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10 Best place to visit in Miyanoura Japan


Top 10 best Places to Visit in Japan | Japan Travel Guide

Japan is a fascinating country filled with a rich history, unique culture, and beautiful landscapes. Whether you're a first-time traveler or a seasoned Japan veteran, a Japan travel guide can help you navigate this incredible destination and make the most of your trip.

When planning your Japan travel, be sure to add Tokyo to your itinerary. This bustling metropolis is home to world-class museums, delicious sushi restaurants, and iconic landmarks like Tokyo Tower and the Meiji Shrine.

Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima and Nara are also must-visit places in Japan. Kyoto is a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its temples and traditional gardens, while Osaka is a lively city with a great food scene. Hiroshima is known for its Peace Park, a tribute to the victims of the atomic bombing in WWII, and Nara is known for its Todai-ji Temple, home to one of the largest statues of Buddha in the world.

Hakone is a beautiful place to visit in Japan, known for its hot springs, scenic views of Mount Fuji, and traditional ryokans. Hakone is the perfect destination for a relaxing getaway.

When planning your Japan trip, don't forget to include some of the country's most beautiful places in your itinerary. Some of the best places to visit in Japan include the bamboo groves of Arashiyama, the cherry blossoms of Hirosaki Park, and the picturesque town of Takayama.

To get the most out of your Japan travel experience, be sure to research the best Japan travel tips and make use of a reliable Japan guide. A travel guide can help you navigate the country's complex transportation system, find the best places to eat and stay, and learn about the customs and etiquette of Japan.

In 2023, if you're looking for the best places to visit in Japan, be sure to check out the top 10 places to visit in Japan, including Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima, Hakone, Nara, Arashiyama, Hirosaki Park, Takayama, and many more. Japan tourism is always a great experience, and with a little planning and research, you can make the most of your time in this amazing country.

00:00 Intro
00:33 Yakushima
01:04 Naoshima
01:42 Izakaya Hopping
02:31 Himeji Castle
03:15 Hakone
03:48 Ishigaki
04:27 Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park
05:32 Tokyo
06:15 Osaka
07:11 Sapporo

Yakushima: an Oasis of Unspoilt Nature | World Natural Heritage in Japan

Yakushima, located off the southern tip of Kagoshima, is a natural haven filled with enchanting forests, rich biodiversity, and expansive oceanside views—earning it World Natural Heritage status in 1993 ( Said to be the inspiration for the setting of Studio Ghibli’s Princess Mononoke, the forests’ millennia-old yakusugi trees, moss-covered rocks, and sparkling streams create truly awe-inspiring memories.

Beyond its ancient trees, Yakushima’s beaches are filled with rich marine life—including treasured sea turtles—making them prime snorkeling spots. The ocean also lends itself to the island’s natural onsens. These fleeting hot springs are only accessible twice a day and offer unparalleled views of the ocean.

Aside from Yakushima’s nature, its local communities offer plenty of opportunities to interact with residents, try island cuisine, and learn about regional industries.

Join us on a journey of this naturally and culturally rich island, and discover the rare beauty of Yakushima.

#Japantravel #adventure #yakushima

Guide to Japan's Kagoshima and Yakushima Islands

Hi! I'm Maggie, a military spouse and travel obsessed 31 year old. I've been to over 30 countries and have been living overseas for 6 years now. I hope you enjoy my channel! Below are some links to my favorite sites, please note that some of these are affiliate links and if you choose to purchase/book from them I will make a small commission. As always thanks for supporting my channel and my passion to create content!

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I can't believe it's been 9 months since we took our last big trip in Japan. Yakushima Island had been looming on our Japan bucket list for 5 years and I'm so happy we carved out the time to visit this unique area of Japan.

We decided to take the Shinkansen and ferry, but you can also fly directly there. It really just depends on your time and budget! We also wanted to make sure we saw Kagoshima so the train just made sense for us.

Below are all the pins for where we went and the resources we used to plan this vacation. If you have a chance to go to Yakushima I can speak highly enough of this island. The weather is definitely unpredictable so bring PLENTY of rain gear and plan to get wet. We had some pretty great weather and only fell victim to the rain on our first day.

Kagoshima Google Pins and Resources:

Blue Beans Roastery:

The most amazing Guacamole and expensive tacos you'll ever have! La fonda Elpurp:

Great espresso tonics and cakes! CAFÉSHOP:

The Ferry to Sakurajima where you can buy tickets and board:

Kagoshima Sun Royal Hotel:

Yakushima Google Pins and Resources:

We planned a lot of our trip off of this blog!

MUST-SEE spots during your 1-day road trip around the island:

Yakushima-todai Lighthouse

World Heritage Listed Coastal Road with Wildlife

Ohko Waterfall

Senpiro Falls

Inakahama Beach

Isso beach

Unfortunately a lot of restaurants were still closed due to the pandemic so I don't have many recommendations besides gelato! I hope you explore and can find some amazing food and coffee while you're there!

Stop at eat Gelato Here! Yakushima Gelato Sora-Umi:

Airbnb we stayed at:

Hope you enjoy and have a great time! Leave any questions at all below and I'll do my best to answer them. Thanks!

❤️ Maggie

#kagoshima #yakushima #kyushu #traveljapan #travelinjapan #japantrip #kagoshimaprefecture #sakurajima #wheretogokagoshima #whattodoinkagoshima

Conociendo Japón #15 || Yakushima: Hirauchi Kachuu Onsen, Yudomari Onsen

Hoy seguimos en la prefectura de kagoshima, en la región de Kyushu.
En este video, visitamos la isla Yakushima, vamos a un par de onsens (agua termal) y probamos uno de los platos tradiccionales de la zona: el pez volador (飛び魚).

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Horarios del bus de Yakushima:

0:00 Preview
0:13 Intro
0:29 Mapa
2:42 Sobre el ferry
4:03 En el Ferry
6:34 Sobre Yakushima
7:31 Yaku jinja
11:53 Yudomari Onsen
15:36 Hirauchi Kaichuu Onsen
16:47 Comida!
18:00 Outro
Around The Sea by Scandinavianz
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Panama — Scandinavianz [Audio Library Release]
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Buddha by Kontekst
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
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Tropical Love — Vendredi [Audio Library Release]
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The Perpetual Ticking of Time — Artificial.Music [Audio Library Release]
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Urwälder, wilde Küsten und einsame Gipfel | Outdoor Japan | Yakushima

Abenteuerurlaub? In Japan?? Du wusstest nicht, dass das möglich ist? Dann lass dich von Japans unbekannten Naturparadiesen überzeugen!

Denn auch wenn die meisten Reisenden bei Japan zuerst an Großstädte und Megametropolen denken, ist Japan ein Land voller Natur: Umgeben von Ozean, der Strände und Küsten prägt und überzogen von Bergketten und unberührten Wäldern, die vielen Wildtieren eine Heimat bieten. Mehr als 21.000 km² Fläche Japans entfällt auf die mehr als 30 Nationalparks.

Am Beispiel der Insel Yakushima im Süden der japanischen Hauptinsel Kyushu in der Präfektur Kagoshima, die von einem dichten Urwald überzogen ist, in dem man tausende Jahre alte Zedernbäume, atemberaubende Wasserfälle und grüne Hänge vorfindet, zeigen wir, was man tatsächlich fast überall in Japan machen kann, wenn man ein Abenteuer sucht: Wandern, Gipfelstürmen, Klettern, Radfahren, Kajak fahren, Wildtiere beobachten und natürlich die Natur genießen und bei lokalen Festen auch der japanischen Kultur näher kommen.

Im unberührten Urwald auf Yakushima begegnet man auf Wanderungen, Rehen und Affen. Der Berg Miyanoura im Zentrum der Insel ist 1936m hoch. Damit hat Yakushima ein einzigartiges Ökosystem, das von einer subtropischen bis zu einer alpinen Zone reicht – kein Wunder also, dass es geradezu als kleiner Kosmos für ganz Japan steht, das ebenfalls verschiedene Klimazonen und bis in die japanischen Alpen hinein sehr unterschiedliche Höhen bietet. Nicht zuletzt wegen der abwechslungsreichen Topografie und der Artenvielfalt wurde Yakushima zum Weltnaturerbe erklärt und ist heute ebenfalls ein Nationalpark. Kein Wunder, dass der berühmte Studio Ghibli Film „Prinzessin Mononoke“ den hiesigen Urwald und die Shirata­ni Unsui Schlucht mit den bemoosten Felsen als Model für die Landschaften im Anime nutzte.

Die Skiaufnahmen stammen übrigens als einziger Teil des Films nicht aus Yakushima. Hier gibt es Freestyle und Backcounty an den Hängen des Skiresorts Hakuba in Nagano und am Mt.Tanigawa (Tanigawadake) in der Gunma Präfektur. Denn auch das steht Outdoor-Enthusiasten in Japan offen: das ganz eigene Wintersport-Abenteuer!

Mehr über Yakushima findest du hier:

Hier haben wir Infos über die verschiedenen Nationalparks zusammengestellt:

Informationen zum Wintersport in Japan kann man hier durchlesen:


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#japan #yakushima #wandern

We Visited Japan's BEST KEPT SECRET: Yakushima Island

In this travel vlog, we spent an three days on Yakushima Island. Known for its' lush ancient forests, picturesque waterfalls and home to thousand-year-old cedars, Yakushima Island is truly an unique destination. While on the island, we visited:
- the majestic Oko-no-taki Waterfall (Ohko Waterfall)
- the two iconic outdoor onsen: Hirauchi Kaichu Onsen and Yudomari Onsen
- Shiratani Unsui Gorge (the Princess Mononoke Forest)
- Yakusugi Land
- Kigensugi Cedar (3,000 years old cedar tree)

We also ate at the following restaurant serving delicious food:
- Katagiri Flying Fish Restaurant
- Kirankuya Handmade Soba Noodle Shop

????????Follow us on Instagram:

Top 10 Places to Visit in Japan

This video features the top 10 places to visit in Japan, including popular cities like Tokyo and Kyoto, as well as hidden gems like Yakushima and Naoshima. Each destination offers a unique experience, from the stunning natural beauty of Yakushima and Mount Fuji to the rich cultural heritage of Nara and Kyoto. The video also includes practical tips for travelers, such as where to stay and what to eat. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler, this video is sure to inspire your next trip to Japan.

Music by Gvidon from Pixabay

00:00 Intro
00:42 Yakushima
01:37 Kamakura
02:21 Hiroshima
03:11 Naoshima
04:10 Nara
05:04 Mount Fuji
05:48 Sapporo
06:36 Osaka
07:43 Kyoto
08:35 Tokyo

Manner Navi in YAKUSHIMA ダイジェスト版登山編


「Manner Navi in YAKUSHIMA ダイジェスト版野生動物編」

「Manner Navi in YAKUSHIMA ~屋久島マナーナビ~ (全編)」もご覧ください。

「Island of Water YAKUSHIMA ~悠久をつむぐ屋久島~」

「いま、ここに、屋久島国立公園」「Enjoy! YAKUSHIMA STORY」-Long.VER

#NationalParksofJapan #屋久島国立公園 #YakushimaNationalPark #国立公園 #Nationalpark #世界遺産 #WorldHeritage #屋久島 #Yakushima #屋久杉 #Yakusugi #Yakushimascedar #縄文杉 #JomonSugi #コケ #Moss #日本百名山 #Japan100FamousMountains #宮之浦岳 #MtMiyanoura #西部 #WesternArea #ヤクシマザル #YakushimaMacaques #ヤクシカ #YakushikaDeer #小杉谷 #Kosugidani #太鼓岩 #Taikoiwa #永田浜 #NagataBeach #ウミガメ #SeaTurtle #鹿児島 #Kagoshima #九州 #Kyusyu #自然 #Nature #旅 #旅行 #Travel #エコツーリズム #Ecoturism #japan #日本 #Park #trip #Activity #Outdoor #Art #公園 #観光 #アクティビティ #アウトドア #アート



■National Parks of Japan



【4K ULTRA HD】Japan's World Natural Heritage Site: Yakushima Ancient Forest Scenic Relaxation Film

Yakushima Island is a round-shaped island with a circumference of 132 kilometer. Most of the island is mountainous with more than 45 mountains over 1000 meters high including the highest mountain in Kyushu, Mt. Miyanoura at 1,936 meters. Yakushima Island is also known as “The Alps on the Ocean.” Flat usable land on Yakushima Island is limited due to the mountainous terrain. In 1993, Part of Yakushima Island was registered as Japan’s first World Natural Heritage Site. Yakushima Island’s unique forest of Yakusugi cedar trees, thousands of years old, and the vertical distribution of vegetation ranging from a subtropical zone to a subarctic zone were recognized for its value as a world nature heritage. Yakushima Island is also known for its annual rainfall, around 4500 mm in the coastal areas and 8,000 – 10,000 mm in the mountains. Yakushima Island’s annual rainfall is more than double the rainfall of mainland Japan. Half of its yearly rainfall is from May to August. The average temperature of the coastal areas is a mild 20 degrees Celsius being located in a subtropical zone. The vertical distribution of climate on Yakushima Island ranges from the subtropical to the subarctic giving rise to the variation of vegetation. In winter, you may see snow on some mountains. Kuchinoerabujima Island is a beautiful green active volcanic island, 12 kilometers long and 5 kilometers wide at its widest point. Mt. Shin, an active volcano at 657 meters, provides for several good hot springs around the seashore.

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Yakushima Island #1???????? Adventure in the hidden forest!! Japan vlog☆

Hey Pecomonz♡ It's MIKI!!
Today I will take you to Yakushima Island in Kagoshima Prefecture♪
Yakushima, a World Heritage-listed site, is a small mountainous island off the south of Kyushu. Its isolation from the main land, steep terrain and high precipitation have made Yakushima one of Japan’s natural wonders with its pristine forests of Yakusugi, or cedar trees native to Yakushima. Those virgin forests are noted for their inspiration for the highly-acclaimed animator Hayao Miyazaki’s ghibli movie, Princess Mononoke.
Yakushima Island↓

This video is the first half of the first day of a 3 days Travel to Yakushima!
Don't miss other Yakushima videos♡

Yakushima Airport


Guest house Suginoko

Takinogawa Monolith

Hey guys!! It's MIKI☆
I'm Japanese and live in Tokyo♪
I show you guys different areas across Japan introducing various things like tourist spots, local restaurants and street foods♡
One of my dreams is to travel all over Japan!!
Let's travel Japan's 47 prefectures with me\(^o^)/

I also have live streaming on twitch☆
Come visit me when you have time♪
Twitch :
Instagam :
#japanvlog #yakushima #japantravel

【旅エイター ★ 2300】Mt. Miyanoura (Yakushima Is.)[Travels of Scenic Japan by Tabiator]

The highest mountain of the “Offshore Alps,” Yakushima, Kagoshima Prefecture.
Yakushima is located 70 km from Cape Sata, the southernmost tip of the mainland of Kyushu, and is a heart-shaped island of 25 km north-south, 27 km east-west, and 105 km around this island.

#Japan #scenic #travel #sightseeing #mountain #Kagoshima

小さなバイクで撮影旅、屋久島 yakushima Japan ツーリング 前編 鹿児島県 No.20 モンキーバハ 世界遺産 千尋の滝、大川の滝、バイクツーリング ドライブ 旅行





観光地だけではない魅力と小さなバイク(ホンダ モンキーバハ)の楽しさを紹介します。



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sony a6500
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Gopro 9

nikon Z7

nikkor Z 24-70mm f4S
af-s nikkor 70-200mm f2.8G2
SONY E 18-135mm F3.5-5.6 OSS

関野 温 (せきの あつし)
個展「旅でしか出会えない風景 part1・2」を開催。



Yakushima Island #3???????? Circle the island to see Large waterfalls and Wild animals!! Japan vlog☆

Hey Pecomonz♡ It's MIKI!!
Today I will take you to Yakushima Island in Kagoshima Prefecture♪
Yakushima, a World Heritage-listed site, is a small mountainous island off the south of Kyushu. Its isolation from the main land, steep terrain and high precipitation have made Yakushima one of Japan’s natural wonders with its pristine forests of Yakusugi, or cedar trees native to Yakushima. Those virgin forests are noted for their inspiration for the highly-acclaimed animator Hayao Miyazaki’s ghibli movie, Princess Mononoke.
Yakushima Island↓

This video is the 2nd half of the first day of a 3 days Travel to Yakushima!
Don't miss other Yakushima videos♡

↓Yakushima Bus Tour Website

↓If you want to book online, you can book tours through this website.

Senpiro Falls

Nakama Banyan

Ohko Waterfall

World Heritage Listed Coastal Road with Wildlife

Inakahama Beach

Furusato Ichiba

Hey guys!! It's MIKI☆
I'm Japanese and live in Tokyo♪
I show you guys different areas across Japan introducing various things like tourist spots, local restaurants and street foods♡
One of my dreams is to travel all over Japan!!
Let's travel Japan's 47 prefectures with me\(^o^)/

I also have live streaming on twitch☆
Come visit me when you have time♪
Twitch :
Instagam :
#japanvlog #yakushima #japantravel

YAKUSHIMA #4???????? Visit Yakusugi Land to See a 3,000 year old Giant tree!! Japan vlog☆

Hey Pecomonz♡ It's MIKI!!
Today I will take you to Yakushima Island in Kagoshima Prefecture♪
Yakushima, a World Heritage-listed site, is a small mountainous island off the south of Kyushu. Its isolation from the main land, steep terrain and high precipitation have made Yakushima one of Japan’s natural wonders with its pristine forests of Yakusugi, or cedar trees native to Yakushima. Those virgin forests are noted for their inspiration for the highly-acclaimed animator Hayao Miyazaki’s ghibli movie, Princess Mononoke.
Yakushima Island↓

This video is the last half of the 2nd day of a 3 days Travel to Yakushima!
Don't miss other Yakushima videos♡

↓Yakushima Bus Tour Website

↓If you want to book online, you can book tours through this website.

Yakusugi Land

Kigensugi Cedar

Hey guys!! It's MIKI☆
I'm Japanese and live in Tokyo♪
I show you guys different areas across Japan introducing various things like tourist spots, local restaurants and street foods♡
One of my dreams is to travel all over Japan!!
Let's travel Japan's 47 prefectures with me\(^o^)/

I also have live streaming on twitch☆
Come visit me when you have time♪
Twitch :
Instagam :
#japanvlog #yakushima #japantravel

YAKUSHIMA 屋久島町 Japan ???????? | 2023 | 4K·60p | Walk in Remote Nagata Village 人里離れた永田村の散策

① *Subscribe now for more 4K Walks of random places!*
On a mild spring evening, I took a walk through the few streets of Nagata Village in Yakushima on Yakushima Island in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.

② Location:
③ Weather: sunny, partially cloudy, mild, spring, warm
④ Time and date: March 2023, 17:00

⑤ Timestamps:
0:00 Intro
0:20 Fields with Mt. Nagata in the background
1:00 central Nagata, two stores and a bus stop
4:44 Nagata School
5:05 They even have a swimming pool!
5:30 West side of Nagata Village
9:40 Oyamazumi Shrine 大山祇神社
11:50 Nagatatake Shrine 永田嶽神社
14:50 This is How Rural Yakushima Looks Like
18:30 Back at the starting point
19:48 Nagata River 永田川
20:30 East side of Nagata Village
23:00 Japanese Post Car
25:10 Tsuchimo River 土面川
26:30 Nagata Maehama Beach 永田前浜

⑥ More information on the locations I've visited in this video:

Yakushima Island is a Japanese island located in the southernmost part of Kagoshima Prefecture. The island is situated in the Pacific Ocean and is surrounded by the East China Sea and the Philippine Sea. Yakushima Island is known for its natural beauty and is famous for its ancient forests, stunning waterfalls, and beautiful hiking trails.
The island covers an area of approximately 505 square miles and has a population of around 15,000 people. Yakushima Island is mostly mountainous, with its highest peak being Mount Miyanoura, which stands at 6,480 feet tall. The island is also home to a number of rivers and streams, which flow into the surrounding sea.
Yakushima Island is known for its incredibly diverse flora and fauna. The island is home to over 1,900 plant species, and roughly 40% of the island is covered by ancient forests. Some of the most notable tree species found on Yakushima Island include the yakusugi cedar trees, which are over 1,000 years old, and the sugi cedar trees, which are some of the largest in the world.
The island also has a number of popular hiking trails, including the Yakusugi Land Trail, which takes visitors through the heart of the ancient forest, and the Jomon Sugi Trail, which leads to the oldest known tree on the island. The island is also home to a number of stunning waterfalls, including Oko-no-Taki and Kan-bi-no-taki, both of which are popular attractions.
In addition to its natural beauty, Yakushima Island also has a rich cultural history. The island is home to a number of Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples, including the Yaku Shrine, which is believed to have been built in the 8th century. The island is also famous for its traditional crafts, including pottery and weaving.
Overall, Yakushima Island is a breathtakingly beautiful destination that offers visitors a chance to experience some of Japan’s most stunning landscapes and natural wonders. Whether you’re interested in hiking, wildlife, or cultural attractions, Yakushima Island is definitely worth a visit.

Nagata village is located on the northern coast of Yakushima Island, which is in the Kagoshima Prefecture of Japan. It is a small, traditional village that is nestled between the mountains and the sea, offering stunning natural scenery that attracts visitors from around the world.
The village is known for its production of yuzushu, a citrus-based liquor that is made with locally grown yuzu fruit. Additionally, the local seafood is particularly fresh and delicious, with many restaurants serving up the catch of the day.
Nagata village is also home to some of the oldest and most culturally significant cedar trees in Japan, with many of them dating back over 1,000 years. These towering trees have been well-preserved, offering a glimpse into the history and natural wonders of the region.
The village is also a popular destination for hikers and outdoor enthusiasts, with many hiking trails that offer stunning views of the mountains, forests, and coastline. One of the most popular hikes is the Shiratani Unsuikyo Trail, which is a 3-4 hour hike through a dense forest that is home to many ancient cedar trees.
Overall, Nagata village is a beautiful and historic destination that offers visitors a chance to experience the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Japan.

⑦ Gear and software I use for my video walks:
▶ Sony Alpha 6100
▶ GoPro Hero7 Black
▶ Zhiyun Crane Plus
▶ Davinci Resolve
▶ DJI Osmo Pocket 2

⑧ Thumbnail Icons from

⑨ Do you want to see more walks in 4K resolution? Do you want to experience REAL sounds of footsteps and nature (not ASMR) and wish to travel virtually to random places in the world? Yes! Go ahead, don't wait and subscribe to not miss any 4K walks. Come travel with me and click to subscribe now!

????Don't mind me, I'm just the ghost of this video, feeding this description with a few keywords and hashtags to help people find me! Today, I'm all about #yakushima, #屋久島 , #japan , #island and #kagoshima! I also loved the #japan4k , #4kwalk , #4kjapan, #walk4k and #散歩. ????

Japan Stunning Yakushima Island Wildlife Nature Cedar Forests Views Kagoshima

Yakushima is an island in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, known for its wildlife and cedar forests. In the northwest is Nagata Inaka-hama, a beach with seasonal loggerhead turtle nesting grounds. The central Mt. Miyanoura is marked by the Arakawa trail and the ancient Jōmon Sugi tree. In the east, Yakusugi Museum has exhibits about the region’s ancient cypress and cedar forests. The western shore is home to towering Ōko-no-taki waterfall.

Yakushima Island #5???????? Hiking in the REAL Princess Mononoke Forest (Shiratani Unsuikyo)! Japan vlog

Hey guys♡ It's MIKI!!
Today I will take you to Yakushima Island in Kagoshima Prefecture♪
Yakushima, a World Heritage-listed site, is a small mountainous island off the south of Kyushu. Its isolation from the main land, steep terrain and high precipitation have made Yakushima one of Japan’s natural wonders with its pristine forests of Yakusugi, or cedar trees native to Yakushima. Those virgin forests are noted for their inspiration for the highly-acclaimed animator Hayao Miyazaki’s ghibli movie, Princess Mononoke.
Yakushima Island↓

This video is the last day of a 3 days Travel to Yakushima!
Don't miss other Yakushima videos♡

Sangaku Taro web↓

Here is the tour I took part in↓

Shiratani Unsuikyo Ravine

Hey guys!! It's MIKI☆
I'm Japanese and live in Tokyo♪
I show you guys different areas across Japan introducing various things like tourist spots, local restaurants and street foods♡
One of my dreams is to travel all over Japan!!
Let's travel Japan's 47 prefectures with me\(^o^)/

I also have live streaming on twitch☆
Come visit me when you have time♪
Twitch :
Instagam :
#japanvlog #yakushima #japantravel

Hiking Mt Miyanoura

Mt Miyanoura Trail Description: What to expect when doing a day-hike to Miyanoura Daké from the Yodogo/Yodogawa Trail Head in Yakushima.

Before hiking, please let someone know where you are going, fill out a mountain climbing notification at the trail head, and consider donating (recommended ¥1000 for day-hikers) to trail maintenance.

To do this hike on your own, you'll need private transportation to the trail head. (Taxi is ~¥7000 from Anbo, and most people start hiking before 6am.) Don't forget to bring an extra layer of warm clothes, top-quality rain gear, head light, and spare batteries. Please note that the times stated in the video are only if you hike at the pace I hiked in the video. A rough map of trail times should be available here:

If you get lost, it is recommended that you stay put rather than try to head down because you could end up in a gorge. In fact, the higher up you are, the more likely of finding a cell-phone signal.

If you find any mistakes in the video, or would like to add from your personal experience, please comment.

2019 Yakushima Life

Best Hotels and Resorts in Yakushima cho, Japan

In this video our travel specialists have listed best hotels and resorts of Yakushima cho. We have tried to do some extensive research before giving the listing.

It's not the Ranking of Best Hotels and resorts in Yakushima cho, it is just the list of best hotels. If you want the details of good hotels in some other area, feel free to ask us in comment box, we will try to make the video of that listing also.

Don't forget to Subscribe our channel to view videos of some of the best Hotels. Click on Bell ICON to get the notification of updates Immediately.

Listed Hotels

Sankara Hotel & Spa Yakushima
JR Hotel Yakushima
Yakushima Iwasaki Hotel
Seaside Hotel Yakushima
Yakushima Green Hotel
Yakushima Umi no Cottage Tida
Tashiro Bekkan
Marine Blue Yakushima
Jomon no Yado Manten
Hotel Yakushima-sanso


擁有7200歲樹神的青苔幽靈森林,置身其中有如荒島求生,《幽靈公主》靈感原型,日本屋久島,Yakushima,Japan,Moss ghost forest with 7,200 years old

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