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10 Best place to visit in Orda Russia


Ural Mountains | Come and visit the Urals, Russia #5

The Ural Mountains or the Urals are among the world’s oldest mountain ranges. They stretch across 2000 km traversing Russia from north to south.

The Urals are the richest mountain range of their size on Earth in terms of minerals.

They have a lot to offer to any kind of traveller. Hiking, trekking, camping, skiing, mountaineering and enjoying nature are the most popular but not the only activities.

Explore breathtaking landscapes of the Ural Mountains. Come and make sure no one can resist their charm.
Make the best of your vacation time in Russia!

Running expeditions since 2006, we spent 13 years exploring the most remote and inaccessible parts of the Urals.
Expedition club Dikiy Sever (in Russian stands for Wild North) – Expeditions to any far-off corner of the Urals.

Recommended video:

Heli fishing in the Polar Ural (English subtitles):

Manpupuner: Unique Rock Formations west of the Ural Mountains (English subtitles):

Mt. Manaraga from above: Exploring the wild nature of the Ural Mountains (English subtitles):

Dyatlov Pass: a Supernatural Unsolved Mystery (English subtitles):

Helicopter Fly Fishing 7-day expedition:

An all-inclusive 3-day expedition to the Nether-Polar Urals (Mt. Manaraga):

An Off-Road Expedition (ATV Tour) to the Dyatlov Pass combined with the helicopter flight to the Manpupuner (Seven Strong Men) plateau:

Roe Deer (Roebuck) Hunting in Russia:

This year Snowmobile Expedition to the Dyatlov Pass:

We upload new stunning videos each season. Subscribe to be the first to see them all!

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#wildnorth #uralmountains #urals #дикийсевер

Kazan Russia 4k Travel

Explore with us the beautiful city of Kazan Russia in 4k.

We take you to some of the best places to visit in Kazan Russia..

Kazan which is located about 820 km east of Moscow is one of the most important economic, scientific and cultural centers of the country.

According to the official version, Kazan was founded no less than 1000 years ago. The evidence is a Czech coin found on the territory of Kazan Kremlin and dated approximately 929-930s, as well as other items with less clear dates.

Kazan was founded as an outpost on the northern borders of Volzhkaya. In the 13th century, Kazan rapidly developed and became an important trade and political center of the Golden Horde. The favorable geographical location on the trade ways connecting East and West was the reason for the growth of Kazan.

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Far From Civilization In Russia. Remote Taiga Village without roads and communication

Far From Civilization In Russia. Remote Taiga Village without roads and communication

Today we arrived in the village - Ust-Anzas. This remote village is located in the Tashtagol region. The population is approximately 100 people.
ere the Shors live. This is the indigenous people of Russia. There are very few of them left and these people are threatened with complete extinction. In total, there are 13,000 Shors left on Earth. And most of them live on the territory of Mountain Shoria. Kemerovo region of Russia.

Not far from Ust Anzas there are such villages as: Ust Azas, Za-Mrasu, Chazy-Bug (up the river Mrasu); Far Kezek, Near Kezek, Cheley and the village of Parushka (down the Mrasu River). There are no roads to these villages, so many of them are already abandoned.

For a long time, taiga people lived without electricity, gas, communications and roads. And only in 2019, the authorities provided every house with solar panels. Now the locals have refrigerators and TVs in their homes. But still there is no cellular communication and the Internet. There is no school. In September, children are sent to a boarding school in Tashtagol. And they come to their parents only for the holidays. It was such a time that we found them in this amazing village.

Mountain Shoria (Shorsk. Taglyg Shor) is a mountain-taiga region located in the southern part of the Kemerovo region at the junction of Altai, Sayan and Kuznetsk Alatau. The region can conditionally be attributed to the Altai mountain system.

Mountain Shoria got its name from the indigenous people - the Shors.

We are interested in learning how our ancestors lived, to study their traditions and to master ancient crafts and meals.
Unusual Stove in Caucasian mountains Village. WINTER in Dagestan. Russia

We travel to different regions of Russia and show you how people live in Russian remote villages. Real Village, not embellished real life as it is. We will show you the usual village life and cuisine of different nations.

We are the ULENGOVS - Tatiana and Maxim. Welcome to our channel!

Many of you have noticed that the sounds (asmr) from our videos are very relaxing, help you fall asleep from insomnia and calm your mind. We are glad to be of service to you.


Life in the oldest Dagestan Village. Village Life in Russia -

DAGESTAN remote Village in Mountains. HAY PREPARING. Life in Russia

DAGESTAN Village Life. Russian remote villages -

Life in Winter DAGESTAN Village. Last embroidery masters. Russia -

Amazing Life In Shoria Mountains. Russia Village Life -

Taiga Village without roads and communications. Life in severe conditions of Russia. -

Visiting the WORLD-FAMOUS Gorky Park: Russia Day

Join me on a walk in the WORLD Famous Gorky Park in Moscow, Russia. During the tour i am going to show you some of my faovrite spots in the park. Russia Day in Gorky Park, together with 1000s of visitors to the park.

???? Location: Gorky Park, Moscow, Russia.
⌚ Time of Filming: 16.00 pm (4.00 pm) 12th June 2023.

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#moscow #travellingwithrussell #gorkypark

10 самых АТМОСФЕРНЫХ мест Дагестана. БОЛЬШОЙ ВЫПУСК #Дагестан #ПутешествиеПоДагестану

10 самых АТМОСФЕРНЫХ мест Дагестана. БОЛЬШОЙ ВЫПУСК #Дагестан #ПутешествиеПоДагестану #НовостиДагестана

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Извиняюсь за фактическую неточность. Глубина Сулакского каньона около 1600 м

????Выпуск про потрею дрона и его поиски в дагестанских джунглях

????Выпуск про восхождение на одну из самых красивых гор Кавказа

????Выпуск про мой экстремальный поход
в Тляратинском районе

????Шамсудин, сопровождавший меня в Гооре и снимавший на языке Тролля:

????Дауд, ювелир из Кубачи:

????Гамзат, вытащивший из передряги в Чародинском районе:

????Парни, помогавшие в съёмках и поисках дрона в Зизикском ущелье:
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????Ганифа, сопровождавший меня на Шалбуздаг:

????Ирек, тоже вместе поднимались, проводит туры по Грузии:

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????Отдельное спасибо за дагестанскую музыку в видео дагестанскому ансамблю народной музыки Макьам.
Профиль ансамбля:

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Всем привет от Youtube-канала VPUTNAP!
????Меня зовут Алексей, и я обожаю путешествовать!

????Сегодня у меня новый выпуск про Дагестан
????Пожалуй, такой мощной концентрации красоты в одном видео у меня ещё не было! И всё это в 4K! Я не зря был в путешествии по Дагестану целых 4 месяца!

В этом выпуске вы узнаете про 10 мест Дагестана, которые поразили меня своей неповторимой атмосферой и красотой и больше всего запали мне в душу.
Я расскажу о том, что это за места, как туда добраться и покажу, ради чего стоит приехать в Дагестан!

В этом видео вы увидите:
????самое высокогорное село в Европе Куруш (Докузапринский район)
????самое самобытное село Дагестана Кубачи (Дахадаевский район)
????один из самых красивых водопадов Дагестана Чирхалю (Чародинский район)
???? дагестанские джунгли (Зизикское ущелье, Сулейман-Стальский район)
????самый красивый (но опасный) пеший маршрут в Дагестане вдоль реки Баараор (Тляратинский район)
????дагестанский язык тролля (Шамильский район)

Ещё вы узнаете:
????чем заброшенное село Кала-Корейш (Дахадаевский район) лучше распиаренного Гамсутля (Гунибский район)
????где найти в Дагестане исландские пейзажи (долина реки Шиназ, Рутульский район)
????почему все ездят на маленький Сулакский каньон в то время, как есть реально Большой
????как отдохнуть душой и найти атмосферное место с нетронутой природой и мощнейшими видами посреди самого туристического района Дагестана (гора Маяк, Гунибский район)
????где я встретил лучший рассвет в своей жизни (гора Шалбуздаг, Докузпаринский район)

Бóльшая часть мест из моей десятки – не самые туристические.
Но, поверьте, несмотря на то, что в некоторые из них ведут плохие дороги,
либо они пока ещё малоизвестны – это всё настоящие жемчужины????
????Приятного просмотра!

00:00 Начало
01:39 Старый Гоор. Дагестанский язык Тролля
04:46 Старый Кахиб
05:15 Самое высокогорное село Европы — Куруш
08:36 Самое самобытное село Дагестана — Кубачи
12:21 Чем Кала-Корейш круче распиаренного Гамсутля
15:36 Водопад Чирхалю
16:43 Пейзажи Чародинского района — просто песня
17:40 Как я застрял на седане в глубине Чародинского района
18:49 Рутульский район. Цахурская долина
19:32 Исландские пейзажи долины реки Шиназ. Древнее село Уна
22:39 Большой фильм про Дагестан. СКОРО
23:05 Дагестанские джунгли
25:25 Большой Сулакский каньон
29:26 Почему все едут на маленький каньон, когда есть Большой?
31:00 Гора Маяк — топовое место в Дагестане
36:33 Лучший рассвет в моей жизни
37:26 Шалбуздаг: почему стоит подняться?
40:12 Долина реки Баараор: лучший пеший маршрут в Дагестане
43:10 Самый сложный поход в моей жизни
44:26 Сёла Тляратинского района
45:03 Как составлялся список мест?

Russia's LARGEST Shopping Mall After 700 Days of Sanctions

Discover what the Largest Shopping Mall in Russia looks like. Do Sanctions affect Russia, and how has the retail sector changed in Russia in the last 2 years. Discover what its like inside AviaPark , the largest shopping mall in Russia.

LINKS To some of the Stores in a seperate Video:
DNS Hypermarket (Electronics Store)
Obi (Hardware Store)
Hoff (Furniture Market)
Auchan (2 level Supermarket)
Sportmaster (Sport Store Supermarket)

???? Shopping Centre Name: Aviapark ( Авиапарк )
????Mall Location: Khodynskiy Bul'var, 4, Moscow, 125167
????Yandex Map Location:
⌚ Time of Filming: 4.30 pm (16.30 pm) 20th January 2024.
???? Shopping Centre Website:

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Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#moscow #travellingwithrussell #russia

Russian TYPICAL (Low Budget) Supermarket: Svetofor

Dicover what a Russian TYPICAL Low Budget Supermarket looks like. Svetofor is concidered the losted priced supermarket in Russia. Ho do the prices compare inside, compared to other Russian Typical Supermarkets.

???? Store Name: Svetofor ( Светофор )
???? Store Website:
???? Street Address: Moscow, Polyany Street, 8этаж -1
???? Yandex Map Location:
⌚ Time of Filming: 5.00 pm (17.00 pm) 13th Feburary 2024.

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???? (Russian Bank Deposit) SberBank: +7 916-313-0982
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#russia #travellingwithrussell #moscow

Russian TYPICAL Apartment Tour: Could you live Here?

What does a Russian TYPICAL Apartment look like in Moscow, Russia. Together we will find out, as I take you on a tour of a 2 Room Apartment for rent in Moscow Region. What are the prices like for rental properties in Russia in 2023.

Did you want to see the other apartment in this building I toured:

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Rode Patch Cable:
3 Axis Gimble:
Moment Case:
Moment Fisheye Lens:
Moment Wide Angle Lens:

Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#apartmenttour #travellingwithrussell #realestate

Russian TYPICAL 1 Room Apartment Tour : Could You Live Here?

What does a TYPICAL 1 Room Apartment look like in Moscow, Russia. Lets find out together and see If you would live there. This 1 Room apartment is for Rent in Moscow, Russia and is Typical of a 1 room apartment in Russia. What do you think of this place?

Did you want to see the other apartment in this building I toured:

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Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#apartmenttour #travellingwithrussell #realestate

Russian TYPICAL (Inner City) Supermarket Tour: Miratog

What does a Russian TYPICAL Supermarket look like inside. The first Miratorg store of the Miratorg agro-industrial holding was opened in 2010. To date, the retail network includes more than 120 stores and 30 branded burger joints, which are located in 9 regions of Russia.

???? Miratog Supermarket Website:
???? Store Location: Presnenskaya Naberezhnaya, 10, стр. 2, Moscow, 123112
???? Map Location:
⌚ Time of Filming: 3.30 pm (15.30 pm) 13th October 2023.

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Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#russia #travellingwithrussell #miratog

10 Locations So Unreal You Won't Believe They Exist

Step into a world of amazing places where reality is challenged! Our video, 10 Locations So Unreal You Won't Believe They Exist, transports you to the globe's most extraordinary locations. From Pink Lakes to luminescent caves twinkling like starlit skies, these places stretch the limits of possibility and shatter conventional wisdom.

You'll journey across multicolored beaches, witness landscapes that change color with the sun's passage, and explore glowing undersea realms. Delve into the geological processes and cultural narratives that birth these otherworldly vistas.

Our video isn't just about viewing; it's about questioning, discovering, and marveling at our world's extraordinary wonders. Perfect for travel enthusiasts, nature lovers, and curious minds, this video will hook you from start to finish. So, get ready to suspend disbelief and explore the edges of possible in Reality-Defying Places To Blow Your Mind!

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Zaryadye Park: The NEWEST PARK in Moscow in 50 Years

Take a walk around Zaryadye Park. Discover with me what the newest park in Moscow looks like. Opened in 2017, at the time is was the first new park to open in Moscow in over 50 years. Together lets discover how amazing a park in the centre of Moscow can look.

???? Location: Zaryadye Park, Moscow, Russia
⌚ Time of Filming: 17.00 pm (5.00 pm) 26th June 2023.

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Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission from every purchase.
#moscow #travellingwithrussell #zaryadyepark

Russian TYPICAL (Low Cost) Supermarket: Would You Shop Here?

What doe a Russian TYPICAL Budget Supermarket look like inside? Take a walk through Маяк Supermarket to see what a Low Cost Russian Supermarket really looks like. Would you choose to shop here? Does the look of Supermarket worry you?

???? Store Name: Mayak - Lighthouse ( Маяк супермаркет )
???? Store Website:
???? Street Address: Moscow, Polyany Street, 8этаж -1
???? Yandex Map Location:
⌚ Time of Filming: 4.00 pm (16.00 pm) 13th Feburary 2024.

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Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#russia #travellingwithrussell #moscow

Russian SECRET (Dutch) Supermarket Tour: EUROSPAR Supermarket

Lets discover what a Dutch Supermarket looks like in Moscow, Russia. This Secret (Dutch) Supermarket is situated 50 from the Kremlin, 2 levels below street level. What des a Secret Supermarket look like inside.

???? Store Name: EuroSpar Supermarket
???? Google Maps Location:
⌚ Time of Filming: 5pm (17.00pm) 11th May 2023.
???? Store Website:

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Moment Case:
Moment Fisheye Lens:
Moment Wide Angle Lens:

Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#russia #travellingwithrussell #supermarket

Trip to Russia 2010 : North Western Baikal

Ust-Orda Buryatia

SCUBA DIVING IN SOCHI, RUSSIA | A Different World | Water activities in Sochi

#ScubaDiving #WaterSportsInSochi #SochiTravelGuide #IndianInRussia #SochiRussia
#HindiTravelVlogs #Russia
Hello everyone, Welcome back to my new video, In this video, I will show you the most exciting sport SCUBA DIVING IN SOCHI, RUSSIA . You will find all the details about scuba diving, how was the process. We stayed under water for about 30-40 minutes, and light snacks after that. Join in and watch the whole sport. I hope my video does give you the feel of the adventure I experienced.
Hope you will like this video.
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Music I use(Epidemic sound):

CANON 77D/80D:

My website to help medical students in their admission in Abroad: (RUS MBBS)

Saint Petersburg, Russia Trip:
Vlog 1:
Vlog 2:
Vlog 3:
Vlog 4:
Vlog 5:
Vlog 6:
Vlog 7:
Vlog 8:
Vlog 9:
Vlog 10:
Vlog 11:

Moscow, Russia Trip:
Vlog 1:
Vlog 2:
Vlog 3:
Vlog 4:
Vlog 5:

Sochi, Russia Playlist:

I Travelled on the WORLD'S FIRST Year-Round Electric River Tram

Let's take a ride on the Worlds First Year Round ELECTRIC River Tram. Located in Moscow, Russia, the Electric Ferry opened in 2023. Come onboard with me. What was it like going on the WORLD'S FIRST Year-Round Electric River Tram in Russia. Lets discover it together.

???? Moscow Transport River Tram Website:
???? River Tram Starting Point: Pechatniki Park ( Печатники )
???? Map Location:
⌚ Time of Filming: 3.00 pm (15.00 am) 10th Janurary 2024.

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#moscowmetro #travellingwithrussell #moscow

The Mistress of Orda Cave

Credit: RT
Read more about Russia

Travelogue | Conquering the famous RED SQUARE! ♦Russia♦ [December 2019, EP 2]

When you think of Moscow, you think of Red Square! Featuring some of the main tourist attractions around the vicinity, very photogenic place to be at.
Also, near the end of the vlog, listen to these 6 Russian males blow you away with their vocals!

FYI, 50 RUB is about SGD $1 for a gauge

Feel free to ask any questions and let me know what kind of videos you would like to see more of in the comments down below!

- Places Featured -
Holiday Inn Moscow - Tagansky
Kremlin Walls and Towers
Red Square
Manezhnaya Square
Okhotny Ryad
ЧАЧА Room (ChaCha)
St Basil's Cathedral
Park Zaryadye
The Floating Bridge

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♫ Music Credits ♫

Song: SKANDR - Open Your Mind (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:

Song: SKAY - Heat (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:

Song: MBB - Waves (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:


IG: Dorosmusic

A Gastronomic Adventure: Exploring the Culinary Secrets of the Golden Horde in South Siberia

The ancient Russian regions of Khakassia and Tyva have unique cuisines completely different from Moscow's. But what could one possibly eat on the barren open steppes? In this video we reveal the answer as we take you on a culinary journey. As you might expect, with giant open fields come plenty of sheep - hence the mutton, as well as plenty of other calorie-dense options to keep you strong and ready for a day of fighting, riding or working. Now when it comes to vegetarian options in the cold and barren South Siberia, you'll just have to watch the video and find out!



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