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10 Best place to visit in Runcu Romania


Mănăstirea Adormirea Maicii Domnului - Runcu (Dâmbovița) #romania #travel #monastery

Runcu este o comuna din judetul Dambovita, situata la 125 km de Capitala, 45 km de Targoviste si 44 km de Sinaia. Se ajunge aici urmand DN7 –DN71 pe ruta Bucuresti –Targoviste –Fieni, unde in dreptul fabricii de ciment se continua catre nord-vest pe DJ712A lasand DN-ul in dreapta. Comuna Runcu inglobeaza satele Bădeni, Brebu, Ferestre, Piatra, Runcu (care este si reședința comunei) și Siliștea.
Indicatoare amplasate in intersectii, waze-ul si alte aplicatii de navigare te vor conduce prin satul Runcu pana la Manastirea Runcu, urmand DC132 si DC134 pe strada Principala lasand Primaria si Centrul de Informare si Promovare Turistica pe mana stanga. La o intersectie de drumuri unde DC ia directia stanga, noi continuam tot inainte catre Plaiul Domnesc pe drumul cunoscut si sub denumirea de Intre Vai. Ultimii 6 km sunt neasfaltati si urmeaza in amonte, prin poadure, firul vaii Ialomicioarei, dupa alte documentatii, paraul Runcu. Drumul este practicabil pentru orice tip de autotursim.
Comuna Runcu
Se situeaza la o altitudine medie de 562 metri. Numara sub 5.000 de locuitori, cu tendinta de scadere a populatiei. Locuitorii sunt romani (nu exista minoritati importante) si 95% sunt de religie ortodoxa.
Numele Runcu, spune legenda, se trage de la cel al ciobanului ardelean Runceanu. Acesta s-ar fi asezat aici cu turmele sale de oi gasind pasuni, rauri si parauri, munti si dealuri.
Prima atestare a localitatii Runcu este din anul 1564. Runcu este strabatut de raul Ialomicioara. Asezarea este foarte intinsa si ocupa o suprafata de aproape 80 kmp.
Manastirea Runcu isi are inceputurile in anul 1997, odata cu venirea pe aceste meleaguri a parintelui Iachint de la Sf. Munte. Manastirea a fost inaltata intr-o poiana, pe un platou, terenul fiind donat de Ioan Purnichescu din Bucuresti. In anul 1998 Arhiepiscopia Targovistei isi va da binecuvantarea pentru infiintarea noii manastiri de calugarite, in acel an venind la Runcu cateva maici de la Tismana. In anul 1999 va fi sfintit un paraclis de lemn, pe fundatie de beton.
In imprejurimi, la mai putin de 2 km, pe alta vale catre dreapta cum am venit noi, inainte de a ajunge la Manastirea Runcu, se face drumul catre Schitul Cucuteana, cu 6 calugari.
Manastirea Runcu are viata de obste, aici traind conform documentatiei mele 5 vietuitoare. Biserica Mare poarta Hramul Adormirea Maicii Domnului, iar paraclisul pe al Sfintilor Nil, Nicodim si Ioan Iacob Hozevitul.
Pentru cei care sunt interesati aici se gasesc particele din moastele Sf. Ioan Gura de Aur si ale Sf. Nil.

Manastirea Runcu, Dambovita - Drona 4K

Mănăstirea Runcu se află la o distanță de 16 km față de Fieni, Dâmbovița.
O parte din drum este neasfaltat.
Îşi are începuturile în anul 1997, odată cu venirea pe aceste meleaguri a părintelui lachint de la Sfântul Munte.

25 de Locuri din Romania pe care NU le stiai | Romania cum nu ai mai vazut-o

Statia Dezorientarii va prezinta un nou episod despre 25 de locuri din Romania despre care nu stiai. Este cel mai lung episod de pe acest canal si speram sa va placa si sa apreciati munca depusa la acest material. In acest episod veti descoperi locuri precum : Palatul de la Potlogi, Cetatea Slimnic, Biserica fortificata din Valea Viilor, Lacul Gura apelor, Castelul Iulia Hasdeu, Culoarul Rucar-Bran, Micul Trianon de la Floresti, Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa, Vulcanul de la Racos, Biserica fortificată Sf Mihail din Cisnădioara, Delta Neajlovului, Balta Comana, Valea Cernei, Castel Izvorul Ampoiului, Pestera Polovragi, Mănăstirea Cârța, Cheile Sohodolului, Castelul Teleki, Pestera Meziad, Coloanele de bazalt de la Racos, Biserica rupestra Alunis, Culele de la Maldaresti, Cheile Oltetului, Castelul Sukosd Bethlen din Racos, Mausoleul de la Mateias, Transalpina, dar si alte locatii precum Ansamblul Brâncovenesc de la Potlogi, Valea Viilor, Lăpușnicul Mare, Lăpușnicul Mic, Șes, Râul Mare-Retezat, Ostrovul Mic, Păclișa și Hațeg, Munții Leaota, Bucegi, Iezer-Păpușa și Piatra Craiului, Domeniul Cantacuzino, Valea Prahovei, Sarmizegetusa, județul Hunedoara, Vulcanul adormit din Racoș, Parcul Național Comana, Parcul National Domogled-Valea Cernei, Paraul Cernisoara, Izvorul Ampoiului, Abația Cisterciană Cârța, Runcu, Poiana Contului, Castelul Teleki din Gornești, Horezu, Valea Mare Pravăț, Câmpulung Muscel, Muntii Parang, Valea Oltului, Valea Jiului, Saliste, Novaci.
Vizionare placuta!

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Vrei sa devi membru?

Cuprins :
00:00 Introducere
00:36 Palatul de la Potlogi
01:42 Cetatea Slimnic
02:40 Biserica fortificata din Valea Viilor
03:50 Lacul Gura Apelor
04:42 Castelul Iulia Hasdeu
06:00 Culoarul Rucar-Bran
06:52 Micul Trianon de la Floresti
08:09 Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa
08:58 Vulcanul adormit din Racoș
09:53 Biserica fortificată Sf Mihail din Cisnădioara
10:49 Delta Neajlovului
11:38 Valea Cernei
12:41 Castelul Izvorul Ampoiului
13:37 Pestera Polovragi
14:20 Mănăstirea Cârța
15:20 Cheile Sohodolului
16:12 Castelul Teleki
17:15 Pestera Meziad
18:05 Coloanele de bazalt de la Racos
18:51 Biserica rupestra Alunis
19:46 Culele de la Maldaresti
20:52 Cheile Oltetului
21:39 Castelul Sukosd Bethlen din Racos
22:37 Mausoleul de la Mateias
23:23 Transalpina
24:27 Multumim!

Tourist Attractions - Dambovita, Romania

Programul Operațional Regional

* * *
Povestea Dâmboviței începe în Munții Bucegi și se continuă în jos spre lacul Scropoasa și Lacul Bolboci. Minunatele stânci Babele, care se uită umile către Sfinx, dac fin Munții Bucegi o perlă a Carpaților.
În Dâmbovița descoperi cele mai rare forme de vegetație ale României, răspândite în Rezervația Naturală Turbăria Lăptici, canionul Horoabele sau Cheile Tătarului și Zănoagei.
Râurile Ialomița și Dâmbovița și-au oferit cu generozitate apele, făcând din aceste locuri monumente rare ale naturii.
* * *
Copyright: Parteneriatul dintre Consiliul Județean Dâmbovița și Asociația „Solidaritate, Implicare, Progres

Obiective turistice in Judetul Dambovita.

#Romania,#Judetul Dambovita
Hai sa vedem si sa vizitam impreuna Judetul Dambovita.

Runcu Dobrita, Romania ~ autumn colours



Cabana de lemn Runcu Stone, Runcu, Romania

Cabana de lemn Runcu Stone, Runcu, Romania
About Property:
Cabana de lemn Runcu Stone offers accommodation 5 km from Runcu and is surrounded by a wide garden area with a children’s playground, as well as free private secured parking. A table tennis and billiards are available free of charge.

All rooms feature modern decorations, a balcony and cable TV. The private bathrooms are fitted with a shower.

Guests can start their day with a breakfast served in the dining room, while a fully equipped kitchen and barbecue facilities are also available at Caba...
Booking or More Details:
Property Type: Hotel
Address: Strada Giurcului, Nr. 202, Comuna Runcu, 137400 Runcu, Romania
Searching For
1. Cabana de lemn Runcu Stone - Runcu - Romania
2. Cabana de lemn Runcu Stone - Runcu - Romania Address
3. Cabana de lemn Runcu Stone - Runcu - Romania Rooms
4. Cabana de lemn Runcu Stone - Runcu - Romania Amenities
5. Cabana de lemn Runcu Stone - Runcu - Romania Offers and Deals
Audio Credit:
Track Title: Subway Dreams
Artist: Dan Henig
* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel With Priya.
Copyright issue? Please contact us and for getting more information you can find contact details on the about us page of the channel.
*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
#TravelWithPriya #CabanadelemnRuncuStoneRuncu #CabanadelemnRuncuStoneRuncuRomania

Pe Vârful Gâlma (887 m) și prin satele comunei Runcu, județul Dâmbovița - Piatra, Ferestre, Siliștea

Plimbare autumnală pe dealurile din jurul comunei Runcu, la poalele Munților Leaota, cu plecare din satul Piatra - satul Ferestre - Vârful Gâlma (887 m) - satul Siliștea - satul Runcu și revenire în satul Piatra, la podul peste Ialomicioara de Vest.

Subcarpații de Curbură, SUBCARPAȚII IALOMIȚEI, comuna Runcu, județul Dâmbovița, România, 21 octombrie 2018

Fotografii realizate cu Nikon D750 (B.I.) și Canon PowerShot SX540 HS (S.M.A.)

Autorul schițelor traseului - Brezeanu Ioan (realizate pe baza Google Earth și a hărții de drumeție „Bucegi-Leaota”, scara 1:70000, publicată în seria „Munții noștri” la Editura Cartografică Schubert & Franzke, Cluj-Napoca, noiembrie 2018 - tura a avut ca scop chiar completarea și corectarea acestei hărți)


„Take Me to the Depths” - Midnight North
„Soulmate” - Vitalie Rotaru

Ținutul, bucată cu bucată - Ep. 2 Artistul de la Runcu (1) - TRAVEL & COOKING SHOW

Te invităm la călătorii gastronomice în Geoparcul Ținutul Buzăului, un ținut cu peisaje, oameni și savori unice. În episodul 2, descoperim un adevărat artist al bucătăriei, pe Laurenţiu Grigore de la Casa Runcu, care ştie să îmbine ca nimeni altul bucătăria românească tradiţională cu cele mai sofisticate reţete internaţionale. Laurenţiu îşi uimeşte oaspeţii nu numai cu gustul bucatelor sale, ci şi cu aspectul lor: e şi un maestru al artei “platingului”.
Vrei să petreci un sejur la Casa Runcu? Iată aici informații:

Come join us in gastronomic trips around Buzău Land Geopark, a land with unique scenery, people and savors. In the second episode of our culinary travel series we meet a cooking artist, Laurentiu Grigore from the Runcu Guesthouse, who knows how to combine the traditional Romanian cuisine with the most sophisticated international recipes. Laurenţiu astonishes his guests not only with the taste of dishes, but also with their appearance: he is also a master of the art of plating.
Want to spend a vacation at Runcu Guesthouse? Find out more here:


Un material marca Ținutul Buzăului Productions. Melodiile de fundal sunt achiziționate de la Envato Elements și folosite sub licența: Lofi Beat (by guitarsstate license ABTCV7RQE3 19.11.2021), Lofi Cozy Beat (by MarbleSpace license 9XHAJ4EVS6 19.11.2021).

Runcu-Cascada La Blide-Valea Vaca-Mănăstirea Runcu(DB)❄????????⛰

Comuna Runcu este așezată de-a lungul Văii Ialomicioarei, la 36 km de Târgoviște. Din Runcu până la bifurcația de la Cantonul Între Văi se parcurge 6 km de drum forestier spectaculos și sălbatic.
De la cantoane spre stânga se ajunge la Mănăstirea Runcu(1,8km) iar spre dreapta se deschide Valea Vaca . La 3 km de la intrarea pe Valea Vaca găsim Cascada La Blide, un pic mai sus de la crucea de lemn de la marginea drumului se urcă în dreapta spre Schitul Cucuteanca.
Drumul forestier din Valea Vaca continuă spre Piscul Babei(1160)unde se află un observator de animale, apoi se continuă spre Muntele Rătuneiu.

Muzica: Liberio Conti, On A Piano Acloud Nature Sounds

IULI'S HOME Runcu ???????? #shorts - Walking Through IULI'S HOME from Runcu

Enjoy spectacular Iuli's Home Runcu from amazing Romania, recorded in 4K with iPhone 13 Pro Max.

Romania, a country known for its rich cultural heritage, breathtaking natural landscapes, and friendly people, is a must-visit destination for any travel enthusiast. Among the many hidden gems of Romania lies a small village called Runcu, located in the southern part of the country. In this quaint village, you will find the charming Pensiunea Iuli's Runcu, a beautiful guesthouse that offers a unique experience for anyone who visits.

Pensiunea Iuli's Runcu, also known as Iuli's Home Runcu, is a family-run guesthouse that has been welcoming travelers from all over the world for many years. The guesthouse is located in the heart of the village, surrounded by stunning mountain views and picturesque landscapes. The rooms are comfortable and cozy, decorated in a traditional Romanian style that gives a feeling of authenticity and warmth.

Runcu is a small village located in the commune of Brebu, in the southern part of Romania. It is a place that has managed to preserve its traditions and culture, making it a unique destination for those who want to experience the true Romania. The village is known for its beautiful surroundings, with lush forests, crystal-clear streams, and unspoiled nature. It is a perfect place for hiking, cycling, and exploring the great outdoors.

For those interested in Romanian culture, Runcu offers a glimpse into the country's rich history and traditions. The village is home to many talented artisans who produce beautiful handcrafted items such as pottery, woven textiles, and wooden carvings. The local women are known for their traditional clothing and hospitality, making visitors feel welcome and at home.

When it comes to travel in Romania, there are many resources available to help you plan your trip. Transilvania Vlogs and Romania Travel Tips are two popular YouTube channels that offer a wealth of information on traveling in Romania. The Romanian Embassy also provides important updates and information on visas and entry requirements, so be sure to check their website before planning your trip.

In addition to its rich culture and natural beauty, Romania is also known for its humor and love of memes. Romanian Memes and Romania Update are two popular Facebook pages that offer a humorous take on current events in Romania. These pages are a great way to get a sense of the country's unique sense of humor and culture.

If you're planning a trip to Romania, be sure to add Runcu to your itinerary. Pensiunea Iuli's Runcu offers a unique and authentic experience that is sure to make your trip memorable. Whether you're interested in hiking, exploring Romanian culture, or just relaxing in the beautiful countryside, Runcu has something for everyone. So pack your bags, and come discover the hidden gem of Romania - Iuli's Home Runcu.

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#IulisHomeRuncu #IulisPlace #HomeInRuncu #RuncuRetreat #IulisCottage #CozyRuncuHome #IulisMountainGetaway #RuncuResidence #IulisCountrysideAbode #RuncuHaven #IulisRetreat #RuncuSanctuary #IulisCountryHome #RuncuHideaway #IulisRuralEscape #RuncuRetreatCenter #IulisSecludedHome #RuncuVacationSpot #IulisPrivateRetreat

Cele mai frumoase 7 pesteri din Romania

???? Cele mai frumoase 7 peșteri din Româ care le-am vizitat eu :) Există altele cel puțin la fel de interesante dar care nu sunt în circuitul turistic sau nu am ajuns eu sa le vizitez...incă.
???? The 7 most beautiful caves in Romania ... which I visited :) There are others at least as interesting but which are not in the tourist circuit or I did not get to visit them yet.
0:00 Peștera Urșilor

2:28 Peștera Muierilor

5:03 Peștera Polovragi

9:50 Peștera Bolii

13:44 Peștera Meziad

18:06 Peștera cu cristale de la Farcu

19:58 Peștera Ialomiței

???? Music: The crossroads of change
The call of the desert
The preparation
Path to innocence
Eastern illusion
released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0/4.0 Unported License from
#PesteriDinRomania, #Pesteri

IULI'S HOME Runcu ???????? #shorts - Walking Through IULI'S HOME from Runcu

Enjoy spectacular Iuli's Home Runcu from amazing Romania, recorded in 4K with iPhone 13 Pro Max.

Iuli's Home Runcu is a charming guesthouse located in the heart of the Romanian countryside, in the village of Brebu, part of the larger community of Runcu. This picturesque area of Romania is known for its natural beauty, historic landmarks, and friendly locals. For those looking to experience the best of Romania travel, Iuli's Home Runcu is a must-visit destination.

The guesthouse, also known as Pensiunea Iuli, is owned and operated by a local family who have lived in the area for generations. They have transformed their family home into a cozy and comfortable guesthouse, complete with all the modern amenities you would expect. The rooms are clean and spacious, with comfortable beds and traditional Romanian decor.

But what really sets Pensiunea Iuli's Runcu apart is the warm hospitality of the owners. They are always happy to share their knowledge of the area, including hidden gems of Romania that are often overlooked by tourists. They can recommend the best places to visit, eat, and shop, and are always happy to answer any questions you may have about Romanian culture and history.

One of the best ways to explore the area around Iuli's Home Runcu is by taking a road trip through the beautiful Transylvania region. This area is famous for its medieval castles, rolling hills, and picturesque villages. Transilvania Vlogs, a popular YouTube channel, offers some great travel tips and inspiration for those planning a trip to Romania. They also showcase the stunning landscapes and historic landmarks that make Romania such a unique destination.

For those interested in Romanian culture, there are plenty of opportunities to learn about the country's history and traditions. Romanian women are known for their beauty and strength, and are often the subject of memes and social media posts. But there is so much more to Romanian culture than just pretty faces. The country has a rich history and a vibrant cultural scene, with festivals, museums, and events taking place throughout the year.

If you're planning a trip to Romania, it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest travel information. The Romania Embassy provides regular updates on visa requirements and other travel-related news. Romania Update is another useful resource for travelers, offering news, tips, and insights into the country's culture and history.

Whether you're looking to explore the hidden gems of Romania, or simply relax and enjoy the natural beauty of the countryside, Iuli's Home Runcu is the perfect base for your Romanian adventure. With its warm hospitality, comfortable accommodations, and ideal location, it's no wonder why so many travelers choose to stay at this charming guesthouse. So why not add Romania to your travel itinerary and discover the magic of this fascinating country for yourself?

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#IulisHomeRuncu #HomeRuncu #IulisAbode #RuncuResidence #IulisSanctuary #RuncuRetreat #IulisDwelling #RuncuRefuge #IulisHomestead #RuncuHaven

IULI'S HOME Runcu ???????? #shorts - Walking Through IULI'S HOME from Runcu

Enjoy spectacular Iuli's Home Runcu from amazing Romania, recorded in 4K with iPhone 13 Pro Max.

Iuli's Home Runcu is a charming guesthouse located in the heart of Runcu, a small village nestled in the breathtaking countryside of Romania. The guesthouse, also known as Pensiunea Iuli's Runcu, is owned and operated by a lovely Romanian woman named Iuli, who takes great pride in providing her guests with a comfortable and authentic Romanian experience.

Runcu is a picturesque village located in the larger community of Comuna Runcu, in the southern part of Romania. This region is known for its natural beauty, with rolling hills, dense forests, and meandering rivers creating a stunning backdrop for any traveler. Romania travel is becoming increasingly popular, and Runcu is a hidden gem that more and more people are discovering.

For those interested in exploring the local area, Satul Brebu is a nearby village that is definitely worth a visit. This quaint town is home to some of the most beautiful traditional Romanian architecture, and visitors can immerse themselves in the local culture and history.

Romania is also known for its stunning natural landscapes and Transilvania Vlogs are a great way to see some of the country's most beautiful sights. These videos showcase Romania's majestic mountains, picturesque countryside, and breathtaking waterfalls.

If you're planning a trip to Romania, there are a few things you should know before you go. First, Romania travel tips recommend obtaining a Romania visa before your trip, which can be done through the Romania embassy. Speaking of which, there are often new updates from the Romania embassy, so it's important to stay up-to-date on any changes or requirements.

For those interested in learning more about Romanian culture, there are plenty of resources available online. From Romanian memes to Romania update articles, there are many ways to get a glimpse into the country's unique and fascinating culture. And if you're looking for a more personal experience, consider connecting with some local Romanians through social media or other online communities.

Finally, if you're planning a road trip through Romania, be sure to include Runcu on your itinerary. The town's medieval history and hidden gems make it a must-see destination for any traveler. And if you're lucky enough to stay at Iuli's Home Runcu, you'll be treated to a warm and welcoming environment that will make you feel right at home.

In conclusion, Romania is a beautiful country with a rich cultural heritage and stunning natural landscapes. Whether you're interested in exploring medieval Romania or simply taking in the sights and sounds of the countryside, there's something for everyone in this amazing country. And if you're looking for a cozy and authentic place to stay, be sure to check out Iuli's Home Runcu – you won't be disappointed!

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#IulisHomeRuncu #HomeRuncuByIuli #IulisRuncuRetreat #RuncuEscapeByIuli #IulisRuncuHideaway #HomeAwayFromHomeRuncu #IulisRuncuRetreat #RuncuSanctuaryByIuli #IulisRuncuHaven #RuncuParadiseByIuli

IULI'S HOME Runcu ???????? #shorts - Walking Through IULI'S HOME from Runcu

Enjoy spectacular Iuli's Home Runcu from amazing Romania, recorded in 4K with iPhone 13 Pro Max.

Iuli's Home Runcu is a charming guesthouse located in the heart of Runcu, a small village nestled in the breathtaking countryside of Romania. The guesthouse, also known as Pensiunea Iuli's Runcu, is owned and operated by a lovely Romanian woman named Iuli, who takes great pride in providing her guests with a comfortable and authentic Romanian experience.

Runcu is a picturesque village located in the larger community of Comuna Runcu, in the southern part of Romania. This region is known for its natural beauty, with rolling hills, dense forests, and meandering rivers creating a stunning backdrop for any traveler. Romania travel is becoming increasingly popular, and Runcu is a hidden gem that more and more people are discovering.

For those interested in exploring the local area, Satul Brebu is a nearby village that is definitely worth a visit. This quaint town is home to some of the most beautiful traditional Romanian architecture, and visitors can immerse themselves in the local culture and history.

Romania is also known for its stunning natural landscapes and Transilvania Vlogs are a great way to see some of the country's most beautiful sights. These videos showcase Romania's majestic mountains, picturesque countryside, and breathtaking waterfalls.

If you're planning a trip to Romania, there are a few things you should know before you go. First, Romania travel tips recommend obtaining a Romania visa before your trip, which can be done through the Romania embassy. Speaking of which, there are often new updates from the Romania embassy, so it's important to stay up-to-date on any changes or requirements.

For those interested in learning more about Romanian culture, there are plenty of resources available online. From Romanian memes to Romania update articles, there are many ways to get a glimpse into the country's unique and fascinating culture. And if you're looking for a more personal experience, consider connecting with some local Romanians through social media or other online communities.

Finally, if you're planning a road trip through Romania, be sure to include Runcu on your itinerary. The town's medieval history and hidden gems make it a must-see destination for any traveler. And if you're lucky enough to stay at Iuli's Home Runcu, you'll be treated to a warm and welcoming environment that will make you feel right at home.

In conclusion, Romania is a beautiful country with a rich cultural heritage and stunning natural landscapes. Whether you're interested in exploring medieval Romania or simply taking in the sights and sounds of the countryside, there's something for everyone in this amazing country. And if you're looking for a cozy and authentic place to stay, be sure to check out Iuli's Home Runcu – you won't be disappointed!

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#IulisHomeRuncu #HomeRuncuByIuli #IulisRuncuRetreat #RuncuEscapeByIuli #IulisRuncuHideaway #HomeAwayFromHomeRuncu #IulisRuncuRetreat #RuncuSanctuaryByIuli #IulisRuncuHaven #RuncuParadiseByIuli

Cheile Sohodolului

???? RO Cheile Sohodolului alcătuiesc o arie protejată situată în județul Gorj, pe teritoriul administrativ al comunei Runcu (România).

Cheile Sohodolului se află la limita nordică a județului Gorj cu județul Hunedoara, în Munții Vâlcan, în partea nordică a satului Runcu și sunt străbătute de râul Jaleș (Sohodol).

Pe cheile Sohodolului se practică alpinismul pe cele 120 de trasee special amenajate.

Pe timpul verii temperatura este mai mică cu 10 grade Celsius, datorită umbrei stâncilor și apei râului Sohodol. Aici se găsesc peste 300 de specii de plante specifice acestor locuri, inclusiv castani seculari plantați înainte de anul 1859.
În această zonă au avut loc filmările la celebrul film românesc Mărgelatul interpretat de celebrul Florin Piersic.

???? Music: zero-project - Silent dreams
released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0/4.0 Unported License from

???? EN Sohodol Gorges form a protected area located in Gorj County, on the administrative territory of Runcu commune (Romania).
The Sohodol Gorges are located at the northern border of Gorj County with Hunedoara County, in the Vâlcan Mountains, in the northern part of Runcu Village, and are crossed by the Jaleș River.
On the Sohodol gorges, mountaineering is practiced on the 120 specially arranged routes.
During the summer the temperature is lower by 10 degrees Celsius, due to the shade of the rocks and the water of the Sohodol river. Here are over 300 species of plants specific to these places, including secular chestnuts planted before 1859.
Translated using Google Translate
???? Music: zero-project - Silent dreams
released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0/4.0 Unported License from
#Chei, #Drumetie, #CheileSohodolului

Pensiunea La Conac Runcu Gorj

prin YouTube Capture

IULI'S HOME Runcu ???????? #shorts - Walking Through IULI'S HOME from Runcu

Enjoy spectacular Iuli's Home Runcu from amazing Romania, recorded in 4K with iPhone 13 Pro Max.

Iuli's Home Runcu is a charming guesthouse located in the heart of Runcu, a small village nestled in the breathtaking countryside of Romania. The guesthouse, also known as Pensiunea Iuli's Runcu, is owned and operated by a lovely Romanian woman named Iuli, who takes great pride in providing her guests with a comfortable and authentic Romanian experience.

Runcu is a picturesque village located in the larger community of Comuna Runcu, in the southern part of Romania. This region is known for its natural beauty, with rolling hills, dense forests, and meandering rivers creating a stunning backdrop for any traveler. Romania travel is becoming increasingly popular, and Runcu is a hidden gem that more and more people are discovering.

For those interested in exploring the local area, Satul Brebu is a nearby village that is definitely worth a visit. This quaint town is home to some of the most beautiful traditional Romanian architecture, and visitors can immerse themselves in the local culture and history.

Romania is also known for its stunning natural landscapes and Transilvania Vlogs are a great way to see some of the country's most beautiful sights. These videos showcase Romania's majestic mountains, picturesque countryside, and breathtaking waterfalls.

If you're planning a trip to Romania, there are a few things you should know before you go. First, Romania travel tips recommend obtaining a Romania visa before your trip, which can be done through the Romania embassy. Speaking of which, there are often new updates from the Romania embassy, so it's important to stay up-to-date on any changes or requirements.

For those interested in learning more about Romanian culture, there are plenty of resources available online. From Romanian memes to Romania update articles, there are many ways to get a glimpse into the country's unique and fascinating culture. And if you're looking for a more personal experience, consider connecting with some local Romanians through social media or other online communities.

Finally, if you're planning a road trip through Romania, be sure to include Runcu on your itinerary. The town's medieval history and hidden gems make it a must-see destination for any traveler. And if you're lucky enough to stay at Iuli's Home Runcu, you'll be treated to a warm and welcoming environment that will make you feel right at home.

In conclusion, Romania is a beautiful country with a rich cultural heritage and stunning natural landscapes. Whether you're interested in exploring medieval Romania or simply taking in the sights and sounds of the countryside, there's something for everyone in this amazing country. And if you're looking for a cozy and authentic place to stay, be sure to check out Iuli's Home Runcu – you won't be disappointed!

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The video is a compilation of clips taken from 5th March - 14 March 2015. We were able to visit quite a couple of cities and enjoyed the company of family, relatives and friends in a short period of time. The places that we visited were Ploiești, Bucharest, Sinaia Mountain and Brașov.

Watch our previous video Mission Trip in Kolkata, India here:

Our next video Singapore 2015 here:

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