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10 Best place to visit in Petrila Romania


Petrila from Above: A Drone Tour of the Transylvanian Town

Welcome to our channel! In this captivating video, we take you on an extraordinary drone journey through the town of Petrila Hunedoara, Transylvania. Discover the enchanting beauty of Petrila Hunedoara as we explore its breathtaking landscapes from above, historical landmarks, and unique cultural traditions. Immerse yourself in the charm of this exceptional town nestled amidst the stunning mountains, and get ready to fall in love with its irresistible allure. Join us as we wander through the mesmerizing streets, capturing the vibrant atmosphere and the warm hospitality of the locals. We'll introduce you to the fascinating stories behind each landmark, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the rich history and heritage of this remarkable destination. Whether you're an adventurer seeking thrilling outdoor activities, a history buff yearning to uncover ancient secrets, or simply a traveler in search of an off-the-beaten-path destination, Transylvaniaa has something extraordinary to offer you. Indulge your senses in the delicious local cuisine, bursting with flavors unique to this region. Don't miss out on the chance to witness the vibrant festivals and events that bring the community together, celebrating their heritage and creating unforgettable memories. Immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere, and let the joyous energy of Petrila Hunedoara's locals leave an everlasting impression.

#Petrila #Hunedoara #HiddenGems #LocalLife #Exploring #Travel #ExplorePetrila #TravelVlog #Adventure #ExploreHunedoara #Romania #Discover #TravelGuide #OffTheBeatenPath #ExploreLocal #Wanderlust #ExploreRomania #ExploreMore #ExploreTogether #TravelGoals

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Instagram: @6AMTravel

As an marketing affiliate, I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. Some of the links are affiliate links and if you decide to buy the service through them I earn a tiny commission. It costs you nothing but helps me big time in keeping these videos coming.

Thank you for the support & thanks for watching.

Top 10 Trasee / Drumuri din Romania - Best Moto Routes 2022

Dupa mai bine de 6 ani de umblat in lung si in lat pe doua roti prin Romania, ne-am hotarat sa impartasim cu voi, ce credem noi ca sunt cele mai frumoase drumuri de la noi din tara.
Le-am grupat in functie de zona in care se afla si nu am vrut sa le departajam, considerand ca fiecare dintre aceste drumuri are frumusetea lui.
Mai multe detalii despre fiecare dintre traseele prezentate in clip gasiti pe site-ul nostru :

TOP 10 cele mai mari Orase din România 4K #shorts

Statistica orașelor după suprafață
1 Broșteni
2 Vișeu de Sus Maramureș
3 Săcele
4 Petrila
5 Tismana
6 Cisnădie
7 Brașov
8 Ciacova
9 Uricani
10 Târgu Lăpuș
#shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #shortvideo #shortsromania

VALEA JIULUI | 25 Atracții turistice | English subtitles | ROMANIA ???????? #valeajiului #romania

#valeajiului #petrosani #roceztravel

VALEA JIULUI | 25 Atracții turistice | English subtitles | ROMANIA ???????? #valeajiului #romania

Valea Jiului se remarcă prin bogățiile sale naturale, exploatate de către statul român prin mine de huilă. Munții ce o încadrează se află în grupa Retezat-Godeanu a Carpațior Meridionali. Principalele orașe din această zonă sunt Petroșani, Vulcan, Petrila, Aninoasa, Lupeni, Uricani.

#petroșani #vulcan #petrila #aninoasa #lupeni #uricani #paroșeni #livezeni #hunedoara #romania #valeajiului #minapetrila #minalivezeni


Alte atracții turistice din Valea Jiului sunt: (Other tourist attractions in Jiu Valley are):
1. Peştera Bolii
2. Cetatea Băniţa
3. Munții Parâng / Stațiunea Straja / Pasul Vulcan / Cheile Buții / Defileul Jiului /
4. Ţinutul momârlanilor / Cheile Jieţului
5. Mănăstirea Lainici


00:00 – Municipiul Petroșani
00:23 – Biserica „Sfânta Treime”
00:55 – Cazinoul Muncitoresc
01:29 – Teatrul Dramatic „I.D. Sîrbu”
01:56 – Biserica romano-catolică „Sfânta Varvara”
02:26 – Muzeul Mineritului
02:59 – Biserica Evanghelică
03:29 – Primăria municipiului Petroșani
03:40 – Casa de Cultură a Sindicatelor
04:06 – Biserica Unitariană
04:20 – Gara Petroșani
04:48 – Judecătoria Petroșani
05:12 – Universitatea din Petroșani
05:34 – Clubul Sportiv Școlar Petroșani
05:54 – Ansamblul Monumental al Sfintei Varvara
06:26 – Complexul Energetic Hunedoara
06:52 – Hotelul Petroșani
07:07 – Municipiul Vulcan
07:45 – Biserica romano-catolică Vulcan
08:08 – Biserica „Duminica Orbului”
08:21 – Primăria municipiului Vulcan
08:30 – Monumentul militarilor decedați în minele din Valea Jiului
08:51 – Municipiul Lupeni
09:16 – Palatul cultural „Minerul”
09:29 – Orașul Uricani
09:54 – Biserica greco-catolică Uricani
10:08 – Orașul Petrila
10:32 – Mina Petrila
10:51 – Manifestări artistice în Petrila
11:07 – Primăria Petrila
11:17 – Orașul Aninoasa
11:37 – Mina Livezeni




▪ Credits:
Produced by ROCEZ Travel


#valeajiului #roceztravel #hunedoara #romania #petroșani

VALEA JIULUI | 25 Atracții turistice | English subtitles | ROMANIA ???????? #valeajiului #romania

Discover the city of Petrosani, Hunedoara, Transylvania, Romania

#transylvania #travelromania #petrosani #transilvania #travel #dronevideo #romania #romaniatravel
Petroșani is a city in Hunedoara County, Transylvania, Romania. The city has been associated with mining since the 19th century.
The town became part of Romania in 1920 as a consequence of the Treaty of Trianon.
The population experienced massive growth only in the 20th century during the communist regime, as many workers were brought in from other parts of the country.
As other cities from the Jiu Valley, throughout the second half of the 19th century and most of the 20th century, most activities in the city revolved around the mines. But after the fall of the communist regime, many mines were closed, and the city, just like the whole valley, was forced to diversify the economy. This has also led to a significant population decline: Petroșani is one of the Romanian cities which has experienced the fastest population loss from the 1990s onwards.

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Instagram: @6AMTravel

As an marketing affiliate, I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. Some of the links are affiliate links and if you decide to buy the service through them I earn a tiny commission. It costs you nothing but helps me big time in keeping these videos coming.

Thank you for the support & thanks for watching.

Romanian Country LIFE | The County of GORJ, OLTENIA - Most Beautiful County in ROMANIA? (2021) ????????

Travelling to my grandparents house in the county of Gorj, Oltenia situated in the western side of Romania. This is where I grew up during my school summer holidays, and now coming back to see these places brings up loads of beautiful memories. We take you with us on this adventure. Enjoy!

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#Oltenia #Gorj #Romania

Petrosani | Hunedoara | Romania | 2023 | February | Snow

Romania | Petrosani | Hunedoara | 2023 | Februarie

© for the song: Asfințit de Munte | Chernobxg - Subiect

DJI Mini 2

Hotel La Belle Epoque Petrosani/Romania (EN)

Hotel La Belle Epoque Petrosani-Hunedoara County- Romania.

ORASUL VULCAN, din Hunedoara, PARTEA VECHE a orașului, PARTEA NOUĂ, dar și imagini din DALLAS- bonus

Vulcan, din județul Hunedoara, am descoperit partea veche a acestui oras, dar si partea noua. Totodata, am mers putin si prin celebrul cartier DALLAS, un loc unde pe vremuri era cam dificil sa mergi.

#vulcan #hunedoara #dallas #cartier
#orașvulcan #valeajiului
00:00 Introduction
01:05 Partea veche a orasului
08:29 Partea noua a orasului
19:55 Restaurant trilogi

Restaurants in Petrila, Romania

Have a really tasty meal again, in a good restaurant or eatery nearby. Enjoy a great dinner with near Petrila. Whether gourmet, fast food or a romantic candlelight dinner, you will find something suitable here.

Here you can find Restaurants in Petrila, Romania:
1) Number One
Strada Minei 33, Petrila 335800
0254 550 788

2) Medom Restaurant
Strada Republicii 66, Petrila 335800
0354 149 845

3) Restaurant Alcatraz
Strada Tudor Vladimirescu 1, Petrila 335800
0720 246 860

4) Restaurant La Tugu Caprioara
Strada Republicii numarul 67, Petrila 335800
0737 471 316

Strada Tudor Vladimirescu 37, Petrila 335800
0722 880 835

6) BigDadu Caffe&Food
Strada 1 Decembrie 1918, Petroșani 332019
0785 772 701

7) Restaurant Medieval
Strada 1 Decembrie 1918 63, Petroșani
0354 110 066

8) Local Românesc

9) Doner Box
str 8martie nr1, Petrila 335800
0354 119 255

10) Fast-Food Maria
oras PETRILA,Str.T.Vladimirescu,bl.36C,parter, Petrila 335800
0725 671 055

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The music is from:

Șureanu - Petrila

Filmări făcute în vacanța 2022, pe un traseu plin de mister și aventură între Domeniul schiabil Șureanu și Petrila, pe ploaie și noroi, multă adrenalină și efort fizic răsplătit cu maximă satisfacție. Mulțumesc prietenului meu Cătă pentru excelenta companie și domnilor de la pentru GPX

Intrarea in Cheile Jietului

Cheile Jiețului este o rezervație naturală, situată pe teritoriul orașului Petrila în județul Hunedoara.

Rezervația natuarală cu o suprafață de 10 ha, se afla pe versantul drept al Parângului si este străbătută de apele râului Jieț, formând versanți abrupți și chei înguste de o spectulozitate unica in tara .

We attempted Petrila to Sureanu but it was too much for us: adventure riding in Romania

Hi everyone and welcome to our channel Romanians on the Road!
In this video, we present to you how We attempted Petrila to Sureanu but it was too much for us: adventure riding in Romania.

#adventureriding #hondacrf300rally #romaniansontheroad

We Love Hiking - Surprising Petrosani, Romania

The 'We Love... ' series, travel and leisure short video log.
Flying, train traveling, driving, biking, hiking, walking... We love!

Sharing the magic of our current time-space reality from one opened heart and mind to another.
Video production passionate beginner.
There is so much beauty and abundance, we are obliged to share, to cherish and thus, make it more.
We are love, and we are ready to emit, radiate, receive, absorb.
We are here for this!

Episode 14:

traVlog 14, 'We Love Hiking', in this episode we absolutely enjoy the experience of hiking and walking long distances and every little detail that comes with it, including getting tired at the end of the path.
Hiking and walking around, downtown and the surroundings of Petrosani City, a small mining town in Romania.
We hike on the hills of Petrila area, Dalja Mare and others, plus we go deep inside the Bolii Cave, a nature preserve place just 7km away the city.
Totally random and fun filming the always surprising experience of hiking around, absorbing and enjoying the nature and all its offerings.




Dâlja Mare
332001, România

Natural Park Grădiștea Muncelului - Cioclovina
+40 254 211 569

Cheile Băniței
Strada Firma, Bănița 337065, România
+40 732 773 755

Bolii Cave
Municipiul Petroșani, România
+40 722 559 980

Incredibly and attentively selected playlists for your travel and leisure, moment by moment:

Thank me later.

Thank you kindly for your time, consideration and much appreciated support by clicking the well-known buttons and bell, it means so much.

Special thank you to my longtime bestie, Levi, who is the best host and guide while in Petrosani, Romania.

#traveling #hiking #scenery

Hunedoara: Cheile Jiețului | Valea Jiețului (Cinematic Video)

We still don't have snow in this part of the world, so I thought about coming up with a video that I recorded last year in December.

A place that we discovered and which made our journey a memorable one.
Because the gorges themselves are going to welcome you with lots of waterfalls that are becoming even more spectacular during the winter when they are frozen and it makes you feel like you just discovered a different world.

A world of ice.
Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE & COMMENT for more! :)

See you with a new video in the next week!
0:00 - Cheile Jiețului, Valea Jiețului (Jiețului Gorges)
ARTIST : Ian Post
Videos recorded with GoPro HERO 7
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Mina Petrila a devenit muzeu, de vorba cu Catalin Cenusa

In orasul Petrila, din judetul Hunedoara, l-am cunoscut pe Catalin Cenusa, minerul care incerca in fiecare zi sa transforme Mina Petrila intr-un muzeu.

Catalin isi doreste sa le spuna tuturor, prin intermediul acestui muzeu, unde face totul voluntar, povestile legate de Mina Petrila, care sunt false si care sunt adevarate, cum au ramasa fara locuri de munca vreo 4.500 de persoane, dar si cum a trebuit sa-i scoata la suprafata pe colegii sai morti intr-o explozie.

Urmarind acest vlog veti putea afla de unde a pornit ideea acestui muzeu.

#petrila #hunedoara #mina #miner #minapetrila #valeajiului #muzeu #muzeuminerit #ortac #carbune #huila #hoinar #romania #vlog #planetapetrila #fotballive
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:11 catalin cenusa
00:01:33 mina scoala
00:30:05 scoala de calificare, ion d sirbu
00:41:14 muzeul salvatorului minier
01:08:25 ne plimbam printre ruine

Mituri Legende Istorice - Cheile Jietului -

Clipuri din tinerete :)))

3 Days of Carpathian Horse Trekking Adventure

A 3 days horse trekking into the wilderness of the Carpathian Mountains. Nature and Adventure at its finest.

Summer bookings at:

and coming soon on

#Carpathian #Mountains #Horses #Trekking #Adventure #Nature #Leisure #Romania #Transilvania #Petrila #ValeaJiului #Travel #Poland

Romania 4K Scenic Relaxation Film ???????? | 4K Drone Video of Romania | #Bucharest #Romania4K

???????? Discover Romania! Romania 4K Scenic Relaxation Film - Romania is a southeastern European country known for the forested region of Transylvania, ringed by the Carpathian Mountains. Its preserved medieval towns include Sighişoara, and there are many fortified churches and castles, notably clifftop Bran Castle, long associated with the Dracula legend. Bucharest, the country’s capital, is the site of the gigantic, Palatul Parlamentului government building.


Arizona 4K:
Colorado 4K:
Canada 4K:
Mountains 4K:
Greece 4K:
Beaches 4K:
South Dakota 4K:
Netherlands 4K:
Florida 4K:
Switzerland 4K:
Aruba 4k:
Alaska 4K:
Mexico 4K:
Wyoming 4K:
Spain 4k:
Caribbean 4K:
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Oregon 4K:
England 4K:
Africa 4K:
New York 4K:
Maldives 4K:
Portugal 4K:
Tennessee 4K:
Utah 4K:
Turkey 4K:

Romania 4K,
Carpathian Mountains,
Bran Castle,
Aerial Romania,
Scenic Relaxation,
Nature Relaxation,

Aerial Romania Bucharest video of downtown Bucharest in Romania
Alba Iulia Fortress panorama
Aerial Romania Bran Castle Dracula
Time Lapse of the Arcul de triumf in Bucharest, Romania
The river Dorna in Vatra Dornei Romania
Fortress Hill with statue of a roman soldier
View from the vidraru dam during autumn in Romania
Bigar Waterfall is one of the most famous and beautiful waterfalls in the world. It can be found in Oravita, Romania
Highway through the Bicaz Gorge a gorge in Cheile Bicazului-Hasmas National Park Romania
Orthodox Cathedral in Alba Iulia Fortress
Roman Catholic Cathedral in Alba Iulia Fortress
Communication transmitter tower on a hill top in the Parang Mountains
Flying above autumnal forest with rocks and alpine pastures from Transylvania Romania.
Dog and sheep on a road through the mountains of Romania
Above the Romanian forest and villages in Moldavia at sunset.
Time lapse of Parang Mountains in Spring
Misty morning over the village in Bukovina
A farmer with his tractor within the vineyards. Rows of beautiful grape yard from Romania.
The neighborhood of Mining Community near the city of Petrila, Romania.
Alba Iulia city at sunset with a wooden cross and Romanian flag
Moonrise in Mountains of Parang - Romania
Parang Mountains panorama with river
Neighborhood of Mining Community near the city of Petrila, Romania.
Aerial view of a curved road in the Carpathian Mountains, near of the Petrosani city - Romania.
Motorcyclist Rides on a Beautiful Landscape Mountain Road in Romania. First-person view. POV. Biker riding down a scenic and empty road toward the mountains
Misty morning over the Romanian village
Abandoned mining complex in the Jiu Valley - Romania
Cow mooing at farmland around Chico Romania
Dramatic view of gloomy hills in the Carpathian Mountains - Romania, Europe.
Old lighthouse in Mangalia Romania
Above the Romanian forest and villages in Moldavia at sunset.
Autumn landscape in the Carpathian Mountains. Timelapse, Panoramic Shot
Time Lapse of street traffic at night in Bucharest, Romania
A farmer with his tractor within the vineyards. Rows of the beautiful grape yard from Romania.
Above the Romanian forest and villages in Moldavia at sunset.
Sheep under the tree in the autumn landscape in the Romanian Carpathians
Retezat mountains spring panorama.
The neighborhood of Mining Community near the city of Petrila, Romania.
Cloudy landscape view from Lake Bicaz in Romania

Rumunjska 4K,
Rumänien 4K,
Rumania 4K,
Romênia 4K,
Ρουμανία 4K,
Roumanie 4K,
רומניה 4K,
루마니아 4K,
România 4K,
ルーマニア 4K,
Румыния 4K,
,رومانيا 4K

GoPro prin Cheile Jiețului, Județul Hunedoara. 9.V.2021. Prima Parte.

Cu motocicleta pornind pe Drumul Național nr. 7A din satul Jieț, județul Hunedoara prin cheile Jiețului până la granița județului Vâlcea, aproape de Obârșia Lotrului.



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