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10 Best place to visit in Rodna Romania


12 Best Places to Visit In Romania | Romania Travel Guide

12 Best Places to Visit In Romania | Romania Travel Guide
#romania #romaniatravel #traveldestinations

Romania is a strong yet mysterious place full of vibrant western cities and soaring structures. Romania is the most underrated European country, full of hidden treasures. With its charming towns, Gothic churches, dense forests, snowcapped peaks, medieval castles, the wealth of folk culture and most enigmatic landscapes, Romania is one of the prettiest European travel destinations.

Discover the top 12 must-see destinations in Romania! From medieval castles to stunning mountain landscapes, this travel guide will show you the best places to visit in this beautiful country. Explore the rich history, culture, and natural beauty that Romania has to offer. Whether you're looking for adventure or relaxation, this video has something for everyone.

Watch now and start planning your Romanian vacation today! Keywords: Romania, Travel, Tourist attractions, Places to visit, Best destinations, Vacation spots, Romanian tourism, Top 12 destinations in Romania, Must-see places in Romania, Romania travel guide, Best places to see in Romania, Romanian vacation ideas.

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Pietrosul Rodnei | The Amazing Romania | Carpathian Mountains

#pietrosulrodnei #travelromania #europe
Rodna Mountains (Romanian: Munții Rodnei, Hungarian: Radnai-havasok) are a subdivision of the Inner Eastern Carpathians in northern Romania. The name comes from the nearby Rodna Veche village. At 2,303 metres (7,556 feet), Pietrosul Rodnei [ro] is the highest peak in all of the Eastern Carpathians.
The main ridge of the Rodna Mountains constitutes the natural border between Bistrița-Năsăud and Maramureș counties. From an administrative point of view, 80% of the massif's surface is in Bistrița-Năsăud and 20% in Maramureș.

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Traseul turistic Pasul Rotunda - Lacul Lala (Munții Rodnei, România)

Enable English subtitle ! - Activați subtitrarea în românește !
Videoclipul prezintă pas cu pas unul dintre cele mai atractive trasee turistice din Munții Rodnei. Este un traseu destul de accesibil, folosit de mulți turiști și care pornește de la cabana din Pasul Rotunda (1271m). Acest pas, situat la intersecția a trei mari regiuni istorice (Bucovina, Transilvania și Maramureș), separă Munții Suhard (la sud) de Munții Rodnei (la nord) și este străbătut de drumul dintre Rodna (județul Bistrița-Năsăud) și Cârlibaba (Jud. Suceava). Traseul, având direcția est-vest, totalizează circa 10 km (circa 4 ore de mers) dintre care primii 8 km (circa 3 ore) urmăresc marcajul de creastă (bandă roșie): Pasul (cabana) Rotunda (1271m) - pe sub Vârful Nichitaș (1451m) - pe sub Vârful Gagei (1847m) - Culmea Gagei - Șaua Gagei (1789m). Este o porțiune deschisă, urcare continuă, moderată, având permanent în față trei vârfuri reper (Roșu, 2113m; Ineuț, 2222 m; Ineu, 2279 m). Sub Vârful Roșu se observă un frumos circ glaciar. Din Șaua Gagei, loc de popas, traseul (marcaj bulină roșie) se desprinde de creasta care continuă spre Vf. Ineuț și se îndreaptă spre Valea Lala care își are originea în Lacul Lala. Pe această porțiune de circa 2 km (o oră de mers), la început coborâm, apoi iar urcăm printr-o splendidă pădure de jepi și zâmbru. Pe măsură ce vegetația se micșorează, se dezvoltă covoare de bujor de munte (rhododendron) care înfloresc la începutul verii. Spre toamnă, găsim afine și merișoare. După ce depășim un ultim abrupt, ajungem la Lacul Lala mare, cel mai mare lac glaciar din Munții Rodnei, situat la 1815 m altitudine. Suntem în zona rezervației mixte Ineu - Lala. Dacă dorim, mai urcăm un abrupt și imediat sub Vârful Ineu (2279m) ajungem la Lacul Lala Mică (1920m). Lacul Lala Mare este subiectul acestui videoclip:

The video presents, step by step, one of the most attractive tourist routes in the Rodna Mountains. It is a quite accessible route, used by many tourists and starting from the chalet in the Rotunda Pass (1271m). This pass, located at the intersection of three major historical regions (Bucovina, Transylvania and Maramures), separates the Suhard Mountains (to the south) from the Rodna Mountains (to the north) and is crossed by the road between Rodna (Bistrita-Nasaud county) and Carlibaba (Suceava county). The trekking route, with the east-west direction, is about 10 km (about 4 hours walk), of which the first 8 km (about 3 hours) follow the ridge mark (red band): Rotunda Pass (1271m) - below Nichitas Peak (1451m) - below the Gagei Peak (1847m) - Gagei Ridge - Gagei Saddle (1789m). It is an open, continuous, moderate slope, with three landmark peaks (Rosu, 2113m; Ineutz, 2222m; Ineu, 2279m). Under the Rosu (Red) Peak there is a beautiful glacier circus. From the Gagei Saddle, a stopping place, a new trail (red point mark) is separated from the crest that continues to Ineutz Peak and heads towards the Lala Valley, which originated in Lala Lake. On this 2 km (one hour walk), we first descend, then climb a splendid forest of dwarf mountain pine (Pinus mugo Pumilio), sprinkled with rares Swiss pine (Pinus cembra). As the vegetation shrinks, we see carpet of Rhododendron myrtifolium that are blooming in early summer. Towards autumn, we find blueberry and cranberries. After passing a steep, we reach Lala Lake, the largest glacial lake in the Rodna Mountains, at 1815 m altitude. We are in the Ineu - Lala mixed nature reserve. If we want, we climb an abrupt and immediately below the Ineu Peak (2279m) we reach Lala Mica (Small) Lake (1920m). Lala Mare Lake is the subject of this video:

The ROMANIA You Didn't Know Existed (What Media Won't Show You)

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Welcome to Romania. A well-kept secret in Europe, a destination not many people go to.

After a negative COVID-19 test result, @fearlessandfar and I headed out into the remote Rodna Mountains in Maramures, for a 3-day wilderness trek. We brought everything with us: our shelter, food, all the provisions we would need. We hoped to find water along the way.

Thank you to @fearlessandfar for helping me film this one, and his incredible drone skills. Check out his channel for some of the best adventure travel inspiration I’ve seen on YouTube ❤️

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+ My anonymous Polish friend, J. :)

Romania - An Amazing Country To Visit | PlanBook.Travel

Romania is an incredible European country. From the capital Bucharest to the northernmost point, and then from north to south, we admire its amazing natural landscape and extraordinary cities, everyone will be shocked!

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Rumunsko na týden stopem a vlaky | 10 míst, která musíte vidět a navštívit v Rumunsku | Vlog

Rumunsko jsem měl na svém cestovatelském seznamu již dlouho a toto léto přišla zajímavá příležitost k návštěvě. Samozřejmě jsem svoje plány trochu přestřelil. Rád totiž na výlety létám a i tentokrát přišla zajímavá možnost z Vídně do Sibiu a zpět z Jasy (Iasi) přímo do Prahy.

Jenže už při plánování jsem zjistil, že bez zapůjčení auta, výlet bude značně komplikovaný a všechny plány se seznamy míst bude potřeba překopat. Z některých míst jsou spoje klidně i jen 1x denně. Tento fakt značně komplikuje možnost přijet do obce ten den a hned odpoledne odjet. Takže jsem zjistil, že touto cestou to po Rumunsku nepůjde. Hledal jsem tedy další možnost, jak projet co nejvíce z Rumunska, když autobusem je to téměř nemožné. Samozřejmě se nabízejí vlaky, jenže ani to v Rumunsku není lehké. Spojů je opět často málo, než by člověk potřeboval a jejich rychlost je velmi pomalá. Poslední možností už bylo jen stopování. Řekl jsem si super, ona vlastně ani jiná možnost není, protože na některá místa prostě spoj už ani nejezdí. Viz nástup do hor ve videu od času 2:46.

Jenže byla tu další komplikace. Moje zkušenost se stopování do té doby byla mizerná a říkal jsem si, že zkoušet to zrovna prakticky poprvé v Rumunsku, asi není úplně ideální nápad. Samozřejmě jiná možnost se nenašla, krome půjčení auta, takže jsem si mohl poprvé řádně zastopovat.

Celkově Rumunsko bylo super, až na to, když jsem sešel z hor a přišla brutální únava asi s nějakým drobným nachlazením. Naštěstí jsem vše přežil, jen jsem jeden den prakticky nepil pivo. Víte ale jak, to se prostě dá zvládnout. No a více už v mém videu z Rumunska.

10 míst, která musíte vidět a navštívit v Rumunsku / Enjoy my video from Romania in which you can see 10 Things to Do in Romania:
0:00 Úvod
0:20 Sibiu
1:13 Bran
1:49 Peleș
2:05 Brašov
2:33 Făgăraș
2:46 Cesta do hor
3:18 Přechod hor s výstupem na nejvyšší horu Moldoveanu 2544 m
6:05 Přehrada Vidraru
6:13 Curtea de Argeș
6:29 Bukurešť
8:06 Jasy
8:54 Odlet

#bukurest #bucharest #jasy #Iasi #moldoveanu #romania #rumunsko #travel_video #travel #gopro #dji_mini_3 #Făgăraș #fagaras #bran_castle #sibiu #brasov #vidraru_dam #peles_castel

Румунія - Велоподорож - Родна - Частина 2 | Romania enduro bike trip - Rodna - Part 2

#Румунія #Карпати #Родна #MTB #Carpathian #Rodna #Canyon #Enduro #Romania
Друга частина 10 -денної подорожі Румунськими Карпатами до Вашої уваги!
В цій частині ми продовжуємо долати масив Родна, даруємо свято очам від споглядання неймовірних краєвидів, піднімаємо рівень ендорфінів і адреналіну, насолоджуємося румунськими поїздами, боремося з втомою, гуляємо по старовинному Сібіу - поїхали!
Сподобалося відео? - підписуйся на канал і не полінуйся розповісти друзям (: Дякую!
Якщо у вас виникли запитання про маршрут, добирання, логістику і тд. - пишіть в коментарях - з радістю відповім!
The second chapter of 10 days journey through Romania Carpathian - here is!
We continue riding Rodna, enjoy the beauty of mountains, up the level of endorphins and adrenaline, experience Romanian trains, struggle with exhaustion, walking on beautiful old Sibiu - let's go!
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Величезне ДЯКУЮ за підтримку/ Great THANKS for support - VERTICAL RIDING ROMANIA -
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Lala Lake, Romania - 4K Aerial

The Lala Lake, a crystal tear within the Eastern Carpathians landscape, appears in its entire splendour: Ineu Peak on top, dominating the entire area and on the bottom, the valley which takes your breath away due to the beauty of the landscape.
Located in the Eastern Carpathians, in Rodna Mountains, at almost 1,800 meters altitude in a glacial valley, Lala lake is part of the Mixed Reservation “Ineu-Lala” and it also has a younger/smaller sibling nearby, the Lala Mic Lake.

Music copyrighted to: Y&V - Lune [NCS Release]

Filming & Editing: © Marian Cepeha 2016 -

Rodna ,Jud Bistrita -Nasaud 04.08.2019. Filmat cu Parrot Anafi.

Rodna, mai demult Rodna Veche, Rogna Veche, Rocna, în trad. Lunca Tăiată,este satul de reședință al comunei cu același nume din județul Bistrița-Năsăud, Transilvania, România.
Localitatea apare sub diferite denumiri: astfel, la Bofinius și în scrisoarea Papei Urban IV apare sub numele de Rudana, la Koleseri în „Aurora romana dacica-Rudna, apoi sub numele de Rodana, iar din sec. XVI încoace, apare sub numele de Rodna în toate documentele publice.
Pe vremea magistratului din Bistrița s-a făcut încercarea de a se atribui târgului Rodna origine germană, derivându-i denumirea din nemțescul „Roden la care s-a adăugat particula „au, scriindu-se Rodnau. Contrar acestui fapt toate documenutele arată că germanii au fost colonizați la Rodna ,,înainte de anul 1241, dar au stat foarte puțin în aceste locuri. în urma cercetărilor făcute s-a ajuns la concluzia că etimologic numele localității Rodna derivă din vechiul termen slav „Rudna, derivat și acesta din „Ruda, care înseamnă loc unde este minereu și fier.
Despre existența cetății Rodna încă din perioada de început a evului mediu ne vorbesc documentele și urmele arheologice. Sunt semnalate, astfel, năvălirile tătarilor din 1241, 1285 și 1717, precum și o catastrofală rupere de nori, evenimente tragice ce au dus la decăderea vieții sociale și a activităților miniere în cetatea caracterizată de canonicul Rogerius ca un oraș bogat al Teutonilor, unde erau minele de argint ale regelui și în care locuia o mulțime nenumărată de oameni.

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Romtour The best of Romania

This Video is showing some of Romania’s most beautiful sightseeing parts

Rumänienausblick | România | priveliște splendidă | RODNA

Land: Romania, Rumänien, Romania
Ort: Rodna
Musikinterpret: Christian Paul (vioară, violin, Geige)

Maramures - Transilvania - Romania. How it can be so beautiful? The pure NATURE!!!

I went to Maramures to hike one of the mountains of the Carpathian chain and Rodnei's Mountains.

Borșa & Șurdești - Maramureș, Romania

Borșa is a town in the northeast of Maramureș county, between the Maramureș and Rodna mountains.

Șurdești village, in central Maramureș county, is home to one of the tallest wooden structures in the world, the 72m tall Church of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel. This is one of several UNESCO-listed wooden churches in that part of the country, where wood was traditionally the construction material of choice.

Footage taken with my Mavic Air drone (4K, 29.97FPS).

Parcul Național Munții Rodnei - Borșa | Visit Maramureș

Parcul Național Munții Rodnei - Borșa | Visit Maramureș

Impresionant în orice perioadă a anului, Parcul Național Munții Rodnei constituie o rezervație a biosferei și al doilea parc natural ca întindere din România, prezentând numeroase opțiuni de drumeții, mountain-biking, parapantism sau speoturism. Numeroasele văi și circuri glaciare, precum și cele 67 de lacuri pe care le cuprinde sporesc spectaculozitatea parcului. Aici se află și peștera Izvorul Albastru care, pe lungimea sa de aproximativ 2,5 kilometri este presărată cu cascade și galerii impozante.

Check us out on:

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Румунія - Велоподорож - Родна - Частина1 | Romania enduro bike trip - RODNA - Part 1

#Румунія #Родна #Велоподорож #Enduro #Romania #MTB #Carpathian #Rodna #Canyon
Всім привіт!
До Вашої уваги перша частина 10-денної подорожі Румунськими Карпатами.
Добирання, неймовірні підйоми, захоплюючі спуски, блукання, знову підйоми, і, звичайно, неймовірні краєвиди - все тут - запрошую до перегляду! Сподобалося відео? - підписуйся на канал і не полінуся розповісти друзям (: Дякую!
Якщо у вас виникли запитання про маршрут, добирання, логістику і тд. - пишіть в коментарях - з радістю відповім!
Hi there!
Welcome to my 10 days incredible journey through Romania Carpathian! This is Part 1 - Rodna Mountains
Getting to start, uphills, downhills, getting lost and trying to find the path, unforgettable forest rocky trail and again uphill and of course - beautiful landscapes - everything is here, enjoy!!
Do you like this video? please subscribe to the channel and don't be lazy - share with friends (: Thanks!
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Величезне ДЯКУЮ за підтримку/ Great THANKS for support - VERTICAL RIDING ROMANIA -

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Music - Subcarpati - Argatu' - Volumul III (Promo)

Overlanding Romania in LR DEFENDER - EPISODE 4 - main ridge route of Rodna Mountains.

Fourth episode of our summer Romania's mountains exploration trip.

Following the trail of Romuli - Zavoaiele Borcutului - şaua Batranei, meeting some German overlanders along the main ridge route of the Rodna Mountains - a long pass between Rotunda and Setref, and finally continuing our trip according do plan despite we were warned things may not go as expected...


More from Romania trip:

If you missed my Albania&Montenegro saga, here it is:

Full playlist of Scandinavia 2020 overland trip can be found here:

Gear I use:

Canon R6 - for photo and video.
Canon 5DMkIV - for photo and video.
Canon 5DMkII with MagicLantern - for TimeLapses.
DJI Mavic Pro - for all ;)
eMotimo TB3 head
Dynamic Perception slider

Follow me on Instagram for more cool photos of my Land Rover Defender Overlander and some landscape photography: @OffRoadProwler

The Mountains of Romania | 2019 | Muntii Romaniei

Un rezumat al lui 2019 cu drumetiile parcurse in Romania prin Ceahlau,Trascau,Piatra Craiului,Hasmas,Rarau,Giumalau,Bistrita,Rodna,Calimani,Persani
#discoveryromania #trekking #muntiiromaniei

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Drumuri Romanesti ???????? | Follow in the Footsteps of Winter

Enjoy spectacular drumuri romanesti from amazing Romania, recorded in 4K with Samsung S20 Ultra.

Drumuri Romanesti, or Romanian roads, are diverse and offer unique experiences to those who traverse them. From the well-known routes to the hidden gems, there is a road for every traveler's taste. Let's explore some of the most beautiful and interesting routes that Romania has to offer.

Some of the most well-known routes in Romania are the DN1 and the Transfagarasan. The DN1 is the oldest road in Romania, connecting the capital Bucharest with the northwestern city of Brasov. The route takes you through picturesque valleys and forests, and it's a great way to see the Romanian countryside. The Transfagarasan, on the other hand, is known for its breathtaking views and thrilling hairpin turns. This road runs through the Fagaras Mountains, reaching an altitude of 2,042 meters, and offers panoramic views of the surrounding peaks.

While these are undoubtedly beautiful, some of the most captivating routes in Romania are the less well-known ones. The Bicaz Gorges Road is a great example of this. This winding road cuts through the Eastern Carpathians and takes you past stunning rock formations, rushing waterfalls, and deep ravines. The Transalpina is another lesser-known road that offers an unforgettable experience. Dubbed the King's Road, this route takes you through the Parang Mountains, reaching an altitude of 2,145 meters, and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding peaks.

Romanians are known for their love of the road, and you can often find them on the highways and byways of their country. They are friendly and welcoming to visitors, making Romania an excellent destination for road trips. Whether you're driving a car or a motorcycle, you'll find plenty of like-minded travelers to share your journey with.

The roads in Romania are not without their challenges, however. While some roads, like the Transfagarasan and the Transalpina, are well-maintained and easy to drive on, others can be quite treacherous. The DN7C, for example, is a beautiful road that runs through the Apuseni Mountains, but it's also known for its potholes and rough terrain. Locals often refer to it as the Drum Prost, or Crappy Road.

Despite these challenges, Romania is a great place to travel, and there's never been a better time to visit. With Romania reopening its borders, travelers can now experience the country's unique culture, cuisine, and landscapes. Whether you're exploring a Romanian city or backpacking through the countryside, there's something for everyone in this fascinating country.

If you're planning a road trip in Romania, there are a few things to keep in mind. Be sure to check the weather forecast and road conditions before you set out, as some routes may be closed during the winter months. It's also a good idea to carry a map or GPS device, as some of the more remote areas may not have reliable cell service. With a little planning, however, you'll be able to experience the beauty and diversity of Romania's roads.

In conclusion, Drumuri Romanesti offer a unique and unforgettable way to explore Romania. From the well-known routes to the hidden gems, there's something for every traveler's taste. Whether you're looking for a leisurely drive through the countryside or an adrenaline-fueled adventure on a mountain pass, Romania's roads have it all. So pack your bags, hit the road, and discover the beauty of Romania for yourself!

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Overlanding Romania in LR DEFENDER - EPISODE 3 [Lapus, Tibles and Rodna Mountains].

Third episode of our summer Romania overland road trip.

Driving through three mountain ranges of Maramures county.
More beautiful scenery along the route we're on - bit of rain, bit of sun, some struggles with the water system (AGAIN! :/) and lots of forest routes as we are getting closer to the higher parts in Rodna Mountains.


More from Romania trip:

If you missed my Albania&Montenegro saga, here it is:

Full playlist of Scandinavia 2020 overland trip can be found here:

Gear I use:

Canon R6 - for photo and video.
Canon 5DMkIV - for photo and video.
Canon 5DMkII with MagicLantern - for TimeLapses.
DJI Mavic Pro - for all ;)
eMotimo TB3 head
Dynamic Perception slider

Some footage shot by Wiola :)

Follow me on Instagram for more cool photos of my Land Rover Defender Overlander and some landscape photography: @OffRoadProwler

Rumunija - Maramureš, Romania - Maramures

Maramureš je veliki muzej na otvorenom i područje u Rumuniji na koje je verovatno najmanje uticala savremena civilizacija.
Maramureš mnogi smatraju srcem i dušom ruralne Rumunije. Sa svojom živopisnom selima, valjkastim brežuljcima, pašnjacima, livadama, Maramureš sadrži sve što obuhvata seoski način života. Posetioci Maramureša imaju jedinstvenu priliku da zakorače u davno prošlo vreme.
Uskoro samo na RTS 1, petkom od 10:05. Nov serijal Razglednica - Maramureš



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