient's own stem cells are collected and reinfused after high-dose chemotherapy, whereas in an allogeneic transplant, stem cells from a matched donor, who may be a family member or an unrelated donor, are utilized.

5. Donor Matching: It is essential to find a suitable donor for an allogeneic transplant. India's population diversity increases the likelihood of locating a compatible donor, particularly within the family.

6. HLA Typing: Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing is conducted to determine donor and recipient compatibility. Transplant institutions in India have access to sophisticated HLA typing technologies.

7. Transplant Procedure: The pre-transplant conditioning phase of a bone marrow transplant entails chemotherapy or radiation to prepare the patient's body for the transplant. Actual transplantation consists of infusing the harvested stem cells, which migrate to the bone marrow and begin producing new blood cells.

8. Post-transplant care: is essential to a successful outcome. Potential complications, including infections and graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), necessitate close monitoring and supportive care for patients.

9. Success rate: The success rates of Indian bone marrow transplant centers in treating various blood disorders are commendable. The transplant's efficacy depends on variables such as the patient's age, disease stage, compatibility with the donor, and post-transplant care.

10. Supportive services: Numerous Indian hospitals provide comprehensive supportive services, such as counseling, nutrition guidance, and palliative care, to ensure that patients and their families receive holistic care throughout the transplant process.

11. Travel and Lodging: For international patients seeking treatment in India, hospitals frequently assist with travel and lodging arrangements for the patient and their attendants.

12. Ethical and Legal Guidelines: Indian transplant centers strictly adhere to ethical and legal guidelines to ensure patient and donor safety. The Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Act governs transplantation of organs and tissues in the United States.


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Doctor explains insect Bites Bruising | Can Insect Bites Bruise? - Answers Revealed!

Insect Bites Bruising in Skin
Welcome to The Travelling Doc's YouTube channel – your trusted companion on the journey to better health and well-being!

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SOURCES and further information
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Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes. Not in place of medical advice. Up to date at times of publishing.

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Dr. Nainan is a family medicine doctor with over 10 years of experience. She obtained her MBBS from Keele University and holds diplomas from The Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Medicine. Dr. Nainan has also received further training on tropical diseases with Doctors Without Borders.

She has worked at various Trusts in the UK and has international medical experience in South Africa, India, and Bangalore. Her approach to well-being is holistic, addressing physical, mental, and spiritual health to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Dr. Nainan focuses on urgent care for acutely unwell patients and also provides telemedicine services for chronic and new health concerns, utilizing health technology to ensure the accurate and safe medical information is accessible.

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Dr Mathai on Anxiety

The WHO reports that anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders worldwide with specific phobia, major depressive disorder and social phobia being the most common anxiety disorders. Over 90% of young individuals have reported experiencing COVID-19-related anxiety.

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4 Things You Should Know: Chin Implant #shorts

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Chin Implant Surgery:
Chin implant surgery, also called genioplasty, improves the chin, neck, and jawline contours. Typically, surgery involves the placement of an implant around a patient’s existing chin bone to augment the size and shape of the chin and achieve a more naturally attractive balance between facial features. A weak or recessed chin can receive a permanent solution through chin enhancement, especially when performed by a qualified, experienced cosmetic surgeon.
Conditions where a person can consider this procedure are:
A person who has a weak or recessed chin
A person who wants to improve the neck and jawline structure
The person who wants to reduce the appearance of a full or double chin caused by a small chin bone.
A person who wants to restore facial harmony by bringing the chin into better proportion with other facial features.
A plastic surgeon generally does chin implant surgery. Before the procedure, the surgeon does a physical examination of the patient and records the medical history of the patient, his medications history, or history of undergoing any surgeries in the past. Before the procedure, the patient must undergo blood tests and diagnostic tests to ensure that the patient is fit for the procedure. Once the preliminary examinations are done, the doctor will counsel the patient regarding the type of implant that suits the patient and its associated risk factors.

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The information provided in this article or website by way of text, illustration, graphics, Images or any other form in this article or website is provided for informational purposes only. No information or material provided on this site is meant to be a substitute for a professional medical advice. Please refer to your family doctor or specialist in that field for any medical condition, diagnosis and treatment.

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Severe Complications of Hepatitis B #shorts

Launching The Era Of Digital Health In Nigeria. App connecting patients to doctors in Nigeria #vkare

What is Hepatitis B?
Hepatitis B is a severe transmittable liver inflammation (swelling and reddening) caused by the hepatitis B virus. The infection may be acute or chronic. The chronic form can increase the risk of liver cancer or liver failure. Hepatitis B can also be called HBV, and Hep B, which can cause liver cirrhosis (hardening or scarring), liver cancer or even death.

What are the types of Hepatitis B?
Hepatitis B infection may be acute or chronic.
Acute Hepatitis B:
The acute type occurs from the time of the first infection until six months afterward, and it rarely causes any damage to the liver.
Chronic Hepatitis B:
The chronic type occurs when the hepatitis B virus remains in the blood for more than six months after the first infection. The chronic type can lead to serious health complications and cause severe damage to the liver.
What are the complications of Hepatitis B?
Chronic Hepatitis B infection can lead to severe complications, such as:
Liver cancer
Liver failure
Hepatitis D infections
Death if left untreated
The vaccine is typically given in three or four injections over six months. The vaccine is recommended for:
People with chronic liver disease
People with end-stage kidney disease
Anyone who has a sexually transmitted infection, including HIV
Children and adolescents not vaccinated at birth
Travelers who plan to travel to an area with a high rate of hepatitis B infection.


The information provided in this article or website by way of text, illustration, graphics, Images or any other form in this article or website is provided for informational purposes only. No information or material provided on this site is meant to be a substitute for a professional medical advice. Please refer to your family doctor or specialist in that field for any medical condition, diagnosis and treatment.

CARE Hospitals acquires CHL Hospitals, Indore | #CAREHospitals

CARE Hospitals expands its National Footprint with the acquisition of CHL Hospitals, Indore.

CARE Hospitals has a rich legacy of world-class, multi-speciality hospitals with a strong presence in southern, eastern and central parts of India while CHL Hospitals is considered to be the healthcare leader in Indore and is known for its strong clinical expertise in the fields of Cardiac Sciences, Neurosciences, Gastroenterology, Renal Sciences and more.

This acquisition has brought these premier entities together to give the people of Indore world-class medical care.

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