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10 Best place to visit in Oettingen in Bayern Germany


Das Wörnitz-Freibad in Oettingen

Das Flussfreibad in Oettingen in Bayern, nach der Umgestaltung im Frühjahr 2020. Das Video des Freibads – geschwommen wird hier im Fluss Wörnitz – wurde an einem frühen Sonntagmorgen im Juli 2020 aufgenommen in einem Videodreh mit einer Insta 360 One X.

The river swimming pool in Oettingen in Bavaria, after the redesign in spring 2020. The video of the swimming pool - swimming here in the Wörnitz river - was recorded on an early Sunday morning in July 2020 in a video shoot with an Insta 360 One X.

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Our visit to Nördlingen, Bavaria, Germany

Welcome to our video of the historic town of Nördlingen in Bavaria,

Another beautiful town on Germany's Romantische Straße or Romantic road. The town was formed in a crater, it is still surrounded by its medieval walls, with ancient gatehouses & historic towers. Within its walls is a fine medieval town to be explored, and we follow part of it's historic tour * , along its walls, discover its streets and head to the centre of the Altstadt, or old town.

Thanks so much for watching, and we'd love to hear from you so please leave a comment and don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any of our travels: ????-

*The detail, as mentioned in the video can be found on Nördlingen's Tourist website;
with the city tour map;
in it's downloads section

00:00 - The Intro to Nördlingen
00:20 - Where is Nördlingen?
00:50 - Let's begin in the Altstadt, the old town
01:52 - The Historic tour or Historicher Rundgang
03:34 - Nördlingen's city walls & historic towers
04:54 - Nördlingen's ld town centre

???? For more information check out our post 'Visiting the medieval walled town of Nördlingen, Bavaria, Germany' ????

???? You may also be interested in our video on 'Our visit to Dinkelsbuhl in Bavaria, Germany'

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ONE DAY IN DINKELSBÜHL (GERMANY) | 4K UHD | Discover a beautiful historic old town

If you have already seen a few videos of me, you might have noticed that I like historical old towns as well as modern cityscapes. And if you share share my enthusiasm for historic old towns with me, then let me take you to Dinkelsbühl with my video.

You’ve never heard about Dinkelsbühl? I 'm not surprised. I live in Germany, but I did not know Dinkelsbühl either. Until that day in September 2019, when I set out with two friends to discover Dinkelsbühl. And it was worth it.

Dinkelsbühl is a beautiful Bavarian town in the district of Ansbach in Middle Franconia and is one of the most picturesque old towns in Germany. The more than 800 years old exceptionally well preserved late medieval townscape (which is preserved in an almost original state) has many rows of colorful half-timbered houses, a towering church, old fortifications and gates and a completely preserved city wall.

I was very impressed and tried to capture the townscape and atmosphere and express it in my video.

I hope you enjoy the sights and that you like what you see. And of course I would be happy if you like and comment it, and please feel free to share the link to my video. Thanks a lot in advance.

The music title Curiosity was composed by Immersive Music and licensed via Premiumbeat.
Many thanks to Markus and Rainer for the great support on site.

#dinkelsbühl #bayern #mygempictures

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Dinkelsbühl: Die schönste Altstadt Deutschlands?

Mit dem Rad und zu Fuß durch Dinkelsbühl – begleiten Sie uns zu den schönsten Sehenswürdigkeiten der fränkischen Stadt.

0:00 – Willkommen in Dinkelsbühl
0:10 – Mit dem Rad entlang der Stadtmauer
0:18 – Zu Fuß durch die Altstadt
0:26 – St.-Georgs-Kirche

Der Tagesausflug nach Dinkelsbühl beginnt mit einer gemütlichen Radtour entlang der Stadtmauer. Während der Fahrt um den Ort kommen Sie unter anderem am Dreikönigsturm und dem Grünen Turm vorbei. Auch die Befestigungsanlage selbst ist eine mittelalterliche Sehenswürdigkeit, die das Gefühl vergangener Zeiten vermittelt.

Nachdem der Rundwanderweg abgefahren ist, begeben wir uns zu Fuß in die urige Altstadt. Ein Kurztrip nach Dinkelsbühl lohnt sich allein schon wegen der romantischen Altstadt. Vorbei an traditionellen Fachwerkhäusern, über historisches Kopfsteinpflaster und durch enge verschlungene Gassen – das ist die schönste Altstadt Deutschlands.

Inmitten des fränkischen Ortes liegt die St.-Georgs-Kirche. Mit ihrem harmonischen und lichten Innenraum gilt sie als die schönste spätgotische Hallenkirche Süddeutschlands. Entdecken Sie die kunstvollen Steinmetzarbeiten im Sakramentshaus.

Das Magazin Focus hat Dinkelsbühl einst als „schönste Altstadt Deutschlands“ betitelt. Welche Stadt hat für Sie die schönste Altstadt Deutschlands?

Frankens Städte entdecken – die komplette YouTube Playlist:

Weiter Sehenswürdigkeiten in Dinkelsbühl:

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#franken #dinkelsbühl #VisitFranconia

Romantic Medieval Town in GERMANY, Dinkelsbühl • Real Time Virtual Walking Tour Ambiance in 4K ASMR

Dinkelsbühel is a beautiful town with colored buildings in Bavaria, Franconia, Germany. It's a medieval walled town known to be located on the romantic road near other important cities including Rothenburg ob der Taube and Nördlingen. The town was an essential trading point in those days. Imagine spices, parchment, and special woods being sold in the city center. Dinkelsbühel was a city-state in its prime time, having been part of the holy roman empire. Historical documents of the town also reported 6 witch trials and executions that came to happen from 1613 to 1661. #4k #germany #asmr

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⏲️ Date & Time: 26th September 12 pm 2021
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Genusswandern im Nördlinger Ries! In 7 Tagen rund um den Meteoritenkrater auf dem Ries-Panoramaweg

Hast du gewusst, dass in Bayern, direkt an der Grenze zu Baden-Württemberg, ein Meteorit einschlug? Vor 15 Millionen Jahren schlug hier ein fast 2 Kilometer großer Feuerball auf der Erde ein, sodass alles Leben im näheren Umkreis zerstört wurde. Der Meteoritenkrater ist zentraler Teil des heutigen UNESCO Global Geoparks Ries und seit kurzem kann man den Krater in 7 Tagen auf dem „Ries-Panoramaweg“ zu Fuß umrunden. Das wollen wir uns genauer ansehen.

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//Werbung: Dieses Video ist in Kooperation mit dem Ferienland DONAURIES & dem UNESCO Global Geopark Ries entstanden!


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Dinkelsbühl in Franken hat laut Focus die schönste Altstadt Deutschlands

mehr Filme/Infos über die Lumix GH2:
Das Magazin Focus hat 2014 die 200 schönsten Plätze in ganz Deutschland gekürt. Dabei ist Franken in Bayern insgesamt 14 Mal vertreten. Franken glänzt besonders bei den schönsten Altstädten. Die Kleinstadt Dinkelsbühl belegt in dieser Kategorie sogar den ersten Platz, diese Stadt hat sich ihren mittelalterlichen Charakter bewahrt. Unter den zehn schönsten Altstädten Deutschlands befinden sich weitere Fränkische Städte, so wurde auf Platz sechs die ehemals Freie Reichsstadt Rothenburg ob der Tauber gewählt, auf Platz sieben folgt gleich danach die UNESCO Welterbestadt Bamberg mit dem größten und am besten erhaltenen Mittelalterlichen Stadtkern Deutschlands.

More Movies / info about the Lumix GH2:
Focus magazine has named 2014 200 most beautiful places in Germany. This is represented in Franconia Bavaria 14 times. Franc shines especially in the most beautiful old towns. The small town Dinkelsbühl is in this category was actually the first place, this town has preserved its medieval character. Among the ten most beautiful old towns in Germany there are other Frankish cities, the former Free Imperial City of Rothenburg ob der Tauber was elected sixth, seventh follows immediately afterwards the UNESCO World Heritage town of Bamberg // with the largest and best-preserved medieval town center of Germany.

más Películas / información sobre la Lumix GH2:
La revista Focus ha nombrado 2014 200 lugares más bellos de Alemania. Esto se representa en Franconia Baviera 14 veces. Franc brilla especialmente en las más bellas ciudades antiguas. La pequeña ciudad Dinkelsbühl es en esta categoría fue en realidad el primer lugar, esta ciudad ha conservado su carácter medieval. Entre las diez más bellas ciudades antiguas en Alemania hay otras ciudades francos, la antigua ciudad libre imperial de Rothenburg ob der Tauber fue elegido sexto, séptimo sigue inmediatamente después, la ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad de Bamberg // con el centro de la ciudad más grande y medieval mejor conservada de Alemania.


Другие Фильмы / Информация о Lumix GH2:
Фокус журнал назвал 2014 200 самых красивых мест в Германии. Это представлено во Франконии Баварии в 14 раз. Франк светит особенно в самых красивых старинных городов.Небольшой городок Dinkelsbühl находится в этой категории было на самом деле первое место, этот город сохранил свой средневековый характер. Среди десяти самых красивых старых городов в Германии есть и другие франкские города, бывший Вольный имперский город Ротенбург-об-дер-Таубер был избран шестой, седьмой немедленно следует после этого город Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО Бамберг HTTP: // с большой и лучше всего сохранившийся средневековый центр города Германии.

Nördlingen (Bayern) 4K ????????????

Die wunderschöne Stadt Nördlingen in Bayern, die ehemals freie Reichsstadt an der „Romantischen Straße“ hat einen sehr gut erhaltenen mittelalterlichen Stadtkern welcher vollständig durch eine rundum begehbare Stadtmauer (die Stadtmauer geht zurück auf das Jahr 1327, ist ca. 2,7 km lang und Deutschlands einzige vollständig erhaltenen Stadtmauer) eingegrenzt ist. Der Kirchturm „Daniel“ im Zentrum der Altstadt, von dem nach wie vor jeden Abend der Türmer seinen Wächterruf „So, G´sell, so“ ruft, und das mittelalterliche Stadtbild mit schönen Fachwerkhäusern, ist wohl einzigartig auf der ganzen Welt. Anbei einige Aufnahmen von unseren Tagesausflug in diese tolle Stadt.

The beautiful city of Nördlingen (Bavaria), the formerly free imperial city on the Romantic Road has a very well-preserved medieval city center which is completely covered by a city wall that can be walked all around (the city wall dates back to 1327, is approx. 2.7 km long and Germany's only one completely preserved city wall) is delimited. The church tower Daniel in the center of the old town, from which the tower keeper still shouts his guardian call So, G'sell, so every evening, and the medieval townscape is probably unique in the whole world. Here are some pictures from our day trip to this great city.

La belle ville de Nördlingen, l'ancienne ville impériale libre sur la Romantique a un centre-ville médiéval très bien conservé qui est entièrement recouvert par un mur de la ville qui peut être parcouru tout autour (le mur de la ville remonte à 1327, est d'environ 2,7 km de long et le seul mur d'enceinte entièrement préservé d'Allemagne) est délimité. Le clocher de l'église Daniel au centre de la vieille ville, d'où le gardien de la tour crie toujours son appel de gardien Alors, G'sell, so tous les soirs, et le paysage urbain médiéval est probablement unique au monde. Voici quelques photos de notre excursion d'une journée dans cette grande ville.

La hermosa ciudad de Nördlingen, la antigua ciudad imperial libre en la Ruta Romántica tiene un centro de la ciudad medieval muy bien conservado que está completamente cubierto por una muralla que se puede recorrer a pie (la muralla de la ciudad data de 1327, es Aproximadamente 2,7 km de largo y la única muralla de la ciudad completamente conservada de Alemania) está delimitada. La torre de la iglesia Daniel en el centro del casco antiguo, desde la cual el guardián todavía grita a su guardián Entonces, G'sell, así todas las noches, y el paisaje urbano medieval es probablemente único en todo el mundo. Aquí hay algunas fotos de nuestro viaje de un día a esta gran ciudad.

A bela cidade de Nördlingen, a antiga cidade imperial livre na Estrada Romântica, tem um centro medieval muito bem preservado, totalmente coberto por uma muralha que pode ser percorrida a pé (a muralha da cidade remonta a 1327, é aproximadamente 2,7 km de comprimento e a única muralha completamente preservada da Alemanha) é delimitada. A torre da igreja Daniel no centro da cidade velha, de onde o guardião da torre ainda grita seu chamado de guardião Então, G'sell, então todas as noites, e a paisagem urbana medieval é provavelmente única em todo o mundo. Aqui estão algumas fotos de nossa viagem de um dia a esta grande cidade.

美丽的诺德林根市,曾经是“浪漫之路”上的自由皇城,有一个保存完好的中世纪市中心,完全被城墙覆盖,可以四处走走(城墙的历史可以追溯到 1327 年,是长约 2.7 公里,是德国唯一一处保存完好的城墙)。 老城中心的“丹尼尔”教堂塔楼,每天晚上守塔人还在那里喊着他的守护者叫“So,G'sell,so”,中世纪的城景大概是全世界独一无二的。 以下是我们前往这座伟大城市的一日游的一些照片。

「ロマンティックロード」にあるかつての帝国自由都市であったネルトリンゲンの美しい街には、非常によく保存された中世の街の中心部があり、街の壁で完全に覆われていて、歩き回ることができます(城壁は1327年にまでさかのぼります。長さは約2.7kmで、ドイツで唯一完全に保存されている市壁)が区切られています。 旧市街の中心にある教会の塔「ダニエル」から、塔の番人は今でも毎晩「そう、G'sell、そう」と彼の保護者の呼びかけを叫んでおり、中世の町並みはおそらく全世界でユニークです。 これがこの素晴らしい街への日帰り旅行の写真です。

В красивом городе Нёрдлинген, бывшем вольном имперском городе на «Романтической дороге», есть очень хорошо сохранившийся средневековый центр города, полностью покрытый городской стеной, по которой можно ходить вокруг (городская стена датируется 1327 годом, около 2,7 км и единственная полностью сохранившаяся городская стена в Германии). Башня церкви «Даниил» в центре старого города, с которой смотритель до сих пор каждый вечер выкрикивает свой призыв опекуна «Так, G'sell, so», а средневековый городской пейзаж, вероятно, уникален во всем мире. Вот несколько фотографий из нашей однодневной поездки в этот великий город.

Nádherné město Nördlingen, dříve svobodné císařské město na „Romantické cestě“, má velmi dobře zachované středověké centrum města, které je zcela zakryto městskými hradbami, po kterých se dá všude chodit (městská zeď pochází z roku 1327, je přibližně 2,7 km dlouhá a jediná zcela zachovaná městská zeď v Německu) je ohraničena. Kostelní věž „Daniel“ v centru starého města, z níž strážce věže stále každý večer křičí na svého strážce: „Tak, G'sell, tak“, a středověká městská krajina je pravděpodobně jedinečná na celém světě. Zde je několik fotografií z našeho celodenního výletu do tohoto skvělého města.

Dinkelsbühl (Franken) Fahrt durch die wunderschöne Altstadt 4K

Das Magazin Focus hat 2014 die 200 schönsten Plätze in ganz Deutschland gekürt. Dabei ist Franken in Bayern insgesamt 14 Mal vertreten. Franken glänzt besonders bei den schönsten Altstädten. Die Kleinstadt Dinkelsbühl belegt in dieser Kategorie sogar den ersten Platz, diese Stadt hat sich ihren mittelalterlichen Charakter bewahrt. Unter den zehn schönsten Altstädten Deutschlands befinden sich weitere Fränkische Städte, so wurde auf Platz sechs die ehemals Freie Reichsstadt Rothenburg ob der Tauber gewählt, auf Platz sieben folgt gleich danach die UNESCO Welterbestadt Bamberg mit dem größten und am besten erhaltenen Mittelalterlichen Stadtkern Deutschlands.

Focus magazine has named 2014 200 most beautiful places in Germany. This is represented in Franconia Bavaria 14 times. Franc shines especially in the most beautiful old towns. The small town Dinkelsbühl is in this category was actually the first place, this town has preserved its medieval character. Among the ten most beautiful old towns in Germany there are other Frankish cities, the former Free Imperial City of Rothenburg ob der Tauber was elected sixth, seventh follows immediately afterwards the UNESCO World Heritage town of Bamberg // with the largest and best-preserved medieval town center of Germany.

La revista Focus ha nombrado 2014 200 lugares más bellos de Alemania. Esto se representa en Franconia Baviera 14 veces. Franc brilla especialmente en las más bellas ciudades antiguas. La pequeña ciudad Dinkelsbühl es en esta categoría fue en realidad el primer lugar, esta ciudad ha conservado su carácter medieval. Entre las diez más bellas ciudades antiguas en Alemania hay otras ciudades francos, la antigua ciudad libre imperial de Rothenburg ob der Tauber fue elegido sexto, séptimo sigue inmediatamente después, la ciudad Patrimonio de la Humanidad de Bamberg // con el centro de la ciudad más grande y medieval mejor conservada de Alemania.


Фокус журнал назвал 2014 200 самых красивых мест в Германии. Это представлено во Франконии Баварии в 14 раз. Франк светит особенно в самых красивых старинных городов.Небольшой городок Dinkelsbühl находится в этой категории было на самом деле первое место, этот город сохранил свой средневековый характер. Среди десяти самых красивых старых городов в Германии есть и другие франкские города, бывший Вольный имперский город Ротенбург-об-дер-Таубер был избран шестой, седьмой немедленно следует после этого город Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО Бамберг HTTP: // с большой и лучше всего сохранившийся средневековый центр города Германии.

Nordlingen, Germany - Old town area (medieval) with intact wall still standing

Going back as far as 898 A.D., it is now the only walled town in Germany where the wall is still intact all the way around it - about 3 km in total length. We visited in October 2012 and spent an entire afternoon in this charming town on the Romantic Road (Romantische Straße) of Germany, located in the region of Bavaria.
Ed does the narration and most of the video filming while I do most of the still photos and then edit all of it to create this You Tube upload.


Aalen liegt im östlichen Baden-Württemberg und ist eine mittelgroße Stadt. Im Römischen Reich befand sich in Aalen ein Kastell zur Grenzsicherung. We do sightseeing in the city of Aalen in the east of Baden-Württemberg in Germany. In former times it was at the border of the Roman Empire called the Limes.

D: Stadt Oettingen i.Bay.. Landkreis Donau-Ries. Fahrt durch die Altstadt. Dezember 2017

Stadt Oettingen i.Bay.. Landkreis Donau-Ries. Schwaben. Bayern. Bavaria. Fahrt durch die Altstadt. Dezember 2017


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Best places to visit

Best places to visit - Germering (Germany) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

GERMANY Dinkelsbühl (27 June 2022)

Before we went home we stayed a couple of nights in Vellberg (south Germany). From there we visited Dinkelsbühl.
Dinkelsbühl is a historic town in Central Franconia, a region of Germany that is now part of the state of Bavaria, in southern Germany. Dinkelsbühl is a former free imperial city of the Holy Roman Empire. In local government terms, Dinkelsbühl lies near the western edge of the Landkreis (or local government district) of Ansbach, north of Aalen.
Dinkelsbühl lies on the northern part of the Romantic Road, and is one of three particularly striking historic towns on the northern part of the route, the others being Rothenburg ob der Tauber and Nördlingen.
The town lies on the southern edge of the Franconian Heights and on the River Wörnitz, which rises in the town of Schillingsfürst. The population is about 14.000.
#dinkelsbuhl #germany #romanticroad

Dinkelsbühl (Germany) Vacation Travel Video Guide

Travel video about destination Dinkelsbühl in Germany.
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We get ROMANTIC in Germany! ❤ Van Life Europe

The Romantic Road (German: Romantische Straße) is a theme route devised by promotion-minded travel agents in the 1950s. It describes the 460 kilometres (290 mi) of roads between Würzburg and Füssen in southern Germany, specifically in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, linking a number of picturesque towns and castles.

We didn't exactly do the complete route justice as it would have taken quite a bit of time to visit each location. Würzburg was a real gem and our walk around the city wall of Nördlingen stood out.

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Harburg Castle ???? | Places to visit in Germany with 49 Euro Ticket | Episode 26 #deutschlandticket

Looking for a hidden gem in Germany ???????? using 49 Euro Ticket ????? Episode 26
Place: Harburg Castle ????, Bavaria, Germany ????????
How to reach Harburg Castle:
From Munich Hbf take RB 87 towards Donauwörth and from there take bus to Harburg Castle ???? from Donauwörth Hbf. Whole journey will take 2:45 hours.
The Harburg on the Romantic Road is one of the largest, oldest and best-preserved castle complexes in southern Germany and towers above the town of the same name, Harburg an der Wörnitz.
The castle dates back to 1150 AD and have
been ruled by same House for 700 years, The House of Oettingen.
Buildings from the Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods can be found throughout the area and point to a building-friendly past of the complex.
Harburg castle ???? survived numerous sieges, battles and wars.
Castle is Open daily from 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
and Castle tours every hour which is highly
Activities to do in Harburg Castle:
1- Castle Complex
2- Castle Interior Tour
3- Walk on the Castle Walls
4- Royal Show
5- Old town of Harburg
Do walk on the castle wall and experience the formidable defences of this castle ????
H A R B U R G …. G E R M A N Y
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Odenwald main trail HW35 Stage 1 Part 3 Hettingenbeuern - Buchen 4K

Hiking in the Odenwald

Hettigenbeuern is a district of Buchen (Odenwald) in the Neckar-Odenwald district in Baden-Württemberg. The place is in the Morre valley between Buchen and Zittenfelden.

Originally, Hettigenbeuern was owned by the Lords of Adelsheim, then Würzburg, and finally half of the town was owned by the young Götz von Berlichingen. Today's idol tower (at that time residential and defense tower) dates back to this time. A coat of arms bearing the year 1414 and excavation finds are the last witnesses of a castle that stood on the castle mound. It was destroyed in the Thirty Years' War.

Hettigenbeuern has seen an upward trend since the 19th century, due to commercial tobacco growing in the community. The climate and soil conditions are particularly suitable for the cultivation of quality tobacco. Hettigenbeuern was called the tobacco metropolis of the Odenwald. The tobacco barns still characterize the townscape today.

In 1806 Hettigenbeuern became part of the Grand Duchy of Baden.

On October 1, 1974, the city of Buchen was merged with Götzingen, Hainstadt, Hettigenbeuren and Hettingen to form what is now the city of Buchen.

Buchen is a town in the German state of Baden-Württemberg. It is situated in the Odenwald low mountain range, 23 km northeast of the regional center Mosbach.
In Roman times, a wall known as the Limes Germanicus was built in the area as a fortification. Many stretches of this wall are still visible today.
Buchen was first mentioned in the Lorscher Codex, the deeds of the Lorsch Monastery, where it appears as Buchheim, and makes a number of donations to the monastery in the year 773. The location was already populated in prehistoric and in Roman times and in Carolingian times it was under the influence of the Amorbach Monastery, the Reeves (Vogt) of which, the Lords of Dürn, held the rights of jurisdiction over Buchen. In the second half of the 13th Century Buchen was given the right to call itself a city. On the fall of the Lords of Dürn, Buchen was sold in 1303/1309 to the Archbishop of Mainz and remained his territory for 500 years. In 1346 Buchen formed the Federation of Nine Towns ( Neunstädtebund) along with Amorbach, Aschaffenburg, Dieburg, Külsheim, Miltenberg, Seligenstadt, Tauberbischofsheim and Walldürn.
In 1382 the Elector Ruprecht I. failed in an attempt, to break the town during a battle with the Mainz Electorate. The already formidable medieval town fortifications were again strengthened in about 1490 and now even enclosed the western suburbs. During the course of the town's expansion in 1492 the so-called Wartturm on the Wartberg was built higher, and in the same year the so-called Steinerne Bau or ‘Stony Building’ took its place as the seat of the Official belonging to the Electorate of Mainz. The town had early importance as a market town. Alongside the four great Yearly Markets (Shrove Tuesday Market (Fastnachtsmarkt), the May Market, the Jakobi Market und Martin Market) were especially the Yarn, Cloth and Horse Markets as well as the ‘Weekly Market, held every Monday.

The Wartturm, Buchen
During the Peasants' Revolt in 1525 Götz von Berlichingen was forced to become the leader of the Peasant mob in the courtyard of the Steineres Haus ‘the Stony House’ (nowadays the Museumshof). After the defeat of the Peasants the Nine City Federation of the provincial administration was in fact dissolved, and Buchen lost its right to self-government.

In the Thirty Years War the place was now conquered by the Swedes. These had to yield, however, about 1634 royal troops. On this occasion a great fire broke out in the town, in which 153 houses were sacrificed. The church, the Parsonage, the Upper Mill, the Hausener Court and probably the castle was also destroyed here. Further sacrifices had to be suffered with the arrival of famines and epidemics. Out of 215 citizens and 16 Jews only 29 citizens, 5 widows und 26 houses survived. The fields were poisoned.

In 1688 French troops laid siege to the town. When lightning struck in 1717, a catastrophic fire started in the centre of town, with about half of the buildings in the old town falling victim to the conflagration, including the old Town Hall and the Catholic church.

In 1803, after the dissolution of the electorate of Mainz and as a result of decisions made by national deputies, Buchen was assigned to the Principality of Leiningen, which had been resettled on the orders of Napoleon. In 1806 it was then transferred to the Grand Duchy of Baden. In 1815, three of the city towers were torn down and only the western gate was retained (the Mainzer Tor). The Baden Revolution of 1848/49 also found support in Buchen, and some of its citizens burned the records of the Leiningen rent offices.

filmed with GoPro Hero 9
created with Cyberlink Powerdirector 365
musik licensed with Cyberlink Powerdirector 365

¿Qué ver en DINKELSBUHL? el pueblo más bonito de Alemania | Baviera 2# | Deutschland

En nuestro roadtrip por Baviera, visitamos uno de los pueblos más bonitos de Alemania. Llegamos a Dinkelsbuhl y conocemos sus imprescindibles.
On our roadtrip through Bavaria, we visit one of the most beautiful villages in Germany. We arrive at Dinkelsbuhl and we know the best places of Dinkelsbuhl.

¿Qué ver y visitar en Dinkelsbuhl? / Top Tourist Attractions in Dinkelsbuhl

- Mark Place Dinkelsbuhl
- Puertas Medievales Dinkelsbuhl
- Museo de la ciudad Dinkelsbuhl
- Muralla de Dinkelsbuhl
- Iglesia Munster St George Dinkelsbuhl

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GERMANY: Fortezza di Harburg - di Sergio Colombini (Video4K)

Il castello di Harburg ad Harburg, in Baviera, nel distretto di Donau-Ries, è un vasto complesso medievale dell'XI / XII secolo. Originariamente era un castello di Staufer, ora è di proprietà della principesca Casa di Oettingen-Wallerstein.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

#FortezzaHarburg #Germania #Viaggi



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