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10 Best place to visit in Oraviţa Romania


30 de Locuri superbe din Romania Despre care nu ai auzit

Statia Dezorientarii va prezinta astazi un nou episod interesant cu 30 de locuri superbe din Romania despre care probabil nu ati auzit. Romania este o tara plina de locuri frumoase si interesante pe care ar trebui sa ajungi sa le vizitezi.
In episodul de azi o sa ai ocazia sa admiri locuri precum : Stufarisurile de la Sic, Piscina pa Coasta judetul Maramures, Sanctuarul ursilor de la Zarnesti din judetul Brasov, Biserica din Pustietate din judetul Satu Mare, Staţiunea exotică de la Berzasca din judetul Caras Severin, Cetatea medievala Saschiz, Soveja, Eutopia Gardens sau cum mai este cunoscut Rozariul de la Mandroluc din judetul Arad, Templul Coral din Bucuresti, Morile de apa de la Rudaria din judetul Caras Severin, Satul Piatra Fântânele din judetul Bistrita, Fundătura Ponorului, Gorunul de 900 de ani din satul Mercheasa, Geoagiu Bai, Dealul Melcilor, Cheile Feneşului sau Cheile Caprei, Cascada cu apa termala de la Toplita, Cheile Vârghişului, Pestera lui Adam din Comuna Targusor judetul Constanta, Tinovul de la Fantana Brazilor, Groapa Ruginoasa, Tunelul Dragostei, Statuia Inima lui Isus, Grădina de Vară de la Amara, Dealul Repedea din judetul Iasi, Rezervaţia Breite din judetul Mures, Parcul Natural Vânători Neamţ, Sucidava şi Fântâna Secretă, Grădina Romei din judetul Satu Mare si Castrul Roman Porolissum din judetul Zalau.
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Moitvational | Feelings by Alex-Productions |

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Cuprins :
00:00 Introducere
00:30 Stufarisurile de la Sic
01:10 Piscina pa Coasta
02:06 Sanctuarul Ursilor din Zarnesti
02:48 Biserica din Pustietate
03:21 Statiunea Exotica de la Berzasca
03:58 Cetatea Medievala Saschiz
04:43 Statiunea Soveja
05:22 Eutopia Gardens
06:02 Templul Coral
06:36 Morile de Apa de la Rudaria
07:12 Satul Piatra Fantanele
07:56 Fundatura Ponorului
08:44 Gorunul de 900 de ani
09:13 Geoagiu Bai
09:38 Dealul Melcilor
10:20 Cheile Fenesului/Cheile Caprei
10:49 Cascada cu Apa Termala Toplita
11:19 Cheile Varghisului
11:54 Pestera lui Adam
12:32 Tinovul de la Fantana Brazilor
12:52 Groapa Ruginoasa
13:23 Tunelul Dragostei
14:02 Statuia Inima lui Isus
14:26 Gradina de vara Amara
14:49 Dealul Repedea
15:23 Rezervatia Breite
15:59 Parcul Natural Vanatori Neamt
16:43 Sucidava
17:11 Gradina Romei
17:41 Castrul Roman Porolissum
18:19 Multumim!

Calea ferata Oravita - Anina. Traseu întreg!

Calea ferată Oravita - Anina. Traseu întreg!
La 5:10 iese o căruță în fața trenului, dar căruțașul apucă să dea cu spatele în siguranță.

The oldest railway in SE Europe (Oravita to Anina train ride in Romania) SCENIC train ride

#Romania #TrainRide #Railway
Because I was off to a late start, I had to drive fast to get to Oravita in one hour (before 11 15 am) to catch the train ride on the oldest and most spectacular train ride in SE Europe.
If there's enough time, get the tickets from the station (there should be an open office somewhere) or just hop on and you will be able to buy your tickets from the conductor.
The ticket for the train ride from Oravita to Anina, the oldest railway in SE Europe, is only 13.9 lei (~2.7 Eur), each way.

Read all about this place on my blog:

Oravita to Anina train ride: The oldest railway in SE Europe

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Calea ferata Oravita - Anina

Muzica: Vali Rotari - ”Just A Question”
Linia ferată Anina Oravita este a cincea cale ferată de pe teritoriul României, respectiv prima cale ferată montană şi mulţi vor fi de acord, poate şi cea mai frumoasă. Construita in timpul Imperiului Austriac, reprezintă un monument cultural unic in România precum şi o realizare tehnică deosebită. A primit supranumele de ”Semmeringul bănățean” fiind construită doar câţiva ani după faimoasa cale ferată ”Semmering” din Austria.
Informatii de pe site-ul:

Top 10 - Banatul Montan / Mountainous Banat


Cele mai frumoase 10 locuri din Banatul Montan!
1. Calea ferata Oravita - Anina
2. Clisua Dunarii
3. Cheile Nerei
4. Valea Cernei - Baile Herculane
5. Cascada Bigar
6. Muntele Semenic(Semenic - Valiug - Garana)
7. Muntele Mic - Poiana Marului
8. Morile de apa de la Rudaria
9. Teatrul vechi Mihai Eminescu din Oravita
10. Resita

Montaj video: Laurentiu Tepeneu
Coloana sonora: Eduard Dabrowski-Boboia

#TouristicPhoneApp pentru zona noastra:



The 10 most beautiful places in Mountainous Banat!
1. Oravita - Anina railway
2. Clisua Dunarii
3. Cheile Nerei
4. Valea Cernei - Baile Herculane
5. Bigar Waterfall
6. Mount Semenic (Semenic - Valiug - Garana)
7. Muntele Mic - Poiana Marului
8. The water mills from Rudaria
9. The old Mihai Eminescu theater from Oravita
10. Resita

Video editing: Laurentiu Tepeneu
Soundtrack: Eduard Dabrowski-Boboia

#TouristicPhoneApp for our area:



TOP 10 Cheile Nerei Beusnita

Am petrecut un weekend in Parcul National Cheile Nerei Beusnita. Cazarea a fost in Sasca Montana la Pensiunea Dora.
In prima zi am vizitat Cascada Bigar si Cascada Susara. A doua zi am petrecut-o in Cheile Nerei, traseu complet cu Lacul Dracului si Cascada Boilor.
Ultima zi a fost pe traseu de la Podul Beiului, Pastravaria Valea Bei, Lacul Ochiul Beiului si Cascada Beusnita.
La intoarcere de la Podul Beiului am mers pe traseul la Tunele pana la Sasca Romana.
In 3 zile poti face linistit Cheile Nerei Beusnita.
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Semeringul Banatean - Oravita - Anina - Banatul Montan - Romania

#Semering #Oravita #Anina
Semeringul Banatean - Oravita - Anina - Caras-Severin County - Romania
Cea mai veche cale frata montana din Sud-Estul Europei, cu o lungime de 33Km ce strabate 14 tuneluri cu o lungime totala de 2Km si trece peste 10 viaducte insumand 843m.
A fost data in folosinta la finele anului 1863 pentru transportul de marfuri iar in anul 1869 pentru traportul de persoane.
Actualmente exista un singur tren compus din doua vagoane (din care doar unul este incalzit pe timp de iarna) si o locomotiva diesel. Trenul este operat de CFR si circula o data pe zi, dus-intors.


Calea Ferata Oravita-Anina, Romania (Semmering of Banat)

Intre Oravita si Anina se gaseste cea mai veche cale ferata din Sud Estul Europei. Glasul rotilor de tren, parfumul vremurilor de demult si peisajele de poveste te poarta intr o călătorie de neuitat...
It was built only a few years after the famous track Semmering in Austria.

The Famous Oravita – Anina Train Route

Seams & Chronicles, Episode 15

Hello my dears! With much delight, I am bringing you, with me, on the famous train route Oravița - Anina - Oravița. I managed to get a seat on the last minute and a good angle to film through the forest. I am grateful that one of the train conductors put me in contact with Mr. Georgian Popovici who happily provided me with a few photographs and a video taken by him. The views are spectacular and you can see the full clip here:

Episode edit: Nani Ion

The Oravita-Anina railway is the oldest one in Romania, and its located only 110km away from Timisoara. Often referred to as The Semmering of Banat, a trip on this railway is packed with superb mountain sceneries, and it passes over numerous viaducts, including the tallest one in Romania.

A short history about The Semmering of Banat

The Semmering of Banat was part of the Oravita-Anina rail line, which is the fifth railway in Romania and the first mountain railway in Southeastern Europe, completed in 1863. Often compared with the Austrian Semmering and even called the Semmering of Banat because it was built a few years later, the two have in common superb mountain sceneries and the fact that they both are great technical achievements.

The route has a length of 34 km and takes two hours to cover it because the average speed is about 17 km/h. The route is an endless landscape, conquering the beautiful Anina Mountains through 14 amazing tunnels, 10 imposing viaducts, 89 masterly bridges, 49 sustaining walls and 21 km of skillful mountain cuts. For the construction of this railroad, there were brought engineers from northern Italy who used a special mortar for joining the stones, a mortar apparently similar to that used by the Romans.

At least, on account of this mortar is put the longevity and durability of this particular railroad as it has never been closed due to technical problems, only because of some occasional falling rocks. The train traveling on this route today has two carriages second class, undivided, with wooden benches, built in 1914. The indoor heating during winter is based on steam so, without a doubt, the journey is certainly very picturesque at this time of the year.

The most often used starting point of this route is Oravita railway station, the oldest train station in Romania, built in 1854, older even than Rome or Stockholm railway stations. Definitely, any train passionate or hiking lover should take this route at least once in his lifetime as Oravita-Anina is the perfect example of how man succeeded to master the mountains. The best part is that all this enormous project did not destroy the beauties of the mountains; on the contrary, it added that extra value which makes Semmering of Banat an amazing and unique destination.


#romania #timisoara #trains #oradea


Romania: Oravita Caras-Severin County, busy station after Regiotrans service arrives from Berzovia

Romania: Oravita Caras-Severin County, busy station after Regiotrans service arrives from Berzovia. Recorded on 12th May 2012.

Oravița; Hungarian: Oravicabánya; German: Orawitz; Czech: Oravice; Serbian: Оравица) is a town in southwestern Romania, in Caraș-Severin County, with a population of 15,524 in 2000.

Six villages are administered by the town: Agadici (Agadics; Agaditsch), Brădișoru de Jos (Majdán), Broșteni (Brostyán), Ciclova Montană (Csiklóbánya; Montan-Tschiklowa), Marila (Marillavölgy; Marillathal) and Răchitova (Rakitova).

Caraș-Severin County is known as Караш Северин / Karaš Severin, in Croatian as Karaš-Severin or Karaš-Severinska županija, in Hungarian as Krassó-Szörény megye, in German as Kreis Karasch-Severin, and in Bulgarian as Караш-Северин. Caraș-Severin County is part of the Danube-Kris-Mureș-Tisza euroregion and is the third largest county in Romania, after Timiş and Suceava counties. It is also the county through which the Danube River enters Romania.
The Anina-Oravița mountain railway was the first in Romania, built in 1856, it is still in use today for touristic purposes, and it is one of the most beautiful railways in Europe due to very picturesque landscapes, viaducts and long tunnels.
Căile Ferate Române (abbreviated as CFR) is the official designation of the state railway carrier of Romania. The railway network of Romania consists of 11,380 km (7,070 mi), of which 3,971 km (2,467 mi) (34.9%) are electrified, and the total track length is 22,247 km (13,824 mi), of which 8,585 km (5,334 mi) (38.5%) are electrified. The network is significantly interconnected with other European railway networks, providing pan-European passenger and freight services. CFR as an entity has been operating since 1880, even though the first railway on current Romanian territory was opened in 1854.

CFR is divided into four autonomous companies:

CFR Călători, responsible for passenger services;
CFR Marfă, responsible for freight transport;
CFR Infrastructură, manages the infrastructure on the Romanian railway network; and
Societatea Feroviară de Turism, or SFT, which manages scenic and tourist railways.

CFR Călători, the passenger service division of CFR, operates seven types of passenger train, both on Romania's territory, with rolling stock and locomotives, or internationally, with rolling stock. Also, CFR operates international trains on Romanian territory with its own locomotives. The train types vary in terms of speed and type of rolling stock. In 2010, approximately 58 million passengers have traveled with the company. 10 million travelers have preferred private equity firms in particular on the side lines.

CFR train types are:
Regio (R) -- the trains have assigned numbers from 2000 to 9999
InterRegio (IR) -- the trains have assigned numbers from 200 to 499, 600 to 999, 1000 to 1999 and 10000 to 14999
InterCity (IC) -- numbered from 500 to 599
EuroCity (EC) -- numbered as IC trains from 500 to 599
EuroNight (EN) -- numbered as IC trains from 500 to 599
Special (S) -- tourist trains operated on scenic routes with vintage rolling stock, numbered from S1 to S9

Aside from the seven main train types, CFR also operates night trains, which can be of any status (usually Rapid, InterCity or EuroNight). Freight trains, operated by CFR Marfă, have a different numbering system.

Regiotrans is a private rail company headquartered in Brașov, Romania. It was founded in 2005 and is exclusively active in the passenger transport sector.

Regiotrans primarily runs local trains. Rolling stock is mainly former SNCF Class X4500 Diesel multiple units.
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Traseul montan de cale ferata Oravita-Anina

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Deutsch Orawitz Oravița Răcăşdia 57 Banat Rumänien Romania 17.4.2016

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

DN 57B: Anina - Oraviţa. (Timelapse 2x - Real sound) - July 5, 2015

A trip on the highest national road in Banat region (S-W Romania), which runs through the Anina Mountains and links 2 towns: Anina and Oraviţa.

02:15 Crivina Power Station (now a ruin): a failed project of the communist era to build a thermal power plant in the Anina Mountains.

04:57 The highest point of the road (816 meters above sea level).

10:10 Entering Oraviţa, a city with 11,000 inhabitants located at the foothill of the Anina Mountains.

Explore Romania, top 10 Romania,best places to visit in romania

Romania has a population of 19.1 million people (in 2021); the capital and largest city is Bucharest, with a population of 2 million.
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