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10 Best place to visit in Pô Burkina Faso


Visit to Po


les endroits touristiques à visiter au Burkina Faso

Le Burkina Faso a accueilli 67.000 de touristes en 2020, ce qui les place au 181e rang mondial en termes absolus.

Il est évident que les petits pays sont régulièrement moins bien classés dans une comparaison du nombre absolu de visiteurs. Si l'on rapporte le nombre de touristes au nombre d'habitants du Burkina Faso, on obtient une image un peu plus comparable : avec 0,0031 touristes par habitant, le Burkina Faso se situait au 199e rang mondial. En Afrique de l'Ouest, à la 15e place, derrière le Niger.

En 2019, le Burkina Faso a ainsi généré environ 154,53 millions d'euros dans le seul secteur du tourisme. Cela correspond à 0,93 % du produit intérieur brut et à environ 3 % de toutes les recettes touristiques internationales en Afrique de l'Ouest.

la ville de Pô

Réserve de Nazinga au Burkina Faso

A la recherche des éléphants.

Reserve de Nazinga in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

The Nazinga Reserve is a protected area of 913 km 2 , located near Pô in southern Burkina Faso .

It results from the nationalization by the Burkinabé state of the Nazinga game ranch, founded in 1979 by two Canadian brothers, Robert and Clark Lungren. These two naturalists experimented with a concept new at the time for West Africa, ranching, which combines sightseeing tourism and controlled hunting. The park has antelope, monkeys, warthogs, crocodiles and plenty of birds, but elephants are the stars of the show. The best time to see them is December to April, though your chances are pretty good year-round. The reserve still comprises three distinct zones 1 today : a conservation zone, a buffer zone, a hunting zone, as well as village hunting areas. It adjoins the classified forest of Sissili, which is also exploited for hunting. Finally, it is close to the Kaboré-Tambi National Park , but is much richer in fauna than the latter.

In view of the good management of this protected area (especially in the 1980s), an important fauna has found refuge in Nazinga. There is a population of over 600 elephants in the Nazinga – Sissili – Kaboré-Tambi ensemble, with the vast majority of this population occurring in the Nazinga-Sissili 2 area . This is an exceptional density of these animals for West Africa, and elephants are the real stars of Nazinga. Many tourists come specifically to this reserve to observe them. Apart from elephants, found in Nazinga a high density of antelopes , with many hippotraques , as well as Buffon kob , of waterbuck waterbuck, Bubales , etc. The buffaloes are also present in the reserve. Finally, we can observe the three species of monkeys of the region ( baboons , vervets and patas ), many crocodiles in the ponds, as well as a large birdlife .

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Beer brewery in Burkina Faso

Bobo Thechans's photos around Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

Preview of Thechans's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here:

This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator.

Entry from: Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso
Entry Title: Bobo


We have departed from Mali and crossed into Burkina Faso. Immediately we noticed a difference; things seem more organized here, from the way the markets are set up to the courtesy of drivers on the road. In Bobo we visited the sacred fish pool just outside of town. Getting there was an adventure in itself -- our cab as a beat-up Mercedes diesel sedan with over 330,000 km on it and about 30 years old. The car had to be push-started from our hotel -- a sure sign that it asn't in top mechanical condition. The road to the pool was very rocky and uneven, and while passable with a Land Rover or something, seemed quite sketchy with a sedan. On a couple of occasions as the driver went over bumps we could feel the ground scraping through the floorboards. We made it, though, and hiked down a canyon to the fish pond. These are huge catfish -- over 3 feet long. How do they get so big? Some people throw pieces of raw chicken into the pond to feed them. Some of the activity is for tourists, but we did see a couple of men talking to the fish (praying?) as they threw chicken intestines in... In any case, it was interesting to see. But then, there is the matter of the cab ride back... We make it back to our taxi and our driver checks the water in the radiator before starting. It must be low since he gets some water out of the trunk to add, he pours it in but it just flows to the ground. Hmmm I think there is a problem. We pile out of the car and in 15 minutes he has the radiator out. The bottom coils are completely shredded and water pours out. Hmmm, now I'm pretty sure there's a problem. I should also point out that the fan just has stubs and no blades. I wonder how long he had been driving around like that. He goes over to the little mud hut that is near where we parked and borrows the bicycle leaning on the side of the house. He straps on the radiator on the back and then comes to talk to us under the shade tree where we have taken cover. It's kind of a difulicult conservation since he is speaking in French and we don't know French, but we figure out that he needs money to get the radiator fixed. The previously agreed price for our round trip ride is 15,000 CFA (about $30) for all of us. Considering that we already gave him 3,000 CFA to fill up with gas on his way out we just give him 5,000 CFA (about $10) and hope that he will come back for us. We watch him ride off into the bush and wonder when he might be back after all his precious car is here. I need to remind you that we are in the middle of nowhere. There is one mud house next to us but no other building in site and we are a good 30 minutes (by car) from the town. We spend the next hour under the tree and watch the cows that have come to graze near by and ponder when and how we will get back to the town. Then, our taxi driver returns on a motorcycle with a new (used) radiator and fan, along with 5 little bottles of water that we drink within minutes. 20 minutes later the car is fixed. Of course it still doesn't start, so we need to push start it down the dirt road, which is fortunately flat. Nathan and a few others get behind and start pushing. Within a few feet we hear a large sputter and a catch of the engine and the guys are lost in a big puff of black diesel smoke (got to love the non-existing smog control) The whole thing seamed like it was out of a Crocodile Dundee type of movie. It will be a cab ride not to forget. For $4 we have decided to upgrade from our tent on the hotel grounds to a hotel room for the 2 nights we are in Bobo. Now before you think we are staying at the Holiday Inn I'll describe the room. It is a concrete slab with concrete walls and a thatched ceiling. The walls were painted years ago but now are covered with squashed bugs and other mysterious stains. There is a plywood bed with slats and a foam mattress with one sheet provided, but of course we pull out our sleep sacks. The window and door are just metal slats without screens so thankfully there is a mosquito net over the bed. For a nightstand there is an upside down wood stick crate. We also have a little metal table and a ...
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Photos from this trip:
1. On the way to Bobo
2. Rock formations
3. The sacred catfish
4. Dragonfly
5. Engine trouble
6. Find a replacement
7. Market
8. Wheelbarrow of lingerie
9. Motorbikes

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Aprender francês com PRODUTOS DE BELEZA franceses + indicação de canais de beleza em francês

Que a França é o país dos produtos de beleza a gente não nega. Nas minhas viagens anteriores eu busco trazer meus produtos favoritos e me preparo financeiramente para essas compras (aqui eu conto como eu divido esses valores e gastos de viagem). E como professora de francês eu adoro usar esses materiais e produtos em sala de aula pra gente aprender francês com as marcas coup de coeur.

De todo o vocabulário que tem no vídeo, vou destacar aqui o grande texto que aparece no minuto 04:00 e vou colocar a nossa pronúncia facilitada para quem fala português:
Étape essentielle du rituel hydratant, cette essence à la texture gélifiée et légère prépare la peau avec une première base d’hydratation. Appliquée avant le Gel Ultra Désaltérant ou la Crème Ultra Désaltérante, cette eau cosmétique renforce leurs propriétés hydratantes.
/ etáp- eçãnciél dü ritüél idRatã cétessãnce a la tekstúR gelifiê e legéR pRepár la pô avekún prêmiér báz didRataciom apliquê avça lê gél ültRá desalterrã ou la cRém- desalterrãnt-, cétô cométíque rãnfórce lör pRoprietê idRatãnt- /

E agora aqui estão os links dos canais e vídeos que citei no final do vídeo:
@loccitaneenprovence : vídeo sobre as ações no Burkina Faso e o vídeo sobre a flor Immortelle
@britishvogue : vídeo com Jeanne Damas na farmácia de Paris
@Sananas : teste de produtos de beleza

Os endereços de farmácias em Paris para você encontrar seus produtos em uma futura viagem são:
- Citypharma: 26 Rue du Four, 75006
- Pharmacie Eiffel: 38 Avenue de Suffren, 75015
- Pharmacie Monge: 1 Place Monge, 75005
- Pharmacie Monge Sacré-Coeur: 70 Boulevard de Rochechouart, 75018

E se você quiser conhecer nosso instagram (@ohlaladani) e o vídeo que fiz mostrando minha rotina de cuidados da pele, clica aqui

Quer garantir os descontos na compra dos produtos de beleza? Conheça a Méliuz e garanta o seu cashback. Para se cadastrar:



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