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10 Best place to visit in Oplotnica Slovenia


Slovenia Uncovered: 15 Beautiful Places! 4K

15 Most Beautiful Places to Visit in Slovenia 2023. Some of the best places to visit in Slovenia are right here in this travel video. From the fairytale-like city of Ljubljana, with its dragon bridge and Baroque architecture, to the dozens of castle-topped towns that dot the Carnolian countryside, the iconic Lake Bled at the foot of the Julian Alps all the way to Istria’s Adriatic coast, beautiful Slovenia has awesome landscapes one after the next. A slovenia tour is what you need . Lifestyle hal, ryan shirley, scenic hunter, Joyous travel. All about europe

Poljčane - Slovenia / Szlovénia

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Maribor - Pohorje Destination Full of Surprises / full version

Maribor -- center presenečenj polne destinacije, drugo največje mesto Slovenije in prestolnica Štajerske, leži v objemu zelenega Pohorja na eni strani in vinorodnih gričev Slovenskih goric na drugi strani. Reka Drava si utira pot med Pohorjem in Kozjakom do Maribora in naprej po Dravskem polju ter ustvarja drobne biserčke v naši unikatnosti.
Top atrakcije turistične ponudbe
- Najstarejša trta na svetu -- Stara trta na Lentu
- Ostanki gradu na Piramidi -- prvega mariborskega gradu, omenjenega pred 850 leti
- Številni gradovi in dvorci, sakralna dediščina,
- Botanični vrtovi in naravni parki, dolina Lobnice, bogati zeleni gozdovi Pohorja s slapovi in šotnimi barji, kot so Črno jezero in Lovrenška jezera, pragozd Šumik, Bistriški in Oplotniški Vintgar, s številnimi gozdno-učnimi potmi, bogato športno-rekreativno ponudbo kolesarjenja, planinarjenja, pohodništva, adrenalinska doživetja, v zimskem času smučanje ...
- Splavarjenje in vodni športi
- Krajinski parki Rački ribniki - Požeg, Drava, Mariborsko jezero
- Bogate naravne in kulturne danosti Dravske doline - Boč z velikonočnico, Studenice z živimi jaslicami, Forma Viva, čudovite vasi na podeželju
- Podeželje, posuto s turističnimi kmetijami, ki ponujajo pristno domačo hrano, produkte podeželja v butičnih trgovinicah in na dvoriščih kmetij
- Slovenske gorice z edinstvenimi jezeri (Trojiško jezero, Komarnik, Perniško jezero ...), bogatimi vinorodnimi legami in vrhunskimi vini, ki jih pridelujejo odlični vinogradniki ob navdušujoči kulinariki (med, bučno olje, tunka, gibanice, krušni izdelki, jedi na žlico ...)
- Kozjak vabi na aktivni oddih na planinske postojanke in kmetije, kjer se v poletnih mesecih osvežite s kislim mlekom, v jesenskem času pa s kostanji ...
- Preplet urbane kulturne in zabavne ponudbe s podeželjem.

Območje destinacije pokrivajo naslednje občine: Benedikt, Cerkvenjak, Duplek, Hoče -- Slivnica, Kungota, Lenart, Lovrenc na Pohorju, Makole, Maribor, Miklavž na Dravskem Polju, Oplotnica, Pesnica, Poljčane, Rače -- Fram, Ruše, Selnica ob Dravi, Slovenska Bistrica, Starše, Sveta Ana v Slovenskih goricah, Sveta Trojica v Slovenskih goricah, Sveti Jurij v Slovenskih goricah in Šentilj.

Maribor -- the centre of our region, the second largest city in Slovenia, and the capital of the Štajerska region lies in the embrace of the green Pohorje Mountains and the wine-growing Slovenske gorice hills. The river Drava makes its way between the Pohorje Mountains and the Kozjak hills, and flows through Maribor continuing across the Dravsko polje plain.
Top tourist attractions
- The oldest vine in the world -- The Old Vine in Lent
- The ruins of the castle on the Pyramid hill -- the first castle in Maribor, mentioned 850 years ago for the first time.
- Numerous castles, mansions and religious heritage,
- Botanic gardens and natural parks, the Lobnica valley, the rich green forests of the Pohorje mountains with waterfalls and peat bogs, like the Black lake, the Lovrenc lakes, the primeval forest, the Šumik waterfall, the Bistrica and Oplotnica gorge, with numerous educational forest trails, a rich recreational offer for cyclists, hikers, adrenalin seekers and skiers in winter.
- Rafting and water sports
- Nature parks Rački ribniki - Požeg, Drava, Maribor lake
- Rich natural and cultural heritage of the Drava valley - Boč Natural Park with the rare Greater Pasque Flower, live nativity in Studenice, Forma Viva, beautiful villages in the countryside.
- A countryside with numerous tourist farms that offer traditional home-made food and products in their shops or in their backyards.
- The Slovenske gorice hills with its unique lakes (Trojica Lake, Komarnik Lake, Pernica lake etc.), rich viticulture tradition and premium wines, produced by excellent winegrowers and delicious food (honey, pumpkin seed oil, tunka (meat in lard), layer cakes, bread, stews...)
- Experience an active holiday in the mountain huts and farms of the Kozjak hills and refresh yourself with sour milk in the summer and chestnuts in the autumn.
- A mix of urban and rural tourist attractions.

The region consists of the following municipalities: Benedikt, Cerkvenjak, Duplek, Hoče -- Slivnica, Kungota, Lenart, Lovrenc na Pohorju, Makole, Maribor, Miklavž na Dravskem Polju, Oplotnica, Pesnica, Poljčane, Rače -- Fram, Ruše, Selnica ob Dravi, Slovenska Bistrica, Starše, Sveta Ana v Slovenskih goricah, Sveta Trojica v Slovenskih goricah, Sveti Jurij v Slovenskih goricah and Šentilj.

Visiting Small Slovenian Town Poljcane With Harley Davidson

Trying to show you how people in small cities in Slovenia live plus a ride with my Harley....

My website, check it out to find out more about me - - making money online and traveling the globe

Adrenalinsko sanjkalište Zlodejevo Rogla

Adrenalinsko sanjkalište Zlodejevo Rogla ⏬ opis dolje ⏬

2022 god. posjetili smo adrenalinsko sankališče Zlodejevo Rogla i atrakciju Pot med krošnjami Pohorje koja ide u slijedećem videu. Svakako preporučam vožnju i tko se prvi put vozi neka proba bez kočenja :)

Vožnja za odrasle 10 EUR, a za djecu 7,5 EUR

????️ parking ⏩ ????

00:30-????️ Adrenalinsko sankališče Zlodejevo Rogla ⏩ ????

???????? Pretplatite se za više video snimki
besplatno je
⏩⏩ ⏪⏪
Ako Vam se svidio moj video molim ????

Travel lista:

Map data: Google, Maxar Technologies

#rogla #adrenalin #insta360rs

Zreče - Območje dobrega počutja

Reka Dravinja - Hitra in drzna / River Dravinja fast and furious

English translation at the end.

Dravinja je reka na Štajerskem. Izvira na Pohorju, bolj natančno jugozahodno od Rogle na nadmorski višini okrog 1200 m. Njen najpomembnejši pritok je Polskava. Pomembnejši kraji, mimo katerih teče Dravinja, so Zreče, Slovenske Konjice, Poljčane, Makole, Majšperk, Ptujska Gora ter Videm.

V zgornjem toku ima reka velik strmec ter čisto vodo, bogato z ribami. Tam je uvrščena v 1. kakovostni razred. Na svoji poti do Vidma pa zaradi komunalnih in industrijskih odplak zapade v tretji oziroma četrti kakovostni razred. Rečni režim je dežno-snežni, s prvim maksimumom v novembru ter drugim v maju. Energetsko moč so v preteklosti izkoriščali številni mlini in žage, ki so danes večinoma opuščeni. Reka zaradi močnejših padavin kljub regulacijam v spodnjem toku pogosto poplavlja.

The Dravinja (German: Drann) is the largest tributary of the Drava River in Slovenia. It is 73 kilometres (45 mi) long.[1] Its source is on the Pohorje Massif southwest of Mount Rogla about 1,150 m above sea level. The river passes Zreče, the town of Slovenske Konjice, the ruins of the fort at Zbelovo, Poljčane, Makole, Štatenberg Castle, Majšperk, and Videm pri Ptuju, where it merges with the Drava. Its main tributary is the Polskava River.

The Dravinja is the best-preserved lowland river in Slovenia and has been protected as part of the European Natura 2000 network.

Vir/Source: Wikipedia

Maribor Sveti Urban 597m

Airport fire brigade - Rosenbauer in action

Rosenbauer in action
Aerodrom Ljubljana




Bistriški vintgar- 2021

#slovenskabistrica #vingar #narava #priroda #reka # gora

SLOVENIA MOTOTRIP 2018| Kranjska Gora, Off-road | Episode Three

Kranjska Gora
Koprein Petzen
Mototrip to Slovenia 1600km
SK - HU - AT - SI - IT

Skrillex - Kill Everybody

Parov Stelar - The Ride
Liquid Boogie Roll - Whist
White zombie - Thunder kiss 65
White zombie - Welcome to planet mothefucker

Winter time

Winter 2007/2008 in Slovenia (Maribor - Pohorje)

Locals Restaurant

Courtenay, British Columbia
Locally grown and produced foods are fresh, and fresh is synonymous with healthy. Health conscious people are willing to make the little extra effort to source food grown and produced locally. At Locals Restaurant, we are about celebrating the uniqueness of the Comox Valley and Vancouver Island, and hold a strong belief in local environmental sustainability and quality. We are dedicated to providing a quality dining experience through our strong connections with local food producers in order to provide quality products, offered with heartfelt service.
Locals restaurant is committed to closing the producer-consumer gap by through putting a name to all our local suppliers and identifying them on our menus. Since opening in 2008, Locals has set a new standard for the Comox Valley’s renowned food culture.



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