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10 Best place to visit in Rio Grande da Serra Brazil



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Se você é novo por aqui, seja bem-vindo ao canal! Aqui você encontra dicas, curiosidades e informações sobre o Sul e Sudeste do Brasil!


Confira 10 cidades que você precisa conhecer no Rio Grande do Sul. Veja as dicas para planejar o seu roteiro e escolher quais lugares visitar no RS!

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TOP 10 cidades do interior do RIO GRANDE DO SUL para morar

Localizado na região Sul do Brasil, o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul conta com 497 municípios e tem população estimada superior a 11,5 milhões de habitantes, ocupando a 6ª posição entre os estados mais populosos do país.
Um Estado de personalidade forte, famoso por preservar sua riquíssima história, de lutas e de glórias. Que consegue combinar de forma única a natureza exuberante e seu clima ameno, a uma forte pegada histórica e cultural.
Sua capital Porto Alegre, dispensa apresentação, com mais de 1,5 milhão de habitantes, a metrópole é um dos mais importantes polos econômicos do país. A Região metropolitana da capital gaúcha reúne 34 municípios em intenso processo de conurbação, numa área estratégica para o desenvolvimento do Estado.
Mas o interior do Rio Grande do Sul é tudo de bom!!!
As cidades do interior do Estado se destacam pelas belas paisagens, estações bem definidas e pelo desenvolvimento socioeconômico, o que proporciona ótima qualidade de vida aos seus moradores.

Confira agora nossa lista recente com 10 excelentes cidades para se viver bem, no interior do estado do Rio Grande do Sul.

00:00 Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
01:33 Rio Grande
03:29 Lajeado
05:24 Garibaldi
07:25 Gramado
09:29 Santa Cruz do Sul
11:30 Pelotas
13:29 Bento Gonçalves
15:27 Passo Fundo
17:09 Santa Maria
19:09 Caxias do Sul

Agradecimentos / Fontes / Imagens / Créditos:
Prefeitura de Rio Grande
Prefeitura de Lajeado
Prefeitura de Garibaldi / Bruno Milan / Bruna Rosito / Cassius André Fanti
Prefeitura de Gramado / GramadoInesquecivel
Prefeitura de Santa Cruz do Sul
Prefeitura de Pelotas
Prefeitura de Bento Gonçalves / SEMTUR - Secretaria de Turismo
Prefeitura de Passo Fundo
Prefeitura de Santa Maria
Prefeitura de Caxias do Sul

Top 10 Places To Visit In Brazil???????? | 10 Melhores Lugares Para Visitar No Brasil | Megha's Good Times

Top 10 Places To Visit In Brazil | 10 Melhores Lugares Para Visitar No Brasil | Megha's Good Times

#top10places #travelvideos #meghasgoodtimes

Brazil (Portuguese: Brasil) is the largest country in South America and fifth largest in the world. Famous for its football tradition and its annual Carnaval in Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Recife and Olinda. It is a country of great diversity, from the bustling urban mosaic of São Paulo to the infinite cultural energy of Alagoas, Pernambuco and Bahia, the wilderness of the Amazon rainforest and world-class landmarks such as the Iguaçu Falls, there is plenty to see and to do in Brazil.


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The Only 10 Places You Need To Visit In BRAZIL

Welcome to Brazil! Discover the best places in Brazil with us in this travel video. We have listed 10 touristic places in Brazil for you. With 4k drone footage, you can watch the amazing places of Brazil as a visual feast. Brazil, the extraordinary country of South America, is our next place among the countries that should be visited in the world! Join us if you're curious about things to do in Brazil and the most beautiful places in Brazil.

00:00 Intro
01:18 Curitiba
02:06 Lençois Maranhenses
03:07 Fernando de Noronha
04:27 Chapada Diamantina
05:38 Jericoacoara
07:13 Bonito
08:01 Foz de Iguaçu
09:00 Florianopolis
09:42 Salvador
10:39 Rio de Janerio
11:33 Outro

Step into a realm where nature's symphony takes center stage, with the breathtaking Iguazu Falls and the enchanting Amazon rainforest as its performers. The amazing vista of Iguazu Falls, captured in full clarity, allows you to witness the sheer power and beauty of water cascading over lush cliffs. The roar of the falls mingles with the gentle sounds of rustling leaves and chirping birds, creating an orchestra of serenity and grandeur. As you immerse yourself in this scene, you're reminded of the delicate balance of our planet's ecosystems, urging us to nuture and protect these natural wonders.

Venturing deeper into the heart of the Amazon rainforest, you're greeted by an array of life forms found nowhere else on Earth. The lush foliage and intricate ecosystem come alive in stunning detail, all presented in excellent visual quality. Every view reveals a world of interconnectedness, where each species plays a vital role in maintaining the delicate equilibrium of this extraordinary environment. The Amazon rainforest isn't just a place; it's a testament to the amazing forces that have shaped our world. As you experience its beauty through your senses, you're inspired to play your part in its preservation.

In Brazil's northeast, the surreal landscape of Lencois Maranhenses National Park beckons with its unique allure. Vast stretches of sand dunes give way to serene lagoons, creating a masterpiece of contrasts. As you take in the view, it's as if you're witnessing a painting brought to life, an artwork of nature's own creation. The full magnificence of Lencois Maranhenses is revealed in every frame, captured in ultrahd detail that allows you to appreciate even the finest grains of sand.

The journey continues along the coastline, where beautiful beaches embrace the rhythm of the ocean. From the iconic Copacabana to the tranquil shores of Ipanema, each beach offers a different facet of Brazil's coastal charm. The soothing sounds of waves lapping against the shore provide a calming backdrop, inviting you to relax and connect with the natural world around you. The sights and sounds of these beaches, when paired with the rhythm of nature's own melody, remind us of the incredible beauty that exists in our world. It's a reminder to cherish, respect, and nuture the precious resources that make up our planet's tapestry. #braziltravel #braziltour #braziltourism

Top 10 cosa vedere in BRASILE | I 10 posti più belli del BRASILE

Cosa vedere in Brasile? Ecco la classifica dei 10 posti più belli del Brasile secondo Come si viaggia

1 Cascate di Iguazu
Le cascate dell'Iguazú si dividono tra Argentina e Brasile. Si tratta di un insieme di cascate con altezze che possono raggiungere i 70 metri

2 Rio de Janeiro
Tra le maggiori attrazioni di Rio c'è senza alcun dubbio il famoso Pan di Zucchero, raggiungibile tramite una funivia

3 Parco Nazionale dei Lencois Maranhenses
Comprende un'area di 270 km² di dune di sabbia bianchissima che si spostano con il vento e cambiano la loro disposizione

4 Salvador De Bahia
Salvador de Bahia è la capitale dello stato di Bahia e si trova nella zona nord est del Brasile, sulla costa dell'Oceano Atlantico

5 Foresta Pluviale Amazzonica
La regione amazzonica custodisce la più vasta foresta pluviale al mondo e il più ricco sistema fluviale

6 Isola Fernando de Noronha
Alcune delle più belle spiagge brasiliane non si trovano sul continente, ma sull’arcipelago di Fernando de Noronha

7 San Paolo
San Paolo è come Rio de Janeiro, una città dove regnano i forti contrasti tra la popolazione

8 Pantanal
E’ l’ambiente più incontaminato e meno esplorato del Sud America e ospita la maggior concentrazione di fauna selvatica al mondo

9 Serra Verde Express
Con i suoi 110 chilometri di lunghezza, attraversa la più grande area protetta di foresta atlantica del Brasile

10 Carnevale di Rio
Il Carnevale si svolge ovunque, nelle strade, sulle spiagge e nei locali della città

Ringraziamo Claudio Pisicchio per il Voice-over

RIO DE JANEIRO TRAVEL GUIDE | Top 25 Things to do in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Hello from Rio de Janeiro! This was our first stop in Brazil and we were very excited to check out the top attractions, sample Brazilian cuisine, and squeeze in a little bit of beach time. We had an action packed week exploring the different neighbouhoods and trying everything from churrasco to brigadeiro, so we decided to film a city guide along the way. This video will showcase 25 things to do in Rio de Janeiro. Now let's get to it!

1) Christ Redeemer (Cristo Redentor) & Trem do Corcovado
2) Ipanema Hippy Fair (Feira Hippie de Ipanema)
3) Selarón Steps (Escadaria Selarón)
4) Museum of Tomorrow (Museu do Amanhã)
5) Bike Tour of Rio with
6) Favela Tour with
7) Nature Hike up to Chapéu Mangueira Hill
8) Churrascaria: Buffet meat churrasco style
9) Ipanema Beach
10) Metropolitan Cathedral (Catedral Metropolitana de São Sebastião)
11) National Fine Arts Museum (Museu Nacional de Belas Artes MNBA)
12) Municipal Theatre of Rio (Theatro Municipal)
13) Cafe Colombo (Confeitaria Colombo) and Brigadeiro
14) Sugarloaf Mountain (Pão de Açúcar) by Cable Car
15) Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden (Jardim Botânico)
16) Sao Joao Batista Cemetery (Cemitério de São João Batista)
17) Copacabana Beach
18) Drink coconut juice from a fresh coconut
19) Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas (Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon)
20) Pão de queijo - Brazilian cheese bread
21) Praça Mauá area for museums on the weekend
22) Ride a bike all over Rio
23) Ride the subway (Rio de Janeiro Metro - Metrô Rio)
24) Feijoada (Brazilian stew with rice and beans)
25) Nightlife in Rio drinking a Caipirinhas




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Our visit Rio De Janeiro travel guide documentary, before the Olympics of 2016, covers some of the top attractions including a food guide (best restaurants and street food), top museums and Rio at night. We also cover off-the-beaten-path activities you won't find in a typical Rio De Janeiro tourism brochure or Rio De Janeiro, Brasil city tour.

25 Things to do in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Travel Guide and Top Attractions Transcript:

First up, we started with the city’s most iconic sight: Christ Redeemer. We boarded the train as soon as the station opened and made our way to the top of Corcovado Mountain. Sometimes the statue can be shielded by fog, but we lucked out with beautiful blue skies and panoramic views of the city as far as the eye could see.

For a bit of colour, we headed over to the Selaron Steps, which is a tiled staircase created by Chilean artist, Jorge Selarón. Initially Selaron would scavenge construction sites looking for tiles, but in later years as his work gained notoriety, travellers began donating tiles.

Since we chose to stay in the neighbourhood of Ipanema, we ended up spending quite a bit of time at Ipanema Beach. We noticed that this beach was really popular for beach football, volleyball, and surfing. And of course, what makes this beach so iconic are its two mountains, known as Dois Irmãos. If you come here on a clear day, you can catch a killer sunset.

No visit to Rio de Janeiro would be complete without heading up Sugarloaf Mountain, so when the skies finally cleared that’s exactly what we did. We paid for our tickets and boarded the cable car for a somewhat unnerving ride up. If you’re scared of heights, this probably isn’t the attraction for you, however, if you manage to make it to the top you get some really cool panoramic views of Rio.

Copacabana Beach is the most famed beach in all of Rio de Janeiro and if you were to visit on a weekend during the summer months you’d find that the place is packed beyond belief. We happened to be here in winter so things were a lot more relaxed, but that didn’t stop visitors from braving the waters.

We did a favela tour to Babilônia and Chapéu Mangueira. On our tour we saw lots of street art, learned about life inside a favela.

And that is a wrap! We hope this video will give you guys some ideas of things to do in Rio de Janeiro on your visit, and for those travellers who have already been there, feel free to add your suggestion of cool activities and attractions in the comments below.

This is part of our Travel in Brazil video series showcasing Brazilian food, Brazilian culture and Brazilian cuisine.

Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network


If you need help with your trip to Brazil please send me an email and we can help you to plan your trip for a fair price.

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In this channel we give a lot of tips about food and drinks to try in brazil, fruits to try in brazil, what to eat, what to see, history, vocabulary, culture, walking tours, and so on!

Everyone agrees that the coastline of Brazil is one of the most amazing in the world, but what if you had to choose which are the best beaches in Brazil among the 7.000 km of its coast?
Everyone agrees that the coastline of Brazil is one of the most amazing in the world, but what if you had to choose which are the best beaches in Brazil among the 7.000 km of its coast?

So in this video I made a list of the 10 best beaches to travel in Brazil.

10 – Praia do Espelho, Porto Seguro – Bahia

Our list starts with the place where Brazil was discovered. Praia do Espelho is located in Porto Seguro, Bahia. The region is also known as the Discovery Coast.

9 – Baía dos Golfinhos, Praia da Pipa – RN

Praia da Pipa is one of the favorite places from people in the Northeast Region. You can stay there or in Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte.

Pipa is a district in the municipality of Tibaú do Sul and has a very charming touch, both in its bustling center and on the beaches with its cinematic cliffs.

One of the most incredible places in Pipa is Chapadão and its wonderful view of Praia do Amor. Unmissable photo.

8 – Cacimba do Padre, Fernando de Noronha – PE

Fernando de Noronha is that dream place for all travelers, so you could make a list of the best beaches in Brazil just with places from this archipelago.
But one of the best beaches in Noronha is Cacimba do Padre, the beach that gives access to Baía dos Porcos and the best place to see Dois Irmãos, a postcard of the island.

7 – Quarta Praia, Morro de São Paulo – Bahia

Morro de São Paulo is one of the best destinations in Brazil, bringing together beaches with calm and crystalline waters, in addition to good accommodation options.

The Fourth Beach of Morro de São Paulo entered the list of the 10 best beaches in the world in 2022, on the TripAdvisor website. It ranked fourth.

6 – Praia dos Carneiros, Pernambuco

Porto de Galinhas has already established itself as one of the best destinations in Brazil, but because of that it ended up becoming a very crowded and busy place.
For those looking for a quieter option (but not too much), it is worth betting on the paradisiacal Praia dos Carneiros.

5 – Praia de Lopes Mendes, Ilha Grande – RJ

The beach has no infrastructure. There are only a few street vendors on busy days. So take your things and enjoy a whole day there.

4 – Jericoacoara

Jericoacoara beach is not the prettiest of Ceará, but the vibe of the place is so cool that it wins any heart. The daily ritual is to choose a nice place to enjoy the sunset (Duna do Pôr do Sol is not even the only option).

The streets of the village of Jericoacoara are all made of sand, but the place has a unique charm. Delicious restaurants, excellent inns and hotels, and just the right structure standing on the sand.

3 – Praias de Arraial do Cabo

We could even have chosen Praia do Farol (which has already taken over our leadership on the list of the Best Beaches in Rio de Janeiro State), but the truth is that any beach in Arraial is wonderful and easily enters the list of the best beaches in Brazil.
But if we have to choose the best ones, at the top of that list are Praia do Farol, Prainhas do Pontal do Atalaia and Praia do Forno.

2 – Praia de São Miguel dos Milagres

The coast of Alagoas is one of the most beautiful in Brazil. Between Maceió (AL) and Tamandaré (PE) is located the APA Costa dos Corais, an area of reefs and natural pools.

Despite Maragogi being the most famous destination on the coast, the city ended up getting very crowded and can scare anyone traveling looking for peace and quiet.

São Miguel dos Milagres has become one of the quietest options for those visiting the Costa dos Corais.

From there, it is also possible to take one of the delicious raft trips to the natural pools. Check our vlog we made for Maragogi, São José dos Milagres and Recife.

1 – Baía do Sancho e Baía dos Porcos

Fernando de Noronha is one of the most dreamed destinations by Brazilians. But a few years ago, it also became a dream place for travelers from all over the world.
For several years, Baía do Sancho was considered the best beach in the world, in the TripAdvisor Travelers Choice ranking. In 2022, the beach ranked seventh among the top 10 beaches in the world.

#braziltravel #beach #beaches

Top 10 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Porto Alegre | Brazil - English

#PortoAlegrePlaces #PlacesInPortoAlegre #PortoAlegreVisitPlaces #PortoAlegreBrazil
Porto Alegre is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Brazil having many best places in Porto Alegre. Porto Alegre is the capital city of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in southern Brazil. On the main square, Praça Marechal Deodoro, is the Renaissance-style Metropolitan Cathedral, with religious murals on the outside. The neoclassical Piratini Palace houses the state government. The 19th-century São Pedro Theater is nearby. The city is known as a gateway to the tall canyons of Aparados da Serra National Park. So to help you figure out the places you need to try, we've gathered up a bucket list of the best Places in Porto Alegre that you won't regret going to.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful places in Porto Alegre. Brazil has some of the best places in Porto Alegre. We collected data on the top 10 places to visit in Porto Alegre. There are many famous places in Porto Alegre and some of them are beautiful places in Porto Alegre. People from all over Brazil love these Porto Alegre beautiful places which are also Porto Alegre famous places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful places to visit in Porto Alegre.

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***All images used in this video are a property of their owners. We have no intention of showing these images as our own property. We used these images just to promote tourism.***

Top 10 Melhores Praias do RIO GRANDE DO NORTE: Natal, Pipa e Gostoso

Quais as melhores praias do Rio Grande do Norte? Quem viaja para Natal, procura os passeios para conhecer as praias mais bonitas do RN, além da capital.

Confira nesse vídeo o que fazer em Natal, muito além da Praia de Ponta Negra. Praia da Pipa, São Miguel do Gostoso, Maracajaú e Galinhos são algumas das praias cinematográficas desse litoral.

Assista também:
[+] O que fazer em Natal:
[+] Praia de Pipa, RN:

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[+] Natal RN - Guia Completo:

Natal Trip Passeios:
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TOP 10 cidades do interior do RIO GRANDE DO NORTE para morar

Localizado na região Nordeste do Brasil, o Estado do Rio Grande do Norte conta com 167 cidades, ocupando a 13ª posição entre os Estados com o maior número de municípios. Sua população, segundo dados do último censo do IBGE, é de cerca de 3,3 milhões de habitantes, o que faz do RN o 6º estado mais populoso do Nordeste e o 17º do Brasil.

Dono de uma rica história, o Rio Grande do Norte é um dos berços culturais do Nordeste e do Brasil. Dono de belezas naturais surpreendentes, com seus 410 km de litoral repleto de praias paradisíacas, é um dos destinos turísticos mais visados do Brasil.
É um Estado com gigantesco potencial produtivo e um dos locais mais promissores do país.
É o maior produtor de energia eólica, possui a 3ª maior reserva de petróleo, a 6ª maior de gás natural e é o maior produtor de sal marinho do Brasil.

Sua capital Natal, dispensa apresentação... É a cidade mais populosa do Estado com população superior a 750 mil habitantes. Natal tem uma das maiores regiões metropolitanas do Nordeste. Sua microrregião representa mais de 40% do PIB estadual.

Mas o Interior do Rio Grande do Norte é tudo de bom!

Apresentamos agora nossa lista recente com 10 excelentes cidades para viver bem, no interior do Estado do RN.

0:00 Estado do Rio Grande do Norte
02:23 Caicó
04:27 Serra de São Bento
06:26 Currais Novos
08:16 Touros
10:24 Ceará-Mirim
12:32 Martins
14:30 Pau dos Ferros
16:28 Acari
18:42 Parnamirim
20:46 Mossoró

Agradecimentos / Fontes / Imagens / Créditos:
Governo do Rio Grande do Norte
Prefeitura de Serra de São Bento
Prefeitura de Caicó
Prefeitura de Currais Novos
Prefeitura de Touros
Prefeitura de Ceará-Mirim
Prefeitura de Martins
Prefeitura de Pau dos Ferros
Prefeitura de Acari
Prefeitura de Parnamirim
Prefeitura de Mossoró

top 10 cities to visit brazil in 2023????????

Brazil is a vast and diverse country with numerous cities offering unique experiences. Here are the top 10 cities to visit in Brazil in 2023:

Rio de Janeiro: Known for its stunning beaches, iconic landmarks like Christ the Redeemer and Sugarloaf Mountain, vibrant Carnival celebrations, and energetic nightlife.

São Paulo: Brazil's largest city, São Paulo is a bustling metropolis offering a vibrant cultural scene, excellent shopping, diverse cuisine, and renowned museums and galleries.

Salvador: A city rich in Afro-Brazilian culture, Salvador showcases colorful colonial architecture, lively music and dance, and the famous Carnival festivities.

Manaus: Located in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, Manaus is the gateway to the unique ecosystem. Explore the Amazon River, visit the stunning Teatro Amazonas, and immerse yourself in the rich biodiversity.

Florianópolis: A paradise for beach lovers, Florianópolis boasts beautiful beaches, crystal-clear waters, and opportunities for surfing, hiking, and island hopping.

Brasília: Brazil's capital city, Brasília, is known for its futuristic architecture and urban planning. Explore the iconic buildings designed by Oscar Niemeyer, such as the Cathedral of Brasília and the National Congress.

Recife: Located in northeastern Brazil, Recife is a vibrant city with a rich colonial history, beautiful beaches, and a lively cultural scene, including the famous Carnival of Recife.

Belo Horizonte: A city surrounded by stunning mountains, Belo Horizonte offers a mix of modern architecture, lively bars and restaurants, and access to nearby natural wonders like the Serra do Cipó National Park.

Curitiba: Known for its urban planning and sustainability initiatives, Curitiba is a green city with beautiful parks, innovative transportation systems, and a vibrant cultural scene.

Porto Alegre: Situated in the southernmost part of Brazil, Porto Alegre is a city with a European influence, offering a rich heritage, lively nightlife, and access to the stunning landscapes of the Rio Grande do Sul region.

These cities provide a glimpse into the diverse culture, natural beauty, and vibrant atmosphere of Brazil, making them top choices for travelers visiting the country in 2023.

10 Most Beautiful National Parks in Brazil 2023 - Travel Video

10 Most Beautiful National Parks in Brazil

Brazil has the world's greatest plant and animal diversity. Its natural beauty is best explored in Brazil's large national parks system. These parks have tropical rainforests, mountains, and canyons. Explore Brazil's most stunning national parks.

Here is the list of 10 Most Beautiful National Parks in Brazil

10. Itatiaia National Park
9. Chapada dos Guimaraes National Park
8. Pantanal Matogrossense National Park
7. Jericoacoara National Park
6. Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park
5. Lencois Maranhenses National Park
4. Aparados da Serra National Park
3. Fernando de Noronha Marine National Park
2. Chapada Diamantina National Park
1. Iguacu National Park

#brazil #brazilian #BrazilNationalParks

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TOP 5 cidades pra viver no RIO GRANDE DO SUL

O Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no sul do país, tem se tornado referência nacional pelo desenvolvimento dos seus municípios. O estado gaúcho possui uma das maiores expectativas de vida do Brasil, além disso está entre os 5 estados com maior PIB do país e tem o sexto IDH ( indicador que avalia a qualidade de vida da população) mais elevado.

Conheça agora nosso ranking com as 5 melhores cidades para morar no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul!
0:00 O Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
02:22 Santa Cruz do Sul
04:13 Novo Hamburgo
06:05 Bento Gonçalves
07:46 Caxias do Sul
10:08 Porto Alegre

Fontes de pesquisa:
Governo do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
Prefeitura de Santa Cruz do Sul
Prefeitura de Novo Hamburgo
Prefeitura de Bento Gonçalves
Prefeitura de Caxias do Sul
Prefeitura de Porto Alegre


O estado do Rio é muito além da cidade maravilhosa, por isso aqui você vai encontrar as melhores 10 cidades próximas ao Rio de Janeiro para conhecer.
Quem pensa que o Rio de Janeiro é feito só de litoral, se engana e eu posso provar! No estado do Rio você vai encontrar praias paradisíacas, muita história, boa gastronomia, natureza exuberante e muita aventura.
Então confira o vídeo para saber quais são as melhores cidades próximas ao Rio de Janeiro para conhcer.

Aqui no meu blog você vai encontrar mais dicas das cidades próximas ao Rio de Janeiro:
Não deixe de explorar o blog em busca de dicas mais aprofundadas dos destinos!

Post completo e detalhado com 20 cidades próximas ao Rio de Janeiro para conhecer:


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Oi, eu sou a Nuny e aqui você vai encontrar uma mistura de assuntos entre viagem e veganismo e o elo que une esses dois assuntos: sustentabilidade e responsabilidade. Meu propósito é construir uma comunidade de pessoas que buscam o mesmo que eu: um mundo melhor! Bora comigo?
Bem vind@ ao meu canal!

GRAMADO | Rio Grande do Sul ???????? Southern Brazil |【4K】

Gramado is a city marked by many beauties, possessing exuberant natural wealth, being the largest tourist hub in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and one of the most important in Brazil.

The city stands out as a center of major events, in addition to hosting one of the most traditional film festivals in Latin America every year: the Brazilian and Latin Film Festival, popularly called the Gramado Film Festival or just Gramado Festival, during which Kikito prizes are distributed. Other important events that attract thousands of tourists are the Christmas festival known as Natal Luz and the Festa da Colônia, one of the most integrated festivities of the groups that colonized the region: Azoreans, Germans and Italians. For the Christmas event, between 1 and 1.5 million tourists are expected.

Among the attractions most visited by tourists are the Harley Motor Show, Hollywood Dream Cars, Super Car Show, Mirante Vale do Quilombo, Lake Negro, Lake Joaquina Bier, the entrance via Taquara, the entrance via Nova Petrópolis , Mini Mundo, Cascata Véu de Noiva, Aldeia do Papai Noel, Parque Knorr, Palácio dos Festivais, Praça das Bandeiras, Rua Madre Verônica (covered street), Praça Major Nicoletti, Igreja São Pedro, the cultural center, the Museum of Film Festivals, Lutheran Church, chocolate factories, Dreamland Wax Museum, Torta Street (R. Emílio Sorgetz), Snowland, among others.

Another place worth visiting is the Medieval Museum, located in a medieval-style castle (which has been built for the last 30 years, exclusively by a single person, its owner), in addition to displaying medieval coats of arms, it also houses the unique Brazilian Cutlery Museum, displaying knives, swords, daggers, etc., from all over the world.

In addition to family and group tourism, Gramado has become a reference in business tourism. Due to this new niche, the city built a structure to house all types of activities. Gramado Serra Park and ExpoGramado are spaces that together add up to 35 000 square meters of area and that have enough infrastructure to host large fairs. Hotels such as Serra Azul and Serrano have convention centers with adequate equipment for holding panels and debates. In addition to these, the Festivals Palace can also serve as an auditorium and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul built its own Events and Training Center in the city.

Several events such as congresses and festivals take place in Gramado throughout the year. During winter, for example, there is Estação Gramado, the main event at this time of year. The city hosts other major events, such as the Gramado Film Festival, Natal Luz, as well as the Hydrangea Festival, Chocofest, the Fenim International Advertising Festival (National Fashion Industry Fair), among others.

Satuday, 04:45 p.m.
Aug 14, 2021



See on Google Maps:





No ano de 2022, iniciamos nossa volta ao mundo pelo Brasil e conhecemos quase 50 destinos, de 10 estados diferentes do nosso país.

Foram 9 meses explorando praias, montanhas, cidades históricas, fervedouros, cidades grandes, etc.

Selecionamos os lugares que mais gostamos de conhecer e neste vídeo iremos dar 10 sugestões de viagens no Brasil para você explorar em 2023. Tudo isso com dicas de lugares para conhecer, atrações, preços, dicas gerais e também dicas de possíveis bate-voltas.

OBS: Colocamos apenas destinos que fomos pessoalmente! Sinta-se à vontade para nos sugerir destinos para conhecermos em 2023.

OBS 2: Este vídeo foi gravado, editado e postado muito antes dos casos de escravidão que estão sendo investigados e divulgados em Bento Gonçalves. Grande parte do roteiro mencionado em Bento não inclui nenhuma das empresas, então mantaremos o vídeo no ar por isto, pois as demais empresas e restaurantes mostrados não merecem se prejudicar por terceiros. Não recomendamos visitação em nenhuma das vinícolas envolvidas!

Conseguimos alguns DESCONTOS para nossos seguidores com alguns parceiros de uns locais que fomos:
- Fernando de Noronha (Em Noronha):
- Jalapão (Nativos Jalapão):
- Hospedagem na Praia do Rosa:
- Trilhas no Rio de Janeiro (Desbravando Rio): Aplicar o cupom ROLEFAMILIA5 no
- Passeio de barco Ubatuba (Pura Vida Tripss):
- Hospedagem centro de Floripa:

E-book Florianópolis-
Camisetas da Nossa Coleção-
Paraty Tours- 24 99317-6793 ou paratytours.agencia
Quero Voar Parapente- @querovoar_net (10% de desconto falando se veio pelo Rolê Família)
Loumar Foz-

Vlog |
Guia completo |

Serra Gaúcha-
Gramado e Canela |
Bento |

Guia Completo |

Vlog |

Alter do Chão-
Vlog |
Guia Completo |

Fernando de Noronha-
Parte 1 |
Parte 2 |
Guia Completo |

Lençóis Maranhenses-
Vlog |

Estrada Real-
Paraty |
Cunha |
Tiradentes |
Ouro Preto |

Foz do Iguaçú-
Vlog |

Rio de Janeiro-
Guia Completo |



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Há quanto tempo estão dando uma volta ao mundo?
Desde março de 2022

O Bruno e a Paula são namorados?
Não, nós somos irmãos

É sobre o que o canal?
O Rolê Família é um projeto de Volta ao Mundo, formado por 4 membros (Bruno, Paulo, Marcos e Marta), no qual iremos mostrar através do nosso olhar lugares incríveis do Brasil e do Mundo. Além disso, temos 1052 objetivos com esse projeto, e vamos mostrando aqui para vocês a medida que formos completando eles! Além de mostrar lugares, também damos dicas de temas de áudio visual.

Capítulos do vídeo:
00:00 Introdução TOP 10 Brasil
01:48 Jalapão
06:21 Serra Gaúcha: Gramado, Canela e Bento Gonçalves
08:38 Lençóis Maranhenses
11:01 Estrada Real Caminho Velho
14:38 Florianópolis / Floripa
16:47 Alter do Chão
20:45 Fernando de Noronha
23:49 Ubatuba
25:19 Rio de Janeiro
28:16 Foz do Iguaçú

Gramado, RS | First Impressions of a Gorgeous Town

We NEVER would have thought we'd find mountain towns like Gramado and Canela in Brazil! These charming towns are officially some of our favorites!

Where we went in Gramado:
Lago Negro
Chocolate World
Rua Torta
Mini World
Miroh Chocolate Makers
Lago da Borges (where we had beer)

Where we went in Canela:
Parque do Caracol
Restaurante Pappardelle
Canela Catedral
Caracol Restaurante & bar


Our airbnb in Canela:

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0:00 You need to see this!
1:18 Welcome to Gramado
3:37 Parque do Caracol
6:48 Lago Negro
8:34 Rua Torta
9:27 Chocolate!
10:30 Italian food
12:18 Miroh chocolate makers
13:33 Snow in Gramado
14:40 Mini Mundo
16:12 Welcome to Canela
18:12 Wine country
18:32 Caracol Restaurante & bar
19:11 Canela airbnb
20:06 Forever Christmas
21:00 German beer
22:30 Final thoughts
24:07 Outro

Rio Grande, Brazil

Great river of the south. Rio Grande is a municipality and one of the oldest cities in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande ddo Sul. It was the state capital from 1835 to 1845. It is the most important port city in the state and has one of the most important maritime ports in Brazil.

Top 10 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Curitiba | Brazil - English

#CuritibaPlaces #PlacesInCuritiba #CuritibaVisitPlaces #CuritibaBrazil
Curitiba is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Brazil having many best places in Curitiba. Curitiba is the capital of the southern Brazilian state of Paraná. Notable skyline features include the Panoramic Tower, with an observatory on top. Known as a cultural center, Curitiba is home to a number of performance venues, including the Wire Opera House, a structure of tubular steel with a transparent roof, and the huge Teatro Guaíra, with diverse programs. So to help you figure out the places you need to try, we've gathered up a bucket list of the best Places in Curitiba that you won't regret going to.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful places in Curitiba. Brazil has some of the best places in Curitiba. We collected data on the top 10 places to visit in Curitiba. There are many famous places in Curitiba and some of them are beautiful places in Curitiba. People from all over Brazil love these Curitiba beautiful places which are also Curitiba famous places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful places to visit in Curitiba.

Please help us in our cause and share this channel as much as possible with your friends and family.

***All images used in this video are a property of their owners. We have no intention of showing these images as our own property. We used these images just to promote tourism.***



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